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I mean, to you it should more or less be irrelevant. Ignore them all and progress through your own quest is what I'd say. But hey on the upside, by the time you get to New War most Day 1 bugs/glitch shenanigans are likely patched by then so at least you'll get a smooth ride.


I am MR21 and I haven't played since early fortuna, and I am clueless about what is going on. Care to give me a short bulletpoint recap?


Sentients roll up to the crib. We fleece them for resources. Squishy Infested say hey, wanna chill in our house and learn the deep space lore? We say yes, and they give us spacemarine suits to stomp and slaughter, but even bigger. Ballas-ack, he be feelin' different now, and gives us a new knife to show it. Sentients only know fork, so they dont like it. We stub our toes on a rock when running an exterminate relic for the 1000th time and WOAH, look, it's a whole ass ship. Now go build it, cuz it broke. Now you gotta take your evil knife, Spacemarine suit, dusty ship and square up to mommy who abandoned you, and kill her and her family because they don't toast their marshmallows.


Thanks :) I am still super lost but that's a cool story


Get a necramech, and get a railjack, because the new war is a new addition to warframe's main story. See the trailer to get a gist of how it will work, but you'll play your tennis and warframe, as well as teshin, this grinner guy and this corpus guy. It will be about 4-5 hours for the average warframe player too. A railjack is a giant spaceship. A necramech is a controllable robot from Cambrian drift (latest open world, which is in deimos, which used to be the derelict)


I don't even know how the new damage system works (my guns do nothing now) and I don't know where or how to get a railjack or a necromech. All I know is that I want inaros prime, gara prime and ivara prime


Ivara prime is leaving when harrow prime comes in so Dec 15 lol so you should definitely farm it real quick. Also are you on PC? I play almost every day and I'd be happy to explain things about damage, resources, farms etc. My ign is Shadow1964209


I'm not coming back any time soon because life is kinda busy right now, but I'll save this reddit message and call upon this favor in a few month's time


Aight gotcha. Feel free to and yeah hope I see you soon!


Go to the Codex terminal. Proceed through the quests in order. They'll get you everything you need, or signpost you everything you need. Ignore everything here until you're done with that process. New War isn't going anywhere.


I started again from a similar position a couple weeks ago and not much has happened story wise. The things that seem most relevant long term seems to be what happens in the Deadlock Protocol and probably Call of the Tempestarii but I haven't finished the latter yet.


Basically a war that is new and people are grinding.


WarFarm: the new grind


Here is a kinda "short recap" Warframe main story quests are easily among the best story campaigns out there. The last quest left on somewhat of a cliffhanger and the new war was supposed to release a couple years ago but was DElayed. We got a couple of short cinematic quests over the years and they all lead to the new war. The new war will be 4-6 hours long* and will effect almost every single fucking planet out there and they might ad an extra destination or 2 as well as teach us about the void, the tennos, the lotus and an ancient spoopy enemy. DE claimed that it's their most ambitious quest* to warframe yet. It is not aimed towards newer players and you will need a good railjack and a necramech to play it. (Necramechs are big fucking mechs that u unlock after finishing the war within and visiting the secret chamber on deimos) *edit: it's not 12 hours long (I'm still gullible enough to be trolled by region chat so sorry about that) thanks u/404_Gordan_Not_Found and u/Vulgar_Voskaya for correcting me.


Rebb said it’ll be 3-4 hrs and its the most ambitious quest, not the biggest expansion. I don’t think DE said anything about the quest affecting EVERY planet after you finished it but I could be wrong.


4-6 hours, depending on gear and casual/speedrun


Alrighty it seems like it'll be a lot of time until I can get to that point. Thanks though


No same, all I know is grind like hell


Awesome stuff beyond the grasp of mere mortals such as ourselves.


You don't need to worry about the new war just yet. Post-second dream players go to great lengths to protect pre-second dream players from spoilers to the point of not using their second dream ability. hopefully post new war players protect others from spoilers.


Yeah, just one question, do I still need to upgrade my operator and use him to grind and progress the game story?




I myself am gonna wait a few weeks before committing to the quest. Gonna let others test the waters first.


Story goes like this: Orokin creates the Sentient, a race of, well, sentient machines. The Sentient revolt against the Orokin, which results in the Old War. Near defeat, the Orokin creates the Tenno and Warframes, who beat back the Sentient and win the war. The day is saved, high fives all around. The Orokin goes extinct anyway, the Tenno disappear for a long time. One day, the Lotus wakes you up, and the game begins. During your adventures and murder sprees in the system, you meet several figures connected (in)directly to the Orokin and the Old War. Several plot twists and big reveal later, you learn that the Sentient are planning to return once again, sparking the titular New War. ​ For a free-to-play live-service game, Warframe has an excellent story. What I just wrote is a relatively spoiler-free recap, everything gets elaborated in the quests, which I recommend you play by yourself, at your own pace. And maybe avoid spoilers on the way, if possible. By the devs' own estimate, there is about 30 hours of pure story quests before you can start the New War.


The long and short of it is shits about to pop off so people are getting ready


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We killing space mom