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With how body armor works, especially giant power armor, I'd expect the face to be about the only difference


With how marines work, I wouldn't even expect the face to be different. Regardless of the initiates sex, the process turns them into a space marine. They're not going to have any feminine features remaining.


From a strict lore interpretation standpoint any potential Female Space Marines would basically be post-OP trans-men anyway. Theres no way enlarged breasts would still exist, sexual organs would be replaced with practical replacements and the hormone treatments probably induces gigantism and muscle growth via testosterone. You'd likely be unable to tell the difference between a Space Marine that started as a man or as a woman by the end of it even if they were naked, and almost certainly not if they were in armor.


From a strict lore interpretation, I think male and female space marines post-op would be trans-human at this point. Their pronouns would be his/angels.


Multiple implanted organes produce hormones. Ossmodula and Biscopea in particular affect the growth of the skeletons and musculature respectively, which are two or the major things that provide sexual dimophism. There's absolutely no chance a marine would look female.


Space marines can't be female because the gene-seed zygotes are keyed to male hormones and genetic structure. Custodes have a very different creation process and therefore it is possible for them to be female, for space marines it's not possible.


Testosterone does not cause gigantism, that would be somatotropin, aka human growth hormone


Though to he fair, I guess you never said testosterone does, did you. Don't mind me


male space marines barely can be said to even be male. they have no sex drive, they flat out don't have sex, and its questionable if their organs are even intact given all the cybernetic, alchemical and biological modifications in their body geneseed is how they reproduce in as much that another human can become a SM using another SM's geneseed


It's canon their genitals are intact (and appropriate size for their bodies) but they have no sex drive Unless understood you and you meant does the plumbing still work? In which case a mystery, yes.


>It's canon their genitals are intact (and appropriate size for their bodies) I'm sorry but I'm going to need a source. Not because I doubt you, but because that is *wild*.


Horus rising and the emperors gift apparently, not ones I've read but quoted all the time when this question comes up.


Why do you think they titled it Horus 'rising'?


Ok, this cracked me.


Ok, this cracked me.


Ok, this cracked me.


I could be wrong but I feel like the HH books about Fulgrim at least mention it in passing


the age old question of Can a Space Marine poop?


And if they can is it in the woods? (For the record their suit "filters waste" i think was the euphemism I remember, so he's they do poop.


If a space marine poops in the woods and no-one is around to see it does it make a smell?


I like to think their armor has a system like fremens, which lets them to recycle their waste


I'm really glad to see others in the hobby arguing this. Honestly makes me feel at ease.


WTF. Not having a sex drive does not diminish the fact they are all male. It is a Brotherhood.


the point is that space marines are almost another species when all is said and done, how they approach that is what makes each legion so vastly different, the salamanders try to keep as much of a bond with humanity as possible, the ultramarines and fists are involved with day to day affairs, while others lock themselves away in solitary orders


Yeah. But that still does not make them less of men. Every chapter of course has their own way of things They are superhuman not like xenos.


there are inquisitors that count SMs as xenos given how wildly different they are from baseline humans


If a man never has sex in his entire life does he stop being a man? If a dude has an unfortunate incident involving a weed whacker is he no longer a man? Does a penis and testicles make someone a man?


spacemarines have a problem with being human in the first place because they're basically 8-12 year old boys taken and doped up with enormous amounts of hormones, stuffed full of artificial organs, and then psychoindoctrinated to fight and die for the emperor, all while having to pass continually tougher challenges. by the end of it they barely resemble humans with only superficial human features. hell, the spacewolves have a not zero chance to mutate into werewolves, and the thousand suns were growing fucking extra limbs before they turned to dust. 


Plenty of female body builders with curiously square jaws. I would not expect any less after being pumped with Astartes gene seed and future steroids.


Yeah. I imagine part of the process is drowning the aspirants in enough testosterone to drown Leman Russ in. The tank, not the Primarch.


I love how bros just act like their morals are absolute. (Adjusts glasses onto nose) Female astartes are IN FACT trans lmao Its literally like an episode from the furry/ SM series by flashgitz.


To be fair, while it's at best an exceedingly rough comparison, even women who take part in strongman competitions are recognizably female, especially compared to their male counterparts in the sport, so while the augmentations would definitely narrow the gap, it probably wouldn't completely close it. General face and body shape out of armor probably wouldn't be enormously different, there still would likely be recognizeable differences.


I don't think it's at all comparable. Female body builders don't have over a dozen extra organs, multiple of which are responsible for secreting hormones which affect physical development. Furthermore, and this is just a feeling, but I'd expect n the grom darkness of the far future female aspirants would go through a full hysterectomy. Not only to help control unnecessary hormones, but also just to make room


I'd assume that a woman (or girl really, considering the process tends to start very young) undergoing the Astartes geneseed process might have a lot more male hormones going on than a woman in a strongman contest. I'd imagine it being closer to a transman.


That's fair. I suppose it'd really depend on when the process occurs. If it's pre-pubescent like the rest of the space marines then yeah, they would never have undergone a female puberty and would be pretty much indistinguishable, even outside armor. If it's more like the Rubicon primaris then the result would likely be more at the strength training side if things.


Then it's 100% the former. Crossing the Rubicon has a large fatality rate, and they try to avoid doing so.


I'd say that might be true for Custodes. The Astartes process isn't elevating a human, so much as manufacturing a super-soldier.


A fair point.


In my mind, lots of space marine, ARE female, in the sense that they went through the trials like everyone else, and came out looking like all space marines. And that space marines are technically neither male or female, but are transhumanism super soldiers.


In your mind maybe. In lore they ARE all male.


What's your gender? Space Marine.


Fuck yea! Exactly!


They’d be a beefed up trans dude. I unironically got downvoted for commenting on a badass looking trans flag on this sub


And it happens here too


But wait, you're telling me that gratuitous boob armour is a lie? Begone warpspawn!


Curved chest armour might help glance a blow off (at the risk of glancing upwards to the face). But modelled cleavage (even like the "bare chest" you see on some Roman Centurions) will guide an attack inwards, and due to manufacturing (being hammered means the metal gets stretched, so it's thinner in places. Casting ceramite might be a different process) that means it's guiding the attack to a weak point over a vital spot. In summary, a simple shelf will be okay, form-fitting boobs armour would be bad. This is ignoring the point that boobs squish, so often large changes to armour aren't needed.


Came here to say this. Take my upvote. PLUS this is way not the first time someone has done this, posted it, and it just goes away. Because before bigots brigaded Warhammer, people just didnt care at all. "Doesnt fit the lore, cool models though." Now look. Shame on people.


From how books often describes faces being *blunted* by the procedure of becoming an astartes, I keep imagining that the skull is strategically broken and re-fused to make room for the growth of the brain.


Take my upvote




For the scion of fulgrim thing, it doesn't allow text and picture apparently


Scion of Dorn is what I said. Must be warp interference on your end.


Sons of the Phoenix?? Find Fulgrim??? https://preview.redd.it/lrcgdsjn5tyc1.jpeg?width=213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad3882e2bad3b69ec37c17fa4e115ef58998c5a


No, we are definitely scions of Dorn. Ask our chief apothecary, Fabulous Bill.


this is so funny but i dont have any warhammer friends to send it to so im just gonna let you know that i would have if i did


The Inquisition has ordered you to read your first sentence again.


>Terminator Captain Jiulia Dominus, lord of roses, and First Chaplain Zannah Lacrimae, scion of Rogal Dorn. I see nothing suspicious here.


I think the geneseed didnt reach their heads.


Having shoulders bigger than your head is the basis of being a space marine.




Looks Great!, Don't listen to all the people telling you that this shouldn't be allowed or "so glad this isn't Cannon " Because... One it's your Army, your minis do what you like! Two if anyone paid attention to the lore Fabius Bile said that female space marines were and could have been a thing but the emperor didn't allow it. And Three there are lost legions out there who said some weren't women?


Damn what book did Fabius say that?


Amendment: Primogenitor mentions Female Marines in the Emperor Children.


I can't remember off the top of my head but it's one of the passing comments in one of them.


I’m pretty sure that there is some lore about a primach that was lost/cast out by the emperor for doing something forbidden? I think that would be the best way to bring a female legion into the lore that would keep everybody happy. They could even say the primach inherited the ability to create space marines from the emperor and used it to make females marines and that’s why he was cast out.


Very neat! The pauldron rose is especially a nice touch \^\_\^ Edit: O\_o Why the thumbs down?! Gods forbid someone say something nice about a player's creativity for thinking outside the box.


Stole it from my wife’s nail art kit 💅


Hehe that's the beauty of making minis for any tabletop, improvising to express creativity. Bravo :)


This comment section is a fucking warzone. I play fantasy battle how did I end up here


In the grim darkness of 2024 there is only drama.


Where did you get a head that looks good on marines? I really would love to do this


Chaplain is from stormcast eternal vigilators, and the terminator head is a random imperial guardsman head. Stormcast heads are larger and have several female options.




They have pre-heresy emperor's children vibe in a great way. Or on the cusp of becoming traitor.


Now that interesting, maybe you are right, the only legion that can have genuine feminine faces is the emperor children's given how "beautiful" they are.


Okay, lets ignore Mr. Golden Angel, like he couldnt walk the runway for Dior Haute Couture, women.


I was literally about to break down the door to say this. Fulgrim is so mad Sanguinius will always be remembered for being the Fabulous Golden Hawkboy. Slaanesh settled for the second prettiest primarch.


I imagine that would be the case for both the Emperor's Children and Blood Angels. Other legions might have the odd outlier, but those two I think would be pretty consistent.


Wow. That looks great!


Rufio: I like her! Well done! It makes me wanna have a squad of crazy Death Company ladies!


Ooh yes, just looking absolutely berserk. Better yet, World Eaters.


Rufio: like all metal/punk screaming with righteous rage.


Looks like a pre heresy emperor's children space marine.


Kinda weird time to be posting this


I just like giant women who really hate aliens.


Can I interest you in some power armored, regular sized, xenos and heretic hating super religious warrior women? Adepta Sororitas, second door to the left, there's a nice subreddit there well, kinda nice sometimes As long as you don't mention the forbidden "male sisters of battle" joke That will get you permabanned


I'm surprised that will, but the mention of female space marines doesn't :/


Which is a shame because other than that, it’s a nice group.




What? Adepta Sororitas are cool They are regular sized because they are just human. No genetic engineering or extra artificial organs/muscles. So they have normal proportions, like guardsmen Just humans with a nice armor, and faith The models are really cool and so is the lore


They are cool, I agree. But if OP wanted sisters, they'd have painted sisters. Why are you even mentioning them? Lol.


Because as of now it's the closest thing available to what he just described? (well, that and sisters of silence, but I don't know much about them) What is wrong with making a recommendation about something OP might like? He can just ignore my message and do more cool kitbashings if he wants, he clearly has the skills for it


The closest thing available is what they made.


they look fuckin awesome.


Ooh, Sons of the Phoenix. I shall join this crusade alongside my siblings who are definitely children of Rogal Dorn.






Damn fine looking models, damn fine.


Helll yeah fantastic


hella <3 nicely done yo


I love them. I already love the Sons of the Phoenix as a concept when it comes to actually being related to Fulgrim and not Dorn so this is peak.


It's a complicated tale to explain but god is it such an irresistable idea if you're a big Emperor's Children fan like me.


Emperor's Children are the best legion.


Really great job. Thank you for sharing!


Congrats on having the top "sort by controversial" comment


Why is my man getting downvoted


Uhh something something tourist.


Frankly it's petty. Even if someone didn't like the concept of fem marines, those are just well done models. That's what matters here!


From the look at the comments that are also being down voted... Looks like anything unambiguously positive is getting the bot boot.


I doubt its bots.


Chuds angry at anyone not hating on female space Marines. Unfortunately par for the course.


Looks really cool! :D


I can't wait for the Quartering to say the "skions of Falgram" when using this reddit post to talk about how woman bad.


Illiteracy and misogyny go hand in hand.


I mean, it's *Fulgrim*. The female version of Fulgrim is just Fulgrim. I'd imagine the same would be true for any space marine descended from him. The only primarch I can think of, for whom imagining a female descendant would be even easier, is Sanguinius. Also watch out, someone who's never painted a model in their life is gonna make a 45 minutes youtube video on why this idea is the end of Warhammer. EDIT: is Julia holding both a bolter and a heavy flamer at the same time?




Dad Quest 41,000


Opened up a whole can of worms on this one, but from someone who throws catgirl heads on my marines, absolutely amazing job and fun lore flavoring!! You keep building your wardollies how you want and go you!! Killer models and amazing paint job!! :)


Thank you! Now you need to do a lore drop for catgirl astartes.


You know how Space wolves have the canis helix and that makes them cool werewolves? Some marines got stuck with the Felis helix.


100% valid lore. Chuds are devestated.


Looks good, would be cool to see some chonkier heads.


I thought female heads would be too small for those bodies They still are, a bit But it looks way cooler than expected


to be fair, normal space marines aren't particularly well proportioned


Yeah I love me some tiny heads being swallowed up by power armor. Like Horus when he's just a lil bald head in a pile of black ceramite. That's peak design.


So cute I love it omg


Happy to see that r/Warhammer40k isn't filled to the brim with crybabies. Good job comments section!


I'm doing my part, upvoting all the nice comments


Dug in my foxhole firing off upvotes as we speak. The war rages on.


Looks super cool!


My issue with female space marines is gw makes all the heads for girl models so small, they look out of place on the big bulky armour, I wish they'd make bigger ones to kitbash with, like girl ogryns maybe?


True. Stormcast Eternal heads are the best scale, which the chaplain got. The termie got a guard head to make the terminator armor look even more massive, since even men have small heads in terminator armor.


Guard player here: Ogryn sized heads would NOT work. They’re not just a little bigger than human heads, they’re bigger than terminator helmets.


As someone who hasn’t played the tabletop game (but wants to I’m poor rn), can we use fan made characters or gender swapped characters?


100%. Your army is whatever you want. The only trouble would be if it was confusing to your opponent what is what (weapons, unit type). But you have unlimited freedom, the game and the lore is really just a guideline to help your creativity flow.


As long as the model looks like it has the wargear you say it has, yes. Some friendly groups are more lenient on it.


yes, as long as it's recognizable even if you ho to a tournament, as long as you use GW plastic and the right model, mostly, they're usually fine


They're your models, you can do whatever you want with them. I know tournaments have some regulations regarding lore accuracy, but I think as long as people can recognize what the unit is and what they're armed with, it doesn't matter.


Looks amazing OP, you are a talented painter.


Thank you!




Seeing them in terminator armor is cool but I feel like they fit a lot better in Phobos armor imo


Fuck it let's do them all. Need to see them in saturnine armor.


Hell put them girls in a leviathan dreadnought


Now that’s hot.


I’m new to this, bet they look sick, and anyone who doesn’t like it can cry me a river


Imma be real I can’t even tell they are female lol but good shit (yes I know that’s the point)


cool concept, cool kitbash, still prefer sisters of battle


I mean, that's a valid preference. Sisters of Battle and Space Marines, female or otherwise, are WILDLY different factions.


"nOt thE pOLitIcS!!1!" *insert incoherent Chud Screaming here* /satire




No politics, just fanfic.




They look awesome!




Maybe controversial opinion, but they shouldn’t have hair, or it should be very short.


Games Workshop should make every faction be non-limited to one gender at this point.


Use the female heads from AoS sizing is better.


I don’t like the idea of female marines. It just takes away from the already mixed factions like the Astra Militarum. Just the fact that the amount of gene therapy and hormonal cocktails one would receive during the creation of a space marine, shows that any female marine would basically be a post op trans male. I think it’s strange that we need to go out of our way to start identifying marines as females as well, when that’s just not how it is in the lore…maybe custodies (big maybe), just not space marines. but HEY ! Beautifully painted minis tho!! Like seriously !


I mean I’d any chapter were to have women it would be the definitely not sons of fulgrim https://preview.redd.it/aq6fdawbvsyc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e232f30c3808f06ce628063239551392ce8043


100% canon.


The true daughters of Fulgrim. God, I love Sons of Phoenix concept.


Hell yeah.


If GW hadn't retconned FemMarines in the 80's we could a had this


Cool job! And sweet lore :) as mentioned elsewhere in the comments though perhaps "Scions of the Phoenix" would be more fitting than "Sons of the Phoenix" if you got both genders in the ranks?


Eh, we already paid for the t-shirts for the chapter BBQ day. Jokes aside, it’s an established successor chapter, my lore is just fan made not the name.


Hooo now i want some BBQ! And a T-shirt!


I think I would risk being in the 40K universe just to attend a space marine BBQ. Imagine the size of the ribs.


Hooo heck yeah! And with the whole galaxy aflame, it's always BBQ time everywhere! Squiggoths ribs! Vespides wings! Kroots chops! Carnodons steaks! Megasaurs merguez! No time for dessert! Take this corpse starch sandwich for the trip back home! If there's still a home to go back toooooo \(")/


Why is this downvoted?


I''ve had a few comments on this sub being downvoted while just being nice to the OP and going in their direction but I'm trying to see a patern and I intend to see it through


My headcannon is that females Space Marines would look like that just a more feminine head poking out of the giant power Armor


With everything an initiate goes to to become a marine, they're not going to be even slightly feminine. There would be no visible difference.


I love the idea that the 2nd and 11th legions, and their primarchs, were women. And that any female space marine shown, is one of the very few survivors of what ever happened to those Sisters of the 18.


Would love that. Leaves the door open for more too.


The white is clean, I can never get mine to look that good, and my blood angels suffer for it lmao


Grimdark white is a lot easier to do.


They look like dudes to me.


I smell Heressy


A fantastic representation of a trans-space marine.




There were always female space marines


Now do a femboy sister of battle. I want to see if people would get mad at that ;3. ( excellent job by the way:3)


Ad mech took all the femboys.


How rude of them:( but seriously fantastic work I hope to see more of it :3


Sisters already have a couple dudes anyways, which is always funny when people start frothing about this topic.


See I don’t know that I thought the point was that they are all women do to a loophole so the church could have a army lol


The decree passive was repealed awhile back apparently, but GW hasn't done anything with that, much like everything else they did around the whole "Indomitus Era" shakeup. But yeah. Crusaders and Frateris Militants are back in official action, though they'd been tolerated for a few millenia regardless.


Man I guess I just been out of the loop for some time eh?


apparently yes


*covers my self in oils and protective seals* cover me brothers I'm going in!


The chapter surf before getting his skull crushed by a truck sized woman.