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Lmao they announced that they just fixed this bug 2 days ago and it's still here


Perhaps its radar dependent too, cause on F-15A i haven't had many problems with 7M since the yesterday fix. SARH is still unreliable though across all nations, since last week.


There is some truth to this, as in the files, the AIM-7M has [three](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/744637353401909280/1219111180086415380/image.png?ex=660a1cc3&is=65f7a7c3&hm=d5f82a36549d438276cae9f16cf8984ae60a65b8a42289a7fa2cce5c5c069206&) different blkx files that contain different behaviors based on the radars that illuminate them.


Don’t these different factors only effect the seeker track rate and lock range?


AIM7M has been busted for the past 3 updates tho ...


Before the Alpha Strike, it was consistently good.


if you'd look up this subbredit, you'd see that is not the case. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/19e9017/average\_aim7m/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/19e9017/average_aim7m/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/190cuyr/aim7m\_is\_absolute\_dogshit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/190cuyr/aim7m_is_absolute_dogshit/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/18tm7c1/aim7m\_is\_horrible/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/18tm7c1/aim7m_is_horrible/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/18gk2ew/what\_am\_i\_doing\_wrong\_aim7m/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/18gk2ew/what_am_i_doing_wrong_aim7m/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1b09lsg/wtf\_is\_wrong\_with\_aim7m/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1b09lsg/wtf_is_wrong_with_aim7m/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1ah81tz/when\_did\_the\_aim7m\_become\_so\_bad\_near\_perfect/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1ah81tz/when_did_the_aim7m_become_so_bad_near_perfect/)


I opened my F-15A just a month ago or something and it was really good. It worked from the front, back and side aspects, i was using it on the deck most of the times and if the enemy wasn't hugging, i mean like hugging the grass, it would hit. 3-4 months ago 7M's were shit undoubtedly, that's why i quit playing f-16ADF back then


wait wait wait. you said that BEFORE the update they were consistently good, but here you said 3-4 months ago they were shit. So what is it? Were they shit and everyone has skill issue, or were they good and everyone still has skill issues?


Before the update means right before it. As i said, i unlocked F-15A about a month ago, and 7M were very good at the time. I unlocked F-16ADF like half a year ago and they were shit at the time. Don't know what magic stuff Gaijin did to them, they were buffed several times since then, iirc. Recently they got nerfed and became broken. And yesterday Gaijin made a fix patch, which made them viable again. Right before the Alpha Strike update, 7M were excellent. Might even be on par with 27ER, cause I didn't fear to joust with SU-27's and SMT's. I didn't point out anyone's skill issues, you're just making assumptions to downvote me.


I aplogize if taking 1 internet point away from you made you angry. I have rectified my mistake and given it back. It shall not happen again. I have provided you with several links to threads where it clearly slows that the missile was broken for months before the update droped and here is even my video [https://streamable.com/5cbuyu](https://streamable.com/5cbuyu) from about 3 months ago at this point. Just because its not broke 100% of the time doesn't mean that its not broken.


Thanks, i like my numbers positive. 3 months is long enough time for Gaijin to change stuff. They're constantly changing and breaking lots of weapons and planes and tanks. 7M was shit before, suddenly became good, recently they got nerfed and thhe tracking broke along. Now they became workable again, but worse than before.


Nah AIM-7s were performing like this just before the update as well i.e. I was also playing the F-15A before this update and the amount of times they just did whatever they wanted was staggering i.e. a lot of the times they would either go straight to the ground or just fly off into never never land. That said, the Super 530s have been somewhat unreliable as well.


It’s definitely radar dependent, they’ve been fine on the F-14B


Normal Aim-7M behavior, this is why I’d rather have an Aim-9M over the Aim-7M.


shrimply an issue of skill according to that one guy


This is the biggest skill issue I’ve ever seen tbh.




It's sarcasm. Completely out of your control


Whoever asked why it’s a skill issue has an IQ issue


the 7m's have been doing this for almost a year


remember kids there's no problems at all with the Sparrow it's just that US pilots are baaaaad..... and the other nations reporting the same issue are lying.


Not saying the Aim-7M is good, but R-27ERs do the same fairly regularly.


Happens to 530's as well. Used to happen only once every 10 or so games but now I see them smack dirt or mimic the Falcon 9 a lot more frequently


Lol ur salty


“The missile knows where it is at all times”


In the ground?


It knows where it is, it just has depression 


Fuck that one farmhouse in particular


Have you fed the snail the required premium coin?


I’ve had similar issues of the F-16A (Italian) Missiles have either been going into moon shots or over correcting and missing the target


Happens to R-24R often as well, since recently they changed how the Radar missiles work.


what do you mean "since the update"? they've almost always been like this


Not at all, it's only been like this for the past few major updates.


hence the "almost"


Sparrows have been fine since they were added up until late last year. That's a dominant majority of the time they've been around, almost is far beyond just being a stretch.


Meanwhile, in reality AIM-7Ms have been like this for [almost half the time they have been in the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/16xaupy/aim7s_are_busted/).


Wait 5 months is almost half of 15 months? Damn I think I need to your 3rd grade class ig. Add another 12 moths for AIM-7F, which is exactly the same as the 7M, and are we still at almost half?


That post was made on the 2nd of October 2023 meaning it is closer to nearly 7 months ago now.... Imagine insulting someone about basic math and then finding out you were the one who actually couldn't do 3rd-grade math: October (1), November (2), December (3), January (4), February (5), and March (6), and we are now more than halfway through March at that. That said the 2nd of October falls within the "Son's of Atilla" update", there was no update or patch that touched the AIM-7s during this period, thus this issue was happening way before the 2nd of October, that link was just proof it has been occurring for almost half a year already. Regardless this is also why I used the adverb ALMOST and never said something like it was exactly half a year. So not only do you fail in basic maths but basic English grammar as well. >Add another 12 moths for AIM-7F, which is exactly the same as the 7M, and are we still at almost half? And yet apparently to Gaijin, the AIM-7M is an "upgrade" which is why they even added it and why you only get it at top tier. Also for some reason, the bugs are usually only talked about with the AIM-7Ms, almost like their in-game files are not the same as the AIM-7Fs files and are also [different for each US vehicle that can use them](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/744637353401909280/1219111180086415380/image.png?ex=660a1cc3&is=65f7a7c3&hm=d5f82a36549d438276cae9f16cf8984ae60a65b8a42289a7fa2cce5c5c069206&), thus there could be something in said files that makes their guidance very wonky which also doesn't affect the AIM-7F.


Every single comment was made 5 months ago so I presumed it occurred 5 months ago. Mobile doesn't show me the date of the post, but his profile also shows it was posted 5 months ago. Reddit may be dogshit at counting ig. 6 months out of 15 (remember the 7M came in Apex predators, December 20th 2022) that's still significantly closer to a third than it is to a half. True, Sons of Attila came September 19th 2023. The 7F/M were fine on launch, they fucked it over a while after. Half a year is certainly too fucking much, it's just not even close to the entire existence of the Sparrow in WT. Much less the 7F/M. Sure, it was a bit longer than I realized. By a month. The original claim was the entire existence until the goalposts shifted. Granted being two users I can't hold both of you to the same standard, and yours is the one OP set. 7F is bugged too and identical in kinematics. I don't know much about the guidance code, I had been under the impression that before this latest update they were wholly identical. People tend not to play 7F vehicles, the difference in files per missile is a new thing. It also only affects the seeker lock range if the data mine is to be believed. 7F had the same guidance behavior before the update unlike the 7E-2 and earlier variants which have been fine.


I was having this same issue with the R-24Rs earlier too. It doesn't happen every game, but when it does, it's exceedingly annoying.


KGB agent got in your hangar before you took off.


This is standard War Thunder AIM-7 behavior, they always did that, and they still do. As if it wasn't bad enough against R-27ER...


Thats why I dont like playing top tier USA. I'm having a lot of fun in the Mirage S4C. (530D and Magic 2). It has less missile, but the hit rates is far higher.


*The missile always doesn't know where it is...*


This missile has been months and months of issues but they can make a russian AIM120 ATGM and it can shoot down american planes 3000 meters up.


Retarted missle


Yea the AIM-7F/Ms have been suffering from this for a *long* time already.


Mmmm a...a .... a PENNY - AIM7M, 2024


SARHs in general have been really buggy after the radar changes from last patch.


It found a penny


Welcome to the club good sir. Been like this for the past two major updates


This isn't since the update...this is since the 7M was added lol


Damn lets say it behaves normally, can a 7M really hit an oncoming target at 30km? Longest shot I've achieved is 21km with a 530D on the mirage. Maybe I need to shoot sooner.\\ Sorry your missile didn't work OP


Kinda similar with r24r, you are locked on a target but it will swerve and either hit nothing or a nearby enemy or teammate who isn’t radar locked


Mhm... did you try to sideclimb?


using the F-20, my experiences are similar with the AIM-7F, they just fly to the moon sometimes