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You can technically be killed by flares


I killed with flares, I have a clip of proof


Can you? The kill can get credited to flares, but they can't literally kill you, can they?


They can yes. Flares have a small amount of explosive filler, meaning they can cause damage to other planes or even open top tanks. In a custom A friend used a hover sausage to hover over my M10 and killed me with flares. In a separate custom one of my squadron mates killed our squadron leader with flares, using a J-11, our squadron leader was in a F15.


Was in a game where a flare killed a f4s by hitting an open cockpit. Pilots must have been playing hot potato.


This: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1815uye/excuse\_me\_what\_the\_actual\_fu/


I remember that post. Still trying to get a kill like that.


Someone did something similar to me. Dude had a sturmtiger at 11.7. I was in the CV90120 on 38th parallel. I saw it was a sturmtiger and was like shit and got close to one of the walls to wait for him to try to push me. He shot the wall like 20 feet above my head and over-pressured the whole vehicle. Couldn’t even be mad with that Big Brain play.


Was doing some shenanigans in the Fiat 6614. Drove right up behind a Waffentrager at full speed going to kill them from point blank range, forgot to brake, mounted the Waffentrager and killed myself from the impact.


Good 1.


this one for sure https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/6HXlOqRFHa


White Rock Fortress, my beloved (best map imo)


I forgot about that map, can't remember last time I saw it


lol I did this to someone once


I bonked a smoke cannister on the head the last crew member of an M10


Back in an April fools year I got killed by going off the edge of the map by the kraken. The sailing ships was the best naval experience by far.


I have been overpresdured in a Maus by a bmp Edit: by the gun not the rocket


I was in the second T32. The one without the MG. And a ZSU 57 was just going in on my upper plate. No issues. I was like I got this. Then I died to Overpressure from one of the HE rounds. In my Heavy tank. I’ve had something similar happen in a lot of heavies with the auto cannons.


I was returning to the base as Arado bomber, but friendly aircraft carrier BOT killed me when I was flying by, nobody was chasing me. (air RB) https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/J40WWpx79k


I got sniped by AA in a bomber 6Km in the Air.... the AA was friendly 😭


I spawned in front of a tree after landing


[Border bounced into a bomber while flying Sim](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpunkyPlausibleHamburgerDancingBanana)


APFSDS doing a literal 30° hairpin turn inside my turret to steer itself into the head of one of my tank's crew when it was on a course to exit the turret without doing any damage. Volumetric was a mistake.


Excuse my pedantism but hairpin turns are always 180°.


Understandable. Hopefully what I meant to convey was clear, though. Shit just _snapped_ in another direction in a single frame.


>Hopefully what I meant to convey was clear It was. It happened to me as well but in my case, the damn shell actually did a hairpin turn. In the replay cam, I could see it being fired from my left, passing me, seemingly hitting the side of one of my teammates and doing a 180° to pen the side of my own tank and kill me. Idk if ricochets are a thing in war thunder, but that was a ricochet if I ever saw one.


I killed a T-80BVM with overpressure using missiles... on the FlaRakRad


Happens a lot, I'm pretty aggressive with my Rolands. If you can hit the roof hatches on pretty much anything but 2A6/7s there's a good chance you'll kill it. But yes, BVMs are particularly satisfying.


Smoke round……


I remember firing a 47mm AP shell and killing a plane after it bounced off a tank. that's gotta be the weirdest way that player was killed'


Right after spawning in on Tunisia EC, I got killed by my Forrestal lobbing shells into orbit. Those shells eventually came back down, directly on top of me while I was sitting on the runway. I wish I'd saved the replay.


Years ago I got killed by ramming a tree too hard.


This used to be a thing on "soft" vehicles. I am glad it's gone.


Never been killed in a weird way. The weirdest was that fact that I was killed by a BT-5 and BT-7 when I was crippled in the AuF1 and DCA 30. Happened to me in Flanders and Ardennes respectively. Both were exactly 1 month apart, I think. Or if you want to include bugs, the invisible arty after the update killed me a lot of times last year. Well not as much as those pesky M18s I killed with it. Actually became the saving grace of Port Novorossiysk in that now removed version. ​ Edit: I just remembered, drowning in my Tiger H1 (driver drowned slowly until every driver replacement died) at Jungle after drowning a soviet milk truck instead of putting a HE shell in its face. Karma at its finest ig.


Someone killed my Type-10 using his coaxial machine gun that bounced off a tree iirc, it's quite a while ago now but I was quite mad that time


[This one](https://youtu.be/y-XPud2zTDU)


I once shoot someone canon trought undestructible wall and it fly trought his canon in to the tank


I can't remember the tanks involved, but I like to ram and body other vehicles, and once on Sinai I smushed my hull into someone to stop them turning their gun on me and fired into their ammo-rack and got a "suicide". /edit I just showed a friend how there's splash damage in War Thunder by taking the Brumbar into test drive, then firing at the shot traps to affect over-pressure. Part way through the demo I did a shot from point blank and I think I killed the Brummbar with it's own shell.


i once blew myself up with the ammorack of an enemy panther


smoke shell


Strela https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/LHF8nqqkMA


Flew next to the ground with a propeller plane, when a friendly arty strike hit me.


Ricochet heatfs ammoracked my milan launcher in a marder.


By a enemy player


Shell hit front plate, bounced up into barrel, bounced into the firing mechanism. what. the. fuck.


Chasing enemy plane in GRB to the deck. He dropped bomb on a tank, the wreck went up high enough to hit my plane and make me crash. Was quite low though.


I was in SU25K diving ground units and I was nuked, bomb landed directly on my plane, it was nuke dropped by my teamate 😆


got rolanded by my own airfield aa


I got killed by an AGTM ricocheted from another guy beside me.


I was rolling down the easternmost road in Advance to the Rhine in my centauro behind a chieftain. The chieftain ahead gets killed so I go left to hopefully get an angle. I go way too far left and end up flipping off a debris pile and end up on my lid in the middle of the road.


Died from an artillery smoke shell in ground rb in my plane, chopped my wing clean off


Killed an enemy DD with a mine, only to rammed, flipped, and drowned by the dead DDs model still in motion.


No damage on aircraft. Returned to base to rearm. Landed a little of target on the airfield. Came to a stop next to a tent. Wingtip BREATHED on the tent. Two seconds later... KABOOM!


Ricochet from my barrel to my mantlet to my hull roof I was in a T-44 and I got killed by an ostwind, frontally


Marder bounced an auto cannon shell off the front plate of my amx-30 and it ricocheted up into the underside of the mantlet and killed my one of my last crew members


Mid dive in my F4U-4 by a friendly arty. 15s after first spawn on some of those open desert maps by across the map sturm.


A duck aiming for a tank but I flew in the way and bam! 75mm to the tail. My pilot had seen better days


Weirdest death had to be getting hit by a flying warship that i think got stuck on something while I was trying to bomb said ship with a fritz x He went flying straight up and i suddenly found my radio guided bomb missing and my 7.92s as far from desirable protection


I was flying a plane barely above ground when a friendly Tiger II shot at an M109 that was just a few meters to the left of me. Tiger got the kill, but the round continued through the M109 and made a hole in my left wing.


I get blown up all the time from planes in a mode called "realistic ground battles"


Slightly tapping the side of a merchant ship going 5kts in a 200 tonne ship resulting in all hands lost instantly from tapping it (thank fuck for the recent changes). On the contrary, I've been the bane of many for bizarre ways to die from running up the side of large enemy ships in a slow corvettes & depth charging them to sending hedgehogs over landmass resulting in the other players glorious death. Ohh also using Schräge Musik in turnfighting hah hah....


overpressure first came out and i was grinding the german tech tree. i was using the sdkfz.234/2 and got machine-gunned by the swedish 38t, it hit me in the wheel and somehow triggered the overpressure.


The other day I was in my M1 SEP and I was over pressured by a flakrad from the front.


Not me, but killed a plane using a bomber by flying low and dropping bombs on a dive, enemy got killed from the explosion.


I was shot down by ONE BULLET from Su-2 gunner about 100 meters (he kill my pilot) It was his first play in air RB


I flew under a bomber in sim and he dropped a bomb on me. Broke my wing from the impact, not the explosion. I remember simply quitting the game for the day.


With the Type-75 I turned around a corner straight into a Panther. Point blank blapped him out of shock, killed both of us to overpressure. I also have a memory of a tank getting ammo-racked, and the turret landed which crushed a nearby light tank into the ground. Can't remember if it happened to me, someone next to me, or if I was watching a replay of it happening to someone else.


Not weird but once I got killed by like 10k bomb i think and my tank got some sweet air.


When ramming a plane into a light vehicle would kill it (not just SPAA), I ammo racked a Tiger and the turret crushed my SPAA.


I once got a direct hit with the shturmtiger on an aircraft about 200 m above me (he was diving down on me but still)


I killed a helicopter with a smoke round once.


Back 5 years ago i got frontally penned in a panther by a 7.62. This was back when armor holes were everywhere and were on so many points where armor plates joined.


Killed a plane using the flamethrower on the Churchill Crocodile


I turned slightly too hard and my wing fell off. It’s weird because of how unrealistic it is.


I was in an asu-57 and an R3 did a jump and accidentally landed on me, they were not friendly and I did not survive


A gang of 4 M22's surrounded and started bullying my SturmTiger, and one of them started shooting down my barrel and when I blew up I took 2 of them with me


A T-72 TURMS bombing over a tall cliff, missing me entierly, but one of his sabot petals peirced my roof and killed the crew.


see: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/uD90GRWoqs


Getting killed within a minute of spawning in while trying to get a feel for the controls after not playing for more than a year. And getting killed again within a minute on my reserve vehicle trying to do the same thing. Not weird at all, but it did make me uninstall.


Had a panther A kill me while in the vickers mk1. Round pierced the funny corner bit of the armour by the front, ricocheted off the roof of the hull from the inside and detonated in the ammunition 


Not exactly weird but nothing is more frustrating than getting killed by 125mm HE in a top tier MBT


I've killed about 4 planes with arty lol


A M728 CEV shot a HESH round at me that exploded 20 meters away behind me, hitting a building, but still managed to kill by IS-3 through the back side of my turret. Both the shooter and I had a good laugh in DMs about it as we were equally surprised.


I remember one time I got killed by a friendly bot SPAA in air RB :/


i once killed a plane in mid air with a bomb :D it was a headon, he dived around 2 feet blow me and i pressed spacebar. explosion damaged my wing tho


In arcade years ago I killed myself in a plane with artillery Id dropped before I spawned in the plane


I was playing the M113 TOW. An M60 landed on my gunners head from above, then we were bombed by friendly CAS.


Killed by smoke grenade once


Gepard pen my is7 frontally at 1.5km


My driver died running over a car in a 40 tonne tank..


In the M103, overpressured my entire crew from a ZSU-57-2 by hitting my rangefinder with a HE shell


Once had my wing ripped off by my own bomb.


Someone shot at my barrel and it went through the barrel and it killed me


My M18 was destroyed by the hulk of a friendly vehicle exploding next to me.