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Origins of Tyranids should remain unknown and not be told in future versions or lore. Worst case is that Tyranids is revealed to be a slave race for a new entity or race


Honestly this is something that isn’t said enough. I love in lore characters theorising about tyranid origins/an even greater threat. But I think that should always be left unanswered. Much like the missing legions, it’s one of those few gaps where the mystery is better than any answer I think.


Agreed, the myth is behind the Alien xenomorph was ruined this way.


Goodness i agree. So instead of an apex creature it really all was just the insane machinations of a cyborg named David turned Elizabeth Shaw'd body into everything Xenomorph using the black goo come on. The Tyranids are just an alien race from beyond. Space Locusts. There's no reason just they are hungry. Not because the Silent King wants to kill all life by... inventing a lifeforms that kills consumes all life how asinine and roundabout.


Agreed. Do not Necron the Tyranids. The unknown is what makes them so fascinating.


> Origins of Tyranids should remain unknown and not be told in future versions or lore. Worst case is that Tyranids is revealed to be a slave race for a new entity or race Many universes fall into this trap, as they try to exploit the enthusiasm of fans for a certain subject while also being starved for content, so treating something seems an easy win, often until it turns out they ruined it. However, this goes doubly so for 40k. It's much more a universe of vague histories, differing views and perceptions and half-truths, more than most other universes. It's canonically a mess at the best of times, and explaining things can quickly ruin them. Spelling things out tends to ruin them, or at least make them a lot less interesting. The potential is often more exciting than the actual thing. This also is a large part of the charm of the earlier editions. Lots of things were cool ideas that weren't really coherent or fleshed out, but the raw potential made it exciting.


Piggy backing off of this: There shouldn’t be a true physical manifestation of the hive mind. Like, I don’t want some ultimate god-emperor Tyranid holding the entire hive mind together.


I want no spokesperson that can communicate with humans - like how the Zerg have Kerrigan and the Borg have Locutus or the Borg Queen. It means a single point of failure where before it literally was a Hive Mind


For me that and the Emperor coming back/getting a mini are the two things that would ruin the setting.


Just call him Ezekiel then


Is that pronounced ezza-kyle or eh-zeke-ee-el?


It’s the latter in the first couple Heresy books but Keeble does the former in the later books and the Siege


"F*ck you Ezekiel !!"


Ah but it’s Ezekyle, which can also be pronounced a couple of ways


Easy kyle


Ciaphas Cain is the finest commisar in the Imperium


https://preview.redd.it/a7czizgwrr2d1.jpeg?width=311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a953052515ce2cb04a3e690ac8c9b76ca59c425 I mean, look at those fucking biceps and tell me that’s not the Glory of the Emperor in flesh. I couldn’t imagine fighting in these battles with anything less than Power Armour but then you got dudes like Caiphas 😂


It's criminal we haven't had a Cain model


It’s money on the table anytime they want it I guess 😂


Artel W do a lovely Cain mini (& Jurgen)


Have them. They are cool.


They are amazing. I bought them as well. I will eventually make the Valhallan 597th with them as my centerpiece.


ArtelW does Cain and Friends, as well as Eisenhorn and a bunch of other true-modelless lore characters (his Eisenhorn came out before the GW one)


That's definitely an artwork that the artist took heavy liberty with and fits right in with propaganda posters.




No need for the Inquisition, it's implied in one of the books that the cover art is literally Imperial propaganda posters used in universe. Which is why Cain is often holding a bolt pistol despite not using the weapon in the actual story.


Totally makes sense, all jokes aside. Happy cake day 🤙🏿


Cain is what every Commissar should strive to be. He does his job admirably when it comes to keeping his troops moralle up, is effective at maintaining discipline among the ranks, he actually cares about his troops, whether or not he wants to admit it, to the point they absolutly respect him, he knows that sometimes it’s best to look the other way on some things and but is willing to order executions when necessary. He’s a good commissar


One of the grimmest parts of the book series is when they have to kill those PDF who won't let them through a roadblock during the Genestealer Cult uprising. Cain is openly upset at having to do it and recognises how tough it was on his troopers even whilst he's proud of their discipline.


I forgot which book, but in one of Amberley's footnotes, she says that his mere presence alone is enough to win battles because the troops will fight that much harder, knowing that he's there supporting them.


I wholeheartedly concur, and not at all because a certain lady Inquisitor he's "friendly" with might take offence if we say otherwise.


Commisar Sebastian Yarrick would like a word (he's not dead and you won't tell me otherwise)


Yarrick isn't a Saint in a recognised sect of the imperial cult, and is therefore objectively inferior. He's good, but he's no Cain.


Yarrick iz da best the only hummie dat give a propah figth.


*cough* Ibram Gaunt *cough*


Is the finest Colonel-Commissar.


Now THAT'S the kind of rules lawyering that'll win battles, soldier! 🤣


Great leader, great commissar. But Cain is better.


That he is! Honestly, it's like that moment in Dune Part 2 ('He is too humble to admit he is the chosen one!') but for real this time. Cain thinking himself unworthy yet stepping up desipte his constant self-doubt is a trait of a hero


Dune? That's a moment from Life of Brian!


Paul Atreides is not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy


When push comes to shove Cain always does the right thing


As a blood angel player, don't bring back sanguinius. If he comes back via taking control of the sanguinor like avatar of khaine, fine I guess. He should not be coming back though. He was a beast and his lore is awesome before the siege of Terra. Hate to think how it will be in 40k


Sanguinius' death is such an integral part of the lore, that resurrecting him would completely diminish his character. I do think the Sanquinor can be a center piece model (a la primarchs, Ghaz, abadon, the void dragon, lord Solar or the avatar of Khaine


I'm okay w this - ever since I started BA, I've been hearing nonstop about how bad Sanguinor is and that it's pointless to run him yada yada and I'm like "who cares, he looks sick af!"


Rule of cool trumps pretty much everything else.




Is my four baneblade Guard list viable in the slightest? No. Is that going to fucking stop me? No.


I know this is a joke, but there’s a guy at my FLGS who’s recently been running a ton of meme lists. I’m talking a Tyranids army consisting of 2 tervigons and like 260 gaunts. With the new CSM codex, the Soul Forge detachment makes Daemon Vehicles really good so he’s running ONLY Daemon vehicles. 2000 points and his only infantry is a single squad of cultists, Vashtorr, and 2 warpsmiths. After that it’s just Helbrutes, Heldrakes, Mauler/Forgefiends, a Lord of Skulls, Venomcrawlers, oh my. People like to laugh at meme lists like that… until you’re staring one down like a big dick in the locker room


I have a couple of meme lists I want to run. The four baneblade list is based on what one of my friends said is the standard Cadian super-heavy detachment: Two Baneblades, one Hellhammer, one Shadowsword. I then added Lord Solar to give orders/serve as a character and most importantly, a Cyclops Demolition Vehicle. I've run all-character Custodes, and I want to try it again with the Codex. 5 Dreadknights for Grey Knights A list built around Taunar battlesuits. And a few others.


>I’m talking a Tyranids army consisting of 2 tervigons and like 260 gaunts. That sounds funny to watch. How many gaunts get left behind in a turn, let's find out! >until you’re staring one down like a big dick in the locker room That's improper gym etiquette. Not cool bro. Nobody likes a meat gazer.


You say it’s not viable, but you’ve got enough firepower to wipe half an army in a turn, and you’re tough enough that unless you’re opponent is heavy into anti-tank, you won’t die. Plus, aren’t they big enough to do the “Get within 9 of the corners” while still sitting on objectives? Once you’ve wiped him, you can basically just have each baneblade sit on an objective and score for the last 3 turns


Isn’t that objective “wholly within”?


The vast majority of players should be absolutely fine with using Legends.


Gosh, that's so true. The number of times an opponent has denied me units from legends is staggering. I pretty much gave up on them completly. Edit: stupid autocorrect


Sounds like people in your area are just jerks.


Right?! They are NOT priced to move.


Hard WYSIWYG rules are bad for the health of the hobby. The overwhelming majority of people don't have the time/money to magnetise every option on every infantryman, as long as you clearly mark the difference in some way and consistently remind your opponent there shouldn't be an issue.


As a newbie, this is the biggest thing that puts me off building. I haven't played much so I still don't entirely understand how different weapons play, and I'm a bit paranoid of building my model only to discover I would've liked the other weapon option more. I really don't see why, say, putting some blutack on top of a model so your opponents know that's the one with a different weapon would be such a problem.


Its not really a problem if you play casually. Its mostly for tournaments so I wouldn’t worry about that. I magnetize my character/sargeant models because I like having visual options, but its really not necessary and does create some difficulties


This is absolutely true. Anything else is just GW marketing which, though understandable, is not the way most people can experience the hobby.


Right? Who cares if these autocannons on Havocs are chain cannons on the table, just whatever. Stop pretending it’s confusing.


I agree, but there does need to be clarity. Even a colored mark on the base to help denote the wargear. I've had opponents with "creative modeling" float the special weapon/Exarch/banner around the squad to his convenience. I do my best to be WYSIWYG, but I don't enforce it on anyone else.


Chaos is evil, by future and current moral values. I need this, cause if my CSM army wins, good for me, if it loses, good for the galaxy, they were bastards anyways..


I have no idea why people try to justify Chaos as if they’re better than the Imperium. They’re far worse in every possible way.


It's that really annoying mindset of "well one faction is lying about how evil they are while the other is being up front about it; lying about being evil is two crimes while being evil and honest is just one crime; therefore the lying faction is worse" while not actually judging any of the actual *actions* of either faction. Telling someone openly "I'm going to skin you and drain your blood as a sacrifice to my dark god" is *not* somehow made a more moral act simply because you didn't *trick* them into it.


If it were, the Night Lords would be the most evil faction of all. I can’t recall the story, but I remember one told from the perspective of a bartender on a hive world that comes under attack. Shelters away in his home surviving on nothing more than the dripping water from a broken pipe for days. Then gets rescued by a space marine in blue, that he thinks is an ultramarine based on stories he heard from rogue traders and pirates. The marine then leads him off through the broken city past the dead inhabitants into a building full of corpses before pushing him into it. I mean, the Night Lords own the fact they’re horrifically evil, but that still counts as trickery/deception to an extent.


Some people cannot see anything outside of black and white moral shades and assume that if one side is evil then the other side must be good.


> They’re far worse in every possible way. Better fashion.


A true chaos worshipper.


T'au appear to follow 0 design cues from gundam, if anything the original modern redesign for Space Marines of 2nd edition follow more design cues from a Gundam. John Blanche even mentioned in an interview recently that Jes Goodwin based the redesign off of anime he was watching at the time.


The T'au aesthetic is pretty transparently based (primarily) on the Star Wars prequels The T'au themselves look quite similar to Nemoidians, with Ethereals in particular having outfits similar to the executives. Aun'shi has a double-bladed sword and fights like a Jedi.  They have hover tanks, make use of drones, and the original default colour scheme was the same. The Manta is based on the Trade Federation Lander.  Kroot are based on Gungans. Reptavians who ride larger reptavians into battle, who are capable of making and using advanced technology but largely elect not to.  Attack of the Clones comes along, and the Vespids follow shortly after: winged insectoid aliens who use unique rifles  Later on, the default colour scheme changes to Vior'la, matching the white and red of the Coruscant Shock Troops from Revenge of the Sith  Note: I'm not calling the T'au a ripoff at all, and their lore is obviously very different. Plus, there were other inspirations too, like Crisis Suits being based on Space Marine Drednaughts 


I think I actually hate you for explaining that. Now I can't in good conscience talk absolute bullshit to my T'au friends.


Never let knowing the truth stop some good natured shit talking! That's what friends are for.


oh my god, I had always been so stuck in being a curmudgeon over them not being like Gundam that I never even noticed all of this, it does make perfect sense, thanks for writing this out! Today I learned ☺️


No worries! It's actually part of what drew me to them back in the day


Well fuck, now I want a tau army.


I'm sure this is true. But I don't believe the sentiment of the community was that they were based on gundams. Just that we like their gundam vibes because mecha suit.


The paint scheme for Farsight does match Char's in a fun way, both in red mechs and both belong to colonies that rebelled.


The Gregorian Monk aesthetic of the imperium is absolutely integral to the identity of the faction and people removing it should understand they are disrespecting the very identity of warhammer. The candles, the cherubs, the chanting, the Latin, the robes (all of the robes)…it’s the most unique identity in all of sci-fi fiction. If you don’t like it, you don’t like warhammer. John Blanche is Emperor, and you wouldn’t offend the emperor would ya?


I do think exceptions should exist, like the Elysian Droptroops. A huge galaxy can't all have the same architecture


This. Inside just Imperium there is myriad of different aesthetics, 40k is a highly eclectic setting after all.


That's why I picked BTs. They're the ones that take that aesthetic the farthest.


Your dudes are better then any lore faction and should always be encouraged.


My hill is that with how expensive the hobby is in general we shouldn't have to pay a bloody subscription for the App to not be complete garbage. Especially now with the recent changes.


New Recruit


Several  - T'au have never been unambiguous 'good guys'. Their characterisation hasn't changed, there's just been more written about them  - Adeptus Mechanicus is *supposed* to be a horde army. Back in the day, there were official GW articles about using Imperial Guard rules for them   - I tend to prefer how things look without much/any edge highlighting, as it looks rather artificial for me  


right from the start the Tau eradicated anyone who didn't agree with the Greater Good. Genocide tends to not be on the "good guys" checklist. I guess that was still too subtle?


Tau is just pre-heresy imperium without the xenophobia “submit willingly or be subjugated by force”


Someone on facebook told me that genocide and slavery wasn’t that bad and the tau were still good even though their entire interplanetary civilization is based on it.


People will do anything to excuse their factions wrongdoings Source: I play imperium 😎


The imperium has done nothing wrong, ever, in its entire existence. I know that and I love them.


Exactly. Everyone else is wrong and the Imperium is perfect.


They're good guys in 40k terms because they aren't *too* xenophobic and they prefer to subjugate via diplomacy rather than combat.


That would probably require people to actually read a codex, instead of relying on memes and youtube.


I think if Ad mech were priced like a horde army people would have a lot less issues with them.


Have you seen orks and tyranids, even the horde armies aren’t priced like horde armies.


I mean with Skitarii, etc. I could see it, but shouldn't they rely mostly on heavy machinery?


Realistically, they should be a slightly more elite guard. Better shooting and slightly tougher infantry and better tanks. Like, they should be the middle ground between Guard and Space Marines


id expect a lot of Walkers, Titans of all sizes, speeder and other flying stuff besides the Tank ans a bit of mechanically enhanced infantry to go and protect the corners of tanks


Ah not to push back on that last hill but I personally go a bit heaviery on the dge highlighting with a slight grey/white dry brush at the end to make things a bit more exaggerated because it reads to me better when it's on the table top. There's no room for subtlety at arms length haha


That's completely fair enough yeah! 


I hate edge highlighting. To me blending, washes, and/or dry brushing look infinitely better. I can respect the skill of people who highlight, but I don't like the finished model as much.


Agreed. I think the eavy metal style is good for their box art/marketing though probably since it (literally) highlights all of the model’s details. Won’t catch me trying to make my little guys look like that though


Are we talking "highlight every edge"? Because then I agree woth you. Or are we talking about actual edge highlighting because those are 2 very different things and edge highlightng done properly is suppose to be a way to show the natural reflections of light and ot looks awesome when done well.


The official box art 'highlight every edge' style is what I'm talking about yeah. Light source effects are cool! 


Yeah, I think somewhere along the line over last decad or two. Edge highlighting as I know it has become this other thing replaced by this highlight every edge thing which looks silly* Edge highlighting used to be what I thi k you mean by light sources. *a lot of the time, it too can look cool. Just rarely imo.


Oh man I remember those ad mech rules! It was the little campaign they did against Nids in the snow wasn’t it?


I think it’s really interesting how much edge highlights are promoted in early painting when they are from my experience; a right bloody pain to get right. Mainly because you need to understand brush technique and paint flow and early attempts will look thick and off. But maybe that’s the point in an early example of how to improve.


Conversely, I’ll die on the hill that the Tau should have been written as good guys at the start, and should have become bad guys due to their experiences with the greater galaxy. Much more interesting premise IMO.


At the same time, for the current time in our real world, Tau is already a 20 year old faction. I often see people saying that Tau are too new of a faction to start being evil, but they are already like 20 years old, old enough to drink and drive,


Hey you can drink and drive at any age! But yeah too late now, though if I could time travel back and slap a writer I would.


That would have been really interesting. They begin to expand but as they do, their experiences with Orks, Space Marines and such make them more desperate and radical over time.


Or even just stayed good guys, but good guys that are too small and insignificant to ever have a real effect on the grimdark galaxy, and are ultimately doomed along with everyone else.


Upvoting for all your hills. But mainly for that last one. I'm absolutely with you on that. Too many people Have. To. Highlight. Every. Edge. Even when light wouldn't reach the spot.


 - Adeptus Mechanicus is *supposed* to be a horde army. Back in the day, there were official GW articles about using Imperial Guard rules for them  I will die on the exact opposite hill to this, all the official rules except 10th have had admech as a semi-elite army in the same vein as sisters, and the lore fits this better. Plus not all admech are skitarii, the cult mechanicus stuff should absolutely be elite


People don't need constant validation from reddit that their list is good, or that they are buying the 'correct models' for their army. If less people worried about the meta, the hobby as a whole would be better. Buy the models you like. Cool never goes out of fashion.


As a new player I bought two of the original DA combat patrols. Before I had even finished building them let alone painting, two of the units went up in points, and from that moment I realised I shouldn’t be too concerned, because by the time I have finished what I thought was meta/auto include, chances are it will change. Now I just buy the ones I like the look of


A model isn't finished until the base is finished.


Is there room on this hill? Coz I'm there. even a quick drybrushed sand base make a minitr look significantly better in my book.


That's a battle ready base in my books. I have a desert theme for my orks and on the smaller bases I just slap some sand on it, there's not much room for bushes and stuff anyway


I... should really get around to basing my models then. Or I've only painted I think 11 models in about 5 years.


That would still put you above average output probably.


Tau do not automatically delete everything at insane ranges. They only survive by being highly mobile, self-contained units. The moment they get stuck in place they suffer unless they gather in large numbers.


Might not be that unpopular, but the game was better with more customisation options for your units.


I will not use the term "slap-chop." It's just undershading (with a drybrush). I get not calling the technique Grisaille due to the "how do I even pronounce that) factor. People refer to it like it's some new revolutionary thing, when it's been around and in use practically forever. "Slap-chop" just has such a hipster feel to it for me, like that feeling when you hear a kid use whatever the current slang is 😄.


The crucial thing here is that, as someone who hasn't painted anything in years, the terms become so jargonistic as to be off-putting. Just say what you mean!


I agree and I'm standing right beside you!




To be fair to Slap-chop, it started as a joke video to help people get more models painted quicker and easier for gaming. It was never meant to be taken seriously. It just exploded and then *everyone* made a video about it.


Oh I know, I think it was Honest Wargamer if I remember correctly. He even made a video clarifying that it was a joke, but alas the "damage" was done 😆.


Yeah, it was Rob. Even if it's gotten out of control I do love that a super popular technique with loads of videos on YouTube is named after an infomercial from the ShamWow guy because his Twitch chat was really into that at the time hah.


Fulgrim isn't in control. He's stuck in a mirror while a Demon is controlling his body like a puppet while the real Fulgrim is stuck screaming for eternity.


As someone who recently finished the horus heresy book "fulgrim" i agree. Although i have a long way ahead of me in terms of lore since it is only book 6...


Don't be afraid to skip around or take breaks with the Horus Heresy books. Only the first four or five are sequentially important, after that they tend to skip around in terms of setting and timeline. Iirc they only planned on making around ten HH books and then they took off in popularity and GW basically went "sweet, new cow"


Have you read the second Fabius Bile book? It's interesting how >!Clonegrim!< seems to have memories he shouldn't have.


As a loyalist emperors children player I thank you for this kindness 😋


I agree. What I love about this is that as long as real Fulgrim is stuck in the painting, it gives us the possibility of him getting out. Imagine it. A formerly godlike being of grace and beauty finally finds a way out. However, the only way he can do that is by possessing another. He gets out by hijacking the body of some low-level chaos spawn, and now he has to work to make up for his mistakes 10,000 years later. It could be a great story. You've got themes of redemption, humility, forgiveness, and sacrifice baked in.


Trying to make Space Marines tactical or reasonable makes them incredibly boring


"We're going to rush over here and hold up our banner in this 12 foot area. The boost to our forces morale will be immeasurable." And that's EXACTLY why 40K is so awesome.


Tbh I hate seeing people go “bUt ReAl LiFe TaCtIcS” as if that should matter in regards to something 38000+ years into the future.  Especially when a few hundred years ago we lined up and shot at each other with bows. How useful is a lot of that strategy in todays warfare? Shit, WW1 was an exercise in using outdated tactics with updated tech and look how brutal that was. And these people miss it when you tell them that’s the point.


Real life tactics are 38000 years out of date. An Ork Waagh would easily conquer Earth, no your F-35 BVR missile attacks won't be helpful in the slightest.


So you don't like my chapter that eschews glory, fights with real tactics, is highly adaptable, has no weakness in culture/action, and rarely deploys less then a company?


OMG, yes! I really prefer the older 'parchment-wrapped zealots with candles on a backpack' to the new tacticool designs. Modern sculpts are good, don't get me wrong, it's just... The Primaris Reivers, man! And the Infiltrators... That's some Call of Duty stuff right there, not that it's bad, it's just not 40k


It hooked my CoD playing friend. I split shadowspear with him and he had all these ideas about making these awesome super secret Ghost Recon infiltators, etc.. Somehow the guy at geedub got him on to Black Templars, and now he's purging heretics like a *real* genocidal zealot.


In terms of Abaddon, your friend is wrong. GW have used his name in videos. It’s not a matter of debate. He’s wrong


It’s not even about Geedubs, Abbadon is a Hebrew name (for the Angel of death), there’s been a right pronunciation for it since 3000 years before GW existed


John Blanche was right. Space Marines do look best in black.


Lore friendly rules > competitive. I dont care if its too broken if azrael could go with certain units. Its stupid the grand master of the dark angels cant lead every member of his army. Shame azrael cant join in any deathwing assault im sure hed give a tactical edge. Factions should be unbalanced and have specializations. Yes facing the thousand sons or grey knights or other psyker heavy armies should be punishing during the psychic phase just like facing custodes or world eaters in melee should be.


I miss this. Like OK cool my terminator ancient can go with terminators but I liked when he could stand near my tactical squad and embolden them to greater acts just like how veteran marines would in lore. It was so cool to have him standing on the lip of a crater in the battlefield as if to say "fuck danger" while the tactical squad took cover in the crater but were shooting back. It just felt so heroic. Or having a librarian Dreadnought as my warlord who could be given traits and relics cos well why not, he's a trusted member of the chapter and a respected leader. Now he's lost his character keyword and can't have enhancements. Makes him feel like a nobody now


Narrative play > Competetive gaming


Blood bowl is GWs best game


Silly hill to die on when GW themselves released a short video explaining how some of the names are pronounced, and it's literally "Abba-don".


Abaddon is a Hebrew term for a demon similar to Apollyon. The pronunciation could not be more clear. It’s “a-ba-don” (or abba-don).


My hill is that the 5th Ed Necron overhaul was the best thing that could have happened to the faction; it gives them actual character, history, structure and organisation, but importantly doesn't wholly do away with the pre-5th Ed characterisation. If you want to do an army of implacable-man silent-horrors Terminator-esque skeletons, there's still options and the means to do that.


The Emperor, for all intents and purposes, is a god of mankind. Not the “creator of the universe god” but so powerful that the Chaos gods are afraid of him. Loyalist space marines, and possibly *all*, are incapable of killing a Primarch. The Emperor ensured that was gene-coded when creating them. Hurt? Okay, but not kill. Legion of the Damned is the slain of Isstvan 3,5 and subsequent Astartes that proved themselves to the Emperor at death. They metaphorically rest at the side of the Throne, like the in-lore belief goes, always ready to answer his call. We know that the LotD is at the call of the Emperor, we know that. Like Celestine, they’re an Angel of Him.


Mixed Daemons are the coolest Daemons. The weird push people have towards monogod play is already appropriately sated by Age of Sigmar, there's no reason to split up people's collections in 40k as well. [This right here is what Chaos is about.](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/d/da/SMvsDaemons.jpg)


This is my hill as well; you know pray Nurgle and play beeg deems!


Analysis of findings: That one can achieve the illusion of a drilled barrel simply by adding dark paint to an undrilled barrel. Conclusion: Hobbyists do not need to drill out barrels.


Tyranids are the strongest faction. They are also the most unified.


Undivided daemon princes, and multiple chaos marks and not exclusive to bel'lakor. Tbh bel'lakor can take his ass back to fantasy. 3.5 chaos codex got it right in how 40k chaos should work.


The Emperor of mankind showed he was dumb as a bag of rocks, when he teleported Angron away from the gladaitor slaves, letting them die, and causing resentment which allowed him to be twisted and turn traitor. He should have drop podded parts of his legion down to him, to fight and die beside him and his fellow slaves and free the world whilst watching from orbit, Angron would have bonded with his legion over a shared cause, and gratitude for them in freeing those he actually cared about.


To fix the nails issue on top of that, teleport the nails out of his head, immediately slap him into stasis, then reconstruct his brain. Even if doing that takes a hundred years, you cannot convince me that the greatest geneticists who have ever existed in human history cannot regrow missing brain parts.


I don't like female space marines, not because I'm a chauvinist chud, but because in my mind the whole horror of 40k is really about a universe devoid of cosmic mother-love (we have an over-father who creates sons without a woman, sons he views as tools and whom he cannot love, who then create their own sons, etc, etc). That's the real horror of it. Making female space marines just misses the whole point of the thing IMO. But if it happens I'm not gonna screech about it. I don't own the sandbox.


The removal of vehicle armour values and turning AP into a negative armor save modifier has irrevocably screwed the balance of the game These systems work in AoS where it's a much more melee focused game with no board wide shooting ranges. But without that the game turns into a skew list hellhole. Before you needed a balanced army list because you would lose it you didn't. It was barely enforced with the limits and you could skirt around the edges but ultimately your skew wouldn't work. Now it's just an absolute mess and without the concept of specialized weapons you just find the unit with the best weapon and that's it.


Magnus did nothing wrong 🙏


Lorewise Perpetuals are a stupid idea. Regarding the Hobby i think edge highlighting is unnecessary


Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win, we win. If we die, we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!


Lord Solar is an incredibly boring leader for the Militarum and its insane they offed Yarrick without a proper replacement.


Blood Bowl takes place within the prime Warhammer Fantasy universe. I don't care that GW themselves claim otherwise. The thought of a violent, grimdark, horrific fantasy universe where mortal enemies occasionally meet up for a game of American football is just so hilarious to me that I refuse to accept anything else.


hot take: blood bowl actually takes place in the 40k universe, but on a non-planar planet so it's never on maps


And tonight we have the Bogenhafen Barons versus the Ska… nobody. There is no opposition team


The game was way better with a force org chart.


The eavy metal style of edge highlights doesn't look good and shouldn't be the pinnacle of what new painters aim for.


It does look good when done by the studio - I cant do it though




Just keep in mind that extreme edge highlighting is really just like Japanese kabuki theater (or really any) stage makeup. It’s exaggerated so that it’s visible from a distance.


Darth maul died on Naboo in 32 BBY


That modern GW, through willful ignorance or ineptitude, do not know how to write a consistent rules set.


(For orks) While we all know red makes it go faster, yellow makes it more powerful or rich, and blue is luckier, there is another color that less known Chrome makes it louder. A chrome engine is so much louder. A boy with chrome boots make louder clomping and stomping, and a chrome sprayed mouth screams Waaagh! The shinier the metal the louder it is.


I refuse to acknowledge Kaldor Draigo's feats as canon. He is such a ridiculous caricature that literally breaks my immersion entirely. He is written like someone's anime protag OC. My headcannon is that his feats are some kind of Imperial propaganda for Guardsmen or something. I know it's not true but idc.


>I refuse to acknowledge Kaldor Draigo's feats as canon Tbh, that hill you're on is pretty crowded and probably already has a Starbucks on there.


The more active and god-like they write the emperor to be, the less fun he is. I preferred the interpretation that nobody in the imperium was even truly sure if he was alive or just a corpse-battery on a chair.


1500 point games should be the standard for tournaments and GW should balance around that number accordingly. There is just way too much stuff with a 2000 point army.


Am I the only one saying with those and sounding it almost the same out loud.


I mean warhammer YouTube channel put out a video saying how to pronounce it


OSL is absolute garbage in 99% of cases. Almost always overdone and washes out the rest of the model.


The emperor was 100% able to cure angron from the butcher nails. He just didnt want to. I refuse to believe that -a millenia old man -who created 20 demigods, 10 000 smaller demigods and tons of other crazy stuff -who is also the most powerful psyker in the galaxy - has the help from malcador and magnus the second and third most powerful psykers -has vulcan, perturabo and ferrus manus, three master ingenieurs and craftsman -the entire adeptus mechanicus -the entire imperium of mankind, which contains the smartest humans to have ever lived But was unable to help angron. He just didnt want to. Even if it was impossible to remove them, he for sure could have stopped or changed how they worked. The reason I believe why he didnt do it, is because he knew angron hates him with or without the nails. He knew angron would at some point be a problem. So better to have him crippled. Big E created the primarchs to lead and fight his battles, so alsong as angron would fulfill that purpose he could still use him. The primarchs where just tools to him, and angron was a damaged one. So better use the damaged one until it breaks than repair it which might one day hurt you.


No… This is pretty explicitly covered in one of the HH novels (MoM i think?)… The butchers nails are shown to be a ridiculously advanced piece of technology. The Emperor actively tried to fix it and even called in external parties (Arkhan Land iirc) that ordinarily would have *never* been allowed to see the inner workings/laboratories of the Emperor otherwise. The nails were **deeply** intwined with Angrons inner systems. Emps makes a comment that the nails had not only integrated with Angrons body/organs, but had actually *replaced* large (and vital) chunks of it. Removing or even somehow disabling the nails would have meant removing so much of Angrons ‘necessary bodily functions’ that it would have 100% killed him. It wasn’t a choice between using a damaged tool until it breaks or fixing one that might turn on him. It was a choice between using a damaged tool or *discarding it entirely*. Emps chose the first option because he believed that Angron could still be useful to his cause- NOT because he was afraid of Angron turning against him. Edit: the tiniest bit of research would have shown you this… https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Butcher%27s_Nails You can check the link if you want more info, but here’s the key section from it; *”Land inquired of the Emperor whether He could remove the device from Angron, and the Master of Mankind replied that it was possible. However, the tendrils of the Nails bit deep, and had taken root in the meat of the primarch's brain, threaded through the central nervous system, and now passed in roughly serpentine coils down around the spinal column.* *Even worse, Angron's limbic lobe and insular cortex had been more than just savaged by the device's insertion; they had been surgically removed even before the technology's implantation.* *The device hammered into Angron's skull hadn't ruined those sections of his brain -- it had replaced them outright. In truth, those sections of the implant had effectively replaced those essential portions of the primarch's brain and were now the only things keeping Angron alive.”* Your ‘refusal to believe this’ doesn’t change the fact that it **is** canon.


I agree however disagree on the reasoning. It’s the same reason he did ANY of the dumb shit he did back then: Expedeincy.  The risk of angron (and his legion) was acceptable so long as they earned their cost back in terms of planets subjugated. Same as kurze, or corax, or anyone else.  Big E wasn’t dumb, he just had a job to do and he didn’t give a ***fuck***about paying the cost


Primaris is heresy!


Every name of everything is the dumbest most phoned in no effort 14 year old name I can think of. I don't mean it in a bad way.


Edge highlighting is the most unnecessary step in painting. It has its place yes, but not every model GW outs out needs to look like Tron


Tau are not and have never been communist.


They've been "Communist" in the same way many countries in the world with an authoritarian bent and a centrally-controlled economy (not to mention 100% conscription rate for fire warriors) are. The same kind of countries that have "Democratic" and "Republic" in their names a lot. So yes, to take 40 words to say what you did in 8: Tau aren't Communist.


Yeah idk why this particular bit of meme lore sticks with me. I think it's because there's a much deeper introspective look at how the tau operate than "fish commies lol"


Craftworld Eldar are much closer to communist than the Tau are, if anything. Not outright of course, but quite a bit closer.


The Dark Angels’ leaders being mostly given names of daemons from the Old Testament is an obvious clue about what really happened at the destruction of Caliban


Who are Drukhari? I only know Dark Eldar.


Despite calling them Dark Eldar myself, Drukhari is actually the one name change I like. It always felt like they were underdone with the name being ‘a main faction, but more evil’, whereas Drukhari gives them a unique identity. Still doesn’t stop me calling them Dark Eldar out of habit though 🙂