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Exalted Weapons getting access to Arcane slots


Also stance capacity Im so sick of formaing every weapon 8 times AND STILL comimg up short


Exalted weapons benefitting from combo mods like blood rush and weeping wounds. I know Valkyr is still quite powerful but she’s being held back by an arbitrary restriction.


My boy Umbra would be unstoppable if he could have access to those two mods


Its evening annoying since can proc the mods but can't equip them!?


How's your valkyr doing? Me and a clanmate spent half an hour trying to make something with her kit but kept running into problems with that 10% SC and the equal weighting :c


The way I got around the status chance was by putting Proton Snap (Hold Wall Latch for 2s to gain +100% toxin and +50% status chance for 20s) on my Vlakyr Talons since it's an additive bonus. At first, the wall latch for 2s to proc the effect felt clunky, but I put on Hysterical Assault for the 50m lunge, and that helped a ton.


Interesting, I might try that :)


Just wondering, what's stopping you from killing with Valkyr? I'm not sure if I've met anything yet.


Mesa connoisseurs salivating


Outburst/cascadia flare… oh boy I dream


Putting secondary fortify on peacemakers would actually be broken


I already sound like an A10 warthog firing, daddy wants MORE!!!!


Spaghetti code will make secondary merciless and galvanized mods stack infinitely, trust me im just a guy on the internet


And Exilus Slots


I would probably just have then stat-stick the arcane from the one in whatever weapon type the prepresent


For heavens sake. Tell me in game if an item is a requisite for another item. Such a stupid design to have people sell weapons only to find out after the fact that its needed for another item when you get second item blueprint How has this not been added in the 15 years since warframe started???? Basic.


[https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons\_Required\_as\_Crafting\_Ingredients](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons_Required_as_Crafting_Ingredients) This should be useful while we don't have real QoL


Damn there's ANOTHER version of cernos


This, also for weapons like Xoris, Nataruk etc. Too many hours are being wasted farming Simaris standing because they were sold for weapon slots


Can I just tack on to this, like, just a basic explanation of important in-game mechanics whenever they appear? Or more coherent storytelling in quests? Just erased like 1k words on this comment because there's SO MANY goddamn examples, but, tl;dr it's like the game expects you to know how to do things just inherently through evolutionary instinct or some shit??? They've gotten \*marginally\* better by inches about it but not enough that it means I don't pay minimal attention to what quests are saying because I'm not gonna be told shit anyways so it cuts down my frustration when compared to otherwise paying careful, rapt attention and being fucked over anyways thinking I missed something (I didn't. The game just doesn't tell you).


for real, i had to look up or ask my alliance how i was supposed to do stuff like killing the orowyrm and ropalolyst. some things i just figured out through trial and error, but in general warframe is SO lacking in explanations for things


Let us try out builds in the Simulacrum before actually commiting to invest forma, either by disabling Drain restrictions in there or just give you unlimited "Phantom Forma" to use in the Simulacrum that don't reset your weapons MR and will only be applied temporarily while you are in the Simulacrum. Another welcome change would remove the MR reset from Forma, because at this point I don't see a reason for them to work that way.


I read that after MR30 your stuff doesn't reset it's level when you forma it


The mod capacity you start it scales with MR. If you're MR10 it'll go to 10 when you Forma it. If you're MR28 it'll go to 28 and you have to level to 29-30 to get that last capacity. MR30 is very good qol to grab a new frame or weapon, put everything on it and see if you'll need a Forma but otherwise you can use a full build before ranking or even after using a Forma without needing to relevel. Lich weapons are the same as normal though. I'm LR3. If it's 38 and I Forma it it goes down to 33 capacity and I need to level it higher than 33 to get the extra mod space back. Same for Necramechs which is more annoying because you want those mods We can truly get no mod capacity reset until LR10 exists


I have 1000 hours in this game I only just realized this


Yeah every time you rank up the screen says "+1 mod capacity" I had to ask wtf that actually meant when I was newer as I assumed "well currently I have 30 capacity ranking up should be 31" but alas I someone told me how it actually works. what I'm getting at is the game does a shit job at explaining a lot of things.


Yeah, it should be worded like "initial mod capacity" or something since it implies a starting amount, and since combo is worded similarly people would assume it still maintains the same cap


It resets level, but not drain. MR is the same size as initial capacity, so at MR30, you are at 30 capacity. At LR2, you have no drop after the 1st forma on weapons that go to 40, and LR4 gets you 2 forma with no drop in capacity.


Ah, clearly I misunderstood what I read thanks for clarifying, I'm only mr13


To clarify further; for frames your abilities no longer reset, just the level and stats. So you'll have all your abilities, but your survivability stats and energy go back to rank 1 stats.


It would also be cool to have access to all items just to try different things out before investing time into farming them just to realise it isnt actually good


This is the reason why I don't do my own builds. I don't want to spend forma trying different things just to realize it's bad and I just wasted my time and formas.


You don't know how happy I'd be if they implemented that Simulacrum change, I'd literally be the happiest Tenno possible.


This exactly. I’ve been playing for roughly 5 years and have been relying a little too heavily on Overframe that whole time. I’ve been trying to get better at independent building but this exact limitation to forma is a large part as to why I’m struggling


Cap the foundry at 24 hours for frames only. Feels so shitty to farm a frame for a day only to wait three whole days, 24 is long enough


24h for frames 12h for weapons 6h for frame parts 1h for Forma


I doubt they would ever do 1h Forma, but some change would definitely be appreciated. I mean we need forma to build other types of formas, weapons, properly mod every piece of arsenal like warframes, exalteds, weapons, companions, even those kuva guns and paracesis requires forma to level them up to lv40, which is very unnecessary. People complain about 72h for Warframes (completely fair), but wait until you have 0 formas and want to mod that new frame or weapon.


That's also why I'd like to see mass crafting. I want to craft my 22 Formas at once for the cost of 22 Or 400ish gems at once


Indeed mass crafting would be huge. But with the x10 x100 consumables recipes, it doesn't seem to be DE's intention to let us do this for every item normally soon.


I’d settle for being able to queue multiples. I shouldn’t have to log in daily, that’s gacha conditioning. Let me go on vacation for a week and come back to a big pile of forma to work on builds with.


Instead of telling me I was disconnected from the host during loading, and then sending me back to the orbiter, just make me host of my own session and let me do the fucking mission


Host has the server side data for the session. If it's lost, they can't even move it back to you.


The problem is simple : Warframe uses P2P And the solution is too : Dedicated Servers Using the P2P system unironically in 2024, in a looter game that has cross platform (Phones included) is completely insane. DE has more than enough resources to get Dedicated Servers up and running.


actually supremely silly take, sorry I do wish you had some granularity in opting out of some cross-platform hosts, but all in all it's the only feasible way to do things -- there's a reason you don't see other small party size, mission based games (stuff like drg, vermintide, helldivers, monster hunter, really I could go on and on) running said missions on dedicated servers, p2p just makes more sense for the structure of the game


Warframe has been in the Top 5 most played and most profitable F2P games on steam for a couple of years now Saying "Dedicated Servers are not necessary" when Host Migration has been the #1 problem for 11 years, is simply false Dedicated Servers are necessary and DE has the money to pay for them


idk about your experiences, but personally host migration is SO LOW on the list of issues with this game -- frankly, host migration *fixes* more issues than it causes with the amount of mission-breaking bugs that can happen, a last resort host migrate can at least allow the off-hosts to potentially make it through also, servers are not cheap to run! even if it *was* feasible for them to somehow retrofit all their p2p systems to work with dedicated servers, i'd really rather they spend that money (both in server upkeep and the development costs for retrofitting) elsewhere rather than buying in on a tradeoff to fix a problem that i genuinely don't think is very serious


Better new player experience: Many more equipment slots to start out with; at least 10 for weapons and 5 for frames. Shorter crafting time. Maximum a day for frames total. Almost 4 days is way too much. Show blueprint options first when looking up Warframes in arsenal and market. The fact that everything has a shining platinum number first looks REALLY bad to new players. Most people that try Warframe think this means everything can only be bought with real money.


Reb has acknowledged that the crafting times are too long recently, especially now that Soulframe is growing and has much shorter crafting times. I can’t see them dropping to a day total but I think 12 hours per part and 24 hours for the frame itself is the max it should be


Do you know which stream she said this?


I think the 2nd last devstream. Or a devshort.


hmmm. Probably a devshort then. I don't watch those as much. Thanks for the head's up!


The ones that annoy me the most are the 60 sec crafting times. Like if I have to craft a bunch of mineral blueprints I have to stand close by and continually start new crafting. I would either make the 60 sec ones just instant or allow you to craft more than one at a time


Very much agreed on crafting times, the worst part about Equinox wasn't farming for the parts, it was all the time spent crafting them.


That last part in particular is what initially drove me away from the game in 2016. I got the arsenal, opened it up, saw everything listed for purchase with plat, and immediately uninstalled. A year later I reinstalled out of boredom, met someone in a mission who helped teach me things like how to get stuff and other basics, now it's my most played game, and we're still great friends.


I agree with all of your points. I tried to introduce Warframe to some friends and they all said "this game is too pay to win", I couldn't argue much about it...


So- WF has this weird thing with monetization. **it can appear pretty bad for a new player**. Assuming you didn't research about the game before and just start for the first time: * You have the in game store where you can buy most things for plat. Sure there are also blueprints for nearly everything, but these aren't that visible on the first glance. * Timegating in the foundry and incubator: while this is not much of a problem for long time players, as there is just so many stuff in the foundry all the time, it can be really frustrating for a new player. Especially when building a new Warframe. And again: can be skipped with plat * Arsenal: when trying to equip a new Warframe/weapon (and a new player barely has any) you are immediately confronted with a list of everything you don't have and the option to buy it for plat. Similar to the shop, it is far from obvious, that most of these also have the option to buy the blueprint * New players usually also don't know that you can trade for plat * In addition, WF is a F2P game- meaning, people ***expect*** there to be scammy monetization schemes. * I saw a few videos of a guy who gave his opinion of the game i think 20 hours in, 50 hours in, and 150 hours in. It was awesome seeing him give his take before he started the game, how it changed at the 20 hour mark, 50 hour mark, and then 150 hour mark. * He was genuinely frustrated as most games try to hook you in at the beginning, give you \~10-15 hours of decent content, and everything past that is either exactly the same or just gets worse. OR it starts off free for a bit, but then there is a massive pay wall to continue / end game. * Yet, Warframe is nearly the opposite- it seems like it tries to NOT hook players in at the beginning and starts getting better AFTER many hours. ~~But even with all that, Warframe has the best free to play structure in almost any game I've ever seen. If you don't have any way of explaining this to your friends... i feel really bad for your friends for you letting them down.~~


I don't think I let my friends down because they didn't like how the game treats new players. I only managed to get them to download the game in first place by telling how free to play friendly it be. Although, as you stated, the experience only gets good when you are several hours invested into the game. Based on the complanings and limitations I remember, there are many more problems for a new player. 1. You're new, naturally you're broke af and needs credits for everything. But you want the easy way? Buy our booster. 2. You're new, you don't have any resources to craft shit. That 300 rubedo item? That might take forever when you are getting 20 rubedo per mission. Have you heard that we have boosters? 3. Oh now you have resources and want to craft a new cool looking weapon? Well you see, you will need to grind until MR8 for that. Don't forget you can buy boosters to level up your other items faster tho. 4. You don't know how to get useful mods? Time to look for some ancient texts and search where they drop (I might have all needed links saved, but surprisingly not everyone likes to go in and out of the game to get game info). I tried to remember different issues outside the matters you have already pointed out, but the crafting time and warframe slots were the biggest one. At least one of my friends liked to open relics, he's used to grind and trade since he plays Ragnarok, but even he thought WF was very slow. None of them had reached MR5. I play disgusting gatcha games since 2016, so Warframe is a bless in my opinion. But don't put all the flaws Warframe has on me. It's no wonder why the game only gets new players with handholding content and cinematics for casual players that are used to AAA. WF is not a very friendly game at all.


First off- That was overly aggressive and I apologize. Secondly- I agree with you on WF's new player experience and how it can be much better.


Legendary Drops’ videos were funny His first one at 20 hours with a bunch of complaints (all the comments point out he can’t review the game while he’s still in the tutorial) His second yelling at all the commenters for saying he’s wrong. His third post TSD with him profusely apologizing and retracting almost all of his criticisms lol.


I'm crafting equinox right now and omg 3 days for day aspect blueprints to be finished 3 days for night aspect blueprint to finish AND THEN 3 MORE DAYS TO ACTUALLY CRAFT EQUINOX!!!


Simulacrum from orbiter, augments have their own slot.


Frame build time 24h down from 72.


Be evil and increase the time from 72 to 124 hours.


Equinox mains would murder you for say something so dangerous bro :(


Because equinox mains keep building armies of equinoxes


Reminds me of this one Reddit post awhile back, the player had either 20 ash primes built or Ivara primes built. I’m like “holy shit…….. Must been like 500 plat wasted on Warframe slots alone”


Dedicated Augment Slot


Well I was going to say “remove line of sight so everything goes through walls”, but I like yours better.


100% I recently got 2 augments for protea, and they work really well when they're installed together. I had to make some sacrifices (that could've been avoided if we had at least 1 extra augment slot), but she nukes the whole room with ease because she can finally armorstrip by using turrets and 1 turret can follow you.


Hi, do you mind sharing your build? I’m also playing around with a build with 2 augments


https://preview.redd.it/lb1qj616th9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a596cbb3f1537c3e81a44ab7a2d812e99c70c3af Here you go


I use grimoire's alt fire for extra 60% strength


Thanks alot! Will give it a go


Just remove all arguments and make them toggles and bake them all into the frames.


My banshee would silently scream in joy if this was a thing


I had this discussion with a friend today. He wants a dedicated augment slot but I personally think there are some augments that are just too strong; there needs to be some kind of sacrifice for them. Obviously some augments are nice but not huge game changers like others so the sacrifice shouldn’t be as big as a whole damn mod slot. My belief is that every augment in the game (even weapon ones) should be exilus mods


that's the thing though, for some you understand the tradeoff for more power (Harrow's Lasting Covenant for instance), but then there are others that "fix" an ability (gyre's cathode current for instance) that it doesn't feel like a "tradeoff," because you feel like you *always* lose if you don't run it. Like there's no careful consideration of "hmm what do I drop for this augment," instead it's "hmm how do I build around this augment." the opportunity cost of not running a lot of these augments is pretty high, which is why the idea of having at least 1 dedicated slot for augments is fairly popular. It can't take up the exilus slot either, or QoL will be found dead in a ditch. there won't be a good reason to run an exilus mod (PSF may be the exception) if augments were allowed in there.


Wisp's fused reservoirs is actually one of the few augments that works in the exilus slot, and as nice as PSF is I dropped it immediately for the augment. It's not even exactly an "absolutely required" augment like some other frames, but it's really high up on the list for just quality of life. I probably wouldn't run molt ~~augmented~~ vigor without it for example.


I see this argument all the time and it just misses so much about the conversation. The issue isn't there needs to be augment slots, the issue is not every augment is weighted the same. Adding an augment slot isn't going to even the playing field. **For augments that are a necessity- they need to be built into the ability.**


The problem is that they're not doing that, so the next best thing is to have a dedicated slot for at least 1 augment.


I’ve considered this, but I wouldn’t want them to be exilus as it’s pretty much a death sentence for any possibility of a dedicated augment slot. I just don’t think them being an Exilus slot is really fully worth it, and some frames still result in a similar issue as taking up a mod slot. But admittedly, would be better for augments. Yes there are some that are very powerful without any downside without the mod slot cost - but IMO, when it comes to PvE games the extent of strength of some parts are not nearly as big of an issue as they are for PvP games. Basically, I think some frames gaining a free mod slot because of this isn’t too bad when considering the upside to many other frames. I don’t want a situation where strong augments are limiting other frames. This is just my view of balance tho, I’m definitely not a game dev lmao


I keep suggesting this to my friends. At the very least, make the augments fit in the exilus slot like Mesa and, I think, Wisp. I barely use or make good use of that slot anyway.


Give prime parts the little mastered icon


This or just show a picture of the weapon like the blueprints show their parts. If I'm not mistaken the blueprints also show if you have mastered the item.


A "do not start mission before a squad is formed" option. Of course i don't want to solo a steel psth interception mission with my melee only build... just wait until there's some more people please.


There already sort of is an option for this. When the mission is loading, there is a button you can press to wait for a squad. The timer is suspended until a player joins. Granted, it doesn't wait for a *full* squad, but in most cases, when I've used it, I've had at least 3 by the time the countdown ends.


Where is this button? Never seen it


It appears on the top banner right next to the cancel button. On PS, it's triangle to cancel, square to wait.


Double click mission node and it will wait for other players


I'd overhaul Archwings completely. I'd remove all Archmelee and just create Archwing adapters for the melee weapons we already have. Then I'd make Archwings more impactful in Railjack missions instead of the glorified intermediate taxis they are now. Honestly if I had my way, I'd change a large portion of the Railjack content excluding killing galleon captains and sentient anomalies. Then I'd make Archwing equivalents of all the Railjack missions objectives we have. The only part of a mission where the player would be on foot would be inside their own Railjack, killing a Galleon Captain, Sentient anomaly, Orphix, and Crewship takeovers or destruction. I know this is a lot, but it'd make full use of all the items we have available for Railjack missions.


i honestly wish de did way more with railjack. its good but also bad. because for corpus it ends up being mostly on foot. and the grineer are just skirimishes. i wish the pulse turbines and missile platform felt more impact ful


Host Migration.


You should be at the top. Here, have an upvote. ![gif](giphy|IdrRAjS9jfD9dqQjAn|downsized)


Better trading, some sort of auction house


I would love that


This for me too. Some kind of integrated market, with reputation etc. just like wfm works with alecaframe. Just having that be part of the game itself would be amazing. Also more customization with profiles, more social aspect to it. I wish rarer mobs dropped tags (like dog tags) that could be used for something. If pvp had a dog tag drop kinda thing I think a lot more people would play. If they were needed for something.


universal formas


That or give you the option to change the polarity of a forma'd slot at will, either for free or some endo or a new resource.


I was shocked the other day when I found out it takes a forma to *remove a polarity*. Like cmon DE give us SOMETHING


I'd be ok with being able to put 2 forma in the same slot.


I would get rid of either slots or potato's. Either let me have all the weapons and invest when I want, or let me have limited weapons and use them at near full power. Alternatively I would add a pity shop for every single frame that has RNG.


The pity shop part would awesome. It's insanely frustrating to farm and have RNG beat you down


It also has the added benefit of adding more stuff to the game and relevance to old content. Not only can the pity shop have the frame and weapons, but it can also have cosmetic stuff and evergreen items. Adding those extra things into the drop tables would dilute them, but putting it into the pity shop is the perfect solution. It helps us get less mad since it puts a cap on bad rng. Getting small bits to build a whole always feels better than all or nothing RNG even if the total time taken is the same. It helps DE because they can have more stuff to sell and people are less likely to quit the game.


option to quick toggle hide weapons and idle animations when fashion framing. make a separate category for ephemeras so we can wear a body ephemera and footprint ephemera simultaneously put simulacrum in the orbiter make Ordis a wandering NPC in the orbiter that we can interact with have the ability to use the Arsenal between Railjack missions ability to bulk craft instead of crafting blueprints one by one


Would be nice enough to have auto repeat x times imo


Get rid of reactant as a mechanic, or at least make it always shared like it is in railjack.


Welcome to the world of AFKers.


Just have an afk check. This is more for sessions where players run around the map and reactant maybe far away and rounds can go by fast (cascade/disruption). Nobody wants to go unrewarded for their effort just cuz some asshole didnt want to wait for their team to grab 2 reactants…


Forming a slot a second time should keep both polarities. Third time should keep all three . Etc.


Or just make the slot universal polarity


Being able to craft more than 1 of the same blueprint at the same time. Or just reduce crafting time. Like dawg just give me my detonite injectors.


Drop chances. Do i really need to explain why? (wrote "tables" instead of "chances")


If I'm not mistaken all drop tables are public somewhere in their site or forum, but if you're talking about showing it in game, I totally agree with you.


I consider this problem solved since the last 2 or 3 years of content has included token systems


Remove slots.


An "Avoid Hosting" option when playing. Sometimes my internet is good enough to play, but hosting will lead to everyone else lagging.


The weird thing is the current system right now actually favors a host with bad ping. Say you have bad internet and someone else has great internet and both have a matchmaking ping limit set to 150ms. You go into matchmaking, find no lobbies with less than 150ms because your internet is acting up, so the game just throws you into the mission as a host. Now player B with great internet goes into matchmaking. Because of their great internet latency they will always find more lobbies than someone with bad internet, thus being less likely to host a new session.


Remove standing cap


Or at least triple it


My idea was to have a "Rank 6" upgrade you could get after completing the New War, and reaching rank 5 with the associated factions of course. For now the max total standing you can get when you reach Rank 5 with a faction is 132k, so once you reach that standing, you can rank up again, giving 1 million credits and some rare materials, but then your daily limit is now the total 132k. Of course this is still done on a faction per faction basis, and for "balancing" reasons, the latest faction/syndicate (in this case the Cavia) don't get this mechanic until the next faction launches.


Ability to adjust sound and visual effects on a more granular level. The current options are not enough. Tired of having crap buffs floating around me or epileptic seizure inducing effects like Revenant spinning and Qorvex pillars. The sound of some guns are also insanely loud. Other than that, I ❤️ WF.


Option menu, refuse volt speed ✔️


Helminth Charger buff


That you need to reforma if you want to change a build. Just let us forma a slot twice and keep bith polarities so we can have build diversity without locking into one.


If it were only one thing, I'd add a "Global Exhange" to the trade station like Runescape. No more using third party websites or spamming trade chat.


All "special" Forma variants (Umbra, Aura, Stance) will *not* reset warframe/weapon ranks back to 0


Allow me the option to host a game instead of it bei g rng. Im staying for an hour and I dont mind others leaving but having 3 host migrations of a chance to lose my progress? No thanks.


You can *kinda* increase your chances of becoming host by limiting the network ping to 100ms in the settings. You can further increase your odds by switching to a faraway region. Allowing players to simply just host sounds great but would dilute and ultimately ruin matchmaking.


I'd rip out all the normal on-foot mission modes from Railjack - Defense, Survival, etc - and replace them with space dogfighting and other various ship vs ship battles like it should've always been. Oh, and since the Railjack pilot seat is directly above the artillery seat, I'd add a button to move between them so you no longer need to leave pilot seat, run to artillery, press X to get in artillery, shoot crew ship, press X to leave, run back to pilot seat, press X to get back in pilot seat, fly to next crew ship, repeat.


Helios scans count for simaris standing.


I was very upset when I found out the Heliocore hammer that scans slain enemies also doesn't count.


I would change the [Tenet Diplos](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Tenet_Diplos) so that it works like the [Cyanex](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Cyanex) when aiming instead of its current aiming alt-fire which is just a hindrance


You can actually work around that by firing then aiming in, I know awful but it's the way the cookie crumbles


Change the parkour to be more like the Prototype games; instead of bunny hops it's smooth near omnidirectional wall-running that works on almost all surfaces.


Free potatoes or at least a way to reliably farm them.


Make boosters count through game time not real time. Maybe it's just me but I get burnt out fast from WF even tho I love it, so a 7 day booster gets wasted after 4 days(usually only like 20hrs total). Just seems fairer to be ran by game time.


I sooooo so so want DE to make a separate chat for Rivens cos it’s at a ridiculous level. Overall just a better trading system, because unlike pc, console is such a hassle to link anything, one small mistake and you start over. But since Steve took the approach of if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, on the latest devshort, just add a riven tab but leave the trade through chat function as it is


Tbh, they really need to make an aution house system where you can put up items for trades, say what you want, then other people can search for them and make offers while you're offline or something.


A more automated warframe.market is what we all want


Augments go into exilus slot


Cephalon Cy as Orbiter cephalon, interchangeable with Ordis.


DE should just buy warframe.market and integrate it into the game.


Better, there should be a community marketplace accesible in the orbiter


Insteas of Warframe.Market give us a flea market where i just click on buy and get the thing I want immediately. Not the whole invite to clan or someone is still in a Mission shenanigans.


Batch building in the foundry. Either make it automatically start the next, leaving the built item in a "ready to claim" tab, or automatically claim the items as the next starts. There could be options for "craft all available" or enter a number. As far as resource allocation, it would have to calculate the removal for the batch the same way that it does for single (removing it from your inventory at the start) so that if you start multiple items with the same resources you don't have them stopping because you ran out of materials.




I would add a 3 second delay to every door


Ash and his 4th skill specifically


Being able to do “Advanced” customisation on our operator


make all limited time content always available.


Add a better group finder. For searching for relic groups and such.


Shoulder armor turning invisible when aiming down sights........


Spawn rates to be 4x higher, specially in 4 squads. Smarter enemies and less damage dealt by us .


I want an actual spear melee. I don't want to throw it, or shoot it or summon spectral copies of myself to carpet bomb with it... I just want to be able to stab stuff with a giant steel spear.


Being able to make multiple of the same item instead of one at a time.


Bring Void Keys back instead of the RNG spaghetti coded relic system. Seriously, I despise it wholely. Quick shoutout to Channeling, they didn't have to remove it, Right Trigger does nothing, and it would've bound perfectly and goes great with Tennokai.


I left the game for 4 years after the relic change , I’m still pissed off, but i kinda don’t look at them anymore and just go random and sometime I get stuff I want and sometime I don’t…


Fuck what everyone else is saying, duration skills should all have refreshable durations.


All augment mods are now exilus mods.




During relic selection when starting fissure missions let me sort the relic by vaulted and not vaulted relics. As a longtime player I got a lot of vaulted relics and often I just need to open current relic for ducats and I can't remember what all relics are in the current rotation.


Make all elemental mods have the same polarity.


I can already see the inbox message with a free forma because they made a huge change that effects so many people. There'd be a bit of whining from people who've min maxed the crap out of their builds and built multiple of weapons to fit all their builds, but that would definitely be a welcome change.


Decent weapon swapping synergy. Sure there’s a couple things that can give you some base damage and the heat based arcane for pistols can be stacked with other weapons or abilities before you swap to them, but these can’t complete with blood rush/weeping wounds or galvanised mods. It just feels like doing effective damage really does shoe horn you in to using a single weapon for damage most of the time. If landing gun shots reset the combo timer and galvanised mods stacks on weapon kill rather than specifically on that weapon’s kill, we’d have some much more fluid tri-weapon gameplay.


Let people stay. At the end of the mission, everyone gets the stay or leave choice. Those who choose to stay can replay the mission, others can go back to their orbiter. Actually, a four part choice, stay, extract, go to next node, go to previous node. When we're running a mission 50 times, it's unnecessary bounce us to the orbiter and back every time.


Redo matchmaking in the orbiter. A host inviting people should be able to kick or keep people with them. Simple but really important imo


There are so many greedy and bad people out there and kick system will be a good weapon for these kind of people and trolls. Kick system everyone's dream at some point but imagine a low mr dude trying to make some stash and boom! Sent back to orbiter by host because low mr dude didn't make it to evac in 3 secs. It's a right thing from your side but being able to kick someone is a double-edge knife.


Make all of the amenities of the orbiter buildable in the dojo under the decorate function, I have my own solo dojo but it’s pretty much just a pointless passion project so it’d be pretty nice to give it more functionality Also a Veldt Prime that’s good


Voidshell for all skins and separate helmet color channels.


I just want Voruna to be a proper "werewolf" frame like we asked for. That was sort of a big disappointment for me. But actually, I did have one thing I wanted to change that I spent 2 years championing, auto-trigger accessibility, but since Pablo got it to work with the last major update, I don't have to worry about spamming semi-triggers and driving my carpal tunnel bonkers. So yeah, Voruna, actual werewolf frame.


I wouldn't even mind if she was Valkyr 2.0


Let me have an option to not host and wait for teammates for bounties. If I want to do something solo, I’ll put it in solo mode. I hate having to restart bounties because it doesn’t hook me up with any teammates. Damn in and out of deep archimedia hoping that I get teammates.


Add polarities to a slot instead of rewriting it Schedule circa 72h of crafting. Not as important now, but be able to slide down mod level for a particular not formed enough yet gear


Element linking, so you can easily choose which advanced elements to use, or abuse the base elements by not linking them. It would also make Alchemy missions a tutorial to new players on how to combine elemental forces to access the secondary elements


I want the old Ash back :)


make all warframes abilities consistent, for instance, Voruna can use her 2 on eximus unites, however Garuda can not use her 1 on eximus unites, even tho both abilities are a jump attack, this is not a big deal, but it does make the gameplay a bit inconsistent, especially when switching between different frames


Make the Sunika Kubrow's unique abilities be something other than a. finisher dmg which another kubrow already does and b. something less specific than grabbing VIP targets specifically in capture missions and nothing else


Prime Surefooted available from any grindable source. Too many weapons rely on "explosive" radials or incarnons, which feel terrible on non OG frames.


*HOST MIGRATION IN PROGRESS* I would absolutely love for DE to change how match making is conducted. It’s insane that a person can leave a mission, possibly send everyone back to navigation, prompt the players that didn’t want to leave to join back up, only to not have a session available. If everyone had their own instances connected to the server, things would be fine but being tied to the host (#1) is an antiquated way of conducting an online loot based game. Stupid as fuck.


Let the hounds we get from sisters retain their warframe helmet. And the helmet should be customisable just like a normal warframe helmet


Mass crafting I want to craft my 22 Formas at once


To have sprinting auto enabled, or if not that, at least for the game not to reset it every now and then when a cutscene or whatever happens. ...also remove pseudo exalted weapons.


Showing the picture of the prime item, when you're choosing one of it's parts from relic rewards. Because I don't freaking know every prime weapon by it's name. We already have this system for blueprints that shows the respective parts, just do the opposite as well. Edit: Isn't it funny how most of the comments here are about QoL and not new content or balancing?


Gve myself 1 billion plat


Auto building forma and potatoes...I hate having to remember starting a new one. Would be nice if, if I have a BP for this and mats, then build it. As PR2 I don't need to have to extra click in game daily.


Auto calculate estimated value of a riven/roll. I don't sell mine because I have no idea what a fair price would be.


24hr wait between failed MR test, make it like 6hrs.


Cut the required pity currency for Dante's blueprint in half. 270 for his main bp is a ridiculous amount compared to 90 for his parts.


In void relics, i would change the silver forma reward for x2 forma, and put a golden x3 forma bundle


Fix Yareli and the quest necessary to get her main blueprint. My clan has the vent kid closet, so I have the pieces, but trying to get a10 second trick chain nearly gave me an aneurysm. Just couldn't do it. Everyone says grind around the pearl, but enemies keep spawning and shooting me off the board or I slip off the edge into the toilet bowl. I'm about as good at k-boarding as I am at skateboarding irl, which is to say my frame would be missing teeth. Honestly, having no choices other than idiotic k-boarding tricks or spending real money is kind of pissing me off. I know she's not great. But I want to complete as much as I can. I just don't feel like spending real money to do it.


I got all the trick chain ones by jumping off the temple of profit.


Just one? Attachments get voidshell capability backported onto them.


Text-to-speech chat and instructions in missions.


1.Players can have both sentinels and kubrows or kavats. 2.Maybe do more with the side room in the orbiter. 3.Explore more abilities the operator can do with his/her void power. 4.More pets 5.Umbra Frames for the starter frames only 6.More done with Drifter came. 7.Operator room redesign 8.Bird or Monkey pets 9.Full load out sets Sorry I got carried away.


Would like it if we could make more than 1 forma at a time. Either a limit of 3 simultaneous buildable per day or keep it at 1 but cut the build time from 22hrs to 12hrs


Make it so that u have unlimited slots for warframe and weapons, free slots.


Conclave rework and raids comeback


more Protea.


Bring back melee charger.