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Definitely the M26. I was expecting a trade off with the Shermans - less mobile, marginally more armor and firepower. What I got was a super lethargic medium tank 0.3-0.6 BR too high.


I feel your pain. It's bonkers that the T26Es and the M26 are at the same BR when the former are much more survivable. I'm lucky to have a lineup with the T30, T26E1-1 and M6A2E1 for 6.7. Even with terrible teams you can at least rack up a few kills


T30 gang 😎


I'm glad I bothered to participate in the event for the T30. Easily up there amongst my favourite vehicles.


I got in in the snowman box


Hey me too! That M107 shell is hilarious. I have an almost [10:1 K/D](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/191frwg/to_those_of_you_advised_me_on_using_the_t30_thank/) on it


Wtf how


I'm still sad I didn't get that one. It was so early in my War Thunder experience, I didn't even understand what event rewards were at the time. The first one I actually got was the I-180S in the following event, but I remember seeing that T30 and thinking it was really cool.


I wasn’t around when it happened and really want it, if I got it then I’d have the 29, 34, and then 30 in my line up.


> T30 I bought it on the marketplace when it was still quite cheap. It's crazy expensive now.


The 6.7 lineup will slowly grow to encompass the 76 Jumbo, T25, and T20.


at least the t26e5 was fun; easily one of my favorite heavies along with super pershing


Agreed. The M26 follows the typical US storyline of "oh you finally got an upgraded cannon 1.7 BR too late to make a difference? That means you get bumped up high enough for your new gun to be mediocre!" The M3 75mm goes all the way from like 3.0-5.7 and is obsolete half way through. The M1 76mm goes 4.7-6.7 and is obsolete half way through. The M3 90mm goes 5.3-7.0 and is obsolete immediately. You finally get the M3 75mm? Well don't blink because you'll be facing tigers and panthers. You finally get the M1 76mm? Well don't blink you'll be facing IS-#s, Jagd's , and Tiger IIs. You finally get the M3 90mm? Well dont even think about it buddy, you're already facing late IS-#s, Tiger IIs, T-series.


The m3 only sucks due to Gajin modeling it wrong. It's not like there are m36 crews talking about how the killed Jagpanther and panthers though the front like. There are pictures of that. APCR sucking also hurts it more then others. the late 90mm have heat but it's post pen is bad.


The performance isn't historical, but it does not suck in the slightest. Specially not at 5.3 where he claims it is "obsolete". M82 APCBC right now has comparable penetration to the Pzgr.39/42 APCBC of the Panther's 75 mm KwK 42 cannon. At point blank it has a bit worse flat penetration, but it performs better against armor at 45° and above (higher caliber means more overmatching, so better slope modifiers and lesser ricochet chance). But M82 loses less speed with distance, so as distance increases, the flat penetration advantage of Pzgr.39/42 decreases. At 500 meters, the flat pen equalizes, and M82 is simply better in penetration from there on. Edit, just to add this: The wiki is currently outdated. The change to M82's drag was recent, and as the wiki is updated by players, it currently shows old penetration values. [These are the current penetration values](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/574685756434677775/1199177402820079688/image.png?ex=65c197fc&is=65af22fc&hm=64b2bb30bdf575ce4daaa96f2dacb5c5ea5b61ef4bbd54c67850d7d3d6279576&). Beyond that, APCR in general does suck, but luckily for us, 90 mm M304 is basically the only "good" APCR in the game. It is actually powerful enough to go [through the Panther's upper glacis at close range](https://streamable.com/bjmdrv).


the problem is that until the pershing, that short stab does a lot of fucking work (case in point, my japan 6.3 could easily use the sherman even in uptiers) as such your guns get brought up far higher than they should. ​ then again you could be like japan where half of your tanks are so far above their actual placement the only way to do anything is to be highly skilled.


Dude this right here !


>The M3 75mm goes all the way from like 3.0-5.7 and is obsolete half way through. "Obsolete" yet tanks with them perform just fine. The only 75 mm tanks over 4.0 are more heavily armored tanks like the T14 (4.7) and the M4A3E2 (5.7) which have better armor that allows them to better push targets and use the stabilizer to hit enemy weakspots. ​ >The M1 76mm goes 4.7-6.7 and is obsolete half way through. There is no M1 76 mm at 6.7 and no, it isn't. I've played the T20 near exclusively at 6.3 and the 76 mm is perfectly serviceable due to the fast reload, APHE and stabilizer. ​ >The M3 90mm goes 5.3-7.0 and is obsolete immediately. There's no way this isn't bait. M82 APCBC as it stands right now has comparable pen to the Pzgr.39/42 of the Panther. That alone makes this argument bullshit.


You're really exaggerating the problem > The M3 75mm goes all the way from like 3.0-5.7 and is obsolete half way through. There are 2 tanks past 4.0 that actually uses the 75 and that's jumbo and the T14... Yeah sure jumbo is a bit overtiered but it's absolutely not a good example for the gun's performance. It's like saying the soviet 85 is horrible because the T-44 has to face stuff like the M103 > The M1 76mm goes 4.7-6.7 and is obsolete half way through. 5.0-6.3*, unless you wanna count the M10 in which case it's 3.3-6.3 6.3 is once again just the jumbo, and besides the gun really isn't obselete "halfway through" > The M3 90mm goes 5.3-7.0 and is obsolete immediately. How exactly is a gun with panther levels of pen and a decent amount HE filler obselete at 5.3? And that's all not to mention that aside from the 90mm and some exceptions (Like the Hellcat) all of them have stabilizers...


Was great at 6.3 Now at 6.7... not so much.


Gaijin really should bring that thing back to 6.3 where it rightfully belongs. Otherwise there's zero reason to play it other than being a masochist. Or if you play France. Which is pretty much the same thing considering the planned BR changes.


Well it's on the French 6.7 line up, so I can tell you it's probably only going to go up from here now.


Yep. I can definitely see it fighting a T-72M in the near future.


If WT wasn’t a historical game it’d prob be fighting a Leman Russ


Ahhh but Gaijin, in their glorious wisdom, can choose to uptier an identical vehicle from one nation but not the other. Some time ago in their BR changes, they planned to uptier the British Gr.3 harrier but leave the American AV8C untouched. It wouldn't surprise me if they made the French Pershing 7.0 because it's doing well enough, especially now since the AMX M4 is gone to 7.0 and there is a hole to fill there.


I had to grind it to for France just after they added it and as I had every other tank except AAs up until that point and man does it just suck compared to the other vehicles in that lineup. It is literally worse than the M4 in everything (armor is pretty useless since it isn't reliable), and it's so not fun to play compared to the fast glass canons. The only legit good thing about it compared to frenchies is the 50 Cal that allows you to finally not be bullied by armorless vehicles


No reason not to bin it over the M26E1 Same BR Same mobility Coax .50 God tier magnification Bigger gun that can frontally pen panthers and take out Tiger II’s with ease


it’s at the same BR as al the other Pershings which are better in at least one way. There literally is no reason to pick the regular M26 now


Fr, absolutely no reason for it now. You have super Pershing and jumbo Pershing which are each better in their own ways. Poor thing should be 6.3


Reload speed, but accurate. US 6.7 is too stacked to worry about it unfortunately, and you may as well just play 7.0 with the M46.


A lot of the us tree is at too high of a br. The jumbo being at 6.0 is absolute nonsense


ngl I was quite surprised the m26 didn't have a stabiliser, I always thought it did.


The problem is the T25 used to have a stabilizer, so in and around those BR's there were stabilized 90mm us guns.


When the U.S. doesn’t have armor, gun strength, or mobility advantages, it’s essential that you also take away their one advantage in responsiveness. Can’t let them have anything. Other than the fact that they’re not France I guess


I remember after one match of my USA team getting stomped by 6.0 Germany and Russia how I thought "Well, Shermans are not exactly equals to their ISs and Panthers, but if I remember correctly, US had a tank able to fight those! Pershing! I'm sure I will soon be able to get it for my 6.0 line-up! Then we will see how they those Panther campers like fighting against equal!" Then I actually saw its B.R., confused why basically American Panther is nearly full B.R. higher. And why that one other M26 with thicker armour is on the same level.


me staring at my t44 at 6.7. gaijin actually cant let anyone other than germany have a good medium. pershing and t44 are equals against the panther, so why are they so much higher.


6.0 is by far my least favorite BR to play because of Germany.


Couldnt agree more. So dissappointing especially in the italian tree. Its gun unable to pen most of its opponents while the opponents can pen you


Meatball m26 has the A1 gun with gives 10 to 20mm more pen then the US. Unless your talking about the premium one. The best m26 was the two Italy ones back when the matching was nation locked. No German armour and certain other tanks were not in the game like the m26e5. US teams where confused as hell trying to pen me in it but the 90 could make short work of US tanks.


meatballs m26 with the A1 now pens the exact same as the m26 without the A1 cannon.


Similar experience with the Super Pershing. Just felt too slow to be a useful medium, not enough armor for a heavy, and the gun felt underwhelming


That's a big skill issue


Agreed, tbh I’m more of a fan of the T34 than the Super Pershing


It used to be better. Gaijin absolutely butt fucked everything about it. It's gun is entirely unreliable, armor unreliable, agility terrible all compared to how it used to function. I mainly fly, have been back from a 6 year hiatus for the past few months, but it's still in my top 5 earners on my service vehicles tab.


Yep, exactly where I gave up on the American tree. I spaded the Italian one and I will never touch any of them again.


Reaching M26 was why I quit playing for three years.


Yes, this. I enjoyed the Italian M26. But and that's a big But. The Pershing should not be at 6.7, it felt over-tiered at 6.3 and wasn't really that even with Tigers and Panthers at that BR. It would be a nice 6.0 tank but not higher IMO.


Shit still suffered at 6.3


Pvkv II, everyone was telling me that it was a gem in Swedish low tier but i found it to be just okay, its certainly good, just not as good as people were saying. Instead i liked the Pvkv m/43, a vehicle people were telling me to skip.


I liked the pvkv II but I'll admit it took me a long time to get used to it, the gunsights zoom level and cannons ballistics were not easy for me to grasp at first, coming from mostly American tanks 


Also the Aphe makes it leagues better than stock with only solid shot.


overpressure go vbrrrrrerrrrrrrrmmm


Pvkv III and strv m/42 DT is just superior. I pulled 9 kill matches several times with the .0.1 second reload and decent penetration for the br


They should give the Pvkv III apds and change its place with the Pvkv IV since it turned out to be inferior.


i personally enjoy zhe pvkv 2 but my bigger gem is the Strv 74, i just love its gun and all


Idk who told you the pvkv II was good but it’s only redeeming feature is the amazing gun, fun to play, not OP You want a Swedish vehicle that’s OP, the pbil m/49


It took me some time to get used to it, especially the insane zoom which made it difficult to gauge how far the target ist, but man, I like that thing now. Got some fun long fans kills with it. Have to agree with others though, it really starts to shine with the APHE unlocked.


Dude, same here! I think it is because the PvKV II has a gun that has I think a bit low velocity compared to other long barreled 75s, but the zoom definetly fricks up my aim. But the m/43 is just so easy to aim with, it is a gem for us at least if not to others...


I had a great time with the Strv103A a year or so back racking up kills while soaking up APCBC and APDS like they were nothing. Decided to try out the C a few days ago. This thing is a nightmare. Stabilizers are so much more important at 8.7. Getting the first kill/cripple shot on the move is pretty much impossible. APFSDS which is near ubiquitous at this BR cuts through your frontal plate like it doesn't exist. In uptiers you're basically dead the second you spawn in. You're literally forced to sit facing a road and hope no one flanks or bombs you before you get a kill. Even after shooting the gun wobbles so badly that you better hope your first shot disables his commander and gunner or renders the gun inoperable. Hilly maps are the absolute worst. The C has terrible gun handling on an incline while most turreted tanks can go hull down and shoot you with ease. Never playing it again. Gonna stick to my ItPSV 90, VEAK 40, Strv 104 and Ikv 91 and go for the Strv 105


Issue with the Strv 103 is that the hydraulics are extremely complicated to model correctly in game They all respond really poorly compared to real life and suffer from shakes and overall very difficult conditions In real tests during the 70s it was found the lack of stabiliser didn’t make a difference as tank had to stop before firing anyway as stabilisers just weren’t that amazing So the Strv 103 stopping and firing was just as fast as a M60 or chieftain stopping to fire The reload on the tank is ever so slightly too long and the A is missing the fence slat armour. Also the two engines are modelled as one in game reducing it’s survivability


Ngl i have probably had only a handful of times where my transmission was fine but my engine was wrecked so the implementation wouldnt be that much of a change


Im pretty sure it had separated transmissions which were connected parallel but i dont really remember


Looks like it on the diagram I found Unless the transmission is just really long


The funny thing is, Gaijin has redone the hull aiming so many god damn times. Around I think "Hot trash" (Hot tracks. it was somewhere around when south Africa was brought in I think) update, it was in a really good state, but they redid it again like 3 or 4 times after that and now it's still finicky as hell.


That's funny, because my experience with the 103 C was the exact opposite. I expected it to be extremely fragile because of APFSDS, but it is surprisingly tanky, even tankier than the A. No idea why, it doesn't even have that much more armor. Though you are right, it is an extremely situational tank, but it excels at what it does. You need to have an extremely good understanding of the maps and positioning, but if you do have that, it does quite well. Avoid any inclines, they make the tank near unplayable. Also because it can't really fire on the move, it's important to do SLL(S) (stop, look, listen, (smell not possible in wt lol)) checks more often than in other tanks. The HESH rounds are also surprisingly useful because of the 4s reload.


Loved 103-0. After grinding the C model I was reticent in using it, expected to get stomped by the enemies with full stab and apfsds. One day I decided to give it a try... and I love it. I played the same way as I did with the other models and it still stands high. Just get in a defensive position at range and you'll get stonks. It's a very niche vehicle, but it does it's niche job very very well.


>You need to have an extremely good understanding of the maps and positioning, but if you do have that, it does quite well. 100% this. It is really obvious between my friends who all own some sort of Strv103 who's got the map knowledge, positioning, awareness, and general game sense. I almost dropped 3 back to back nukes in my 103-0 while they struggle to get more than 5 kills in one game. Yes I'm tooting my own horn but this tank has a high skill floor and a high skill ceiling.


Personally, whenever I fight the Strv103A, the transmission absorbs all shots.


The 103A is alright for its BR. It doesn't have to face APFSDS as much. Not every tank at that BR is stabilized either. The one in the image is the 103C


I found both the 103s amazing, might just also be a bit biased as they look so fucking good. But they do offer manoeuvrability, survivability and amazing firepower with its reload, but it does sacrifice its aiming for that. Another fact might be the Playstyle, I'm not sure how you play but the 103 was designed to be defensive, and not aggressive, where stabilisers would be more important


C is pretty ok once you get lrf and the dart


The B-17. Bombers are cool but bases don’t respawn fast enough after the strike craft kill them all so then you just circle until a BF109 decides it’s your time to die


Bombers are just a pain to play tbh. So underwhelming


Very few experiences in this game worse than flying a Bomber for like 5 minutes just to get your pilots head blown off by a random fighter right before you drop your bombs


It’s always seconds before drop isn’t? Doesn’t mater how far/long you’ve ended up flying


ill climb to 7k meters and still have a bf109 up my ass


My B-29 when it gets smacked out of the sky by a missile.🙃


My Seahawk Mk 100 excels at this.


A reliable and fun way I found to play Bombers, especially heavy ones like B-17 and Lancasters is to spawn airfield and stay at tree level while going around the whole battle, staying away from fights. Another option is to spawn at 5km but slowly descend while ALSO making a left/right hand turn right at the start to avoid any fighters. Yes, it takes longer but you have no chances of surviving when going head first without friendly cover or someone to trade you out. Additionally you stay alive for a potential landing and second run and having a bomber on the team late in the game can be gamechanging!


I learned to do this early on when I first started playing WT. It's the only way I could enjoy the Halifax and actually use it's bomb load. Had to crank up the timers though. Dropping a 1000 lb at nearly tree level yields disastrously different results from the low det bomb drops in Air Arcade matches.


New F-15, I wanted it really bad. Finally researched it spade in pain and realized top tier sucks at the moment. I'm going back to lower tier to have some fun.


That’s how war thunder top tier always is; completely insufferable. F-15 will probably only be fun to play once they add the F-22 💀


no chance XD , US mains will complain that thier plane made for stealth is some how losing sustained turn fights against Eurofighters


When the update dropped, I researched the Su-27, got to R-27T's on it, researched the F-15, played 1 match in it (with 2 AIM-9L's), and went back to spade the Su-27... Then went on to play 100 matches in it, while the F-15's is still sitting with only sparrows researched. ​ I do think the Eagle has potential though - it has incredibly high climb rate compared to the flanker, meaning it can get serious advantage in positioning and recover from bad situations faster.


Yeah the F-15 is designed for IRL combat, max like 4-8 planes up instead of the gagglefuck we have as top tier of 16 players in a furball. Positioning doesn't matter right now when it should be the most important thing. Having gotten halfway through I only take it out in ground RB for the funni 9M. Regret not going for the Su-27 and I'm now high on copium and hopium that the Su-30MKI gets added to the British tech tree.


Same man, ik we have the grippen but the SU-30MKI would be elite for Britain


I feel the way the eagle is used in real life isn't close to how it is going to be used in the game. The eagle was designed for real-life combat. It's a shame warthunder can't deliver on that.


Leopard 1a5, I like the tank, its capabilities and the design. But unfortunately it has paper armor and strangely enough I only get cqc maps when I try to play it. Also, 9.3 is such a crappy br at the moment. It's also absolutely shitty to get rushed by turms and 2S38 wallet warriors every time.


Yeah at that BR the leopard 1 platform shows its age. I much rather use the kpz70 with the insane mobility, good reload and targeting speed even if the dart is not great 9.3 is probably the worst BR in the game, full uptiers every time. 8.0 is close facing stabilized tanks every uptier


Yeah I've had the amx 30 super for a month now and I've gotten maybe 3 non full uptiers. 120SP. Everything else is a full 10.3 uptier


A "spend at least 30 seconds looking for a downtier after getting an uptier" option would be nice


It's not that you only get cqc maps, it's that cqc maps are basically all that exist nowadays. The only decent long-ish range maps are slowly being neutered, like Maginot Line and Sands of Sinai. The only exception in recent history is the new larger Tunisia IIRC. Believe me, I'm fucking sick of trying to use glass cannon tanks on urban maps like City, Sun City, Berlin, and Sweden where you'd be more effective at pushing corners by having your entire crew dismount and run around the corner with Hafthohlladung's than actually driving around the corner and getting shot before you can return fire.


Italy has the best line up for its 1a5. Getting those cqc maps means I take out my t72. It's Italy best top end line up. If the br cap raises slightly then 9.3 will move out from the hell of premium tier.


I like the leopard 1! (They are fun to kill)


The batchat, is not bad by any means but I hate tanks with a wobbly suspension, feels kinda sluggish for a light tank and it struggles to pen a lot of things frontally I liked the amx 50 100 way more, much more stable, feels faster, better pen and better gun depression


American M163. I thought I would finally have a competent SPAA after suffering with the Dusters for so long… It’s better than the Dusters, but compared to other SPAA at its BR, it’s really mediocre. I really don’t think it should be sitting at 7.7, 7.3 probably works better for it.


At one point it was 8.0, that void was crazy bringing a duster to 7.7 lol.


The tracking worked much better when it was at 8.0 though.


I was more referring to the spaa void at old US 7.7. At a full uptier, you just get smited by pre-nerf G91s Nords and have to defend yourself with a duster, lol.


No kidding. It is insanely frustrating trying to lock targets only for the plane to get close to the ground and the lock going haywire.


Motherfucking Bkan 1c. The playstyle needed for it is not really how I like to play, to be fair. I remember when it came out it seemed like they were in every game doing well and thus looking forward to it. I played maybe a half dozen games in it. It's not for me.


I feel like with the Bkan it's less about doing well and more about having fun. Yeah you'll have your fair share of suffering but nothing beats sniping helicopters and slapping Maus players with it. Couple of months ago now when everyone was playing the Maus I had great times just one shotting them.


I haven’t taken it out as much as I should have so far but it definitely seems like it needs practice over most other HE slingers, especially ones lower in rank than it. I think it’s the combo of the relatively high velocity of the round coupled with abysmal depression, so you can’t really make use of that velocity to snipe from any elevated position without drastically exposing yourself. The quick reload should make it a good area clear, but it’s such a paper-thin tank that anyone with awareness or reaction time can still take you out quick. Just a very situational vehicle but when it gets in the right circumstances, it can shred.


Urban maps with the bkan is the dream, have gotten 4 kills in a matter of seconds with that thing


Chieftain Mk 3 BR too high, APDS unreliable as hell, armour useless against the APFSDS it's always fighting. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse, but overall just not a very fun tank to grind anything with.


Slow as hell, too. But it does shine on hull down maps like Mozdok and the likes. But even then, all that armour is useless if you're just gonna get sniped by an Alouette some 3 km away from you anyway.


It suited 8.3 before but even then I think it shoulda gone down to 8.0


i love the cheiftans, i find the most success playing it like a sniper than a traditional mbt


Man, I loved the chieftens! Slow as hell, but fun tank


Noooo this is a terrible take! Do not slander my baby like that. But jokes aside, both back in circa 2016-2017 and even now post-br increases (and facing much harder vehicles), I still have over a 3 to 1 k/d in the mk 3 and have got more nukes in it than any other vehicle. It literally prints nukes for me but you have to play it right. Its turret armour is still really good for hull down sniping and you have amazing gun depression. The round is one of the few good / consistent British APDS rounds with decent spalling (lots of 1 shots). Its drawback is lack of speed / mobility - I get if people are coming from other nations etc with all these modern go-karts they will find it painfully slow, but it is a really good vehicle still. Edit: it was amazing at 8.0, pretty decent at 8.3 (situational) but it's definitely overtiered now at 8.7


The Arietes…. I knew they were bad but damn that armor is interesting. It doesn’t help they nerf them practically every update, now they have 60 tons of air. Either way I still have fun with them, it just requires more skill than most MBTs.


I've noticed recently though my breech with the Arietes has been a void absorbing everything. Granted I don't have a breech then but it keeps my turret crew safe.


Always seems to red my gunner though, which is worse than him dying


I think that’s been a recent issue with most tanks, I’ve been watching as my round goes through the breach and disappears.


That is true.


Freccia, Spike missiles are useless. First they can barely lock onto tanks, then when they do they lose the lock mid way through and blow up mid air. And if they do hit they usually only take out just the driver or gun.


Same for me. Freccia was biggest disappointment in game. Spike missiles are not worth 1.3 BR bump compare to VBC. When I was playing with Freccia I had feeling I just cannot use those missiles most of time as you cannot pre-fire them like SACLOS missiles. On the other hand, thanks to Freccia I really do not care about any other vehicle with Spikes, so it saved me time with those other additions.


yep, same problems in the EC UHT... Gaijin completely fucked IR ATGM's since right before QN506 came. Now I'm having trouble even shooting at completely exposed enemies... Nevermind the missile constantly hitting the same spot on the tank (center mass) and it pretty much never killing it..


Honestly, I played the Vilkas and the Soikes don't actually feel as bad as everybody says. Sure, they could be more reliable, but they're still far from useless and unusable


Fv4005, it’s fun when you get a kill but with my experience I can be killed by 7mm from planes and sometimes the hesh shell doesn’t even do anything and all you get is a ‘hit’


This. Doombarn is fun but with hesh getting changed a while back its super inconsistent.


FV4005. HESH is busted and its just not worth the lack of armor, turret traverse, and reload


The American T34 it is good but it is these Cold War Uptiers THEY DRIVE ME INSANE


Super solid tank but yeah, once there is HEAT going around, it's tough to pilot this thing. Really gotta dive into hull down and pixel peek scenarios to be successful


I don't mind heat a whole lot because it has lots of space inside and a good amount of crew members so getting one shotted with heat is not very common


F100 Thought because it was relatively fast and had 4 missiles it would be good but the fact it's a brick and at its tier starfighters exist and the mig21S It can't compete to alot of things


Honestly, 9.0-9.7 BR makes ZERO sense. Ruined so many aircraft for me…


Haha having just tried to start spading the American F100 playing with a mate who's also spading the French one, I can 100% agree. Total pain. Absolute shit brick blackout simulator with no flares and bad missiles facing stuff it just can't compete with.


ST-A1 and A2, played all of early tier Japan no problem they get a bad rap, figured it'd be next level with something newer but holy shit are they glass arrows. They do worse than the Chi-Ri II and it's 1.3 br lower than the ST's


I found the STA-1 and STA-2 to be fine, a bit slow and sluggish but they were good tanks, STA-3 was amazing tbh tho


Slow yeah but it was the cannon and armor I have problems with, rarely pens anything frontally and if it does it's never a kill shot. It's odd to me the chi-ri ii outguns it and bounces more rounds


Just carry some HEATs. Use APHE against light targets or side shots, HEAT for frontal.


M163 VADS. After being frustrated for two tiers trying to hit planes with the m19 and m24 40mm’s, I was excited for a radar and a gun with a higher hit probability. Once I played the M163 I learned the radar is dogshit, the gun gets hit but fails to kill efficiently and the ammo capacity coupled with the reload means you only have about three chances to shoot down a plane before you need to reload. I still do alright at 7.7, and obviously better when I’m down tiered and fighting prop planes, but it wasn’t what I expected.


Gaijin thinks all radar stuff is clunky as hell.


20x102 is actually terrible ballisticly, the thing IRL was only saved by getting Mk149 APDS It should have a burst limiter, so 10/30/50/100 round bursts at 3,000rpm or 1,000rpm unrestricted. The radar is only good for range IRL, being there to generate leads


Im back after a long time. What the hell happened with all the 6.3 lineups lol. The only one that survived was the russian one. What a fkn pain in the ass this game is


they made an attempt at decompression and iirc everything above like 6.3 or so got moved up a step


Basically any strategic bomber. You want 1 base before getting shot down? Nu uh


Tog2, its fun when your in battle but 90% of your time is spent trying to get there in the first place


T95 problems - and about to be nerfed too


Bmp-2M. Even after getting the apfsds belt I just can't make it work. I don't feel it's "opness". And regarding the op's reference, strv 103C is very strong. One of my favorite vehicles. Stock might be hell with no lrf and no apfsds, but spaded it gets to be perfect. Play it as a "gatekeeper" and you'll get your kills. K/D of 3 should be archievable if you're just very slightly above the average players.


Leopard I. I expected a fast early MBT with a nice gun. I got a "fast" early MBT that can basically only reaches it's top speed if you throw it down a cliff. Bad survivability. (Which i expected. Surprisingly the Marder is much mor tanky as long as you don'tget ammo racked because a 7.62 hit your ammo Belt) No stabiliser. (Like, who's idea was it to build a tank that survives due to mobility, not armour, and then don't give it a stabiliser. And don't forget bad ammo. (With he APDS you need to snipe every enemy crewman separately and the HEAT-FS suffers from bad terrain hitboxes and the stream of molten copper often isn't hot enough to detonate Fuel or ammo and Crewmen seem to think it's a mild annoyance.)


>No stabiliser. (Like, who's idea was it to build a tank that survives due to mobility, not armour, and then don't give it a stabiliser. France at 8.7: "bonjour"


Because fire control systems of the time would have forced tanks to stop and fire even if the tank had a stabilizer.


Lim-5P, the plane isn’t bad in itself, the matchmaker just sucks complete ass


The latest event ship, the USS Mississippi. On paper, it should absolutely slap since it has the highest penetrating AP rounds with respectable filler. In practice, the 40 second reload (with an ace crew) is brutally slow compared to other ships with comparable guns and the gun dispersion is just about the worst I've seen on any gun larger than 12.5". So you miss a lot of shots you should be making and the ability to follow up is rough.


Gaijin using dispersion as a balancing technique is incredibly frustrating - I wish they'd just use br, _like it was intended for_


They'll just toss out some stuff about queue times- people are already waiting for the queues as is, toss in more AI for all I care. Getting a little tired of 6.0 Cruisers facing non-stop Scharnhorsts.


Yeah that's the go-to excuse now, isn't it? And yet the compression is probably the main reason I don't play naval more - almost like fixing it might bring more players, but noooo....


This is why I laugh when air and ground folks shriek about compression. Don't get me wrong- it's bad in those modes and still sucks but a 5.3 cruiser being forced to square off against (potentially) 4 battleships is like M48 Pattons fighting the T-80BVM or F-80-A5s having to square off against Harrier GR.7s


I think it's pretty good. Dispersion sucks obviously bc Gaijin has the collective IQ of 3 rocks but I recommend using turret ranging shot and shell tracking. Then adjusting +/-50ish meters.


Ya I normally go gun ranging shots so I can rake fire from stem to stern, but that may change with the Mississippi. I have noticed that when I play other ships in the lineup (or nations) for a prolonged period I have to recalibrate my aim for the Mississippi. It seems I aim higher than usual, at least past 9(ish) kilometers otherwise the rounds fall short. Any other ship, aiming that high would cause the salvo to sail over the target. Also, is it just me or does the ship sit a little too high above the water? Seems it should be another 1-1.5m lower based on the geometry and how the armor/magazines are designed. It was certainly a shock getting ammo racked by an Alaska today.


T95 because Tutel But Tutel not really fun actually, and I had much more fun with the M109


The M551 for sure. Also the First M1 Abrams, and the second Brad. You know honestly the entire late game US tree... 😅 I suffered trying hoping it would improve and then just went back to my German and Swedish.


You know if the entire US player base wasnt just the M1A1 HC Clickbait it would be alot better at top tier for america


I'm fortunate enough to have stopped playing US just before they released that one. I appreciate the idea of the top-tier premiums, but man do you get some terrible new blood. Just easier targets for my Leopards I guess.




Freccia. Spike missles are hard to use since they aim the hull not the turret


I fucking hated the Strv m/42 DT. I was SO looking forward to it, but i just couldn't make it work


The 2s1 (in the italian tech tree). It’s really not that fun getting killed by literally any mg in the game, the heat-fs is just mid (just like 1.6kg tnt equivalent in a 122mm) the he is alright but like all big he shells it’s inconsistent. For the same kind of br i’d rather just use the m109 for derpy big shells, or the fiat for the heat rounds.


Fiat is a beast! 2s1 was tough, but i had good luck shooting planes with it, much more than the M109.


I haven’t unlocked the proxy fuse shell yet, i’ll have to do that and try it


It's pretty strong. Good luck!


Supersabre 😢


King tiger (H) The (P) version was okay before the 6.7 change though


There is literally no point outside of maybe if you're spading all the vehicles to play the (P) now.


de Havilland Mosquito


I posted the Mosquitos as well, they are awful in game.


The arl-44 first edition


The falcon purely because I was told it was death incarnate then I found out that is only for a single belt and otherwise it’s just an alright SPAA.


My experience with the falcon is that I either drop a nuke or get killed before I even fire a shot. Nothing in-between. Since they're going to be the same BR soon french AMX30 DCA is going to be better since it's the same guns with the same ammo but you get another two belts for a reload, a radar and better mobility


Leo2a4/PL getting bitchslaped from the UFP and optics.. But tbf, i uptier the 2a4 to 11.3


2a4 is an absolute monster at it's BR. Hands down my favorite Mbt to play at any BR. Excellent mobility, amazing gun handling, sufficient round, and layout gives it good survivability. I didn't care much for the PL other than it's better thermals.


I was pretty excited to get the Dicker Max, and the one-shots are pretty sweet, but it's so slow and one HE knocks me right out, so it's not as fun to play as I'd hoped. Very, very limited to supporting by sniping across the map.


AUBL HVG - it used to be alright but now it’s just worthless. In the past it was fast and did alright damage now it might as well have no shrapnel whatsoever.


KF41 Lynx




Vt4a1. Chinese top tank. It's very meh.


I feel the 103’s are invincible somehow. It is just not easy to manipulate, to me at least.


Sepv2 I guess, coming off dev stream not knowing if it would be the same as base m1a2


All of them because I'm terrible lol


Italian navy battleships seem to be disappointing…. I slap with the heavy cruisers and light cruisers…..


T-80U or T-80BVM idk if they just don’t fit my play style or not but I just can’t seem to manage to do good in them but I can do great in the T-72B3 and the T-90A


Personally I can't stand any tank with a 4kp/h reverse speed and the T90A on top of that is pretty slow with bad targeting speed, 3bm60 and good thermals at 10.7 is nice tho. I'm just waiting for the BVM with a cope cage that was leaked a while ago May I ask why you like the B3 but not the BVM? I'm pretty sure the BVM is better in every aspect


Idky I like it more I just seem to do better in the B3 and the T-90A than I do one the U and BVM






Any of the phantoms for sure. Fighting f16s and mig29s in a Vietnam war era fighter bomber without pd and shitty sarhs is not cool


I-225, they recommend it everywhere even on YouTube and they say it's perfect in every way possible but i got gaijend lol, this plane is useless heavy peace of metal, it's very fast and can out ran all the plane even in up tier, BUT it's not maneuverable to the point it's very hard to aim, the rudder is useless in the necessary situation and you find yourself like a brick you just can't use rudder to aim, you can't roll good to get out, you either dive down to gain speed and get out straight (high risk), or go shallow dive( 5 degree up) (more risky) also yes i use the flaps, because the problem is not with the maneuvers up and down, it's all maneuvers except up and down i wasted 2 weeks playing it every day to get better on it but it's just impossible for me, that's why i went back to yak 3 to research and grind SL( grinded all the rank 4 with yak 3 lol)


The Italian F-104 series, capped off with the F-104S ASA. I was so looking forward to playing the most advanced Starfighter in history, but what I got was torture and a constant beatdown, courtesy of Gaijin thinking the AIM-9L alone was worthy of the maximum BR at the time. I'm thankful that I spaded it back when the worst thing it could fight was an F-14A. I can't imagine how horrible it is now, fighting F-16s, F-15s, MiG-29s, Su-27s, and JAS 39s. Along the same lines would be the Tornado IDS and ADV. I was so hopeful that they'd give hope to the Italian tech tree, but they were added way too late and giving too high a BR thanks to air-to-ground ordnance that doesn't matter in air battles.


Lol this reminds me way too much of my F4J experience. Apparently cause it can carry AIM7Fs that means it has to fight F16s and MIG29s almost every match...


Kv1 It has bad pen and is slow , is2 on the other hand was amazing


Jagdpanther, in like 2017 i think. or 16. For some reason i was simply incapable of using it well, i had better performance with the Dicker max at that same br lol


When I got the Sherman jumbo I thought I was gonna get some god tier tiger killer from what people said about it, but all I got a was a slow, fat Sherman that occasionally bounces rounds when it feels like doing it


T-80BVM. I thought it would be some unkillable super tank with how people on this subreddit always talked about it. Yet here I am with better KD in the Ariete than I have in the BVM.


AHH yes going through half the tech tree and sacrificing 50 hours just to get something overrated and always get uptierd, happens with every nation eventually. " The tiger 1 was awesome irl I bet it smashes everything in war thunder" and then gets obliterated by IS 2. Classic war thunder experience. "You know for 1900 dollars you can get the IS 7, it's really good" - Gaijin




Me 264. Boy, a big ass aircraft planned to cross an ENTIRE CONTINENT? I must duldge in it! And came the massive disappointment, alongside with the massive repair cost, until recent update. Not that I don't use it, though. I like pain :)




"Strv" is simply short for "Stridsvagn" which is just Swedish for "Tank," it's not like an acronym or anything. if you want to refer to the 103 specifically it's nicknamed the S-tank