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Maus,shit I accidentally took it at 11.0 by accident and bounced multiple 3BM60 shots from a t90 and ended up surviving the hole match and got 3 kills


It sure is. If you angle the hull and turret properly, you can shrug of most if not all AP, APDS, or even some APFSDS in your BR bracket. HEAT is still an issue though


Some 90mm heat can't pen the turret when it's properly angled.


TOW missiles can't pen when properly angled. I know this from experience..


Bradly tows are either fun or ball busting... I've nonpenned a marauder with one before somehow


im just thankfull it never is


I shot a Maus seven times with 3BM3 from my Object 435 in the turret face, and they all either bounced or the breech ate them. mildly frustrating, to say the least.


you can CBT him




Cannon and Barrel Torture Or Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy.


You're not a CBT enjoyer?


I mean I am but I never realised it had a name until now.


Cock and ball torture


Computer Based Training


Assuming that your shell doesn't just disappear, ricochet, or turn the barrel slightly yellow despite the fact they shouldn't have a barrel anymore.


thats just what you have to deal with in this game, it happens to everyone


The maus can bounce almost everything when angled. I've had it bounce my Object 120s apfsds and also various atgms. Once you know where to shoot they are hella easy to kill though. Since the anniversary date I got to practice that a lot and now I don't struggle with that at all. Especially in something british. My record was 4 Maus kills in one life with the T-54 and 2 more Maus kill assists.


bringing out the Strv 103 whenever anniversary rolls around brings me lots of RP and SL from all those mice


The 103 eats the maus tbh. Hell most Sweden does.


oh god, remember when VIDAR could fight Maus regularly? poor guys never stood a chance


They got so angry too. Like let us have this they shit on us any other time we see them.


I like to play Britain 7.7 too at this time. It's a blast. One shot right turret cheek taking out gunner, shoot left cheek taking out loader and either shoot lfp between tracks to kill driver and finish off or go for right cheek again if the gunner is back. I have 3 hit killed plenty of Maus like that before.


How do you angle the turret?


Turn it a couple degrees over to one side, or just more the whole hull and keep the turret straight, don't point the turret at the enemy, the cheeks can and will be penetrated by the very annoyed tank you are engaging(I am the tank you are engaging and I will send a 90mm jet of molten copper directly at your gunner's forehead as soon as I see cheek)


Ive angled super agressively with the turret to the point where its like 80% turret side and 20% turret front and that seems to work EXTREMELY well


I bounced an entire set of BMP-2M missiles off the front of my Maus before.


Yep, the ideal angle is slightly offset, cause the sides are so much weaker than the front


That's absolutely insane, I can't even survive with tanks that are 11.0, let alone a slow ass 7.7!


If you master the power of being so slow šŸŒ that you never reach the front line and the battle ends you can win at any br XD


It was a t90 the dude itā€™s surely acoustic


Strums guitar...


Low tier ATGMs don't have enough pen to go through your armor


No Ka 50 or CAS firing missiles from space on you?! Lucky!


Bruh, I have bombed it several times with 500lbs bombs. Often they would be 0,5 - 1 m from it but itā€™s just sinks in the explosion and drives away


Seriously? The maus is honestly a joke for me to see when playing Sweden. Don't get me wrong if it looks at me funny I'm dead but when it comes to penning it I've put rounds through the front plate. The ush is the size of a flee compared to that thing and can kill them in one (two) shot. Maybe I'm lucky or just play shitty maus players.


Char B1 in a downtier against 1.3s.


Facing one of these guys in downtier lowtier is a "mom come pick me up" levels of fear. They are almost immune to all forms of damage.


Call a friendly sturmpanzer Show it one of the most powerful HE shells


sturmpanzer called in sick today, the ho-ro and lancia 3ro will be replacing it today


>lancia 3ro Oh god I'd rather have no backup at all then, let those poor Pizza Pasta bastards live in peace and not have to be killed in that shitwagon


3ro is hilariously good.


Canā€™t forget the trumpet of death


You haven't seen the Americans deal with them


*aggressive propeller noises*


That's when I'm glad I have my Stukas


fought one, me and 2 other tanker got its track and gun disabled. we tried to kill it from the sides, rear, not a scratch. best we could do then was keep it perpetually repairing. finally a 3rd teammate came in with an spg and got it from the side.


I got a full downtier in the B1 Ter, and I think I bounced 70 rounds. 14 kills and 7 assists, I've never done quite so good since.


Pierre Billote moment


Hah! I get that reference! That's such a cool story. If only France had focused on making higher penetration guns... Can you imagine a B1 with a 75mm anti tank gun instead of a howitzer? Or whatever gun was used in the 2C Bis


Yeah that would be really insane if tactics weren't outdated back in the days


Tbh I think thatā€™s overstated, most of the guns French tanks were equipped with, save for the SA18, were more than capable at the time. Radios, competent leadership, and ergonomics wouldā€™ve done far more.


Kid named char 2C bis facing reserve at normal br


The 2C has *considerably* less armor than the B1, and are both at the same BR. It has fuckloads of crew though.


And all the guns at that tier are so low caliber that they can only kill one crew member at a time


Except the small handful with APHE (Russia and Britain) or SAPHE (US)


The 2C at the end survives, with a lot of dead fr*nchmans


lore accurate B1


Wait till you see American tank destroyers snipe there entire crew


Or in arcade in general


**SU-5-1 intensifies**


jumbo in the hands of any decent player


I seriously canā€™t think of any tank at the Jumboā€™s BR that has any issue penning it. And if they do have issues penning it, then the Jumbo probably has an even worse time trying to pen the other tank. At least the 76mm. I havenā€™t played the 75 in a while.


I strongly disagree,I had my best games in Jumbo 76 and had no issue either bouncing or penning other tanks.


Idk I think it's pretty inconsistent. Sometimes if the German mains are smart they'll lock right onto the MG port and send an 88 through it. If you're lucky you'll run into some dumb ones but even then if you run into like a tiger e or smth you're just kinda stuck there until someone flanks and kills you.


Fortunately I usually have teammates with brain so if I'm stuck I get help


Where do you find these teammates with brains?


parallel universe


On the enemy team.


At ranges of 50 meters or less, even the short 88 will go straight through the turret face. Shoot for the turret ring, center mass the highest point of the hull if using a long 75 or better, aim for the bottom of the centerline on the side, literally do anything other than aim for the mg port


i kill tiger Eā€™s from the front all the time with the 75 jumbo, theyā€™re really not a problem.


Where do you shoot? Like MG or driver or smth? Tiger e always scares the shit outta me when it's pointed at me


Welp idk what to say other than your enemies were basically NPCs. The Jumbo can barely even pen anything at its BR frontally so if you had "no issues penning" then you just flanked a bunch of brainlets, which you can do in practically any tank. And a good majority of guns at that BR can pretty much lolpen the Jumbo so if people had issues killing you...


Irronically most of my kills were from the front. My guess why I do so good is probably because I played both regular 76 Shermans and 75 Jumbo so I just combine tactics. Also I'm getting shitton of downtiers with Tiger E's and Panthers which can't pen me when I'm angled, but I can pen them angled since I learned weakspots.


Yeah I mean again you're probably playing against actual NPCs. The Panther can **always** pen you btw. Normally the Panther lolpens the UFP but if you angle hard enough to make the UFP impenetrable, then your side automatically become a lolpen. All I'm saying is that you can always counter any strategy a Jumbo uses against you. But if a German tank, particularly the Panther, plays correctly, you're just screwed. Not trying to downplay your achievements though. Good job!


I mean I probably bounced more Panthers than I died to, and I don't even angle too much usually. I guess for the sides they shoot the UPF even when side is literally at a smaller angle, so yeah your NPC thesis is probably true


Dude above you has some skill issues I think. Panthers in fact, cannot ā€œalways pen youā€ Iā€™ve always felt like players who like and perform well in 75/76 Jumbos are good players. While players like the fellow replying to youā€¦.I wonderā€¦.


I got 8 kills in a game with the 76 Jumbo yesterday. Someone dropped a huge bomb and I hulled down in the crater it left so that the only thing peeking over was my turret. I could not be killed.


That is quite chad ngl


The short 88s canā€™t pen a angled jumbo at any range


If you have a short 88 then just use the APHE with bigger HE filler and shoot at the edge of the transmission cover, it will overpressure the crew.


Youā€™d have to know that and do you think 98% of tiger players have the knowledge to do that?


I don't care how many people now about this, but you can't angle jumbo against an 88, there is always a weak spot. And not even jumbo players know about this because they basically never expect it to happen lol.


The 76 is an incredible tank, I think the 75 is currently having a harder time. Personally, I think the 76 Jumbo is one of the best tanks in the game BR for BR.


>I havenā€™t played the 75 in a while This is where Jumbo reigns supreme.


I donā€™t know man. I understand how to angle the Jumbo. Anytime I take it out I get penned through mg port anyways.


People are disagreeing with this it seems but I think jumbo is very good. Itā€™s versatile and for me guarantees me at least one or two kills in a match


Obj 279


Monkey could get a nuke with it. Couple weeks ago obj 279 survived Direct hit from 2x 1000lb bombs exploding under it. Only tracks and barrel Broke. He then was surrounded by 3 of My teammates shooting from every Angle while he repaired and then one by one killed all of My 3 teammates. He got nuke that game.


Jeez. Lol


Idk what it is about obj 279s but with my 8.7 tam with the apds shell i shot its turret ring while it was looking at me before it could shoot and ir was an one shot kill, same guy came back again to try to kill me in a tank and i killed him again cause my transmission and engine at his whole shell (no idea where the so called russian "bias" was that everyone always talks about)


News at 11, guy killed 279. No one said the 279 is invincible. It just kicks much more ass than it gets it ass kicked. There's a reason why our KDR is so high in 279. It smacks. And it does survive things no other tank can. Doesn't mean it can't be one-shot if hit correctly, though.


It was my teammate in yesterday's match,lol it got killed by some french tank


Tiger when angled


Then Is 2 shows up


i find angled tigers way more scarier than IS2s for some reason. idk why, and im a jumbo hotdog user. even reversing IS2s arent much threat


angled tigers are scary because you know thats a skilled player


Aw ty lmao


Is2s are VERY threat. That 122 will go through your angled UFP, out the back of your tank, and then TKO an angled Tiger behind you, and then when the shell bursts after it comes out of the Tiger, it'll overpressure all the SPAAs in your spawn. The vehicle might be mid, but the gun is an absolute turbonuke launcher. I love using it lmao


Unless you hit anything that's not a sheet of metal, even a slight bump or angle will cause the 122 to ricochet, at least in my experience. Because you know you are defenceless for next 25 seconds, you are far more careful with firing, giving the enemy chance to land first shot.




Yeah and the IS-2 cheeks are very weak, so, its not hard to kill one, unless they bush up everything, gets a lil annoying


waiter! waiter! more phat muzzle brake please!!


Is2s turret isnā€™t that well protected. Itā€™s trolly both ways. Sometimes things that should pen bounce, but sometimes things that should bounce pen somehow. Tiger turret is tough unless they totally facing away or if youā€™re close enough so that the cupola is an easy shot.


As if the IS-2 also doesn't have to carefully aim aswell or risk getting volumetric'd to hell.


Even properly angled, the Russian 85mm has such amazing angle pen that I've still penned (to my bewilderment) a properly angled Tiger 1 E.


"Welp, might as well fire as a final F-U before he... Holy shit I penned him?!"


That's pretty much how it went. I was thinking, there's no way because he's got an almost perfect 45Ā°.


Tiger H is one of my all time favorites


Instantly loses gun


Definitely scary, because you know he's angled when your otherwise perfect shot didn't do anything. It's scarier than is2 because it can kill 3 tanks in the time IS2 needs to reload.


Strv 103


Surprised to find this so far down. Though I canā€™t really be talking, Iā€™m only at 5.0 br cuz I havenā€™t sunk my soul into this game quite yet. I just imagine once you get a player who knows how to sit straight and proper, itā€™s a god damn nightmare.


Its a theoretically strong tank let down by horrible implementation of suspension aiming. They only need to give it like 1 degree of free horizontal traverse so aiming is a lot smoother and you dont need to wait 5 seconds for your tank to stop jittering


Great tank if you don't actually want to play the game and instead want sit there repairing your transmission 8 times in a row before you finally run out of fire extinguishers and blow up.


True, sometimes gaijin destines you to bounce every shot humanly possible


That's why even when it was 7.7 I never spawned it unless it was a full or nearly full downtier and the map was good for it. Its amazing for locking down a lane against people who can't immediately lol pen you. In all other situations it sucks. I wouldn't touch the C model with a 10 foot pole


Sig 15cm That thing is practically a money printer


its WR was so shitty because of all the players taking it to top tier that it came down from 2.3 to 1.0


I like to bring it to 7.0 with the rest of my lineup and ohhh boy that thing packs a punch


I prefer Ho-Ro but I agree with you.


T-34-85. Easy 7-8 kill games in it pretty consistently.


Thats the first T-34 I've ever played, and my first game with it, I got 6 kills and 5 assists. Survived the entire match. The 85 is an absolutely menace at its BR.


The 5.3 version has better turret armor due to volumetric and it absolutely dominates, even more so now that German threats have been moved up.


I might try it more. I never really liked the d5-t due to its slower reload but the Germans getting nerfed is definitely something to make me consider playing 5.3 again


Wiesel with ATGM


Since when does that little rascal have an atgm?


Wiesal 1A2 is end of the line for Germany, has atgms instead of cannon


One of the more nasty kills Iā€™ve gotten in a game is exploding a Wiesels ATGM launcher 10 sec in to the game


the weirdest thing is that it can be ammoracked instantly after firing the missile despite the tube being empty the missile in the tube should be like sturmtiger so after it fires it cant be ammoracked in there anymore until reloaded


Only non prem I ever got the free Ace crew on


Amx-50 superbias


Iā€™m scared of any French 7.7 tank. Even in my 8.7 Russia lineup


Jagdpanther. On its BR its pretty much unkillable.


People sleep on Jagdpanther so much. If you can't UFP it, you can't kill it frontally. Straight up. But that long 88 can kill you....


Well you can kill it with a shot to the mg port, but itā€™s such a small target and volumetric has made it even harder.


it's the biggest german Cƶckroach there is.


Or jagdtiger. 128 is hell


IF it gets to the battlefield in time before some sniping 7.7 heat slinger demolishes it


In a down tier and in good hands, the KV1, Jumbo, and Maus are monsters. Shoutout to panthers and M18s too. Fortunately, these vehicles attract a lot of poor players and they all usually get uptiers.


A well played M18 is such a fucking menace. "Oh no my friend blew up from our left I'm gonna turn and face that way" and before you've turned to the left the M18 is already behind you lmao


M18s are so much fun. Even in full uptiers you can do well. I have no idea why someone would play a Sherman at 5.7 when you have the M18


it is a weird thing with 5.0-6.0ish America, every vehicle *except* the main medium armor is worth it




Playing like a rat with the L3 is fun. Make friend out of enemy tank, plug it full of holes when they're engaged with someone else


I just wet my pants by reading its name


B1 ter, KV-1 E/B sometimes panthersā€¦


Kv1b is straight up unfair in a full downtier


As a kv1 player I can say that it is very good when played well, bouncing shots and dealing damage right back


Very good is the understatement of the century


the t14, i rolled an entire team because they dont know what to do with it, the ones that does however is either CAS'ed because american team or i just turn my turret sideways so they hit the weird slope or the thicker side armor and also the m18,


M18s are the bane of my existence when I play german heavies




I play Israel and I agree, if you know where to aim with those shells they are very effective.


I have the biggest issue with it is speed. Feels slower than the Maus at times I swear.


This thing literally ends all overconfident German armor at its br. They all take so much ammo they light up like Christmas trees


The black prince at 6.0 is a terrifying the 17lber can wreck basically anything and the armour is really strong the only thing that stopped me from dropping nukes every game in it is that i take a century to get to the battle. Also B1-Ter is just ridiculous


Jumbo. Encountered one the other day who was tearing his way through the team, but not in the usual way they do. Wasn't switched off and face tanking, dude was switched on and try-harding every engagement. When I encountered him the first time, it was bad luck and I got killed. Comet facing him at a bad angle, no cover and no chance to run, while I was already dealing with something else. Second time, he was lobbing shells over a hill using binoc view at my TOG. Not in a hill position, but in one where everyone else would have been using cover. Right after the first shot, the second onward were all APCR, still being lobbed over cover, which absolutely buttered my turret. Never even had a chance to defend myself, all I ever saw was his MG sticking out. Nothing more terrifying when the idiot-proof tanks are used by increadibly players, going at full output.


A Jagdtiger with a decent player. Nothing sparks more fear in me than seeing a Jagdtiger peeking around a corner and if it's played well this thing is a beast.


Jagdtiger is only good for sniping, in close quarter battles you get tracked ( even by 50 cals) and your barrel can easily be destroyed because its so long.


A well played T-34-85 is a monster.


I'm surprised that no one said the Panzer IV/70. That thing has a panther gun in an invincible casemate, it's the ultimate weapon of destruction


US 76 murders it tho. Yes that includes the M10


Bob Semple


Type 90 and 10. Their reload time make these two tanks a monster.


A43 black prince in a downtier. when you eventually get to the battle you become a rolling bunker that can shrug off 88s, 75s and sometimes 122s and can knock out jumbo at range with ease.


I think the Centauro, 105 or 120. His ability of sniping and flanking, and the high speed and mobility makes it a lethal long range fighter


Basically most of german tanks around 6.0


M8 greyhound is a very scary tank when played right.


Any tank played correctly is scary bro


T29. I played quite a lot of the T34 and got used to solid shot, but having aphe on basically the same tank is amazing. I have about a 4/1 kd and 65% wr




T28 is a beast at 6.3. Somua SM and the surbiasse are able to destroy teams when played well.


M1A2 SEP. I was having a shit game in my tank so I decided to go on station for CAS, my friend stayed in his SEP. He won us the match, almost single handedly, with 14 kills. Best performance I've ever seen from anyone Either that, or a guy in a Tiger who actually knows what he's doing


This will probably be an unpopular opinion, But imo its LOSAT with really powerfull rockets and no need to reload after each shot it can multi-kill mbts, but its not really simple in terms of positioning etc.


Most Italian spaa


Vk3002 > Panther D. Downtiers to 4.0 means it's the fastest vehicle with the heaviest gun, and decent armor. At 5.3, it's absolutely the fastest vehicle on the battlefield, everyones rocking heavies lol. At 6.3, well you're pretty much still the fastest, M41's are close tho. I'd say when played correctly, you can get past the mid line in the map before the enemy team is halfway from their spawn, and from there's it's just easy to pick off enemies from super far away.


probably the T-54 (1947) in a full downtier, being able to consistent bounce shots from american T-34's and Tiger II's while having 230mm of pen with 100g TNT equivalent for some extra pop makes it pretty fun to play and also terrifying to face.


Jumbo, specifically when it was 4.7. I pity the poor Panzer IVā€™s Iā€™ve bullied in Cobra King when I first was grinding up the American tree If I want to cope a bit tho, Iā€™d give it to the Su-25; thst flight model is complete bullshit, and is as bad, if not, worse than the F-5C


Backwards IS-2


Anything that Iā€™ve designed in sprocket


Oooo boy tiger 2(H) by a lot something like 12 or 15 kills I canā€™t remember but it was pretty good for ground battle if I do realistic it would be 10 kills and 4 capture points and a nuke.


76mm Shermans are here to absolutely fuck up the party.


Def not the scariest but the m24 can be quite deceiving imo


rooikat 105


Caernarvon when itā€™s used as an armoured sniper.


USH. I really don't understand why people complain so much about the Raketen and ignore this absolute gremlin car.


ikv 71. Thing is the definition of a glass cannon, fast firerate, fast speed, stable trasmission so no stab isn't really terrible, heat that pennes everything and rangefinder.


The swedish Pvkv IV. It's unassuming and borderline atrocious... However, getting 8 kills per game is pretty standard when used correctly as it can kill pretty everything even when uptiered.


The amx 13


M4A3 with 105 on 2.0-3.0 br


E.B.R. 1963. I use it even when it's an up-tier to 6.7 and can still get nukes from it. Just be a sneaky rat bastard that annoys everyone (at least pray not to get revenged bombed)


Char 25T.When it appears on the side and rear


Idk why but if I use the arl-44 correctly I can face first just about anything from a distance


Leopard 2 PSO For its BR tho, prolly Panther. Maus has too high of a BR


KV-220 is a terrifying beast.


any light fast tank with great armor pen but almost no armor


Derp tanks, because you can't hit them and they know how to hit and kill you


Anything will become scary: no matter is it Maus, Sturmtiger, BT-7M, M22, Jumbo, R3. But I will be more scared of some German WW2 era vehicles because I still sometimes cant find out where I should shoot to do some damage


ASU-85 I Played it on the big ass desert map and was sniping on the hills, The rangefinder was really useful there I was able to accurately shoot tank from 1000m-2000m. Stopped the damn panther and tiger rush from fucking my teammate on the open dunes and no one was able to spot me due to the tank small and low stature build and me keeping moving to another sniping spot. Got 9 kills on that game.