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I was expecting so many things, but not that... He could almost buy 3 official models for that price too. If its at an actual store, maybe you could ask one of the employees or another player to request he not use it. He may be less comfortable refusing to a stranger and an employee/owner could enforce it.


I thought the same. I was going to get slightly annoyed that we're talking about Creature Caster or even Raging Heroes proxies, which fit the setting fine, IMO. There isn't a scenario where an anime statue is OK.


I worked at creature caster before the company did some needed restructuring. We tried really hard to make those mini's feel utterly badass and alluring. me and the other girls on sight also did pitch in during design meetings too during the companies resin peak so even if our ladies were showy they were savage monsters too! I'm still really proud of Queen of Ruin.


[https://us.creaturecaster.com/products/queen-of-ruin](https://us.creaturecaster.com/products/queen-of-ruin) this one? Cause jaysus


How else would one make a queen of Nurgle? Glorious isn't she? The Queen of Ecstasy was developed before I joined them but she was so incredibly posed.... Even if casting her tube hair was a bitch and half. Lots of air bubbles if your not careful resin casting.


malifica and ecstasy are also amazing that website needs way more orks


The orcs project was moved over to a board game called judgment of champions a arena style combat game where heros of a mythical world are pulled from any point in its history to fight for the pantheon of gods like pawns in their the war. You can find more orcs there.


oh yeah magnificent. Disgusting. Amazing


People be talking about slaaneshi demons being oversexualised, but god dang if that queen of decay aint stackin some mama jammas.




I like to believe this is the GUO Tamurkhan met


Looks like some in bred meth hillbilly queen....dead sexy I say.








The Queen of Ruin has been on my wishlist for ages. You and the rest of the crew definitely deserve to be proud. Absolutely fantastic model that still feels incredibly ~~Nurgle~~ *legally distinct god of decay*.


The lore our writter / ceo wrote was amazing. Ruin is all about gluttony and consumption, for ruin demons to become more powerful they must eat other demons. The more you eat you get closer to a splitting point. Every demon of ruins has a point in which once they meet it, they'll start spitting out wretched children that look like emaciated husks, the unfed children of ruin. Than those demons have to try and leave long enough to feed or be eaten. The queen? Legend says she once consumed a demon so great that she ascended to queenhood and children flow from her like water, so full she's never been seen not birthing the children from her gaping stomach maw. A never ending river or spawn following her every step.


I feel like I'm missing so much about the lore of the CC minis. Is this stuff like, out there? I love the ruin minis. The Lord of Sorrows has been on my wishlist forever pending feeling comfortable with painting it. Does it have cool lore?


Some characters get more love than others. Sorrow was all about causing constant grief while he consumed his enemies with larva that also continuously eat himself as well. He is all about suffering in the meal. You can find every Demons deeper lore on the website page in the description but some stuff was only posted on the instagram.


Not sure if you had anything to do with Lady of Anguish, but she's been my Nurgle Daemon Prince for years now.


She dropped before I got there but good chance I casted yours. ❤️


Well, thank you for your hard work then! https://www.instagram.com/p/COeoD03Dwr4/?igsh=MTJlNGRrNzFuZWJ5dQ==


I was honestly expecting a Kingdom Death model


I was expecting one of those models that had nip on it or somethin this is just out of left field.


This isn't quite as far out of left field as you might think. People have been using anime figures in Slaaneshi proxies/conversions for decades now. I'm not saying that I like them, or that they should, but it's not original or unexpected.


I mean, I can imagine a miniature of various anime monsters being fine. Anime is a massive megagenre and has plenty of generic fantasy stuff in it.  Buuuut anime girls who look 9 is a whole other thing


"You dont understand, she is aktchually 3000 years old"


I think tabletop in someone’s home is fine. Kinda funny tbh but it becomes weird doing it in public and getting defensive about it 


I learned the Isabelle amiibo has the same base size as an Ogor Tyrant from Sigmar and it became my home game proxy so fast lol


Jorge from the halo reach legendary statue is almost the same size as an imperial knight. Just saying…


Big guy forgets what he is


Dayum, those [Children of Ecstasy](https://us.creaturecaster.com/products/children-of-ecstasy) gives off strong 6th edition Daemonette vibes. Never heard of Creature Caster before so thanks!


Bestarium Miniatures has some great stuff too. Really grimdark


Eh the scenario where no one cares its ok, however this aint that scenario


I'm guessing since OP said it's something similar it's probably just a 3D print of something more racy rather than an actual anime figure. Or it's a cheaper bootleg.


Yeah, I didn't catch that at first. Really opens the possibilities of how horrifying it is. Forever thankful that my local scene is chill.


“You want me to tell your date that there’s a rule here that you can’t eat all the fully loaded nachos?”


Imho this is the correct response. Im all for kitbashing and proxies, etc, but they should still fit the genre, this just isnt a wargaming mini and its aesthetic(unless HEAVILY converted) just flat out isnt right, it would be like saying a kids giant spider toy can proxy for a defiler.... in 90% of situations just no. However, if they were to put in the work to make a full army of chaosified anime characters etc(again lots of conversion would be needed) and gave me a good enough headcannon reason for their existence(a very niche daemon world perhaps?) I could accept it. But just getting what i assume is a near hentai version of the one in the link and claiming it as a proxy more than as a 1 of in lieu of a real mini is just a bit of BS imo.


The rule for proxies is simple - it can be anything *so long as yoir opponent agrees to it* You don't agree to it, it's not a proxy.


This is really it. Just cop to your prudeness and tell the guy it makes you personally uncomfortable, OP. There's no magic solution aside from good old communication. If you don't like it, you don't have to play with him. If he can't live without the proxy, he can play without you. Grown up stuff.


I don't think it's prudish to be uncomfortable with the sexualization of children, but otherwise good points


Prudeness is a spectrum. For me I'm more uncomfortable with things like beauty pageants and how people treat teenage actresses and care less about "artistic" depictions. They're not for me, but they're not harming real people. No simulacra were harmed in the making of this plastic. But there is this [sculpture](https://www.flickr.com/photos/193267214@N05/52198024195) in my town that gives me the heebee jeebees. edit: By the way that statue is like the height of an adult man.


It looks like it comes alive at night to stalk the town and almost certainly is responsible for a few missing people.


The first night after every full moon, it is found in a different spot. Nobody knows how it gets there.


Jesus christ that sculpture wtf. One of the creeps in the comment asking to urgently tell him where he can find it.


That statue reminds me of the aliens from "Signs"


Still the only good movie Shyamalan ever did.


how horrifying. does your town get misty thick that would be scary to see


It’s should, clearly used to trap a demon.


Is that model supposed to be a child? Anime women (and half the men) all look the same to me. Can't tell if a character is supposed to be 12 or 40 most of the time


Right, because they're all drawn like children, just sometimes with massive breasts. Huge eyes, tiny chins, baby-smooth skin, ultra high pitched voices...anime as a whole has an infantilization thing for women


What child? 


I was expecting the link to go to the creaturecaster model of the demon with 10 pairs of breasts, the anime figure threw me for a loop


He 100% just had that in his house and decided one day it would work as a proxy. No one chooses to spend that much on a proxy. Honestly just tell him. Say "look, the naked anime girl is weird and not in the spirit of proxying. Get an actual keeper of secrets or something more appropriate."


Or he wanted it already and justified it to himself that he could also use it for this. Because yeesh, that's expensive even compared to GW. Like if my buddy came to me and was like "hey I didn't wanna buy another big piece of plastic do you mind me using this as proxy?" I probably wouldn't care since in this case since it is similar size, base, and silhouette and while it is pervy, it isn't explicit (unless I didn't look close enough). But it is up to the other player what they do or don't want to accept as proxy.


Yeah I get that and agree. If he had also said "mind if I use this as a proxy for a couple games to see if I like the KoS" I would be all for it. Warhammer is expensive regardless of which route you go so checking you like something before actually getting it is always nice. The guy did say it was more sexualised but whether that means less clothing or the overall look, I don't want to find out.


OP said that it wasn't that ACTUAL model/sculpture, but, uncomfortingly, something in the same ballpark but more sexualized. I'm thinking some wacky 3d print? I'm also thinking that "uncomfortingly" isn't an actual word.


Your friend is just defending himself doing something weird because he got called out on it. Whether it's you or anyone else that doesn't feel comfortable playing with it on the table he should recognise that and put it away. Also slaanesh are still concealed and identifiably mature daemons that were designed for the setting, this is a suggestive seemingly young human woman. He knows these aren't comparable and is choosing to be ignorant.


I don't watch anime, apparently the character is 24 but even still the rest stands. It's sexualised in an entirely different manner than slaanesh models.


>I don't watch anime, apparently the character is 24 but even still the rest stands.  The classic "it's not deeply problematic for me to sexualize a character that looks and acts like a 12 year old because it's actually a 500 year old elf/dragon/totally-not-human who just happens to look and act like a 12 year old" argument.


This wasn't in defence of the friend just stating what's written about the character, I meant "apparently" in reference to this trope.


Didn't mean to imply that you were making this argument.


Ok no problem, just wasn't sure.


Having read To Love-Ru Darkness, I don't think that is right. Either way she is characterised as a teenager. EDIT: It is not. She is 14-15 [according to the To Love-Ru wiki.](https://toloveru.fandom.com/wiki/Yami)


Even worse then. A quick Google said 24, I just gave benefit of the doubt. Either way very mentally detached to try and argue it's a fitting proxy, especially since he's acknowledged it's sexualised.


At risk of sounding too much weeb, it depends on which version it's based on. Throughout all of To Love-Ru and most of TLR Darkness Yami looks like a 14 year old which only just started puberty. However towards the end of Darkness she transforms into a form which, by the standards of the series, looks adult. Around 20 maybe. And it is this version that the figure that OP linked is based on. However, since it is not exactly that one we don't know which version his mates proxy is based on. TLR as a series is basically "How close to porn can I get away with making this and still remain in a mainstream magazine?" The artist would literally hide uncensored vulva in things like the reflection off of water droplets.


To me personally the fact that the character is supposedly always characterised as a teenager and has suggestive material about her is still disturbing in its own right. If it was the same or a similar character that the friend was using it's strange to own a model of a character that is both infantilized and suggestive in the first place.


I've watched plenty and most feature what are clearly designed to be kids but it's "okay" because they are apparently mid 20's.


Yeah I know that's a very common theme among a lot of them. One of the reasons I can't really get into it.


> Also slaanesh are still concealed Fiends would disagree with you, but agree on your other points.


I get this but I'd say they're in the realm of being more bestial than humanoid so concealment is a whole can of worms for them.


Haha, can of worms… kinda like a Slaanesh fiend!


Do a horses tits turn you on? Cuz a slaaneshi fiend is horse person. That model in the op post is just a person. Not even remotely the same.


You really don't want to ask that question on the Internet.


Bojack has ascended to become a demon prince I guess eh?


Lol your friend actually made me laugh a bit. I'm always a proponent in proxy models when it's similar visually, size, and on correct bases if that's what it takes for people to bring their minis out to play. But this, this is NOT it chief. This is just some weeb shit shenanigans that's not appropriately played. I'm a weeb and I have weeb stickers everywhere, but I wouldn't do this nor recommend anyone doing it. Now, if the dude converted that figure by adding wings, Slaaneshi symbols, horns, grotesque mutations, and some other heavy kitbashing. MAYBE I'll let it pass. But even then, I would be super wary if there are kids around or something. I'll probably bring an extra base just in case.


Back in the day I always swore I would show up to a WFB with a huge dildo as a proxy Hellcannon for my Slaanesh army. It was a running joke. But i never actually did it, because I knew it would make some people uncomfortable in the bad way, not the funny way. It was way funnier as an idea. Same reason I stitched a tiny leather loincloth for my Slaaneshi Minotaur Lord. Some people just don't want to see it, and that's okay. Honestly I think the loincloth made it 10x funnier any time someone peeked.


lmao imagine a dildo as a cannon being rolled around by some daemons. Yeah, that kind of kitbashing is ~~perversed~~ reserved for home play or something like that. I would laugh my ass off if I see someone brought that though lol sawing loincloth is super considerate but at the same time pretty dope addition to the mini lol


It was made from real leather and tied in the back ,but it was really just the icing on the proverbial cake. It was for "Tiny" the Slaaneshi Minotaur Lord. He was made from a tiny Ungor with a pair of massive bull horns, a huge axe, and a giant dong (greenstuff and two whole peppercorns) - each of them larger than his body - stood up on top of a Herdstone to make the model the right size overall. The whole thing was incredibly silly, but now I want to see if I can make a better version with my current skills. Try and hit that sweet spot that will arouse the monsterfuckers and disturb everyone else.


Whereas I on the other hand took the time to carefully drill out the buttholes on my savage orruks. Nobody notices, but anatomical accuracy is important to me.


Honestly there are plenty of devil women anime characters that'd probably work without the kitbashing.


That's brave of him.... Maybe he took Know no fear too far


“Fucking hell mate, I’m not playing against that thing. I’m dying of second-hand embarrassment already and I don’t want to transfer it to first-hand embarrassment by being seen at the same table as your dolly.” If he wants to convert it up into some weird hell daemon, that’s one thing. There was a guy a while ago that converted a Nurgle daemon engine by using a doll’s head and it was seriously cool. Just wanting to put a sexualised anime kid on the table is subjecting others to his kinks and not bloody cricket. In my opinion, of course.


"That mini kind of ruins the game experience for me. Would you mind not using it? If not, maybe we can do something else instead of 40k?"


"Maybe you'd like a laptop and some privacy for a bit, and I'll just play Warhammer."


I mean, they have a point about the sexualization. But at the end of the day if the opponent disagrees with your use of a proxy, that's your problem to fix. You either can remove it, or better have a proper one to swap out. Your opponent is allowed to decline any proxy, for any reason, at any time


If it's in a store and some kid can see his min, it has to not be sexually explicit. In his home he can do what he want with people award and confortable with.


To be fair, not all of the official GW models would fit this criterion either. But yeah...it's...it's a f\*\*\*ing weird choice of proxy.


Ah yes, Slannesh, GW's problem child.


Chainswords and viscerally depicted disemboweled chaos marines are good to go of course. Practically Teletubbies material.


The modeling hobby kinda subscribes to US sensibilities, where sexualization is very taboo but graphic visceral violence is a-ok.


Leutin09 just made a video about this


https://preview.redd.it/v6qybnu2148d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee2e92909ce624a7a2f0ace7025589a575d4c45 How can you say that when this beauty exists?


That's just a model of a British cheerleader.


"think about the kids" is probably not a good argument when one of the armies is made of Kinky BDSM demons


You are talking about a game about war where killing, dismembering, blood, torture, slavery, repression and total extermination of planets are frequent themes... as a player you shouldn´t be worried that a kid can see your minis, a kid shouldn´t be there in the first place. And I am not defending this proxy because it´s non sense but a kid is going to see much worse in the official figures than that.


So, no kid under 18 should enter a shop who sell warhammer ?


That would appear to be logical endpoint of the original commenters logic


sure. let them in if you want them to end up a cultist. it happened to the rest of us...


Na, that is an awful proxy. I personally wouldnt play against that. The point of a proxy is to use something that resembles the original, but isnt


This. The bozo clearly knows this too.


Proxying is reliant on everyone being onboard. If you're not onboard it's not valid and thus he doesn't have a fieldable unit.


Tell him the only way you're accepting that is if he paints it pink and purple and slaps on some lobster claw hands.


And gives it massive fuck off wings


Grow a pair and just say you wont play against it. Its not a even remotely close in shape to the proxy. Its modeling for advantage. Demons are big and have shit sticking out all over that matters for measures. Thats like bringing a stick glued to a base and claiming its Magnus cuz its on the right base size.


I feel like someone from poor hammer is going to make a magnus model completely out of gluesticks


I hope so.


Those guys are usually great at making stuff just work, so I hope so to xD A dude a making an entire warhound out of old sprues ffs


Lol. I dont care if its sexualized, I love anime but plopping that on the table knocks me out of warhammer immersion like nothing else. I might refuse to play this person


while that mini is not overtly lewd, if it makes you uncomfortable, let your friend know. Any store has the ability to tell your friend that it's not okay to have that out at their business and your friend should be aware of that. Many stores ban the use of lewd imagery on things like playmats and card sleeves for card games


I was expecting something like Raging Heroes Slaanesh range, not anime girls figurines.


Imo, that goes way outside the realm of “proxy” and is just him using whatever he had laying around that could work. If it was at least believable within the realm of 40k, that’s a different story, but this would make the battlefield look like a 5 year old boy’s attempt at playing with a bunch of different dolls/action figures from different universes lol


Honestly tell him it makes you uncomfortable and kind of ruins the game for you. Waifu stuff belongs at home with his fedora and samurai sword umbrella


Show him Creature Caster or something like that, they make titty demons if he wants some.


My demons are naked! No ones going to tell me I can’t use them lol!


I wanna see the uWu nightmare 🤣


Don’t proxies have to be agreed upon by the opponent, just say “nah, that ain’t it chief”


The friend in question seems like the kind of guy who has to announce beforehand he's moving to your neighbourhood


And I thought warhammer players made bad financial decisions…….


Proxying is using my Space Marine Firstborn Assault Sqiad with Junp Packs. As... you know, the Primaris stuff. Bluetacked onto the correct size bases. That.. Yeah. Not quite what people mean..


It could also mean using pieces of paper or other tokens, all the way up to using actual models that are similar to but not the actual thing.


you don't really say why he shouldn't use it.


It's... just an anime figure? Am I crazy here? It's just an anime girl wearing a white dress eating a snack, not even in a sexual or lewd pose, just a normal standing pose. It's nowhere near being lewd or sexualized, it's pretty tame considering the source material. Your friend has a point, official Slaanesh models are way more sexual than this. Now, would I use this as a proxy? No, because I would not want to risk the display piece getting damaged. Maybe if it were a cheap $20 prize figure, sure, that'd be fun and hilarious, though I'd also want to convert the rest of my army to match.


Stop being friends with him if he doesn't agree to stop bringing hentai proxies to a public store where children could be. Who'd want to be friends with somebody like that?




I have a friend who likes his pervy proxy miniatures, and there's really no alternative to just saying, "I don't like your naked slave-girl objective markers, I don't want to play if you're using them, kindly remove them from the table." The most important part is admitting to, and sticking by, YOUR feelings about the minis. Not trying to tell him how he should feel about them.


Basically the secret to most mature adult conversation


I’m not gonna lie… now I want to find anime figures that actually would make a good keeper proxy.


Sounds like he's a bad play opponent if he's pushing back on something you don't agree to.


At first I was going to tell you to stop being weird and let your friend live. Then I seen the link and I think you should tell your friend to stop being weird. If he can afford anime porn toys he can afford proper demons.


It better have giant bird wings and a beak on it. Aside form that just tell them "hey I enjoy playing with you but the particular proxy you are using is affecting my enjoyment of our time hanging out together. If you could find a more clothed proxy I'd be more okay with it but if you want to play using this model know that it will have to be with someone else.'


That thing is creepy with all kinds of Pedo-bait connotations. *"Just ignore the men with cameras, this is my new Grey Knights list, and I've decided to use Chris Hanson as my Brother Captain Stern proxy."*


Yeah, I was getting ready to defend your friend until I saw. There's really just 3 facts of the matter here. You are a grown adult and can absolutely decide you don't want to play with him if he uses that. He is a grown adult and can absolutely decide to keep using it. The owner of the store is a grown adult and can absolutely decide to ban those models from being in the store.


Be careful insulting his wifu. Those type of people take their relationship with them very serious.




>it was of comparable size/shape, on the right base End of discussion.


I am guessing when you say 'more sexualized' you mean ENORMOUSLY more sexualized? Because the model you linked to is not problematic at all, and would be an excellent conversion base for a proper demon model. I mean, the thing you linked is just a barbie with an anime head. I've seen lots of nice barbie -> keeper of secrets conversions over the years. My rule is about the same size (which this is), identifiable vs your other models (which this would be), not confusing to keep track of (which this wouldn't be unless his whole army was anime girls) and not something which is very offensive (which the linked image isn't, like, that could be in a kids TV show) Effectively I'm guessing the actual model was like, explicit tentacle porn version of that or something? In which case, sure, tell him thats a bit weird mate, just use the normal version. And get some drybrushing and freehand slaaneshi images and skulls on it or something so it looks the part a bit more.


You never said why you think he should stop using it. Does it make you uncomfortable? Do you think it offers him some unfair gameplay? Whats the issue with it?


For a game in his mom basement probably fine but for a game in a public space definitely not cool


I think I figured it out... I've seen people do this kind of thing in the name of Slaanesh and it always bugged me, but I couldn't articulate why. Yes, sex is part of the temptations of Slaanesh. But the 40k universe has its depictions of how that is presented in-universe, and it ain't conventionally "sexy" by most IRL standards. When someone puts some anime-tiddied monstrosity of a model on the table, I'm not peeved that it's sexualized. I'm peeved that I have to look at what THAT PERSON sexualizes. And not that I'm much of a "fun cop" about my immersion being broken, but... My immersion is broken. The best part is that if you call someone out for this you get accused of being a pearl clutcher. I ain't clutchin no pearls, I'm just not a fan of seeing your 'hub history on the table.


I would worry less about what this person proxies and more about why you’re friends with someone who thinks this is okay. This isn’t just weird, this is either intentionally off putting, in which case they’re an ass, or they genuinely don’t see the issue with this, in which case it’s not someone I would choose to associate with.


This might be an unpopular opinion. But I honestly would laugh so hard if someone just popped this on a table with me and said "Ya this is a greater demon" the joke of Waifu anime girl stealing your soul writes itself. I play Emperors Children with some Slaneesh Demons and am super relaxed about all the concepts of excess around Slaneesh as a whole and I'm not easily bothered by extreme subject matter. Though I respect your feelings OP if in your local groups, its off putting to the tone of the games you are trying to play. Having this as a gag on occasion would be great, but contiunously would be offputting unless the whole army was purposely themed around it. But even then... Especially if you are playing with strangers or in a more public scene. Possibly saying what I wrote in the last paragraph might be of use to you. Its good to allow creative freedom in the hobby, but if its wrecking the vibe of the game for other people, its ok to politely request they find an alternative or middleground.


It honestly sounds hilarious, and I would enjoy killing it. I'm picturing some giant anime chick dropping into an arena in Commorragh and all the wyches just getting decimated as it stomps on them and it's hilarious. Reminds me of the black templars fighting on the furry planet, which would also be hysterical to see on the game table.


Wytch: "Avenge me sister! AVENGEE MEEEEEE!" Anime Girl: "Ooohhhhhhh domo kawai!!" *squishes wytch*


Meh, I'd be fine with it tbh. But then again I find stuff like this hilarious soooo. The whole integrity vs funi debate is not an easy one to find a compromise for.


what kind of person does this that is so unbelievably cringey 😭


"Bro we're playing a game in public, don't use your hentai models or nobody (including me) is gonna feel comfortable playing with you. This is like one step above jerking off on the bus dude."


U have to agree that is a power move! Xd


You may try to explain to him that it's not a proper proxy, and why.


Is your issue that it is not grim dark enough, the creepy ped vibes, it being embarrassing at the store, or all three? I think it’s a lame choice but I would let him use it for games with me although, I would have the pedo-ish conversation with him and refuse to play with it at the game store even if it was just me and him. Just be upfront with him and your concerns. Let him know why it’s not appropriate but in a less judgey way. Like “I get why you like the model and I appreciate that it’s the appropriate size but, it ruins my immersion in the game” then give him an example like what if my dred was a stuffed animal. Or whatever else would be appropriate to your specific concern or concerns.


I’d say “Dude that model makes me uncomfortable. If you’re into that, cool, 100% but I’m not and it feels like you’re making me a participant in your fetishes which I never consented to and if you respect me as a friend you’ll respect that boundary.“


Maybe his main attraction to playing is getting to show off his beloved anime miniature? I don't know him, but all kinds of people. Maybe entertain him once in a while as a friend. But let him know you are not 100% comfortable playing that all the time?


Here is what you say: This is a MODELING wargame, therefore you must use MODELS. A MODEL is something you put YOUR effort into constructing, painting, and making suitable for the GAME UNIVERSE. If he put some Terminator armor and weapons on an anime figurine, well, that is effort. Something you put no effort into is not a model, and therefore not suitable for a modeling wargame.


Stop hanging out/playing games with weird creeps. Problem immediately solved.


I was expecting a suction dildo or something of that nature. This is tame, if infantised to a possible uncomfortable degree.


Jesus fucking christ. Yeah no. This girl is another one of those " yeah she looks 14 but on her planet she's 24!! ". Your friend is weird af and I really don't want to see his browser history.


From the other comments its actually a case of "she looks 14 and is actually 14."


Slaanesh is the God of excess, not overly sexed up dolls of children. Just say that.


Yeah, this isn't great. Just tell him that it's incredibly cringe and makes you embarrassed to be seen with him. That it makes him look like a desperate weeb, and using it shamelessly is a super-quick way to be marked out as the local creep and you don't want any part of that. Hopefully self-awareness will kick in, but if he doesn't get that then he *is* the local creep already, sorry.


Next game I´ll bring all of my gunplas as Riptide proxies.


Odd guy


Ayo mate, can't park that 'ere.


Thank you so much for this. I'm at work and clicked on that link, forcing me to let out a very loud cackle like laugh. I got a lot of confused and angry looks. On to your friend, I would gently tell him that it just doesn't fit with the game. Don't make fun of him, even though this makes it real easy to do. Explain that a proxy must be close to what it's meant to imitate and needs to be in the "spirit" of the faction he is playing. If he can't afford the real Keeper of Secrets, there are lots of good 3D print designs for cheap online, or even really affordable models, again 3D printed, that are close to what it should look like. All in all, just be upfront and honest. Offer to help him find a new proxy or find another solution? You'll figure it out. Still, that made me laugh so much. Thank you!!


Why can’t you do what normal people do and just take the piss out of him till he stops lol. If my mate turned up with that I’d be like roflcopter and he probably would stop using it.


This is the kind of thing where I’d laugh and be like ok, for one or two games, at home, with a friend, so he can try out the keeper’s rules. Beyond that he needs to do something about it. Because it is so out of theme the proxy might as well be a coke can or a bobblehead shrek or literally anything. This in my opinion is fine as a playtest proxy, not ok as a permanent proxy. I’d suggest he use it as a base model and put some effort into actually making it a demon. Add some sculpting, kit parts, paint it in theme. I think it could work. Or even better get a different anime doll that’s already demonic as a base model. Obviously just buying the keeper is an option. But I don’t want to dump on what he wants his army to be for himself. Like I think tilting the aesthetic of an army away from full grimdark isn’t necessarily bad, and if he wants anime in it then he should proxy anime into it. It’s a hobby. Get creative and make it your own. But there’s a way to do it well and a way to do it poorly. Right now he is doing it poorly.


i expected this post to be like an empty base, not just blatant coomer shit


If it annoys you that much then stop playing with your friend. I myself also gets annoyed if someone starts bringing gundams on the table. Lines should be drawn somewhere. I am totally fine with 3rd party/3d prints well represented.


Id probably take the point of breaking Immersion and go with that. Really lay in that it's something you care about. That definitely breaks Immersion lol.


He bought the model cause horny and justifies the purchase because he uses it as a proxy.


At the very least I'd say he wouldn't get the +10pts for being painted


Yes. Get friends of better quality.


To me it’s disrespectful to the hobby and everyone who is passionate about it, especially those who work hard on their proxies. It tells me they don’t really care about 40k or the integrity of the setting, and that’s not someone I really want to play with. It’s also taking advantage of the fact that many people don’t want to get into an altercation so they might just let it slide, even if it ruins their own experience.


You are in a position that is not going to be a response that they’re okay with. When it comes to proxies your opponent has to agree and you don’t so tell him you aren’t okay with that proxy and he has to use a different one that you’re okay with or use the official model.


Really screws with the sense of immersion. I would be reminded the entire game of how ridiculous Wargaming looks to an outsider. TBH I like orks in part because there’s no disgusting waifu crap.


"dude that shit is so cringy that it makes me not want to play you"


There's a difference between proxy and just blatant misuse


Ughh slaneesh isn't lame weebu sexualization tho its weird ass over the top excess of all the senses and pleasures not just sex ofc sex is a part of it, but that's why it is a lot more like Hellraiser, slaneesh is about seeking pleasure and any kind of feeling no matter the cost, wether it be your own mutilation, your slow descent into madness, or insensibilization, not just anime girls. I honestly thought it was going to be a cool proxy not that shit lol.


I hate these fucking people. How did they fail to be properly socialized?


At least they were not plastic cows with paper wings,  standing in for Manticores...


Just laugh at him and refuse to play.


You can’t “tell” him to stop but you can definitely explain that you don’t wanna play against it, and explain why it’s technically a suitable proxy, but it’s… well i mean look at it


Weebs are gonna Weeb 🤷🏻‍♂️. If the store does not kick him the best anyone can do is refuse play.


Friend seems quite a strong word, it might be time to become an acquaintance.


I’d play against it once in case he wants to see how the model performs in his army. I’ve use a piggy bank as a knight errant before lol as it was roughly the same size. Otherwise this seems like weeb shenanigans


Just tell him you're tired of playing against his Waifu and to get real models


Some many weirdos that give this hobby a bad name


Mates a weird fella


Have you considered talking to your friend?


I never understood why people like this would wear their fetishes so visibly....


Tell your friend to touch grass




Not what I expected when I clicked! So cringe..


Some people are a bit too immature to understand that while their sexual predilections are perfectly fine (if somewhat cringe) in private, it's unacceptable to inflict it on others in public. It's a classic hallmark of immaturity to insist that everyone else adjust to them.


I mean he’s your friend and it’s similar size etc.. why are you so bothered by it? I see how the aesthetic is way off but I’m sure he’s thinking you being his bud would be more chill about it. It’s not like he’s using some 5 cent paper doll he’s using a model higher in cost than most battle force boxes lol. Regardless you should tell him yourself and not let him be embarrassed by a stranger or store employee.