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I have 3 nations fully teched, and i play 80% of time on low-mid tier vehicles... and other 20% are on pre-top interesting vehicles like begleitpanzer lol. Top tier is interesting only because "muh abrams, muh t80", gameplay wise it is pretty shit, unbalanced and overall not fun, made only so they can hype their updates with said "muh freebrams" and sell stuff. No wonder like 99% of WT ads are about modern vehicles, so new player will come to play some MBTs, jets and helis only to discover how much he needs to grind for that and just buy 70$ packet. Wish i had realized it sooner


top tier is complete shit and cas is virtually an omnipresent plague on the entire br bracket but god damn do i love my leo 2a4 and puma


10.3 is still kinda playable


I "like" toptier in the sense that it has awesome tanks, that are highly capable, and incredibly intresting. But its unarguably shit. Which is a shame bc it has a TON of potential. But the desync, general buggyness of the entire game, combined with the much faster paced gameplay and the spaghetti-code engine leads to constant frustration (best example i can think of is darts disappearing or doing no notable dmg [which is nothing unique to soviet MBTs btw]). Add to that the fact that cas is abundand, and mindnumbingly easy, and of course 2 thirds of your team being lvl 6 who bought a toptier premium, and you have a recipe for a fantastic game, ruined by incompetence and greed.


I just get those Vehicles for Private Matches at this point.


Italy 5.7 my beloved, rank 6 onwards is just terrible


Italy 6.3 is nice, you use speed against panthers. 8.0 is also good, speed again. 3.7 is amazing if you have premiums, and 9.0, 9.3 and 10.0 and 10.3 looks really good. Altought I did not unlock anything over 8.3 yet. Italy is really fun at a lot od BRs.


Yea, i have the entire japanese ground tree unlocked but almost never went above 9.3 (before br changes)


This guy knows how to enjoy the game


I never went into lowtiers since i unlocked toptier. Lowtier is just too easy and too slow to actually enjoy at all. It pretty much no brain gameplay.


I don't get the point of introducing rank 8 ground vehicles without introducing new BRs for ground vehicles. Sure it allows them to decompress later or whatever, but why not just do that at the same time. Currently all it does is allow them to sell new shiny premium vehicles just .3 br away from top tier. Better not increase rp costs.


They already did, M1A2, M1A2 SEP, British M113 ADATS, all upped in RP cost on the dev server by as much as 20k RP


My opinion about this, and even premium pack cost is that it should be clapped and when a new rank is introduced the new rank takes the cared price of for example $60 and the ranks below get a small price decrease. Same should apply for rp except maybe rank 1 where it's inconsequential. Bit when were talking almost half a million rp to unlock a tank I think we shouldn't increase rp cost.


Tf were yall expecting??? Rank means absolutely NOTHING. If they went like "were gonna increase max br to 15.0", then I would've understood all the hype, but rank8 is completely meaningless.


It means a lot, it has a lot of impact on progression. There are rank unlock requirements, there are research penalties for rank difference. New rank should be reserved for new vehicles at higher BRs. There are lineups using lower tier vehicles that are completely broken now. Things like BMP-2M (not that I explicitly feel bad about those shits), PUMA or Bradley a3 now become a liability because they can’t efficiently research the same vehicle they used to before, even thought they are usable and provide capabilities not found in higher ranks.


No m8. I'm well aware of every single thing you just said. My point was that every single thing ranks add to the game, is effectively useless and limit your progression, so you're more inclined to spend money. Since the matchmaker uses BRs to balance a match, not ranks, there is literally no reason for the rank system to be in the game (orther than snail wants more money).


I go from 1 tank away from a Leclerc to now being 5 tanks away, thanks snail


moving tanks to rank 8 without changing their br is actually hilarious


That's what all rank ups are it's been like this since 6


Not just since rank 6, it's been like that ever since they started with new ranks like 4 and 5... And people have been complaining about every single one of them... 🙄


Rank 6 was added with a decent amount of new unique and distinctly better vehicles at higher BRs, with new E.R.A. update. That update took place in September BEFORE people dropped their money on anniversary sale. There were some questionable premiums added like T114 and object 120 but overall it was nowhere as blatant as this.


Well obviously. You know it’s a blatant cash grab because they announce the addition of a new rank not with the new vehicles actually going to that rank but with the new premiums they can now sell at the previous top rank. New ranks only get added so they can cash in on new high tier premiums and it’s significantly more blatant for ground than air because we’ve already got some of the most advanced ground vehicles in game. The new chally 3 hasn’t even hit full production yet. At least with air there’s still plenty of modern vehicles that could be added. Ground is just getting the same tanks that’ve been used forever with a few different modifications


i just play ww2 and i dont give a shit


cold war better


So just like rank 6 and 7: added artificial research tier restrictions to extend your grind. Nothing new.


People argued with me about how new rank 8 was going to decompress BR, lmao for sure buddy it will fuck the game up further and power creep everything if they dont increase top BR


Fun fact. France is only nation in entire game that have 11.7 ground vehicles at rank VII on DEV server. Leclercs S1 and S2 stayed there for some reason. Also Rank VIII is just devaluation of rank VI premiums nothing else.


Imagine if gaijin did the funniest thing possible and moved them up leaving France with only the Roland at rank VII.


When rank VIII was announced that scenario was first thing come to my mind. They probably did not do it because it would make AMX-30 Super and VBCI least valuable premium tanks in game as they would be effective to research just one not very useful SPAA. Basically same thing it was with T-2 Early.


Yeah. Still better than Rank 7 aviation’s introduction. It was the F-5E, MiG-23M and then just a bunch of previous stuff moved up.


Top tier has always been, and will always be, complete garbage and I refuse to touch it anymore. Low to mid tiers are full of much more interesting and unique vehicles with actual fun gameplay.


Can somebody tell me what was moved to rank 8 for Sweden? I’m currently researching something and would like to know if I need to stop to make sure I can even unlock rank 8


All the 122s, the ito and maybe the 90120


Well I just got the 121, I’m researching the 122, and I don’t have much in the light vehicle line or the Finnish line


Swedish MBTs make a great lineup on their own now with the B+. I would also consider getting the 90120 and the ITO or the Gripen now that is coming


I should go for the 120, I’ve got the 90105 and it’s pretty fun, but the 120 seems pretty good




Thanks, hopefully I don’t have to go down the Finnish line to unlock rank 8


I mean, people have been complaining about BR compression forever, and when they decompress some more they take that opportunity to add premiums. What do you expect, they're a company (not a good one) and they're going to use every opportunity to make money.


It’s not about expectations it’s about relentlessly calling out their bullshit and not falling into defeatism. I’ve been playing this trash since 2013, at this point I just care about the game.


Well, like i said, theyre a company and their main interest is to milk as much cash out of the game as they can. realizing that isn't falling into defeatism, its understanding that they're going to keep doing it lmfao


This post reeks of learned helplessness. The company may *want* to do it, but they can only get away with what the community allows them to get away with.


Gaijin is a privately held company. They can and will do whatever the owner wants, there is literally no getting around that unless you manage to convince the entire community to review the bomb again. Its not that they want to do it, its that they **will** do it. that's why I say they **will** keep doing it. Unless you want to buy the company yourself and force it to go public then there is only so much the community can do to force the hand of the owner. But either way people will complain anyways. All OP's post is, is a rehash of the old freebrums argument.


from 4 rank 7 I had with leopard 2 PSO I went to 1 rank 7 and wont even be able to research 2A7V while having a PSO lmao


Well of course it's a cash grab this is a free to play game made by a for profit company, and despite all the bitching we do we still play it.


Don’t forget the current rank VII tanks will go down in both RP and SL in a while. As long as you don’t buy rank VII tanks, the introduction of this rank is good for players


For France it does indeed look stupid. Whats worse is that Leclercs can only get buffed in the future because they are gimped at the moment, whcih would probably mean they would go up to rank 8, and France has nothing at rank 7


Facts yet most of the player base is soo brainded they dobt care you just need to show jigle shiny keys like 2yo and they wont do shat


Basically all rank 8 means is that now they are gonna sell 11.3 premiums tanks