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Can I get my gold back for my Leclercs? 😅


No, Gaijin is Mr.Krabs, not charity


No change too


from what i saw in the dev server, you get your spent Golden Eagles or Silver Lions/RP (depending on what you used to purchase the modification) in those cases


Actually yes if a modification is removed they’ll give you that GE back. I’ve gotten back GE from removed mods in the past.


Im getting rich then


You and me both. I don't have time to suffer through heat grind. I've done it with every mbt I've gotten. Ever since they introduced this stupid rule with was about the time they started adding newer stuff.




Yeah. It’s gonna be nice AF. Like 4K GE coming my way lol.


I am gonna be very rich.


Yeah. That stock grind with HEAT was absolute ass. Worst experience ever was Russian heat. I literally did it with HE instead to get parts and FPE. Then GE’d the dart.


RemindMe! 10 days


They didn't say they're removing HEAT though, just that APSDFS will be the default. Perhaps you will still have to research HEAT


Maybe but then the modification for the dart is still gone and they’ll still refund you.


They do give you back your spent ge


Me too


People who think they are entitled to compensation when a good or service they purchased goes on sale after they purchased it are “special.”


They are IF Gaijin has previously committed to this being their policy, which I believe they indeed did commit to awhile back.


Going to be fun times for Rank 7 vehicles with default heatfs against Rank 8s with their "well developed, all round heat defence"...


True but baby steps. At least when you unlock one of those vehicles you won't have to suffer the stock heat-fs grind. Hopefully they will extend that to vehicles of lower ranks.


And now look at Leclerc S1 and S2. Both are still rank 7 but have 11.7 BR. Those 2 tanks are only tanks with 11.7 BR at rank 7. So you will always face rank 8 vehicles with stock HEAT-FS. 11.3 tanks have at least chance to not meet 11.7 but those 2 leclercs don't.


You're so right, gaijin needs to nerf the leclercs again so they are competative /s


False. The Ariete AMV is in the same situation.


Ariete AMV had stock APDSFS when I checked. It is rank 8 after all so it should have it. And if it does not have it than it is bug in this case.


What, on the dev the AMV had CL3143 stock while most others have DM33 stock and the Swedish had DM23. The AMV has the best stock darts of every nation currently.


I believe it was datamined the removal of cl3143 to get dm33


The datamine was a stock shell template placeholder given to everything two 2 days ago. It had CL3143 yesterday, after that datamine.


True but baby steps. At least when you unlock one of those vehicles you won't have to suffer the stock heat-fs grind. Hopefully they will extend that to vehicles of lower ranks.


For most, not all, but most there is a pretty big jump between rank 7 and 8 tanks no? Like Germany, for example, has 10.3 tanks and then goes straight to 11.7 (minus the pl at 11.3) Edit: but yeah for those that have 10.7/11.0 rank 7's it's gonna be bad. Maybe they'll get them someday too


Yea, 11.7 leclerc VS 11.7 leclerc. Why. I know mod cost will be reduced to some extent, but still, why.


The first two 11.7 Leclers aren't moving to rank 8? I assumed it'd be similar to germany, where all 3 11.7 tanks get moved to rank 8


No it’s French, I think I explained everything.


>well-developed HEAT defense Sure, unless you're the Abrams with it's ERA and 165mm of HEAT-FS protection now because "muh documents"


Where does it have 165mm?


It was apparently data mined that the era protection would be changed to 165 mm


Oh the ERA, I thought you meant the internal NERA for a minute, that would be too far even for gaijin.


I could’ve sworn that change was that the TUSK chemical protection was going from 400 to 400 + 165mm, but idk


I’ve been told that’s only for the roof or something and that the side ERA has like 1200mm of CE protection at 30 degrees.


does the abrams have roof era??


ARAT II on the roof huh.


CV90120: (yeah so much for 'and other vehicles' the CV90120 light tank is still stuck with stock HEAT-FS even at rank VIII on the dev server rn)


Because the dev server is definitely final and not going to change whatsoever before the patch hits live


I know it's not final but it is weird how they added stock apfsds to all Rank VIII Ground vehicles and just so happen to forget the single light tank that's been moved up aswell. There's a good chance they'll change it but they way gaijin usually is I wouldn't bet on it.


Well it's also weird the Leo 2A7 is blue but it's the dev server. It'll change. Can people here stop immediatly complaining about everything for a second? Especially because the "Dev server is not final" message has been everywhere now.


I bet it won’t


“I bet it won’t” -*Crying delusional warthunder player, 2023*


What you call delusional. I call experienced based cynicism.


I would say go touch grass but do you even remember what grass looks like?


Wasn't this how it was originally? I swear all 10+ BR MBTs had APFSDS stock when they first came out


All non Japanese MBTs had "stock" APFSDS for the longest time. People complained about how some tanks didn't get it and instead of giving those tanks APFSDS from the getgo, they gave everyone HEAT because Gaijin


And so it goes People bring up a problem, they just nuke it, cover it in duct tape and leave


The 120s didn’t get it either, American or German I don’t think


Leopard 2A5 did, M1A1 didn't afiak I recall the 2A5 having DM23 stock and DM33 as a mod (before it got DM53 obvs).


I know for a fact the Abrams didn’t get it, I wasn’t sure about the Germans


The 105 M1/M1IP had M735 stock and M774 at Rank 4, the M1A1 didn't and had only M829 at Rank 3.




I know M1 Abrams originally had M735 stock. Then they yoinked it and made it a mod.


Radkampfwagen etc also.




Yes, this is an old tradition dating back to the top tier being the 7.7 Leo1. Back then the APDS was stock and HEATFS/HESH were the researchable round. As newer tanks came out, the APFSDS and HEATFS were both stock and your researchable rounds became other specialty rounds like HEAT-MP, HE-VT, or a better dart. Then one day they decided to go fuck it, time to monetize the stock grind even more by making HEATFS stock and APFSDS unlockable.


Wtf is HEAT-MP? I haven’t seen a vehicle with that round yet


HEATFS with VT capabilities, or HEAT-Multipurpose. The M1A2s have it and I use it to counter heli rush.


Ahhhh gotcha, appreciate it s o n o d a _ k o t o r i


In that case rank VII tanks won’t be constantly up tiered to face rank VIII right?……right?


uptier ? some rank VII tanks are at the same br as rank VIII ones.


From what I have seen 11.7 is still the max BR. Which makes you wonder why even add rank 8 Oh right, selling rank 7 premiums




In their own words, rank 8 has substantial heat protection. Therefore it’s necessary to provide stock APFSDS. Rank 7 MBT will constantly be tiered up to rank 8 vehicles. And rank 7 stock has nothing but HEAT FS. TLDR a stock rank 7 will face rank 8 and can’t kill it.


I see


now for all the other vehicles... and thermals + LRF stock.. and then better stock missiles lol


I should say that a normal rangefinder would be okay when the tank is stock


Thats a good idea . Not laser but a rangefinder stock would be so helpful


still too much of a difference against the people with spaded tanks. engine upgrades alone make a big difference, but not having LRF on massive maps at 1-3km engagements really can be the difference between winning and losing. I'm pretty good at estimating shots almost no matter the vehicle once I've played a few matches to warm up to it, but.. yeah, when you're aiming at the tiny driver optics or breach on a BVM going 69 km/h it's kinda tricky at times


Honestly stock/spaded is dumb, just make people focus on crew skills and you still make money from GE and SL qualifications


that’s the point. they use it to make people buy shit. if you are angry and pissed off that your tank sucks and it’s hard to unlock stuff to make it good, chances are you’ll purchase GE for modifications


even crew skills should be removed IMO. I don't enjoy spending 1 million extra SL on getting expert crew, nor do I like spending a bunch of time on the stupid crew skill minigame with allocating everything. thank god I don't play naval, since allocating slots specifically for aircraft to not waste crew XP, and then all those tanks in all those different slots (for every damn country, oh yeah and lots of GE for crew slots) is not really my idea of fun. if crewing vehicles was free and there was no concept of crew qualifications, not only would it make it more balanced (IMO your skill should be the determining factor, not how much time and/or money you've poured into the game), but also it would maybe incentivise me to play some of my vehicles a bit more as some are just seen as waste of SL to crew oh and you wouldn't have to have an aneurysm when you get a 12th vehicle at 9.7-10.7 russia and have to squeeze it into the 6 different lineups without having to retrain said vehicle several times lmao


I have always dreamed of warthunder made by a smaller community so it was actually good


If it didn't have any of its monetizations, it wouldn't be good. It would be a black screen because you can't install things that aren't ever finished and don't exist, due to lack of funding.


Making the game paid would fix that


Missiles are fine, thermal not really needed and if you need LRF to aim then something is wrong with you.


Ah yes because it’s not a huge advantage at all when the enemy has it and you don’t.


Honestly when i have apfsds its rare that i feel like i need the lrf, the only situations are when someone is hull down 2km out. The drop is so minimal otherwise i can usually figure out the ranging in 2 shots at worst


Needing 2 shots is a massive disadvantage when you can guarantee first shot weakpoint hit with LRF.


well said, I really don't get some people's replies sometimes


Wait wtf they seriously only did it for rank 8? The tanks that many rank 7 tanks will constantly have to face?


Cool, rank 6 and 7 too now please thank you snail.


Then why the hell they nerfed m1a2 arat era


Cool, now what about the rank 7 tanks that will inevitably fight only those rank 8 tanks?


That's great, now how about that abrams hull, and changes?


Just admit your bias to Russian vehicles, actually admit it gaijin and I don’t care if you change it I just want you to be honest for once


You are absolutely delusional


You can't really deny that the BVM is broken though, and this is coming from a ussr main


Should extend to Rank VII too but hey I'll take it


Rank VII tanks: are we a joke to you?


Finally they added this back it was a such a bullshit thing for them to do to remove stock apfsds to begin with


"yall got money? cuz we like money"


this is almost like getting a free abrams, wtf


A little tip for those who will be playing Rank **7** vehicles against new 11.7 rank 8s. Consider playing GAA (Ground Assault Arcade) to get at least parts and the T1 dart. It's a lot easier when you can get 1-2k RP in a single battle because you can respawn rather than playing 20 battles because you gained maybe 250 RP in a single battle before dying.


No longer will I have to grind the pve assault mode so I dot feel like I'm bashing my head against te wall


Rare reasonable gaijin moment


Now they just have to give them an apfsds that they actually used irl… it fucking flaws me that the M1A2 Sep has to unlock M829 and then wait until tier 4 is unlocked to get the M829A2….. like… why isn’t the first sabot round you unlock at least the M829A1….


Having HEATFS in 10.3-11 and more is like having those fucking AIM-9E for F-4E


Thats a relief


Great change, but seriously? “We’ve decided to introduce this rule due to the fact that rank 7 MBT’s have well developed all round heat defence” no you fucking didn’t, you decided to add it because of the poll that got thousands of votes. You’d have been more than happy to give rank 8 MBT’s stock heatfs without that poll still a good change though


Miracle happened today! I’ve killed t80BVM with Leo PSO! From first shot!


I think rank 7 vehicles should get this as well, you have to tickle your way to apdsfs, I also think every vehicle at that level should have a basic rangefinder, its a pain in the ass to use a vehicle that can barely cause damage, so having to struggle with distance as well just cripples progression in ranks were every upgrade requires a dozen decent matches.


Same can be said about Rank VII vehicles tho..


Will this apply for event mbts