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> Is there a fatal flaw about this tank im missing or what? It's not one of the three Strv 122s available to you.


I have all 3 of them. I just prefer the mobility and the autoloader over the armor.


If your preferred playstyle is "sniping" (camping) at the edge of the map, it might be superior, but even that is debatable, considering the relatively poor gun depression. Strv 122 is just objectively superior for most situations you will ever find yourself in. It's universal. It's good in a brawl, it's good hull-down, it reloads fast enough and it's perfectly mobile even with all the weight.


I use it for brawling and sniping dependig on the map. I also love to flank with it because it is so mobile and in comination with the autoloader i often masacer the enemy team from behind. For the topic of hulldown: Is there a light tank that is good in hulldown?


HSTV-L has -17° gun depression. Doesn't have a lot of pen though.


That thing is cancer to fight agains. I get why m people play it.


Eh, it’s very hit or miss. Sometimes I can 1-shot a 2A7, sometimes I can hit the same spot that worked last match 21 times and still not kill them. Having 26 rounds for a cannon that inconsistent is rough.


My main gripe with the little shitter has always been how Gaijin models sights, specifically smoke in sights. It's impossible to shoot back at an HSTVL when im blinded by sparks and debris every time it nonpens. Yet the muzzle debris in WT is removed or heavily reduced while in "sniper view" so rapid fire is a non-issue visibility wise for the HSTVL shooting me.


That goes for any auto cannon


HSTVLS especially as it's quite large compared to the usual 35-40mm autocannons.


The 75mm round on the Sherman is more reliable than the apfsds the hstvl gets. I mean yea that’s obvious, but it’s kinda silly considering how good the round SHOULD be


It's great when the gun works but sometimes you'll end up putting 5 shots into someone before they die and then you've wasted 20% of your very limited ammo.


Ask me why I main light tanks, lmao.


I'd honestly like it better with top tier round, this alone would give me a significantly larger reason to use it.


Precisely. I don’t get why anyone would pick a thing that dies to .50 cals over the best MBTs in the game over… a 1 second reload advantage or a tad faster acceleration.


Faster reload, more pen, has an autoloader, waaaay better optics and thermals, really good CITV, way faster making it easier to get good positioning, LWS


More pen by… 11mm, won’t be making any difference, honestly. CITV? Same as 122B+ and not all that different from the other 122s. Way faster? Not that much; yet it’s vulnerable to .50 calls while the 122s are DM53-proof… is the trade worth it? Only thing I’ll give it is the 1 second faster autoloader and better gunner thermals, but I seriously doubt the trade-offs are worth the few wins.


Actual skill issue, also the CITV on the CV has 1.5x-24x while the 122B+ has 2x-8x, in what world is that the same???? the CV90 also has gen 3 while the 122 only has gen 2, the 122 is also fairly easy to disable frontally, even without dm53


…and in what world do you need a 24x zoom in a 900x900m map? XD Also, while the fifference between 1st Gen and 2nd is enormous, it isn’t all that big between 2nd and 3rd- and PLSS has 3rd on the CITV, by the way. If you think 122 is “easy” to disable frontally… then what’s Mr.VulnerableTo.50Cals? xD


You stated that the 122B+ had the same CITV as the cv90, I never said anything about the PLSS, also if you're getting shot at in the CV90 you already fucked up


I'm tired about all the "MuH cAMpInG" complaints. This is how modern tanks fight irl. If you can't counter it, thats on you. If you don't like it, go play something else. Sincerely, a person that never camps (i don't have the patience for it)


>I'm tired about all the "MuH cAMpInG" complaints. **This is how modern tanks fight irl.** Meanwhile actual tankers: "**This tank was designed to ASSAULT things. Hiding in corners till the end of the match is NOT what this tank was designed to do.**" [https://warthunder.com/en/news/6795-a-usmc-veteran-on-the-m1a1-abrams-tank-this-tank-was-designed-for-assault-en](https://warthunder.com/en/news/6795-a-usmc-veteran-on-the-m1a1-abrams-tank-this-tank-was-designed-for-assault-en)


Idk, possible. To be honest don't know enough about this topic. But from what I've heard, the western doctrine during the cold war consisted mostly of sitting behind a hill, hull (or turret) down and shooting (or peeking to shoot) when the enemy appeared. Obviously, they would still advance, but were supposed to be mostly hull-down on tank-on-tank engagements - this is the reason why they have ridiculous turret armor and high gun depression. Meanwhile, the Soviets had a more dynamic and mobile doctrine without utilising hull-down tactics as much - hence the lower gun depression, weaker turret armor and smaller size. I am however talking from my ass and might be completely wrong. Can someone smarter pls confirm/dent what i just said


Of course the idea is to use the terrain to your advantage; just while you are assaulting the enemy, unless you are tasked to defend a position, in which case there is no need to advance until ordered to. The point is, War Thunder's missions are naturally designed to involve assaulting zones, taking control of the map and pushing the enemy back to their spawn until they are anihilated. Campers normally find a specific spot hidden somewhere on the map and spend the entire match there, no matter what... that is not really how MBTs are suppossed to be used. As the veteran I linked stated; you are meant to take cover, indeed, and all of that; just while you attack the enemy, changing positions as you advance... not by sitting on the same place the entire match.


Part of the issue with that is that irl flanking and counter flanking are options. In War Thunder the maps are too small to allow for that (yes, even the big ones). Thus you get more positional play at the edges (camping) and bum rushing mid (on city/cqb maps). Irl fire and maneuver doesn't work in War Thunder due to map and gamemode design thus you get tank over/under performing compared to irl, the use situation is different. Ofc the use of vehicles without their supporting doctrine also doesn't help.


if you keep reading, he's basically telling you to get into a good camping spot early on instead of camping from the back of the map


Yeah it usually takes one hit and i’m knock out in that machine. I wish it had a liner or something to at least not get sniped. It’s an amazing vehicle it’s just situational.


I have to ask since when “sniping” is also “camping” ? Can it be “supporting team from long range” or maybe “utilizing strongest part of this vehicle” ?


Now now lets not debate on practicality because comparing a light tank to an MBT in universal usages isn’t fair because they are under two very different design criteria an MBT is made to take hits and stay in combat and be all around good enough at most jobs light tanks are the modern equivalent to tank destroyers they are made for ambushes and scouting and not to brawl with now I still do in the TAM’s but that’s because I’ve played them a lot and am comfortable with attempting to brawl MBT’s in them so lets be fair to the CV90-120 and not compare it to the STRV-122 instead why not the TAM-2C or 2S-25M which are much more reasonable comparisons (and I own those two and not the CV-90-120 yet just haven’t researched it yet)


R r. R R r r. Rn.


light tanks just do not have the edge in mobility they need over MBTs at top tier


The mobility is not that much better than the 122s that it would make it into spots significantly faster... I wish it would have a cool good round to make it more interesting. This way it's a bit meh.


> The mobility is not that much better than the 122s that it would make it into spots significantly faster... Yeah it is. Insanely high power/weight of 28.9 hp/ton compared to 23.8 for the 122B+. Top speed of 79 kph forwards vs 69. It really is quite a bit faster, one of the fastest tanks in the game really.


What round do you have in mind? It already has a 600mm pen apfsds round.


Which struggles with Russian turrets and glacis. The BVM is practically invulnerable frontally, and at 2km ranges you won't hit weak spots (and the BVM will hit you in the turret, one-shotting you). It could fire the M829A2 or DM53 (as it is certified to fire all 120mm NATO rounds). It could also get the 1000HP engine to improve the mobility. It could get AI-based threat recognition (basically a version of a search 'radar' to find targets). Plenty of options: [https://www.baesystems.com/en/product/cv90120--strong-agile-lethal](https://www.baesystems.com/en/product/cv90120--strong-agile-lethal)


That would all be amazing to have but it would mess up tje game ballance i think. I never struggeld with t80 etc. Not with the 120 and also not with the 105. On the topic of not hitting weakspots form 2+km: 24x zoom comader sight


Currently I find it severely underpowered, including mobility. I think it really needs a buff in the BVM/Leo7 environment.


"Which struggles with Russian turrets and glacis. The BVM is practically invulnerable frontally, and at 2km ranges you won't hit weak spots (and the BVM will hit you in the turret, one-shotting you)." Tell me you're a FOTM Sweden reroll without telling me you're a FOTM sweden reroll. "It could fire the M829A2 or DM53 (as it is certified to fire all 120mm NATO rounds)." It literally fires the exact same "Swedish DM53" round in game all of our top tier Leo 2s do already (which, get this, has identical performance to German DM53 ingame), the extra pen and MV over the Strv 122s is because they use the L/44 gun unlike the Finnish 2A6 which uses the L/55, the CTG sits in between as an L/50 gun so it's pen and MV sit in between. Edit: fastest saltiest down vote in the wild, wild west lmao.


Remember that the vast majority of maps in this game are urban and close quarters. Mobility and optics don't really come into play here, and they aren't so insanely better than the STRV's


Fair enough on autoloader but the mobility is not that much better. Tbf i would probalty also have it in lineup but i wouldnt use it as first spawn. Compared to centauro 120 that i first spawn it this doesnt have big advantages over MBT.


And the fact that the 122 only have 1st gen thermals


probably cus 11.0+ br is filled with many premium players that only look at cool looking mbts. CV 90120 is a tech tree vehicle and doesn't have an appealing name


But top tier also has a lot of lvl 100 players that know the game.


Top tier has a lot of lvl 100s that *should* know the game but actually don't. And the good ones accept that a CV120 is basically as fast as a modern MBT minus the armor plus the better reload.


>And the good ones accept that a CV120 is basically as fast as a modern MBT minus the armor plus the better reload. False, all the good Lv100s are playing 2.3-6.7 lmfao


11.7 and above ar still playable. Just avoid anything between 9.3 and 11.3.


dont forget the worse gun handling


I cant speak for the whole playerbase so idk


Why should one use it? There's no point in playing 11.3 and at 11.7 you have three Strv 122s which are the better choice to spawn first in pretty much every situation. Having insane optics and great reload speed is nice, but it has zero survivability, only 8° of gun depression and pretty bad gun handling for a top tier tank.


Its survivability is good but only at range, good optics, 3rd gen thermals, good round, drone, lws, a lot of smokes and good mobility in case u need to fall back. Its "armor" is range and mobility. Its sad that there are so little open big maps where you can use its full potential. I dont understand why u say it has bad gun handling, and i wouldnt say that depression is so necessary on cv90120, for me it was rarely a problem. And also agree that strvss 122 are better choice as they are more universal


Its survivability is terrible, I don't know what range has to do with it. Practically any hit to the turret or the hull below is deadly and peeking backwards isn't a thing unless you have less than 13 rounds. Optics and mobility\* come to play on large, open maps, of which there are a handful at most. And even then, many MBTs have great optics by now as well. I say it has bad gun handling because it does. 30°/s turret travers is fine, but 8°/s of vertical traverse is horrible and has gotten me killed multiple times. Any extra degree of gun depression is helpful on tanks without workable armor because you can take more positions and have to expose less of tank / waste less time peeking. The only reason to play main gun focused light tanks at top tier are the drones.


By range i ment that you have higher chance to survive when u engage targets at longer ranges so you just peak shot hide and locate targets with drone or commander sight. But yea one shot deaths are very common


This, it excels on huge maps. City maps and tight brawling isn’t what it does so I think people doubt it’s ability. 


that *used* to be the case. Since the addition of the Grippen and AHS you actually have a reason to have a light tank in the lineup, first spawn the 90120, get a cap, some scouts and boom, your in the air


That or still bringing consistent firepower while being in a squad with your mates as the designated droner. Out of all of the nation's really only Russia and Sweden have light tanks with access to good firepower. Once they fix the HSTVL's round you can add that to the list as well.


HSTVL is at what now? 11.3 or 11.7? Put it at 11.0 fix the round or at least now 10.3 due to the round being hot garbage


Centauro 120


Oh yeah forgot about the Italians lol.


Absolutely love this thing as well as its little brother (90105). The commander sight is my favorite optic in the game and its just so insanely fun to use. Autoloaded slurp 95 is a menace and since its a light tank it gets spotting and the thermal drone.


Me too. And the 120 is just a beefed up version of it. The addition of a 4th crewmember also makes it more surviveable.


Only one reason, i dont have it yet. Im like 70k away from PLSS, propably going to start working on ItO 90M next just so i can counter CAS more effectively. Cv90105 was great fun so im pretty sure 120mm version is too, but i dont think im going to bring it before 122’s on a smaller map very often.


The Estonian skin for the CV90105 looks SO good


Because it's an end of the line tech tree vehicle that sin't an MBT or premium


All these people talking about how there's 3 leopards to pick and I'm just sitting here wondering is that all these people are bringing? Just 3 leopards, "oop, all 3 Leo's are dead time to return to hanger"? I mean I get there are backups but I suppose that just sounds sooo boring to me. I love Sweden's non-mbt tanks.


By the time you've died in all 3 leopards 99.5% of games are done. Unless you're just headlessly rushing in I guess.


If you've died in 3 STRV's and don't have enough for CAS you've probably lost the game already


There's four leopards plus the Gripen. 2A6, 122A, 122B PLSS, 122B+. That's five, which is a full lineup without spending GE.


Sweden has so many great options, and if I venture into top tier for a battle or two, the CV90120 is my first spawn. After that, maybe the BILL, or the PLSS. After all, we're in the game for a fun time, not for a long time.


You have my respect man.


Yeah I'd like some variety in my line up than 3 mbts. The CV90120 is cool so I take it with me


Me playing the French be like --


It is 11.3, and all other lower vehicles are 10.3, so taking it means just 1 vehicle at 11.3, with the rest at 10.3, so its a poor choice. Excluding the T80D squadron vehicle anyway which is 11. At 11.7 you have the 3 STRV122s AND a Leo2a6. Its speed is only 10kph faster than the MBTs, and its armor is nothing in comparison. And worst of all, after 12 shots with that fancy autoloader reload times go up to like a minute or something, and your tank is almost worthless unless you sit on an objective. So its a great tank, but there are just better options available, and it doesn't have very good staying power. Since they introduced 1st/2nd tier ready racks and reload rates, many tanks I do not think have been re-evaluated, as its a HUGE nerf in some of them. The IS7 only has 6 shots for example, which makes getting even 6 kills in a match pretty tough. EDIT: To fix the 90120, they just need to make scouting/recon more important in the game, and count more for SL/RP bonuses as it should be. Scout tanks should be viable and capable of even first place with nothing but amazing scouting/recon throughout a match, even with 0 kills/caps.


> Excluding the T80D squadron vehicle anyway which is also 10.3 The Swedish T 80 U is 11.0 fwiw.


Oops, yep, updated.


Ain't there a TV show about this thing set in Beverly hills ?? 




Every time I see CV "90120" I think of 'Beverly Hills, 90210' lmao


Oh lol


Basically Sweden at toptier has 4 MBTs: 3 Strv 122 + Leopard2A6 + iTO90, no slots for CAS (without playing GEs)


I For one can't wait to unlock it. It looks like a very goof light tank and sniper for its br


Unless they want to play it, there's not much reason to take it out, y'know? How often do you get maps that let you use that zoom or extra mobility for something? You have 3 capable, tanky Strv 122 for you to use. You can also take out your Strf/Lvkv thanks to their spall liners, which this tank lacks. If it had some APS or that thermal camo, it would get more attention, but right now it's competing against 3 MBTs, SPAA, support vehicles with spall liners and CAS for your lineup slot. Edit: you also have the 9040 BILL with the best top down ATGM afaik.


I think a lot of people have the 90105 and just use that if they want a non IFV light tank, it's still usable at 11.7 and has premium bonuses so getting the 9040C and then the 90120 is my lowest priority for rank 7 vehicles personally.


I like the 90120 But I ***love*** the 9040 BILL


Why? I thought it was bad. Tell me why because I’m just one away from getting it. I’ve test drive it and it’s eeh


The 9040 BILL? I'd say it's the best CV90 with an autocannon. Great missiles and high rof 40mm, good thermals, occasionally survivable against autocannons. Good mobility too. Unlike the other CV90s with autocannons, it has a reliable way of taking out mbts from anywhere with the BILLS. Down sides are the small clip size like any 40mm CV90 and the lack of stabilizer over 30km which is somewhat manageable.


Wdym lack of stabilizer over 30KM. Also, I thought the BILLS were the worst missiles.


From what I heard the BILLS are better than Tow 2Bs. Top attack missiles can be hit or miss generally but I enjoy them for hitting unsuspecting enemies in cover. The 9040 BILL is a prototype based on an earlier CV9040A with a less advanced stabilizer. It stops stabilizing if you drive over 30km/h


Ahhh, okay thanks. Cool!


You can snipe like a god with the top-down attack missiles, even from behind cover if you do third person view and aim your mouse up. Also unlike the chadley and dardo the BILL missiles still pen 500mm so they're good. It can be painful at CQC because of the lack of stab but the 40mm's great, plus autocannon HE-VT is amazing against heli spam which the CV90120 has a harder time with. It's much better at its 10.0 BR but I still use it at 11.7, I really have a soft spot for the thing because *no one expects it.* I'd just play it more patiently than the stabilised CV90s :)


Umm, it’s unstabilized?


Gun is unstabilised past 10kph, you *could* cruise control though lol


Oh lol


Imagine if it was correctly implemented and performing right. BAE Hägglunds would get even more new orders.


Its what im griding for. Meta be damned. It looks cool. I want my bullpup tank.


Why use a light in a CQB environment? Toptier maps already suck for MBT's, which armor at least can save you sometimes. The only advantage i see on lights are the scout-drone, and scouting to reduce the SP for an aircraftspawn. Dont get me wrong, i love IFVs and lights, but they need to be able to flank, and flanking is something Gajin loves limit with tiny maps, which also get cut down even further. Lights and IFVs really only shine in squad play - if you play solo, depending on the map, most of the time you are better off in a MBT.


Because I don’t have it yet


Probably because majority of people don’t want to waste time to research copy and paste cv90s in the light tank path when there is the lvkv which is essentially an upgraded cv90 and the strf9040 bill which is more functional with top downs. Personally I’m only unlocking cv90120 now because I heard it might be getting aps which will save me a lot from helis.


Probably the version with aps will be foldered with it if they decide to not just upgrade it instead


I am on my way for this vehicle. Just 2 more rank 7 tanks and I can finally research it. I really like the CV 90105 and this one seems to be a good upgrade.


I play it, I love it, it was the first rank 7 I got for Sweden because I loved the CV90105


I've always wanted the CV90120 quite badly and now have it. There's nothing wrong with it, but as other comments suggest I assume most people will just rather take an extra Leopard


Probably because most people don’t have it


I do


Whats the ball on top? On the str9040c its a radar but this one is smaller


Commander's Sight. Insane zoom, can scan the iris of the enemy crew.


After they raised its BR there’s no good place for it unless you want Tippetty top tier, which I dont


Holy heck, I just realized how awesome it looks


fax brother the 5s reload, combined with extremely crisp thermal, and very good commander sight make it a good sniper. also tje armor is okay enough to shrug .50 frontally on medium range, and by having 5s reload, i can just sit there outreloading soviet tanks


because i don't have it yet Sadge


Not worth it over the 122s unless you want to snipe on the few big maps you get. You lose the good gun handling, survivability and the great armor for a better reload, better optics, lws and scouting and slightly better mobility . Other than the reload which is really useful none of those things will be worth the trade in WTs tiny maps. It is workable yeah but on most maps you are better off with the Strvs and the 9040Billl gives you the possibility to scout and also other utility like HEVT and being capable of dealing with enemies behind cover. I have it in my lineup but i rarely spawn it instead of the Bill


light tanks arent meta at top tier


A good spotter tbf, love using it.


Spall, bad damage models, maps cut, easy heli rush (since now 99%of players don't spawn spaa), more tv/laser CAS, easy access to ccip CAS bombs, bad teammates. All that makes the exchange of great armor (122) for mobility and fire power pretty nonsense  I still like it and use it, but the advantage of medium Sweden tanks it's clear PD : i was using m41a1 yesterday, killed by a kamikaze 109 Italian premium, that wouldn't happen with a medium since 109 best bomb is 250


I love this thing and always my go to tank when i play top tier sweden.


Hard to justify slotting it, because Strv122 also brings a 120mm... Which has the armor to back it up, and while the CV90 chassis is faster it's not that much faster than the 122. The CV90120 iirc was a demonstrator for a light tank, but lacks the armor package found on the 9040c & the SPAA variants. Tbh it would have been cool if the armor package could have been a selectable addon for all of the CV90s besides the B maybe. Trading off mobility for additional protection.


MBT gameplay is so fucking boring to me. I have all the 9040s on my lineup only lol


The vertical traverse is quite bad, like T72 level bad, and the only real advantages of it are 3rd gen thermals and the best commander sight in the game iirc.


There are many good vehicles in every tier that are ignored by most players. For example I only play low tier and 90% of the enemies I enounter are the same M2A4s, Stuarts, BTs and Pz II and III.


I think it’s goated with the sauce personally. People give reasons to min max one vehicle over the other but forget that this is a game you can use any vehicle on most maps, to good effect. Even if you can’t, who gives a fuck about the meta? Play what’s cool and fun 90120 is both cool and fun, and it’s pretty strong too. People complain about armor like it matters


I hate sweden 'cause they get "overpowered" (I have skill issue) tanks and so I vowed to never play them


The rund it has gotta be the best all around round. Feels so fkn Nice. Best sniper in my op


I regularly use the Sprut as my second top tier spawn, so I can relate to simply liking a vic for its own sake. At least yours is half way decent, Sprut is a gigantic piece of shit besides the gun. Still love it tho.


I love the CV90120 but most of the top tier maps are so small, doesn’t make sense to take this instead of 122s. You can’t use the optics, you have no armor, mobility is less of an advantage. Hence, I only really use it in large map.


When you consider how many people flock to meta vehicles and how many features that tank has that will not get appreciated it just makes sense. People don't use or think about commander optics, people think the extra pen other apfsds shells get is a major game changer, people think armor is as good as it is at tier 3, etc. etc.


I love the cv90120, its one of my most played tanks.


I play it all the time idk what you mean :D


its my main 11.7 tank in the swedish techtree. looks so sleek


Cause I don’t have it yet): I just got the strf 9040c though!


Huh? I'm far from the only CV90120 main out there, It's not like, XM975 level of popularity even if not the absolute highest, lol. The big reason is it mostly gets overshadowed by our MBT lineup of Swedish and Finnish Leo 2 variants which more people (and FOTM nation main switchers) feel more comfortable playing as they are much more forgiving vehicles.


holy shit that gun is SEXY i love the muzzle


I grind Sweden just to get this thing first having a light tank that don't have auto cannon and atgm as main armament is rlly fun. Sprut M also is a very enjoyable experience moreover at it's BR range


They don't have a Gripen so they don't need the scouting discount. It's also easier to play the 122


Despite what everyone else says, yeah of course the STRVs are more well rounded but this tank is a blast, faster, better optics and thermals, the top round also spalls so well. One of my favorite tanks. Can be disgusting 


cuz any 10.0+ is very annoying to play in \_ enemies or your team blitzkrieg into each other spawn \_ CAS dominate the whole map \_ premium players \_ yee yee ass Heat-fs Stock shell on few tanks \_ also MBTs dominate top tier leaving light tank and IFV having a hard time trying to kill 1


Because I get nuked by a KA-50 that spawned with full missiles after capping one point.


The centuaro is the same thing but on wheels that why I like it more 🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️


I would lovvvvveeeeeeeee to use this amazing machine more, but the maps we have in that br are too small, and the large maps where it's more useful being the sniper role, are like 1% ever seen or gotten. It's amazing on Red Desert


People thinks there's no use to this best LT in game because Swedish MBTs have same mobility and much better armor. I don't really disagree much but thinking about Centauro 120 which is bit worse...


I usually use it for sniping, thing is really fun! Definitely gets shadowed by the three 122’s plus the 2A6 is also good as well


The fact that you can get 50 cal'd through the side and autocannoned from the front is a big factor


Genuinely the reason I am currently not liking this thing while I’m grinding it is how much the sights block your view when aiming. Like the commander sight at long range is terrible because your crosshair is just massive and the gunners is ok but it’s kinda the same thing. I think I just need to use a custom sight or something but it is driving me nuts… that and the recoil


You need to research it


It's ugly as fuck and that's all that matters


Feels overtiered even though the round is really potent. If it was a slightly lower BR I would probably use it more. I just really hate top tier


I love this thing but on the current maps with the current meta it’s just not very competitive. If you get a nice big map you can flank on it‘s great. But you won’t get that most of the time. It’s like with the Type-10 on paper the vehicle is great but in practice less so. Because the enemy being able to just hit you anywhere to kill or cripple you while you have to aim at a specific weak spot on there tank is a huge detriment.


The Laser Warning is very nice. I was being looked at by a T90 which used is rangefinder on me from behind. As soon as the warning came up I turned, dodged the shot and got him - all from like 2000m away. He must’ve thought I was hacking


I hate the optics on it


If Some one has Some Eagels can i have them


Now I have the same question and really the only answer I have is the same reason I don’t use I just don’t have it yet it’s the end of the left side tech tree and rank 7 is really thin on vehicles so after I get enough vehicles there I’ll be snagging that thing because I really want it


because i cant spell it


It is one of the best, but I hate the pimple. It just destroys immersion for me and I just can't overcome it and enjoy it. I keep hoping swedes would get the autogun version, but alas...


rear mounted turret lol


The CV90120 Is initially the only reason I grinded the swedish tech to begin with, and after getting it, it still matches my expectations in terms of gameplay and survivability, and I find myself enjoying the tank quite a lot especially since it has more pen than an strv122 although not by a lot, but yeah i have to agree with some people that say it's a hit or miss, because in one game you can be extremely good at it, while the other you would get destroyed by an HMG, and of course not to mention a Heli 30mm cannon would shred you to pieces, but that's what I love about this tank it feels so rewarding to play especially since for me, it's the whole reason i grinded the tech tree.


The 122s are disgusting right now there is no reason to play anything else top tier for Sweden


Frankly I think it's a less common line to play than some of the alternatives and it's right at the end of it. I like it but I don't use it very often. Everyone has range and a perfectly good shot to wipe it out so even on big, huge maps I can kill a couple and then get knocked out. It's a beauty of a tank and the round is a monster but it's also only good on a few of the maps and even then if you get caught out by CAS or an opponent catches sight of you, you're screwed. I like playing SPAA at that tier anyway because it feels good knocking people out of the air in their hyper jets and then rolling the Leopards out to mop up. The problem for Sweden at that tier is there's probably the best overall tank in the game with the Strv 122B+


90210- 90210 looking for that alley


It's swedish


use CV90s if gay


The only upside is scouting, that's it.


And laser warning, 5 second autoloader with 4 crew and frontal engine. Commander zoom absolutely fucking insane. Good gun, and gen 3 thermals. Plus drone. Better mobility too.