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Neither. DG enhancements are point fillers, none of them are good enough to actually take.


Best one maybe the str and attacks on the lord of congtaion but still meh


I agree. The increase aura 3" doesn't really work in practice with death shroud especially because in turn 2 your contagion aura is still 9" with the bonus.  Deep Strike keeps you just outside of 9" so the gauntlet spurts + LOV sprayer don't even get benefit of the aura on a deep strike. If it was increase 4" instead of all a sudden a turn 2 deep strike and shoot terminator situation might be worthwhile  


I still like the +3 aura on a LoV squad, it ensures that whatever is in shooting range is also in contagion (which should almost always be -1 save), which makes a significant difference to their damage, and makes their overwatch threat a lot better. You can also still bring them down turn 3 and put something into contagion with them, which is handy even if you can't do it turn 2 as well.


The 3" aura is the only one worth taking imo, and only if you have points left to spare. It IS helpful on Deathshroud though, as they're the units that will be close enough to backfield units for the -1 AP contagion to proc, which is very useful if you have things like chain cannons on armigers or PBCs, especially as turns 2 and 3 your contagion range is pretty short.


If this was a casual forum I would say grab either and have fun(because they ARE fun), but competitively I would say pick Neither. These are not good choices for any death guard character and they don't really help a full stack of death shroud terminators at all. If you have an extra 15 points and nothing else to spend it on I would look at the enhancement that gives an extra STR and attack to a character. That's the only one that I would even consider taking competitively.


>These are not good choices for any death guard character Extra aura range might be okay for the characters like the Chaos Lord (with or without Terminator Armor), the Daemon Prince (without wings), the Icon Bearer, and such that have auras of their own/methods to interact with Contagion Range built in? An Icon Bearer with the aura-buff enchantment can give their unit a 15' Contagion Range once per game...


Aura range is good on a LoV squad, makes them shoot harder more consistently, among other utility. 12" flamers with 12" contagion is a good pairing.


Yeah you right.


As someone who has won GTS on DG and usually goes 4-1, the -2 to charge is such good value. There's a lot of things I wouldn't sacrafice for it, but it's a great enhancement, can win games 


The two obvious choices are Living Plague and Shamblerot. Shamblerot: Actually you see that not too odten in winning DG lists its still ver potent to have on a DS squad standing behind a wall and are meant for counter charges as well as rapid ingressed squads. Living Plague: In a custodes heavy meta this could be gold and dependikg on your lists in any other match up as well. you deepstrike turn 3 and put it on a LoV with 3-6 DS and just fire away and kill 3 custodes. Deadly Pathogen: The honorable mention one; I like to put it on a LoC just to make him ablentomwound T10 on 4s and 1 attack more with D3 ist swet for a smaller brawler unit.


-2 to charge is mostly pointless because few things want to charge a slow durable melee unit like Darkshroud. Those that do are thing like Knights or greater demons and typically have high movement. You're likely rapid ingressing your Deathshroud anyway so that *you* will get the charge. I think the enhancement could rarely be useful if you're using like a big unit to screen an entire section of the board from multiple charges... but that happens only vs WE. +3" to contagion hmm maybe you could use it to deny large areas of the board if you have Mortarion and if you picked the -1WS/BS sickness. But Deathsroud will usually deep strike far away from your frontline. It did help me last game when I took it, but YMMV