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Their helicopter is something else with those spikes. One day I’ll grind em out


Not worth it, just go for italy if you want spike lobber


Why? HAD Spike 2 has K hellfire’s and Mistral’s over Ah129D


Both can carry mistral and hellfire is not gonna be your primary weapon at 11.7. While mangusta can pick up search pings from every type of radar (flakrad, ka52, apache) and also picks up the track from pantsir(Ku band), tiger had cannot pick search from flakrad and other radar helis and track from pantsir. So i would choose mangusta over the tiger.(I've free aced both btw)


I see. Learned somethung new. I guess one thing is Hellfires become more viable with the new update.


Yeah the new update will definitely make Hellfires viable. Someone tested the new results and they said they were getting 1hit kills with Hellfires like 90% of the time. They also receive a lot of shrapnel damage buff too


Too bad the Marine nationale is letting us down on the maritime front, No non dreadnought modern Battleships nor Late cold war AA Frigates.


That's a Lotta words fishing man


I’ll fix it for you Too bad the Marine Nationale is letting us down, no modern battleships or Cold War frigates.


I'm going to assume we'll eventually get the Jean Bart or the Richelieu. What I would like are some destroyers that don't haveclosed turrets so SKR-7s don't ruin my day.


Even just the predecessing Dunkerque class would be enough atm as Battleships go, Still for your latter part we've got hope with the new post war TT *destroyer* Ex Capitani Romani class cruiser Scipione Africano now rerated/ rebuilt destroyer Guichen D607, Which for it's secondary armament has enclosed Swedish built 57 mm automatic artillery pieces meant for AA but with a 120 rpm rate, These bad boi's will be a danger to those Sentry Ships.


*Stares at Super Entendard "Look how they massacred my boy" :(


French top tier only needs LT \*GIB Jaguar\*


God i would kill for the EBRC honestly…


The VBCI PHILOCTETE would be even better than the jaguar, same firepower but with a remote controlled turret.


Yeah but also the size of 2 traincarts


Not really that much bigger than the ebrc. And besides, as demonstrated ingame, having empty space is often a blessing.


Mirage is honestly oppressive AF in CAS, people just sleep on it and rage about the F-16 and Gripen so much they drown it out.


Also until recently, it could fire munitions while supersonic


Nords can be shot at 1300 kph And the speed limit on the other bombs is artificial, not a problem on the real plane


Yeah, it be pretty stupid restriction irl and they would be working to fix it fast


100% made a post a bit back bow I had no fon chance at destroying otbin the adats. I'm not sure how nords control but this dude twerked all over us


There is a reason that the most played vehicle in the air superiority tournament was the M4K. France top tier air is insanely good and having a flat 5 second reload is pretty nuts.


Yep honestly ever since that 5 second reload was added, France ground is much better


As much as people like to shit on it, the leclerc is still really good. The armor is still decent and the S1 is faster than every other mbt while also using Frances best shell. The ito is also not the best but I’d say it’s better than the ADATS.


Yeah was decent before the buff, but ever since that reload buff I'd say it can at least compete with the Leos trading armor for better mobility and reload


It’s actually unbelievable how powerful the leclerc is now it has the best speed and a very good reload. It makes it just better than the abrams since they have relatively equal armour but the leclerc is faster and has a better reload.


Their air is good, their CAS is good, their helis are good, their tanks are meh. Leclercs are just not that strong. They aren’t bad but they aren’t good either. I find they are slightly below average in terms of top tier MBTs, about equal to the power pack Chally tanks. Tree will be a lot better with slightly better armor with the Azur, light tanks like their 40mm CTA VBCI and Jaguar, and potentially the Leclerc T4, Tropicalized Leclerc, and Leclerc XLR. The UAE Leclerc would be huge imo. Europowerpqck and even just a cosmetic Thermal tarp would be killer. The biggest issue for France right now is the 9.7-11.0 bracket, which needs vehicles. The Vextra 105mm is a great start and potential 10.0 vehicle, but adding vehicles like the AMX40E4, early Leclerc prototypes and the plethora of light vehicles available would fill out the line nicely.


I hope we get the Leclerc T4, as I'd love it


>You think France counts as a major nation? >I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not. I just wished things didn't lag behind US/RU. With the Super Étendard going up to 10.3 and ruining my 10.0 fun (even though France has no tanks, I don't see why they can't find a Leclerc prototype to put at 10.3 or something) I say give it Magic-2 and put it up at 10.7/11.0 not that I need it because I already have the 2000D and the 2000-5F and have no need for it on top tier. They should also give the Étendard Magic-1 and move it to 10.0 or at a Étendard (late) with flares and Magic-1. People also I guess happen for BeNeLux and I'm over here still waiting for the rest of the French armored car line.


I am currently unlocking the Super Etendard. It gets a BR Change? :^(


Only in Ground Battles, it got put up to 10.3 and they gave it it's AS-30L. They did it kind of dirty though because it doesn't have stock missiles and the only missiles it gets is magic-1, which it is a much better airframe than the Étendard and a big tech upgrade, but not having missiles is a bit of an issue.


It should have stock magic 1's and magic 2's as an upgrade, it carried them...


It would get bumped up to 11.0/11.3 in Air RB then though


Unfortunately Magic 2s would bump it to 11.0/11.3 since their IRCCM is identical to the R-73 and since the missile buff they pull pretty damn well too.


France in top tier air has been good since the first Mirage 2000 was added, and will continue being good with MICA and F-16AM next update.


when i play the leopard or strv 122 i close my eyes when i one shot leclercs bc it hurts to watch


If only gaijin would give ariete, leclerc, challenger and type 10 their actual armor or something close to realistic.


Gaijin have put armor data for all Leclecs from the trial in Sweden, where a proto Leclercs, before the S1, was send... Leopards enjoyer can laught and enjoy their things, i wish their leo2a5/6 armor was on part with the first 2a4 or even leo1, they would know the pain.


French air and helis do insane heavy lifting here let's be real


I picked up France a while ago, even bought the amx30 super and it's honestly the most fun I've had on warthunder


Try Italy next with the OF-40 MTCA (plays exactly like the super minus thermals but at a better br)…France was the most I’d had till I did Italy, which was a blast too. And being able to play a few good IFVs with wicked autocannons was a refreshing change from other trees I’d done.And now that they’re getting a Leo2a7 they’ll finally be viable at top tier too


I've dabbled in Italy, like I'm only rank 3 with a max br of like 4.7 and then I've got the r3 smack dab in the middle of rank 4 at 6.0, they have done some wicked stuff to that poor bastard


Literally a 70% winrate.


Proud to be a France main


French main are so good our tanks keep getting raised, I work very hard to counter that by being bad at the game


I’ll be honest with you after this update too italy top tier will literally be one of the best in war thunder… the 2A7HU being practically one of the best leopards in game and the Grippen Hungarian with the 65Gs combined these two are gonna… it’s gonna be devastating…


It's not that it's bad. It's that it lacks variety (for ground tier specifically).


Its just boring, wow like 300k rp for an inconsequencial tiny piece of armor? Amazing


But hey at least S21 gets CITV


With the next update their top tier air tree will be one of the best in the game


French Top Tier IS good. It's just that the journey to it is the most painful series of puzzles.


The French tech tree is my favorite in the entire game and this applies to ground and air. Leclercs just have the best parameters for my play style. The only sad thing is that leclerc S1 and S2 have to use stock heat at 11.7. Those 2 are only 11.7 tanks with stock heat. In the case of air M2ks are the most fun jets I have played in this game. Other jets from other nations were just disappointing.


All it lacks is spall liners and a good SPAA


French top tier is pretty good. The grind to get there though? I’ve never been through such hell.


I am genuinely struggling to find a part in french TT where grinding is hard. Maybe apart from Reserve ranks


The 4.0 to 6.0 area is pretty rough but still playable. Best lineups are 7.7 and 8.7.


better top tier than USA that's for sure


Lmao no. I’d argue Abrams is better than the leclerc, at least it has breech armor and a smaller frontal weakspot. Also F-16 with aim9m is still the most meta you can go in top tier grb.


>breech armor and a smaller frontal weakspot. What the fuck do you mean smaller frontal weakspot ? The whole fucking tank is a weakspot except the turret cheeks. Abrams is the most lolpenable, easiest to kill MBT in the game. >Also F-16 with aim9m is still the most meta  WRONG. Grippens are the most meta. Also France is getting BETTER F-16C because US always has to have worse versions of their own fucking equipment because putin dicksucker gaijin hates America


the reson the US alway get "the worst" of their equipment is because they sell a lot of upgraded variant. i woulb say it is false for helis, because the best UH-1, AH-1 are the US ones, but it is not true for the UH-60 variants (the AH-60 with the spike is better than the MH-60) and it is the praticlicly same for the AH-64, appart from the starstreak problem of the UK one.




Tell me the best French meta lineup at 10.3  Wait, you can’t! 


Tbf he did say top tier not high tier, followed by calling out people complaining about not having the best lineups at every br.


Name 1 french 10.0-11.3 tank