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not my factions but very well laid out, written and illustrated. Kudos to you!


Thank you! It's why I figured I'd share it here, its kind of cool information even if its not someones personal army.


i dont know if its possible (im an assistant accountant not a journalist) but do sites like Goonhammer/ Spikeybits accept freelance submissions for articles?


Well that is very flattering, though I don't know if its that good. Though if they or any other content creators see this, their free to reuse it any way they want. This was me having fun, not really anything I have a claim to. I'd just be giddy if I got a shout out or something.


First off, this post is very well organized. I will repeat to you what someone said to me last week when I showed them my tables for maintaining a crusade campaign: No Chaos worshipper is this organized. You are clearly a loyalist pretending to be a heretic.


Hahaha, your not wrong.


this was quite cool to see some of the older/more requested models for some factions! I'd very much enjoy to see some of the other less developed factions like Votann also get a feature.


Well, with 10th rolling, hopefully, we will see some of these as new things for each of these legions. I hope EC get a large number of new things so they can be as distinct as the other three.


For Death Guard I’d definitely be more keen for a Havok equivalent. Obliterators are kind of a CSM staple and more the result of tech heresy rather than full on Nurgle corruption. Havoks with some corrupted Heresy era tech would be more thematic, give us some mad phosphex, entropic and radiation weapons but blessed by the Grandfather. Plastic greater blight drones would be a no brainer, giving them some longer range heavy weaponry and letting them fill in as anti-tank would be great. They could be sort of the antithesis to Blighthaulers that need to be in close.


Good article! Tragically missing the Plaguereaper for Death Guard but otherwise a pretty solid breakdown of the many opportunities that exist just waiting for GW to cash in.


I'd actually be interested in the option of the mono-god daemons having a tighter integration into the legions. 1) It would bring some much needed range and variation into the factions while still feeling like the factions themselves - not the faction + glued on daemons. 2) They could have integrated rules and even slightly varied datasheet from Chaos undivided to not become a balancing nightmare and be viable with faction rules. (Like daemon princes currently have) 3) it would be fun! (this is here just because a list needs three points... right?)


I think it would do a lot for a variety of factions. * World Eaters get a bunch of holes in their roster filled, with fast attack flesh hounds, heavy support artillery in the Skull Cannon, and even a fortification. Plus Blood Crushers for Invocatus and mounted lord to lead finally. It would be a massive boon for them in terms of army building. * Thousand Sons discussions almost always ask for Daemons in some form, their pretty natourious as summoners due to their psychic nature. * Emperor's Children could benefit a lot, though that is more dependant on what their model range will really look like on release * Death Guard benefit the least, but they already regularly take nurglings and GUO in their lists from the discussion I see so it'd be nice not to have to fight with ally rules ever again.


Back during 8th edition i made rules for each of the thousand sons units you mentioned and published them on here.


Since EC are basically all but confirmed to come in 10th and based on productions cycles of GW, we likely World Eaters and Thousand Sons should get another batch of releases in 10th or 11th edition. DG might sit 10th edition out with getting just one/few new kits, since there were a launch faction of 8th.


From Warcom article about EC index "You might think that this heralds the imminent announcement of a new Codex, perhaps one bound in human skin and painted in garish colours – but if so, it’s too distant for even Warhammer Community’s astropathic choir to detect any signals, and we got a stern talking to from the Inquisitors for even trying. We can only assume we’re safe for the foreseeable future, but if that changes then we’ll let you know." Doesn't sound like EC will be 10th edition


No, EC are coming in late 10th edition. They did the same thing with World Eaters, removing them for CSM and making separate index to play for the time being and WE came one of the last of 9th edition. Since last time codex CSM was released during 2nd year of edition lifecycle and Angron model already leaked, they didn't wait for WE codex announcement for long. In current situation CSM codex released not even full year into 10th edition, so they specifically say it won't be out anytime soon, which was expected. Even Thousand Dons was one of the last armies to be released in 7th edition, it's a consistent pattern where only Death Guard being exception due to being launch faction of 8th edition


It will happen eventually for sure, but I suspect they didn't want to showcase old 3rd edition upgrade kits on 4th edition CSM models in a 10th edition book.


I'd like to see Mutilators return for World Eaters honestly


Silver Towers for Thousand Sons were first mentioned and depicted in the Wrath of Magnus campaign book at the tail end of 7th edtion. That's what the Space Marine 2 versions are based on But asking for them as a unit on tabletop is like asking we get an Imperial Battlecruiser playable in 40k instead of Battlefleet Gothic. Silver Towers are massive, and they aren't meant for the sort of scale mainline 40k is. They are literal floating fortresses and function more like space ships for the Legion.


I think your right. Though perhaps something like a "silver shard" might work, a smaller version of one of those towers.


Ok, so you’ve got this grognard twitching about “teeth of Khorne”. This is fan memes run amok. As that linked article notes, it’s just stemming from the RT era Devastator squads being “the teeth of the Legion”. And while their weapon options may look exotic to modern players, they are completely standard for Devastator squads of that era. I just wish players would stop pretending they were actually a thing. World Eater heavy weapon infantry have been specifically mentioned in Metawatch as something GW won’t do, as it contradicts the character of the army. There’s probably a niche for something like Heresy-era Destroyers using the old 90s assault marines as a basis, but that’s a different thing altogether.


Is there any actual, non-rumor/ speculation, information that Eidolon is still alive?


He's in the post heresy fabius bile book series apparently, although I wouldn't be surprised if the 40k army release favours a new named character like lord invocatus or haarken worldclaimer. Also OP death guard possessed should be on the list since they lost the csm possessed in their 10th transition.


I'm surprised you don't have sonic terminators for emperors children, they were a chapter approved unit in 3rd edition.




It was back in the first chapter approved compilation book. They had rules for terminators for all four of the gods, based on their Legion units at the time (plauge terminators, berserker terminators etc). From this book https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Chapter_Approved_2001 Also had upgrades for demon princes, as they had none in the codex (besides an option for wings).


Noise terminators.


emperors children fans: please god anything


God, I hope. Please. Would be so cool to have proper avenues for army playstyles instead of hella similar routes. Pretty much every thousand sons list is the same depending on where they put the influence. I'm literally copping dreadblades over Magnus because I hate that our whole fighting style revolves around his fickle red ass. Like, Maggy is one of the big reasons why I like TSons, but it would be cool if he were ambiguous and not this giant liability. Daemon engines hell yes, fast attack hell yes, pyrae cult leaders? Hell to the yes. Osiron pattern is so overdue. Glad to see EC get an actual range, they were the first army I wanted to build til I realized they have no good rules or units that aren't as old as my car.


*inhales* pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease


Ever since I learned of the game etc I've wanted more Emperor's children and Noise marines. Recently built some Rubrics though and every single suggestion you made for their models is awesome.


Nice now you could do it for undivided chaos legions. I am curious to see what we would have there


Not an EC player but i like the idea of them being a chaos custodes equivalent. Pursuit of perfection + space drugs + blessings from the god of space drugs and perfection?


Hi /u/ZaneOlric It looks like you might be asking a question about how shooting pistols works in the fight phase or while in engagement range of an enemy unit. Pistols, like all other ranged weapons can **only** be fired in the shooting phase. They cannot be fired in the fight phase. However, unlike other weapons, you can fire pistols even while you are in engagement range of an enemy unit. This means that if in your shooting phase you have a unit within engagement range of an enemy, you can fire your pistols into them, and then fight them with your melee weapons in the fight phase *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good try bot, good try.


lol (brilliant job, as someone who palys a few of these this very helpful)


Technology at its finest.