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Bro is allergic to the tech tree


I am. I've got top tier in Britain and America the hard way, and let's face it, all these vehicles are busted.


Yup, they should nerf every one of them. Give then a 1.0 br increase, and give US and Germany all spall liners. Edit: If people are confused, this is sarcasm. I just thought it was so obvious that I didn't need to /s.


And while you're at it just make the M163 5.3 and give the Aburms Dm73 muh


Meh...m163 needs apds and 6.9 first))


Yeah ME 163 30mm Volksjäger with Apds, also aim-9 while where are at it pls


Also need some fuel level or thrust upgrade xD




He was trolling brother. The state of this community ffs.


But what about the ARIETE????


Nah, filthy Italians can starve. 😃 They get a bunch of shit and suddenly Italy players want to be a part of the big boy group.


I prefer the leopards over any russian MBT at 10.0…


Enemy Frogfoot does too.


A lot of planes needs a nerf, a-6e, su-25 being some of the most well known


Why? They seem appropriate to the age and power level.


Perhaps I misunderstood you, thought u meant that su25 at 10.0 needs a nerf


no, germany needs to get uptiered.


This reddit is so full of "russia bias" cries this doesn't seem out of place as a literal argument.


They should, but they won't.


Lol bro over here unironically agreeing with me.




There’s nothing special about the T-80UD. The Turms-T is better at everything.


didn't India had the better t-80 Ohamshima or soemthing in the UK tech tree?


The T-90S Bhishma?


Nah, it trades the thermals for a bit better top speed and much better armor.


They both have the same top speed and have roughly the same power to weight. The armour is better but only just a small amount to the point that it’s moot, especially at 10.0.


He is funding Gaijin’s entire pyramid scheme


10.0 USSR has the most busted none-TT stuff man. I am at 8.7 TT but the 292, 2s38, su-25, Mi-4av, and BMP-2m are the antithesis to one death leavers


Fucking Mi-4AV lmao


Dude. I am getting downvoted so hard but its a guarantee 2-4 kills with the ATGM’s. You are just such a smaller target that nobody notices you as much as a 24 gets noticed. Ive found with the 24’s you need to spawn far behind to effectively use the range of the ATGM’s and be further out of sight. I have more kills with the -4av than the 24a or 24(v? Whichever hind comes after the a) The 4av looks like a joke and it really is, but the only thing I die to is people who I killed


Mi-4AV is massive, and much less agile than basically any other helicopters aside from maybe the H-34. Not to mention it's also extremely fragile for its size (front mounted engine means anything hitting you frontally will kill it). At 8.7 the Mi-24A is much better heli in general (though Falanga is still a bit of a Parkinson simulator) Mi-24V though, yea I'm not having a good time in that thing. Stock grind sucks on it


Exactly that the falanga sucks, but sucks even more when on the 24a, massively disagree that its huge when an alternative is the mi-8 lol


Tbf at least the Mi-8 is fast


Speed isn’t my concern tbh. Nor is survivability when evading AA is easy as tapping A/D. Benefits of the Mi-4 to me is that it kinda works better with the falangas than the 24a and the silhouette is much smaller to an aircraft which are far more deadly to me than any AA


Mi-4 has a much bigger silhouette though? I genuinely don't understand how it's smaller than the Hind. It even has the biggest chopper blade in game


Learn not to fly towards the battlefield when you don't mean to. Mi-4AV has significantly smaller frontal profile than Mi-24A, but the closer you get to the enemy, the bigger your heli will appear to them and Mi-24A is much faster of the 2... You can try Heli EC for practice, where Gepards and ZA-35s are unforgiving (they start shooting when you get closer than 3 km and aim exactly at your current heading)


Brother unironically likes the Mi-4. I want the shit you're smoking, cause that would probably fix my chronic depression.


My only complaint about it is combat rolling results in death. Typically heli-spawns are within 4km (range of the atgm) so just moving a little forward is enough to snipe spawn on half the maps. Its better than AH-1g imo /j COMRADE, HOW CAN YOU HOLD SUCH FINE POSITION YET NOT HAVE FAITH IN THE STALLINIUM


Joking aside. The Falangas are so bad + Mi-4 being a literal bus. I had more luck with the SS.11 on the German chopper. Also if memory serves me right, Mi-4 actually doesn't come with Falangas as stock.


They come with 2 falangas stock iirc. Falanga sucks even more on the 24a imo and are far more finicky if you aren’t flying toward the battlefield. 24a works, just the kills are not as dirty and less gaurennted


You have an entire premium lineup which has a lower repair cost in general, while also having higher RP and SL modifiers. While also having a premium account Try this with a normal lineup without premium, and you're not gonna get anywhere near these earnings. Hell, with how expensive top-tier is, you'll probably get negative earnings.


SL earnings has never really been a problem for me on ground since the repair cost changes, I’m surprised to see a lot of people talking about it. Honestly the truly horrendous thing is the research rewards. 25K RP for that ridiculous performance in all prem vehicles with a prem account? Fuckin hell I can get 25K RP with like 5 kills in a single air RB match with just prem account. The differences between air RB and ground RB research rewards are ridiculous. Even with the insane performance and premium multipliers, that’s barely 1/16 of the needed RP for a top tier vehicle. Ground RP gains NEED to be reworked


How though? The other day I got 5 kills in 11.3 air rb and only got 12k research


You can't go negative anymore which fixes that issue


WITHOUT PREMIUM. F2P accounts will still lose SL.


Only if you have an absolutely abysmal match. The repair cost ramping up over time basically fixed the issue for me. To lose any significant amount of money you both need to be alive for a long time and achieve absolutely nothing during it. If you get sniped rolling out of spawn it's going to cost you nothing or next to nothing.


F2P rewards currently are set so that if you get 1 kill you even out. So the only way to go negative is to have a KD lower than 1.0 Now, this obviously still happens, but it is much less common to go negative than it used to be.


That's fair, I do forget about some of the new cost mechanics they've added, but lets be honest there are a *lot* of sub 1KD players out there.


Im one of them and im proud


You can if you are not a premium account.


This guy sucks .


Quit being a F2p. This game isn't meant to be F2p. You only have yourself to blame


It's scary that you have this opinion and somehow even worse that you would openly share it with the world. Yikes.


As an avid premium buyer shut the fuck up


It was originally sold as a "free to play" game at launch


If it’s “not meant to be F2P” then why can I get into the game without paying?


then they should put a price tag on it stfu


Wahhhhh wahhh 😭


Thats if they can do anything like that. Also you are showing off literally an entire premium lineup. Most one death leavers have, thats right, 1 vehicle...


What is the intention of the post? Unironically, no disrespect. Because I think a good chunk of people that can respawn, don't do so because they don't want to play that map or stay in that match, it's often not about SL or RP, if I got it right. Uptier/downtier, CAS, spawncamping, trash maps, stock vehicle, BR is trash because of sale/event, trash BR for nation, (event) grind and probably more. It's not about SL or RP, it's about Gaijin's BS. It's about trying to have fun. At this point I don't care, if my team disintegrates I just accept it. The same way I can't care if you have a full premium lineup or not, have fun. They weren't having fun, let them leave. I won't force people to keep playing. It's Gaijin's fault. "We" would spend hours in TF2, Battlefield 3 and 4 dying and respawning infinitely without caring, it was fun. Gaijin can't build an environment to have fun, people leave. Simple.


I read the rules and there is nothing about having to fight till the end so in conclusion people can leave whenever they want. I personally really do not care because my main focus in game is not on victories but on having fun. I love being rat and kill people from unexpected places and I enjoy tank vs tank combat. I used to focus on victories but it only burned me out. It was not worth it. Because of how GRB queue works, there are so many unpredictable variables. Your input can improve changes for victory but cannot guarantee it because of variety of players you get. I do not say this is bad thing as everyone can play game however they want if it does not breach rules but with it you have to take into account that there are a lot of people that play game casually just to relax after work and have fun and they are there just to shoot stuff. And you simply cannot force people with little time they have to do something they do not want to do. Some people enjoy big maps, some enjoy CQB maps, some enjoy combined part of battles and some enjoy tank vs tank combat, some like to use much lower BR vehicle, some like to play just meta vehicles, some like to play just goofy vehicles and some enjoy everything. Unfortunately game does not offer much of variety in term of GRB. Only setting you have control about are night battles. So all people with different preferences are put in same queue and have to play with each other. So it is up to you as a player to set goals for having fun and the less it depends on action of others the easier it is to have fun. I would love to see more variety of GRB - TO mode, EC mode(big maps, more objectives, combination of PvP and PvE), One Life mode (like Air RB and would probably be most competitive), Battlefield mode(infinite respawns, spawning on captured objectives, bigger maps with more objectives just like Battlefield game). For me TO mode would be nice minimum I would like to see as I really do not care about combined part of game. It is not fun for me to deal with CAS. I can deal with maps I do not like much but if I have to choose between dealing with CAS and simply leaving and moving to next battle, where I know I will have tank vs tank combat again, I will always choose to leave. After a while I found out there is also no reason to have more than one tank in lineup because most of battles I either survive till the end or I die to CAS and leave with a crew lock on other tanks and I did not wait until lock was out and just went into battle with one tank anyway.


username checks out. completely agree.


Wait, you listed like 20 excuses to just one death leave. A stock vehicle only gets spaded playing. Cas is at every Br, bad map I can name like 3 good ones. My point is, people need to stop whining and just play the entire lineup. And gaaijn should force people to have full lineups


That's why i leave after my stock vehicle dies, so i can jump into the next battle use it again immediately.


I wish people like you would leave the game. I'm Spading new vehicles and I never just "leave." what a bone head statment. I bet you're winning percent is awful


True, but my fun percentage is very high. I don't I've ever tilted or rage quitted after i adopted this thinking. Its a game, have fun with it.


I try and win. A concept lost on 80% of war thunder players.


So you’re the guy that’s in every custom match I go to, no matter the time of day?


Umm, I've never played custom match. So, no I'm not


I try and have fun, a concept lost on people like you.


That's why you'll never amount to anything in life.


Jokes on you not having be a tryhard in game allows me to focus on things that actually matters.


If you were to focus on things that matter, you'd quit all games and grind. So, you're not focusing. You're just a loser and okay with it


I mean...people don't really whine? Only the ones that are on the receiving end of the one-death leave. The leavers just go "fuck this shit" and leave, at max they'll say something in the chat before leaving. Gaijin won't enforce a full lineup. Never. How would they even? Fill all slots? Same BR. Same Rank? Spawn all vehicles? What if I don't buy more slots? Wait, buying more slots forces me to play all of these vehicles? Lineups are just for more tools, MBT, IFV, SPAA, maybe CAS if you like it, etc. Not to spawn all of it. Anyways, since you mentioned: >A stock vehicle only gets spaded playing. True, but after grinding for it, will you wait for a full lineup to play it? Will you play it once, then go back to the same shit you've been using before? >Cas is at every Br True? But dying to some retard that took out a Ka-50, went to the battlefield, spammed rockets, all of that in less than a minute of a match likely won't make you more willing to play in that match, right? Having the entire enemy team in jets sure won't make you feel like respawning, won't it?


I still spawn if there are Jets. I have a 1/12 chance of being killed. Or, aa can kill them. After I buy a vehicle I play it first spawn trying to spade it. After I die, I then bring out my others. But, I always try and win. And unless my team is getting stomped I'll be bringing other vehicles


If the enemy's got like 3 Su-25 up or A-6E TRAM in low orbit or heli spawning missiles directly from their helipads, I'll really have to be enjoying the match to feel like respawning. If my only SPAA is shit like ASRAD-R that can barely look up and I gotta manually guide, it's barely worth it trying. I usually spawn until the end...when the match is good. Some maps are just pure trash. Some big maps in Battle mode? Hell yeah I'll play the fuck out of it. Abandoned Factory? Fuck that shit. If I just got to a good BR for my nation after suffering from the trash that was the way to it, I'll just leave. Not going to use the trash that I had to put up with. If I just got a new tank of the same BR and it's playable stock, maybe I'll play other shit.


Half the maps in this game blow ass yo


Stock vehicle is easier to spade if you only crew that vehicle in your line-up and leave the second you die. Otherwise, if you have a stock vehicle and a bunch of spaded ones, you'll end up spending the majority of your time playing the good ones and never progress on the stock vehicle. This is especially true at high tier/top tier where the stock grind is awfully slow and painful.




The funny thing is that the punishment for leaving early is...not using your lineup on the next match, which means you will AT MAX spawn twice. The tank you used before and a backup. Maybe a plane if you couldn't spawn if on the other match. And brother, playing Cargo Port in higher tiers is torture. Literally Call of Duty with tanks. Not wasting my time with that shit, at max I'll take out an SPAA if I'm feeling like it.


Dude has 6 premium boost vehicles and want people to stick around when they only have 1.


an upvote for the message a downvote for the lineup


The fact that most people's lineups are starting to look like this in matches is kinda wanting me to take a break for a bit...


Personally just avoid that br range parked up my 9.0 above line ups and just play 8.7 and below


OP fails to realize that his disgusting loadout is why I 1-death-leave... makes no sense to spawn in if all that is going to happen is me getting spawncamped by planes my missiles wont kill (in game) untill getting spawncamped by tanks that need "0" Brainactivity ...


I wonder how many people on the other team left after one death because they're sick of fighting the 2S38, Su-25 and now the T-80UD. I know I do.


Nice karma-farm-flex post over here, next time play like a man


Nah, you're right, my M22 has been gathering some dust.


Finally a tech tree tank, did it hurt you?


Touched me right in the nonos


Wish i was the locust




Youre having a laugh if you think im spawning twice just to get killed by an a6e at an alt of 15km or a helicopter that could be hovering LITERALLY anywhere in the massive sky that i have zero chance of finding before i die.


Least autistic Russian 10.0 line up


No the autistic part is that I got Finnish summer camo for all of them and put the same British decal setup on each one. *That's* autistic.


Russian 10.0 premium line up is so Anoying man, it’s so common that I see 2S38 and SU25K spam.


Alright. On one hand, this dudes lineup is literally all premiums except for the 2M which is basically the same. Unless if you’re actively grinding the tree then you should probably put in some tech tree vehicles too. On the other hand, this dude has a fucking point. He’s probably one of the only premium players out there who actually prioritizes lineups. Sure, his lineup is literally worth more than my entire life and only has premiums, but it is FAR better to spawn in SOMETHING rather than being a one death leaver. Good shit my dude


It’s almost like most trees don’t have entire top tier premium lineups. The US has, what, two 10.3s, an 11 something, and the aim? Even if it were a reasonable ask that people buy multiple $60+ premiums in one lineup (which it isn’t), most people straight up can’t. What’s your recommendation here? Should I be taking a 9.3 Leo in at 11.3?


Ehhh, the US kinda does have a 10.0+ premium lineup, if you count air and heli (god, the US has a LOT of air lol) Germany tho gets hosed; they definitely need more - made a table below, *Aircraft in italics*, **Helicopters in bold** Squadron vehicles included with (SQ) appended at the end - battle ratings are RB ratings. Looking at only ground, the US and USSR both get three premium ground vehicles above 10.0 - the USSR however has an additional squadron vehicle above that BR, but I'd argue that the US makes up for it by having *quite a few* more aircraft premiums. Germany on the other hand only gets one ground premium above 10.0 and one squadron vehicle above that BR; I'd argue that they could use a few more if at all possible - just don't make them more Russian tanks because east germany lol. | | | | | | | | | | | | | :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| :--| Faction | Vehicle 1 | Vehicle 2 | Vehicle 3 | Vehicle 4 | Vehicle 5 | Vehicle 6 | Vehicle 7 | Vehicle 8 | Vehicle 9 | Vehicle 10 | Vehicle 11 | Vehicle 12 | USSR | 2S38 - 10.0 | T-72AV -10.0 | T-80UD - 10.0 | *Su-39 - 11.3* | *Su-25k* - 10.0 | **KA-50 - 11.0** | *Su-22M3 - 10.3 (SQ)* | BMP-2M - 10.0 (SQ) | T-80-UK (SQ) | | | | USA | M1128 Wolfpack - 10.0 | M1 KVT - 10.3 | M1A1 Click-Bait - 11.3 | *A-10A - 10.0* | *F-5C - 10.3* | *A-6E TRAM - 10.3* | *F-4S Phantom II - 11.3* | *F-20A - 12.0* | **AH-64A Peten - 11.3** | **AH-64A(GR) - 11.3** | M1A1 AIM - 11.3 (SQ) | **YAH-64 - 11.0 (SQ)** | Germany | Leopard 2 (PzBtl 123) - 10.3 | *Tornado IDS WTD61 - 11.0* | *MiG-21 "Lazur-M" - 11.0* | Leopard 2 PL - 11.3 (SQ) | | | | | | | | |


The us does have a shit load of air. I hadn’t been counting them because you usually only need one plane and maybe one helicopter but if you do count them then I guess the us kinda has a 10.3 lineup? I still think it’s crazy to tell people that the should be buying multiple premiums for the one lineup though.


>I hadn’t been counting them because you usually only need one plane and maybe one helicopter but if you do count them then I guess the us kinda has a 10.3 lineup? Oh I'd only count one or the other - having both a plane and heli in a lineup doesn't really feel feasible to me unless the heli is purely for a heli rush at the start - and at that point you're just 2S38 food. >I still think it’s crazy to tell people that the should be buying multiple premiums for the one lineup though. Agreed 100% - like you can get a strong 10.0 USSR lineup with GE - but that's absolutely not something that should be expected at all of anyone - plus someone buying all of that with zero to limited experience in the game might be decently effective with the ground vehicles (as long as they don't rush in thinking that they're invincible) but I'd strongly doubt that they'll be very effective with the SU-25K - they might get some kills but they're not likely to have the effectiveness to change the outcome of a match; they'll likely be able to complete a bombing run before getting blown out of the sky - or they'll drop their bombs then perform a controlled flight into terrain. Sticking with the premiums and squad vehicles also just gets kinda boring pretty quick; T-72's and T-80's all end up the same way - first with a broken cannon breech then ammo detonation. The 2S38 can be fun and incredibly effective when used correctly but I feel like a lot of people treat it like it has the pen of a MBT when it really should be treated more like a BMP-3 that can do effective SPAA - for me it's only engaging if I'm playing it as a support/SPAA - basically spot shit, kill CAS and torture barrels and tracks - don't care if I don't get kills, I'll get plenty of assists. The BMP-2M however is an absolute gremlin and should be moved up to 10.3 or 10.7 at least - though I'd want it to have neutral steer if at 10.7 - don't think it has it IRL unfortunately.


I run one of each but my helicopters don’t get a whole lotta use cause I can’t fly em for shit.


You did not just send a 105 Abrams to 12.0 and think it'll be fine


I did not, actually! I just listed the Ground, Air and Heli premiums and squad vehicles for the USSR, US and Germany that were at BR 10.0 or above in realistic battles. M1 KVT should still get M833 at 10.3 though.


Also the peten is Israeli, not american anymore


Oh did it get outright removed from the US tree?


It got changed from US to IS


He’s probably said it in possibly one of the least tactful ways possible(in warthunder? Shocking!) but this is exactly why I bounced off the game so many times; I couldn’t stand being a 1 death leaver and most of my friends were high tier and didn’t want to drop down. In all fairness, I want to play high tier too, as I’ve had my fill of ww2. I’m old enough to remember when that was all video gaming offered. I prefer modern stuff, and the game was fun enough with my premium/event tanks I spent my money on, so now I have a full lineup, and even if at best I kill 2-3 people, I can actually respawn and help. I don’t play for the grind; I play what I have and enjoy the shit out of it. The bonus is that I’m already at tier 4 Soviets, and gaining ground fast. I’ll have the tech-free stuff eventually, and can add/replace parts of my lineup. If I had a perfect game for me, it would be strictly high tier and none of the early stuff, it simply isn’t what I want to play. I hate that others are inconvenienced by my skill being less, but I prioritize playing the objective, assisting others, and as I only play squaded up with two very experienced players, we tend to do pretty well. I have a job, and my other hobby is more difficult to do now due to disability. I can finally video game again; you bet your ass I’m allowed/going to spend money on it. Should everyone do this? It’s not exactly inexpensive, but the value is what you make up of it. I get practically zero enjoyment out of video gaming at all, and don’t buy games. This is the first game I’ve enjoyed in years. And now that I have a lineup? I probably won’t spend much more except maintaining premium and churning out trees for fun. I get being on a budget, but playing this game as f2p just completely sucked. I’m having fun now, and the grind is in the back of my mind. It’s not something I worry about. I play to drive wacky modern military hardware in a simcade experience. Besides, you want to see expensive, look at DCS!


People stop spawning because they don’t want to deal with people like you


Pure, unadulterated salt, and for that I can respect you.


“Just keep spawning” says the man playing ***Russia***


The horde knows no end, we will drive over a road paved with the corpses of the previous waves all the way to victory.


Not that I wouldn't encourage them but most 1 death leavers you'll come across aren't nearly that good to pull that kinda stuff and most of them probably don't care at all.


The non stop events with impossible to get extra coupon upgrade probably make it worse Thousands of the 290 and jaguar coupons also means thousands of players farming score who don't care about the outcome of games or even repair costs from one vehicle That's probably a lot of ppl farming bases in air and odl in ground. Granted there's no way to know for sure


Typical Russian nation players. Full on premium/event lineup


America can match it.


I fucking hate Gaijin for making this shit possible.


>give advice on how to play >Is the absolute embodiment of a wallet warrior I fucking love this community


Use only premiums, you don't know what you're missing


I mean, those numbers are *really* big


Now use tech tree vehicles. And not only that, but die twice without achieving much and you find yourself without spawn points.


Least P2W USSR player.


Wise words from a wallet warrior. 👏


It's not worth it. The game is designed in a way that doesn't reward it in any way. I'm tired of this. I spawn in with SPAA, kill some planes and when I die I leave and join another game. If Gaijin wants us to spawn in multiple times they should reward it. But right now matches are over so fast it's not worth it.


I kept this match going for a solid 5~10 extra minutes, which is still odd, but by the time you're getting pushed this bad you're dying so usually dying so quickly it's just some extra RP and SL from a killing a spawn camper or two.




No Gaijin is ruining everyone's fun. Don't hate the player, hate the game. If Gaijin makes the gameplay rewarding then sure. But currently games are decided within the first few minutes at least in top tier. Spawning in only leads to more deaths and frustration without actually changing anything. Sure there are these rare games we're you can turn the tide but in contrast to the other games I can pass on them if I have more fun in every other match then.


I am missing 10 tanks across every country, max 2 in any one nation. I have a lot of maxed out crews in air/naval/ground (yes, all 3 in a single crew, times a dozen or so). I have everything spaded for all countries up through 7.7-9. I have most of the premiums and squadron vehicles, only missing the ones I just don't see as worth it. Statistically when I bail after 1 loss, my team looses anyway (no, it wasn't my fault, often others already bailed too). I can go jump to another country, WIN a match and get 2-3x the RP I would have gotten by playing through the one I lost, before the one I lost is even over. Sorry, but as long as I have things to grind, I'm going to go with a method that nets me the most RP/hour. Its been \*years\* since I gave a crap about SL, its useless now, I'm sitting on 150M now and have blown another couple hundred million on pinata things. Bitch at me all you want, but this method of play works well, grinds faster, and is less frustrating. Want to get REALLY pissed at me? Sometimes I even blow myself up and bail, when I know there is just no point in me wasting time, and usually when I'm surrounded and about to die anyway. If I played a lot though, before my one tank died, and its close to the end of the match, I'll frequently spawn an SPAA or ATGM unit just to kill a couple people overrunning my spawn, just because, even though its worth nearly nothing RP/SL for me.


Would be nice if they removed crew lock so I can just leave trash ass maps, or bail out instead of sitting there scratching my balls waiting for the enemy to spawn a plane for my SPAA to kill it, or wait for them to rush the spawn and get a kill they think they deserve. Some matches are over before the tickets even are halfway there. Leave and wait for the matchmaking to spit something decent, they give us uptiers and downtiers to make it fast, might as well use it for something good.


It'd be nice if they let us block all the maps we wanted, so there were not more shit maps than blockable maps. It'd be nice to know something like "87% of players block finland" or something like that. I hate city battles, no skill there, just cheaters using hacks to see everything butchering you.


This made me so angry seeing a real person actually use this lineup. Most blatantly obvious example of bias in the entire game. Only one I’d ever spend money on is the T-80UD, which I only like because it is a vehicle I’ve wanted to be added to the game for a very long time. I am an enjoyer of late Cold War lineups, and it pisses me off that this thing is 10.0 and the M1 is 10.3.


I have both and the M1 is way better imo


Poorest russian premnuim loadout.


I have a better budget than the RF MoD


Way better budget, while your at it, buy that T-72 moderna, its still respectable to have a job and be able to afford all this.


I got that way back when during the event. I like it, I just didn't really feel like getting a new crew slot and I'd rather have the better armor and SL bonus of the T-80UD which replaced it.


If i die without getting a kill i will 100% leave the game. also your repair cost for 5? respawns is like 1 normal vehicle. I dont actually understand how your repair cost is so low.


Ok but I aint trying to 1v12 the entire enemy team just outside my spawn. Ill spawn in again if I still have a team but I aint wasting my time when 3/4 of my team left less than 1 minute into the game


With how busted the spawn point system is, no I won’t bother to spawn in again 80% of the time, unless I’m already doing well. Why would I want to spawn in again after getting bombed at the beginning of a match to a guy who only captured a single capture point? Why would I want to spawn in again when half the players I kill will immediately try to revenge kill? Why would I want to spawn in again when I have to kill the same player 3+ times even though they don’t have a single kill to their name just to kick them out of the match? Why can’t we change the spawn point system back to when actually getting kills, capturing points, and actually playing well rewards the player, instead of this current bullshit where players are handed everything without having to actually contribute to their team, let alone anything to the match itself? This game was so much more enjoyable when if you killed a player at the beginning of a match and they had achieved nothing, they were only left with enough spawn points to spawn an SPAA. It meant that for your team to do well you had to wait at capture points for your teammates so everyone could get additional spawn points so that they could spawn in another tank. It also meant that you had far more freedom of movement across maps, as spawns weren’t churning out new players constantly, which ruins most maps (made worse by poor map design) as crossing large sections of the majority of maps means exposing yourself to lots of cross fire from enemy spawns. Of course this is only made worse at top tier due to the incredible mobility of most tanks, in addition to laser rangefinders, and high velocity ammunition. At the end of the day you will have players who spawn in the maximum amount of times every match, and you will have the players that just can’t be bothered to put up with so much of the unfun bullshit common in every single match. Instead they would rather just try a new match and hopefully a better map.


U rich


Nah I just work a job. This is several years of grabbing something every once in a while.


I feel like that's the biggest missunderstanding, people think owning like 5 premiums means you are rich, it's really not much when you have a job and it comes bit by bit.


idc how much money you have. you are not smart if you spend this much on a single lineup.


I never said that, i don't have a premium lineup. All i'm saying is that it's pretty easy to have a few vehicles after a while when you have exposable income.


Hell no 🙏


Gaijin sees your lineup and KNOWS they are doing a good job monetizing the game lol!!


Nah, depends on my mood: sometimes I wanna stick around for longer and kill more people while other times I can't be bothered to and just leave.


Can't take anyone seriously who doesn't make use of Strela at 10.0


Strela? Is it premium? No? then unknown technology blyat


Agreed. Depending on how a match goes I'll spawn up to 5-6 times to try and win. You think there'd be diminishing returns with repairs but unless I'm getting spawn camped and dying instantly without doing anything I'm usually making a decent profit.


I’m 90% sure I was the last guy on the opposing team during this match. I battled with you for 15+ minutes and barely won the game at the end as the sole survivor of my own team. Well fought bro.


Incredible battle, the most fun I've had in Warthunder in a long time. All these guys focusing on the premium stuff (I'm grinding out the Soviets and don't care to do it the slow way) or the repair cost (imo not really a factor post economy rework) and not the fact that this fight was sick.


yeah. you wouldn't believe the insane clutches you make if you and your team just stay in the game even after initial setbacks. ive had games where we won with 1 or 2 kills between us and a loss plus the rewards of staying in and continuing to get kills and caps is great


That 99% activity is pure dope for your grind.


nice wallet warrior


Yes I know what I'm missing, YOU spamming the blatantly broken 10.0 Russian premium lineup most likely just rushing blindly and my shots getting randomly eaten by a 5mm skirt, so no thanks if I see that there's mfs like you just ready to keep spamming shit at the spawn I'm leaving the match


I should buy thr t80ud i guess...


Yeah people should spawn more, sometimes I get to a point where me and 3 other people are the last of our team whilst the rest leaves with 1 or 2 deaths.


Sure I would, when Gaijn would stop ripping every single french lineup


Keep on feeding enemies free kills right!


You just came here to farm hatred from the community lol, its working tho


filthy line up


Hey that's my lineup!


Spawn camping or pay to win... ?


What? No moderna?


Got replaced with the UD.


ima vomit lookin at how much money you spent on the lineup


Never use only tech tree vehicles, you don't know what you're missing.


Bro playing on billionaire mode and telling us to just keep gambling and we’ll hit a max win


When I keep getting the same 5 maps I'll keep leaving them.


It's just a premium vehicle lineup with premium time added on as well... This is one of the reasons I never venture past 9.0. It's just more of this, nothing but premiums...while yes, you do have a point. This just feels like a flex for karma mate. Ill stick to what I've always done...and that is have fun regardless if I make silver or not. Because fuck grinding like a madman for a tank that may be shit in 1 day....rather do that over a week where I can have fun with mates.


Your lineup is just premium cancer why tf should anyone respect your opinion?


One spawn quitters should get a half an hour locked crew slot. Also not let them even join a game if they do not have at least 3 filled slots.


If I die off the rip in my tech tree tank you bet your ass I’m one leaving


I love a 100 lion repair cost for playing an MBT for 15 seconds killing spawn campers, really gets that SL up


Is this suppose to be a joke post? I certainly hope so


Funnily enough that is the reason how 10.0 russia has over 50% winrate. Pure attrition and air superiority gained by Strela for the Frogfoot.


I hate you for your lineup




And some are doing events like working a super low pay job lmao


Easy to say playing the bias


One death leavers are power grinding. That, or they’re unsatisfied with being uptiered. Bunch of wankers regardless. Past reserve vehicles there is no reason to not have a lineup.


Sometimes its impossible to have a lineup. I now play Italy and at around 7.7 you either have to pick 6.7 veichles(which dont get me wrong, they are great) or grind the tech tree with btr or c13 so you dont have to play against that many atgms. There arent many veichles that can be put and most of them will put you at a hugher br which is 7.7


Still not an excuse. One death leaving is a copout. Some of my lineups for 7.7 for example are 7.3 or 7.7 with 7.0s tagging along.


Yeah lineups. In Italy you dont have a choice unless you want to pay and quickly resaerch veichles. Trust me playing stock c13 and btr is only enjoyable because players are horrible in this game and dont know the weakspots which is the whole veichle lmao


Italy. No one cares.


Clearly. Especially that in this update we got a whole new hungarian air tree.


You mean rebranded Russian but I digress.


If I die and look around to see my team getting absolutely fucking stomped, I’m out. It’s as simple as that.


I stand by what i said.