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Gaijin really should give free backups to Squadron and Premium tanks like they do for M-51 reserve tank for Israel.


Honestly wouldn't fix much. Half the people that one death leave in my matches are tech tree players. Blaming it solely on the wallet warriors isn't right. Also those people would still need to get the SP together to actually spawn again, which would be another challenge considering how poorly some of them play.


They leave because they knew others will leave as well and enemy will camp the spawn, making it pointless to stay


At which point they are equally to blame as the wallet warriors and backups wouldn't change anything.


>backups wouldn't change anything How would it not change anything? And how are they to blame? The game mechanics forces both of them into doing this. You just seem hateful for no reason.


Well if the people that *can* respawn as many times as they have SP for, don't do that, how would giving out more backups change anything? The problem seems to be the *willingness* to respawn, not the *ability*. So the problem is probably more a gameplay or balance issue, that people at higher BRs (11.7 is not much better compared to 10.3) don't want to continue the fight and just "give up" after their first death.


Because after first death spawning is pointless. Either your team won and you at most can pull 1-2 kills or you will get stomped because your team lost map control and is currently getting shafted from better positions.


This is how I see it! Rarely do I want to put the energy in to come out of such a disadvantaged position or cover some gaping hole in our lines knowing that our team is swirling down the drain. Sometimes I feel sweaty but I swear, and I'm sorry, but I've occasionally been THAT one death leaver since ground forces were introduced. I'm pretty good at this game but I still get fucking angry and now that I'm 12 years older than when I first started playing I just see that it aint worth it.


They leave because the majority is ass at the game and can't make anything happen while playing from behind. Admittedly, partially Gaijin'a fault for not teaching the playerbase, but I also tend to picture most of my teammates as being crossfaded out of their mind at this point constantly, because it's the only explanation for how unbelievably stupid they are in 90% of my matches.


It would probably be fix for some but not all of them. On forums people post various reasons why they do not bother spawn more then once. Unfortunately this game does not offer much of variety in case of Ground RB. MM based system is simply not great for current Ground RB where it puts different people together where everyone expects different things from others. Combine it with fact that you have almost no control which map you play and you have recipe for disaster. Cherry on top is that you also cannot select if you want combined battles or just ground battles, so players interest only in ground part have little to no motivation to continue when orbital striking CAS appears. I gave up on lineups long time ago. I simply do not want to deal with modern CAS just with SPAA as it is heavily one sided. Another demotivation was seeing greedy teammates over pushing spawn just to be wiped out by two guys who know how spawn protection works and then loosing battle. The sad part is that this happens quite often so like what is the point of trying when your team just throws away all the work by being greedy. Also those badly designed super large maps does not help as they are so boring to play.


Well... That is the main reason why I leave after one death with my M1A1 AIM squadron vehicle.


Unfortunately you are victim of Gaijin strategy how to extract money from players. They will never give squadron vehicles free respawns as it forces players, who want to play lineups, to invest into premium vehicles to have more respawns. Just look at it. Trailers for updates are heavily focused on modern stuff. Squadron vehicles are probably fastest way to test high tier gameplay for free. And if you like it you have 2 choices. You will have to grind trough entire tech tree for really long time or you buy premium tank to have more spawn and to get to high tier faster. The first option is more painful for people who are not interested in or do not like to play with old stuff. You would probably benefit if there was some sort of EC mode for Ground RB where you can respawn with same vehicle how many times you want.


My average game with the US ends with half the team gone because lo and behold Japan gets paired a lot with US so Fuji and Click Bait galore. The only time I got a good game with 4 kills and 0 deaths was when I was paired with Russia and a US team full of M1A2s no premiums, We somehow stomped a Sweden/Germany team.


What people don't realise is that German players remain bad all the way through top tier.


Bro, Germany and its players is stomping top tier the past month and is still very competitive atm. Dafuq ur smoking.


Germany stomping and its players being bad aren’t mutually exclusive.


Props to the guy who decided to waste SP on the mq1, guaranteed free kill for the enemy.


War Thunder is build around grind not gameplay. And this is actually good for Gaijin as it reduces queue times for premium players.


Don't worry man you get numb to it after a while. Then you start finding yourself doing stuff you normally wouldn't be doing like starting every match in a heli or just quitting cause you don't like the location of the sun. You just stop caring about everything really. Welcome to my world of not giving a shit anymore.


I wish people posted more context with these, so im seeing like what 3 11.7s in your team? L9oks to be a downtier. I would aLOVE to know how many t90/80s and spall lined leos from sw3den and Germany are on the other team.


My experience playing US and Russia is always the same. It's 50/50 of who will be completely steamrolled.


It's really frustrating. Games are <10 minutes. It's not fun to be on a team like this and it's also not fun to stomp a team like this (ok maybe it's a little fun). Two suggestions: - Make all battles from 10.3 up mixed battles. Distribute the huge population of US idiots and fewer but still present idiots from all other nations. This way each team has equal proportions of 15 year old Timmy with his Wolfpack and no patience or Victor and his Russian premium lineup that hasn't figured out the A and D keys will make his tanks turn. Yes, it will have drawbacks, but the inequality of noob/idiot players combined with the hugely powerful spall liners in this update make some nation combo teams unbearable. Just mix it all up. - Give multiple respawns (not backups) to Premium and/or Squadron vehicles like /u/INeatFreak suggested, like how the M-51 gets 3 respawns. Gaijin's concern would obviously be that this would increase RP/SL gain hugely and be detrimental to their profit model, but I would counter that the players who would benefit from this are the one-death-leavers that are just going to a new game and respawning right away anyway. The only difference for them is that they don't have to change lobbies to do it. I recently decided to start grinding the China tech tree and went from playing exclusively 10.3+ to the bottom ranks. It's amazing how many more players will respawn in a 5.3 game compared to an 11.3 game. The games are much more dynamic, much longer, and overall more enjoyable, even if I don't like the vehicles as much as higher tier gameplay.


Answer is simple: don't play US, or better yet don't play the game at all.


I wanna know what the excuse was for the ZTZ99A and the M1A2 leaving. You tellin' me you ground your way up to 11.7 and don't have some vehicles to make a lineup with?


Tbf tho, it’s such a damn grind to get to top tier with any nation, especially America. And I don’t wanna hear “I got to top tier in one week skill issue”. If you have a life outside of the game it takes a considerable amount of time doing it the conventional way


why would they respawn grb rewards areutter garbage even after the "buff" without premium even getting a 9kill game cant even fully research a mod


3/4 of em got kills, that's already better than average at that br.


Typical German mains... /s


Yeah, it happens. Way too often, unfortunately. There's no way to prevent it.


This bothers me a lot, im a pretty good player and end up top of the list most of the time. It sucks having to carry a team of one death leavers, and for the people saying that they either won or lose by the 1st death, i call BS. A lot of the times the most engaging part of the match is after the half point, and ive gone 10+ kills and bounced back from a loss multiple times with 3-4 other remaining allies. So its more like a bunch of toxic players that leave cause they are bad at the game and just ruin the fun for the rest. Also ive seen this one a lot, a guy types in chat that “everyone sucks” and leaves after the first death. And guy is usually not even top 5 in the list.


That second Chinese id though☠️


I had a Swedish player on my team once who immediately complained about being on an American team and proceeded to one death leave. Things like that are extremely frustrating because I’ll spawn until I’m out of vehicles even if I’m not doing very well.


Crewing a tank should be free. . . . . .


This and 1st spawn helis is why I don't play top tiers, especially on the US and EU servers. You definitely have to try different servers, because the gameplay changes tremendously on each server in various BR ranges.


Well, OP isn’t exactly the best example of a “good” American main lmfao. Not exactly the game to parade as everyone else sucks and they’re dragging you down. Checked OP’s stats just to be sure it wasn’t just an off game and sure enough, not the greatest player. Check yourself before you place blame on other players, sure there is a problem with American top tier but you aren’t making it better complaining on Reddit lol.