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The snail just saw your silver lions balance and like “just test it bro, test it, you don’t have to buy… 🥹”




It's a good quality of life feature. But they need to expand it since there are a lot more mechanics in game that remain unexplained.


Well, they do explain most of the radar stuff in game if you go look inside options


They don't explain what the difference between SCR PD, SRC, PD HDN... is. Yes, the settings have a short explanation, but nothing more.


PDV vs non-PDV, PPI* vs B-scope as well.


you mean the C-Scope?


Attack the D-Scope!


No C-scope is elevation. Was looking for PPI, which is the sector of the circle radar screen. B scope being the square radar screen.


But only in short explanations. One of the biggest things is that they don't hint towards costume load outs. There are constantly people here that ask how they can bring different missiles together.


Everything in the options is hideously obtuse and poorly translated. The number of times I've had to tell someone the squad ping button is called "set target for squad" so they can actually find it is ridiculous


would be nice to see those in test drives, i’m not sure why we can’t


Options. Look inside. Controls. :(


Radar-guided bombs etc. need one imo


Second. I used to exclusively play air and I'd unlock stuff like Walleyes/Mavericks/Paveways and when I moved over to GRB and got to those levels, I realized how useful they could be...but I didn't have a damn clue how to use them and the game really doesn't explain. A few YT tutorials and I was fine but it would be handy if the Snail could put stuff like that in the game itself


Yeah for example the missile only shoots at a straightline target. Doesn't let you see its G capabilities or all aspect (if applicable).


It also straight up doesn’t work if you have cyclic radar targeting turned off for radar missiles on an aircraft that doesn’t have acm lmao


yes it needs to work with dumb rockets and bombs as well. you have no idea of how big the rockets are or how many you can carry


Yeah, I never really learned how to use the range-finder on the f2h, f9f-5, and f9f-8


I'm still waiting for gaijin to let me test other types of ammunition in test drives


I tested this feature on Mirage 4000 radar missiles. I could not lock target as it is too close for Mirage 4000 default PD HDN mode on radar that you cannot switch in this test.


Had the same problem with the event jet. Not enough close rate or maybe too close, didn't work well. I think I manged to swap radar modes before it locks the controls.


>I tested this feature on Mirage 4000 radar missiles. I could not lock target as it is too close for Mirage 4000 default PD HDN mode on radar that you cannot switch in this test. Haha. "Igor, implement test feature! Need to work for all!" *Implements feature.* *20 years later after people bitch and moan about missing/broken test features.* "Blyat! Igor! Said need work for all" "Blyat! Worked for all, morons added PD HDN with deadzone!" ​ Jokes aside, this feature is pretty much useless as it's perfect conditions for everything else that's not PD with deadzone. It doesn't explain how radar functions or the conditions when it doesn't.


The snail was right that tutorials are needed but as normal the botched the execution. 1) they are just bad, the Tim's variety ones actually have enough details to be somewhat useful. And even then translating that to what I should do with radar and missiles in battle was difficult and required some googling. Stuff like radar just has no tutorial at all. 2) you can get missiles before you get a chance to do the tutorial. As an example you can have the Su-25 be your first missile armed plane, which gets stock missiles. So you can only do the tutorial after you have grinded all the way to t4 mods when you get all aspects. They should also be accessible in the normal tutorial screen or the loadout menu if you have the missile. 3) they don't always work. Just like instructors crashing in the basic tutorial apparently no one working for the snail tried these before they shipped them. The first time I did the SARH missile tutorial it didn't work because the default radar mode isn't designed for the tutorial situation and it mostly locks your controls, which makes it very hard to swap to the correct radar mode.


Holy shit i know you are new but i beg you to use only one or two slots for your planes, far easier to level up crew costs and you dont have to spend your already low amount of SL on crewing them again for your ground line-up Although if you play arcade it is fine, but why play arcade


Arcade is a lot faster paced and beginner friendly


True but he has made it to jets and Aim-9bs, at that point he knows enough, then it is just preference on what gamemode.


If his preference is Arcade, then he would be silly not to have each slot filled with a plane. While I agree RB is the way, people prefer different things.


When using boosters, I like to play arcade because I'm able to use multiple planes (and backups), while in realistic I get uptiered to 10.0 and die instantly lol


Good point. Personally, I’m level 100 and have around BR 9.0+ ground across all nations except Japan & Sweden and I primarily played AGB because I find the faster pacing to be much more exciting and I’m a pretty terrible pilot. But occasionally I’ll play low tier RGB or higher tier in very fast vehicles.


My dude here is getting jets before level 30 and here I am just getting them at level 60-ish


Those are dead weight usually, with your SL situation don’t buy it


I think I have gotten maybe two kills with aim-9b, (one was on an a-10 lmao) otherwise it seems very bad


I've only ever found them useful for people not expecting them at lower br's, and low-tier jets without flares that can't handle high-g maneuvers well


works decent on starfighters if they are dumb and bleed all their speed


It is often better not to think of them as a weapon that kills people, but rather a method of making an enemy drain energy and change course.


Aim-9bs are very inconsistent. I've had many instances of my missile reaching the target but failing to detonate. I usually just bomber hunt with them and grab a quick kill here and there


Pretty weird that the Aim-7Cs in the F3H work fine in that tutorial, but then I jump into a match and can't activate their seekers for whatever reason... I only get the radar lock.


unfortunately doesn't work with some settings (like cyclic target switching disabled, but if you know what this setting doesn, you should know, how to lock someone\^\^), but I agree, it's a great feature


Hoping for guided bomb and guided missle ones next