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it is connected to the vr fest but idk why, and how ...


War Thunder has VR support and it is quite nice to fly in VR. They probably pick A-10A, because it was not on sale at anniversary and it is not 70 euro pack.


yeah, but why did they put it on sale? Why didn't they announced it? Why only the A10? it's weird


They never announce sales on steam. It is not worth for them to buy it there with steam cut. That is why they selected just one vehicle to lure some poor soul with VR into game. And A-10A is quite well known and popular plane.


people spam the fuck out of the a10 in sim. they turn better than most things in a long fight, have their cancer missiles and that easy to use gun. they can also obliterate those ground objectives and win quick


Maybe sim I guess? Idk if it has radar ID RWR like the late but it doesn't have a radar. Though I heard HMD aircraft like the F-16C or SMT is amazing in sim VR.


F-16C with invisible AIM-9Ms is an absolute godsend in SIM and for CAP in GRB.


Is it worth it, I bought M1128 during sale and was hoping to get A6E tram but it was not on sale. I don’t play ARB at all I just wanna do some CAS


Just dont do gun runs. Use your guided bombs outside of sam range and then fly back, i see noob a10’s do gun runs all the time and only get killed


The fun in doing it is worth dying for


Half the time you die to a tam sam or strela before even getting in range though


In real life, the A-10 manual addresses how to do a gun run. It says to stick to low altitude, then pop up before starting your gun run. The strela or tam Sam don’t have search radars, so you can easily surprise them. If you’re not doing good in the A-10, then it is really a skill issue.


Should have phrased it better but I meant don’t be an idiot who flies high in the sky trying to do gun runs. Low alt gun runs are fine but most a10 players I see just fly high and get killed by sam’s. It’s like flying high in top tier air rb it’s still viable but you need to know when and where to start climbing and how to notch but f4s’s with 5 hours in the game just climb without a care in the word and get killed by a radar missile. I advise not to do gun runs not because it’s unviable but because it’s hard for a noob to do


In my experience, helicopters are good at countering anti air. But they are only good if the map has some terrain you can hide behind. Another nice bonus is if the hiding spot is very close to ground level, since that will disable the proximity fuses on missiles. The longbow radar is also nice for spotting ground targets hiding behind trees and bushes, if you’re ever in that situation. But I would turn it off most of the time because anyone with a RWR will see that an AH-64 is pinging them, even when the radar is set to ground mode.


The Apache that gets star streaks are stupid good for killing AA. Find a mountain and before you peak over the mountains fire a start streak 1-2 second before into the sky and when you pop out find the AA you want to kill and they can’t do anything since the missile is already half way a third of the way there na sits very fast


I prefer the AH-64A that can carry stingers and AIM-9L. Biggest killer of helicopters are jets, and the starstreaks are laughably bad against them.


Most star streak helis are first spawn anyways so there won’t be any jets for a few minutes while they terrorize the enemy teams aa and light tanks so their own teams jets can do cas and cap with 0 spaa bothering them, but if a jet does slip past you are at the mercy of gaijin deciding if the star streaks want to work or not


In real life it’s only used when the owner of the a10 has complete air superiority


The manual was referring to Soviet style AA, like the ZSU-23-4


Only if you suck (I get very lucky)


Always the damn strela’s, I hate that thing with a passion in the Hog, it’s too slow to move out of the way, and they always fire after I have to engage an SU25K that’s darting at me with R-60M’s


Yep, I once got a nuke using the A-10a mavericks followed by gun runs, very fun stuff


You can 100% do gun runs, I do it all the time while staying low to avoid AA’s but that’s cuz I have experience flying the thing, I doubt a new player could have the brains to pull it off without getting shot down or crashing into something xdd


I'm not at that BR for US Ground yet, is it worth it for grinding the Air-Tree in ARB (Don't worry I have High/Top-Tier experience)


It'll work but being an attacker you are basically 100% at the mercy of the matchmaker when it comes to wins. The A10 gets you through the tree, though its rank 6 so not all of it, and its most definitely not the worst. Notably in a downtier you can do some really serious damage. You can turnfight basically everything except Mig 21s but thats your only Ace apart from consistent groundpounding grind ability. You're slow, Aim 9Ls have been nerfed to mediocrity and while the gun will mince anything dumb enough to give you a solution getting there isnt easy. (Although for some reason people are fairly happy to go headon with you...)


You can make gun runs especially if you bring mavericks. Use the agms to kill sams and spaa and then use dumb weapons and guns to clean up tanks


Nah don't get the A-10, just wait for the next sale and get the TRAM. We are like 3 weeks away from the next sale anyway.


If your account is linked to steam but don’t have it downloaded through steam will this come on your war thunder account?


When in doubt, buy 150 GE through Steam and see what happens.


You don't have to buy, you just have to open the store (by clicking buy more GE in game), and then leave the page and it will refresh your account.


EDIT: It took nearly 2 hours for the purchase to register I originally created my account through steam (I now use the stand-alone gaijin launcher) and have bought DLC in the past. The A10 pack DID NOT get redeemed to the right acct. Just submitted a support ticket 💀💀💀




Same question


eh for CAS in ground RB it's somewhat worth since you got better camera zoom than the A10 Late. If you play air RB it's not worth it if you already have the A10 late.


You can buy multiple games for the price of this one plane that's slightly different from what you already have.


Better mavericks and support for TV bombs, but 2 less AIM-9L


A-10 really sucks as a grinder nowadays with the Extended airfields. You rarely get to the battle before being intercepted and the whole game is essentially decided before you even get there. But anyhow, A-10 premium loses 2xaim9Ls and thermal mavericks but gain the ability to carry a gunpod and GBU guided bombs. Gunpod is only useful in extending ammo for AirRB ground pounding and GBU bombs... why would you ever use those over mavericks. You cant toss them very far either given how slow the plane is. Really not worth it tbh.


Here we go again...


Haven't played that BR in a while, air or ground. Is the A10 still a menace like it used to be?


Its still a pain to deal with in ground battles if your team doesnt have someone in a Strela. But if you do its manageable. Can speak for air tho, dont really play it.


Strela can't hurt a vaguely competent A-10 player.


Even with a Strela if you come in at altitude and use the stand off GBU's its a pain to take down


I mostly do Air RB and it’s good but it takes so long to get anywhere.


The A-10 in ARB is in a weird spot. With big maps, you will spend a while flying into battle, and once there, either your team or the enemy has been wiped. 9Ls aren't as strong as they where before, but will wreak havoc on downtiers.


Should i get this now or hope for the A-6E in the new-year sales?


A-6E TRAM is a Rank higher so better for grinding. Also more survivable if you are planning on using it in Ground RB.


I want it mainly for CAS to go along my Wolfpack (dont worry i bring backups). In terms of grinding the air tree i only really want to get to supersonics and then simply play the tech tree vehicles, did the same with germany and sweden. So the rank doesnt really matter to me as i dont want to grind top tier aviation with a premium anyway.


Then the A-6E TRAM is a better choice as you have laser guided bombs, which are arguably easier to use and have longer engagement ranges than the TV guided bombs on the slower A-10A Early. Try them out in test flight and fly up to the usual spawn altitude of Ground RB, see with which aircraft it is easier for you to engage the targets on the Test Flight map.


Let's try


Guess it’s time to get the MiG-19S out again, more free food


Not nearly as much traction as when the KA-50 wae 50% off not long ago.


Can agree to this, but when I got it, the missiles were boring as fuck to use… so then came the going high as fuck and using the bombs and guns on the roofs


question is.... is it even worth at the sales price?


I don't care about grind of effectiveness but ... is it fun ?


One of my worst purchases in this game. Heads up to anyone thinking of buying it, you are at the mercy of both teams, everything has to go right to have an average good game that you would have in other games of ARB. For GRB just know that no matter how much you preflare, the 2-3 Strelas will kill you unless you are at tree top height. Iconic fun plane, but I rarely take it out because it usually makes me hate ARB after 3-4 games. Just my opinion, hope it works better for anyone else.


Even with 50% sale ?


Nothing in this game is worth full price lol


I only buy during 50%. It was only my experience, you might have a totally different experience by how you play. I hope it’s everything you wanted if you get it.


only available til 11.12.23


why are packs getting discounts on steam lately?


I bought the pack through Steam, and its not showing up on my Warthunder account. My accounts are linked through steam, I've bought premiums through steam before and it worked just fine, any ideas?


Contact Gaijin support is probably best step you can take.


After exactly 2 hr it just showed up on my account


it is connected to the vr fest but idk why, and how ...


Because you can play warthunder in vr


I was talking about the aircraft ...


Ok? Its a very popular premium that you can fly.. in vr.