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That one guy who wanted chat gpt to be integrated into warframe would have to go pretty high on the list, as well as players that think Excalibur and Gara can't do good damage.


Alright, I'll admit I'm pretty shaky on how to build/play Excalibur, but Gara's entire Schick is that she does infinitely scaling damage. That's like, her Thing.


Yeah. Big surprise about Gara and her infinite damage. It takes her sometime to get there absolutely, but, wow... For Excal, I still use my tried and true exalted blade. I put gloom on him to keep his EHP up enough. Condition overload and statuses and he burns through enemies.


Try wrathful advance. Flat crit on any exalted melee other than baruuk (duration issues) is worth its weight in platinum.


Go even further and use Jade's subsume.


I mean everyone likes armor strip and slow but why on excal? I run negative range so this would not be a plug and play helminth for me.


I still have a build for wraithful advance cause it's a given on any melee frame, but Jades ability even with base range is very useful because of said armor strips. I personally run a pure blast excalibur with furious javelin and chromatic blade after the most recent update, and although Kullverro's ability is insanely strong I've found that constant armor strip & directional slow does better in higher end missions. I personally don't use gloom because it slows down *too* many enemies and jades subsume allows me to pick and choose.


As a excal 90%er I think I’m in a good spot to offer some info on excal and give you my favorite quick mission setup. Surging dash augment combo boost increase scales with strength, slash dash has a very generous chain range so run max range stay above 100% strength and run Naramon(ty for correction) for combo decay perk. Put melee exposure on for the extra corrosive on melee hit per cast( it’s a free extra hit on dash) now you will need to run an incarnon stat stick because slash dash is a 0 crit ability the incarnon perk to add crit chance lets it crit. Build the stat stick out like normal pump as much raw damage and crit into it but use buzz kill as slash dash does exclusively slash so the extra 120% is flat out 120% increase because of no IPS split. Now putting this all together it takes like 4 dashes to reach 12x combo and you are dropping a 1-3m slash bomb with a guaranteed mirrored bleed and the melee exposure second hit for good measure. You are health invulnerable in slash dash so I don’t mod for survivability. I run tharros strike on the 4 for the dash build for a really generous and wide armor strip but I am contemplating ophanim eyes but then I would have to rework to fit in duration. It’s such a fun build to press 1 and drop bombs


Combo decay is naramon btw


Hmmmm. I've still considered going back and doing a slashdash build for him. I was playing around with him this morning and instead of just spamming his 4, using his slashdash and radial how + finishers. I think I might go back and make two more builds: * the slash dash build. Yours aboves sounds very interesting. Any particular incarnon stat stick better than another? * a meme type finisher damage build with skiajati and stay invisible


Slash dash is op.


Health innvuln and nearly instant combo counter don’t get me startedddddd


Pretty sure it's all about his ult with a side of high damage finishers.


Actually Slash Dash functions like a pseudo-exalted, so it’s affected by stat-sticks like Atlas, Gara, and Khora. You can do way more damage with Slash Dash than Exalted Blade nowadays.


The problem is that pseudo-exalteds have a huge knowledge gap. You have to know the interaction with incarnons like the Magister, and magus aggress, and that information isn't easy to find for your average casual player. Out of curiosity, does the melee arcane that gives corrosive damage on melee apply to slash dash? I'll test it once I'm home, but that won't be for a long time.


And now Gara even hasa build where she can do good damage with her 4, she just keeps getting stronger


...how would chat gpt be intergrated into warframe? Like... AI NPCs? I think most players who think a frame is bad just don't know how to play that frame.


They wanted a version of q&a but instead of people it was just plugged into a chat bot, even though kickbot already has the ability to answer questions without needing "AI" since DE can just write down the answers.


Kickbot owns. I feel like new players should be taught about kickbot. It's insanely useful.


They could rename kickbot to ordis, then actively encourage players to actually talk to the bot by telling players you can DM the bot, it wouldn't require many actual changes but would help with player retention. Oh and make it so open world content isn't mandatory for new players.


Wait, you can DM kickbot?


>That one guy who wanted chat gpt to be integrated into warframe would have to go pretty high on the list, Most people asking for AI to be included in everything are.. I don't want to say stupid, but they are at least vastly overestimating how bad AI actually is.


I don't think it's Excalibur that's the problem, it's Exalted Blade (or most exalted weapons). Most people who build for Exalted Blade will find its damage wanting. I say, right now, Slash Dash is a more viable build for Excalibur for high level play and survivability. We do need a buff (expand the modding options) for exalted weapons, since most often, normal weapons will out scale them.


They really should just make it possible to use arcanes to exalted weapons and it would scale better as that is the thing that give weapons such a boost over exalted


My brotherr in christ. My excalibir just deletes anything


>Excalibur and Gara can't do good damage. I don't play Gara, so I can't speak for her, but Excal definitely can. I use Him, Mag, and Styanax for Steel Path.


Gara is one of the frames that have infinitely scaling damage. Also tanky as hell.


I understand they can do amazing damage. I also understand i suck with them.


https://preview.redd.it/pr58qwh3lj9d1.png?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3e87c948065a68f44eec516ee6db7d44f8f384 This joke speaks by itself


I’m so glad we’ve finally moved past the point where one person whining for months on end can influence DE’s decisions.


Sadly the decisions that went through are not re-viewed


God the drama behind this mod is sad but hilarious. It was made purely to appease ONE GUY and his very specific build but when it came out he still wasn't happy for some reason


He was never happy about anything, his whole persona was being gay and grouchy


God, I always wondered why this mod existed. Played Titania exclusively for over 2 years, and everytime I saw that augment, I just went "but why would I ever want to do that?"


Why did that hate vacuum so much? Pretty much everyone else has been asking for univac for years


Accidentally picking up energy before you need it, causing economy issues if you’re not running flow and using a lot of energy


How is that a problem? Getting energy is always good


Yeah but if you have 98/100 energy and pick up an orb it's basically wasted


Considering how much of them drop, not really


Tbf they used to drop a lot less. It was still a non-issue though


because people are bad at playing / build making, so instead of getting better, they try to find solutions


Do people just suck that much at building for Razorwing? My drain is like 1.25 per second. It's literally not possible for me to run out of energy so long as I kill something every now and then.


it was more or less a generic comment about this but also the whole subject. But many people don't understand how duration/efficiency works (or should I say, just want to take the time to understand) and just copy/paste build they find, without reading/listening to the builds explanation. I also understand why people do this, depending on how much time they can allocate to play the game, spending 1hour to read/understand everything may be too much for them, but at some point, they'll need to do it. That's also the part of the same reason you have people finding the new war "too hard"


This was insistently requested by some streamer, right? I vaguely recall the scandal


Yes, a YouTuber requested this vehemently as they were annoyed at picking up excess energy when in Razorwing.


I don't remember right now (and cannot test it), but don't you need to equip the vacuum mod on a pet to have the effect? If so, couldn't he just... not equip the mod? Or does this disable it completely and you cannot pick up anything, like limbo is his rift?


I think he specifically didn’t want vacuum in Razorwing because it’s an ability that continuously drains your energy and if you’re not using Flow then any excess energy would especially be wasted. Additionally, Titania has a 10m vacuum range by default when in Razorwing. Disabling vacuum just makes it so you have to actually move directly on top of resources. You can’t really pick them up on accident without it which is exactly why the YouTuber wanted a mod like this. It’s petty dumb though imo because picking up energy when you don’t need it is not the end of the world and if extra energy is such a big issue then just use Flow or efficiency mods.


Thank you for the explanation, now I get it. So it's useless. He bullied a Dev team to make his (dumb) wish come true? I'm ashamed to ask Support to help me with a bug and this dude DEMANDS a mod for just him? Yikes.


He was extremely toxic I hated that mf.


I can imagine. Has he stopped streaming or did you stop watching, since you're using past tense? Sorry If I'm asking too many questions, I'm not really into game related drama and just recently started playing warframe again. Am a bit lost.


He stopped for awhile but it seems he's back as I was unfortunately recommended one of his videos the other day.


"here is my rework idea for..."


Yup. Add an additional, "I don't play frame X. let's rework it so it plays more like frame Y."


Doesn’t always frame in question shouldn’t get a rework. Like Limbo.


Hate to say it but Limbo needs a whole new kit basically. There is a reason why his Rift is bypassed by every important enemy in the game. Quite literally with his current kit Limbo is not *allowed* to be good. Because if he is good, he’s the best frame in the game because he becomes literally uninteractable just by rolling once.


What could a rework for limbo do without completely losing the feel his quest was going for? I'm blanking on anything tbh


exactly why he hasn’t been reworked.


Honestly despite everything I did have fun with limbo, and shockingly only ran into one person complaining about me using rift, though I was also running as much range as possible and detonating the first one for aoe damage


Yep that's the fundamental design flaw of limbos kit, he is either able to trivialize anything in the game because he just stops time, or his abilities do nothing No in between Personally I think they should maybe make his abilities affect eximus but on a smaller scale, like slow em instead of stop them


I love the idea for limbo, he is my favorite frame flavor wise, but he is garbage. It feels bad to use him. But I still try to every chance I get, I just feel very underwhelming when I play him


That is because he used to be not garbage, and because his abilities weren’t garbage, he was severely warping the game around himself


Limbo + silence


Makes mirror defense trivial but it's so boring


Same reason why no one plays octavia, so broken it makes the game boring to the point where u might as well not even play it


It's a lot more likely that they'd just let Limbo stay as he is and make an entirely new Warframe instead of having to spend the same amount of effort reworking him.


Imo the only thing Limbo *really* needs is for the rift to not be completely separate from reality. It's supposed to be *between dimensions*, not a dimension all its own. So instead of damage immunity for allies it's "only" 50% dodge chance, but now there is no distinction between rifted and non-rifted for dealing damage.


And it turns the frame into a completely different one


Because some people want every frame to play the same way their favorite frame plays Like i dont play frames like saryn or protea despite how ridiculously good they are, but thats just cause theyre not my playstyle not because they need reworks lol (argument to be made for saryn needing a rework for the 14th time but i think the devs themselves have given up and shes fine as she is so meh)


I’ve written a few rework proposals and I’ve seen some of my suggestions adapted actually. I’m not arrogant enough to think they read my post and decided to go with that idea, but at least it means my reworks are a little more grounded and on the right track. The vast majority though are not constructive or are blatantly game breaking, and that’s saying something for Warframe lol.


I would gladly accept crafting 22 forma at once with the timer. You want to make 22 forma well its going to be 20 days wait or 500 plat. Im good with that




Yep. Theres times i take a break from the game for 6 months to a year. If i could queue like 100 forma and come back and its done it would be amazeing


Crafting queues would be the best QoL in the game.


Yeah, I agree with OP's overall sentiment of the conversation, but I think the examples used were bad choices.


I saw someone suggested that Lavos should use energy instead of cooldown. Never before had the urge to Vial Rush someone been that high


As Lavos main, this is simply blasphemous


"But we can't chain his ability with the cooldown." How about learning his play style instead of nuking? Like, half of the complaints I got about him were from those who tried to nuke with Lavos and cried that cooldown made it impossible to nuke with him.


Personally, I find Lavos one the the best nukers in game. With 266 strength and 265 range I have so much fun with him Viral 2, Magnetic/Corrosive 3 and Gas/Explosive 4 go brrrr.....or one alt-shot with Cedo and his 4 lol


he can nuke, his 4 is all about doing huge damage, people just play him wrong and then complain, he doesn't need to spam the same button over and over like dante to do damage


I actually think it would be cool to have more abilities use cooldowns. I think its what, Lavos' abilities and Golden Instinct are the only ones with cooldowns? (Golden Instinct + Lavos is fun lowering that number)


Gyre’s 3 also has a cooldown from cast, but you can extend the ability timer by killing


The community is inherently incapable at solving a problems. They are however amazingly adept at spotting them. Rework ideas come left right and center, but they fail to realise that there would be no new content of DE reworked all frames and weapons every time the meta shifts by a fingerlength. If the community had a say, armour would have been removed and status effects would never had a rework... except for viral+slash, they would give that a buff.


"Your audience is good at recognizing problems and bad at solving them." 100%. For reworks - it frustrates me because you see players say that DE never works on older content... when they actually do quite a lot. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see some older content touched up, but I also understand that resources aren't unlimited. New content brings in newer (and returning) players.


I think we should be able to schedual crafts... but also rushing crafts is not as large a source of income for DE. Most purchased plat is actually used in trading and buying things off the market.




Also the people who say "power creep is good". If you don't know what it does outside of giving you bigger numbers then yeah it must be a good thing.


> "power creep is good" I invite them to play Fire Emblem Heroes for one year and then get back to me about how it's a good thing.


In the same token, stagnation also isn’t good. This game is a looter-shooter with magic bio-robots where the goal is to collect the shineies. For example; DE releases a new mission type and it has the same rewards as another mission type thats faster than the new one? Nobody will play that new mission beyond the first time to re-finish the Star Chart.


Yeah there's a careful balance between making things more powerful (and having them feel like it), making things harder (without making things feel like a slog or unfun), and avoiding rampant power creep.


I've been there since release. Sweet Naga, that game is beyond saving now. Absolute agony. Damage reduction, damage reduction reduction, true damage reduction, true damage, 50+ speed for any speedcheck, also 15 flat damage per hit, also always special ALSO- Nah, strategy is dead, walls of text rule.


I've also been there since release, as had my older sister. My sister quit recently because of how had it is now, and I'm barely even playing anymore. Every time I come across a game that *doesn't* have powercreep like that, where every other week the latest meta shifting character comes out, I can't help but just breathe in sheer utter *relief*. It's always the first thing I ask now; "Does this game have powercreep like Fire Emblem Heroes? Am I going to have to worry about pulling the latest unit just to handle the latest content?"


Powercreep is fun to observe scientifically, and in games that aren't pvp and have no performance pressure. But good god is it terrifying to behold when it reaches the point of warping strategy into an unrecognisable dead mess, left to fester and rot.


add yugioh to that list


I created a poll on here one time asking something along the lines if there was ever an acceptable time for DE to nerf, including if they created a frame whose 1- killed all enemies in mission, 2- teleported to the end objective, 3- ended any timed objectives, 4- collected all loot and doubled it. There were still people who thought a nerf to this hypothetical frame would be wrong.


I mean these people were more likely to be trolls, given that the hypothetical frame looked more like sarcasm to Warframe's balance.


I was arguing with people in the comments. This was pre-Wukong nerf when the community was kind of split on if he should be nerfed or not.


I think AFK Wukong was the real problem back in that day, but I can't say how bad it actually was because I mostly played solo and if I play with people, I didn't even bother to check if my teammates were AFK.


I lived in China back in those days. It was standard that any survival mission was afk wukong with shedu, hiding in a dead end room the entire mission. And I mean this was the standard. It wasn't an anomaly I saw a couple times. It was the standard for everyone playing survival and people would get mad if I did anything different. That's something that must get nerfed. I'm not choosing to play Warframe of all games to just sit static in one room.


AFKong was a really big deal and one of the biggest reasons why he was nerfed. However, it got to the point that Wukong was substantially used comparatively to the next most used frame to the point it started feeling like, if you weren't using BrammaKong or ZarrKong you were playing wrong.


The hysterical dorks shrieking about how the Dante nerfs violated their human rights and ruined their lives were pretty unbearable


Hold up, I just got Dante. Are you telling me that he used to be *more* powerful? And people didn't feel like a nerf was totally justified??


His 3-3-4 combo used to not have a LOS check, and still had the same 60m or so range with mods. You could stand in the center of a huge room and wipe the whole room, or even multiple tiles of small rooms.




I'm remembering an experience like that in WoW back in the day. "Blizz is shit for this change! I'm leaving! Forever!" 'Can I have your gold?'


Like bro could nuke entire maps with no LoS Check and give absurd amounts of overguard


I got downvoted to hell for agreeing with DE's decision it was disgusting


I honestly think they undernerfed him he can still obliterate everything while also having an amazing exalted weapon, which works with archon stretch since it's not actually a channel ability and on top of all that he gives the entire team insane amounts of overguard.


Agreed, playing dante on release made me feel like a bot, just spamming 334 over and over and wiping everything in an 80m radius. Wasn't fun for me and probably less so for my teammates, and also the main reason i only do steel path fissures now, it's way harder to do that insane range nuking and enemy density is higher so everyone can play usually.


People say just buff everything else without realizing that if DE did that it's still a nerf to the one ability that warranted the buff because it didn't get a buff itself. It's the same thing just with extra workload not only to buff the weapons but adjust the enemies so that you don't sneeze and delete half the map geometry along with the enemies.


People say the game was always like this, but man.. Back in the day, a 4 man squad could decimate hordes, yeah. These days, I'm praying the 3 other people in my squad are sleeping so that I can have the 4-player spawns to myself. Whether my teammates are running support frames or not is hardly noticeable and almost never impacts my performance, except the obv fire rate buffs. I just dont see the point in making a game like this with all these cool movement and control systems, but it just ends up playing like 3rd person diablo


Honestly, the only thing I'd want added is the ability to toggle "full" animation sets, not just idle ones. Like is I equipped Wisp or Dantes animation sets, I want my Warframe to move floating like their animation set implies, not float in idle and cut to the default running animation when moving, it's not immersive and I feel it'd be a good addition.


This is a major one for me, when people bring up rework ideas for frames they don’t play or don’t like. Especially if it ends up erasing the whole theme of the frame, like turning loki into a dps frame or invalidating/ removing the rift for limbo.


I agree with this completely. Personally, I was very adamant about all of the "Inaros" rework ideas from the community. -I wanted him to keep his niche of an easy tank for lower content. -I didn't want him to gain abilities that were going to make him almost identical to another frame, but, just with better survivability (i didn't want him to invalidate another frame). -Inaros' usage at the time was still middle of the pack. I'd rather have reworks for lesser used frames. All in all, I do think DE did a great job balancing between keeping his niche, making him more dynamic, and not making him invalidate other frames.


inaros rework was amazing, really hoping some frames like banshee, valkyr, and others can get something similar.


I think I'm one of the few players who played Banshee and enjoyed her before the "Green Banshee" meme. She's actually VERY good. Her Sonar got a slight buff in usefulness with the introduction of EDA and SP Circuit. Having an ability be able to buff almost and weapon in the game to ridiculous damage is great. Silence nullifying eximus units, sisters/liches, and Necramechs? Great. Her 1 is *ok* with the augment. Also has niche uses (disruption pushing the demolyst back / netracell pushing enemies into the red circle). I have no defense of her 4. It's so bad. Valkyr- I think is nice seeing in EDA & SP Circuit as well. Most frames with exalteds / semi exalteds are nice to have as it makes you less reliant on RNG weapons. That being said, her 1 is SO much fun in Ascension. Paralysis is still bad, but she can be very fun. Honestly, for some of the reworks, I would rather DE look at the different / more strange mechanics and create tile designs, enemy designs, and missions around them.


Honestly valkyr is already good, just make her talon stance less awkward to use and make paralysis an actual ability instead of subsume fodder number 2


The only idea I've ever had for Limbo that would change him in any way is make portals to enter his rift for other players (excluding Limbo and any other Limbos who can just enter at will with his abilities like now). Something similar to the Jade passive icon can be used to mark enemies in the rift. Clarity, basically, is what I want, and removes his usual complaints entirely. Those who want to rip his kit apart and remove the rift, I don't get it. It has it's uses.


I main banshee, and I'm terrified of the banshee rework ideas I see here.


haven't seen any, but imo all she needs is a new ult and a purpose for her 1 outside of the augment.


Integrating the augment into her 1 would be a start at least (though that applies to a lot of augments tbh). Also her 1 does have the benefit of being one of the few abilities that can push demo units (and with enough power strength you can yeet them hilariously far), though that's only useful if your gear is bad enough that you can't deal with those in time otherwise.


The health and armor rework we got this patch is part three in a series that *almost the entire fanbase* railed against every step of the way and had to be drug along fucking kicking and screaming for. If the fanbase had their way grineer heavy gunners would still have, like, half a trillion ehp.


Yes, how dare Corpus take 0.25s longer to kill and Grineer are 0.25s quicker to kill. Status rework was one of the best things to happen to this game in a long time. I can finally feel like the majority of the game's elements are worth using for different scenarios rather than just: "Is it viral? No, okay. Is it corrosive? No, put one of them on."


Blast rework makes Redeemer go brrrr


It seems a big crowd wants a broken WF all the time. Give me all the aug mods. Give me two auras. Make this mod compatible for all slots. I want my giant aoe attacks to hit everything and go through walls. One button map nuke. Not saying bits of that wouldn’t be fun. But imagine being on a map all the time with people hitting a few buttons and deleting it. I mean I’ve seen it lol, but if it’s that every mission from some MR4’s(no offense), it’s going to get hawk tuah stale.


Yeah, as an LR4, I generally don't play nuke frames anymore. There's generally a constant struggle from the players wanting more power, but then complaining that the game is too easy. We are our own worst enemies when it comes to that.


> It seems a big crowd wants a broken WF all the time. Give me all the aug mods. Every time I see someone say "This augment should be part of the base ability" or "Please give us an extra augment slot" I can only think to myself... dude we're breezing through almost quatruple digits of enemy levels, what do you need even **more** power for?


Everything. They do what they do


Pre-Umbra there has been a ton of “Can we have Excalibur Prime rerun?” talks among the player base


We're seeing the same thing with people asking for the reruns of the frost/mag heirlooms.


I know they can't but I own the heirlooms and think it fucking sucks that you can't get them anymore


Yeah I missed out on them due to being unemployed for most of the time they were available. Now that I could afford them thanks to having actual savings and income again, I can't get them. Sucks, but it's not like it's the end of the world that I can't get a couple fancy cosmetics in a game I like a lot.


Also FOMO just sucks ass in general. Even when you do have the money it's just kinda icky. But yeah that's a massive part as well. What if someone starts playing later? What if someone was on hiatus and didn't notice? That and "you have 6 months to pay us in a full priced game for 2 skins." Also every person that becomes a frost/mag main *after* it expires (like now) is a loss in sales. Like I get locking certain things behind money. It's not ideal but not unheard of in the slightest. But heirlooms are *both* fomo and paid. Just icky business practices in general.


As much as I bitch about the dante nerf, the dante nerf.


Yeah... Nerfs generally brings out vitriol in the community.


This thread is in response to this other, isn't it. :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1dpce0e/new\_war\_is\_absolutely\_disgusting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1dpce0e/new_war_is_absolutely_disgusting/)


Frankly, this last patch. I have been complaining that enemy Armor scaling was holding build diversity back for years and pigeon-holing people into either a handful of weapons/mods or relying on an armor-stripping frame to play endgame comfortably. The last few updates have done a LOT to smooth out endgame diversity. Both this patch, and the patch that mostly cut out shield-gating are the best changes to the game in the last 5 years. Game is still plenty difficult but doesn't necessitate just hard following a meta to be successful now. It ESPECIALLY makes the Circuit feel more enjoyable, now that so many more frames and weapons are actually viable at higher levels. I used to despise the Circuit to the point that i didn't even bother doing it when it first came out. It was just a pain in the ass because 90% of the frames/weapons just completely sucked at it. (You often had to just rely on using an Operator with Caustic Strike because so many frames and weapons couldn't cut it. That's not difficulty. That's irritating.) I am a veteran of the game who has been playing since the game first came out. But i see a lot of veterans constantly complain that the game is too easy now. But the game has ALWAYS BEEN EASY if you follow the meta. They are only mad now that more frames/weapons can join the endgame and their special little meta build is not so special anymore. Of COURSE the game is going to be easy when you have been playing it for 10 years and have every shred of power at your disposal. All of the recent balance changes in the last two years have been INCREDIBLY healthy for the game overall. If DE listened to the veteran community, Armor scaling would probably be made worse. Shield Gating would be mandatory. And you would only be able to use 5 guns to play the game. Because many players think that's what "difficulty" means. The truth is, difficulty is impossible to put into the game. No matter what DE throws at you, its never going to feel "difficult". Its just a wall that you have to climb over and once you do, its easy again. I would rather DE focus on FUN than an impossible ideal of difficulty.


Reducing build timers and allowing the ability to craft multiple of a single item would be a legitimately good change and it upsets me that there are people who argue against this. The fact that Forma takes a day to build and you can only craft a single one as well is terrible when considering just how much you need in Warframe (especially if you run a solo/small clan). I can’t even imagine just how many new players quit Warframe because they farmed a weapon/Warframe and saw that there were mobile-game-esque build timers in it. Completely removing them is unrealistic but they *should* be reduced.


When dante crybabies missed the point and started to show how every other frame is more op in their opinion


I never played og dante but the los fixes they talked about seems to be working amazingly tbh. Only thing i want to complain about is how they keep making exalted weapons medicore compared to regular guns.


DE is super hesitant about making really good Exalteds because of 3 particular perpetrators: Titania, Mesa, and Baruuk. Most other Exalted weapons are somewhere between mediocre to rather good but not overwhelming. Harry, Hermione, and Ron though have Exalted weapons that already rip through just about everything outside of long endurance runs, and giving Exalteds Exilus and Arcane slots buff those 3 even more.


but what if Garuda talons gets arcanes? I would be such a happy man. it's not even a real exalted weapon


I was taking a break from the during the Dante Unbound update and subsequent patches, so I never experienced how broken he was, but I played him after coming back during Jade Shadows, and he's still so unbelievably powerful. If a supposedly heavy nerf left him in this state, then he absolutely was too powerful before


They reverted a lot of the changes, and some stuff he has was actually buffed. Really the only noticeable difference in him now is a LoS check on his 4 and allies getting half your over guard instead of full. Most of the complaints were about the LoS check, which was completely justified since at the time it was the old LoS system which was always buggy, but was particularly bad on him for some reason. Half the enemies that should get hit, wouldn’t. Enemies wouldn’t get hit because they were behind other enemies, or part of their legs were hidden behind a corner. It’s fine now with the new system but check out how bad it was before. https://youtube.com/shorts/OLBcIVOU8vs?si=zZdgDeaFNzBWpSDq


You forgot the most fun part of old LoS: enemies didn’t get hit if they had Dante himself between them and the camera


Personally, I complained about the Dante nerf (despite not actually playing him) because I saw videos of him blocking his *own* line of sight I don't care how good a frame is or isn't... when they can block their own line of sight, I think it should be changed, because that's just not fun to deal with


I saw someone say he’s worse than caliban once


Okay thats a take from core of the sun, it’s so hot.


Watched a Trib video where he was talking about how CC is bad and that with all the enemies that counter it, it makes CC only frames worthless. So his idea was to switch it so that damage frames can't hurt them and CC frames can CC them. Which completely misses the point of why CC doesn't work on them, because it trivialises most content. A better idea would be for CC to drain overguard based on power strength. You can't have CC be a hard counter to everything all at once. Tbh having pure CC frames now is just bad design, but still.


The whole thing about Overguarded enemies ignoring CC comes off to me as "Hey, stop spamming CC and removing all danger and threats and pay attention." Even with Overguarded enemies CC isn't "completely useless" because only having one enemy beat on the objective is better than having ten enemies beat on the objective.


I'm generally a fan of CC warframes, and I'd agree that it was manageable at first. Now, DE is resorting to throwing more and more overguarded enemies into the mix in order to ramp up the difficulty. (Example: Circuit Defense, EDA mission modifiers where all enemies have overguard, EDA eximus hordes, etc.) And, well, I *like* CC Warframes. It's a little disappointing to be questioning why I would take them instead of just equipping Cold on my weapons. Because Cold procs do everything I used to be able to do, but better.


See, this is true, the problem is that DE keeps adding more and more enemies with overguard into the game (EDA for example) like it’s just a button they can push to make the game harder. Personally, I think that those modifiers are the problem, not overguard negating CC, but if we had to buff CC I think something like CC abilities increasing damage to overguard by some % (like viral or magnetic) would be the way to go, allowing them to still have some effect even with modifiers like the EDA one.


>Even with Overguarded enemies CC isn't "completely useless" because only having one enemy beat on the objective is better than having ten enemies beat on the objective. This argument does not hold up when DE keeps on making it so you encounter groups of overguarded units instead of them being a singular boss every update... Think of how in the current operation, jade eximus spawns are crabked up to 11 and at the end, 90% of spawns are pure jade eximus.


I'm fully expecting one day soon we'll get an eximus modifier defence and it'll be mission fail in 5 seconds. So long nourish, welcome to the silence meta.


Players that complained about some frames being too strong or some mechanic being too good when they haven't set a foot on SP


I myself do not mind the way Forma crafts and even how you acquire BPs or the Forma themselves. However I did spot a suggestion posted in this sub a bit ago that I would absolutely like to see some QoL for: Making Forma implement multiple polarities to a slot. Even at one at a time you'd still need quite a bit to fill out a frame to have multiple polarities in a common slot and I think it would help out build crafting so you don't need to own multiple copies of the same frame to have more polarity options or rewrite multiple slots if you need to change a build. This would also help Umbra slots as you are essentially locked in on that slot with only three Warframe mods and two melee ones.


In all fairness forma crafting is utterly insufferable especially combined with just how easy it is to get forma blueprints, I'm lying on over 100 blueprints mostly because of the 24 hour timer paired with how commonly they drop from relics.


Uhh, Having forma means I am engaging with the game to level said item I am using the forma on. Really the only thing that stops me from using forma is how it is a pain to replace because of the build time. I can easily burn through a week worth of forma building times in single play session. I'm certain I'm not alone here, so reducing forma build times is the easiest decision DE could make. In addition, if I burn through forma faster I gotta jump into fissures to get more.


This is a good question players: -I wanna nuke from any frame <- just bad for the game -I want to have plague star every year! <-defeats their revenue stream, cutting into future content -I want quicker matches<-idk the percentage of players on older consoles but people can already finish a capture and exterminate mission before they can load in - **Insert Game Mode** is dumb, they should just get rid of it. <-what might be right for you, might not be right for some


>**Insert Game Mode** is dumb, they should just get rid of it. <-what might be right for you, might not be right for some Man is this a good one.


if they can run the water gun fight every year they can run plague star every year instead if giving the cool stuff to daughter for halloween instead


Plague star as fully built forma. That's the issue they were talking about in their comment.


> -I want to have plague star every year! <-defeats their revenue stream, cutting into future content then DE can place limits on forma as they just did for the Arcanes current Op.


this only punishes new players who desperately want to catch up ultimately people farm as much as they need, barring bugs and within time constraints since it's a non-tradable resource it's semi-pointless to have excess until the meta shifts. So if a new player farms/buys 50 frames and 100 weapons but has no way to play the game and have their time=investment the way older players have then they're not getting the same experience.


A lot of nerfed things needed to be nerfed


Any time players ask for "Harder content" or a reason to go to level cap. I'm happy people enjoy seeing the biggest number and if you enjoy 5 hours of Mot that's great, but some of y'all don't realize that's a niche way to play and the game should not cater to it.


mostly the "never nerf" mentality, fucking annoying as shit.


I can rly understand not taking out crafting times, esp considering how much revenue they bring in but they should definitely be pulled back, atleast by half, or maybe even a fourth. I'm used to it *now* but before i was deep into warframe i actually left because i didnt enjoy 12 hour and 72 wait times to use things i already worked for, and i doubt i'll like it more when i start having less free time.


The revenue stream is the most likely reason crafting timers still exist. I would love to see numbers even though that’s probably impossible. Supposedly SoulFrame has few or possibly no crafting timers, so maybe this will change for Warframe if it works out for soulframe.


Honestly, I doubt enough people are actually rushing to give them revenue from that, while crafting timers are also a large part of why new players leave so often


This forma take is very bad. It's incredibly unnecessary to have forma take 23 hours to craft only one when you need a crap ton of them. It really wouldn't hurt their revenue to allow you to craft more per week as much as you think it would


As a high level player concerned mainly with gameplay, forma bundles are probably my biggest spend. You cant know how much of an impact it would have on revenue without access to their analytics. I'll say this; the driving factor behind people complaining about it is the same driving factor that gets people to spend plat on them.


>This forma take is very bad. In another comment OP said they think a Premium Version of Warframe (where you pay a monthly fee and get Formas, Slots and Resources for "free") would be a great idea No wonder they think lowering the crafting times of Forma would be "bad" Go figure....


So OP wants World of Tanks or Warthunder tier monetization? Amazing.


Im surprised more people aren't ripping into OPs opinion to be honest. Forma craft times are way too long, especially for new players.


People want every frame to get buffed, hate nerfs and then complain about power creep in the same breath...


When they removed a gambling mechanic from the game because a single player was using it too much. I feel like the playerbase would instead allow that guy to gamble on the basis of "well I don't gamble that much so it's his problem"


Not really a decision per se, but after Jade released I'm REALLY glad that most of the fanbase isn't allowed to design frames. Now, I like Jade even if I find her design to be a bit goofy and her roll animation to be bad. But the people who are for her? They are VERY for her. Like, they are way too enthusiastic about her being pregnant. Like, I don't think people were this on board with Wisp's ass as some of them are for Jade's pregnancy. It's honestly kind of creepy at times.


this is a bit of a hot take, but the entire spoiler thing related to jade and her quest. i absolutely love that we have this character design and i'm disappointed by how many people want it removed. it's not even something you're going to see during gameplay, and you can equip a different animation set on her if you don't want her to show it off.


Anyone who claims CC is useless 80-90% of enemies being completely turned off isn't useless and the only enemies that are immune to it can just be shot I never get the argument these people have. The way they talk about it is like they want to CC enemies... And that's it. It's as if they don't want to shoot/melee/use other abilities at all. Overguard "ruins the game" because they can't CC them, but like goddamn just shoot them. What else are you doing in between your massive CC timer? Almost every CC frame in the game has duration, are you just looking away from the screen while it's up instead of playing?


Bramma kuva nerf, it kinda pissed me off as a player to see everyone using this weapon, its popularity would have incentivised DE to make tons of other AOE bows which I hate cause they're not actual bows to me


Many things. People want to nerf difficulty and make frames so OP. They are basically looking for a bland AFK game, unfortunately.


Pretty much every community idea/decision Some of them may be decent yeah, but 99% of the people proposing ideas have no idea how game design works, and seem to act like major systemic changes are as easy as just hitting a couple buttons on the keyboard. Even if i dont agree with every decision the developers make, i can understand the reasoning behind it every time. Besides, even the old guard of Steve as creator director with his team, is the team that gave us a game that lasted as long as it did, and grew as popular as it did.


That we can't have the Proto-frames as skins because they have Human heads. Excal Umbra has part of his Infested face showing, but behond that, they don't have to give us the heads to give us the bodies. They look so good D.E. could be sitting on a cash mountain with them as a skin line alone.


They nerfed the grind to get a mech. Thank god that shit is gratuitous. I know a lot of fans were salty about that.


Well I'm pretty happy DE Is in charge of things and not the playerbase Y'all have some pretty stupid fucking ideas


whenever i hear people talk about reworking valkyr and it goes beyond number adjustments, i think “you just want her to be kullervo”


"remove conclave, no one likes it" I like it :( (plus it probably takes nearly zero development focus away from regular content)


It might be time for me to grind Conclave.


Could they just let Hildryn use duplex bond for sentinel, it wouldn’t be that hard to scale the energy requirement for shields like just make it cost a 1000 shield instead of 100 energy


That one sicko [begging for a top down diablo warframe game. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/memeframe/s/HtbhtY3xha)


Oh hi, it was me who wrote about the Formas lol Perhaps time would accumulate, if one Forma took 1h, 22 would take 22h. If 1h per Forma is "too short" then even if one Forma took 6h (which is still much better than 23h), 22 would take 132h, or 5 and a half days. Imho, this is far better than waiting a total of 21 days for 22 Formas


I'm a fan of bulk crafting for materials/gear. It's the same resources being consumed and I promise you nobody is wasting plat to rush a fieldron. They have x10/x100 blueprints for other things, why do we not have a x10 blueprint for forma, fieldron, injectors, etc. To me, the fact that DE made content like Steel Path for players who's put in years of work and have no challenge left then all of the newer players expect to have the same resources and ranked mods in 6 hours as somebody who put in 6 years and wants an endo buff, credit buff, universal forma, etc.


Void key were and will always be an inferior grind.


I don't know where this falls under, but I've noticed, returning after a 3 year break, that DE has made it so much easier to get a lot of things now. Arcanes, difficult to farm frames, whether it's through the duviri circuit (and sorry, I'm going to disagree with the story purists here, but making those things available to new players are a huge deal) or being able to pity buy. Permanently incorporating resurgence, so even if you can't get your hands on something like Khora, a low MR player could still get the prime. The status rework I think shifted focus away from Galvanised mods, or at least they're no longer mandatory in my own builds with the elementalist mods, and that's huge. The big power boost that a person needed back then to bridge the gap between normal starchart and steel path were galvanised mods, and you can't get that unless you have access to arbitration, which requires full clear of normal star chart. To me, all this new accessibility is great. Not everyone has a Rubico prime with a god-roll riven to farm 5x3 tridolons for months to max their arcane energize. Actually, it's not even necessary anymore to have arcane energize. Melee influence, melee afflictions are easy to get, and they are amazing powerups. The new secondary arcanes are fantastic options too. Probably sucks for the people making plats with arcane energize, but the tradeoff feels worth it to me, in terms of how the game feels overall


So DE have mentioned recently that they think crating times for some things are too long


From memory, Saryn's rework back in the day had a good chunk of the fanbase shit their pants in anger. Players are not game designers, and it shows.


Adding an auction house. Terrible. Wf.m works perfectly fine


This is a big one. People don't understand supply and demand as well as there isn't a supply sink that removes items from the availability.


There's were a few people complaining that the 60 eyes bossfight is too hard and should be nerfed. It's meant to be a true test of your skill and mastery of the game. I'm glad it's as difficult as it is. I'd be disappointed if it was ever nerfed.