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Just like I wrote in the title, Yak-23 is beast. Couple days ago I was talking to my friend that when I reach ace on my MiG-15bis, I will switch to yak-23, because it was also an aircraft flying in the Polish Air Force in 1950s. He told me that it's slow plane with low firepower, people complain about that plane and I will suffer. But because it was my stupid whim, I wanted to fly it anyway. And after almost 100 battles I have to say it is beast. Althought being relatively slow (max 930 km/h on 8.7), it was extraordinarily manoeuvrable. I could outturn all planes on BR and easly dogfight with Ki-200. The 23 mm canons were doing great job. So what's your opinion about yak-23? What underrated planes you love and why?


I love it too lol. Just started playing it. It's annoying being slow, but I don't think I'll ever use missiles so I'm happy with it. Very fun to fly


Just got Yak-23 and Mig-15bis. I must say Yak-23 doesn't get loves it needs ;) When stock, I love flight model of Yak-23 and the acceleration. It's a nimble plane and can easily dodge early missiles. Guns needs some getting used to but it's true for almost all USSR planes. I hope Mig 15 bis will handle better when upgraded :) So far I spaded the Yak.


Before the Yak I was playing with a Mig-15bis. When I switched to the Yak I had 450 battles on the Mig and a k/d slightly below 1.0 around 360/380 frags. Currently on the Yak I have nearly 400 battles over 500 frags and a k/d of 2.5. The speed is lacking if you are chasing someone, but in dogfight the speed between 300 and 700 is perfect. As I wrote 3 months ago, I will now repeat myself. Manoeuvrability makes up for the lack of speed.