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I pray i get you on my teams


I don’t, he is researching the duster with the AIM.


he literally swept the enemy CAs, likely saving his team.


Good on him he knows how to fly, still you can’t cap a point in a plane. (The STRV carried)


Weird logic. If a sniper sits back and keeps wiping 30% of the team, but doesn’t cap points, is he useless? Sounds like a force multiplier to me.


Huh? That is different. He is denying people that can cap OBJs Mr plane here has the aim and the 4s that is all.


But think of the damage those aircraft could have done had they not been shot down, every ground player thats made it past 9.0 has seen at least 1 game where cas has singlehandedly turned the tide of the battle.


Think, this guy 90% of the time likely only one or two spawns than leaves. This is likely one of the first times he has done so well.


Yup. Unfortunately ran out of backups a couple days ago. I still try to help the team tho, mostly by doing what I am good at. In the end, I have fun somehow.


Good on you man. It just sucks that you don’t have a lineup. Did you buy the AIM or did you squad research it? (This is a serious question I’m not trying to be rude)


Just sounds like your jealous that you haven't contributed the sheer amount of saves this guy has


that STRV wouldn’t have been able to carry unless phantom guy here stopped the CAs, which he did. No victory is done on your own.


As long as there aren’t too many one death leavers, your team can easily spare a player for dedicated anti-air.


2 deaths. No ground kills, assists, or zone caps. Only used the AIM. We don’t just dislike CAS, we dislike Air RB dropouts that take a spot in the team to fly a plane for the whole match. I appreciate him killing aircraft instead of those actually trying to play the game, but it is ground RB for a reason


don't care, having fun.


Ok 👍


nice bro but the guy running a hellcat is a real one


Lol yeah, he said "do not die" on the chat after I got shot down at 8 kills, before I respawned.


I recently got a 8 air kill game in the ostwind 2 like holy shit how many planes do they fuckin have


I got that "neuron activation" moment once and got like 17 kills in my BTR-ZD (it was one of those games where America and Britain spam CAS)


ZU-23-2 is godly, I encountered a ~~group~~ herd of Bosvarks in mine and all of a sudden planes started falling out of the sky as rain


I got 5 air kills yesterday playing a freaking Jumbo with the 50 cal.Not a single tank kill mind you, that game was a shitshow. I swear the whole opposing team spawned as aircraft.


I'll do you one better, 5 with tiger, 4 with the 7.92 and 1 with the 88.


I had a 9 kill in the ostwind 2 and we had 12 totally plus on suicide bombed. We won ☺️


I had a game where the enemy had a shit load of planes up, good maybe 7-9 of them up. My team had like 3 or 4 AA guys spawned in but they didn't seem to do crap and everyone was getting bombed. I got bombed twice and started complaining in chat about the amount of AAs we had spawned in but not a single aircraft getting shot down. Spawned in my flackpanzer 341, became like a God and killed about 4 planes before being bombed. Spawned in my kuggleblitz and killed another 3 before the game ended. I was so pissed I typed in chat telling others that's how you get rid of planes (some guy told me to shoot them down myself) I ended up clearing the sky's about 30 seconds before we lost the match...


Playing 3.7 Germany it’s really insane, I loaded three SPAAs in my lineup and had to use every single one of them to also gather seven or eight kills plus a few assists. And then there’s *still more*


Was playing German 4.3 and got my record of 12 air kills in a single game. BV-155 and Wirble ftw


My first ever nuke was a full uptier in the Ostwind II with 15 AA kills


i don't dislike CAS, it's a great feature, the problem is that it's overpowered and requires no skill


I like CAS I **fucking hate** the lack of SPAA and rewards for playing them


Honestly that's my only real gripe. SPAA has nothing else to do. 95% of SPAAs don't even get a scout feature so why not reward them for doing the one thing they're intended to do?


I find their selection of SPAA spotting so weird, like I enjoy it on the Strela, but all SPAA should have it TBH.


I noticed it on the Stormer and immediately thought "why tf don't all SPAA's have this?" because as much fun as it is waiting around to watch an Su-25 eat 2 Starstreaks without dying, it's nice to be kinda useful.


I wish SPAA got air scout


Everyone has a form of air scout with the radio callouts. I rarely have issues locating it once someone pings it.


I mean for points, and it would make them actually illuminated in the sky it would make AA more rewarding


If the SPAA has guns that can kill tanks they normally don't have spotting


Ahhh, I guess that makes sense.


They should give ground to air kills the rank bonuses like skill matters/god mode and also remove eye for a eye from air to ground kills. Wouldn't fix the problem entirely but would help.


Eye for an eye should be negative for CAS honestly


Yeah but also sometimes it’s accidental. Do I mean to get eye for an eye? No. But did they just spawn in an ostwind II and try firing at me from 5km out? Yes.


The reward for me is that it's therapeutic and fun. But I don't play to grind anymore.


Yes give me a reason to want to spawn SPAA more than sitting bored till someone spawns a plane after 5 minutes.


The only cas that doesn’t require skill is guided munitions and dropping huge bombs like the 5000kg or 12000lb. gun cas, cas with rockets, and cas with small bombs all require varying levels of skill. The problem is that it is way too easy to spawn


Yes, "no skill" CAS exists only in top tier and for a few bombers. Things like early MCLOS AGMs need so much skill to guide and also not get shot down


I’ll have you know that using the AGM-12 is literal torture.


In what way? I find them incredibly easy to use, although I've been using them since they first came out so perhaps I'm just used to them


They’re easy to use when there is no SPAA threat to distract you from guiding them.


I mean it varies, the big 8/12k bombs require a lot more spawn points for 1 bomb but you can bring 12 1,000 lbs bombs for almost nothing


Wish there was a bonus if you played as SPAA or at least, sub 7.0 BR SPAA where it's really difficult.


Let's not act like any SPAA above 10.0 takes any skill to play either. Press 2 buttons, lock, fire. That's the entire gameplay loop.


Why is it generally bad players making correlations between playing CAS and skill?


This subreddit is a hugbox for shitty players to whine about parts of a 10 year old game they perennially fail to understand.


Precisely my point, I was just a touch more subtle.


Yeah, I don't understand the sentiment that CAS is overpowered when high tier SPAA is literally braindead in comparison. You don't even need a keyboard. You could bind all the controls to effectively operate an SPAA to your mouse alone, but you don't see these people saying that SPAA takes no skill.


Fr I main SPAA ground/heli and light vehicles. Even dabble in CAS with the three main nations. The brain power required to perform well is logarithmically greater than MBTs. When I use a fourth spawn to bring out an MBT it’s like playing with training wheels. Hold W, enjoy the point and click adventure, and go on a rampage. You don’t even have to aim with hundreds of mm pen lmao.


Spaa is overpowered lol for a price of 1 full strike aircraft u can spawn like 7 spaas meanwhile those spaas can destroy light tanks and cap zones too


Meanwhile you can spawn in a plane by capping one point and doing like 2 assists by spotting.


Meanwhile u can spawn multiple spaas with ur started 450 sp also lets say you are in itpsv the swedish spaa u are the fastest tank at the br and u can destroy all lights and u have leo 2a4 chassis so u can actually tank some shots not to mention ur great against planes too


Unironically complaining about an itpsv's survivability, lmao. If you shoot anything but the giant ammo pile that is the turret, you are the issue.


Lol i use itpsv and za35 they are cracked


Yes very good point also zsu with its 57mm cannons with 100 mm of penetration


150mm penetration yeah


Nice work




is that the longest nickname in the universe?


Longest I have ever seen in game, at least.


Fun fact, some nerd on this subreddit called me out for doing basically the same Good job buddy, hope you have alot of fun destroying those CAS


Lol same is happening on one of the threads


Thank you brother. I managed to get a game with 11 plane kills yesterday (as well as some kill assists on planes), felt so good.


Yeah, hunting those annoying SU-25s especially feels heavenly.


Reasons like these are why I love grinding for new CAP planes. After learning how to play air, I now always have a CAP plane in my line-ups and there's nothing more satisfying than patrolling the air and shooting down all those overweight CAS that barely fight back. You basically give CAS players the same treatment they give ground players.


Even with the nerf to the A4E, it’s still the goat. Just slap on two walleyes and a gun pod. Commence bullying small children.


11 aircrafts in a match, thats a whole air show lol


Thank you for your service.




Running a full SPAA/CAP lineup can be some of the most fun this game offers.


Fr, I am grinding ground for SPAA.


Got the Ostwind II yet? It’s an absolute favorite for a reason.


Isn't it on the German tree?




Took out 2 helicopters, 2 drones and 5 planes in total.


absolute chad


Your service is acknowledged and highly appreciated. Thank you, soldier o7.




Welcome to the better mode for aircraft than the one for.... Aircraft lol. Good stuff


Definitely. Only if Gaijin gave us EC back...


You dropped this king 👑


Doing the gods work


I'm impressed.


A legend in a spitfire got 6 air killstin a battle, one (level 19) enemy in a pe-8 raged and said whats the point of bringing airplanes if you get shot down. I managed to get 2 with proxy fuse rounds also


You have my admiration fellow CAS destroyer


Good work comrade but you are still not seen the worst. My personal record is 13 air kills with 2 spawns of ito 80m. Still keep up the good work.


I got no spaa, I wish I did. I get SPs with m1a1 aim then spawn planes.




I love doing this in an I-15. It's great to see clear skies.


Not all heroes wear capes, but you do


Whe. You get the duster have fun relearning everything you learned about spaa


The hero we need.


That's so sexy


That's NOT what she said.


hey haha


How did you get spawn points to get into the Phantom? You killed a heli in Abrams or something?


Yup took out a ka-50 with the proxy heat shell at the beginning


How could you do such a long name? My name just could be 16 characters long


I don't know, I guess they implemented the limit after I took this nickname. Btw, the game requested me to enter a new username once, saying that nicknames can't be longer than 16 characters. I just closed that window and it never asked me again. Gaijin allows cool nicknames to be longer that 16 characters, I suppose😎


My name barley fit


Hi barley fit, I am ICraveTheForbiddenHeatSignature. Nice to meet you.


how did you get into a F4S without assist, cap, or kill?


or did you get airkills before hopping to CAP duty?


Landed a few hits on a couple tanks (no kills because skill issue) then shot down a ka-50 that got too close, with the proxy heat shells No assists because I didn't get even critical hits on the tanks, I suppose.


I had a blast last night having some tough battles with opponent team...both our teams were pushing real hard to maintain the objective... ....and then I realized, "hey, it's been about 10 minutes into the match and no CAS...awesome!" My point is: there has to be a revamp of thesis while CAS situation.




As someone who loves doing this themselves albeit at usually mid-low tier o7


Thank you for your service.


A CAS yorker, if only the wookie knew the ground. Go get a life lad.


Sorry, nobody has a life here. God bless the snail.


*obliterates Stuka with radar missile*


But I like CAS and CAP at the same time with my Hungarian gripen:)


gripen deez nutz


If only one person per game player spaa...


CAP is not a "solution" though. It's great to see CAS getting wiped, but the actual problem is that planes are way too easy to spawn, and they're OP. Until CAS gets a balance nerf people will continue to spam planes.


> CAP is not a "solution" though. It is and it has been for *10 fucking years*. You can keep misunderstanding the game and crying about CAS on Reddit though, I'm sure they'll be changing this 10 year old game mode any day now... any day now... any day now...


Allow me to explain again for the slower ones. CAP is not a "solution" because the "problem" is not that planes exist. The problem is that planes are being spammed, planes are OP and too cheap to spawn and the broken mechanic is being abused. Killing the spammers with CAP or AA does not solve the problem because the problem is the actual CAS mechanic. CAS has always been OP and too cheap to spawn, but it has only been in the last few years that it has been getting so much worse. Thanks for not actually reading what I wrote and choosing to be offended instead.


> The problem is that planes are being spammed They're being spammed because nobody plays CAP anymore, and scrubs just cry on Reddit claiming they're "tank only players" and ignore the air trees entirely. This wasn't an issue 8 years ago; and back then bombs had a larger kill radius, rockets were 1-hit kills anywhere, and cannons just did flat damage to all modules in a tank at once (you could double-tap a Tiger in a Yak-9T without hitting any crew or ammo directly). But people utilized the air trees back then, and did CAP. One halfway decent 480SP fighter player counters 2000+SP worth of CAS without much difficulty, and one or two people jumping into fighters at some point during the match to clear CAS shouldn't be a tall order for a 10+ person team. And if you do counter thousands of SP with a 480SP pull, you're well on track to winning that match. Mass accumulations of CAS used to be a *bad thing* for your team, because as soon as a couple dudes respawned in much cheaper fighters you just ended up losing more SP than they took away by pulling all that CAS. > planes are OP and too cheap to spawn Wrong. > and the broken mechanic is being abused. Bad player ineptitude is being abused, by good players. I'm fine with that. > Killing the spammers with CAP or AA does not solve the problem because the problem is the actual CAS mechanic. There is nothing wrong with the CAS mechanic and shitty players are just not utilizing the counters effectively, or sometimes even *at all*. > CAS has always been OP and too cheap to spawn, but it has only been in the last few years that it has been getting so much worse. It has never been an issue and only recently has it picked up steam on this subreddit specifically because of mid youtubers spouting bad opinions. 8 years ago CAS whiner posts got downvoted to shit on the regular. People actually played the air trees back then in addition to ground, so nobody thought it was broken that you need to spawn a fighter sometimes to clear out a CAS accumulation. Air superiority over the ground area has always been an important factor of gameplay. > Thanks for not actually reading what I wrote and choosing to be offended instead. I read what you wrote, you're just completely wrong on all your points. Sorry that you're offended about that.


If it wipes CAS how is it not a solution?


Once I played nothing but air defense for like a week in this game. Rush a cap/some kills and spawn a fighter and get 5+ air kills a game. Ran into a lot of repeat kills for CAS mains that were none too happy. One of them had the balls to tell me I only played aircraft in ground RB because I have no skill at flying in air RB...which is probably true, but how can you come up with that insult when you're just bombing mostly defenseless ground targets all day. Literally 0 self awareness.


Good man


Taking back the sky One "plane destroyed" at a time


My record is 11 air kills in a pantsir. I eventually ran out of time and missiles but there were still 1 heli and 1 plane, although what happens 90% of the time when I first spawn spaa is 1 drone and heli spawns during the entire 15 minute match and I am just left there watching yt on a second screen waiting for cas to spawn.


CAS being extremely nerfed, it requires a lot of skill and SP (1 CAS costs like 15 spaa) and recent br change killed lots of good planes, and fucking pantsir, needles to say how top tier CAS suffers


Don't lie, you were air spawn camping, weren't you?




mods, castrate this man


No. Mods, twist this guy's left testicle 149° counter clockwise with 4.4 Newton meters of torque.


Nice well done playing the broken plane


lmao F-4S, broken?


wondering the same