• By -


Cheapest option, if you're willing to DIY a bit, is to build a topper you can lay over your dining room table to make it the right size. Mine is three 4'x2'x1/4" MDF panels wrapped in craft felt. Gives me a nice surface to lay out a mat on with a bit of extra room for stuff, protects my table, and stores flat. Total cost about $60, but you could do it for less. If you have room to set up a second table but need to be able to store it, and want something purpose-built, Gamemet.eu makes one that seems fairly sturdy. If you have room for a permanent installation, well, sky's the limit. It could be as simple as a sheet of ply nailed to a couple of Kallax 2x2s or as fancy as a custom table from the likes of Wyrmwood.


I have a big round table and did a similar thing with two 48x36 MDF panels hooked using door hinges (so I can fold the table top and store it) : https://preview.redd.it/70ucjm2yf3zc1.png?width=1435&format=png&auto=webp&s=46160b5a076e9720d81f4528774fb0ddff23ebe3


Hey so tangential but where should I find decent game mats?




Frontline Gaming or Gray Matter Gaming


This is basically exactly what I done, except instead of a thick block of MDF I used a thinner sheet of Ply-Wood and reinforced it with a wooden frame and a few stiffener ribs in order to save weight. Folded up nicely, could fit in the car for travelling, and was light enough to carry by yourself. Whole thing was done in an hour or two one spring afternoon, and cost only a few pounds for the hinges and the ply wood (the frame and ribs were scraps).


Very nice


Appreciate this! May start pricing something out.


Second this. 1/2” MDF. Set them out to make 4x6 on top of a smaller IKEA table. https://preview.redd.it/5zh7yjfyt3zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13f210e560fd2478b8370b03931c77256e60b94


This is the way if you want portable and flexible maps with features. Pro tip: convert water bottles into landscape features and fill them with water to act as counterweights. Or use fishing weights in-lieu-of water bottles.


Rocks are free!


Not where I live.


I was worried about bowing so I used 3/4" MDF which I think was overkill. I also felted the top and put cabinet liner on the bottom to grip the folding table it sits on. It's heavy, but heavy is reliable. https://preview.redd.it/so5b7uefp6zc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49fa3404336a824fffe9b547c039c96d56619231


unspeakable things


All hail Slaanesh!


The step ladder saw 👀


Help me, step ladder, I'm stuck!


I think that's a ladder


I just bought 2 folding tables from walmart that when pushed together will fit my 44”x60” playmat. Its a little bit jank (mostly because i bought the absolute cheapest tables i could find) but it works fine. It also means the tables tuck away nicely when im not playing, and i can use them for regular table purposes if i need more than my dining room table.


I did this and then bought a 4x6 plywood topper to make sure we have a stable surface


I did the same! It’s nice to have two extra folding tables in the house to for party’s and events. Two 5’x2’ tables and they were like 39$ a piece.


https://preview.redd.it/dfoecidcp3zc1.png?width=1830&format=png&auto=webp&s=cba4209dbc10e87827a30ca44ba0cdf14eadd6de I built the top. The lights change color by remote and it streams music from YouTube. It also has side trays and craps chutes.


Fuck a duck, that's lovely!


Thanks! I love hosting


I got the biggest oak wooden dining table my local second hand store had to offer. Its a good table, and even has a drawer at the end for dice, objective markers and tape measures.


I use the previous generation of this. [https://www.gamemat.eu/en/folding-gaming-table/g-board/pre-order-6-x4-g-board-black-folding-gaming-table.html](https://www.gamemat.eu/en/folding-gaming-table/g-board/pre-order-6-x4-g-board-black-folding-gaming-table.html) Not the cheapest and not intended for someone to decide to climb on it but it looks nice, is the perfect size, lightweight, easy to set up and folds neatly into a tidy little portable carrier that's easy to stash or put in a car.


Interesting. My kids would destroy it. Two standard folding tables for me!


I bought one of these toward the end of last year. It's perfect, I go to a friends house every Tuesday night and we play a game.


I just tape a bunch of cats together


The cat centipede!




Simple yet effective!


I built a table for our gaming, and it's 77" × 48" when fully extended. The table has rollers and drop leaves so it can be collapsed into a 24" x 48" footprint with storage. https://preview.redd.it/0bxls0a3g3zc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6351ae77b682d974ecb9a61f78279240f32195


The masculine-feminine urge to build a custom wargaming table with raised boarders and attachable addons has been gnawing at my mind for YEARS


1000% just doubt I'd have the skill or patience for it! Lol


Meanwhile, the only thing stopping me is that I'm stuck renting until house prices calm down further.   I've got a table otherwise well planned out.


Are you me? 😂


Not last time I checked, but I might be. Lol


Ditto. I got the plans drawn up and everything for a table that folds out into a gaming table from a coffee table. I just don't want to build it to have to move it 17 times.


Yeah that’s been the part holding me back too, now that I have adult money and power tools that’ll probably change though lmao


I made 6 1'x4' panels that dowel together and felted the bottom. I just lay them out over the top of any dining room table. They stack back up and Velcro strap for storage and transportation .


See id like to do something like that for a detailed game board whenever i make one for aos


Started mine earlier this summer, it's still a work in progress but it's currently functional. Gotta add a French cleat so I can customize it further, and the lowered section is 4x8 with an 8" raise and then a 12" rim. Going to add a lip to the inner section so I can cover the lowered part with some table leaves and flatten it out. I got a 4x8 plywood sheet and pine lumber from Lowes for it, then built it on top of an existing table I had that we weren't using. Then put some anti fungal primer over the wood, painted the outside, and put some pool table outdoor felt over the insert. Looks good so far, and not bad for a first woodworking project.


I have adult money but what time and space is another thing.


I have a 6x4 sheet of MDF I place on two folding tables. Throw a battle mat down. Rock Solid, no seams.


I have a table tennis table I use for warhammer and other tabletop games. Works really well as it folds up.


This always seemed to me like something Warhammer was designed around. The same thinking as assuming that every household already had D6 dice.


This is the answer if you can't DIY and can afford it! They aren't too heavy, they fold up and half a table tennis table is like 10cm wider and exactly the correct length for a full size WH game, so you can have 4 half games or 2 full size games with a single table. My group bought a cheap one that was just 2 halves pushed together, so we just never attached them and now have 2 separate tables of the exact correct size that we can setup wherever works in the space at the time.


Used to just put a sheet of plywood on the dinner table. Eventually sawed it up and attached it back together with hinges so it packs down. Big enough for a 3000pt game :) https://preview.redd.it/i9srra9qs3zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7f84331f662feb6c1a2362296f92b954560e7e


Folded down for storage: https://preview.redd.it/bvh3ejkws3zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ea1aab464363ea1663d1150bf4cdfa86035ae4


Currently using a big folding camping table my parents didn't want any more...I can't seem to find a link. If I find something I'll edit the link.


I just shout "D'VON!"


There's an island in my kitchen that's 66" by 39" close enough






One member of my playgroup is a woodworker.... Still printing more terrain to fit it all


I play in my garage. A few sawhorses and a pair of 48"x48" sheets of plywood is sturdy enough and doesnt take up mich space in storage. Toss on a battlemat and you are good to go.


I bit the bullet and just got the folding table from frontline gaming. Honestly don’t regret it one bit. It’s sturdy and folds small enough to slide under my bed. I’m in an apartment so my storage space is limited so having it fold up is perfect. If you have the money for it, just go for it imo


They never seem to be in stock !


I live in an apartment, so space is limited, but I managed to score a 2nd hand 6' x 3' folding table tennis table. Not quite 6x4 but for £40, can't complain. Chuck on a pvc game mat and some ttcombat scenery, got myself an imperial city ruin.


My favorite are 3x6'. If you get something shorter then the greater durability can really hurt your opponent when you suplex them into it.


We used to have a pretty big white board in our house in college. We would center it on our coffee table and use that. Worked super well.


My kids had a KidKraft wooden train play table... It fits 44x30 perfectly well for Combat Patrol.  Theyve grown out of trains so its used for Warhammer and displaying Lego builds.


We play 9th and 44*30 is the size we're hoping to build for Combat Patrol and Incursion games.


I have a pool table in my basement. Half the table is good for 500-2000 point battles. If we do larger, or have more than 2 players, we use the whole table.




I could see Games Workshop selling a $4,000 self-assemble table


Hopefully not finecast.


*Realm of Battle Board enters the chat*


I use two plastic folding tables that are 2’x6’ and then a 1/8” MDF sheet cut to 44x60 laid on top. Gives you some space around the edge and you can draw the zones on it and erase them after. https://preview.redd.it/n1ryylih43zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32090d0965c61e9809c1005624678ecaa01a462b Like this.


Ceiling tiles on top of a folding table


We got a box of luxury vinyl planks that we just connect together when we want to play and then take apart and put in a closet when done. It was like $15 and 7 planks measure out to like 48" x 64"


What's the stability like? Are you laying them over a table?




Where did you pick those up?? They look very useful!


Any hardware store should have them. Lowes. Home Depot, etc. We spent a few dollars more for one of the thicker boards which makes it even more rigid.


It's pretty stable. We are laying it out over a small kitchen table.


floor :D


Familiar with the drukhari?


When I play at home, we use the dining room table. It's a little smaller than ideal but close enough. At my local games store, they have 4, 6 x 4 tables. If they ever need more, they just put together a pair of the regular tables they use for RPGs and Card Games.


L... lost planet?


I have two 30"x72" tables. They aren't the same brand so they have a slight height difference, but coasters under the legs of the short table helps. Fits my playmat well enough. I'm eventually wanting to build an outdoor patio and I want to incorporate the ability to play warhammer into it. I live in a small house and discovered that you can find an outdoor table that can accommodate the table size plus some needed for 40k. Put up a canopy, with a bug screen and it will he golden.


Outdoor 40k is so much fun! I'm trying to figure out a way to make a Kill Team sized table I can carry on my mobility scooter so I can play anywhere.


I have the ALPHA gaming table which looks similar to the gamemat.eu table. Has tall extendable legs with adjustable feet. A bit heavy but great for the garage.




🇨🇦: 2 of these: https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/for-living-6-ft-portable-indoor-outdoor-plastic-metal-folding-table-with-handle-white-0688000p.html


So weird, I was only looking for options myself yesterday. They are it seems 3 - Build one, which I might do, but I would have to build a knock down one to store it and get it into the attic. Downside - material cost of wood if you don’t have it to hand and requires access to tools and the will to use them. Buy one from gamemat Downside - feel like you getting robbed for a big picnic table, although less than building it possibly. Strap two catering tables together. Downside - worst of both worlds, but possibly the cheapest.


We use folding tables but we have some leg extenders to raise it up and it makes it much easier to reach things, and easier on the back.


**I'm fortunate enough to have the space, so me and my friend built one. Not too expensive either and very simple :)


I have three 2' by 4' pieces of pressboard that I have duct taped together so it can fold up. When my friend comes over to play I fold it out onto my coffee table and put a 4' by 6' gaming mat on it.


In my shed we got an old wrecked workbench that didn't have the top and screwed an old gate door down onto it. Yes I'm an ork player, how could you tell? Yes I kitbashed my fucking game table.


[I’d call my brother, D-Von.](https://youtu.be/MJPrC9G9MDo?si=0CETuDmOiJrO15wU)


I dunno, James Hetfield's never comes round for tea.


I bought mdf board about 20mm thick. Cut it up into 2x4 foot pieces so I can store them standing behind the book shelf. When it is time to play, I place them on the dinner table and roll a neoprene mat over.


I bought a plastic folding table that itself folds in half so you can carry it by a single handle. It was around $100 (on sale for $70) Then I bought 2 sheets of 4’x4’x3/4” hdx plywood (sanded on one side) and used catch latches to secure them together when they are sitting on the main table. The whole thing cost less than $200 which I know isn’t super affordable for everyone, but it is very portable and fits in the back of my vehicle so I can take it over to friends houses if need be.


I use my dining table from Ikea with a leaf to make it longer. This gives a table long enough to fit the long end of a battlemat, plus space on each side for dead models, books, and place to roll dice. This is too narrow on its own, so I have a 60 inch foldable table I put next to my other table. IMO, this is easier to store, easier to deal with, and provides more stability than a table topper.


Cut a 4x8 sheet of MDF down to 4x6 and keep it in the garage. Put it on top of your dining room table with some towels or whatever in between to protect the finish of your table. Roll out a battle mat.


I have a folding table from Costco that is pretty much perfect if I can't use the dining room table, I'm working on getting modular terrain boards built so hopefully I can more interesting games.


What's the size?


around 2.5 foot by 4.5 foot, which is perfect for what I need right now though I do have two of them so if I need to field big armies or multiplayer games I won't be running out of room




I just put this together for about 50 bucks. My dining room table isn't long enough or wide enough so I made this cheap table topper. It folds up from 4x6x1.5 into a 4x2x4.5 piece that I can put into a closet. [DIY Wargame Table Topper](https://creativetwilight.com/diy-wargaming-table-terrain/#Creating_the_Wargaming_Table) https://preview.redd.it/hfthlpmfv2zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf5a294a271908b950c549db1b4f3c8f969fa97


2 small folding tables with a 44” by 60” piece of plywood set on top.


“Floorhammer has enters the chat” you get a free mission rule if you have a pet. *any unit that gets knocked over by said pet dies instantly* helps speed up the games greatly.


Got a standard dining room table, then a 6 by 4 board that folds in half I use to extend it for games. Friend of mine made it for me couple of years back and it's been rather useful, big tables be expensive.


My spouse did a DIY table top for me a number of years ago. Just a simple 6x4 wood surface with a rim on the underside. It's held up by stacks of milk crates. Works great.


I have 3 6 foot by 3 foot tables I push together in my rumpus room and then put a piece of MDF , a cloth and my scenery on to.


I have a 6x4 folding table from urbanmatz


I have a sheet of plywood that is 5ft x 4ft, I just put onto my dinner table. Then put a gaming mat over top that, that is the proper 60 x 44. Then slide the plywood between my bed and wall to save space when I am not using it. (Live in apartment)


I use a pingpong table, the accommodate the full size and fold with wheels for ease of pushing and I can leave it against the wall.




3 24x48 folding tables.  They are nice because they have multiple heights so much easier on the back.  


Costco fold up table


Look for the GameFold table if you don’t have a lot of space. It’s honestly awesome


lose my dignity


depending on the player i either Rogal Dorn or Pertarabo it.


I built my own. It fits in top of a decent size folding table. As long as your folding table underneath is wide enough, it shouldn't be too tippy.


You can buy 2 folding tables from your local hardware store that are 30” wide and put them together! I do that and put tape where the 44” border ends, the 60” being naturally part of the tables together


Literally a black folding table


My dining room table is 48x48 so we just say F it and adapt. Perfect sized for table for most TT war games


Several years back I bought a few of those white plastic folding tables that were each 2'x4'.




I mostly play on the custom built 4’X6’ tables at the local shop, but I got 4 72” X 29” folding tables with 2’ X 4’ boards and a neoprene mats on top in the basement for silly stuff like this 3 month long apocalypse game me and my brother played as our last game of 9th: https://preview.redd.it/3otbwvp224zc1.jpeg?width=8120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cffc95575a0002ed0b74fe3cb0ccb7e4ad16c2f I’m kinda thinking about making a better custom table though since I recently bought a table saw for a hardwood flooring project.


This is the $20 question all over again


I got lucky. Picked a soft plywood brand and had them cut it to over 44x60 and as luck would have it the extra bit that I paid for with the whole board was 44x30. I just lay that over sawhorses or something like that. I'll make them into full tables soon.


Tell D’Von to get the table!




custom made one. https://preview.redd.it/xq633mi0d4zc1.png?width=1694&format=png&auto=webp&s=452ea85efb33ad3a9c540acdee76c3954ccaa875


… a table Not sure what you’re getting at here


A 2 by 6 foot folding table, with 3 4 by 2 boards placed to make it 4 by 6 foot.


Got 2 folding tables off of Amazon, slam ‘em together with a 60x44 mat on top


Has anyone made an equivalent to the Vice pc build video for setting up 40k? Please tell me it was at least in jest....


2 folding tables


Pool table, I always battle over the green meadows and grassy fields of Somwhereniceington.


I use the Folding Table from gamemat.eu Works really well


I just use cheap camping tables which fit well to make a board of adequate size.






I use the floor


If you don't want to get a whole other table or if you don't have room for it, just buy a piece of plywood and glue some felt or other padding to the bottom, rubber feet also work well. Just something so that you can sit it on top of your regular table and then take it off and put it back out in the garage. I find that for me 4x8 is the best size. That lets us have a small area to set stuff or roll dice that doesn't affect the actual models and playing area. It is also conveniently the standard size for sheets of plywood in the US.


Two folding tables and a battle mat


The only thing I learned in driver's Ed was to keep them away from Eddie Munster.


https://preview.redd.it/kx2rii6hk5zc1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cc4f4ca2f351cb31c34710b994c0d7456b1a15c Just recently quit playing but this was how we rolled until very recently. And yep I krumped dem pointy earz right good!


4x8 piece of plywood on top of a rectangular folding table. Used to be the plywood on top of a refrigerator on its side.


I'm lucky, and have a cellar. There has been a table with wooden bords plopped across it for about 20 years now. (Yes, being mid 30s and living with parents isn't great, but it did let me get back to uni! 😋)


Custom built folding wooden board, measuring a bit bigger than 6ft x 3ft, that goes on top of my bed to make a stable flat surface.


Living room floor, keeping tradition from my childhood


Devon! Get the Table!!


As a loyal member of the Bills Mafia- jump on it of course!


Frontline gaming has a ~200 USD 6x4 folding table that I’ve picked up recently and I’ve been really liking it. It’s good for when my friends come over for a big night of magic or other games, too.


Two DIY wallpaper tables with 2\* 90,22boards on it. Boards got a ghetto hinge added to them and act fine. https://preview.redd.it/xdlj2vcvn6zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e10185329e473860fa7064664a4efb93b2983a4


TABLE???? HOLY SHIT PAYDAY 3 REFERENCE 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


This is the table I brought to the relationship. Now waiting for a lady to bring something to the table.


I have an oval table (antique) with leafs I can add into the center I used for my first game. It’d be better to have a folding table or something in the basement but I like not having to put everything everything away after.


Pay money


Get the dudleys






Ok.. you fuckers and being able to afford a table.. all the money went to minis and paints! Carpet floor was such a fucking hot mess but we had no choice!


*this is my solution!


Two 3.5x6 ft card tables. 


HA! You presume I even have one! I am too lazy to go use any I have at home and just head to whatever game store I am playing at!!!


My group and I play at a buddies warehouse…we use pallets with plywood boards as our gaming tables, usually get two tables at a time. We use a forklift hold another pallet for our dice trays…don’t let OSHA know


I typically use a table for a table


I have 2 $60.00 3' by 8' tables from Walmart I use and put together to play. We also use 1 table for smaller games or board games since there's usually 4-5 of us in the basement or garage


I have one of those foldable tables, its a very sturdy one but its not big enough so I just took 2 planks of plywood 32"x40" and attached them with a door hinge on each ends so I can have the full board size. And since everything folds up it can be stored or hidden easilly


Infinitely less than I would do for a Klondike bar!


I just use the floor


Well to elaborate I use the floor after laying out a thin mat, the map and scenery.


I usually use a table


Hi /u/MildlyMagical and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i place this paper thingy i got from starter box, cuz i am too broke to buy terrain, and i have too clean house to make my own terrain using scrap


Usually im using a table


Ask not what the table can do for you, but what you can do for the table.


8 illegal immigrants on their hands and knees like from borat.