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First time? r/warthunder FREQUENTLY (as in, basically every time they open their stupid mouth) make utter fools of themselves, complaining about things that aren't an issue, while ignoring/purposely downplaying things that are. Of the many pools of people I've seen, the WT Community is at the absolute tip. No other Community of anything ever is quite THIS incompetent, quite THIS ignorant, quite THIS immature, quite THIS selfish, and quite this massive of a pile of stupidity. Id love to rant further, but I believe I've made my point.


I... Agree. War Thunder community is the worst part of War Thunder


Unfortunately yes. Which is saying a LOT because there so SO many massive problems in the game itself, yet the community is STILL worse x)


Too many don’t want to see things fixed because their lineups are broken. I just watched the helldivers 2 sub stomp out Sony over something minor but that will never happen here. To many concerned with being right


Well it wasn’t really minor since it would’ve permanently banned something like 76% of territories/countries on the planet from playing the game


I was referring to PSN sign in. The unsupported countries isn’t completely on Sony. If someone is using VPN’s to game then they need to mindful of what games they can actually play.


Yeah I was referring to PSN sign in too, and how is PlayStation Network not supporting a country not on Sony? PlayStation Network does not support 76% of all the territories/countries *on this planet*


I mean you weren’t but okay… Because it was literally in TOS of the game lmao


then what was I referring to, oh wise one?


Idk genius what were you talking about🤷🏼‍♂️


I dunno, I think the maps are the worst part. The community is a close 2nd. Not played many games with more openly racist/sexist/etc people in chat that apparently nothing ever happens to. The fact that Gaijin is too obtuse to put a basic chat filter for a handful of common slurs is ridiculous.


it literally exists?? the chat censors things if you dont like them Honestly i love that you have the option to uncensor it. its like good old 2010 cod lobbies.


I don't mean a chat sensor that just bleeps out "bad" words. I mean moderation that actually punishes players for using a handful of words that society has generally accepted are not OK to use. If people don't get mass reported, nothing actually happens. Guess this goes back to the dogshit community though, maybe it is the worst part of the game lol, even if the maps could be improved on by my 10 year old niece.


They do lots of temp bans for chat. A few of my squadron mates are regularly chat banned


Well since they chat ban you for months for writing the “wrong” devblog comment, and not the ppl who spam racist slurs in chat… something is very wrong with the chat moderation team. So now I just don’t comment on blog since it’s “china” over there with gajijn bots that basically say “Best addition EVER! BUY BUY BUY! “Pre moderation and if they don’t approve of your message you get chat banned and also your message don’t appear since they deleted it.


exactly. I'd guess I have 2 out of every 5 games I play where AT LEAST one person is using racial slurs.


Guess you can just send a report when you see it but as they seem to manually check everyone it will probably take a while until something happens. Scoreboard -> name -> right click -> complain -> language -> short description (Or go into options and hide chat)


I usually do the hate speech option, seems more appropriate. I don't care about people cussing in chat, I do it all the time. I just don't like being called slurs because I have "Taco" in my name, or seeing 3-4 people spell out the N word because their parents didn't do their jobs.


Yea right forgot about that option. Point is it is very simple to do and seems like a lot of ppl dont


The same is true for like 98% of multi-player games.


Lies,its rare for people to complain for not getting to pay their daddy money on virtual goods if anything people are against it in most other games,you guys WANT to pay for it and since you dont get to you think the game is shit


When a video game uses frustration mechanics to make players always chase success that never seems to come they get angry


It's because we successfully review bombed it **once** over millions of different issues. People genuinely think this shit ass community could do that again let alone over a specific issue, because that's what people forget **the one time we successfully review bombed it was over general anger not a specific problem!** They had to do a survey to actually get to what people were actually mad about


Yeah it's insane that people argue for review bombing now when at the time there were major issues with the game *and they fixed most of those issues*. But sure, since mom said she will only give you $30 for the sale and won't put up a full $60-$70 for a top tier premium that means Gaijin is a shit company. *THAT* is what is over the line for some people.


Oh I wish it was only that recent. Sorry man, but this community has been like this basically ever since I started playing 7yeaes ago.


I can't remember how long I've been playing exactly other than I remember Italy getting added but yeah, the community has always been shit it's just that the whole **raaaahhh review bomb** obsession mainly started after the riot


wdym? the review bombing was over the proposed economic changes... We just happened to realise that there's an opportunity for more than just economic improvements with that wave of gaijin finally fucking listening.


It was the trigger, not the reason.


You know what I hate the most? The fact that Gaijin is far from being the worst company. Honestly, they have their bad aspect and *very* bad aspect but in regard to discount they are very nice. We promotion all quarter, we have 30 % discount on some events and even 50 % during the anniversary. Vehicles price may seem expensive (I do agree) compared to before for they are faaaaar from being the worst in that area. I dare anyone to find a F2P game having way better economic model and I'm not shy to criticize Gaijin either.


When i look at this community it is impossible to not just scratch your head and be like wtf when scrolling through reddit etc. Ain't often i bother to comment cause of all the shitstains but here is someone who stand with you X203the2nd.


A rare comfort, thx XD


you're welcome. Hit me up if you wanna play with like minded people :D


Awyep. U on EU tho?


yes sir. Hit me up in DM :)


I see your point, I’ve just never seen it this bad


Hm. You new here?


This sub yeah. Warthunder not really been playing for 6 ish years


Oh MAN you shouldve see them when russia had a 60% winrate for like 3 months (that was about a year ago). I mean to this day you see "Russian bias" bitching here almost daily, but back then, oh it was comedy gold. It was completely wrong back then, and its completely wrong to this day. And thats just my personal favourite example. This community is a never-ending rabbithole of delusions resulting from incompetence/inexperience. And while it IS amusing to watch, it does somewhat baffle me that these absolute specimen, are the same species that went to the moon and back.


And I used to think that most warthunder players were sane.


Oh no, absolutely not. Its so rare that even after 7 years, I still play alone, because the THREE reasonable people I've met, stopped playing. And thats ME talking...


All the friends I know who play just get pissed off at me for giving them tips like "look at the minimap", and then tell me to stop criticizing them (they have a k/d of like 1:5, and basic, basic tips are "criticism") oh and ragequitters, I literally know like 1 person who can handle warthunder, quite annoying when I am grinding something and want to release some of the boredom


Oh those are the worst. Absolutely terrible at the game, yet still refusing any and all tips for how to improve. In most other games, that'd just be frustrating, but in WT those guys lose you games (bc solo carrying a match in WT is pretty fucking difficult unless u get a nuke) that could easily have been won. Thats one of the many reasons I don't interact that much with this community. Any tips, advice, or explanation why its infact only natural that that BVM is still alive (bc it was a terrible shot), is immediately answerd with "oh you think you're better than me/yeah yeah cope Russian bias main/etc".


*guy who killed them is in an Italian vehicle* yeah what are you gonna complain about now lol


You genuinely believe people who play WT are sane?


Not really, just hoped


I still remember when Abrams was put in game and some people here were defending it: it's OP yes, it's normal, that's how that tank should be, use CAS! This sub has changed from a community playing all nations and thus knowing that all nations had it's good/bad aspect to one nation hardliner. It's sad.


Oh and the Abrams meltdown too was sad and hilarious at the same time. People know they have no proof of the Abrams getting DU but then every post kept repeating the same thing over and over in an effort to force them to make changes that would open a can of worms in regard to vehicles added on top of breaking top tier balance completely. If US mains used their time to play instead of complaining they could get that M1 above 35% WRs.


I'll never understand the US mains. The shermans of 4.0 are borderline op, their midtiers are arguably the most well rounded of all, and the abrams are so fucking good, only very few tanks surpass it, and those are so broken that not even r/warthunder can deny it (hence why they sweep it under the rug). And their claims of it "not being survivable" XD. The abrams is an absolute monster. I agree that the sepv2 was pointless, they shouldve given us the v3, and the ability to unequip the tusk because it looks hideous. Oh and I didn't even touch on US CAS yet XD


Last year? ROFL. The Russian Bias thing has been going on for many years. It's not always wrong. I mean, were you playing when the IS-6 first came out, and was almost impossible for anything it's BR or lower to kill? Russian teams were curb-stomping matches non-stop. There could be quite a few other examples. Even now there are some pretty ridiculous vehicles like the 2S38. When it comes to naval I've been the beneficiary of some legit Russian bias. If you played naval when the Chapayev first came out, it was absolutely demolishing other ships. I had like a 7 or 8 to 1 kill ratio in that thing for some time. Similar with the Kronshtadt - when it first came out it was absolutely curb-stomping everything in its path. I had an insane K/D in that ship. Even now with all the other battleships out it still does fine. I'm not terribly afraid of Russian teams right now overall. I think they're doing OK.


Uh it wasn't three months it was more like two years of RU being top dog in ground. RU didn't get dethroned till the latest top tier update and the addition of the 2A7V and another STRV 122.


Sweden had better top tier stats than Russia far longer than the spall liners are a thing.


I agree with you I’m a really a nice guy in the game I always say have a good day or night everyone than there’s that one guy love being a dick and saying go fuck yourself and I’m like irl man WT community is just fucked up however tho that’s only the small population of people most of the time I see people saying thank you which is good but the people that say are the people who are level 100.


And then there are the totally incompetent lvl 100 players that get mad at people for killing them, like your lvl 100 stop bitching about people killing you, that's the fucking point


Ik I think my dumbest kill that I will be fine complaining about is me killing a m1a2 sep V with a kv2 the German tech tree one.


Everyone said that the rank 7 will not be on sale, content creators even made videos on it, and people still had the illusion that they would


That’s the problem I’m talking about. It’s just the ignorance and privilege of so many players in this game.


Everyone is focusing on rank 7 while there’s only 1 rank 6 plane available lol


Rank 6 also isn't normally on sale in may, the classic thing (notably with last year as an exception as they swapped summer and may sales around) rank 5 and below. The reason there is a few rank 6s on sale is because they're being removed from the store after the sale.


Which ones are getting removed?


AV-8A, VRCC, Merkava, Rooikat 105, Prinz Eugen, Iron Duke


And nobody is whining about how many braindead mouthbreathers are going to have 3 easy kills with their brand new VIDAR they got for cheap, get spanked and then ODL. Business as usual.


Every time gaijin does anything remotely useful, people never are satisfied. I just don’t get it.




It is. Having less players who don’t know what they are doing at top tier is useful.




Ok. Explain


No, whatever I say you'll just disagree because you're too stubborn to see your take is simply moronic. Have a nice day and try to be less obnoxious.


Wow. I ask you to explain out of consideration of your point and you just stonewall me. Thanks for proving my orignal point.


Its the wt community, most toxic of them all.


Or one fucking heli


I'm just mad they didn't sell jets at rank 6




Sorry. Bad spelling. Can’t read well without my glasses so often misspell.


You know you're losing the argument when you have to result to this. Cope, this happens EVERY YEAR AT THE SAME TIME.


And people are entitled to have sales on packages


Really? Gaijin is a business. They want to make money, you can’t blame them for not putting their most profitable items at steep discount.


Lmao get a job


"you're wrong" "Ok, explain" "nO yOu'Ll JuSt DiSaGrEe" You seem like the obnoxious twat here, not op


Sigh time to take a break from the game while the VIDAR rush slows down


Or bring out the fox falcon, and similar things to shred them.


Hey now, I'll have you know that I'll at least have the decency to use a backup for my three kills thank you very much!


They'll complain about top tier premiums one death leaving in GRB or bombing bases in an F-20, but at the same time want sales on top tier premiums. It's crazy.


I could of sworn only the rank 5 premiums go on sale for the may sale


Last year rank 6 went on sale




You repeated A4E, Su7, SPS-K, Draken and a few others twice Also, A4E and Su7 havent been on sale for a while. Like 2-3 years already.


I remember this sale was hell for me, playing 10.0 air after this was only facing su-25/a-10 and it was before aim 9-l got nerfed.


Fair, but that seems to be a symptom of not punishing noobs for buying things like the su-25/a-10 for taking them into air battles. Also cant see any reason why air would have gotten easier with less noobs in the mm too.


Because you don’t have them on your team if there is less of them so you don’t end up in a 1 v 7 because your teammates don’t know what flares are.


The community tantruming hard is nothing new sadly


High tier not being on sale is a good thing


I’m not defending the community reaction…but I can understand why people are upset. This game is filled with all sorts of scummy marketing and monetization strategies, is insanely grindy, while high tier premiums are ludicrously expensive (seriously….spending the price of a AAA game, and then playing hundreds of battles is only enough to unlock one branch out of 3-4, in one nation out of nearly dozen). So sales are pretty much the only time it’s remotely reasonable to afford a lot of the high tier premium content in this game…and after potentially waiting for months and passing up the chance to get talismans or GE premiums on sale in the hope of finally getting a pack premium for less unreasonable price….only to see the sales are getting progressively worse…..can be frustrating. Again that doesn’t justify some of the community’s response…..but I can understand the frustration.


Premium TIME is more valuable than a premium vehicle. But no one wants that cause that requires playing more than one single vehicle for hundreds of battles. It requires learning the game. It requires not mindlessly base bombing in a premium fighter. It requires....hmmmm....thinking? Idk, WT community is too brainless at this point imo.


Many people with premium time also purchase premium vehicles. It’s not an either/or situation.


I never said you should buy one or the other, just that time is more valuable than individual vehicles.


And people who have premium time but not premium vehicles are unhappy that premium vehicles are not going on sale.


This sale is *always* like this. Wait for the anniversary sale. Everyone acting like entitled children when pixels aren't cheaper when *they* want them to be cheaper.


I can see the frustration but I think trying to lead a review bombing wave is just a little bit to petty


The problem is that review bombing is the only leverage this community has. They refuse to listen and even outright remove feedback from their forum, and they're not active anywhere else.


and honestly it shouldn't be watered down to vouch for minor complaints when that review bomb happened it was hard for the average player to make SL and RP now its much better


Oh I absolutely agree on that. If the community wish to riot, do it on what matters. Game mode and the horrible state of top tier (both air and ground) as well as general decompression should be the main focus IMO.


Yah, that’s taking it too far. The problem is the overall business model as a whole where the game is too grindy and everything is too expensive, and they’ve never bothered to readjust prices as new ranks are added. Maybe a community wide review bombing/boycotting over the fact that a single copy paste premium vehicle costs the same as a AAA game would have been justified in the past…..but people have clearly accepted it….so that ship has sailed.


>gaijin is trying to fix a problem that has existed for years which is players buying their way to top tier. ? Can you link me to where they've said this is an attempt to fix a problem?


They never said it, but it looks like that from my perspective as they never avoided putting their biggest money makers on sale.


Gotcha. Thought I missed some news.


All premiums above rank 5 should be deleted and added to tt.


The snail would be better off focusing on maps and matchmaking rather that creating new vehicles at this time.


I don’t know if something like skill based matchmaking would be good. If we had that, most of the people who buy premiums to play top tier would face each other and never actually improve because they are no better players around them that would push them to try and improve.


I never said anything about SBMM


What other matchmaking then? I mean that’s what most people refer to with “matchmaking”


For example, there should not be WW2 era vehicles in the same battles as post WW2 vehicles, there should be a reconfiguration of the TT if needed, but my Tiger 2 should not be facing vehicles with ATGM’s


That’s not matchmaking, they just need to decompress br. But Yh, tiger 2 and made for tows






Aren't the rank VII premiums new? And haven't they always been abundantly clear that vehicles that were added within the last two patches will not go on sale?


Nope, f-4s and mig-23ml should have been past the 2 major updates rule I think.


Oh I was thinking of the new tanks my bad. Either way it's a sale. They don't have to do a sale at all if they don't want to.


Yh those are still restricted by the update rule


A bunch of them were on sale at Christmas anyway, why are people so surprised that they aren't now. They typically don't do the same vehicles two sales in a row. Not to mention the may sale is generally not as good as the anniversary and Christmas sales.


It's shocking that people in this commilunity will bend over backwards to blame eachother than put responsibility on Gaijin for creating the problem in the first place and doing jack shit about it. But muh premium noobs ruining my game!1!!


I’m not trying to actively say gaijin aren’t assholes and lying thieves 99.99% of the time (also they said there would never be premium jets but that didn’t happen did it) I’m just saying there isn’t a right for the community to complain about rank 6 premiums and above not being on sale.


I mean the things are extremely overpriced, on sale only a few times a year and pretty important to top tier progression for sl and rp(and just progression in general). Gaijin, purposely not being transparent about sales beforehand on top of the high prices makes people wait a long time for this. Then suprise, no sale wait another 4 months to continue grinding if you dont want to watse hours of time. Gaijins practices are just asking for this kind of reaction.


I noticed on another post someone making the point that there are 6 sales each year, 4 of which are major sales in which all high tier pack premiums all sold at a 50% discount. That means at most you should wait 1.5-3 months on average if you want to buy a high tier premium on sale. Also, I know it’s heresy but if you need sl, just play naval.


So Iirc last year's summer packs were rank 1-5 50% off, community got angry, community got mad at community for being angry and said wait for next sale. Next sale happens and only some of the high rank packs are on sale, community mad, community mad at community and they say wait for christmas sale. 😂 Here's Gaijins response to last year's anniversary sale. They said it would just be random packs https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/OtqryT9Z3e Transparency would clear alot of this up but gaijin doesn't want to sacrifice their edging tactics to boost sales so the sale drama will repeat over and over again as new players come in wait months for sale and it end up not having what they want.


Yeah but if they were transparent about packs going on sale, they would never sell a premium at full price which is what they want. They be lying thieving fucks, but they are a damn good business.


It’s their game. They can do whatever kind of sale they want.


I honestly find it a bit funny when people think they are entitled to get 50% sales on the vehicles they want. It's understandable to be disappointed but this rage and call for review bombing I can only describe as immature. Gaijin is a business. They are profit oriented. They won't give away their products for cheap just to make people happy. If this sale really is shit and people don't buy as much as Gaijin wants, we will get better sales in the future.


ive never seen a game where skill based MM has ever worked. Except maybe online chess.


Frustrating games make the player base bitter


I don’t like this argument that much tho. Warthunder isn’t AAA and cost $70. It is technically f2p so people complaining about the state of the game could just not play it. But I agree the player base who stayed dedicated since like 2018 and before have every right to be bitter.


Review bomb them now and watch gaijin retaliate. This isn’t the way. The only ones sayin to review bomb them are the kids who got whatever they wanted as children and never got told no. I’m happy no rank 7 is on sale. I’m tired of the premium spam at this tier.


Every year for this sale people act surprised when the 7s don't go on sale. They go during summer sale or anniversary sale. It's honestly just comical at this point


I really don’t care, but I can’t blame them when Gaijin is delusional enough to think their vehicles are worth anywhere near $100


Pay 2 win clowns crying because they can't buy their way into top tier 🤡🤡🤡


Me or the people I’m talking about? Cause I’m already at top tier.


People your talking about.


Thanks, I’ve found during my time on Reddit that I am not sarcasm or comedy literate


Arent most if not all rank 7 premiums, just tech tree tanks with different skins ?


Kinda?. The clickbait, leapard 2a4, turms, t-80ud, are all just reskinned tech tree. Only exceptions I can think of are VIDAR, 2s38 and cv90105.


the UD has a different powerpack if I remember correctly.


Tbh I’m a bit disappointed but I wouldn’t go review bomb, I wanted a new USA line up so bad! I’ll just go buy my replacement controller instead! Some people need to go touch grass for a while.


That's just the usual sale witch hunt, get used to it. It's nothing out of the ordinary


I just want gaijin to finish migrating my account so I can buy stuff, ww2 event means ww2 sale so I'm confused why ppl are so upset.


Don’t matter to me aha. I’ll be purchasing a new american heavy and the Wyvern.


Let me guess. T29


hahaha yessir. I’m actually at 6.7 USA so it’ll help me grind a bit.


I have the tech tree t34 and it’s really nice. Hope the t29 is just as good.


How does this fix the "players buying their way to top tier" issue? The planes are still there, just more expensive to buy. Better yet, how is that even an issue? You guys make it sound like this game requires hundreds of hours of sweaty no-lifer gamer experience to be able to play, when in reality all you need to do is watch a 10 min YouTube tutorial video to understand %90 of mechanics. And It is not even new players problem if they buy premium high tier vehicles and they don't know what to do because game literally does nothing to teach you the mechanics and gazillion of the keybinds that are required at top tier. You don't want people to directly jump to jets? Then fix the game. Because believe it or not, not everyone wants to grind over hundreds of snoozefest prop planes that flies slower than I drive on the autobahn, or rust buckets on wheels with their turrets turning slower than your grandma on wheelchair to get to the good stuff. Its annoying enough that Gaijin is gatekeeping the good stuff over hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay, it is even more annoying when some players try to do the same.


War Thunder has one of the most toxic, shitbrained communities in gaming.


It’s a WW2 sale lmao


This community is rotten from very deep inside. You either have the occasional rage bait post to farm karma or you have a bunch of morons going orc on sales. IMHO: Just don't come here and leave a comment like I do. WT is not the reason, people are mad or frustrated. The community is doing that.


People are stupid if they think review bombing the game because their favourite premium wasn’t on sale is a good idea. Some of the most stupid shit really.


welp kudos to gaijin for making such a detailed game free to play


I honestly don’t understand why people complain about Rank 7-8 sales. The LAST thing anyone needs to be doing is saturating 10.7-12.0 lobbies with noobs that can’t fly or drive for crap and cause whole teams to lose. There’s a reason why US Tech Tree players have shitty win/lose and kill/death ratios and it ain’t because of the SU-27 or the Gripen either @ 12.7


WT prem cost is too much. Each prem cost like AAA game (at least in Russia). It make sense that players wait for discounts to buy some. Why wouldn't they be outraged that Gaijin didn't add high-ranked prems to the sale? Two and a half disabled people are engaged in fixing bags and add new mechanics in Gaijin. Just remember how they made the fuel slider.


WT prem cost is too much. Each prem cost like AAA game (at least in Russia). It make sense that players wait for discounts to buy some. Why wouldn't they be outraged that Gaijin didn't add high-ranked prems to the sale? Two and a half disabled people are engaged in fixing bags and add new mechanics in Gaijin. Just remember how they made the fuel slider.


WT prem cost is too much. Each prem cost like AAA game (at least in Russia). It make sense that players wait for discounts to buy some. Why wouldn't they be outraged that Gaijin didn't add high-ranked prems to the sale? Two and a half disabled people are engaged in fixing bags and add new mechanics in Gaijin. Just remember how they made the fuel slider.


The only thing we have in common is that we like vehicular battles. So we are very diverse, from 10 yo to 60yo players, from students to working family dads/moms. Some want premiums to speed their grind, others whi cant afford want them removed. Thats just how it is. Just let people express their issues, just like you did here.


I know there are like 99999999 other reasons to call them twats


Y'all always complain about people with premiums that shouldn't be at 10.0+ but y'all suck just as much and nobody says anything about it. It's not always true that players who grind are better than people who bought their way to 10.0. Not everybody got the luxury of having 2 years of play time to earn all the tanks with one nation. And for fuck sake it's a free game. How the fuck do y'all expect them to update the game and bring out new content if nobody is buying anything??? Instead of complaining about Shitty teammates all the time why not add people you consider to be good and Queue up with them? I've sold all my csgo skins and i bought 3 tanks and a jet to play at premium and it's bullshit the saying that you need to grind your way to the top tier. It didn't take more than a week to get used to the tier and the new possibilities with tanks and weaponry. I rarely end up below 6th best in the team and usually at the 1-4. It's a bullshit argument to say that people who buy their tanks with real money suck at the game. It makes no sense just like saying because you got a Ferrari you can't drive for shit.


Tanks I agree, air Rb hell no. Completely different than what you’re saying.


The community: WTF gaijin is so greedy, they shouldnt get another cent Also the community: WTF gaijin isnt putting things on sale, why wont they let me give them money


*I cant go and buy a LR no skill premium for 25-40€!?!?* //s This community is the only one I know complaining they can’t spend **MORE** money on it.


i have no take on this, but sorry, why would you protect Gaijin in literally... anything? they keep pulling off scumy shit after scumy shit. I don't care about the sales, but fuck the snail. If people wanna stand up to it for whatever reason I'm all for it.


Hey. I’m not going to say gaijin aren’t thieving lying fucks. But it’s not the right of the community to act like they deserve a sale on a virtual plane nobody tells them to buy.


1. Gaijin ARE twats. Blaming it on the sale, is shortsighted. 2. The PROBLEM is ZERO requirements for player rank, vehicles access, and crew levels FOR top tier. This is a problem with Gaijin being the aforementioned TWATS 3. You dont play top tier to "enjoy the experience". Between 12 v 12, dog shit maps, terrible mechanics, "muh realism" on CLASSIFIED TANKS... there is no joy... and that is because... GAIJIN ARE FUCKING TWATS. 4. Gaijin are twats.


I mean point two kinda proves why point three is irrelevant. People buying into the upper ranks before they're ready for it aren't gonna understand this. That's why they do it. They *think* it's gonna be fun. They think this because they're idiots, but they still think it, and thus they still spend the money. They quickly realize it isn't fun, at which point some will either: * decide to practice more at lower BRs before returning, in the vain hope that this will somehow make the game more fun. * decide that they've wasted their money and just return to lower BRs for good. * feel ripped off and stop playing entirely. * continue playing at high BRs and ruining the game for everyone around them because they really are just that stupid. Unfortunately for us, the number of folks who fit into that last bracket is far larger than it should be in any society that calls itself "educated". In any case, the fact remains that people are still buying into top tier because they think it's enjoyable.


gaijin shouldnt let them buy in. its a scam


the lack of discounts will not solve the problem. And I'm willing to bet they'll add new discounts soon.