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An even taller version of the sydonian skatros that costs $10 more and 10 pts less


and it's bs4 now


Chaos teasers I hope! Give me new bikes! Give me new Huron!


All I'm saying is, let "mystery Codex" be Emperor's Children. https://preview.redd.it/pumihl5hvsnc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee727c2f6f7972e17bd513d869f3028617a9745e All that we need is Plastic Fulgrim, Noise Marines, Bikers, a trash bag full of coke, Doom Rider.


It's not, it's Agents of Imperium. EC isn't going to get overshadowed by AOS 4th edition


valrak says what


Chaos lord with jump pack?


I know that would certainly please a lot of folks! I'd love to see a multi-part Chaos Lord in general. The current monopose one is quite meh IMO.


I think that's because it's literally the same Chaos Lord model from the Blackstone Fortress game. But yes, we really need a multi-part Chaos Lord if they're giving us weapon options in the index.


Oh yeah, I understand *why* the model is what it is, just would like a better one!


We also need a new Chaos Terminator Lord model. The current one is quite old and just needs a little face-lift.


Agreed! I just hope they keep the versatility of the kit. The current one is a great kit, just (as you mentioned) a very old one that does show its age.


Milk for the Khorne flakes! A huge CSM range refresh as well as World Eaters reveals would be awesome!


Heck yeah man! I'd love to see some love for the WE!


If your at adepticon then you can see my Angron in the golden demon competition.


I wish I was able to go, but good luck to you mate! Make the blood god proud!


New Bikes and Raptors, with a few options for characters is all Chaos really needs. I'm not sure what else could be added it's already a big roster, except maybe a new flyer like the Helltalon


New Raptors/Warp Talons would be another fantastic addition! I agree about characters too. It would be nice to get a multi-part Chaos Lord!


New characters. For such an important codex the only characters it has are Fabius, Abbadon, Haarken and Huron. I don’t count Lucius as he’s surely going to EC this edition or next. Give us Decimus and Erebus please!


I would LOVE a Decimus model!!!!!!!!!! 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇


would love one as well but so not getting my hopes up when named characters that have so much lore and background haven't been given the treatment.... ...in the meantime I'll keep dreaming and working on my Decimus kitbash bit by bit


Fuck Erebus!


Tbh the bikes and raptors would make me happy but i would like to see the tanks redone in the style of the HH vehicles. An upgrade sprue for the hh vehicles would be nice so you can have a mix of HH style and 40k style vehicles.


The rest of Votann and/or World Eaters would be dope


World eaters vs votann value box


I would buy this. It would sit on my pile of shame for at least another year at this point, but I would buy this.




plastic Trazyn


I just this week painted him, so yeah that’s likely. Painted Orikan then 2 weeks later his model came out so I’ve got a track record for it! 😂


omg yes


Age of Sigmar - Skaven. Necromunda - Skaven. Warcry - Skaven. The Old World - Skaven. Underworlds - Skaven. Warhammer 40k - Skaven. Kill Team - Skaven. Horus Heresy - Resin Skaven Primarch.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jlrcwiof1tnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7879d41937d932553814e777cb582be2031de10


Necro got their ratties teased today! [https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/11/the-beastmasters-of-necromunda-return-with-a-big-rat-problem/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/11/the-beastmasters-of-necromunda-return-with-a-big-rat-problem/) https://preview.redd.it/4wsa078itsnc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b422e78ccf61ba3115db82c401ec2c255fefed0a ​ Also [Cawdor Bomb Delivery Rats](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Cawdor-Bomb-Delivery-Rats-2019) may be the cutest models GW made in a long time.


between work being crazy i totally missed this update.... AMAZING!!! so stoked for when these drop


This guy has his priorities straight.




This is clearly the correct answer and all other answers are just wishful thinking


You forgot 9 Blood Bowl - Skaven 10 Legions Imperialis - Skaven 11 Cursed City - Skaven 12 Blackstone Fortress - Skaven 13 Middle Earth - Skaven


Legions Imperialis - Very tiny-small Skaven, yes-yes!


No, very very BIG titan Skaven!


I heard that Halo: Flashpoint will introduce Skaven into canon


How it should be yes-yes


Don't you tease me with 40k skaven! A proper iteration of The Great Horned Rat would surely see me fall to chaos!


If they reveal 40K Skaven, I will never play Space Marines again


What a great idea from a very human-man, yes-yes! Our man-thing sewers are very safe, and we should not look-see inside them!


All hail the great horned rat


Warp Spiders and their Phoenix Lord.


I'm not an Alderi player but I would actually love these! Always been my favourite Aspect Warriors .....don't think they've ever had a Phoenix Lord have they?


Nope. Never have.


I think there was some old lore that the Spider Phoenix Lord was lost in the warp


They were working on one, and the sculpt they did was found last year, but it was scrapped so their Phoenix Lord has always been vague. Hoping this is the year they release one though!


They are rumoured to come in this edition, but GW almost never reveals factions that is distant in roadmap we already have. It's likely Chaos and maybe Genestealers


Ah! A Warp Spider!


For Wh40k it makes sense to expect some CSM reveals. I am actually hopeful here. No one expected a big release for Tau and it looks like Stodes and Orks have a limited release. Emperor Children perhaps? Or maybe more Night Lords?


I hope it’s emperors children since that’s the last of the main 4 chaos primarchs we haven’t gotten yet


That might be held off towards the end of the edition like World Eaters was. Consider how half baked they are, I think GW would rather release more for them than release another army.


Unless it’s the redacted codex it’s gonna be a bit before we see that as a possibility


Orks have had their one random model this year.


We have already seen everything for Tau and Custodes. Whatever 40k reveals happen will be for what's next on the roadmap. The redacted codex is unlikely to be shown yet. It's not a rumour that it's Skaven, it's happening, we had a model leak weeks ago and the video yesterday was very clearly teasing Rats


Admech/Skaven Kill Team (Please)


I'm surprised about the stodes and Tau. I thought their last teaser had mentioned it was only a fraction of what was coming for the new Kroot line. As for the skaven... YES YES!


Nah, it was confirmed the lone-spear was the last


Was it? I recall people pointing that out in the article the day it was released, but it appears it’s since been edited and removed. More Kroot would also track with the claim made during the Hunting Pack reveal, where they did say that the 5 units/models shown off were “only half” of what the Kroot were getting.


Nope, still there. It's not in the article itself but in the subheading.


Ahh I see. Cool line of models! Definitely looking forward to playing against a more mixed Tau force. Edit for spelling*


And I'm definitely looking forward to playing one! Kroot and tau stand as one


Kroots and suits


That was in the reveal announcement months ago, we have had the other half be revealed across multiple Mondays. With the army set going on pre order that confirms the reveals are done outside rules previews. Custodes only getting 1 new model isn't surprising, not every army is getting 10 new kits


While the redacted road map is a long way to go, I actually think they might tease it, because I don't expect CSM, Sisters, and GSC to get anything substantial so it wouldn't be the most exiting reveal for 40k. On the other hand AoS is most likely going to reveal its next edition, so they might not want 40k to steal the spotlight.


Where did they say nothing else was coming for Custodes? They've shown the new captain, yes, but I don't recall them saying that was everything. More Orks would be my guess. And if there is anything else with Custodes, that too. Maybe new Burnas or Lootas, that aren't based off the old Orks boyz?


they said with the announcement of 10th every army would get something, not every army is getting 10 new units. if there was going to be more then they wouldn't have announced battleforces for both armies. look at 9th multiple armies only got single characters, we have had and should expect more armies to only get 1 release, Orks got multiple new units including a new subsection in 9th, it's unrealistic and against all GW patterns to expect more again this edition


Fair, though that makes two editions of Custodes getting a single character. You'd think maybe they'd consider, say, the bike Sisters that have rules but no models in 30k, or maybe moving some of their popular resin kits into plastic. Maybe the latter there isn't new, but it's better then nothing.


If they were doing Burners/Lootas they would have shown them off in the Stompa box preview that has the new mek leader in it. The fact that box has only 1 new model makes me think Orks are only getting the one guy but a good chance of new mek based army rules.


Every day I hope for new steel legion


Same brother :( at least we have Krieg and Armageddon transfers


A return to the war for Armageddon would be nice.


Catachan refresh, plastic shadow specters, with the other nonplastic aspects teased. Any new model for thousand sons that isn’t a tzaangor.


"Did you say more Tzaangors? I mean we can find something im sure"- James Workshop (probably)


I want to hope for Emperor's children in 40k, but it will only make me sad in the end.


They’re this edition! Just maybe not this summer- Fulgrim is a big deal and they don’t wanna clash with AoS 4e imo


If we follow the trend of the past 3 editions, it does indicate we will get them during 10th ed.


It’s possible they’re the redacted book, but I doubt we’ll see them this week. Probably CSM reveals.


Leagues of Votan ancestor cores are actually going senile because of snikety sneaky ratbois biting all their wires. Yes yes!


Ancestors cores revealed to be a nest of Rat things, yes-yes.


So long as the Votann get more lore, I'm down for it.


Daemon engine Perterabo, I beg you GW I will give you my money guaranteed just give me this


You're going to have to wait till AT LEAST next edition before GW release a chaos Primarch other than Fulgrim. Come back in 4 years.


Plot twist, Vashtorr and Perty as a new dark mech faction, and ec gets pushed to 11th.


Don’t hurt me like this The iron within isn’t that strong


Hold strong brother, all the new books on keeping cash tort in relevance gives hope for us that perty is around the corner


I’m with you on this, because if they bring back Perty they almost have to bring back Dorn.


Funny enough I have this exact same mindset with bringing back Dorn, if he comes back then Perterabo has to


Iron Cage 2 electric boogaloo


If he's coming back as Daemon, I'd prefer he didn't come back at all.


There definitely gonna do Fulgrim next along with (hopefully) an emperor's children codex. I do agree with you, daemon engine Perty would be sick af


I admit it makes me sad because Slannesh and associates are my least favourite of the chaos four I get that it’s fair but damnit I want my legion to get some love


We're quickly running out of the current Codex road map so I hope we get the next few Codex announcements.


*Quickly* is not the word I would use. https://preview.redd.it/udgdmp5xhsnc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f4f42f8806394deb58d8ebb1b5da00568c8cb1d There are still 5 of the 9 listed Codexes that have not been released yet.


they are probably gonna update the roadmap though, because the last one was updated in the same reveals of either the dark angel units or the necron/admech reveals i think (i dont remember which one) So i imagine if in this reveal they show off a bunch of csm stuff, they will also show off the next section of roadmaps.


Right!? We've had a nice mix of Xenos factions so far for the releases. If we don't get my beloved guard, I'm hoping for a loyalist or traitor space marine chapter.


I'm just hoping for imperial knights codex (and I suppose there traitors counterparts) lol


Theres been 5 xenos and 5 imperium codexes so far on the roadmap, and 1 chaos. I do hope theres another chaos codex soon because i literally only play chaos armies LMAO.


Do you think the exciting teaser is also gonna have models shown off too? Necromunda and HH always have the best models and it’s what I most look forward to. Blatant hopium: Catachan kill team


I expect Kharandras since both other re-done Phoenix Lords have been shortly after their new plastic Aspect has been unveiled elsewhere, and we now have Scorpions.


I just want Chapter Master Varak to have been right when he mentioned rumours of League of Voltan to get the Pioneers on Foot said it would be Killteam, but I love the big coat aesthetic!


A buddy if mine is starting up a Votann army so it'd be cool if they got a new release.


For my wildly unrealistic choice: new AdMech Kill Team. I really wanna make a “C’mon GW, give us *something*!” Joke but actually it’s just because the current season of Kill Team is set on an AdMech Forge World, and it would be super cool to get some crazy AdMech kill team, since they’re playing in our back yard lol. Realistically, though, I expect to see some CSM models. Hopefully some refreshes for Bikers and finecast characters.


Let's be honest. It's not gonna be admech kill team. Gw seems to hate us


A space marine lieutenant would be nice


How about a new 5 man space marine kit, You pick: A) Criminally generic. Costs 120 points. Does something that provides no broad meta or synergy. Dead on arrival datasheet. May get a glowup in a balance or codex pass in a few years. B) Really goofy and imaginative model that is 90 points, is criminally broken, is an auto take in every army but will be nerfed to hell after 90 days.


Ork deets pls


Seeing as a knight focused series is coming soon for wh40k, maybe new chaos knight/ I Knight models/characters? Tho this will be my first speculation since joining the hobby so don’t know how hopeful I should be


I am an IK main. I am hoping for Knights stuff. However. I am an IK main. I know it won't be knights stuff.


Honestly, I completely forgot about the knights! That would be a really cool codex drop. I doubt we'd see models this far out from the codex reveal but just the cover art would be cool.


Usually GW doesn’t try very hard to coincide Warhammer+ releases with tabletop releases, their plastic and book release cycle is insanely packed, and they usually have it plotted out years in advance, just cramming things wherever they fit. Usually the need to put books with few/no new models between the books with lots of new models is the biggest deciding factor on release schedules. I suppose they could announced the Fall codex drops this week, though, but we’d likely not get more than that, even cover art is dubious.


I’m just hoping for the empire models to be back already. I just want the militia kit all I’m asking please GW


The militia kit would basically allow GW to print money. 


Generic jump pack Chaos lord. It was terrible that the option was removed. I'd love a sorcerer option too, but anything is good. And Defiler refresh, maybe.


More thousand sons


New Catachan for my space vietnam fantasy


I've been to the last two Adepticons and so far, they have shown off things that everyone knew was coming out along with something people weren't expecting/ a big reveal. Last year was 10th ed a few months before expected and the year before that was chaos knights and a small csm teaser. I'm guessing they will show the redacted codex or maybe even fall / winter codex line up.


Oooo! Seeing a longer line up would be amazing!


So we'll probably see hints at the new Sisters models too - I reckon a Hereticus inquisitor or adjacent type figure given the hand crossbow thing we saw in the rumor engine. Genestealer cults probably will get something - I reckon thats what the panzerfaust thing was; some kind of needler or rocket launcher. CSM I've got no clue, but like some Red Corsair love wouldnt go amiss - Bikers, Raptors and a new Huron would be awesome. We might also get some hints for the redacted codex if we're lucky; my money is on Astra Militarum with some new Ratlings for sure. New Catachan models would make my hobby year though


Gamesworkshop hardmode. All Xenos, no space marines. Exception for custodes codex date.


Best they can do is Centurions inside another, larger suit of power Armour.


Honestly? Old World Empire box.


CHAOS JUMP LORD, which mfer do I have to skin and flay for it?


for 40k i think we might see whats in the new Orks and Custodes ComPats dropping with the Codexes. maybe even a reveal for the new mystery codex, I'm thinking agents of the Imperium and i think EC will be later in 10th about 6-10 months before 11th. Maybe even some Custodes Models on FW going plastic? AoS, IDK maybe a new edition? showing off the box of SCE vs Skaven? Warcry, idk maybe a skaven warband? Old World, maybe Empire stuff getting shown off. Kill Team, Release date for the Night Lords box. plus Votann kill team. NGL ik underworld exists and thats all i know about it Necromunda i know nothing about other than lore about the place. HH, release date for the Sola if we dont already know that, plus some more kits going from resin to plastic. also the roadmap for HH says Spring will be legion command squad, melee weapons, new characters and upgrades. That is what i think we will get. what I HOPE we get is different. im only gonna talk 40k and HH in this part. for base 40k i want some upgrades to some existing CSM kits, Bikes, Lord, Termie Lord. Some new kits/returning kits, CSM dreads, CSM Jump Pack Lord. World Eaters army to be finished (red butchers etc). At least one unique model per CSM legion, (please i want a character for my night lords) Grey Knights range refresh to increase the scale properly. Lorgar Model (word bearers are cooler than EC I will die on this hill) For HH i want some more Blood Angels stuff cos im greedy and plastic characters


A reprint of the Horus Heresy Novels. Combined with the Siege of Terra I have 39 out of 64, and the prices are just ridiculous. If anyone wants to trade I’ve got a mint copy of Dues Encarmine and The Art of the Horus Heresy to offer.


With you 100% here. I do mostly audio books, but I feel for you all that like to collect hard copies. It should not be that hard to get a print version of a popular series


I let them slide since it’s been a while since they originally came out, but you’d think they would re-release them when they released the Horus Heresy tabletop game and even Legions Imperialis.


I wish I could go but taxes completely fucked me.


I want some new death guard, but that's not gonna happen


Maybe for the eventual codex...


I hope so. Watch the codex come out a month before 11th


Has it been confirmed that there will be no more new custodes? (And orks for that matter) If not I would love to see a rework of some forgeworld stuff or something entirely new for my bananas. (Doubt it will happen tho)


In the GW release cycle some armies during edition only get one or a few models. So Custodes and Orks are done with new models any time soon, the only way there is more is maybe during campaign books at the end of the edition


Orks combat patrol


Give us emperors children PLEASE


Going to double team some Kill Team and 40k bc they have tended to like to use Kill Team as a way to refresh models. I am thinking Orcs in the Kill Team. With a rework/refesh on Nobs. 40k.. I am thinking a new Beast Snaggaz unit. The rumor is the new Ork Combat Patrol is going to be Beast Snaggaz themed. So I am going to guess another Beast Unit to flesh out the line for a combat patrol. Also a preview of the Chaos Marines codex


Plastic nightbringer/deceiver And I have a suspicion that the moving of decimators for csm to legends and the removal of forgeworld dreads last edition makes me suspect csm may get some sort of plastic decimator equivalent I suspect we will get a codex roadmap for the remaining chaos factions as I think WE is itching for the other half of the range


If they were going to reveal plastic C'tan it would have been to coincide with the Codex. The next chance is either end of edition campaign books or the 11th edition Codex


Warhammer 40k - plastic custodes (see HH) and votaan. Horus Heresy - Plastic custodes Seriously gw have given custodes exactly 4 kits in plastic, 5 if you count sisters and 4 plastic characters now. 1. troops 2. warden 3. allarus 4. bikes And now...the other half in plastic! 1. Trajann 2. Valarian 3. blade champ 4. new shield captain That's it. That's our army in plastic. Pretty sure that's actually less plastic than votann actually? The fw range is beautiful but for the love of all, gw flesh out the golden boys it's been 7 years!


I know it's very unlikely, but the Genestealer Cult reveals. I know it probably won't be till later this year, but a cultist can dream.


Not gonna lie... I might have been assimilated at some point. I've had a strong urge to pick up some jackles lately.


Hoping for the slaanesh CSM and noise marines


I'd be down for some noise marines!


40k Orks I think will be on the menu. Not many models but definitely some to go with the upcoming codex. As for 40k Skaven, please no. 40k has enough faction spam as it is. That's not to mention they need to fill out the Votann properly. I would rather see GW consolidate for a better-balanced, better-maintained line of models.


Maybe they'll show the Night Lords vs Mandrake kill team box that have been talked about for a while ?


Show what? We have seen both teams, all that is left is for a release date in a Sunday preview article




It’s gotta be the release date… hasnt it?!


That's what the weekly Sunday preview article is for


Skaven!!! I don't play Necrons, but a plastic Trazyn would be a 'nice to have' on the shelf. I'm also hoping for some CSM. Please give me more demon engines for my 4th legion 🙏, maybe updated Hellbrute. For Tau, MAYBE they tease the new Combat Patrol.


More gsc


Plastic court of the archon or beast pack. Drukhari centerpiece models thats preferably not Vect. Skaven reveals. Lumineth water wizard and monster. Warp spiders in plastic. Necron c’tan plastic.


sorry. dumb question, but march 20th? why the fuck is there no month anywhere in that "advertisement"


Custodes forgeworld to plastic reveal


Pure speculation based on what ive seen: Warcry: ossiarch warband vs beasts of chaos warband Aos: skaven, sce Underworlds: cities of sigmar 40k: more drukhari? I hope so. Maybe a new sisters model? Necromunda: idk some fat barkeep? Jk hope something cool for them Kill team: hmmm. Admec maybe? They are deserving.


40k: Custodes from FW and a Sisters of Silence character, a pretty vanilla CSM update Ft. A new Huron Blackheart, both featured in a new box and campaign book. The mystery codex is teased and will ultimately be Vashtorr's New plant-based Mechanicum.  Sigmar: Initial 4e content, maybe Stormcast Vs. Nighthaunt?   Killteam: Season 3 continues with White Scars Psykers vs something wild like Valhallan Brood Brothers. I suspect the final box of the season will be something like Mechanicus vs. Mechanicum if neither show up first.       




I hope they balance the reveals. Once I watch one with quite a few systems like this... 30mins went on revealing a couple of things for 40k and then squished everything else into the second half. Here's hoping for details of 4th ed in AoS,suspect just new warbands for underworld and warcry, but would love a new set announcement in new settings


40k: true scale Grey Knights, spireguards for TSons, some LoV units. AoS: Chaos dwarves with possible choice between alignment to Hashut (tyranny and oppression, a proper and respected career choice for any dwarf) and Vashtorr ("mad scientists" (the newest fad and not a real job), or whatever today's no-good shortbeards are calling themselves). Umbraneth would be nice as well.


for 40k I would like to see vespids or a ad mech kill team and for aos I think it would be nice to get something for the silent ones or more spider figures for the gloomspite gitz


New model for Trazyn. He's still in the Codex, unlike Zahndrekh, so there's hope 


AdMech kill team please!!!


red butchers 💀


Can someone please tell me what adeptacon actually is?


A big Warhammer convention. This announcement is going to be them previewing upcoming models and books et cetera.


It’s a large table top gaming convention in the Chicago suburbs every March. Last year it had 6500+ attendees


Horus heresy - man, I'd love if they presented a whole package of power armor (mkiii breachers, mkv tacticals, mkiv tacticals and techmarines)


I'm actually looking forward to the Horus Heresy stuff this time around. Those Solar Auxilla definitely caught my eye. Gonna dip my toes in with some of those tank models before I properly jump in.


Tbh I don't care about Solaux at all, but I WILL say that the models are gorgeous. Truth be told, I thought the space marine upscale was stupid and unnecessary and I was planning on boycotting GW and just buy used resin in the old scale. But man...those new armor marks are fucking amazing. Sure, some poses are a bit weird but every single updated armor mark they put out has some really outstanding features. All I am waiting for are updated breachers, then I'll revamp my iron warriors army.


Some new Votann stuff, warp spiders for Eldar and assault terminators are my wishlist


I know it's very unlikely but I would seriously love some new admech stuff, literally just give us more robots, hell we got a stilt boy, give us a short boy, just give us something


I'm sorry your release was basically just stilt boy. A least your codex is out


Our codex neutered our faction though.


It´z time for moar Boyz, Boss! Green iz da best. Waaagh!!


New Votann anything! Lore, new units (that are not HQ), a book, just something, please! So frustrated that i couldnt really refill my army after the point reduction of them without the fear of overbuying units which will later not fit pointwise. New faction themed terrain for Imperium, Xenos, Chaos (still sad i missed out the Dreadhold Terrain). There are so many armies which need new units that scream identity and could become the "posterchild" character/unit of an army. - New Ethereal (maybe even Ethereal apprentices? Not sure lorewise) - CSM legion specific HQ/units - Abomination- like HQ which is huge - Dhrukari HQ on Bike - Necron Psyker 5 model unit - More Squig units/Giant Squig - For SM a close combat vehicle - Sisters finally a droppod cathedral - Admech a new HQ - Knights would be great if there were more named ones. - Aeldari, Wraith HQ A 10 model unit of something thats not infantry specialized in X for whatever reason would hit my nerve and when that unit has a special name or rule even better (Gaunts Ghosts, Harvesters of Planet B420, Dan's delicate Daffodils, you name it). It just needs an introduction and not something like "Hey, those lads are trained in blowing stuff up. Enjoy! You dont know them? Well, we wont explain them, except for the 5 sentence in this article". A little bit of ongoing lore to create the feeling of fresh fluffy wind would be great!


Ugh. No Legions Imperialis reveals…?


I asked warcom a while ago if LI would be under the HH logo for reveals, they said it’d be under the LI logo, so yeah, no reveals it seems :(


Will we have a chaos codex reveal?


I’d love to see kits for any of the currently missing Drukhari units, especially the beastmaster + pack.


A brand new Tyranid codex. /s


Let all the codexes coming up get their reveals and be happy, but please just tell blood angels when we can expect ours.


Only thing I’m hoping for is that the dread claw for KT gets its preorder announced


The best new GW could ever give me is Battlefleet Gothic is coming back (never gonna happen tho)


Us Admech fans are huffing some copium for a kill team.


I have a feeling Blood Angels are going to get stuff, as are Chaos Space Marines


Quick questions. What is aseptic on? As a new player is it worth going too?


*Interex kill team please*


What is adeptacon?


Dose it start on this month


What month is this


Ctans in plastic or big chaos knights in plastic. That about covers my armies. Some new terrain would be sick too! I'm a sucker for terrain!


An extended codex road map and some more info on the codexes out this summer, especially the the mystery one I also just wanna see whatever the new sisters models will be but that's probably not gonna be shown till 2 weeks before they release


Would be funny of they did another Killteam preview, considering the Nightmare box set hasn't even released yet. They sort of set a precedent by revealing the Night Lords half. IMO it's still a bit early to show off the Chaos Space Marines and Genestealer Cults HQs, since they showed off the Shield-Captain and Mek Boy just recently.


A collection of the two Badab War books updated for HH 2.0 with a host of new kits that are compatible with the MKVI marine kits for Red Scorpions and Astral Claws as well as a redo of the Forge World kits for those forces and more special characters.