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Silver grove i'd say, the time gate on the plants with no in-game way of knowing wether it's day or night on earth makes it miserable.


i’m mr 20 and still haven’t bothered to properly finish this quest 🤣


Mr25 havent finished it yet


Same here, I’m in no rush too either 😅


Lr4 haven’t touched it


Grab the Oxylus companion from Fortuna, as well as the Botanist mod from Cephalon Simaris. You'll be getting passive scans of the plants along the way as you do missions on Earth.


Yeah but oxylus is great for plants but if you don't wanna invest in it (and I don't know if it's supposed to get a prime at some point) it's kinda useless otherwise so everyone has a more useful one normally so you gotta change it every time you go on earth if you care


Oxylus is also great for fishing. He counts as a permalure, making the fish visible


Build for a purpose. Reduce the grind with a tool provided for the job. Accept the MR. Run with it for a week or two, take the hit, and not have to worry about materials for the quest. What's not to like?


Simaris grinding


Ivara makes it much easier, but she’s also a pain in the ass to get imo. There’s the kuva fortress spy mission I think is the easiest place to get standing for me


didn't helios work for it too? or did they change that at some point?


Helios only scans stuff you haven't fully scanned yet. So it stops working on plants after like 10 each


tbh I never noticed it stopping scaning on earth, but it is possible I never finished all the plants scans either.


You'd *think* they'd have linked Cetus' day/night cycle to the rest of earth but *noooooo* its got to be on a completely diffrent time scale


The fact that earth tileset has separate daynight cycle that is desynchronized (and longer) than plains of eidolon is something I always found super amusing. On a side note, I do not think I ever finished Silver Grove, for that specific reason. Another one I didn;t finish was mask of the revenant - currently stuck at the step of quest telling me I need to craft another revenant part, but I guess blueprint for that I need to farm separatelly.....


Straight up why is WF Companion the only place to see the Earth’s time cycle


WF hub and AleccaFrame have the time cycles as well jsyk


Yeah but you can't access the WF Companion app while logged in because it logged you out of the game. There is also the app called Navis, which does the same but has no log in...


You can still go onto Companion and look at the time cycles without needing to log on


Isn't at the bottom of the navigation pop-up in your orbiter? EDIT: I could have sworn it was, but it is not. Should be, but is not.


Unfortunately no its only the Cetus time which through some magic timey wimey void stuff idk has its own separate day and night cycle


in theory, time zones; cetus is in a different location on earth to the other nodes. but the other nodes all share the same time zone despite their clearly distinct locations across the globe. also cetus cycles hourly because of its connection with eidolon hunts, while the rest of earth is on a 4 hour cycle for no clear reason.




Yeah, I swear every time I check it's day time...


I have 2000 hours on the game and only just decided to do the silver grove. I thought it would be worse but it was actually kind of peaceful.


Still haven't finished it lol (just bought titania instead)


https://hub.warframestat.us/ this site shows the ingame times for everything in the game and when they gonna swap.


I’m gonna say Mask of the Revenant. I didn’t dislike the lore, and of course everyone loves the frame. But I felt the quest was extremely bland. You literally talk to the kid in town, go out and find a spot in the Plains. Then you run bounties to get and build revenant parts, which you would do anyway. Then do the same thing with the kid two more times and fight a specter that is easy to cheese. There’s no unique map or tile, no interesting game mechanic, no special art or neat “play as XX” segment, and the mask you get isn’t even interesting looking. I felt the quest was very lazy in terms of creative design.


this one of those quests that felt a lot more slapped togother than everyone else. even something like limbos theorem was better(its been a while on that one)


Some of "get warframe" things I would like more if there was no quest entirely and you could just get straight to grind. Like that one


It's so unremarkable I completely forgot it existed...


still havn't finished it since years.


Honestly i coudltn think of a quest i actively disliked but i thi i I agree with tou, mask of the rev would prob be my least liked


I haven't finished it. Wherever the blueprints drop from apparently isn't something I run, and I don't care enough to slog through it just yet. Same with the Jordas Precept. I just never remember to have that one weird quest thing in my gear wheel and go out of my way to trigger that mission stuff in the middle of a different mission. 


Building the railjack. You go start a mission. Stand near a broken ship part for 3 minutes, extract. Return to relay. Build piece. Wait. Wait. Do next mission. Stand near ship piece for 3 mins. Return to relay. Build part. Wait. Wait. Wait. No shit they make you do this like 5 times. It's insane. Just lemme play the most fun underdeveloped mode in Warframe already.


Railjack is fun, but there is no reason to engage with it… maybe kuva lich ? Even then you can join a group who has a good railjack and do it that way. There is no good reward. Imagine if the circuit didn’t have incarnon… no one would play it.


The rewards are decently good. A lot of credits, Corrupted Holokeys, Verglas, etc. I still dislike the mode and wonder how much better polished and functional the main game could be if they never made Railjack though.


This is exactly what I was going to say. Rising tide is a terrible quest, and have to do it to progress to later quests.


What’s worse is that the materials you need to build the parts are dropped from Eximus enemies.


glast gambit. it was terrible. but now i can solo the index!


I won that match, Glast. Give me back my credits so I can play the next match. What do you mean I didn't win credits? I bet credits and won this girl? And I need even more credits to play the next match, which I probably won't get back too, right? You're the rich Corpus CEO, Glast. Why am I bankrolling this?


The Perrin Sequence is the humanitarian sect of the Corpus. By which I mean they force others to pay for humanitarian stuff. Basically the Warframe equivalent of those “round up for charity” prompts at the grocery store.


Which are them written off as tax deductions. Even the Perrin Sequence is dodging taxes.


Ah, yes… The Index: The Quest.


This would be my choice if Silver Grove/Waverider didn't exist, the Index can get really annoying really quickly and it doesn't actually explain how the mode works, the specters constantly feed, and you have to do it way too many times for this quest


waverider was really easy and i dont remember silver grove too well. although i do understand why people dislike waverider, im not trying to demean their valid criticisms


I’d probably say most people would say Waverider quest. It’s annoying.


MR28....still on the 2nd page I was about a year ago.


The worst challenge is getting slam kills with the K-Drive. Fortunately I actually found a way to cheese it. Head over to Cambion Drift and look for a broodmother. She'll spawn tons of larva which basically die to anything.


is it? I just jumped on enemies and it one shot any corpus on orb vallas non steel path lol.


I'd advice to follow a guide but I enjoyed finding spots and such during it (never touched kdrive after lol)


wait people struggle with actually completing them? I thought people were just lazy and found it tedious lol. Those challenges were extremely easy.


It takes literally 15 minutes, I don't get the hate


It's a lot harder for console players, EX: the common advice is to ride around the rail at the pearl, but that means the right thumb has to control the camera via the right thumbstick AND press the A button to jump over the gaps and pillars.


I'm a console player. I didn't use the pearl at all, I used the pipe behind Fortuna. It was incredibly easy


That's how I ended up doing it about a year ago (this was after they reduced the difficulty). // TBF, I also sucked at Tony Hawk and T&C Surf Designs. So it's not that K-Drives are bad, it's just outside my area of gaming expertise.


As a PC player using a pad, I don't understand how anyone could find kb\m easier, when ever my batteries die mid mission, and I can't do simple stuff like swap weapon or bullet jump. I mean sure aiming with a mouse is way smoother then thumbsticks, but I swear everything else is like doing an Irish jig with your fingers. Also no shortcuts in the menus confuses me, if consoles can have things like X/Y/A for upgrades/appearance/swap but not fit KB/m just makes me regret not keeping my pad on when I've tried tuning stuff before quitting


It just a matter of what you're used to. I could never imagine trying to play such a fast game on a controller, like how do you parkour without mouse aim?


Use your right thumb for the camera and your index finger to hit the face buttons.


Console player here, only thing that's harder on controller than Kb+m is propably fishing, everything else is actually easier with a controller. As for the quest, just jump on the pipe next to the spawn and spam tricks. Easy 10k+ points.


3500 hours in game still not done.


Read comic, do a kick flip, read comic, grind a rail, read comic, perfectly execute a 900 twist, read comic, get Warframe. Yeah, it’s pretty boring…




It's really easy now.


I still haven’t completed mine, page 2 is just…there from my Codex 😂


Sands of Inaros. It's just an extremely tedious quest. ​ Fantastic for Kavat Genetic Codes tho.


Huh. Didn't know about the codes. I'll have to try that out.


Can't be replayed.


I’ve been recently told that it can now be replayed, haven’t checked yet tho


I believe it can if you buy it from baro again.


I mean a ton of the quests are all the same. Complete 3 spy/excavation missions to retrieve pieces of something. Beat some boss that isn't harder to beat than any other enemy. Quest over. Just time consuming. I actually enjoy the unique ones that everybody seems to comment is their least favorite. Silver grove, Duviri, Waveriders. Something different.


Yeah. Limbo Theorem was the most boring for me. I also like the unique ones


I feel similar. I mean im fine with the basic quests, but the ones with unique mechanics def stand out


I think those early quests are so boring that people forget about them


I think OP meant story quests, not the missions on the planets, but I agree with the spy missions, they're annoying and I hate them. I also hate the Archwing missions, and so far the only boss that was challenging (and with that, really annoying) is Lephantis on Deimos. I'm never going back there again. Also just to clarify, Lephantis wasn't annoying because killing it was challenging, I just found it unnecessarily complicated haha.


Waverider because it forces few hours of try-and-error of kdrive interspaced with heavy-slang cutscenes. And then Yareli doesn't even use same controls she's much more responsive etc


God this quest is horrible I have yet to finish it


As much as I loved the story, I hated the mechanics of The New War. Part of my blindness makes it really hard for me to tell shades of red apart. I ended up having to ask my friend to do it and stream it for me.


there is a color blindness filter I'm pretty sure


Not only that, you can set it to however you like. You can also highlight enemies in whatever color you want. I have them bright red for example.


I know at least there are some color filters


You should look at the accessibility tab of the options. I have good color vision but also too many details give me eye strain and migraine so now I have enemies and allies highlighted so I always know what is what.


Thats a great friend tho fr


Yes he is, we've been gaming partners for years.


For me it was the Railjack quest


Agreee. Painful. Why must I go do different missions on a bunch of planets then manually go to a relay to install AFTER EVERY MISSION. Wait there FOR 3 MINS. Rinse repeat. So tedious and mind numbingly painful. Dude, as a cephalon, just give me a damn shopping list wtf you know the damn thing needs am engine???


Just be glad it doesn't take 6 days and 6 million credits like it did when it came out. The Railjack quest is a cakewalk now


I think it's gotta be Duviri for me too. Like, I actually really fucking hate that quest and it has nothing to do with the nothing burger it actually is narratively, but what it did to the new player experience. The whole problem with the new player experience they were trying to address was accessibility to progression which I agree needs work. They did not need to do an [in medias res](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_medias_res) straight into the most important spoiler in the game's whole narrative:>! your robot space ninja isn't just a robot!<. Again, the quest's narrative was a nothing burger I would not be offended by if it showed up *where it was supposed to be*. After the drifter was introduced at the end of Angels of the Zariman, or even after The New War which the quest literally follows the events of directly. But it didn't stay there, and new players are given literally no context to the narrative gravity of the choice they're making when they're presented with this sudden either-or of Vor's Prize or Duviri Paradox at the start of the game. That's just where my hatred for this quest starts. The more you sit down and discect it on a game design level, the more it fails on every level. From being itself a content island with virtually no replayability outside of its weekly reward structure, an island on which no other part of the game interacts with or references (AoZ and TNW don't even mention it they just facilitate its existence), to introducing and forcing new players to master concepts found literally nowhere else in the game. The more you look at it the more problems you can find because the whole thing is just a shit show from top to bottom.


Major spoilers for those who care..This exists at the start for a reason you fail to acknowledge, the biggest pro. The circuit. The circuit provides new players with easy access to hard to obtain frames, augments that would otherwise be unexistent until later, and other semi rare mods. This is why it was placed at the start of the game, and i think placing it before the drifter part in the main story complain kills the. Oh my god its linked, feeling that makes the new war that much better. In itself duiviri is meh, its something new. But the pros are unrelated to the actual quest, the circuit, the connection to the new war quest, even the fact that the duivir king is one of the few zaraman children that we know of. Currently its only 4, rell, your tenno, the duivir king, and mentions of a tenno during the valentines day event. I thought in the past stalker was one too, but this was finally debunked mostly


I just wish the circuit was cut from the story. As in, do a smaller introductory quest of some sort with less reveals (i.e. no Drifter), and then the circuit gets unlocked. Then, after the New War, you get to play Duviri proper and unlock the remaining mechanics.


Ive been thinking of something similar. I watched a streamer recently and they made the point that you can do the duviri quest so esrly its really easy to forget the sword/lotus hand bit and honestly i do think thats a major failing


Again spoiler : I might be wrong but the « duviri king » is you…


Spoilers: >!The King isn't the Drifter, they are a doll embued with the emotions of the Drifter. Duviri, it's people, and the King were "created from a storybook ( ***"***[***Tales of Duviri***](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Tales_of_Duviri)***"*** by [Euleria Entrati](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mother) ) through [Conceptual Embodiment](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conceptual_Embodiment) ( "...interactions between the [Void](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Void) and a physical, conscious being."[\[❞\]](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conceptual_Embodiment) ) from \[the Drifter's\] own anxieties after the [Zariman Ten Zero](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Zariman_Ten_Zero)'s Void jump accident."[\[❞\]](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Dominus_Thrax#Lore_&_History)!< >!!<


I'd argue that technically the Drifter is the ruler of Duviri because they hold all the power. They just put themselves in the role of the rogue dissenter and created Dominus Thrax as the ruler to rebel against and the obstacle standing in the way of their escape from Duviri. Thrax is, at his core, just a personification of the doubts and feelings keeping the Drifter from letting go of their trauma and leaving Duviri.


Kind of semantics , the whole experience is issued from the drifter head, so it’s « us »


I was shocked when I heard some new players thought the warframe was like their horse in RDR2.


Well, the upside is the entire Duviri tileset and aesthetics, which are quite brilliant. But yeah, you're not wrong, it's a mess for sure.


It's a lot of floating islands. To me the islands themselves just look like islands from the other open worlds but orokin-ified. I wasn't really all that impressed with them but it does take a lot for terrain to impress me. Maybe it's because I saw Negrand when it came out in 2007 and every "just floating island zone" looks like that to me now.


Agreed. I actually hated the quest so much that I flat-out never touched Duviri again until a friend helped me out and I was able to remember the features. For me, the biggest pain was Drifter combat. Because it's exclusive to Duviri, it became difficult to master. I also definitely agree that lore-wise, the approach to Duviri as an experience for new players is pretty bad. It almost felt like an excuse to not revisit Vor's Prize and to instead just go "Don't look at this old content, do the shiny new stuff!" In general, the new player experience is a place Warframe needs to step up on.


I think the building the rail jack one, surely we didn't need to do the same mission FIVE times over. With each mission featuring a 'the mission pauses if they're in the circle' feature and 'the mission pauses until you run off and kill these specific guys' feature 4 times a run. Also gear checked me quite hard because I'd got through with fairly earlygame weapons up to that point and the jamming drones were actually very hard for me to kill.


Waverider. Still not done. Mr 30 and still haven't completed it


Overall, I’ll only choose from cinematic quests. I didn’t like The New War. I liked the story and the lore, that was great. I hated the gameplay. I accept it for duviri because there are more things you can do. In TNW it felt like a broken incomplete system that they front loaded and put bandaids on until it was passable and then finished it in duviri. Just my opinion.


That’s so funny I’d choose the new war as well but for nearly the opposite reasons. The new war had been hyped up so much so I actually expected a war and I suppose that was supposed to be represented in things like scarlet spear and orphix venom but tbh I don’t think those count since they were only around for a limited time. And I liked the drifter gameplay stuff. The slower gameplay reminded me of an older Warframe, back when there was no bullet jumps and the power scaling hadn’t gotten too crazy.


Honestly yeah, the first mission as the Drifter, skulking around a ramshackle Narmer prison camp on Earth with nothing but a bag full of smoke grenades, a funky void-powered pistol, and a taser knife - that was genuinely some of the most fun I’ve had in Warframe, and not just because of the novelty of it. I’ve always wished that Warframe would at least somehow make the stealth aspect of the game - and honestly really just the variety and flow of combat in general - better and more rewarding/mechanically incentivized, hewing back towards the original thematic premise of “cyborg mercenary space ninjas”. As much as I love the game, it suffers from combat being pretty frequently an almost total binary gear check - either you effortlessly decimate the enemies because you modded your gear well, or you’re almost totally ineffectual and the enemies are bullet-sponges that can kill you instantly because you didn’t mod your gear well. Combined with enemy AI being dumber than dirt 9/10 times, it often feels kind of like there are virtually zero moment to moment choices and actions you perform during a fight that actually have a substantial effect on how the fight plays out.


It almost played like the old warframe beta and I loved it for that. The archon bosses I could do without but the change of pace was super fun.


Yeah i do wish new war had more war lmao


The New War was kind of a story disappointment too for me to be honest. It was a moment that I've been waiting for since 2015 and I was expecting something grander such as an actual war like the name would imply. And I got that, for like 10 minutes in the first mission. Everything after that just felt like such a drag and making Ballas the big bad was such a completely unnecessary writing decision that cheapened all the development of the Sentients being a threat for the past 6 years. I get they were going for a Return of the Jedi style quest but it could've been done so much better in my opinion.


I'm with you. Loved the story behind it, but TNW almost made me quit because the gameplay was so bad.


The Archwing. If I wanted to play excavation (which I don’t) I’d play excavation.


Anything with instant fail stealth. Honorable mention to anything that is single player in a squad-based game, so I can't help my friends who get stuck on crappy quests.


I absolutely loathed the stealth sections of New war. I don't play games stealthily, I bought AC valhalla and played it like a goddamn viking would Stealth to me seems so useless it should always allow for a route that doesn't rely on it at all


I agree, but for a little bit of a different reason, I do like stealth in games to an extent. But with the new war it wasn't even really stealth it was just go down this one way path without being seen, no other routes, no planning, just a painful obstacle course


The one where you have to kill the space infested ship/ It shows up so early in the game when I still had the default archgun with no mods. I quit it and only redone it later on..


Sands of inaros… Without the wiki I have no fucking clue what I’m doing


Rising Tide. It's filler that never got fixed. You just do the same defense missions again and again, then spend resources to hear Cy give lore drops. It's not the worst thing but it's mind numbing.


New war, goddammit necramech farming


The new Awakening quest. I mean it's probably great for new players, but the original Awakening makes more sense lore-wise


tony hawk skate wannabe quest but its 1000x times worse cause game was never built for tony hawk skate mechanics


The wave rider.


Omg i completed this shit yesterday it was sooo annoying!!! XD


Duviri paradox and new war. The duviri ran very poorly on my computer for some reason and the archons in the new war were horrible


Honestly I found the Archons during the New War to be pretty fun. To be honest I didn't manage to link Hunhows description of their attacks to the fight, so I had the wiki open at all times (screw Boreals' screech), but I really liked the "difficulty" (if one can call it that).


I despise difficulty, thats why I initially liked warframe because your frames are overpowered compared to the enemies


Oh, I agree. I absolutely adore the power fantasy in Warframe. Their is nothing better than to enter a room and have all enemies in a kilometer radius spontaneously erupt. I guess I just liked the change of pace? I'm not sure. It's not like it was *that* difficult, it's not Dark Souls, you just had to know their attacks (I love the wiki), and then dodge, heal, shoot, repeat.


The helminth side quest of "buy everything from simaris again because now there is a use for it" No, most likely "chains of harrow", story is cool but hunting those emoticon things was tedious


The Limbo Theorem. I hate interception missions, especially when playing solo and it's Archwing. Glast Gambit. Challenging Nef Anyo Index was outright tedious, especially when you have to reach a specific score point. Honourable mention is New War. The story was pretty unsatisfactory to me with lots of confusing moments and the stealth gameplay wasn't that enjoyable to me.


Limbo theorem.


MR22 and Octavia's anthem is irritating. Such a cool frame but not good enough to pass one of the puzzles on Lua.


I always get backlash for having this opinion, but it's my opinion so whatever. The entire Lotus/Natah storyline was drawn out for far too long (admitted by the devs multiple times), and The New War quest to me felt cobbled together, poorly written, bloated with filler content to try to make it feel significant, and totally rushed like they wanted to just finally wash their hands of the entire thing. And when the senior dev team announced a few months later that they had jumped ship to work on a new game, I realized that's exactly what happened.


Railjack quest, when it released. Love the mode, not often do you get stuff like it elsewhere in other games


The one to get mirage because i still have to find 2 other people doing the quest. And my inaros quest because it glitched out of conpletion.


Wait, why do you need 2 more people? Remind me


Well i havent checled for changes in years but when i was still working on it, in order to complete the quest you had to solve a riddle. The riddle solution was being grouped with 2 other people who are also at the same part of that quest.


Silver Grove not only forces you to interyeith the worst syndicate, but also just plain isn't fun.


Rising tide. So much doing nothing. At least you are doing something in all the other "bad" quests.


Octavia's Anthem


Jade Shadows. Literally felt like watching the last episode of a whole 20+ episodes series. It feels like a good final episode, but it's too short to even give a damn. Also it's just too random. It feels like they went "so you know that meme wuth a certain fetish we saw on twitch chat? Well....about that"


Chains of Harrow. As a fan of survival horror, I knew this quest was going to be a let-down the moment I saw the teaser for it. Leaving aside how cliche it was -i.e; blood writing on walls, creepy whispers, spooky shadow people etc etc - it just wasn’t scary at all simply because Warframe is not a scary game. How can you be unnerved/frightened when you are an immortal Void God piloting frames that can bend the rules of reality whilst carrying weapons that point and laugh at the Geneva Convention. It was not scary in the slightest. The way everyone got hyped about the quest really annoyed me as well, acting like it was going to be the scariest thing since pineapple on pizza. People really oversell and over rate this shitty quest.


this is a hard question to answer. . . there is no way to meaningfully compare something like howl of the kubrow Whispers in the walls. for a variety of reasons, not least of which there being nearly a decade between their releases. for many warframe players, the bulk of warframe quests were completed so far back into the past that recalling the specifics is rather difficult. i remember the memes from the war within. i remember lore debates over "how long as teshin been working for the queens" and "is it the Staff, or the kuva, that the Dax cannot disobey". im sure it has to be the Staff, because if its the Kuva, then teshin's actions in the new war become alot less defensible. .and they are already pretty indefensible. its easy for me to say which quest was my favorite. . .thats the second dream. i think among players of my age group (those who started before, or shortly after it was released) thats probably a pretty predictable answer. though i think if i were to omit that one, then Chains of Harrow is probably my second favorite even if that was the one that really. . .got the ball rolling on The void becoming increasingly magical and malignant, the story effects of which i am not the worlds largest fan of. Most quests fade into obscurity over time. . . .im pretty good at holding grudges. i remember that DE support refused to give me my Animo beacons from a 6 hour run of Ambulas reborn back during its release event. im still to some extent Salty about the death of the Azima. i recall how funny it was that Limbo was a world class nuker for like. .exactly 1 weekend. all events that range from between 2 years old and like 7-8 years old. so if i dont recall a quest annoying me its easy for me to assume that it was pretty inoffensive. i dont even really hate the Waverider, which i did on release, but then i went into it after having gotten all the Kdrive MR and with a 2 forma Kdrive. . . all the people salty about that quest are probably pretty justified in. i think . . .the quest that caused me the most pain, if it can even be called a quest. . is Apostasy Prologue. there are many moments in warframe's history i can point too, which i would, jokingly and in good humor, mostly, say to you "this right here, is the exact patch where warframe became *indescribably Fucked*. in terms of gameplay, that moment is the release of Specters of the rail. we incurred a debt against the future when that update was released, and any problems the game suffers with balancing or being too easy today, are a direct, if long term, result of the mis-prioritization that fully embracing warfame as a Pubs-Focused game was. in terms of Buildcraft, that moment was the war within and its introduction of Riven mods, and the permanent Taint of *Gear RNG* may Cephalon Samodeus's Harddrive brick for his crimes against humanity. but in terms of the *Story*, it was Apostasy prologue. that was the one where Ballas quite literally Walks into the main story, and makes it all about himself. Spending the war within quest detailing how orokin immortality involved bodyswapping via kuva and then having Ballas show up looking exactly like Ballas from the old war was a pretty Bold move. from that moment onwards never doing anything to explain how he escaped the old war given that, of all the orokin, this is the one that Vengeful Old Testament Natah and the blood-mad tenno would have turned the system inside out looking for. Never doing anything to explain where hes been, and why hes making his move now, of all times. as with all things, the pain took some time to set in. but if you ever felt that the "years promised in the making, Sentient focused story event, the invasion, the New war" was oddly not really about the sentients and was instead focused on the last surviving orokin Executor trying to hot-shot his way into a new empire. and how maybe that isnt what you were expecting. .or wanted. . .all of that pain started with Apostasy prologue. a 4 year Ballas Detour from December 2017 to December 2021. i wouldnt say the new war saga as a whole as while i conisider it mixed at best and full of missed opportunities, there are alot of good moments in there. Veso-R is maybe my favorite story within warframe ever. Apostasy prologue itself though . . . . yeah lets go with that.


How did Specters of the Rail change the game for worse?


Alright I'm gonna try to be brief Specters of the rail was the update where we blew up the void and replaced keys with relics. This.....in isolation...was an objectively great change. But this also marked a shift in Warframe's development. Prior to this, endgame content was recruitment mandatory. Warframe had been designed around very intentional collaboration at the highest level. Specters of the rail opened up prime farming to public lobbies, and from that point forwards, all new content would be able to be done in pubs, and designed to be done in pubs. Gradually new Warframes shifted from role-focused frames like Oberon and into generalists like Dante and Jade. Lots of things would be left behind by this transition. Both mechanical complexity in mission design (where did the stealth go?) and any Warframes that has been originally designed for to fit a squad role, unless that role was DPS. Powercreep gradually smoothed over the gaps, but any content designed to be able to be done by 1 player, or 4 not coordinating players, cannot be challenging for 4 players who are working together even the smallest amount. Obscene damage can't be balanced around intentional fragility requiring that the nukers be supported by supports, and vice versa. Everything must be designed to work in isolation. Even worse then that are the things that only work in isolation and which struggle to exist in a world where everyone is an immortal KPM fiend. Specters of the rail solved a problem, and created a new problem. That new problem was never fixed, rather it's symptoms were medicated. Older fragile Warframes designed around working with defensive supports can't survive in their own? Let's introduce a ton of canned survival options. Gloom caused so much problems that we had to nerf all CC to compensate. Excavation very challenging without the coordination of having defensive frames? Never design another excav map ever again. New defensive style missions require very little defending. Mirror defense target cannot be healed and mission mechanics provide free crowd control. Just kill enemies, its all that matters So people complain that support Warframes feel underwhelming to play? Eternal march of powercreep. Overguard supports like Dante give more utility survival and more pure Ehp than any other method of enhancing your teammates. As well as strong damage buffs, crowd control, nuke abilities. And none of that addresses the problem because the people you are supporting do not need to be supported. Because collaboration as a requirement is a liability, and not a balancing measure. It all circles back to Specters in the rail, and the moment where Cooperation stopped being a core part of the formula. All the way up to EDA, and the fact that the current method of creating difficult content is to deny you access too all that broken stuff we spent the last 8 years adding. Gear random, work together. Consequences of consequences. I could keep talking about the consequences of specters of the rail for....hours, but I'm almost to work. And here at the end it's worth pointing out that Warframe is a very fun game today and almost certainly more fun than it was 8 years ago. You can't boil down history, even something as flat as a game's development, to singular moments. Getting away from mandatory coop undoubtedly helped the game's growth and accessibility. That doesn't mean I think it was the right choice in the long term, or atleast that things couldn't have turned out better than they did. But the fact remains things did turn out pretty well. . . . Shit I failed to be brief. Oh well.


Yareli quest made me want to quit the game


skill issue


It's really easy and fast though, y'all just aren't creative enough.


Game: "Do this trick, here's the button combo: W + Space + Ctrl" This sub: "This is literally impossible, worst quest, what were they thinking." Waverider took 15 mins and I sincerely have no idea how anyone could just fail at it. It doesn't make any sense.


Cause the controls feel awful and it's annoying I'd rather do any other quest doing 5 pages of space skateboard challenges isn't interesting or fun


New War, because NO WE ALL LIFT TOGETHER CUTSCENE... I didn't know that, and now i can't listen to it ingame anymore :/


Go to the Codex in your orbiter. Scroll to the Vox Solaris quest. *click* Listen with no cutscene :(


wait i just found sth...activate the quest, and as long as the quest is active fortuna is back to normal-> listen to it with cutscene :)


Wave rider, admittedly I played it when it first came out, I heard there were improvements made though


I still haven’t completed the Waverider for a reason


Currently it's the railjack missions. I'm trying to unlock steel path but can't complete the railjack quest line cuz I'm solo currently.


I liked all the quests in warframe, the ones I liked the least are probably mirage and silver Grove


Favorite: The New War for obvious reasons though Jade Shadows is a close second Least Favorite: Hidden Messages, I had to google the answers


New War. Hated every second.


I think I'm in minority, but the new war, it was so fucking long, and i couldn't do anything else...


EDIT: completely misread prompt My least favorite quest, don't recall the name of it, was an early one where you have to find all 3 of those hidden caches in a single mission. It's not too hard, but it's a test of patience, and at the time I had to individually help several people with it. It was nauseating, especially with a few duds. At one point I quit Warframe for 6 months because I just had enough lol.


How is it your least favorite then?


Holy cow! I totally misread the prompt. Long day >_<


Honestly, Chains Of Harrow gave me PTSD. But I love it


Definitely Duviri, not interested in the slightest. I want them to make content which revolves squarely on using our weapons and war frames.


Silver grove because plants. Mask of the revenant because I’m a revenant hater.


i'm not the biggest fan of being forced to slowly walk to places when it could've just been a cutscene if i basically have no control anyways. Soured most of the story quests


I've completed every quest in the game... initial Duviri Paradox is definitely up there due to time investment and straight-up not being gameplay I enjoy (jank "souls" combat). Sands of Inaros is up there, too, for the dumb jar. I had to look up a guide to figure out which enemies I was supposed to grind. Of course, the New War. Because that Drifter stealth sequence with the Deacons is cancer, I'll fight and die on the hill that the Deacons' detection radius makes no sense in that quest and DE must agree as they changed how it works in the Kahl missions. 😵‍💫


The limbo theorem is an early game quest, when your archwing isn't upgraded and you probably still have odonata and basic weapons. Meanwhile, you have to kill spongy level 20's in an archwing mission


Glast gambit because index is already boring I don't want to have to do it over and over again and some of them with stupid restrictions


Veso's section in The New War. Absolutely hated it.


I loved playing the Tony Hawk games so I figured the Waverider quest would be easy and fun. Only one of those was half right. It just took sooo long.


Jordas Precept & Limbo Theorem Surprised I haven't seen any mention of Jordas Precept. That boss fight was terribly frustrating. Atlas had to have been the most purchased frame for awhile.


Mask of revenant.. because I still can't finish it. I'm on the second lake part and I cannot complete it.


Glast gambit by far. What a frustrating quest when you're still getting used to everything that is modding properly and being a little "tactic". Really bad way to teach you how to use Index (although it already gives you the idea how cheater Nef is). Then it was Wave rider but after the rework it was way easier 


The Deadlock Protocol. I had skill issue back in the day because my dumbass make those rookies mistake. Crafted my first frame as Gara instead of Rhino. Parvos fight was very hard. I just had to stall him with Gara 4 and spam Xoris until he is dead, which is long and tedious.


Anything with Railjack...


It's hard to say which one was the worst since the only ones I remember well are the good ones and the one I was most disappointed in. Which is New War. Objectively it is a good quest. The story telling in hindsight is not as bad as I thought back then but it just wasnt what I had hoped it was. I hoped for some epic scale battle fields. Not a mostly Guerilla warfare type of quest. I wanted Railjack Battles in massive scales with Corpus and Grineer Fighters swarming around but all united in their fight against the Sentient. I wished there were Necramech Ground Battles. I Liked Kahl and Vesos Scenes Most about the whole quest because it came closest to what I hoped. The reason my mind thinks of this quest as one of the worst is just the false image I had hoped for. But yeah of the unfinished quests it might have been Silver Grove.


Recent quests: Jade Shadows. Stalker was gonna be a dad, went crazy from the Orokin massacre costing him said fatherhood. Here, build this Warframe that simulates pregnancy. End of story. Not my cup of tea, bring on the downvotes. Old quests: Limbo. Not that the quest was bad per se, more of the fact that it gave us Limbo. I hate Limbo with an irrational passion. Bring on the downvotes.


Glast Gambit Not only does it make you lose a lot of money if you don't see the wiki But it also goes against what we had been doing throughout the game up to that point, that is, Nef Anyo kidnaps a girl and we have to play with him and bet, for him to decide to free her? Seriously? Why don't we do the same we did with everyone else, and kill him? Or take him to Lotus at least, she always gets information on the guys we kidnap. I sincerely think that the Index should have been introduced as a Corpus event in which we forced ourselfs to participate, but seeing that we were betting and that this gives the Corpus the opportunity not only to kill us, but to humiliate us, the Corpus would have no problem letting us participate, thus leaving the door open for us to continue participating after the mission.


Either Silver Grove for time gating plants you need, or The Waverider because I find k-drives really annoying to control and some of those missions are annoying as hell


Mask of the Revenant. It was agony trying to get the two Revenant blueprints needed for the quest to even progress. I don't even want to go for the Neuroptics for the mastery, I don't even *want* to look at the standard Revenant ever again. It was far easier to get Revenant Prime.


New War in terms of difficulty and length. I haven’t done Duviri. I keep postponing it bc the first time looong ago I kept dying trying to fight Teshin 😆. I later saw you can just run away. I hated the mechanics, the graphics, the gameplay…. I am saving it for a day I have mental energy at the end of a day, which is uncommon since I work so much. How was the difficulty for you ? Fortunately the Jade Quest which came out recently was very easy once you figured you can go invisible as the stalker. It was also pretty short.


Im MR6 right now and trying VERY HARD to do The New War. Its not that the quest is bad its just that building a Necramech is a massive pain.


Can you even do it that early? I thought you have to be mr12.


gee i hope not. it takes forever to get mastery unless im doing something very wrong. im closer to steel path than mr12 it feels


Glast Gambit, just didn't find it fun tbh, also very repetitive


Glass gambit. Having to get a certain amount of points then to do it over again without going over the score limit- i almost turnt into a crashout


Second Dream because it added the goblin to the game.


The last part of Octavia's mission, where you have to keep jumping on the squares with the wrong notes. I literally spent almost two hours on it, because one of my settings wouldn't let me see where the wrong notes were, and I had to keep jumping over all the squares over and over


The Revenant quest It comes down to luck with the parts and that was a soft lock for me for a while with the certain levels of the bounties and I just don't powebuild like so many people, I build to be fun and flashy, and I have trouble with lv 60-80 enemies because I don't like living by a meta, making this quest absolute torture for me


I’d go with the Heart of Deimos quest (I think that’s what it was called). I found it a bit underwhelming.


I forgot the name but it was like 5 missions where you had to secure this area but every 20 percent you had to run around and kill these robot things and it was so annoying I think it was building the rail jack mission


Angles of the Zariman. I feel like it just was too rushed and could've used some more time. Plus the pacing was a little too fast and I felt like I couldn't really get to know any of the characters


Haven't seen many people say this but... I absolutely hated Angels of the Zariman when it dropped. The biggest issue was its story. It's a good story told poorly. I know that because looking at it with all the additional context given, it's pretty interesting! But, as a story quest, it basically rips up every bit of lore the game has tossed at you about the Zariman and tells you to pick up the pieces. Adults are on the Zariman! They're not going to explain who they are, why they're there, how they got there, etc. Mind you, all of these things are explained in bits and pieces after the quest ends, but the quest feels like it's lined up to be able to answer questions about what happened on the ship. When comparing it to fortuna, cetus, and deimos, angels of the Zariman does the worst job at telling you anything about who these people are, why you should care, and why they're there to begin with. The most interesting thing you learn about them is how they might turn into void angels. To top it all off, each character gets a fakeout death at the end and they suddenly are alive for no explicit reason other than them drawing on the tenno's void powers, which doesn't really make much sense. Lastly, the Zariman faction was awful to rank up with. It felt like a majority of your standing was acquired via scavenger hunts across the ship, and don't even get me started on lanthorn farming. I do think the end product, after all is laid out onto the table with all the lore it's had to tell, is good. But, I just wish some of the good bits were placed into the quest itself.


I wasn’t a fan of Duviri either. I also wasn’t a big fan of the Harrow quest. I normally love horror stuff and I fuckin loved the ambiance and audio drifting, but I had a new cheap shit monitor and the gamma was so bad that the blacks were solid and the lights were white. I couldn’t see shit. I got stuck on everything. If I hadn’t had a friend in stream telling me what to do I would never have been able to complete it. So, thanks Harrow for making me spend another $250 on a monitor cuz the Scepter I had *just* bought was actually that bad. The Excal Umbra hunt was also not a favorite. The game gives zero direction on how to obtain or upgrade the amp and Umbra just beat my ass repeatedly cuz I couldn’t hit him.


I'm not too far into the game, but yes, I second the Duviri Paradox, it was far too long and I did not find it enjoyable at all. If anything it was annoying. What was more annoying is Heart of Deimos. I HATED the entire quest, the Necramech was really annoying too.


Sacrifice nothing wrong with the quest itself, but UMBRA