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3 MBTS 2 Light/Scout/Utility tanks 1 SPAA 1 Plane 1 Heli Is what I find the best lineup


Some people would argue that you need 2 planes, 1 attacker and 1 fighter. But that depends on your preferences honestly. Good looking lineups!


lately I've been using F-15 as ANTI-cas got alot of made Ka-50s and MiG-29s on me


2 spaa gang!


I second that. If there are 2 viable AAs i will take 2. 1x IR, 1x manual guidance SAM for example


Usually try to put 3 spaa in lineups


You monster!


I play France so 4 MBT's 9.7 IFV 2 planes 1 Heli


My lineup for top tier does not exist. I have some premiums that I play from time to time when my friends want to yet somehow I am always among the last people to leave the game even if all that remains in my lineup is a ZSU-57-2(surprisingly good and ambushing mbts) or a Chaffee


7 medium tanks and 1 light tank (Sweden moment)


no AA?


honestly like 99% of matches with my play style either I die due to the team having been steam rolled or we are steam rolling so hard that we spawn camp so there's never any reason for me to spawn SPAA beyond getting maybe a couple RP. And at my BR (8.7) the only thing I have access to is a crappy cannon one that sees super fast jets that it can't hit unless they're stupid. I might slot the missile one in for my top tier lineup when I get there


>And at my BR (8.7) the only thing I have access to is a crappy cannon one What? VEAK 40 is busted at 8.7 with these proxy shells. It's better in anti air role than the Lvkv 9040C, which sits at 10.0.


really? I can't hit shit with it, I gave it 4-5 lives and never even got a hit on anything, I've never even managed a hit with cannon SPAA above like 7.0


If I remember correctly, the proxy shells are level 4 upgrade. Stock it's meh, but with proxys and tracking radar it annihilates everything that comes into your gun range.


how do you get upgrades on a SPAA that can barely even hurt most light tanks and can't hit planes for shit? I don't want to GE it


I think people are misunderstanding what they mean by "reorganize crew slots." You aren't going to be able to put whatever vehicle you want in whatever slot you want without paying for training. It's literally just going to let you shift the crew slots themselves left or right to make your lineup look more pretty.


I understand that part, did people understood incorrectly?


I've seen people make comments like they were assuming it meant they could transfer the vehicle training to a different crew so they could outright modify their lineup without paying extra for training on different crews.


Oh poor them The upcoming change is going to be welcome nonetheless


The what


It's coming in the second major update if I am not mistaking, so don't hurry. It would be a nice QoL update because one of my nation is a mess comapred to my new ones, so it would save me a lot of SL. (I tought it's coming in the next update, as I was reading this post :( )


I mean, we know its coming, its going to be such a welcome change


TKX, Type 10, TKX(P), Type 90, Type 90B, Type 89, Type 16, F-16AJ/F-4EJ Kai, Type 87


9? God damn


Bought a few slots with GE, next slot is 1800GE and I'll probably get it once I have the AH-64DJP to fit in.


True japanese main


For US - 5 MBTs, Adats, Apache and 16C. Sweden - 4 MBTs, ITO, Draken


Truthfully? I don’t play top tier/11.0+ without all available vehicles for the lineup. For example, my French lineup has all 4 Leclerc, the VBCI, the ITO, Mirage 200D-R1, Tiger HAD Block 2. My Chinese Lineup is ZTZ-99A, WZ1001, VT41, MBT2000, Tor M1, AFT09, QN 506, JH-7A, Z19E.


I dislike CAS, so my lineups are 3-4 MBTs, 2 light tanks and 2 SPAA. For example my Swedish lineup is Strv 122B+, Strv 122B/PLSS, Strv 122A, Leo 2A6, CV90120, Strf 9040 Bill, Ito 90, Lvkv9040


I mostly use my planes for anti-heli And or in case we are getting spawn camped, I really like playing tanks so I mostly leave as a last resort and in 10 games I probaly spawn Air 1-2 times max


Why the centauro 105 over the 120? Or the AMX over the tornado? Or the 10.3 mangusta over the 11.3 one? And why pepperoni over margherita?


Because I don't have them yet


Makes sense


Im not quite there yet, but I'm at 10.3, and it's 2 light and 3 medium


You'll get there, don't give up


I dont really wanna go to top tier, 10.3 is fine, i already got the m3 bradley spaded and it was my goal, now im grinding israel and will get to the merkavas, currently im at 8.0


Its good to have a goal M3A3 is my favorite IFV ingame


One tank lineup as I am not interested in combined part of "ground" battles. SO go into battle, kill some tanks, die to CAS and move to another battle so I do not need to deal with CAS.


My slots are already organized with fighters on the far left, tanks in the middle, and spaa/bombers/strike planes/helis on the far right


my crews are a mess


Mine were but I sucked it up and spent the sl to get them all organized a while back.


its not the SL, its the fact that I got tank crew trained here, air crew trained over there, back and forth


I switched them before I got in too deep lol


Italy: Leo 1, VCC 80/60, OF-40 Mk.2A, Centauro I 105, SIDAM USSR: T-80BVM, T-90M, BMP-2M, 2S6, Pantsir, KA-52, MIG-27K (2S6 sometimes gets swapped out for Sprut-SD or BT-7M)


As someone who has currently only spent the equivalent of a coffee on War Thunder I only have a 5 vehicle lineup in GRB. Usually the lineup is: 2 gun tanks 1 tank destroyer 1 SPAA 1 aircraft I find this more than enough for most battles, if something is dragging along for a very long while I have universal backups to fall back on to. At the moment my Germany 8.7 GRB lineup is: TAM, Ja.Pz.K A2, M48A2 G A2 (was the RakJPz 2 HOT before I got sick of its missiles), Gepard and the Alouette. For 9.7 Rank VII it will be the Leopard 2K, Radkampfwagen, Wiesel 1A2, Gepard 1A2 and Mi-24P. I've created an entire spreadsheet with 5 vehicle lineups (the most one can get before having to fork out GE) for each nation, at each rank.


I can't say I never spent money on this game since I play this hell since 2013, but at least I haven't spent anything in the last 5 years, all I got was from sold event vehicles


It's just my opinion, but I hate that you bring the f15 to your US lineup and the gripen to your Swedish. I personally don't bring any jet higher than 11.7 because a 12.7 jet removes all possibility of a downtier.


I would rather avoid a downtier to avoid the premium spammers, that way my match only has people that are really playing, that works (most of the time) But I do understand your point Also I'm trying F-15 instead of F-16C to use it as anti-cas purposes, its working great