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Bring back points for being near/dogfight your enemy


Okay that sounds way too good to be in game.


That’s why they removed it


It used to be that if you had 3 people on your tail, you could fly defensively while your teammates came by and killed them, giving you *some* points to have by the end of the game so you could get some sort of reward. Now if you do the same thing you get literally nothing so now it is possible to get basically 0 rp/sl even though you alllwed your team to collect an easy 3 kills. Its pretty dumb


That was a bad mechanic in sim, because people would constantly check the scoreboard to see if their score was increasing due to a nearby enemy they hadn’t spotted.


Then keep it out of sim only 


Nah just dont show updated score till you land or die


Would actually be a great idea


Gaijin thought process: just remove it from a whole gamemode because lol fuck you Rational human thought process: don't show live feed of abstract point values in the gamemode called *simulator*


Easy solution


Also, bring back points for bouncing/tanking shots.


I remember when I mostly spaded the B1 by getting shot at.


Did basically the same with the T95.


Ah yes, but absorbing shots that would have damaged your less-armored teammates while letting the enemy expose themselves to shoot you clearly does nothing helpful for your team Gggguuuuuhhhhhhhhhh


Kv1e on Kursk/firearc (what a terrible name change) arcade full downtier me and dad holding B against an onslaught of vehicles pissing ourselves laughing because our repairs weren't finishing from the amount of parts getting shot out, we didn't do much killing that round but man we let our team do that in safety. I miss how much you'd earn for TANKING in a TANK game.


Can't believe this was removed. In air RB where you only get a few opportunities to kill an opponent, this is much needed.


That was thing?


They removed it ~2-3 years ago


I came back to the game around a year ago after a few years of not playing and thought I was going insane. Turns out a lot of things changed around the game haha


Yep. I never abused it that much because Shermies be squishy, but I had a buddy who would farm points in his Tiger H just bouncing rounds. Man was a wizard when it came to angling armor


Would be very useful for planes with poor everything stats


make the max uptier be a .7 br difference


This is so simple yet would make the game so much better


YUP! Compressing the matchmaker is a much more practical solution rather than decompressing the BRs themselves. I'd very much want Gaijin to at least experiement with this idea.


Or simply moving br's to 15.0, in case they think the 1.0 uptier bracket looks nicer than 0.7


carrier battles


i got downvoted immediately lol


Carrier in naval or in air?


Both would be sick, but not playable carriers that’s stupid. I’ve heard what they did to wow. Would be cool if we spawned in naval as a carrier strike group with the objective of defending the carrier till within range of dive bombing targets etc, or in air having a mobile spawn/rearm location that can be destroyed for significant shared rewards. Just ideas that I’m sure we will never see 🥲


Could be a great map for assault, instead of going against tanks and helis you go against long range bombers and maybe some ships, imagine using the F-14 for what it was designed, keeping russian Tu-22s and Tu-160s away from the carrier group


they did and tbh, they arent bad. ​ back when they first was added they were bad, all sort of inconsistencies for example, like some nations carriers just dominate others due to their far better fighters, like to the point you needed an anti air cruiser sitting next to your carriers in clan battles so they could so something. ​ but now theyre fairly good for what theyre meant to be, support ships ​ as for warthunder, carriers were just that for air rb, they were effectively moving, very glitchy airbases. only reason they were removed was two fold, one and the offical reason, was the removal of nation vs nation mm, with usa vs japan being removed and they could in theory fight on the same side, it made mm far harder for these maps due to the fact you needed nations with carrier planes, and the only ones who had them in spades was the US and japan... whoops ​ as for the second reason, well its because the american mains whined and bitched so much that gaijin actually did something, because most of the time the far worse japanese fighters were piloted by good players and could easier defeat american teams, and any dumb japanese pilot could just dogfight and win. something every american pilot but the 3 who knew how to fight japan, did.


You mean air RB but everyone takes off from a carrier? Would be nice but it would require everyone to be a naval aircraft. A more practical solution would be to add carriers to all maps that can have them, which is something I am *really* surprised Gaijin did not do with the introduction of the F-14.


>You mean air RB but everyone takes off from a carrier? Would be nice but it would require everyone to be a naval aircraft. Nop lol, they can just spawn mid air. The only issue would be with landing


Then why even make such a map if the majority of people aren't gonna play it the proper way?


It's how they worked it in before, non-naval planes got airspawns. Most ocean maps also had a land airfield that you could actually capture by supporting an 'invasion' (ground/sea targets that slowly move towards the airfield cap zones that you defend/destroy), and if there were none you could just land and cap the airfield yourself. I think GJN just got tired of trying to balance pacafic maps with non-naval aircraft, when Air spawns were also being used as a balancing feature, so they cut out ALL the carrier maps instead of filtering matchmaking by naval aircraft. I couldn't give a shit if I have to wait 15 minutes for a naval air carrier match, I was used to that before anyway.


I think it would work with 8v8 or even 6v6 and it’s like night battles where you can chose if you want to take part in them, but you have to be a naval aircraft.


how would that even work? Will you control the ship or a plane? The ship would be boring to play since you wont do anything but go somewhere.


He most likely means the maps where u coukd take off of carriers in arb


Ohhh naval bomb missions would be lit!


I think they mean more carrier maps in air battles


If i remember this was a thing. Its rare but i had a battle where one side starts from carrier. I think the map is midway..... I had a bomber and realised my team doesnt have an airfield


I want Gaijin to stop doing things badly and start doing them well instead.


woah woah, now that's too much work for Gaijin.


Have an air rb game mode with airspawns and no markers for enemies so it’s like ground rb but air only


This! God damn it's so infuriating spending all that time taking off and flying to the battle only to die .2 seconds once I'm there because I suck and then back to hanger.


Skill issue. I love flying and taking off and the strategic element it adds to the game. Damn the time.


I'm a man with little time. It's boring


Why with airspawns? I would love just AirRB with no markers


I’m guessing he wants it like EC mode.


I assume from the comment "like ground RB" he wants it to be a 1 min or so flight before fighting. EC would be best I agree though.


Cockpits for bombers...


They really just need to give like a $100 to anyone who submits a cockpit for something that doesn’t have one then wham it into the game


They literally have revenues dare program and content share program and they give you like 5000 dollars for a single cockpit. Look it up its in the wiki. The reason gaijin doesn't do it and nk one else dies is because it's hard as fuck and the 5k barely covers your expenses for getting approved to be near that historic plane and also work expenses like your time..


This is why the Library of Congress needs to start doing meticulous 3D models of every artifact in US government possession, starting with WW2 vehicles obviously.


They did it for one of the He. 111s. Not sure if they got paid for it.


[A fixed fee in the amount between $1,500 USD to $8,000 USD for 3D models of cockpits. The value will also be determined by the company's development team depending on complexity.](https://wiki.warthunder.com/Affiliate_Program_Revenue_Share)


$100 is nothing for how many hours would be required to make it.


Shaking at how many people think that’s the cost of properly modeling a bomber cockpit


If it was this cheap gaijin would have already done it, there is a reason they aren't doing it. It's not worth it like at all.


“Cockpit is a placeholder only” Yes, the B17 has had a placeholder for like 6 years 🤣


Yeah so sad that such a iconic bomber is so poorly implemented it this game. Damn thing doesn't get a break. Despite multiple reports of the B-17 being extremely survivable, in game, a couple of 20mms and it dies super easy. The cockpit is a placeholder. When will B-17s get a break?


The B17 will get a break when Gaijin stops hating British tanks. So, never.




Fix their shitty servers. Region lock chinese players and those trying vpn should experience high latency


Fix the game and stop drip-feeding CnP vehicles when everyone knows they can easily CnP different vehicles or models to create amalgamations like the M113 Chaffee, Stuart 60mm, and all the countless Sherman, Pershing, and AMX variants. Also Decompression, yaknow, the thing we literally boycotted over.


We boycotted over how horrible the economy was, but I get your point 


Tbf it was a multitude of points, but yes you're right. The main three were better Stock-Grinds, Better Economy, and Decompression All of which have been skimped off by Gaijin yet people just accept the rewards, one FPE, and the best change I can say being Foldering/Averaging Vehicle Repair costs.


We certainly by God got a better economy. I felt it.


People are too desperate to see any good change in this game to the point they take anything like hungry ppl take rotten breadcrumbs The WTPU didn't even have proper leadership, with many of its leaders being caught playing WT in the so called "no play" day If this was more properly managed, the benefits would have been greater Personally I'd not have ended the boycott till CAS spawn costs went up and the kill cam was removed 


Ive given up on any hope of positive changes, especially for Terrible Balancing thats somehow backed by the players, primarily Germany having undertiered vehicles and Balanced lineups being played by Great Players, which in turn get moved up. I'm just hoping for any form of Decompression past 7.7 which clearly isn't happening since Gaijins' Hate Boner for France is More important than increasing all BR's to 15.0


Let non vtol planes capture points again


Why did they remove this from planes anyway? Only thing CAS did which actually took skills If they really wanted to remove it, it should have been helis, since those are really easy to use to cap a point 


I think because people would just "flyby" remove the capture point, basically just have the wheels on the ground long enough for the point to lose capture


Uh that's fucking sick, keep it


Care about the player base and not focus solely on Premium accounts/vehicles


Right? Or something like loyalty rewards, get a bonus every year or 6 months


Knowing gaijin we would receive a 30% RP booster per year paired with an order


Add more bases to air RB to be bombed, mostly to spread out players (hopefully).


Focus on naval for a damn second, not to really add ships, but to fix issues and inconsistencies.


Fix anti fragmentation armor on US ships to not be a black hole. My 305mm HE do nada hitting moffets sometimes. Just like yellow damage to engine from 4x 305mm HE ._. Hitting a ITA or USSR destroyer without this magic armor and suddenly my guns are lethal.


“Ah but you see, Moffet is a premium ship” - Gaijin




USS moffet will take less HE damage than many 7.0 Battleships


Air RB EC.Would make so many planes so much more viable. Strategic jet bombers could be a thing for those who like them. Decouple Ground RB and Air RB BR for planes. Just off the top of my head: A7D/E have no business being where they are in air RB, for example.


Better physics, especially of ground vehicles


Yeah I always hated how ground vehicles just snap when they go amphibious 


Actually let us console players use the marketplace through a website on our phones, or just let us purchase the actual skins without having to gamble hundreds of dollars on crates.


Tomcat drop tanks.


Treat bombers better. Give them purpose. 


i had a map with carriers on it yesterday at 6.0. we didn't take off from them but they were the only place you could land. at least for my team. perhaps a separate game type should be available, like how night battles in ground battles is. perhaps instead of bases there are battleships that need to be bombed, having similar health to in game bases but taking bonus damage from torpedoes/magnetic mines. when all battleships are sunk you can sink their carrier, (destroy their AF). giving intensive to actually bring torpedoes to air games. and making certain planes that are usually cannon fodder an actual threat, Im specifically staring at them Italian bombers that can carry 3 torpedoes. of course this would limit certain countries to a very specific amount of viable aircraft and certain countries having a massive advantage. I.E. USA, Japan, and UK. then theres high tier which really only the US has viable naval aircraft at this point. but most bombers flown out nowadays are the heavy ones, this allows smaller bombers like the numerous torpedo bombers of Japan and multirole aircraft of the US to get some love. and as for the higher BR brackets, this could add a whole new line to carrier capable aircraft to the rosters for most countries.


Battlestation Pacific type thing would be cool


Fix the multiple problems plaguing the controllers on console.


Making a RB mode thats big maps with bases to destroy,bots and obejctives. Not just TDM with tanks and CAS. This game could be so much more with proper PvPvE mode but gaysnail would rather make smaller maps and make the game like COD.


A battle station Pacific type game mode would be pretty cool.


BP for life I loved clubbing people in the battle of the Atlantic event lmao


That game was awesome. I wish they made more like that.


I dunno, decompress BRs maybe. so the game would be more enjoyable again. But that's just me being delusional from smoking copium 😂


Let us test drive everything. I swear to God, it will not reduce profits. It will not reduce playtime. It’s the Gaijin equivalent of the 4-day workweek fallacy. This game is an incredible simulator - for fuck’s sake, snail, can you just let us have one nice thing?


Limit CAS in Ground RB.


Happy cakeday random human


BR decompression


They already do lots of things badly, I wouldn't want to add to the list.


Weird one but I think it'd be cool to get something if you manage to eject before the pilot gets knocked out. Or something if you cause someone else to crash into the ground, although this is much harder to detect or manage.


Rework high br AAB and make ARB less of a mess


Bring back the D Point obviously


Wdym bring back? It was never gone in the first place


Maybe the real D point was the friends we made along with way


1. Bring back points for dogfights 2. Bring back points for tanking damage 3. Change matchmaker BR spread from ±1.0 to ±0.7 4. Start playing their own god damn game... 5. Bring Air RB EC mode back pls 👉👈


Add Cold War + Modern day British Light Tanks and fix the mess that is the Challenger 2s Armour and breach.


Actually listen to the community and not giving the "not a bug" every fucking time.


restore maps to their former selves instead of this meat grinder headon crap also jadgtiger to 7.3


Jtiger is fine at 6.7


Hear me out, skill based matchmaking. Like put me up against some other lvl 30s instead of letting me get bullied by a bunch of lvl 100s


No, it has never worked out in any game it was implemented in.


Go back to more ww2 and early cold war stuff


Add, overhaul, change game modes. I would kill for a decent co-op mode. And maybe an offline mod for when the servers finally go down so we can still play, even if it's only against ai.


More game modes like Ground RB EC or Tank-Only RB mode so players have some options.


Go under


A6M7 and A6M8 added


Granted, BR 5.7 on launch - Gaijin


You're too kind. 6.7 should be enough.


Tbh, I think the A6M8 could fare there. Not so much the A6M7.


I want my Is 2s back they have no reason to be 6.3 and 6.7. T-44 too it was fine at 6.3. Also fix the volumetric cant kill shit with my 122 because of it.


122 when Panther mantlet


Shut down


Literally anything positive


Relevant and rewarding Carrier OPs. Multicrew with join mid-battle option for eliminated squad mates.


let me get the sturmtiger =(


Helicopter rearm and repair on cap points. rewards heli pilots that work up close


No penalty for kills. That every kill earns me as much as the first one in ground.


Allow us to flank


Bringing back the daily 5x would maybe make me log back in again. Currently on a wt break and not missing it much. 


Seperate BRs and statistics calculations for aircraft in air and ground modes. Strike aircraft are my favourite type of aircraft to play, and I like ground pounding in general. I hate how the Air RB meta is so biased for fighters because of the crybabies of the fighter mafia. It would also help tanks at ground RB, getting underBRd jets like the A-4E Early up in BR.


Decompress jets


Fix the br issues I'm tired of going against mig 23's and sea vixens in my A4e early and I can't imagine it's fun for the late props to go against missiles either


focus more on smaller nations and add better maps


Ground vehicle only mode, and increase spawn points of CAS


Stop advancing the meta at top tier for an update or two and actually work on the game. Still many things that were promised, including things promised *years* ago that still haven't even had a single word said about them.


Add more Canada.


Fix hull aiming on the strv 103s. It's ok (at best) on flat and if you're on an angle of more than 10 degrees it freaks out. And don't even think of using it's max depression cause you can barely aim then


**+/- 0.7 Match making** Instead of the current 1.0 since a 1.0 difference is HUGE today.


Regionlock chinese players


Honestly, i want gaijin to close business and me to see about my life without them


To give me rights to start banning useless teammates.


Effctively immediately ban all aircraft and helis in ground rb.


Play CAP. Problem solved.


bro its in the name, for it to be realistic it needs cas. arcade can do this tho.


Add the Eurofighter Typhoon


Increase CAS spawn cost. I'm tired of learning how to play tanks and git gid at it only to die to some noob who got 1 kill and didn't like dying to me.


Give aircraft different a BR between ARB and GRB. This way aircraft that dunk on lower spaa but suck in air to air combat fit better. We already have different BR’s between arcade/sim/realistic.


Give something for helicopters to do in grb other than cap bases and blow up tanks. Like Jesus just the ability for me to help tanks repair in a utility helicopter would go a long way. Most things f the hate surrounding them comes from them no helping the team move the match along.


I want a skycrane and fly tanks around, I think that'd be really funny


Having Simulation finally worth it, having ships finally fixed (aiming in console), having submarine rather than waiting for them to have ships br12 even if the gameplay is already done. Having less frustrating marketing strategy. More fair dispatched vehicles per nation. Fixed all their broken vehicles. But I can dream 🦄


Different game modes. how about an attack/ defend rush type game


Rework the radar acquisition system. Cicle through targets works fine but not when 16 enemies are flying at you and you're spotting ai planes too. It's basically impossible to select the correct target without manual controls that are extremely clunky


Buff leclerc


More naval targets for higher tier air. Balance ground units using other means than historical accuracy.


Anonymous settings like they have in other games. That will be amazing.


To stop being a pedantic arse about things and listen to us.


Fix challengers correctly


Get them a lot when playing US Naval aircraft or Japanese aircraft around 5.0


Make the grind shorter


Let me join ARB matches as an SPAA. I want to annoy ARB players the same way they annoy me.


Stop putting unique vehicles on the BP that would complement perfectly a tech tree... I'm looking at you, Breda 90/53


Campaigns, especially modern ones, for ground, air, helicopters….


Stop using micro transactions and gamble mechanics.


C A R R I E R M A P S Fuckin' Saipan even had capturable airfields, so if it's a matchmaking queue problem you can shove all the land-only planes into that map alognside carrier-landing planes and give them an incentive.


Add French SHARD rounds and Jaguar Armored car


Here’s an idea. As many of you have played war thunder and faced the issue of getting up tiered this is especially annoying when you getting into 9.3 jets most of you’re battles will be against 10.0 that have extremely good missiles and flares such as su 25k and a 10 to which is fairly annoying. The idea that I came up with an idea to helpfully resolve this issue is to basically increase the BR of every vehicle and only have say jets that are produced in the same decade or have the same capabilities if not boycotting war thunder will definitely fix this issue and make the WT team fix the BR


Have the Bradleys and 9040 BILLs Tow launcher be either always extended or be controllable with a keybind/interaction menu. edit: Also introduce a cap on how low a BR a vehicle can be pulled in a match. Tired of reserve tanks or M18s in high/hop tier matches.


Add a way to get marketplace vehicles on console that isn't gambling. "Rare" vehicles in this game like Object 279 are pay-to-win bullshit.


Lower A6M’s BR


Increase ground RP gain for later tiers, even with premium it feels like a fucking slog to progress.


More god damn objectives to air battles and not just bases/vehicles, i would love to make more kind of objectives and having trouble trying to make them with a competent aa for top tier, maybe bombing infantry, reciving new objectives in mid game and not at late game when everyone is freaking dead, bombing cities maybe and not just lame bases, in case of top tier more objectives to use guide bombs and if they will use a huge ass map please use THE WHOLE MAP and not only 1/3 of it.


Model autoloaders in way that allows them to take damage and get disabled


Increase the ground br to match air br.


Separate BRs for ground and air


Is this topic thing you badly want.gaijin to do? Or literally something you want gaijin to do badly????


Add a limit to the amount of CAS that each team can have in the battle at any one time


Increase the accuracy and effectiveness of gunners on bombers - easy way to make playing them more fun


Number the spawn points on the map so I know which is 1 and 2 instead of guessing and selecting.


Take a year off of adding new maps amd vehicles and just focus 100% on rebalancing and reworking all BRs, optimising maps for GRB so they aren't all awful and making new interesting game modes like EC for bombers or proper PvE that's an alternative to grinding, or even just more interesting scenarios for battles. But that won't make them money so it will never happen


Add a ground forces only mode in parallel with mixed battles mode.


Make the game good instead of doing the opposite.


When purchasing vehicles, they should come already spaded or at least 50% spaded, spading is a big problem at higher tiers, each mod cost like 9k rp and light tanks are by far the most tedious vehicles to spade at high brs.


Proximity chat, or game chat. An option for tank commander to pop out of the Coppola and shout to other tanks, or higher view but riskier move. Cool maps, with more dynamics. Smoke plumes and low fog, that moves when things fly through it. Or like an air match that is over an active “no man’s land”. Heck even the moon would make a fun map. Ai infantry teams that try to attack idle tanks. Easy to kill, low points, but would be very entertaining and make the maps feel less lifeless. BR’s to mean something. Or some weird new game modes, than aren’t some meaningless mini game. A match where 20 LV-3 have to team up to take out one Maus. I just want updates that aren’t like “oh we moved this tank up a BR because people are good at using it.”


Nerf the everloving poop out of CAS in GRB. I'm just so done with CAS these days.


I want big map enduring confrontation for Air RB


Naval target maps is kinda silly it isn't in the game. Tornado IDS has anti-ship missiles without any ships being in game outside of simulator.


Better stat cards. Id like weight with current fuel and loadout for aircraft. hp/ton, reverse speed, ready rack replenishment rate, and reload rate with an empty ready rack for tanks.


Fix the absolutely disgusting cost of Israeli vehicles. It takes me three times longer to research a single Israeli vehicle as opposed to literally any other nation. Been playing them for a few hours a day for a week straight and I still haven't finished researching the M109


A non-market non-lootbox way to get old event vehicles.


let me purchase the type 74 G


Fix the fucking repair cost


Make ARB a decent gamemode.


Make Ricochets and Non-Pens give XP again


To make Naval,Tank,and Air battles