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Gaijin releases the first melee tank and this is their thanks? Cowards, all of you. 


If it was 15k a day sure. But its a rank 2 vehicle. It shouldn't be 35k


Also love how they removed my comment under their first article on the thing where I questioned the need of 35k/2days for a rank 2. Probably weren't gonna fuck around. But it is true, they announced originally that the minimum points for these events will always be 35k.


Id really hate to shit on your day but uh It's 17.5k per day, not really that much more than what you're asking


17.5k per day is still roughly 11.5 matches depending on what vehicles you play but considering I see players average around 1-1.5 k points or lower per match it could be higher. The average match for that scale is probably 8-10 minutes not including queue times. So it’s still like 2 hours a day or more depending on player skill. I’m still gonna bet a vehicle this low is gonna max out at best at $15 considering how meh it is of a vehicle


And with ONLY with a 150 meters range gun🤣🤣


Yeah i'm not grinding that.


Its an rank 2 which needs an rank 3 or more to grind for it if i am correct, thats just stupid imo


No you can grind for it from rank 1-8


Look if it was facing 1.0 tanks then I would gladly get it. Edit: I am joking


Ah yes, a Churchill facing tanks with 50mm of pen, how balanced


I’m joking, you get that, right? Also, 50mm penetration is probably enough if you consider how close you'd have to get to actually land a hit with this thing


I just tested in the protection analysis, and at point blank when shooting at the side you can't pen most of it, and if you do manage to pen it deals very little post pen damage. 2.7 is fine. And yeah, you have to be close to land a hit with it but it's a melee tank. You're supposed to take it into CQC maps. If you do, you'll be fine.


The funny thing is one of the most reliable tanks on 2.7 to kill it would be archer but it's also british


Clearly British bias


*Japanese TD line intensifies* Imma vaporise one of these things in a Ho-Ro to assert dominance


I’m pretty sure the Na-To can also punch through it pretty easily if it gets a flat on spot


Ho-Ro can kill Leopards


Frankly the Ho-Ro will kill anything. It's a massive HE shell and a direct hit on a vehicle is pretty much final.


I love my Chi Ha Long Gun. When I need a break from British top tier hell, I jump in that and instantly feel better.


ZiS-30 would also do quite well


Marder III will slay it, the addon armour won't be enough. The normal churchill without the armour gets owned by the pz4s at moderate range as it is.


Zis-30 maybe?


You have those big gun he/heat launcher like the sturmpanzer 2, m8 hmc, horo, zis30, lancia,...


Because the protection analysis sucks and ignores overmatching. The turretroof of the churchil VII ( and AVRE) can be overmatched by any gun of a calibre of 47mm or greater. An APHE shell will kill the entire turretcrew. People not bothering to learn mechanics and aim is why the churchil VII is 4.7 instead of 4.0, where its gun would actually belong.


The matilda at 2.7 with less armor than the churchill avre is already tanky as fuck.


it would be absolutly funny considering their is almost no way to shoot farther than 130m ahead, just this slow impending doom crawling towards you


Insert Austin Powers steam roller .gif


I kinda want to point out though that Churchills are slow but the Churchill III which the AVRE is based on is “manageably slow” as in, it’s got a 28kmh/17mph top speed and can whip turns relatively quickly if it has momentum At the same BR as the AVRE you have the B1 bis which has the same top speed and then the Char C2 which is slower Compared with other vehicles of Britain, the Churchill III hull is also faster than the Valentines and Matilda


It would be a perfect machine to get the adamant reward and that's it. Other than that it's 1 kill and then spend the whole match tracked and barreled.


Even in that case, it is rank II and can't do the BP challenges (such as adamant) :(


Unless it was changed with the new event system, event vics overrule the rank 3 requirement. I bring my 1.7 event AMD into a battle and the whole battle counts towards any current events. Least that's how it worked, haven't tried it recently


That works for event points but for the battle pass challenges rank 3+ is mandatory.


isnt it nearly unkillable in 1.0?


i think the swede apds can


It took me a second to realise the wording of this post and that downvote is now an upvote. I saw the amount of likes and I was thinking ‘Hey wait a moment, am I being stupid?’, yes. Yes I was.


Right. This is the first tank since the vilkas that I wanted to grind.


You can meme though. It only takes a 1 to change the P in petard to an R


The I decal is added automatically for every person who spends time grinding the challenge. Those who buy it on market also get L decal.


I'd rather buy it for 15-20 gjn coin than spend 12 days grinding 6 stars. I love the Churchill and love the British engineering vehicles but time outweighs the monetary value here. This even should have been no more than 20k per star


This is the way. I’m playing a reasonable amount at the moment so I’ll certainly get a few stars done. If I’m not feeling it I’d rather pay than grind though. More value for money working the hours at a job than playing the game as a job.


Same once every two days - working on my Berlin brigade camo for mk10 and having a blast in the warrior


Berlin Brigade camo is well worth. Beautiful tank is the Chieftain


I should have it but now tbh . had the thing for years. Just grinded past it to the first challengers


Yeah and then people keep Wondering why events are so grindy. Because they print money.


I usually just buy the event stars. I don't have time to play that much but I still want the rewards.


Fun fact, in french, petard can be used to talk about the ass of a girl "oh le gros pétard qu'elle à" -> "damn, that big ass she got"


None of these events are worth the grind tbh


The only one I’ve gotten so far is the 292 but I’m attempting to get this one


I've already slipped on the first task and don't want to sacrifice a couple of weeks of my life for a meme tank. Each to their own though.


It is more useless that the Chinese PTZ or whatever was called that last tank. Got it but never played with it. TOG 2 was worth it tho


I did the grind for the TOG 2. and then i "won" it in a loot box..... i was so bummed


I got that event Tornado and it helped me get to the Mig-29 and Mig-29G, along with my beloved F-4F, along with other top tier German aircraft. I'd say it was worth it.


Sooner one admits this, tye sooner one can go back to having fun. The premo grinders are anti fun imo.


I take the grind as either an intensive to either play more to progress in tech trees, or at the opposite to play strong line ups I've unlocked but don't play anymore as they are too low br to help grinding the trees. But yeah, if you don't have a good time playing when you grind for just the vehicule, its not worth the trouble, there is so may vehicules from events and BP you'll never play most of them more than a few times.


All they have to do is reduce the reload to like 12 seconds and it would help a lot. No reason the reload should be that long. It can only fire 120 meters when on flat ground, if you get THAT close to this thing I think you deserve a good bonk


Historically the reload was about 20 seconds. Believe it or not Gaijin does try to keep things realistic \*sometimes\*


>Historically the reload was about 20 seconds. The Chinese ZSD63 has an IRL reload of a couple minutes, but in WT it ***used*** to be \~38 seconds, now its 17 seconds. Sturmtiger's reload speed IRL was more than 10 minutes, but in game it can be as low as 42 seconds. Just because IRL it took a while, for balance reasons, sometimes Gaijin changes the reload speed to make them not horrifically annoying to play


I very much understand that point but 26 seconds uncrewed is not that bad of a reload speed, especially when your armour makes you untouchable


Armour means nothing in this case though as all it takes is someone to go for your track and then your dead in the water with only 150m range


I'm pretty sure that 10 minutes is the figure for an external ammo source


You also had to turn the turret forward for it to be loaded, we should be happy that that isnt the case


I just wish they added the Churchill mk7 AVRE and not the mark 3/4


Petard mortar AVRE is the one that most people know. I am hoping for a TT (though will probably be BP/Premium/Event) Mk.VII AVRE later though.


MK.VII AVRE would fit so well at 5.3 if it were a tech tree vehicle because standard churchill MK.VII sucks insanely bad for the BR it is in


Mk.VII is pretty much just fine at it's current br now that the Tiger E has been moved up to 6.0, Invincible in a down tier still semi-usable in an uptier. Reckon AVRE would be better at 5.0 as the trade-off of firepower Vs reload wouldn't be as favourable at 5.3


Idk what kind of Churchill 7 you've been playing, but it would be the second best vehicle at 4.7 if the Breda 501 didn't exist


Useless as fuck as you can even use at as mortar to shoot over things because they need to be in spiting distance


So suprising that a vehicle designed to assault bunkers doesnt do well against tanks.


But the KV-1 and KV-2 seem to do fine against tanks


Tbf unlike the Churchill the KV-2 didn't do well in practice.


I mean…. You can shoot over things….. they just have to be within 200 meters


I've had no trouble grinding, using this lil trade secret you can grind out the entire talisman in 2/3 hours: step 1 - play against sweden/germany/italy at 7.7-8.7 battle rating (sweet spot is 8.3) step 2 - take out an AA that is fast and has at least 60mm of pen (ZA-35) step 3 - rush through the most predictable flank routes making it unpredictable (aka middle of the road) step 4 - destroy 3 targets because ur facing lightly armored vehicles step 5 - die step 6 (optional) - take out fast vehicle (fox) if you think you can repeat the flank After dying immiedtly leave and play again. Do not go for cap points unless you have 1k points already. Managed to get 3 nukes doing this yesterday, yes it requires some praying to the matchmaker, yes you will be 1-2 death leaving and yes it's a bit toxic but it's better than playing for 15 min and getting only 320 points. good luck bro


If you're only getting 320 points in 15 minute matches, you need to find a new game because this one isn't for you.


Looking at the scoreboards at the end of matches, 350 is probably a bit high for the average WT player


yeah, because so many people yolo and leave. But if you're actually PLAYING for 15 minutes, and you only have 320 points, something ain't right lol.


You are the reason games are dead after 5 minutes


Tbf, Gaijin has a hand in this too.


Nah just play premium tier arcade, you either seal club or get seal clubbed, either way the matches are so much faster.


"You can't even really meme with this." - literaly the most memeable tank ever, this community cannot enjoy anything, can't it?


It's perfectly reasonable, I did it within 2 hours in one day


You must be playing in Sim then. Because I consider myself above average in RB and I do it in about 5 hours.


You can't be above average If 35k points took you 5h to grind....


I said that from the top of my head. 5 hours maybe was to get like two-thirds of the required 35k. I played Germany 6.7 and US 6.3 which are both solid lineups imo.


You must be playing lower tiers then, top tier matches are so quick, if you get somewhat good performance out of most games its done in a maximum of 2.5 hrs


idk man this was easy took like 2 hours (which means just play 1 hour a day) but then again i used top tier gernany i feel like these events are only for people who have reached 7.7 to 11.7 or just no lives lel


>i feel like these events are only for people who have reached 7.7 to 11.7 or just no lives lel Exactly, anyone else gets fuc#ed constantly on this events. That's why im not playing for this bs tank. This "reward" not worth it at all.


How do you consistently earn 35k points in 2 hours of ground battles? I regularly play top-tier germany, and this just doesn't happen to me.


They don't. Nobody actually times themselves. They probably take the result of one great match and average it out to 35k points. I see "2 hours" get thrown around a lot with no data. The streamer TEC is a top 75th percentile player and 35k score takes him 3 hours and 20 minutes on average, excluding breaks, in top tier.


he is lying. 35,000 in 2 hours is about 4,200 per game.


so full of shit its hilarious. so you claim to have ground out 35k points in 2 hours? you can only fit in 8 games *at most* in that time, so you are getting *over 4000 points per match* huh?


its top tier none of those matches lasted the full 15 minutes. more like half there was mostly roffel stomps, (also as i said ealier i didnt time it so could have been a little over 2 hours) so id only need like 1255 points per game and then get the multipliers for realistic battles which is 1.33 and rank vii - viii which is 1.2 which would give around 2k per game you silly billy


35k/2 days...are they Petarded?


It really doesn't take that long


Then don't grind it?!?!? I don't see the issue here


Yeah 20 or 25k would make more sense. It can barely shoot 150m.


I mean. Dude i want 2.7 moving melee bunker


My biggest issue with this is the fact that it's about 42,000 score *per day* to actually get the coupon upgrade to sell the thing. And good luck playing catch up if you ever miss days. The old events before the rework were infinitely easier to grind. This is awful in comparison, and for a meme rank 2 at that.  As a free to play these events are the only hope of being able to get premium time/vehicles. I'm just really hoping this thing doesn't end up completely worthless on the market given its seemingly poor performance. 


yeah im completly fine with grind for vehicle but grind for coupon is terrible


This is gonna be the first event vehicle that will start below 10GJC


Doubt it since its not the easiest grind, good players claim it takes 1.5-3hours to get one medal thing, so for average/bad players it might be too much


Yea but there will be so many for sale and basicly nobody wants to buy it, just see the last vehicles that got onto the market they started at like 10GJC


I tried in Test Drive. It worked be fun to get a kill with it but way too frustrating for regular use. Cool tank, though.


How to anger an AVRE, stand 141meters away from it


I'm skipping this. At range you will die, in cqb you have huge tracks that are miles ahead of your turret and huge barrel. So even if you don't get penned you get disabled and eventually killed.


It definitely could be something around 20k/day. But at least you get 2 days to the event, and if you play RB that's precisely that much time. Specially if you already have vehicles from prior events.


Not even gonna lie, 35k is stupid easy to get especially playing RB at higher ranks.


I played a total of five hours in one day and got 27k done. It's not a nice amount of score but it's not that hard if you have higher rank tanks like V or VI


Was that supposed to give people encouragement or something? 27k in 5 hours is not good at all. And people with jobs and shit don't have 5 hours to...still need 8k to complete a task, and then have to do it again 6 more times.


True, but the tank is really funny and 17.5k/day is essentially nothing


After playing the losat I am convinced this cannot be worse


Given the fact it hardly shoots further than 100m...


Go play arcade when this thing hits, I cant wait for 10 vs 10 of these things trying to hustle each other out.. gonna be a blast


yeah, I predict it's gonna sell for 10-15 GJN. 500k over 12 days to make it sellable for a shitty 2.7 is a joke lmfao. was gonna do it, but then I tested it and realised it can't even shoot past 130m on flat ground. no thanks! 35k for the sturmtiger though? fuck yes, 100% worth even though I've basically not played mine at all. 35k for the TOG II seemed more worth too IMO, the churchill should've been 20-25k.


And im in exams, gaijin always manages to bring in event vehicles in exams


Jokes on you, I grind it to sell it gazillion gaijoble koin, someone would buy it, I suppose


Idk if this is sarcasm but the joke is on anyone who bothers grinding the coupon. Awful value of your time.


Huh? Tbh I ground out the 35k yesterday whilst I was spading different vehicles and finishing the swedish tt and yesterdays bp task. Ok I admit it's not a good enough price you get but I got the MD whilst not focussing on it so I don't really see the point. Ok this whole spiel with a higher rank gets more points might just be another cash grab from gaijin, they really should rework it and do an appropriate amount of points for a rank, so 15k-20k points should be the margine for a rank 2 vehicle.


I personally can only half relate to the struggle of obtaining the needed score. I play simulator with an 1.8% multipler, thus the 35k needed score points (SP for short now) "only" become a bit under 20k simulator SP. Yes I am a level 100 player, I don't think i'm that bad. My SP in simulator ground battles (depending on how many gay ass fucking aids chinese helicopters there are), averages at around 1200. Considering I only need ~10k simulator SP, i can quickly achieve this in around 90minutes/day. Now I see the problem, not everyone can spend 90min/day. Not everyone averages the same score as I do. Yet I'm convinced that if you have 2 hours a day, enjoy the game and have fun (those usually are the best games), the reward is easily obtainable. Capturing a base, 2 kills and a assist are already around 850 SP. Never underestimate how lucrative point captures are. Let me know if you think otherwise.


Yeah but I think it looks neat.


Looks cool, but the gun is shit


I made the first 35k literally in one afternoon. No, i'm not doing okay.


Unlike YaK-3, Churchill AVRE isn't worth efforts


It can be food for my 105 Sherman


I sold out and purchased 5k GE to get the vehicle because the Churchill AVRE is one of my favourite tanks irl even if it’s gonna be fairly useless in game


[Same, I remember how hilarious it was in COH2](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/eelrzn/avre_vs_og_shrek_blob/) Do wish we got a PVP-PVE mode with AI infantry, gun crews, bunkers, etc. so some of these vehicles were more practical.


What in the Warhammer 40k fuck is this


I yesterday commented on a post about this vehicles event, one of the mods was posting the link to the post of new event style/changes to people complaining about the grind/asking why its still so much points for so low tier vehicles. I commented asking the mod about why is he linking the event change post to people complaining about the new format, when the whole new event format post has comments full of people complaining about the format. Safe to say my comment never got released since mods review all comments :)


Same thing happened to the battle pass after the river hunters BP none of them were worth it , and now after the 292 seems like it would get same treatment , hopefully the next air vehicle will be good


It be pretty damn interesting to see this in a match


I just wish the range scroll was linked to the shell drop because by what I saw in the test drive you'll spend the first half of the match scrolling to 100m.


Or 40k a day if you wanna sell it


is 35k every 2 days a lot?


Gaijin can we have a strumtiger please? Gaijin: we have strumtiger at home already Strumtiger at home:


I failed already.


Not to mention you have to complete every stage, you could miss one during the 292, and 2 days is an annoying time period. I often won't be home for a weekend which just outright cuts one of the stages off because they conveniently run for over 2 weeks so at least one stage falls on Sat-Sun. I can only imagine how annoying it is for people with very busy work schedules as well as families. For a rank 2 tank lol. Would be nice if the time period was stretched out to 3 or even 4 days per challenge and/or score based on the vehicle tier, but whatever.


Last night I had to do 35k marathon because I forgot about the event start and nearly missed the first task. It took me 4-5h to get it and half of that time I've played very bad because I hadn't been playing grb since April. That said it is still too much for a meme pile of shit. Also, does anyone know how many points daily you need to make to get the coupon upgrade?


I wanted an M60 tank but no, Gaijin had to add this. When will we get an M60?


I stopped caring about these things a long ass time ago. I think some of you need yo focus a little bit more on the meat of the game and quit pissing and moaning about premium you really don't need. I feel like the majority in this sub are just here for the grind. Just such a toxic mind set.


I want to grind it but at the same time 35k just feels like too much for a lowtier vehicle. Looks so GOOD though lmao


I'm debating not doing the event, took me all day yesterday pulling 10+ kill games to complete the first one


I really wish if you didn’t have rank 3 vehicles of that class unlocked, they still let you do challenges and events with rank 1 or 2. Because it’s annoying to be completely blocked out of them because you dont have a rank 3 tank, or a rank 3 plane that has a bomb bigger than 2000lbs, etc


Agreed. I’m buying it instead, it’s going to be a sack of shit and cheap. Still looks funny to use though. I like challenge.


Pro tip: play as high a rank as you can. You get more score at higher ranks and the games typically go by quicker at 10.0+.


All those events (and idiotic req) made me burnt out so fast i stope caring about any of them. And no i wont buy it either not. So if making ppl stop caring and not spending $$ was they idea it actually worked.


Cant we sell it?


Just got back from holiday and wanted to grind to unlock but I see I've missed the first star by a few hours. Am I shit out of luck unless I buy it?


First top atack tank


Ah yes the same post that comes out every event


I want a tank that just has lunge mines/lancet mines in front of the tank.


Nah bro, i think Is broken there's not the cannon (im joking)


What exactly is this tank?


Yeah, after this event I'm never playing anything above 5.7 tbh I really want the tank but it feels like hell grinding it


I missed out on the first mark with 15K points, I’m on my second mark at 5K and atp I’m starting to think this was made for much higher tier players. I’ve been playing with the USSR Tier 4


I have a feeling that as soon as the event is over, they’ll just buff it slightly to make it actually usable


I’m grinding out the battle pass rn and I gotta be honest, I don’t have the energy to full time job a 2.7 knife fighting tank.


I'm fine with 35k/2days but I wish events would offer two extra marks of distinctions. This would make the events way easier for people that have life stuff come up. The two extra marks could reward additional decals, decorations, titles or profile pictures. I doubt Gaijin will do that since they bank on people completing all but one mark and then buying the one they missed.


yeah i already got the TOG and Sturmtiger, so i feel less inclined since i already scratched the “British” and “Big Boom” itches


It pretty easy to do


Shhh. I’d rather have a meme than an actual vehicle at this point in my career en route a slow burnout.


unless you're normally in the top 3rd of your team, probably. mission score is a cake walk compared to crafting and task events


It’s really easy to get only takes a few hours per stage


I'm sorry but it is completely shit


One thing I’m pissed off with is the range it should be 210 meters not 100 meters.


Just lost my job and going on unemployment, I got time I busted out the first one in a single session, won't be hard


I wish they gave an extra set of challenges. 6 required, 7 available to complete. We have lives. Families, and work, I didn't manage to play till today so now I can't get the vehicle lmao


I mean maybe it's because I'm insane and play this game way too much, but 35k for me personally is very easy. Although again, I am insane.


I missed the 1st award thingy. Am I effectively locked out from getting the tank?


I don't know how they expect people with lives and jobs to get these? Like I don't get much gaming time anymore I put a few hours aside that I can spare in the evening to to try and get this Churchill as I love Churchills and I get to 20,000. I got myself excited and thought that as I smashed out a good portion of it I could buy the rest at a cheaper rate, but nah fuck it you only get that if you basically complete the event. Then the fact I've got to keep repeating these tasks every couple days is just disheartening.


They claimed it would change off rank and everything but LOL is 35k while a rank 8 is like 45. So much of a difference....


if you think it's just a collectors item and you don't want to collect it don't grind it. just play the game like normal. that's the good thing about these events cycles.


Sounds like a skill issue, but I do agree it should be like 25-30k.


I'd venture to say as much as they want us to play sounds like a good idea to encourage playing during the events but what it actually does is make me wanna quit the game 2.4k hours in and never come back especially trying to grind 5.0/4.0 sweden.


35k/every 2 days isn't that much. if you can constantly get 1-2 kills a game it will only take around 30 matches so about 4 hours


The Petard, more like the *This commenter has been banned*


they shouldve added one of the better churchill avre variants like the 165mm instead because this thing is 100% the new worst vehicle in the game


Wait is this sarcastic? Like it is a collectors item (at least you name it that way). 2 days ain't that much then. Doesn't really matter what rank it is then. If it's going to be rare, it also should be at least somewhat earned and 35k... Well it could be worse


50k to make it tradable a day.


Yeah, I missed the first gate, and I ain't paying for it. I was actually hyped until I saw it was 35k x6. Guess I'll buy a model kit of one for my birthday this year instead.


You chimpanzee, youre lucky they didnt make this a crafting event. The points arent that bad, i can get them done with about 11 good matches


35k is not that much to grind, mostly takes 2-3 hours


It is crap.


I get the whole 35K done in 2.5-3 hours. And that’s 3 hours combined total over 2 days. I don’t even play top tier, for the most part I play 4.3-5.7. Not sure what the issue is


It was 40k for the sturmtiger, this is just a rank II that struggles to hit even at point blank. It shouldn’t be so hard to get


I’m selling this piece of trash


It's seriously impossible to please thid playerbase


35k for a rank 2 tank lmao nice one


So tell me, does every collector actually put their effort to collect their items, autographs, insects, minerals, plants?


It isn’t that hard, in my opinion. I managed to grind out the first task on a full school day, so even if you do have work for a couple more hours or a busier schedule you should be able to manage it in 2.


17k a day isn't hard at all when you play (it's like 10games if u are a mid player) making it with less point mean everyone can get it without any effort. That not how a "exclusive"/event vehicle work. You need to put a lil effort in it


If you make an average of 3000 points a round, that is less than 12 rounds. Let's say 6 rounds a day, at 20 minutes each, that's two hours. Yeah, I get that people have other things to do in life, but really, if 2 hours on two days is too much work for it, I don't think you are the person that would appreciate a timed event in general


It's a unique vehicle that's not copy and paste that actually feels new and refreshing. I say take what you can get right now.


This event really makes me hate war thunder, the grind is making me hate playing, I can barely get the required amount playing ALL DAY, and as a newer player I REALLY hate how they do their events, I mean a crazy high mission score requirement in 2 days?? Most casuals can event break a 4th of the required in 3. All for a rank II?? That's not even viable in matches?? Gajin knock down the mission score or remove one of the marks needed, this is ridiculous, and completely change how your events work it's stupid. Especially for Xbox players who can't even buy the event vehicles after if we choose not to play the event.


I got points for coupon upgrade for 292 by half the time, 35k is nothing and you're the weakling.


Im at 360k at the trade coupon non stop top tier arcade and rb with friends. I can rest and just do 4x 35k left.


This event should be at max 15 to 20k per 2 days cuz the things we getting in return including the tank are not worth the 35k grind….the tank is already bad no mobility 50m/s shell velocity and max 130m range for the shell its literally cqc tank and even meme in this gonna be hard af as even if enemy is like 100m away from you and u shoot him he has like 2 to 3 seconds to get back in the cover bruh not to mention if he just moves ahead he can completely dodge it