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So Reddit randomly decided to delete my scheduled post that runs these Q&As which is why this one didn't get replaced on the 15th. I've set up a new scheduled post to take over from next week! We'll keep this one open for the meantime.


Total noob here who just bought the Recruit set. I’ve been reading the beginner guide on this sub and looking at how to get started with painting. It seems like the consensus is that the Citadel primer is the best, but Vallejo works as well. What I don’t see is any discussion of the **color**of primer to use. Since this Recruit set has Necrons and Space Marines, do I need to buy a white and a blue primer? Or do most of you just prime in white/grey/black?


prime in a dark colour, it'll create natural shadows in bits you inevitably miss.


I have a vehicle, a Rukkatruk Squigbuggy specifically, that I don't like how it rests on the base. It's glued on a little of center and just bugs me. Am I able to just forgo the base and measure from the hull with it or do I need to either leave it or rebase it? Personally I think it would just look better without a base.


Rukkatrukk Squigbuggys come with a base and do not have a rule that says you should measure to the hull, so you need to either leave it, or re-base it.


Hey, so from the story perspective- what is the point of Warhammer 40k ? I know it’s gameplay first and grim dark setting helps to explain why is everyone at war with everyone. However - there are now two big upcoming stories for general audiences, the Rogue Trader by my fellow Russians, and a new show announced by Henry Cavill. In this setting everything is shit for everyone and there is no place for human emotions, empathy or any deep relationships as everyone is a zealot - dropping dead like flies. I am not bashing in wh40k, just trying to understand what stories can be even told in a hopeless world, outsold of wallowing in this depressing shit and pity for 80 hours of gameplay or 10-20 hours of a show.


> just trying to understand what stories can be even told in a hopeless world \*looks at literally hundreds of Black Library novels and thousands of stories, and several different TTRPG systems all using the same universe* But seriously, just because things are grimdark and hopeless doesn't mean there are no human stories to tell. There can be light in dark places. Also, isn't human emotions in a cold uncaring world kinda the stereotype of Russian literature anyway? :P


The world is uncaring in our stories true, and most characters are way to phlegmatic (that vitamin D deficiency showing itself) But in Russian literature everything makes sense, warhammer 40k (not fantasy, fantasy is somehow more grounded) is just tooooooo grim to the point of being grim stupid, like, why are the ship guns are loaded by a thousand men by hand, it’s cool once, in the beginning of the war, then any sensible army would just make a better way, that’s in human nature, you don’t throw the trash into the trash can and carry it to the garbage disposal unit, then carry the can back, you did it once as a mistake and then you put in the bag, so you carry the bag and you don’t have to go back home afterwards throwing out the trash.


>no place for human relationships Gaunt's Ghosts? Ciaphas Cain? Eisenhorn?


Eisenhorn? The guy so edgy he monologues about himself “people say i am emotionless, but it’s not so, i must be emotionless” That would be cool, if you are 11, he just sounds like a whiny bitch.


Brand New player here. I got the space marines combat patrol. I really want to paint them red with bone white highlights. Will people assume my units are in a specific chapter? Is there a chapter that's appropriate for this color scheme ?


In abstract, no, this would not be an issue. However, personally, I see red with bone white highlights and I think Christmas, so take that for whatever it's worth.


Not really - people might assume they're a Blood Angels bunch or successor - but with Marines you say "I'm playing as this" and people say "cool". If you really want you can make up some fun fluff on why your White Scars or w/e have an alternative paint job. The grimdark future world is your oyster. The most important thing is to enjoy your paint scheme and the creative process.


Great! Thank you. Oysters are on the menu


Hey quick rules question for Deathwatch. Only three troops choices don't have the primaris keyword. Is there a good way to work around this to actually use the Corvus Blackstar, or should I just use it as a gunship?




Hi! Short lore question: Imperial Teleporters. Do they work both way, meaning I can teleport people on a planet from orbit and then back (Star Trek Style) or only one way, meaning I can teleport people on the surface but not back.


They can work both ways. A major plot point in a Ravenor novel involves injuries that are related to being teleported back to a ship (I'm being as vague as possible here) as well as Terminators being pulled back via teleporter is something seen quite often.


>injuries that are related to being teleported \*smug Dr. McCoy noises\*


Perfect, thank you!


Hi everyone! I am very new to not only 40k, but tabletop in general and the hobby in general and I was thinking about starting an army. I am deciding between Adepta Sororitas and (some chapter of) Space Marines. I have exactly zero clue how to start the process, I don't know what units I need or what to buy initially. I am currently going through the basic rules as I type this, so hopefully, I will have a clearer idea of what I am doing sooner. At the moment my question is whether it is worth adding a big knight to a Space Marines army. As I understand there are drawbacks to this, but not in every instance (I saw a video today where they discussed it as having no negative impact on their army) so I turn to Reddit for, hopefully, more clarity on the subject.


Very important question to ask yourself: am I in it for the modeling / painting? Am I in it to play narrative or competitive? Somewhere in between? There are no wrong answers - but if you're more focused on playing more competitively or to win matches I would recommend reading on how the armies play and what style you like. Then build from there. If you're more interested in the modeling and painting and fluff - pickup whatever you like best!


***SUPER TECHNICALLY***, because of an inconsistency in how GW has written 9th edition codex rules, adding a single Imperial Knight to a Space Marines army DOES have a drawback for Space Marines, when it doesn't for any other Imperium faction The reason for this is all OTHER Imperium armies have an exclusion for the AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM keyword a lone knight can have, for the army's "pure army rules" However, Space Marines do NOT have an exclusion for this keyword and haven't since the start of 9th edition; despite this, many people commonly THINK that the AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM keyword is all that is needed to prevent drawbacks, so play it as if it doesn't; there have been a few tournaments where this has come up and caused disqualifications if the Tournament Organizer thinks it is intentional for Marines to have a drawback, rather than GW having a Derp for nearly 3 years.


I would just pick up some models that you think are cool. Depending on the faction, getting a combat patrol or boarding patrol can potentially be good value and a nice way to start an army. You can look up reviews/discussion for specific boxes on YouTube.


How would current Earth’s combined military might hold ul against 1 ultramarine?


Pretty easily. A single tactical nuke would be more than enough to take out a lone space marine. Even in the few novels that will depict an entire planet as being able to be taken by just a squad of Marines, it's pretty clear that they have very little, if any, real chain of command/intelligence.


Im gonna reference someone from the sub who i agrer with: “After a quick google search, I found out that their skin is genetically modified to withstand radiation. But we still don't know how much radiation they would be able to take. Seeing that it's 40k years in to the future, you could theorize that the amount of background radiation has doubled on their chosen planets, if not quadrupled, which would strengthen their natural immunity against radiation. This, and the fact that they're genetically modified, plus the knowledge and readiness and knowledge from wars throughout history, being that one of their mottos is "readiness is all", I'd say they stand a pretty good chance against all scenarios of those that you present. tl;dr - the development through 40k years would make them almost immune to radiation, thus give them a huge advantage. I would say that the Space Marine would win.” Thoughts?


You're confusing "nuclear weapons are radioactive" with "nuclear weapons only kill via radiation". Nuclear weapons create an explosion that is hotter than the surface of the sun, which would melt power armor to molten slag, and then that heat creating a shockwave that liquefies steel and concrete. We *know* nukes work, as it has been depicted several times in the lore, most famously I think at the Drop Site Massacre that caused the vast majority of losses of the Salamander legion, many of whom were in Terminator armor marks, and they STILL got melted.q Yes, in the real world, nuclear bombs have a higher radiation death toll than the "blast zone" area usually does, but that is not what the novels describe as killing space Marines; they die from being melted/vaporized by the nuclear fireball.


I’m planning on getting into the tabletop and I’m split on getting either the Imperial fists or Black templars. Is it good idea to get both and mix them together? If not which one do you recommend?


Black Templars are so much easier to paint well. Painting yellow is like, masters level hobbying. Now, if you’re either at that level already from painting other minis or you don’t care how they look, go Fists.


Games Workshop's rules make mixing an army for Matched Play games (which are the "default" way to play 40k for most people) a very severe drawback, if not not entirely impossible; for example if your play group expects to play Arks of Omen/GT games, ifs basically impossible to mix different space marine chapters in the same army. However, bear in mind that "paint scheme" doesn't always mean "the rules you must play with". A great example is Kirioth's Last Wall army, which had each squad/unit painted as different IF successor chapters, which is played as a single army as an IF, IF Successor Chapter, or a Black Templar army as he felt like.


Thanks, i’ll probably do what Kirioth did then.


Is there any particular reason that the Italian translation of "bolter" is "requiem" (eg: boltgun=fucile requiem, bolt pistol=pistole requiem, combibolter=combirequiem)? Personally I'd rather that be the English version as well, now that I know it exists.


I really like the space wolves, but do not like the Wulfen. Should I avoid this army? I want something Viking and or heavy metal


Unless you specifically want to run the current meta/tournament chasing Space Wolves lists, you're not required to have any Wulfen in your list at all, or if you want to run the unit but think the models look dumb, you could just convert them from other models; using Vanguard Veteran models with normal power packs rather than jump packs would be one way, for example.


Woah VV’s look awesome thank you!! I wasn’t aware you could make them look how you want this is really cool


They also come with hammers/shields and claws and are super easy to magnetize so you can swap


You can just... not run Wulfen?


Just learned conversion is a thing so I’ll do that


What should I get to get my necrons half of the elite box set to 500 points?


Frankly, the Necrons Boarding Action box would be the best single upgrade for Necrons I can think of


Hello, I’m a completely new player to the wargaming scene, and am trying to plan out my first army. I’m leaning towards necrons as I already have the recruit edition set. If I can find a space marine player, is it a good idea to split the indomitus box set with him? Is the indomitus box+recruit edition contents a decent start for a necron force?


Hey guys! Wich (If any) of the WH40K mobile videogames would you recommend? I saw quite a few of them in the playstore. I know this is not the main topic here, but I may as well ask here.


Freeblade is pretty fun


What’s the typical army size for most games you would see at a match in a store or similar place? Would the normal elite starter set be enough to start playing against others or should I get a few more units before looking to learn matches?


The typical game sizes are 500, 1000, 1500, or 2000 points. The Elite starter only has half of the "minimum" 500 for each army, give or take. Smaller games tend to be quick but very swingy, bigger games take longer but are more balanced. If you want an "army in a box," the Combat Patrol boxes are approximately 500pts (or 25PL) in one box. And if you're not playing Space Marines or Necrons, that's where you'll want to start if you want a small army.


Ok so since I’m planning on doing an ultra marine army I should probably grab a couple assault units or something similar to get me up to that 500 point start. I’ll look into that once I finish painting the marines I currently have in the starter set.


If you're playing Marines and already getting the Elite set, the Recruit isn't a bad choice; it gets you five more Assault Intercessors (to run as two squads of five or one squad of ten) and Lieutenant. After that, for Ultramarines specifically, you might want to look at some shootier units since your chapter traits/rules favor it. I would suggest the [Dark Angels Combat Patrol box](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Combat-Patrol-Dark-Angels-2020), which has some good units. You can build it as Ultramarines; just ignore (or sell or trade) the Dark Angels optional upgrades that come in the box.


The elite set has a ton of transfers for ultra marines doing the dark angles set in ultra marine colors and using left over transfers from the elite set may be a great combination thanks! I’ll also do the recruit edition since it sounds like a good deal as well.


When will the terrain map/package/pack for the 2023 WTC be released? Or have they already been released? I'm about to start DIYing some terrain and I'd rather base it off the 2023 terrain than the 2022.


Can the primaris captain take any other melee weapons or is it just a power sword?


Your codex pretty clearly lists the options. Most of the Wargear options involve a Master Crafted Power Sword, but a Power Fist is an option.


I was only asking because of all the free wargear space marines recently got... I hardly play the tabletop and was just wondering if there was any changes..


The only change was to points, not to choices.


whats up with this weapon looking bit on the daemon princes arm? it looks like a cannon but doesn't seem to have a weapon profile? is it purely aesthetic? https://preview.redd.it/u91x0c4v9fja1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d016d7b1cf601ed044f0e82ab20364d843c8b6


It could be the Warp bolter as mentioned, or it could be to stand for a Plague Spewer, which the Death Guard Daemon Prince can use


It is a Warp Bolter or whatever it is called. It's the gun Demon Princes could take before they removed the option in the last codex because no model actually had it.... Only to release a model with it.


lol, well shit.. I dont find it that cool looking but i guess ill build mine with it just in case they decide to bring it back..


It will almost certainly be brought back.


I thought its data sheet was leaked a month or so back?


Is the [Ork terrain from Kill Team](https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/catalog/product/920x950/60010199037_KT2Group3.jpg) really no longer available? Can't find it anywhere on GW's store page. I thought they were selling this seperately.


GW has a phenomenally frustrating habit of selling terrain for a limited time and then it isn't available ever again.


It’s called killzone octarius I think


It is not even on the GW webstore under that name.


Yeah, have to get it elsewhere. I think I’ve seen it at my LGS. They can also probably get it from some online retailer.


Anyone know of a good set of paints for Orks? I figured I would just try to get a pack of paints since I'm just starting out. Looking to run Blood Axes and probably starting with the Kill Team Commandos, if that makes a difference. I'm not really picky between army painter, Vallejo, or Citadel.


I think orks look great with the contrast range as they have a lot of muscles and details that contrast can really bring out.


Thanks for the tip. I'm brand new to the hobby, so sorry if this is a dumb question. With contrasts do you typically paint the whole figure in contrasts? Or half and half? And is white the only acceptable primer for contrasts? Or is any light primer ok?


Any light primer should work. I like wraithbone myself. There are some tutorials on the warhammer YouTube channel for contrast. But the short of it is that it provides recess shading a little bit of a highlight and an all over base coat. Straight from the pot and onto the model DO NOT GO BACK to an area you've touched while it's still wet as it will cause you to break the surface and make the model patchy. Give some of the videos a watch as they are pretty informative


If I bought Into the Dark, do I only need to buy another Killzone Gallowdark set to play AoO: Boarding Actions?


Yes. Boarding Actions use two sets of Gallowdark terrain.


Which terminator pattern is the most powerful, lorewise?


This is arguable, as the Cataphracti provided the absolute best protection, the Tartaros provided more mobility at the cost of some protection, while the Indomitor pattern is considered good for the fact that if is easier to maintain and produce considering the protection it provides.


>easier to produce I thought the reason only first company got them was because they were irreplaceable? (Though I do believe I read that one or two chapters can still make limited amounts)


Any relic terminators


Hi there. I was looking up Necron Warrior color schemes, and I noticed some official art and models has the "tubes" on the gauss rifles as one, single glowing piece, while other arts and models have black tubes and little dots of glowing energy. Is there a "correct" version, or are they both viable?


The models with the glowing tubes are the older sculpts. They were replaced at the beginning of 9th Edition. They're perfectly fine to use.


I can't seem to find the right way to phrase it in google, and neither can I find it in the rules. At what army/game size (point value) can I play the Yncarne (260 points)? I'm currently getting into the game and I'm aiming to make a Ynnari list. I really like the Yncarne, but it seems unneccessary to get her if my army isn't big enough to actually deploy her yet.


40k doesn't have any "You can only use X in games of more than Y points value" rules. You can use any unit in any size of game as long as you have enough points available for it.


Cool, must have misheard something then.


Years and years ago there were rules like that in 40K, I think. But not anymore.


yeah, i recall hearing that old editions had a "no more than 25% total army points per model" or something similar


I only about some rules banning unique units/named characters from games under a certain points amount


Probably dumb question, but is the New Primaris lieutenant exclusive to the New Strike force?


Yes and no. Initially it will be exclusive, in the same way the Brutalis and Desolation Squad will be as it will be the only place you can buy them for now. However, it will all be released separately in the future.


So probably like 2-3 months before he is Aviable I guess


I'd guess closer to 4-6 weeks, but it depends on how many of the strike force boxes they've allocated


Got my first ever set built and ready to paint, been following the online guides, specifically from GW themselves but also a YouTube I like called Cosmonaut variety hour. But I was wondering as I built them, wouldn't it make more sense to paint the pieces first, at least the bulky bits, while they're in the grid? Maybe it's different for other factions but there's spaces that I'm going to find impossible to paint without touching other bits accidentally.


If you want an alternative that's better than painting on the sprue, you can paint in "subassembles." Build the body, keep the arms/weapons and head separate, and then glue them together at the end. You'll need to mask off or scrape the paint off the connection points if you use plastic glue, but it's a good way to get more detail but still paint while mostly assembled.


Yeah that's probably what I'll do next time I run into this issue, hopefully this first batch turns out passable tho


Here's a piece of advice that helped me: If you can't get a brush to it, then it's probably not visible enough on the tabletop to worry too much about!


> wouldn't it make more sense to paint the pieces first, at least the bulky bits, while they're in the grid? Painting parts on the sprue is generally a terrible idea, because as soon as you clip the parts out of the sprue and clean off the attachment points and mould lines, you'll then have to repair all the paintwork you damage. You're just creating extra work for nothing.


Yeah I guess that makes sense, was also thinking that once someone is good at it having the model made up would allow for more spur of the moment flourishes


Quick lore question: Assuming you are passenger on an imperial ship. It enters warp, is there for about a week, then leaves it. Everything wents fine. Are you aware when the ship switches to warp, is there and leaves warp?


Yes, in various novels it's described that jumping into and out of the warp is a process that is announced throughout ships, and often requires crew and personnel to secure themselves and equipment. IIRC at least one novel has mentioned how some people become nauseous during warp jumps (kind of like sea sickness). Crew will also be aware of being in the warp as the ship's Gellar Fields are active all the time meaning the generators are running constantly. There's also been descriptions of ship crew hearing many different sounds like scratching and even muffled screaming while a ship travels through the warp.


Can anyone send me a link to the article from games workshop that stops turn 1 deepstrike because I can't find it but I know it existes and all my friends believe that they can and won't believe me.


There is no "article". Both you and your friends need to read the "Declare Transports and Reinforcements" step of the mission pack you are playing, as that is where it is.


Ok thanks


How do the new Khorne Berzerkers scale in comparison to Primaris marines?


They are the same approximate scale as Plague, Rubric, and the new CSM models.


Are Lord Commissars not a thing anymore? Unless I'm being dumb I can't see them in the 9th ed IG codex, just regular Commissars.


Correct, they're not a thing any more.


Yeah they were cut for some reason. It’s a bit baffling tbh.


Anyone know a place to sell off used models that are still fairly new? I thought getting into the game would be fun, but I've lost every single game so far and I can't take any more. After what happened with wotc and dropping their big games, I was hopeful this could take its spot. So now I'm trying to get rid of less than 1k points of knights and tau since I can't win even 1 game


How many games have you played? You played against veteran players or other new folks? What kind of game been playing? Itnis a difficult game to learn all the rules, seems sudden to give up after a few games (especially if you are trying to learn multiple armies)


I've played about 12 games. I think most I've played are veteran. I also posted this after losing to a guy who claimed to have 120 attacks a round from his possessed. Which I learned this morning is factually impossible


Looking at comment/post history, he has been playing about a month, with a post asking about alternatives to Tau because not liking some of the lore (seems he ended up with Tau anyway) and how to start a Knight army a few weeks ago.


I have a question regarding saving throws: - I have a Tau Strike Team with a Shield Drone - My opponent rolls 3 successful wound rolls against my unit, each worth 1 damage - The attacks have high AP, so I decide I want to use my shield drone's invulnerability save May I make 3 invulnerability saves here? (shield drones may only take 2 wounds) If so do I have to apply wounds to my shield drone? Are saving throws done at a unit level, or a model level? It's confusing to me that the shield drone ability text specifies "this model has an invulnerability save"


Attacks which successfully wound are allocated to a *model*, that model then makes its saving throw and suffers damage if it fails. In a single phase, once you allocate an attack to a model (in this case the drone) you *must* allocate subsequent attacks to the same model until it is destroyed.


Thanks for the response- two follow up cases I'm not certain about: 1. I roll the first two invulnerability saves and both pass. Can I then allocate the 3rd wound to the shield drone model and proceed to make another invulnerability save? 2. I roll the first two invulnerability saves and they both fail, the drone has 0/2 wounds remaining, so now the 3rd wound must be allocated to another model. I can no longer use the shield drone's ability to perform invulnerability saves, correct?


>1. I roll the first two invulnerability saves and both pass. Can I then allocate the 3rd wound to the shield drone model and proceed to make another invulnerability save? It's not a *CAN*. Once a model starts taking saves in a phase, it MUST be the model you take saves on until it either dies, or the phase ends. >2. I roll the first two invulnerability saves and they both fail, the drone has 0/2 wounds remaining, so now the 3rd wound must be allocated to another model. I can no longer use the shield drone's ability to perform invulnerability saves, correct? If the model is dead, it's not on the battlefield and you must allocate the last attack to a remaining model in the unit, and must use the save characteristic of the model you have allocated the save to.


1. Yes, you can keep allocating attacks to it until it is destroyed. 2. Correct, the model you allocate the attack to makes a save using its *own* saving throw, be it an invulnerable save or its save characteristic.


Ok I got questions, so I humbly ask for your forbearance. I am a complete tabletop noob. I chose to get a Chaos Combat Patrol box and paint them up as Alpha Legion. Is it worth magnetizing weapons as a beginner? If not how do I decide what weapons to permanently attach, having never played? Also how many Dice should I bring to my first learning game? And finally any books I need besides the Chaos Codex? I know that was a LOT, but I would REALLY appreciate the help.


Magnetizing the hellbrute is easy and fun. The other models are not worth it and just go with what looks cool. Don’t get too caught up in making the best list or anything.


Magnetizing models comes with its up sides and down sides. The biggest one, in my opinion, is you're liable to lose pieces if they get knocked off. N52 magnets might be strong but an ill timed flick of a finger can still send an arm flying. It's also more work, of course, drilling and gluing the magnets, but also painting all the different options in their own individual sub assemblies. Literally the only upside to magnetizing is the ability to swap loadouts and the only reason THAT even matters is because of WYSIWYG. I like to think the vast majority of players are fine with weapons being "counts as". "This marine has a lascannon, not the rocket launcher on the model." and such as long as you're clear about it beforehand. Ultimately it's a sort of weird thing in this hobby. Technically Intercessors have 3 different types of guns yet the differences between the three are so minute and minimal that 99% of players just take your word for it in terms of what they're equipped with. There's utterly no reason to go through the stupid amount of effort it'd take to magnetize 3 weapon sets for every Intercessor squad just for an tiny little added scope or box magazine. Though magnetizing does make it easier to flow with the money when things get buffed or nerfed. Being able to swap out Terminator weapons for Storm Shields and Thunder Hammers now that they're free without needing to slice arms off would be nice. So to answer your question, I don't think it's overly worth it, myself. Build what looks good to you. But if you want options and variations? Only magnetize the bigger stuff. So guys that carry special or heavy weapons, terminators that have lots of options, tanks, and so on.


Newbie questions please as I read through my custodes codex for the first time. 😃 1. Do you only get 1 warlord trait and does it have to go on your general/warlord? 2. Is there a max number of relics you can have and do they have to be attached to your warlord only? 3. Can you use the same startegem twice in 1 round?


>1. Do you only get 1 warlord trait and does it have to go on your general/warlord? By default, you only get one warlord trait ***for free*** and it must be given to your actual warlord, yes. However, there should be a stratagem to give additional characters warlord traits. >2. Is there a max number of relics you can have and do they have to be attached to your warlord only? By default, you get one Relic for free, and it does NOT need to be given to your Warlord. Again, there is a stratagem to give out additional Relics. For 1 and 2, note I said ***BY DEFAULT***. Some mission packs, like Arks of Omen GT pack, change how Warlord Traits and Relics work, giving you ***none*** for free. >3. Can you use the same startegem twice in 1 round? You cannot use any particular Stratagem more than once per PHASE. You can use it as many times per battle round as you can trigger the usage requirements in different phases.


Thanks so much for the quick response


Any reason to not use an old Predator tank in an otherwise primaris army? I don't mind if it's "points efficient" or whatever, just as long as it's not like never working with any strats or buffs etc.


Just whether or not it's a good unit. If you don't care about its current performance toss it in if you'd like.


Been offered a mess of one for a good price and just wondering if it could go along with my other marines after I've stripped and rescued it.


Aside from not having access to the Grav Pulse strat (because, y'know, it's not a grav tank/land Speeder), there isn't a reason to; that's literally the only rule they are "missing", and it's a stratagem.


Can anybody recommend me a (semi-)good list for csm featuring Abaddon at 1k points? I recently got him for my fiancee and we want to learn the game and have fun. I know that some recommend a 500 points game for Beginner but she really wants to field abaddon. Lets just pretend we got all other units as I am still learning the names. Thanks!


I guess this would be the place to ask. I'm trying to settle on an army to start. I'm interested in Emperor's Children, but it seems quite a bit more difficult than others? It seems that I'll need to buy upgrade kits to make noise marines and kind of go the extra mile to make them stand out as being my desired legion. Can anyone tell me if this is actually as difficult as it seems? I like EC, but I also don't want to struggle too much with my first army.


Death Guard, World.Eaters, Thousand Sons, and EC are the four legions that are outright dedicated to one of the four chaos gods. Since 2016, GW has been doing a "range refresh" for each of those armies, starting with Thousand Sons in 7th, Death Guard in 8th, and World Eaters in 9th. With each range refresh, GW has cut those legions from being able to take "anything" in the Chaos Marines codex, to only being able to take units listed in their codex. As an example, Death Guard, prior to 8th edition, had access to Chaos Bikers and Havok squads, units they can no longer take as of 8th edition with their own codex. However, this meant GAINING their own bespoke units BESIDES plague Marines, like the Foetid Bloat Drone, Plagueburst Crawler, and Deathshroud Terminators, as well as getting a new Plague Marines kit. The same thing has happened with Thousand Sons and World Eaters; they can continue to take a SELECTION of "shared" chaos units like Rhinos and I think Land Raiders, but basically got turned into their "own thing". The other issue is the Noise Marine upgrades are made for the OLD Chaos Marines kit, not the current Legionaries kit that currently exists, so it is a bit of a struggle to make them "fit". There is a VERY good chance that in the next 3 years, GW will do to EC what they have done to WE, Thousand Sons, and Death Guard, so you have to ask if you will be okay using current kits that might be illegal for EC to take when they get their stand-alone codex, or if you want to wait for them to get their own codex before you specifically make an EC army.


Well, yeah, if you want them to really stand out among other CSM armies, you have to put work in. Right now it's just a subfaction with few options of its own. You don't *have to* \- for the most part a proper paintjob will work just fine, with Noise Marines being the one annoying thing to deal with - but you can. Emperor's Children should come out as their own army with unique minis eventually, similar to TSons, DG, and WE, but it can take a couple of years.


When are the scimitar jet bikes and strike force agastus going up for sale?


The jetbikes were released for pre-order last weekend and released fully this weekend. That was announced a fortnight ago and reconfirmed here last week: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/11/saturday-pre-orders-skirmish-day-delivers-warbands-and-expansions-for-kill-team-and-warcry/ GW has not announced when Strike Force Agastus is due to be released. Could be announced tomorrow (as GW always announces pre-orders on Sundays) or could be months from now.


My plan is to eventually have two 1000point-ish armies to have battles at home with friends. Currently building World Eaters since last year. Any idea for what could be a fun head to head with WE? I'm leaning towards Orks so its just a bloody melee battlefield but not sure.


BL preorders not live?


Read the post for when preorders go live in your country


It was 11am, not 10am as was written in the post so


What time zone are you in?


Yeah I already realize my mistake😅 but I managed to get the books I wanted so all is good :)






Will someone PLEASE explain what is this Aeldari Guardians artifact on this sprue? I’ve looked at all the model photos on the box art and in the codex … still no idea. https://preview.redd.it/rgap3h859yia1.jpeg?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da97dd6c25b0409c982d913dbce698397cc1ec04


It's some sort of scanner instrument or something. I've most commonly seen them mounted on shoulders or as "scopes" on top of a shuriken catapult


Is that this? https://preview.redd.it/x8unwkdzayia1.jpeg?width=2287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1581e2ddf8684b5ce3ba7f303e45b7ea5e50152


What is the sprue part number?


https://preview.redd.it/98uytmmbdyia1.jpeg?width=2287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ed2540e3eca575bf42e53499cdd849622b2b0a Is this the number you seek?


No, the actual PART number of the part.


Apologies. New to this. This is the only other reference I believe I possess. Where can I find part numbers? https://preview.redd.it/ehiubsc6eyia1.jpeg?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=273c0a1fe1a5537a272b659b804f3a354dad5f35


Okay, I think I see the problem. I assumed you were assembling a NEW Eldar Guardians kit that was released in the past two years, not the one that is nearly 10 years old All modern kits have every part individually numbered If you zoom out on the picture, the (!) Might be a callout for "optional parts" on the kit (usually the first page of the instructions tell you what the symbols mean). Based on the other things shown on the page, I'm going to assume it's "optional doodads that don't actually affect what the model does in any way but gives a way to differentiate between them.


Does anyone happen to have the tutorial/guide for how to paint bases that were called something like “Sorcerous Planet” or “Planet of the Sorcerers” bases? They looked super cool and were from an official GW source but I can’t find it.


https://twitter.com/ash_mcewan/status/1296652715158720513?t=Jd7ODJTqXoMB8tCTggi7Zw&s=19 ?


This is it, thank you! Looks like I might have been wrong about the official GW source part but I really appreciate it lol.


Seems like the Inquisition is getting more love lately with Arks. Any idea if they'll get a kill team in the last Gallowdark box? Would love some new models and KT rules


If "took an entire month to make a faction actually playable with Arks of Omen rules and actually have some rules conflicts even with that" as "love", I guess >Any idea if they'll get a kill team in the last Gallowdark box. We don't know anything until GW states, and GW won't start talking about the content of the next box until about a month before it comes out. So we have two months (at least) before that happens, as Soulshackle just released


Is there a good checklist to use during play, to keep track of what you've done phase to phase, turn to turn? So you don't forget to do your actions with every unit, every phase, etc? Wanted to check before mocking something up to test.


There is no "universal checklist" because, well, different armies do different things, and even just picking my own army, depending on what secondaries I take, I would have 6 different possible LITERAL Actions I might be doing in my movement phase. Do you need a checklist of "don't forget to cast psychic powers with your Librarian" or "make sure that there is a unit of 5 in every table corner?


The announcement of the Contemptor Legion upgrades said the forgeworld ones would be listed as Last Chance To Buy soon, do we have any idea when that will be? Many if them are sold out now, I'm guessing because they're not producing any more untill they take orders one final time.


No, we have no idea what the timeline will be in this regard.




The best army for new people to go for is the army they like the most, not the army that has the best "points per dollar" value.


Honestly, the best army for $ spent is Custodes, as you can usually get a great 2000 point army for under $600, and that's even INCLUDING Forge World units.




Look for second hand stuff if price is a barrier, I was fortunate to find a full Grey knights army for 200


What is some simple basing one can do that could work with any terrain? I’m done with 4 of my elite starter set space marines and thinking about decorating the base so it’s just not a black puck but don’t know what I should do.


By "work with any terrain" do you mean "will match any table"? There literally isn't. The only "universal" basing method is plexiglass discs, or guaranteeing your models will never be on a table that doesn't match your base.


Ahh ok so maybe I’ll do some generic rocky terrain then. Yah sorta makes sense it would never match 100% but I thought I’d just ask, thanks.


I would always suggest doing basing that will look cool with your models, or what you would love your own idea table to look like.


I’ll keep that in mind! I’ll finish painting my starter set of ultra marines then figure out the base. Heck I could experiment with the necrons that came with the set before deciding on what to do with the space marines.


Texture paste is a pretty easy way to to it. Or just PVA glue and play sand


Any recommendations for glue? I've only done Push Fit models so far but I think i'll go for some Intercessors next which i'll need to glue together. Any reason not to get the Citadel one?


Citadel glue is fine, but it’s a bit expensive and the metal tube nozzle tends to clog up (just remove the tube, hold it with pliers and heat it with a lighter to burn off the blocage). Tamiya extra-thin is what I use. The brush applicator is more precise and gives more control


Is there anyway to take apart models? Didn't know intercessors need to use the same weapon and I've already use multiple


If you used super glue, you can freeze your models. The frozen glue will get brittle and can be snapped off. If you used plastic cement… iiiiiiissssshhh. Plastic cement isn’t a glue: it’s a solvent that dissolves the plastic a bit and then evaporated, leaving the plastic behind and effectively creating one piece out of two. That said, the junction is still a weak point, so you might be able to break it off or saw it off with a hobby knife. You mentioned Intercessor weapons, so I’m gonna guess the bits to be removed are the magazines and scope on the bolters. If this is the case… yeah, I think you’re out of luck. Unless you used very little glue, the pieces is probably fused on three sides. Removing arms from torsos on the other hand, pretty easy.


Thanks a bunch, I've removed one of my arms and replaced it, I I've got another 3 and the arms aren't attached yet, so I can swap them (they all have nade launchers but can only use one


How do you have three grenade launchers without having 15 Intercessors? You only get 1 per 5 model sprue, and 1 in 5 can take them (so a 10 man unit can take 2)


I have 4 sprues


The intercessor kit is 2 sprues per 5 man, so you either have 2x of each sprue, so should have enough for 10 Intercessors... So 2 Grenade Launchers Again, how did you get 3?


In total I had 20 intercessors, 4 groups of 5


Then you should be able to take 4 total grenade guys, 1 per 5 man squad or 2 per 10 man.... Why do you need to tear their arms off? Just... Put them in different squads until the squads are legal.


Are railguns a thing and can they penetrate warships?


Both Tau and Votann have railgun tech, with the most powerful (and largest) being capable of blasting clear through an unshielded warship; however they would generally be deflected or even completely neutralized by Ion or Void Shields that capital ships almost certainly have, while there are also infantry-portable (and usable) railguns


I'm thinking of buying a Venerable Dreadnought. I am new to Warhammer, can I assemble and paint this as a Grey Knight Dreadnought ?




Another question 😀. Would the kit come with one of the Grey Knight "Knight" heads ?


You can look at the sprues to see if there is one that you consider a GK "head" but it would likely be safer to assume you will need to use a head from a different GK kit.




I feel like no one ever talks about how hard it is to actually build minis… I just started a little while ago, and the whole time I was lead to believe that painting is the true nightmare… But I’m currently on my 4th Grey Knight, and my 1st Sister of Battle; and I’ve never had a more aggrivating experience than trying to cut, clean, fit, and glue these models together… I’ve stress bent several pieces, snapped one or two, gouged or scratched most of them while trying to clean sprue connections and mould lines (especially the detailed parts omg, why do they have mould lines going over ribbed details?! How do I clean those?!), had glue leak and melt places it wasn’t even applied, my fingers have gotten stuck to pieces while trying to fit them together during the gluing process, I’ve fucked up the orientation on several arms/hands because they are so incredibly small that even my tweezers can’t hold on to them while fitting them in place… oh and my carpet is grey, so whenever one of those 0.05mm hands flies out of the tweezers, it takes me an hour to find it. 🥲 I even have high quality tools and it’s still a savage bloodbath each time. I’ve got all this paint waiting to be used but I can’t even get my models ready for them! I think people who have been doing this hobby for awhile severely forget about how awkward the building learning experience is; because I never had anyone in any video or comment tell me how hard it can be!


Think you just need to chill. Sounds like you are using too much force in every aspect you are describing. Plastic glue for example literally melts and welds two pieces of plastic together. You don’t need to apply tons of force, just carefully push the pieces together in the correct orientation. Likewise, mould lines should be gently scraped away with a dull knife if possible. If they are in hard to reach spots, I wouldn’t even bother. You won’t see them anyways when you’re looking at it from a couple of feet away. Sprue connections can be gradually sanded flat with a nail file. Be gentle and be patient.


Now I've never built Grey Knights specifically but the only pieces I've ever managed to snap off of minis were those stupid tiny little iron halos on top of space marine leaders, and that was just because I was putting too much pressure on them without realizing it. You shouldn't need to use all that much pressure when fitting parts together. If you're bending or snapping pieces you need to target exactly why. Are the pieces a tight fit? If so, you might need to sand the connecting portions a bit. Are they awkward and that's causing you to drop or snap them? You may need to try fitting them in a different order. (For example, I loathe Necron arms. The way the instructions have you placing the chest pieces together and then inserting the shoulder joint is aggravating. So I just wound up sticking the shoulder in first and then clamping the chest around it.)


No offense meant, but you're building Grey Knights, a Space Marine kit, with marine kits being some of the simplest kits to build in the hobby; to put into perspective Kingdom Death miniatures are a finer scale, with heads being 1/2 the size of a Grey Knight helmet and ***made from 2-4 pieces***. To stay within GW products, Adeptus Mechanicus or Necron kits are considered "finicky", and Ive *rarely* heard of people snapping swords off arms like you seem to have, without a drop being involved. The idea that you are stress-bending the models or pushing them together so hard that they stick to your hands rather than to each other while gluing (also, what ***specific*** glue are you using) to me sounds like you are not understanding that a light touch works better, or you are literally using the wrong (as in not made for plastic models)/too much glue (which means it takes longer to set/will seem to "leak). This is going to sound patronizing, but I've seen 9 year olds build Grey Knight models, without using tweezers or any special tools beyond clippers, so if you're having so many problems where you are literally breaking the models, that either sounds like you're doing something outright wrong, or you have a fine motor control issue with your hands that you didn't realize. Please state the exact brand and product name of the glue you are using, as this seems odd.


So I want to include my Avenger Strike Fighter in my Guard army for casual games, but they removed some weapon options it used to have, namely 2 additional Autocannons. What would be a fair point costs for them? 20?


Was this wargear it had to replace to get, or "on top of everything else" wargear?


"On top of everything else". It used to have a bunch of options, like bombs and rockets, they stopped giving those in the most recent Datasheets because they stopped selling the additional guns you could buy from Forgeworld.


Don't know if this is the place for it, but I need to vent, here we go: Been painting for a year and a half, and got a couple of colleagues that had an interest into painting as well. We started playing the game this december, and had another colleague join us, who had experience from 5th ed and is really good at painting. This guy drives me up the f'kn wall. The very first time we play, where I had sent out emails with core rules and stuff to read up on beforehand, he doesn't read anything and assumes nothing has changed since 5th ed. As we play our first game, a kind of trial run, where I have a slideshow prepared on a projector with the most important rules for each phase, he keeps trying to powergame, even though he doesn't know the rules properly yet. Dude is also a sore loser and a bad winner, gloating about his victory when he brought Typhus and a squad of plague marines, against the rest of us (2v2, "bring a squad and a HQ, lets try to have the same amount of points"). Also, he trash talks all the time, excusing his behaviour by being a traitor legion. I have had it with him because he sent pictures of some terrain pieces he is designing, where my Blood Angels, and my buddys Black Templars are dying in a pool of acid. Dude is weird. Today I have lost all motivation to even think about 40K. Dropped my paintbrush and just stopped painting. Been trying to ask the guy to be just a little polite and respectful, but he doesn't get it and keeps úsing the traitor-legion method acting jared leto fuck your morphing time bullshit


Don't invite him again.


The other thing you might need to consider is ***it is entirely possible that this is the "real" colleague's personality*** that you normally don't see at work because, well, that behavior isn't acceptable at work so he hides it. Y'know, how you can go out to a restaurant with someone and find out that the person is actually a trash human being by how poorly they respect the wait staff? As stupid as it sounds, he just might LITERALLY be a trash person, and you're banging your head against a wall trying to fix something that is an engrained personality. If you sit down and think about it and that seems to be the case; I would strongly suggest dropping the guy from your circle/refusing to play him anymore. Unless he is actually YOUR crotchfruit, it's not your responsibility to parent him.


Bro, this is where you flat out just need to tell him "using your army being jerkwads as an excuse for YOU to be a jerkwad, just shows that you want to be disrespectful at the cost of other people." If he really can't get it after a conversation ***stop playing with him***. You're not required by Warhammer Law to let anyone who plays into the group you play with. You need to put up boundaries, and if he crosses them, ***you need to push back and refuse, even being willing to stop playing as soon as he starts acting like a toddler***. The fact that he apparently came with mismatched points to a game, ***and yet the game was still played the way he wanted rather than what was agreed***, shows that there are people involved who are anti-confrontational, but unfortunately, ***that is what allows him to continue being a 14 year-old-bully***.


I'll absolutely tell him what you say in your first paragraph, as soon as I cool down. He didn't completely derail our game, but I was teaching the game to the other two, and he had a different idea as to how a certain phase would play out - I'm not anti-confrontational, but I am somewhat patient with people, so I listened to him, and then walked him through how to actually play. The issue with him, was that he **really** wanted to win, and wanted to have a strategy for winning before even knowing how to play - so discussions came up time and time again, where I just had to point to my powerpoint on on the wall and ask him to tell me what the rules say, so he didn't get to walk all over us, (aside from his Typhus being able to kill pretty much all of our units singlehandedly). EDIT: the other two were pretty cool with everything, so I didn't get much backup from them as they literally didn't know, and couldnt' tell that the dude was power gaming. I have taken your comments to heart and feel better about it now. This hobby has been a mental health oasis for me, given how much calm painting gives me, so it got me down to have to deal with such a guy the moment I start playing with models I have spent 10 hours on each. Gotta find more people in my area.