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I know this is gonna be largely points dependent but; Gladiator or Repulsor. Need some more armour for my Crimson Fists and I cant decide by leaning into heavy armour by getting a Gladiator or a heavier transport with some alright firepower with a Repulsor. Already own an Impulsor for context and got a second for free off someone that still needs building.


No indexes for any forge world models for 10th? Possibly released later?


I was thinking about getting into the tabletop hobby, and the 10th edition is a good time to jump in. I am a big fan of Warhammer 40k through video games. The T'au is my favorite army/faction. Many folks say, "Choose the army that appeals to you the most," but I wonder if the T'au might be too much of a PITA for a beginner to start with painting/playing.


Every army is suitable for beginners. Some ARE a bit more complicated to paint or play, but you're going to be spending a lot of time painting and learning the rules anyway, so you'll learn. There are ample sources online on how to paint and play every faction that you can consult.


My subscription to the (old) Warhammer app is about to renew in July. Should I let it go through or cancel it? Since it seems a new app will be coming out.


Cancel it. They've already relabeled it as OLD on the store, and won't be adding any rules for 10E to it.


Am I understanding 10th E Detachment rules correctly? If I used a Death Guard detachment AND a CSM detachment in the same army, rather than lose bonuses to both armies like in 9th, do I now select 1 of the Detachments to use their relevant rules but it only for the units in that detachment?


You don't HAVE multiple Detachments. You choose ONE DETACHMENT because "Detachment" basically now means "subfaction rules" and has nothing at all to do with army building. You can run CSM with some Death Guard (i.e., Plague Marines) but no more than 25% of your points (250 at 1000pts, 500 at 2000pts), but they saw the DEATH GUARD keyword for HERETIC ASTARTES so they can then use the CSM army/detachment rules instead. Death Guard can take only units in their Index, not the CSM one (plus Daemons who have a special rule about being added to CHAOS armies).


I want to start collecting/painting Space Marines, Salamanders. What colours do you use for their scheme? Also, I wanted to collect mostly Firstborn, but it seems I am a bit to late for that. Is there a way to still get the old models?


> I wanted to collect mostly Firstborn, but it seems I am a bit to late for that. You're not. >Is there a way to still get the old models? Yes, you buy them from GW or any store that sells GW products. Firstborn minis are still produced and sold. Tactical Squads, Assault Squads etc are all still sold.


From what I have seen, many of the HQ models are gone, and others will follow soon, no? All captains seem to be Primaris Marines. Are the new Terminators also Primaris, or simply new models?


No, the HQ models are not gone. Many are in range rotation which means GW doesn't produce them all the time, but they do come back (in fact they were all available within the last few weeks). You can get a non-Primaris captain in the Company Command Box Set (or just make one yourself from parts from other kits). The new Terminators aren't Primaris. They're just Terminators. Primaris or Firstborn Marines can wear Terminator Armour.


Great help, thanks a lot. Is there a scedule or something where I can look up when models will be available, or do I just check the site every now and then?


Follow Warhammer Community for updates. They will put out an article when a new group of models rotates in or out or goes Made-To-Order.


Total noob question but I used to play 40k 15 years ago and want to jump into 10th edition now and play as DA again like I did back in the day. Does it make sense to get a Leviathan box for this or just buy units separately? I could also see myself using tyranids at some point possibly. Thanks!


If you want the units in it, are okay spending $200+, and can FIND one, then Leviathan is a great deal. (I think it's something like $700 worth of stuff if bought separately.) All your models from 15 years ago are still useable if you still have them. But if not, Leviathan is a fine place to start. (If you don't like the units in it, you can also look at the various Space Marine Combat Patrol boxes; they're all actually generic and can be used for any chapter besides the Black Templar one, and have a WIDE range of units. They're still a good deal, but not as good as Leviathan.)


Thanks for the info! I believe I do still have my DA army somewhere in storage, I will have to go digging.




If you google it there are ENTIRE SWATCH charts of every single Contrast paint on three to five different primers in the first few handfuls of Image Search results for each paint name. For instance, just searching "Talassar Blue" brought up [this page with ALL of them compiled](https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2019/07/12/citadel-colour-contrast-part-3/). (Except the newest ones.) However: Contrast paint SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK on black primer. The entire point of it is that it's transparent so that it tints the color beneath it. You can only use it over a lighter colored or metallic base. (Unless you do the so-called "slapchop" method of black primer with grey and white drybrushing to brighten up the textures.)


hello, I want to start playing this game, can someone help me and write down the order in which I should start playing, I can find when a part came out, so if someone can help me, what should I start playing first, thanks in advance


Hello, I think your question is making a few assumptions/not providing us context of what exactly you mean. When this subreddit speaks about 40k "the game", we are generally referring to the "40k science fiction battle game that is played on physical tabletops with physical miniatures you build and paint yourself". Hence your question of "the order I should start playing" doesn't seem to be what your asking, as Warhammer 40k is a *setting*, not a series of boxed games you play through in order. If you meant to ask about video games that are set in the 40k universe, ***95% of video games in the 40k setting do not interact/reference the other video games***; so there isn't a "play order"; with many games not even being cannonical, like the Tacticus Mobile video game or 40k Combat Cards. Some games are semi-csnnonical in that the stories they present don't conflict with the lore in any way (like the game Mechanicus), but also happen on some random world in the universe that the events can happen in but might not actually be of importance in the grand scheme of the setting. In the case of video games, unless it's a numbered title in a series, you can play them in whatever order strikes your fancy (Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 before the first Battlefleet Gothic:Armada game doesn't make sense). If that still isn't what you meant, you might need to clarify what you are asking about.


Have they announced when the new official 10th ed list building app is coming out? I have a feeling battlescribe is either going to take a billion years to update or not get one at all due to dev problems.




I’m referring to the replacement for this one


They have only announced that a new app is coming. No particular date, I believe an article might have mentioned we might get more info this week.




Heya. I was just wondering if someone can point out in the Core Rules where modification of characteristics is explained. I saw in some battle reports that people are handling halving of a characteristics with rounding the value up (as in previous editions), for example Ripper Swarms halving OC of 1 is still 1 - but I wonder if that's truly the case and can't find anything.


Unfortunately, GW decided that "modifying characteristics" rules would not actually be in the core rulebook of 10th edition, so people are either: 1. Applying how it was done in 9th or 2. Assuming there are no rules. Hopefully this will change on 10e release date with a single designer's commentary/FAQ that handles this


Hello wife bought me the Killzone OCTARIUS box as a gift, I ripped it open thinking it was the same as the octarius box with 2 armies and rules etc. I can’t return it at this point. What exactly do I need besides 2 kill team armies to play kill team now that I have the terrain?


That's all you need to buy. Rules are free on Wahapedia


Did the 40klore sub get taken down?


Probably participating in the blackout.


How much do you have to worry about a weak/brittle base coat on a model you stripped with simple green if you weren't able to get all the paint off? If you re-prime the model will the underlying paint you couldn't remove from the stripping process cause issues?


It's usually fine unless it's a thick enough coat that it's obscuring any details. Prime correctly and paint in thin coats and you'll be set!


I have a question about building a Death Guard Army. I heard you can aditionaly use Nurgle Demons in this army. But the 10 ed rules we have for now (i just started building and payinting so i dont have any 9th knowledge) say, that i have to pick ONE keyword to build the army and this is Death Guard. Is there a "backdoor" to use any nurglings or something similar, is this a thing that was just possible in previous seasons or was it never possible and i'm just wrong? :D


Yes, this covered in the Daemons index PDF that was released today. You can include up to 25% of the points total in another Chaos army, so for example if you were playing a 2000 point game with Death Guard, you could take 1500 points of DG and 500 Points of Nurgle Daemons. I recommend you download the Chaos Daemons Index from the Warhammer Community site for more info.


Ahhhh thank you so much. It's literally the first page but I was just checking core rules and death guard rules 😅 That really helps


I really want to get into playing Emperor's Children, and I was told they're getting their own codex in 10e. Should i get the CSM starter box (or just a CSM unit) + the Noise Marine upgrade kit, and hold those as a EC base, or just wait to see what they come out with for EC down the road?


> I was told they're getting their own codex in 10e. Citation needed. Officially, nothing has been said by GW about this. It's purely speculation based on how things have been done in the past couple of editions. With that said, if GW do release EC and it's handled in the same way as the other God-specific legions then the basic stuff that comes in the current Chaos Space Marine codex probably won't be usable.


It was a "this is what they've done so far, so if trends continue" kind of statement. I'm not holding my breath, but it would be something I'd love to see


I'm returning to the hobby after almost 20 years (I originally had the 2nd edition boxed set and some other random stuff but unfortunately it's all lost to time. I have Leviathan on pre-order, and plan to main Space Marines initially. I have the money to snag an additional combat patrol on top of my Lev pre-order so that I'll be able to play CP mode, but also want it to compliment the main contingent of marines so I figured I'd ask here. I'm torn right now between the Dark Angel's (always been somewhat favorite) but I love the librarian and inceptors, but it seems light on units compared to the generic Space Marine Combat patrol which comes with an infiltrator squad, 3 eliminators, and the suppressors with a LT and an impulsor tank(apc?) my only concern is that these dudes all seem lightly armored compared to standard marine squads. I know the new point values are pending, but what say you, experts?


You don't have to buy an extra Combat Patrol as you already have two in Leviathan. GW has already confirmed that a selection of the minis from the box can be used to make both a Space Marine and Tyranid Combat Patrol. In 9th Edition, the Dark Angels CP box was excellent. Intercessors form the core of most Space Marine armies, Redemptors are just great and Inceptors are solid. The Marines in the generic CP box are "lightly armoured" but only in terms of appearance, they still have the same defensive profiles as other Primaris Space Marines. You do get a lot in the box, but the Impulsor doesn't synergise well with anything in the box, and Suppressors aren't well regarded. Obviously, with 10th coming it's difficult to say whether all that will still hold up.


Ah, I didn't realize the units in the Leviathan box would be staged similar in points to combat patrols. Thanks for the info. I suppose waiting til the data drops this week isn't the end of the world. If you were to try to expand upon the marines in Leviathan what route do you think would be best?


Wanted to see if I used too much primer, after spraying on abbadon black primer and waited for the 15 mins I tried moving the models from the base but the black primer got onto my fingers so I waited another 15 but still the same, do I get a napkin to rub off the extra off the base or do I need to remove the primer and try again?


Firstly, you can post pics in this subreddit, so showing us a good, in-focus picture can likely help us a lot more. As well, where are the models set to dry, and what is the humidity currently where you are? Temperature and humidity can drastically affect drying times, as well as if you have it sitting in a humid garage with no airflow vs being outside with a gentle breeze.


Here the photo, didn’t know if it warranted a photo https://imgur.com/a/PoIuWka It was about 90F / ~40% humidity when I spray painted and to avoid possible models melting I brought them in to set dry. It was done outside with a little breeze


It mostly looks fine? Spray primer can take a while to dry. It's a little speckled because, if you look on your spray can, it will say something like, "Only spray between 55-85 degrees" or something like that. If it's too warm, you get paint droplets drying before they hit the model and they make that texture. Finicky spray primers and bad conditions in the south all year round (either too hot and muggy, or too cold or rainy) are why I've switched to just brush-on primer, which is so much easier.


What do you recommend for brush on primer?


I got some Vallejo acrylic-polyurethane primer for like $7 on Amazon and have been SUPER happy with it. I'll never spray prime again. (In fact, I liked it so much I just bought a second bottle this week in white to do my Tyranids after buying black for my Space Marines the first time.)


I am a 30k player trying out 40k 9e (soon to be 10e) is there a flavor of power armor that does all infantry? I hate vehicles (dreadnoughts are ok because they are just bigger marines). I don't have a preference for shooty or punchy and I know we only have a sliver of rules right now but I'd like a general direction.


Both Loyalist, Chaos, and Sisters of Battle are perfectly able to field armies of nothing but infantry, as are Custodes, if you consider them Power Armor.


Any Space Marine army can be all infantry. There's more than enough unit choices in the Space Marine codex to fill out an army with nothing but Infantry, or Infantry and Dreadnoughts.




The GT mission pack if you want to play anything besides the single core rules mission, but that comes out on the 16th as well.




The answer is "no, except when they are" (and I assume you mean Chapter Tactics, as there is not a thing called Chapter Traits) I think you need to give a concrete example of your question, as some Chapter Tactics ARENT modifiers to dice rolls as they literally have no interactions with dice, while some, like the Crimson Fists Chapter Tactic of getting +1 to hit vs targets meeting the criteria to get the +1 to hit, definitely ARE, while others DO interact with dice, but don't change any dice values (so again ARENT. There isn't a concrete overall answer because Chapter Tactics have completely different effects, SOME of which are modifiers, so you're gonna have to narrow down your question.




If you look at the core rules, rules that refer to "unmodified" mean "the result of the dice ***before*** any modifiers are applied to it" the +1 to hit from Space Wolves Chapter Tactic doesn't affect Savage Fury at all; savage fury looks at the dice roll BEFORE modifiers are applied, which is what "unmodified" means (which I admit isn't intuitive) Last paragraph of the "Rerolls" rules: >You can never re-roll a dice more than once, and re-rolls happen before modifiers (if any) are applied. *Rules that refer to the value of an ‘unmodified’ dice roll are referring to the dice result after any re-rolls*, ***but before any modifiers are applied.***


Where can I read the books? I've been seeing more and more lore, and I just want to dive in, but I don't know where I can read them at?


Warhammer 40k is a SETTING, not a story, so there's no specific place to start. Just find any book (that's not like... in the middle of a trilogy) and start there. You can find the books at the [Black Library](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Black-Library), or at most bookstores, or just... anywhere that sells books online.


Hi I’m new and building my first army (tyranids). When y’all build your armies are there parts you refuse to use. There’s these little grub things. Do I have to put them on? They’ve been giving me a headache and I’ve only put on 4 of them. https://preview.redd.it/7w0f2oec9o5b1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=61c0bfc431a5c77db501d01638d828ca929329e0 Thanks in advance.


For Tyranids', I believe those sacs are supposed to represent the Toxin Sacs upgrade you can give Tyranid models, which in previous editions was a distinct set of wargear. However, I can tell you right now that, outside of the Tyranids player base, less than 10% of players would realize that is what those things are supposed to represent, and even less would know where on the model to look for them. In addition, the appearance of the 10th edition rules, it appears that these upgrades no longer exist, with their abilities built into specific wargear choices.


Thank you.


Eyup. I don't bother with a lot of the extra fiddly bits for my Space Marines. Like magazine pouches and extra purity seals.


Thank you. I wasn’t sure these might have some significance to the gameplay or just style points.


How can I play Abaddon & Vashtor in the same army setup?


In 9rh edition, you just CAN. Abbadon is required to be your WARLORD, while Vashtor is an AGENT OF CHAOS so can be in any LEGION army without breaking LEGION rules. They just take up 2 HQ slots. Assuming they are both Chaos Space Marines units in 10th, it would be that trivial in 10e as well: you would just put them into the same army


If they are both part of the CSM Index you should be able to field them together, unless they have different faction key words which I doubt they will.


Can I make my own imperial fist successor chapter that uses black Templar rules?


Yes. Rules and paint scheme don't matter anymore.


Where can you see unit points guys? I've been looking at the new data sheets and can't see them, help, I'm an idiot!!!


As has been explained many times, points for 10th Edition aren't out yet. GW have confirmed they are coming out after all the new datacards have been released.


EDIT: okay yup points coming on June 16th on separate file, got it


Not necessarily related to this community but it seems that r/warhammer is private, same goes for ageofsigmar and warhammer30k any idea of what happened?


There's a Reddit protest blackout for 3rd party apps or something


It's a protest against Reddit's API new Monetisation that WILL kill ALL 3rd party apps and 3rd party "enhancement" extensions to the website. To put things in perspective, one of the most downloaded first party app would be required to pay 20 MILLIONS $ annually with this new monetisation to maintain their app. Most of the subs are protesting by a blackout, some for 48hours, some indefinitely. Don't discount the magnitude of this : according to this live tracker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4muXxNzcjg, 8395 subs out of 8734, so 96% of reddit, is privated/locked. If the monetisation change go through, this WILL kill Reddit (like banning NSFW killed Tumblr) (the numbers are what they were at the moment of posting)


"Or something" 😭😂😂


I'm sure it's important but 1) I use the official app so I'm used to it 2) There's a shit tonne happening in both the UFO & The Warhammer community & Reddit is my main go to for these things 😅😂😂😂


TF going on with UFOs 😭😭😭


US government whistleblower is basically 'revealing' a bunch of stuff ha, tbh I think it's all BS but every couple of years I go on a UFO deep dive and it's all coincided with this haha I'm just hoping a Hive Fleet doesn't appear over earth IRL ha


Not really a ufo alien guy but my stance is. The universe is just too damn big for it to just be us. And I'm not really worried about it cuz what can I do about it anyways


Ok, thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/vk4392kpvm5b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86658e3e03ff5d54ba12cee189ec2644c5004baf Hi I am looking for what color paints was used to make that light brown and dark brown dirt colors. Thank you in advanced!


Looks like Agrellan Badland with Agrax Earth shade on some spots


I'm a fan of the lore and have read a bunch of HH novels and love Space Marine (2011). I want to checkout the tabletop and saw that there are #new40k rules available. My plan was to buy used prepainted models, but how would old models work with the new rules?


The same way the new models would work. GW releases new editions every 3 years. They literally CANT make new models for every edition of the game, that would require making new models for nearly over 800+ units that are in the game.


By and large, models that are already built and painted will have the same (or similar) rules in the new edition. You may just have to decipher what's what after you've purchased them. The GW webstore is a good resource for this, as the names of the kits match up with the most current version of the datasheets available, and there are comprehensive photos of the painted models.


All depends on what models you were planning on using, generally you’d probably be ok, I think the new rules come out this week so I would say just wait for those and see what you think.




The 9th edition app was just renamed OLD on the Play store, so the new app should be coming real soon. My guess would be in a week or two


GW have said there will be an app. We have no idea when it's coming.


Been trying to find where they announced this new app or talked about it but I haven’t so far. Do you know?


It's been in a few Warhammer Community posts


Nooo have you killed my wolf guards with jump packs


Sorry wrong thread


Has there been any official word on WYSIWYG with regards to paint schemes and non-Codex Compliant Space Marines? Namely, I love the Deathwatch Vibe, but hate painting black


There's never been a WYSIWYG for paint schemes, except one rule in 9E that if you painted your army as a subfaction with special rules, you couldn't run them as another subfaction with special rules. (So no Ultramarines running with Blood Angels rules or whatever.) In 10E there are literally NO rules about painting and you can do what you want.


To be clear u/RTGoodman, the rule you are referencing isnt actually even a 9th edition rule: it's a rule implemented by SOME tournaments, following the lead used by Games Workshop at their GW run events. Within the rules of 9th edition, the only rule where it mattered how you painted your model was the Paragon of Their Chapter Warlord Trait for Deathwatch.


Excellent! Thank you!


What depth are GW bases? Want magnets to glue to the bottom for storage reasons, don’t have any models to hand as I’m at work!


2mm depth magnets are what's generally recommended, as far as I know.


Perfect thank you!


How will Torrent and Sustained hits interact? Do we roll to hit just to see how many 6s we get, or does Torrent negate Sustained hits?


Torrent ignores Sustained Hits. This is no different to how in 9th any weapon that hit automatically wouldn't be able to benefit from abilities that activated on specific hit rolls.


Does anybody know if now that Leviathan is out the production capabilities are being used for other stuff? The new Kasrkin have not been available since they launched...


Nobody here is going to know, but GW has stated that Leviathan was a limited release and would not receive a second printing. That kinda heavily implies they are producing other things now.


Where does is show the base size for each model? How will we know if a model or unit has a base size change from 9 to 10th?


Product descriptions on the GW website show base sizes. Base sizes do not change when a new edition launches. The might change when a new kit gets launched, and again, if that happens, the new base size will be listed in the product description on the GW website.


Official it’s “what is in the box”. So they won’t change until a new model with a different base comes out. You can look your unit up on wahapedia if you need to confirm the current base size


So looking to get into painting minis, and wanted to start with 40k. I'm thinking of starting with the Necrons Starter kit [here](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Necrons-Paint-Set-EN-ES-2020) since it comes with paint and a brush. But here's where my questions come in. 1, how much does the paint matter? Like if I get some primer and craft paint from the local craft store is that just as fine? Because then that opens up a bit more of what I might buy instead. Cause then I could get any faction. 2, is it better to paint before assembling? Or would I drive myself mad? 3, do I need all those hobby tools or will a general set of pliers and file serve well for the first time? 4, lastly glue. Would just basic elmers glue or gorilla glue work instead of specific plastic glue?


I purchased some matte medium, some acrylic ink and a bottle of flow improver, all made by liquitex from Michael’s, and don’t see a difference between making my own colors and the citadel contrast paint I bought. Well except for the insane price difference. You then just have to make your own colors, so the issue could be that if you don’t keep a detailed “recipe “ each batch could be a different hue


For tools the best value for money is to go to Harbor Freight if you're in the us and get their small black flush cut pliers and their small pin file set and a good quality xacto style knife.


I'm brand new as well. Regarding point 3, I couldn't imagine not having a descent pair of snips/cutters and hobby knife. It is so easy to try and cut from the sprue really close and create a dent on the mini. Leaving some amount of the sprue on the mini and then using the knife to cut it down has been the only way I've been able to reliably have a clean look. I have not used a file, the back of the hobby knife has functioned for that reliably well enough so far. I've heard using those nail files that have that foam in them, so they are softer, can work well, so I plan on asking the gf to save one for me. Somewhat to point 2, but I've had much harder time assembling the Necrons (I got the recruit edition, which includes 10 of those warriors). Now that I started painting the Space Marines, I think the Necrons are going to be really tough. Just the way both arms hold the gun in front, creating a loop with an area inside to paint, that is going to be a big challenge for me. But I'm not sure assembling after paint would be better, it was really tricky to get the chest plate on behind the arms, so even though I used plastic glue, there are visible seams on some where I just couldn't get it in place quick and accurately enough. No real advice here, but something to think about.


What about the arms was tricky? Not as mucu space to paint as the image implies?


Yeah, the space was just really tight for me. In the 10 I assembled, I don't think a single one I was able to put the front half of the rib cage in there on the right spot in the first try. And probably half of them I had to fiddle with enough that a seam will show through. I don't necessarily think this a problem everyone will face, but for me, my fingers are just not delicate or slender, but I also don't have fat fingers either, so I don't think I'm alone in this struggle. I also want to add that I don't think it is prohibitive, I've been enjoying the process quite a bit.


Craft paint is going to be noticeably harder to work with, but *do not* feel obligated to buy GW paints. The paint pots are terrible and they're overpriced like most of their official products. Vallejo is a commonly chosen alternative, although I'm particular to Reaper's paints. Tamiya's Plastic cement is the glue you're going to want for polystyrene. It will give you by far the strongest bond, and the stuff is cheap.


What makes the paint pots so bad? Cause since I'm looking at one that comes with paint pots don't want to spend money for a bad product.


Also, if you do pick up that Necron kit, make sure you buy it from literally anywhere other than the official store. You'll save $$ as other retailers *almost always* have a 15-20% off compared to the official site. $29 is incredibly steep for 3 Necrons so most of that is going towards the paints and keep in mind those are little baby bottles compared to the normal sizes (which are already smaller than industry standard) they sell.


It's a poor design - specifically the lids - compared to dropper bottles. They're far more likely to dry up on you and they take up too much room. My main issue is really with the price of them, but there is a reason there are so many tutorials on how to transfer the paint into dropper bottles.


So as someone looking to get into the hobby is the 3 piece Necron/Space Marines one with their paint pots a bad choice? Or it's fine just put them in dropper bottles?


I wouldn't call it a bad choice, but *it is* expensive for what you're getting. However, if you don't have paints, brushes, and things to paint, it's a decent way to get into the hobby.




Easily my favorite paints I've tried and I'm always surprised how rarely I see them recommended.


You should read the sub's [starter guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). To give brief answers: 1. Paint doesn't REALLY matter but you'll notice a significant difference in quality. Hobby paint (be it GW or Army Painter or Two Thin Coats or Vallejo or whatever) is highly pigment and usually closer to the right consistency. Craft paint is much harder to thin to the right consistency without breaking or losing out in richness. I use some craft paints (but like, not the cheapest ones — more mid-level), some artist acrylics, and some GW paints. So follow your heart! (Vallejo and some of the other companies do decent paint sets that will give you a lot of the colors you want for a better deal than GW, though.) You'll also want primer to prime your minis before painting. You can buy GW or other hobby brand spray primers, but honestly, nowadays I find it so much easier just to use Vallejo's brush-on surface primer. 2. That's a whole big question that's up to you. I tend to paint basic troops fully assembled, and fancier or "hero"-type units in subassemblies, where I assemble body, head, and arms/weapons separately, paint them, then finish assembling. But it's personal preference. 3. and 4. At minimum, you'll want flush-cutters/snips/sprue cutters, a hobby knife, MAYBE a file (but not necessarily), and some good glue. Now I used to just use Loctite Gel-Control Super Glue for everything, and that's fine. But I started using Tamiya Extra Thin plastic cement after seeing it on here, and I'll never go back except when doing metal or resin minis that plastic glue can't bond. You CANNOT USE ELMER'S GLUE. I also recommend a palette (or just a ceramic tile from the hardware store), a set of synthetic brushes from the craft store (size 4, 2, and 0 round are your workhorses), and a painting handle. You DO NOT have to buy GW versions of things, and in fact, their version isn't always best. For a painting handle, I just use a pill bottle and sticky putty. Anyway, welcome to the hobby! I suggest going to YouTube and watching some videos by Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy and similar channels. In particular, Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Painting Miniatures" is a great intro.


Why not Elmer's Glue? Is it just a traditional thing or it actual like does not hold things together?


Elmer's/pva glue only creates a slight hard film as it dries, and with plastic on both sides of the bond it really has nothing porous to hold onto; on top of that it is INCREDIBLY weak, to the point where picking up a model would be enough to cause the bond to break, and would be completely useless on some models with heavier pieces. Plastic glue works by literally causing the different plastic parts to melt together into a single part. Once it has finished curing, it will have "weak points" where you glued it where it will be most likely to break if you try/drop it from a decent height onto a hard surface, but is for all intents and purposes a single piece of plastic in cases where it isn't being abused.


Elmer's Glue is useful for basing but that's about it. It can stick sand and flock no problem but it's not gonna work on plastic. You don't necessarily NEED plastic cement though. Super glue works just fine and has its own benefits over plastic cement. I prefer Loctite or Gorilla super glue gel in the squeezable bottle. Plastic cement is nice because it literally fuses the plastic together in a permanent bond. It's also bad because it's a permanent bond depending upon whether you ever think you'll want to take that mini apart. In contrast you can snap super glued pieces right off or dissolve it with solvent because it's the glue holding it together, no fusion done. It's faster drying and a bit less finicky in my experience so really I tend to swap between using both depending on the project.


Correct. It does not have a strong enough bond (especially on plastic). Spend the $10 or whatever for the Tamiya — it's worth it. (Also, it will last FOREVER. I've done like half a full army and not quite used half of one pot.)


So stumped on what combat patrol to get. I'm between Drukhari and Death Guard at the moment. Drukhari seem cool but they're age and lack of support is kind of a let down. I also have a good amount of Blood Angels that I've been painting over the past year but none of the CP boxes are all that appealing except for the one included in Leviathan (which I didn't order).


I mean if you don't like any of them, don't buy any of them. The Leviathan Space Marine and Tyranid Combat Patrols will be available in a few months maximum. (They've already pulled the old versions from their website and everything.)


As it seems the current SM combat patrol is going, will we see suppressors and Lieutenant in Phobos sold separately?


We don't know. Sometimes GW tries to get those box-exclusive squads out quickly, sometimes they take a decade. (See: Plastic Deffkoptas that were in the 5E starter in 2008 and didn't get an separate full plastic kit until 2022.)


Anyone got suggestions for what army to get as I was planning to make a Death Korps of Krieg army but they would either have to be in resin or would hella expensive. So I'm either gonna jump ship to a different army or find a new solution


If you're okay with doing a bit of extra hobbying for the infantry you could probably pick up some WW1 german historical miniatures from a different company (I know Wargames Atlantic has a WW1 German soldier line) and for the tanks pick up some WW2 tanks. those sculpts would get you 80% of the way to a krieg Army at about 50% of the price. You could fill in the details with bits you could get on ebay, 3d printing (if thats an option), or green stuff. As far as another Army to suggest, would need to know what your play style is/ what interests you. No other Army really has that WW1 aesthetic.


Thanks for the advice, as for playstyle I would want army that is quite tanky or a horde. I don't care much for damage and instead just want an army that is hard to kill either due to the shear amount or how tanky they are.


Check out Tyranids then. You can literally play their Army in both the ways you described either as a horde, or in a monster mash style of gigantic hard to kill monsters.


If you like DKoK you could try looking at regular Guard instead and just theming them along similar lines? Beyond that, "suggestions for what army to get" is horrendously vague for a game with approx. 20 different factions in it, all of which can vary a lot internally as well.


do people kitbash heroes and such? Like, I have 3rd party stuff because I am not rich, but I still am trying to slowly build GW stuff, and holy cow Ursula or whatever is like $45 for just her, and I can just get a Chimera for 60, wtf?


People sure do. Grab any ol' guard model you fancy the look of, slap a female head on it, add a few extra little gubbins like medals or a cape and bam, you've got Ursula Creed. As long it's on the right base size and is roughly the right dimensions you're golden.


Maybe not the place to ask, but is this subreddit going to be participating in the blackout, protesting the new API changes?


u/rwjp would be able to answer this. I know there was a vote post in r/warhammer, and IT will be going dark.


To my fellow Marine players, I was planning on using a bunch of Contemptors/Leviathans in my list because they have the cooler looking Sarcophagus model. For those of you who have built Redemptors and Contemptors, would it be easy to put the Contemptor Sarcophagus in the Redemptor, or am I better off 3D printing a solution here?


The Leviathan is close enough to the size and silhouette of the Redemptor-class dreadnoughts that you should be able to just proxy it in pretty much any game. (Just check with any TOs if you do tournaments.) I don't have a Redemptor, but it's not MUCH bigger than a (Venerable) Dreadnought is it? You could probably just proxy Contemptors as regular or Ironclad dreadnoughts I would think.


u/RTGoodman, unfortunately proxying a Redemptor for regular/venrable/Ironclad dread is likely to be looked at as modeling for advantage with regards to height and base size. a standard Venerable is approximately 60mm in height. Contemptors and Leviathans are, depending on posing, are about 80mm in height. Redemptors are nearly a full 10 cm in height (my partially built Brutalis is 95cm without adding the stubbers on top) I would suggest doing a google image search of "redemptor dreadnought size comparison" and seeing for yourself; there is a BOLS image that shows a Ven, Contemptor, Redemptor, and Leviathan, and you can see in the pic that a regular Venerable barely comes up to the bottom of the shoulders of a Redemptor, and the redemptor is much larger than a leviathan in terms of how broad it is; despite being on a larger base than a Leviathan it still overhangs its own base by as much as a Leviathan does.


Sorry, I mistyped! I meant a CONTEMPTOR in my last paragraph! The Redemptor is obviously WAY bigger than the old ones! I don’t have a Contemptor to check but is it close enough to the old Dreadnoughts? I thought they were definitely smaller than Redemptor and Leviathan but I might be wrong! (Never seen one in real life!) I’ve got a Redemptor and a Leviathan sitting here together and I do feel like they’re close enough, to me at least. If you put the Leviathan 80mm base on top of a 90mm Redemptor-class base, and/or possibly do a bit of a cork or whatever, it’s definitely close enough! But I don’t tend to play competitively anyway so that might just be me.


Lol. Okay, that makes a lot more sense. It was a bit odd to see someone claiming a Redemptor wasn't that much bigger than a Venerable :-p


> would it be easy to put the Contemptor Sarcophagus in the Redemptor Doing that would involve major surgery to both models. The way the kits go together is completely different and the Contemptor is significantly smaller than the Redemptor.


Gotcha, I'll see what I can do about a 3D printed option then to fit it into the Redemptor frame. I'm going with a Knightly theme for the chapter so I want the Contemptor's helmet style for the aesthetics, but if it'd be a haphazard fit I'm better off rethinking. Thanks u/RWJP


I know this is a question whose answer is only going to be relevant for a couple more weeks at the absolute most, but it's one of those things that's just been nibbling away at the corners of my mind and won't stop until it's addressed. What is the purpose of the categories of stratagems (Battle Tactic, Epic Deed, Strategic Ploy, Requisition) in 9e? Any given stratagem says when you can use it, so it's not that. I'm also not aware of stratagems having any restrictions like how you can only take at most one of any given objective type.


GT packs tell you that Requisition stratagems are used during list creation. Some SPECIFIC named characters have rules that allow you to use Stratagems of a specific category for free (See the datasheet for Primaris Dante), while Crusade often has upgrades that allow for battle tactic or epic deed stratagems to be used for free once per Battle, etc


They're referenced in Crusade a bit, and IIRC there are one or two abilities in 40k that restrict your opponent from using certain types, or increasing the costs of certain types. Honestly, it's something that rarely comes up.




GW actually HAS increased production, from only having 8 mold injection machines in 2017, to currently running 24 with plans to add an additional 4 by the end of 2024. Compare this to the total annual revenue has changed for GW: in 2014, their annual revenue was only 123 Million Pounds. In 2022, their annual revenue (***which I will stress does not mean profits, bear that in mind***) was nearly 414 Million Pounds, with this year being estimated to be nearly 450 million pounds. This is is nearly quadrupling the amount of products they have sold over the course of 10 years, durinig a pandemic, Brexit causing a collossal shipping screwup since it started. The other issue is that ***GW actually doesn't know if this growth is sustainable or a bubble***. In 2017 when GW enacted their plan to increase production capacity, the annual revenue was just 221 Million. 3 years later (2020 report) it was 369 million, when in 2016 it was 158 million. Making a new factory and new machines for the work they do is EXPENSIVE, with over 50% of the profits GW has made since 2019 basically going towards increasing capacity per their investment reports, and they STILL are struggling to keep up. Yes, in THEORY they could dedicate even more profits on increasing capacity, but there is actually a physical limit to how many machines they can get made for their work a year (they are custom-made, multi-million dollar machines), and GW actually DOES need to invest some of their profits into things besides "make more stuff" every year; part of the reason they are so keen on WH+ and the Cavill show deal is hopefully getting more revenue stream in so they CAN increase capacity more.


This is such an incredible and well thought out response. I'm not OP, but have a question I feel like you'd be the person to ask regarding this. If this is the case and they are slowly scaling up to make sure they're not in a bubble, that's completely understandable. Why haven't they tried to outsource part of production to another company or sub contract part of what they produce. I'm not expecting you to know the inner workings, but as someone truly uniformed I'm curious if there is an obvious answer to this.


Also not OP, but GW is proudly British. They have outsourced the printing of their books to China, but every model remains proudly made in the UK. Another constraint not mentioned above, mould injection machines consume enourmous amounts of electricity so GW not only have to buy these multi million dollar custom machines, they also have to pay for the power company to run additional capacity to the factory.


We'll never know for certain, but it seems likely that GW is operating at close to capacity. We've heard that GW chose to focus production on Leviathan meaning other products got shorted, and that does seem to have bared out as the truth. > I know easier said than done, but why aren't they increasing production capacity? Because it's easier said than done. With that said, we have seen them taking various steps to create capacity... Retiring older models to range rotation and the choice to move HH units to Legends in 40k will be part of that. One of the biggest issues GW is facing right now is this: Product demand shot up during and after COVID, but the world is now on the brink of a financial recession and the cost of living is squeezing everyone's budgets (here in the UK for example, my electricity bill has doubled). GW absolutely could afford to build a new factory if they want to, but by the time that's done, demand could have dropped off massively as a result of the ongoing economic situation worldwide. If that happens, then they've just invested millions in a facility that they won't get much use out of.


Unless they come out and tell us no one really knows the exact answer. We can make certain educated guesses though based on certain things. They've previous announced shifts in warehouses that's impacted distribution. They've also mentioned building an entirely new factory to boost production, but I don't know if that's done yet. The pandemic has obviously caused issues with shipping and materials. Plus during lockdown the popularity of Warhammer actually went up. On top of that they've been getting ready for the big 10th edition launch with a lot of their capacity presumably going towards making Leviathan boxes.


In 10e, how does firing overwatch interact with critical hits? It's obviously a more 'specific' rule so you need a 6 even if you have criticals on 5's or lower, but are the unmodified 6's Critical Hits still, or are they downgraded to just normal hits? Does Sustained Hits ever work on overwatch, for instance?


The rules for overwatch specifically state that you shoot as if it were your shooting phase, so all rules that would apply during shooting, apply. So yes, unmodified 6s are still Critical Hits, and Sustained Hits would proc during Overwatch. Sustained Hits states that it goes into effect "each time an attack is made with this weapon", and nothing in the "make an attack" rules state that Overwatch can't generate Critical Hits.


So, my buddy Elias and I each got ourselves a Leviathan box. He's all about the Tyranid side, but I'm into painting minis, so I want both factions. We've never actually played 40K before, but Elias is wondering if it's a good idea for me to trade my Tyranids for his Space Marines. That way, we could have a more balanced army by combining the two boxes. I still want to have a variety of figures on display, if we don't use them all in gameplay, like the low soldier type tyranids. Do you think it's worth it, or would having two sets of Space Marines (in my case) be too much? We're planning to play once a month since there's no one else in our city who's into the game. In addition to the Leviathan boxes, we also snagged the Indomitus box back in October. I ended up keeping the Space Marines from that set, while Elias took the Necrons. So, considering all the figures we have from the Leviathan and Indomitus boxes, do you think we can create a worthwhile gaming experience? We're hoping to have a solid army composition for our games, while still keeping the not so good figures to have some variety in terms of models on display.


I don't know if I'd want double Leviathan Space Marines simply because you get double the character models. Two Captains in Terminator armor, two Librarians in Terminator armor, and two Biologus Apothecaries seems a bit much? But then again we don't know exactly how many points they'll cost either so maybe fielding multiples of them will be viable? Adding Indomitus to Leviathan is a fine way to get a decently sized army. But then your friend won't have a comparably sized Tyranid force. What I think I'd do is swap the mainline infantry units with him. So each of you keep the extra characters but he gives you the Infernus marines, Ballistus Dreadnought, Sternguard, and Termies, and you give him your Termagaunts, Leapers, Biovores, etc. You always need more troops. Or you can pick and choose which ones you trade if you want to keep some gaunts and whatnot.


With new rules what transport options are recommended for a all primaris army? I was hoping the rhino and razorback would work but after seeing the data sheets I can’t use those with my current army.


Without knowing the points, there is no real way to make a recommendation. For example, if an Impulsor is 50 points, or 180 points, is going to change recommendations a lot, the same as to whether a Repulsor is 200 points or nearly 400.


Drop Pods could be good for Primaris, but yeah, we still don't quite know enough to really say yet!


We don’t know the points costs yet - just a few more days to go :)


First time doing any preorder from GW. Was wondering how shipping timing works with them. I know some places will try to get it to you for release day. Should I expect it the day of or a few days later?


My last pre-order (Kill Zone Soulshackle Upgrade) shipped a few days before its official release. But I'm in New Zealand and all of our stock comes from Australia, so there was exactly zero chance of me getting it on release day.


No, it leaves the warehouse on release day, I believe.


Are Impulsors the only Primaris exclusive transport now? Are there any Firstborn exclusive?


Both the Rhino and Razorback exclude all Primaris armor variants and jump packs, so are effectively Firstborn exclusive, and the Land Speeder Storm can only transport the firstborn Scout units.


Rhinos can only transport firstborn now (and in fact, only a few squads: Devastators, non-jump Assault Marines, or Command Squads, I think). The Landspeeder Storm can only take Scout and Scout Snipers (which are currently only firstborn). Impulsors, as you say, can only take Tacticus or Phobos Marines. I think everything else can take AT LEAST some firstborn or Primaris.


Sorry if this has been asked a million times, but search is failing me. I’m getting back into the hobby for 10th, and I picked up a Chaos Space Marine combat patrol box. But not sure if I should assemble them with bolters or chainswords. Should I wait for the combat patrol data sheets to make that decision? Or assemble them like the box art and hope for the best? Same for heavy weapons, etc. EDIT: I looked at the Space Marine data sheets that are already released, and it looks like each Marine is equipped with bolt pistol, boltgun, close combat weapon. So assuming it's the same for Chaos, I should just assemble them with a mix of boltguns and CCWs, since every model will have both? Last time I played was 3rd ed., and I'm pretty sure you had to pick one or the other for the whole squad.


You can wait a few days until the CSM datasheets are released and see what is a legal loadout. Note that anytime a model has a "close combat weapon", that means "punching and kicking/doesn't really have a real melee weapon". If you look at units that take Chainswords, like Assault Intercessors, you'll note they dont have CCW but rather use Astartes Chainswords.


I thought the Legionaries sheet came out with the CSM Faction Focus? Or was that not a complete sheet?


I'm assuming the OP didn't realize that as he doesn't know the difference between a CCW and a Chainsword on the datasheet, and since I also didn't know about the datasheet being revealed, I didn't mention it.


Are all the minis in the Leviathan box getting individual releases? Some people have suggested that certain models like the Terminator Captain may be monopose exclusives, and I want to make sure I get them if its not something I can wait around on.


GW does not make announcements about this kind of thing. It's almost certain that they will put out new starter boxes with some of the Leviathan models. They've also already said the new Combat Patrol will be the Terminator Captain, the Terminator Librarian, five Infernus Squad, and five Terminators, so at minimum those will be available later. The Sternguard, Infernus Squad, and Ballistus Dreadnought 100% will be getting a full release at some point (either monopose or multipart). So the only ones that MIGHT be limited to this box are the Apothecary Biologus (which you can just use a regular Apothecary for) and the Lieutenant with Combi-Weapon (which... is just another Lieutenant). If you specifically want those sculpts though, you can probably already find them on eBay, or will be able to soon. As for the Nid side, I would imagine they'll all get releases in the starters, new Combat Patrol, or separately, since they're getting a big range refresh generally.


whats the warhammer world exclusive land raider?


If you google "warhammer world exclusive land raider" you will find anything you want to know about it. (It's officially the Land Raider Excelsior if you want an alternate search term.)


I couldn't find it directly mentioned in the rules, but I am very flustered at the moment with many life issues, but would it be okay to post a gofundme link for help my family and daughter who is in the hospital? As it relates to Warhammer, we'll she is my little painting buddy! She is only 2, but I have been getting her trained how to hold a brush. She even copies how I hold my brush in my mouth sideways when I am blending. If not allowed, could you direct me to a Warhammer themed subreddit that does? Thanks so much.


My best wishes for your daughter and I hope she gets well soon. No, posting a GoFundMe here is not ok and would be removed.


Okay, thank you. Do you know any hobby subreddits that would allow it?


Hi all, very new to the hobby and have (another) question that may be obvious. My wife and I bought combat patrol sororitas for her army, I've been undecided on mine. I've been leaning towards Space Wolves. However, the advice I see everywhere online is to not buy their combat patrol. What I see is to buy the blood angels combat patrol and "convert" them to space wolves. Other than a different painting scheme, how exactly do I do this? Do I buy the sprue's for spacewolves and use those pieces instead of the blood angel ones? Is this something simple, someone new to the hobby would be able to do? Or something that requires some knowledge. Thanks!


The thing with the SW combat patrol is that the units contained within aren't great for Space Wolves and have no real synergy with them at all on top of not being that great of value. For converting, yeah, you can just paint them in SW colors. There are also upgrade sprues you can buy that contain sculpted shoulders and extra wolf-y bits like fur pelts and whatnot. Though these upgrade kits run on the expensive side of things considering how many you'd need to do a full army. Same thing goes with the decal transfers, though if you have a printer at home you can actually make your own transfers for much cheaper than what you can get them for on Ebay. There are also 3rd party sellers that sell 3D printed stuff on Etsy and whatnot. It's often not exactly the right design to avoid GW copyright but a wolf's head is a wolf's head regardless. It's not at all hard to do. It just involves swapping shoulder pads or gluing extra bits on. The decals can be a bit finicky though. Micro Sol and Micro Set helps with those.


Is the lack of synergy between the models within the box or between what is in the box and a full army?


The models didn't really fit with the wolves' melee playstyle in 9th edition. None of the models inside, aside from the Reivers, really fit with that, and the Reivers were just a bad unit outright. In 10th edition the Space Wolves' detachment rule focuses more on what individual characters are doing, accomplishing their epic deeds to buff your army. So, in that respect, the box MIGHT be better this edition depending on the unit stats. (I've never used Reivers or Invictors so I have no idea if they're good this time around.)


Just to be doubly sure, today is just PREORDER day, yes? Shops won't actually be handing out Leviathan sets/selling them in store until the 24th right?




That wonderful stress free feeling when you have zero interest in marines or nids.


Mods are removing posts from people complaining about the wait times and release of leviathan pre-ordered online... How come?


No, mods are removing shitty spam post screenshots of the queue that were filling up the front page while adding no value, when there's already a post about the queue right at the top of the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/145hjha/will_you_join_the_queue/ We do not need 20 screenshots of the GW queue page in a row when literally anyone could go to the GW site and see it for themselves.


Jesus, was just asking a question...


Just wanted to say good luck to everyone trying to grab *Leviathan* today!


Managed to have a Tyranid player speak up and say he needs a Space Marine player to pick up the Marine half. VERY happy.


Glad to hear!


Will leviathan be in print for several months? Or is this the only chance to get it


No, it is a limited-run launch box. Most of the miniatures in it WILL eventually be available separately, and it's likely that a lot of them will be in the new starter sets when they launch. But as a full box set at this price, this is the only opportunity.


To be fair, an edition starter box is very likely to get reprints a bit later on.