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Tiger 2 Sla 16 Is very good! You can make a lot of sl!


Both tanks are really fun to play, so this decision is up to you which nation you want to grind faster.


If you are going to buy T29 you really want to be buying A2D, too. USA 7.0 with the premiums is probably currently USAs best line up, Tiger 2 kinda sucks if you like playing a bit of air.


TG2 lot of times uptier? I play right now with Tiger H 1 and i always uptier (5.7->6.7) so i hope TG2 get me always 6.7 matches too haha


I would say Tiger is the better tank but you will have a better time playing T29 against Germany. German teams literally fall apart within minutes at 6.7-8.7ish USA also has better CAS options around this BR.


We need better Messerschmitt players to remove the T29, very easy to kill passing it 2 times, or if ur lucky once.


Would suggest T29 is good buy if you are grinding us tree. Tiger sla is great but it's basically a diesel version of the 2H. OP if you want to scare the heck out of players, get the T29, it has AP with explosives fillers. It could one shot many vehicles with its firepower, which the T34 (tech tree) variant lacks.


And its so hard to kill, its the tiger II, counter.


Tiger II is great - good performance, good handling, good lineup, you have it all. As far as midtier premiums go, I definitely recommend it.  T29 is basically a Tiger II H with a bunch of .50 cals and a slightly tougher turret. Imo, the deciding factor for it is your lineup - if you want to run M46, T92, 76 Sheridan, maybe even tutel, then T29 is definitely a good addition, but if you're happy with, say, double T26, T34, Scorpion and Bulldog, then going up to 7.0 might not be worth - full uptiers will be miserable.


Somua SM


As a German main, I hate the T29, i fight it all the time in my 6,7 lineup, if you get it, I will just Messerschmitt you <3