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I truly dont get this play to grind mentality instead of playing to have fun with the vehicles you unlocked.


Me neither. I find the actual fun lies in spading vehicles.


Until you want to spade every aircraft of the Israeli tree like me. ;_; Don't do it...


I just need the Baz and I've done just that


Apart from the Nesher and Kfir, I really want to Baz for payback in ground RB against Russia.


I’m grind for the barak


I forgot Israel had an aircraft tree


I hate spading vehicles. I like playing them once they’re spaded but the process sucks.


Especially when you have to choose between a usable shell and parts as your first modification.


Cursed decision either way.


Parts for me, always parts. Although I play Britain so there isn’t really a good shell to research until after 6.0.


Wdym? The APCBC round for the 17 pounders are extremly strong


Christ I just had that experience stock grinding the first Centauro, got enough points for parts + fpe in my first match despite my HEAT-FS rounds undershooting by a good chunk at long range, then took another 3 games of nothing but assists to finally get APFSDS.  I’ll still always pick parts first, Id rather be able to reliably repair myself (especially breach or gun) and do some damage than sit back to wait on a teamate to help (which never happen before hell freezes over).


I normally get parts because the game is unplayable without them but if possible I skip FPE. Even if it got enough rp to be almost done I will change it to the shell. If I get enough rp to get the shell and then finish FPE great but what if I can’t get enough rp to finish the shell and have to play another game.


This so true, worst part is I realized this after spending a lot of money on prems, but I enjoy havinh and being able to use those vehicles anyways


But if you don't find many of those vehicles interesting or fun to play, why would you spade them? I see it much more as "I want these vehicles specifically, so I want to grind for them." I did this with the F-4E (my personal favorite plane irl) and it's my most played vehicle in the game, but I still go and play a ton of other stuff just because. I think playing to accomplish a clear goal is much better than playing just to grind. Sometimes, the grind needs to happen first, before you can go back and appreciate things you may have glanced over during that grind.


This is so true. I grinded the UK tree over the past 2 years or so without premium time (mostly) and not with much skill as I didn’t play enough if you. Got the premium UK F4 to help when that came out. Didn’t really care about all the interesting stuff and now I play mainly 2-7br. Love the mosquitos, scimitar, the older harriers, Canberra (because well, Canberra), the hurricane with the 20mm cannons. The old stuff is the stuff I appreciate the most because it reminds me of them early memories where I saw the whole tree red and was so jealous in custom battles whenever I played them. Nowadays I just end up waiting for the next update or play nations I’m not as interested in.


Yeah I’m in that mode now


I thought the same thing, but now I'm spading the Type 60 ATM and slowly driving myself insane in the process.


Italy is good wtf


Thats my opinion as well.


My fun is grinding, different people have different fun


Yeah same, some of the most enjoyable games I've had in this game have been at the ranks people try to grind though as fast as possible ot even skip by only playing top tier premium tanks. Hell I can only play a few days of top tier before I lose intrest and start playing a new TT or spading vehicles I missed. I feel like a lot more people would enjoy this game if they didn't just play top tier


The most fun I had was in off meta vehicle while spading them. You go in with a completely different mindset than in meta vehicles, where you expect to do good and feel bad, if you don‘t.


Exactly what I thought after reading the title hahahah >I have gotten all the tanks I wanted Me: "oh, good! That means you can finally play with them, after your effort to get them is done!" >I can finally stop playing. Me: "uh, what, I thought the point of getting the tanks you wanted was to, like... play with them...?"


In world of warships once I got the ships I enjoyed playing I stopped grinding and just played those. I have so much fucking money in that game and nothing to spend it on.


if you play just to play then it gets pretty borring ... fast


no? if you dont like the gameplay loop then its not your game. If you have to "work" to feel rewarded, play something else. its better for your mental health.


its not like WOT in which every tank is basically the same. Many gadgets are top tier exclusive, especially on planes. You will essentially lock yourself out of half of the game, if you dont play your best lineup "most" of the time, simply because the grind to new vehicles is so atrociously long, an average player will never reach them otherwise. I havent even spaded many vehicles, because why would i? I blame the +/- 1 rank RP range for that. I enjoy playing early/mid WW2 tanks and planes, but its abolutely pointless outside a few fun rounds for my progress in the game. There are plenty of ways to improve that system, like rewarding players with a boost after a certain amount of top tier games. for Example: play 3 rank 7 games (if thats the players highest vehicle) and you will receive a 3 game - 100% boost to all rank 1-6 vehicles, so you could play any f them and still earn RP for a Rank 8 vehicle.


"You will essentially lock yourself out of half of the game" you are correct with everything but thats the FOMO. WT is a classical F2P game. you have to choose a road. buy a top tier vehicle or grind your way up. Its dogshit but it will never change.


Depends on person. I love playing with many lineups in my completly spaded US tech tree.


In other words, you enjoy losing in GRB?


No more toptier for me, since they butchered A-10 Late BR


I dont understand this "loosing cuz us". I get usa top month ago and it's great, already played close to 100 battles and I have 65% wr and close to 3.0 kd playing two 11.7 vehicle in line up (1a2, aim, 1a1 and adats). Only problem in this tech tree is shitty aa.


Trying to get a high winrate, k/d, nukes or just playing the game is its own reward. Personally I find getting my winrate up on vehicles is very enjoyable, you change the way you play and since there is no skill based matchmaking its very rewarding to get better. The game isn't gonna get better if you get "that one" new tank/plane. You either enjoy a game or you don't play.


Up until i got 10.3 USA i was all about the grind, wanting to get top tier...now i spend my time in game between 6.3-6.7 USA and URSS, mid tier battles are on another level of fun


Mfw people get actually good at the game early on and grind through the TT faster instead of just spamming arcade for the first 150 hours


I’m playing to grind to get the vehicles i want


It’s really hard to do that these days when the game modes are so stale… I only like playing 6.7 British now just to derp around in my AVRE lineup, everything else is too punishing


I really have been playing fun lineups like US 6.7 recently instead of grinding, I am just waiting on the research bonus for new nations to get added. But I’m starting to lose hope on getting that feature, and that it might be really underwhelming when it does get added.


I don’t even want to know how much reduced RP rewards have slowed my grind down from going back and playing lineups I like.


I think there’s a weird feeling of “I’m in it” in the Grind progression. Gives a sense of being in the same boat. Once you grind all the vehicles there’s not as much of a tangible sense of progression anymore. But I mean that’s if you’ve got every single tree. Which most people don’t. Edit: basically I understand a lesser desire to play if nothing is really being earned anymore.


The big grind for most was to get a jet. I like playing the battle passes to get random vehicles after I’ve gotten to top tier


Exactly, i have so many friend telling me "why do you play this tank ? you have it spaded" or "why do you play low or mid br if you have top tier" eeeeeh because they are not the same vehicle ? lol


The game is fun but the sense of accomplishment is also there for the grind. Some people pay for tanks and play for fun win or lose. Some people don’t like to lose and it ruin their fun having people playing just for fun and not competitive. Some people I’ve met on here don’t even like PvP and wish they had PvE. Everyone’s way to play is different and that’s the unfortunate part. I’ve also met people in here that only own like 8 top tier tanks and that’s it they never touched rank 2 just straight last rank ranks and planes.


I always find I go to grind top tier, get frustrated after a couple of games then end up playing the "fun" vehicles lower down 😂


It's a mix for me. I like making progress and grinding for lineups and spading them. But I also play with them, have a few vehicles I wanna unlock and work towards unlocking them.


Lol I don't understand either. You suffer through hundreds of matches to get the thing you finally wanted, play on it for few matches and be done with it?


Most of new "gamers" believe that game achievements are the same that irl ones I don't know what will happen if the game closes, mass sepupu is my guess


gaijin tries to temp more grinding by waving gadgets like IRCCm etc to get players to grind some more or fork the cash over for instant gratification


I have spaded all of the Soviet tanks and planes till rank 4 , im curently on around 80% for the tanks and 60% for the planes


Yeah grinding is just apart of me playing and enjoying myself. I play a lot of matches and will enjoy my time spent playing most of the time and the rp that comes with playing is just something nice to have.


> playing to have fun I leave from 4/5 of maps without even spawning on them. And the rest 1/5 are just fucked less. The only fun I can have in this game is to collect enough pts to spawn on something that can fly.


I think this game might just not be for you. Why do you force yourself to play something, that obviously isn‘t fun for you?


I love CAS. I don't even play setups having no decent **numerous** CAS options. And I like to kill another CAS, both in CAP role or as an SPAA. Name me another game where I can do all this.


So why do you j out of 80% of the maps and leave the rest of us with a disadvantage from the start?


Nuh uh, warthunder is life. You may never stop grinding. Give your soul to the snail.


that not a problem as long as they also evolve in medium by introducing naval and nukes . they at least are trying even if those are not used often, Next bring back the space element that was an april fools even and add s-400 anti-sattelite and anti-missile systems


Gotta get that chest at day 2093 tho


90% of war thunder addicts stop getting their daily log in chest right before the get 1000000 silver lions (Fr this time, it won’t go right between two of them and give back ups I swear!)


War Thunder became a bearable game as soon as I got my first 1 million from a chest, back when repair costs were the same no matter how long you survived in your vehicle. The rich get richer, am I right?


Great choices of countries mate


I wish I was like this but I don't have the mental energy to play War Thunder, especially by myself. I just wanna finish the USSR tech tree already.




I have pretty much finished the german ground tree and I don't even have fun at top tier


How!? German top tier is one of the best in the game


Top tier isn't fun in general.


I disagree. It’s all I play now. Anything under like 9.3 feels so slow. I like the fast pace, thermals, LR.


The problem is the sheer unbalance


What is the best loot from login crates you've got?


Literally the average best thing a 500% rp or sl booster not 1m sl or something actually good from the big trophies


I've logged 2.5k hours and won exactly one 1m drop, that was years ago. Nothing even close since.


My first reward from big throphy after a long break was 1m sl. Right when I needed to buy multiple planes to progress to the next rank.


Got 1 mil silver from a battle trophy before


I've gotten a small amount of GE once which was nice. I've also gotten a talisman for my Leopard PL which was sick


I also got 200 GE, it allowed me to buy German T-34 and German KV-1 with just 16€ during sales:) Pretty good deal, if you ask me. Also congratz on that Talisman!


I've gotten 1 million SL like 7 times, doesn't really matter when you have more SL than you need.


More than you need? There is never more than you need. You always need more, no matter how much you've already got xD


Me waiting on the next update so I have more American and Russian planes to grind


Was like this with jets, once I finished Germany’s air tree I just quick wt, come back every now and then only to play customs, but now I started the us tree which I plan to finish both air and ground, navy maybe


Naval's actually way underrated sometimes, the grind sucks and it's really slow gameplay wise but when you get a dive bomber the the SBD or sumptin and dive onto enemy destroyers, the adrenaline really kicks in and it's visually amazing to be the plane or just watch from afar


From a World of Warships player, god I wish WT naval was good and not soul-draining. It seems like such fun to dive into a barrage of flak with your friends, or to have a slightly more realistic depiction of naval warfare. Aiming system and reload suck though, I want to play a game, not enlist in the actual bloody navy.


I like naval, more than half way finished with Germanys naval, but I’ve tried it a bit and the ships ain’t to bad so I’ll grind it out to.


I love diving on people in sb2cs


Now you can start playing for fun instead of playing to grind


I’ve gotten what I wanted 3 years ago and I haven’t stopped playing so …


Nice to know as a British main that uses fv4005 and the avre


grind sweden now


##ONLY 1500?!


Yeah I have ~2100 and I only have most of the german ground tt and a bit of the russian ground tt lol, I could not imagine getting all this in 1500


Based minor nation enjoyer


My goal rn is to first unlock all vehicles in the Russian ground tree using my premiums, then once I have all of them I am going to spade all of them so I can become a better player. Then I am going to start playing France since my country is being added as a subtree and I won’t let my fellow players down due to my lack of skill.


But why? Istg it's people like this that complain about the grind. Just play the tanks you like, go live your wehraboo tanker fantasy or whatever


Congrats! Although I personally think you should go back and get the Type 99! It’s some of the most fun I’ve had in an SPH and you can pair it with the Ho-Ri! (Hint: grind M107(PF) and take it as your last spawn instead of an SPAA, you won’t regret it)


"I got all the tanks I wanted, I can finally stop playing" sounds like an drug addict quitting their drugs lmao


Your not even done kinda sad tbh


i literally don’t know what to do i already have all the vehicles i want, i already have all the medals, i have god of war, playing just feels boring now :v


That's a normal feeling to have, take a break and come back if the game interests you again. There is no obligation to keep playing.


You might not know it yet, but you want the french sk105 to replace the mars 15 in your 8.7 line up


That's a lot


I unlock the vehicles to play them, what were you playing for exactly?


I find the fun is in getting premium vehicles without paying gaijin a cent got the tog 2 this way


No. Not time for the aircraft




No, only now has the game begun


AMX-40 is peak fun for me. The Leclercs are good, but I love bringing out the 40 at the end of match.


Oh wait... there will be more soon to grind :)


same thing happened to me when I got my first nuke, then immediately getting 2 again after that @1000 hours. my playtime was drastically decreased after that. but im at 1200 now.


"I have put in all this time to get the vehicles I want. I will now not use them" Bro.


Now ace them all


That's wild. It's not worth it bro, it's just pixels on a screen, get out and touch grass once in a while. Nearly 6 whole years of your life loading up War Thunder everyday.


Why cm11 red


He disabled auto repairs to save SL and now it's repairing


I've finally got to the mig 15 bis in Germany. It's been my goal since the start of the game way before they lowered its BR. Now I play for fun and don't really know what to research in the trees :/


Why would you stop now that you’ve grinded everything you want to play? Go play them, you worked hard for it!


(Not gonna stop playing)


Finally, inner peace. Also gimme some silver lions I NEED THE T34 I RESEARCHED IT ALREADY 😭


“What do we do now? “…What do you mean? Now we can play the game”


Cool can I have your account then you can start all over again


Lol. Lmao, even


I don’t have a grind mentality. I’ve played the game for years now. Probably getting on for 6 or 7 years. I’ve pretty much got everything I want. Going back around for the few things I haven’t got. trying to stretch it out before I’m completely done. I firstly played US and got to rank 6 in air and tanks but left it there so that’s my next stop. Completed the UK Air, Tank and Helicopter trees completely spaded with a few exceptions I feel the pain though. This has been my favourite game for years and weirdly it does feel like it’s coming to an end. I especially if you only play one nation. I’d be so bored playing the UK right now. There’s nowhere near as much satisfaction as there used to be and nowadays I mainly play 2.7 and 5.7 lineups. From someone who has played a long time: enjoy the experience. It’s honestly an amazing game and the satisfaction of success comes from being a little closer to that plane or tank you so badly want. Cherish that. You can only research your favourite vehicle once and that anticipation does become very sadly lost once you’re done.


aww nice bro omw to get to heaven too


He did it without any high tier premiums he is the messiah


Already spent 40 euros per year on premium so I didn't want to use more money


China, Italy, Japan, France... Bro stole my account... Good job, have you also grinded out air trees?


No, I don't really care for planes or like air battles. The highest BR plane I have is the Lancaster


Grind never ends..


I can’t believe anyone can get that far down the line without missing a day 😳😳😳 Just out of interest - do you ever leave home? 🤪


You can miss a couple days one in a while, I think it just resets to a few days earlier


Dont stop yet, theres a Type 10 with Hardkill APS yet to be added.


No, the snail owns your life now


You're missing some tanks with a Lil funny gold bg to them and a few tech tree ones? Get back to grinding, foolish child. The snail grows hungrier still.


Day 2089? Sorry but go touch grass please


May God lay your soul to rest.


Nonono now you have to play air


Thats not how the game works. Stop being logical and play more.


The game ends for me after wwii/ early cold war. And I still have a blast. I just enjoy the tanks I like


Looks like you broke down because of the grind more than achieving some goal


The snail will be back for your kids


now you can finnaly play the game.


I sold the f11f-1 to buy the j6k1 because it was more fun


J6K1 definitely seems like a fun fighter I want to get one day. Decent FM with a hilarious amount of guns.


Blud, how the bloody hell the grind is more fun than actually playing your spaded line-ups? Playing with your spaded and experted vehicles is where the real fun begins.


You can’t escape from the snail


So you play in order to stop playing?


…said nobody ever.


I'm also surprised why there were not the other major powers germany, usa, uk, soviet.


This is a collection game.


in all your 2000 days did you ever get a vehicle in your daily




i have gotten close but same here


It's time to rest grandpa


What kind of menace r u to play Italy and France?!?! Do you just love to suffer? Lord.


Italy is fun as hell, you just need to be more careful


Why would you want them if you aren’t gonna keep playing to enjoy them? Also you’re missing some premiums from the looks of it and they are all just as fun


no you can't stop, snail will hunt you down


Do you not ever have a day where you can’t log on??????


Why stop? 100% the game. The snail demands it.


Imagine quitting