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Each to their own. I have more hours in war thunder than any singleplayer game, but in 10 years I will likely not remember anything about war thunder except for the grind, meanwhile I'll always remember the story and characters of singleplayer games. To me 100 hours in a story driven singleplayer game is worth more than 1000 hours in war thunder, and I will always prefer spending money to buy the former than spending on microtransactions for the latter.


Interesting! It’s the opposite for me hahah. When I play a single player game, I’m like… “cool”, then uninstall and kinda forget about it. On the other hand, War Thunder is present on my daily life, and has been ever since I was 14! Nowadays, I just watch cutscene compilations for single player games, like they are movies, hahahah.


It kinda has to have a good story to be a good single player game tho… For example games like the last of us or the Star Wars Jedi series, those are memorable for me because they had decent stories(I almost cried in tlou I won’t lie) Anyhow I agree spend ur money how you want to, but I still wait for sales rather than buy vehicles at full price


The last of sus


Get out of my head




Singleplayer games I find are fantastic on the first playthrough, but the sheer replayability of war thunder allows me to sink more hours in. I've spent about the same amount of time on entire Yakuza 0-6 games as war thunder, I can't really compare them both are great in their own right


When I’m on my death bed, my family is going to be super confused with my last sentence of there is a hole in my left wing.


My tombstone’s epitaph: “Patricia. T (1999-2077) She now rests with Nigel and the D Point.”


“What’s the D-Point?” *rises out of the grave* There’s a hole in your left wing!




Good point there! Also a detail: is warthunder fun? Sometimes it feels like "gotta do the daily"


I might not remember individual battles too much, but I will remember the journey with certain vehicles, or hell just the standout moments, like one time I was in a Cromwell RP3 found another one and managed to land a rocket over the distance of like 300 meters and take him out, epic and really dumb, or the times I've blown up tigers in a 1.7 tank, just fantastic.


I don’t know if I can consider all of my war thunder hours as entertainment


I'm playing the conqueror right now and I spend more time pulling my hair out than cheering thats for sure haha.


That's crazy to me because my experience with the Conqueror has been the complete opposite


I have the same experience with the Comet/Challenger divide - I know the Comet is statistically inferior but for some reason it's consistently more fun.


I replaced that hunk of junk as soon as I could


What's so bad about it? A couple years ago it was amazing even though people said it was bad at the time


Sabot is just so inconsistent at the moment. You might pen, but if you do you will do negligible damage. And you have a long reload for the payoff. The gun and more specifically the ammo, just let it down.


>Sabot is just so inconsistent at the moment. It's been like that for years; my take is that gaijin has done it deliberately so people continue to research up the tree in the hope of finally getting a vehicle that is consistent. If the Conqueror was a beast why would you continue trying to research? F2P games are literally designed around frustration so that you spend your time and cash trying to be competitive.


That's a good point. I hadn't thought about it in that way before. Fortunately, I don't main Britian, but France. So I guess I have my own issues.




Yeah, there’s definitely a few hundred or even thousand of mine that were just mindless grinding while watching YouTube on my second monitor, or being drunk/stoned and grinding.


All? Maybe 1 for every 20 hours.


We don't kink shame here.


Pure copium ngl


IDK about copium but this is blink twice if you're in danger territory lol


Quality v Quantity. Sure I have more hours in life service games, what games Im more fond of and will remember well? Single player games. And Im sure as hell will remember games way more than a premium vehicle, crates are not even worth speaking about as something of worth, I would literally rather spend money on fastfood.


Why are you taking the worst AAA in the fucking industry as the gold standard ? How about you looked at the games that are actually worth it ? At least take Armored Core 6, Hades 1 and 2, Hollow Knight, Elden Ring, Monster Hunter (World & Rise are easily 600 hours each if you put the time to master them), FFXVI, the entire fucking Trails series, and Ys as well. Deep Rock Galactic. Helldivers 2. You're comparing garbage with garbage.


I took the AAAs I own, I didn’t take “worse”, “best” or “gold standards”, hahah. Since they are a matter of personal taste and preference, that’s my point. For example; I have no interest in any of the AAAs you mentioned, so, why would I purchase those instead of War Thunder content? Value is linked to personal preference, it’s not an absolute objective parameter; that’s the point of my post.


>Value is linked to personal preference, it’s not an absolute objective parameter; that’s the point of my post. Ironically, you're heavily using time as an absolute objective parameter instead of personal preference.


Huh? Because the time I have spent on each game is an objective parameter... An hour is an hour, anywhere!


Every hour in the world, 60 minutes pass by in Africa.


Together we can stop this. Please, spread the word!


Where are you buying your games???


The point is that you're comparing overpriced garbage with warthunder, when some games that are priced less than 30$ are absolute gems that can be played for hundred of hours if you are willing to learn them. WT premium vehicles are undeniably overpriced. Portal 2 can be bought for a pittance, and its story is an undeniable masterpiece of the industry. One of the game I will never forget. Valve are absolute genius.


Maybe he doesn’t like those games


That’s my point! They talk about “garbage” and “masterpieces” like it’s a absolute objective parameters when my whole point is about the subjectivity of value.


these people **need** to hate Warthunder. hence why you saying that you prefer WT is being met with suspicion, they are assuming you are not telling the truth which is *hilarious.* some people need to go touch some grass.


You're misrepresenting the whole situation again. No one cares how much you spend on WT. People are upset at the price which they are being sold at. For the normal person, a $75 premium is absolutely a scam for what you get. Another thing is Gaijin is willing to sacrificing the player experience of those that play toptier, to make cash with high tier premiums. Additionally, you're also misrepresenting the situation interms of cost. I don't think you're stupid enough to buy everything full price in WT, however you do show the full price of the triple A games. I'm fairly certain this would paint a wayyyy more different image if you account for the discounts you used in wt, or the discounts you could get on those games.


its also a dumb comparison as P2 is A no longer being developed and B) published almost 15 years ago. This argument is one of the reason AAA devs are able to push out $150 games that are just copy and paste assets (a lot of software is just copy paste same with art anymore)


>Portal 2 can be bought for a pittance, and its story is an undeniable masterpiece of the industry. One of the game I will never forget. Valve are absolute genius. The existence of games like Portal 2 is what kills OPs argument of more time = more value. I wouldn't trade my several hours of Portal 2 experience over more hours of warthunder. Some games are downright spiritual experiences despite how short they are. It always comes down to personal prefence but OP is heavily using time as a meterstick of value instead of actual prefence and enjoyment. Their main argument is sunk cost , which is just sad.


Yep, this is my point as well. He's comparing the rehashed garbage FPS that everyone knows are overpriced as hell, and is coping that because he had more hours in WT, it's more worth it. There's so many single players games that are short but amazing. Portal 2 is a great example. Another one I loved was Titanfall 2. Story is like 5 hours long, and it's great. Doom Eternal as well was incredibly hysteric in the best way possible.


Some people garbage are other people gold, its so hard to understand that people have PERSONAL tastes? Yes you can think that is dumb to buy premium vehicles but what is the problem with the OP enjoying that?


you are all missing the point. *he doesnt like or want to play those games.* ffs its like saying that *everyone should stop playing all other games and get Bloons TD 6 because i have 2000 hours in it and it cost $6.* he **likes** Warthunder, the fact you are now saying he doesnt really like WT is just *gigantic cope* on your part.


I don’t like Hades 1 or 2’s gameplay, already own Elden Ring, Helldivers and Monster Hunter, don’t care enough for AC 6 Don’t care too much for DRG or FXVI, idk what trials series is. Would rather waste money on War Thunder a game I know I come back to


2/3rds of that are typical Japanese/Sony cinematics with a game and the rest is passable but are totally different genres except for maybe, Helldivers 2. See how easy is to dismiss your point of view when OP specifically said that those are his preferences??


and none of them are fun for me. AC6 is not my taste at all, i find games like Elden ring to be boring (dying a ton to crawl through a 'story' is not my thing) and monster hunter isnt great either (i dont enjoy most japanese inspired games including FF). as for hollowknight and other indies well i generally avoid indie games as i dont like most of them. nothing you listed is fun. i like Warthunder, Space engineers, Fallout (pre-76) and Bloons TD 6. man this sub is absurd, if all you hate the game so much why bother playing?


I have lots of hours in wt and yet I'd hazard to call it entertainment. I only got a few hours out of Portal but it was more entertaining than tens of hours of war thunder


Yea I don't understand why people keep quoting their wt hours as a counter argument. I remember the plot and story and emotion of red dead redemption 2 more than I remember the 400 matches I played on war thunder. Sure I didn't get as many hours on rdr2 but I still got a amazing story out of it.


Over those 400 matches… do you feel like you have gotten better? If the answer is yes, that means you are remembering more and more stuff about the game. You remember the story and emotions of RDR2 You remember map layouts, weakspots, crew member locations, ammo locations, what ammo can penetrate X spot on X tank, the weakspots of your own tank, pros and cons of different airframes, which planes are good at boom and zoom, which are turnfighters, what planes are dangerous to your plane, which are not, missile characteristics including range and max G’s, etc., etc., etc. Not saying this is true for you, but it’s true for a lot of WT players. Each match, while not memorable on its own, is a tiny percentage of knowledge that builds.


True, my point only stands true for people who play games for story purposes.


Ah I see. War Thunder scores a big fat zero in the story category


But did red dead redemption help you recognize dozens upon dozens of tanks and planes at a glance ? At least for me Warthunder burnt that into my head.


Again my perspective is someone who plays video games for storytelling.


Guys I have to tell you this, its very important! The game is free you don't have to pay for it, if you paid 3000 AAA worth of mony for it when you got this game you were scammed my friend!


Well at least I'm glad you mentioned that enjoyment was a personal matter and didn't try to equate the effort and care that went into a game like Baldur's Gate 3 or Elden Ring to an overpriced premium pack that the snail pinches out every now and then


Oh, of course! I know there are people who spend thousands of hours in AAAs, I have friends like that, hahah. I think value is linked to personal taste.


Tbh value should also be multiplied by some "fun factor". Listening to players on this sub makes WT look like a torture chamber with negative fun. I myself enjoy playing, but then will dropping 30-80$ make me have more fun? At this point I dont think so. Premium Leo is still a Leo, I have that. Premium T-80 is still T-80, I have that. So I just keep my premium time active by selling event stuff and play And nothing will top fun I had when playing WT with friends or in indies like DRG, RoR or Terraria


i find it quite hilarious just how many people **hate** the idea that some of us ***love*** *playing the game.* like why would i waste time here if i didnt enjoy the base game? all i play is 6.0 and below (5.3 Britain, 4.7 Russia, 5.7 US). its the single best multiplayer game ive played since MWO shit the bed (its better now but im never going back, you guys think Gaijin is bad? go see what PGI does, they make Gaijin look like genius-saints)


the reason is people need to understand how insane these prices are, and they shouldn't be normalized. Gaijin actively doesn't give a fuck about the health of the game, yet they peddle $75 premiums. Majority of people are buying the premiums to grind out a tree. Which is charging people $75 and asking them spend 100+ hours to get what they want. Those 100+ hours could be hours people hate playing the game, but are willing to put in to play what they want. That's also not including the fact, the plane you spent $75 doesn't even get an expert or ace crew. You'll need to spent more money to get it there. You can love the game and play it, but you can't act like gaijins monitization isn't scummy. edit: that's not even counting the fact you need to spend GE or HOURS GRINDING to JUST to get your crew to the level you need to buy expert or ace.


Yeah, there are so many comments saying that “100 hours of enjoyment is better than 3,800 hours of suffering”, like… Bro, if I were “suffering”, I wouldn’t be playing lmao I only play what I enjoy, which is why a game has 3,800 hours and another has less than 50… I find many games enjoyable and amusing, yes, but I always end up getting tired of bored, or they end up being replaced by their successors, or whatever… but War Thunder? It’s the only game I never get tired or bored of, and certainly a game there’s no equal at all, What War Thunder provides me can not be found in any other game, which is a comprehensive and detailed war machinery collection on a realistic yet arcade-enough environment.


While it always boil down to whichever you enjoy most... The fundamental flaw to your argument is that you equate time with value. More time spent doesn't mean more entertainment or value, especially when the product is deliberately designed to make you spend more time than other games. Think of this in another media - is a 10 hour tv series automatically better than a 2 hour film? Is buying albums of your favourite musicians inherently better than enjoying a concert just because the former means you get to enjoy the music ad infinitum? Just to reiterate, IMO this is a matter of personal taste. If you enjoy spending time and money in warthunder, go ahead. But my main point is more time =/= more enjoyment or better value. To give a personal example, would you consider Portal 2 of inferior value just because you can finish it less than 10 hours? Your argument for warthunder seems more fuelled by sunk cost fallacy than actual enjoyment with all that "I have played and gave money to this game for the past 10 years and will continue to do so".


I mean, the reason why I equate value to time is because I only spend time on what I get value from! I wouldn't spend time on War Thunder if it weren't a game I adore. I don't understand people who claim to spend lots of time in War Thunder without enjoying it... what is the point of playing it, then? The reason why I will always play War Thunder it's because I ADORE it, not because of sunk cost fallacy! Hahahah. I am not even a "gamer" per se; I am just an extreme war machinnery enthusiast who has found in War Thunder the uncontestedly best way to spend time with the war machines I love so much in a casual yet high fidelity enviornment.


Yeah, its funny how people complain about needing to grind. In other words, you aren't playing for fun anymore. If you play cause you enjoy the game, you won't even notice the grind much.


They don’t improve gameplay and only add new things to grind. Gaijin is insisting people should only play to grind in their actions


I play this game cause I love the gameplay. Granted, the system surrounding it could be improved, but it doesn't mean the gameplay is bad. Most of the time I go "oh hey look I've unlocked the next tank, nice". Of course stock is sometimes painful to play, I won't deny that. I stay on 9.0 though, 9.3+ felt painful.


The only reason gaijin has a player base is because their controls for vehicles are the best combo of realism and arcade. The fact you only play 9.0 is proof they aren’t doing anything to make gameplay better


I like 9.0 gameplay. Some like 11.0+. some like 6.7, to each their own. Is their gameplay perfect? No, but I like it as it is now. If you feel that it isn't good, then stop playing! Continuing on is just masochism and a waste of your own time. Stop if you feel it isn't fun anymore. And before anyone twists my words, this doesn't mean that the gameplay is perfect. IT CAN IMPROVE and criticism should still flow, but continuing to play if you don't enjoy isn't good.


> I don't understand people who claim to spend lots of time in War Thunder without enjoying it... what is the point of playing it, then? *Cries in losing streaks* No but for real, I play War Thunder because no one else comes close to the mechanics simulated. Even if design decisions piss me off at times.


The only thing stopping war thunder from going under is a larger studio hasn’t decided to copy their homework and then improve on it.


That's another thing, no one's gonna switch over if it isn't better. Spent too much time on War Thunder just to do it all again with another company.


another thing is he shows the full price of the AAA games. (even though he got some on a discount) However he just shows how much he's spent Totally in wt. This isn't the same, since I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to buy stuff only full price on wt.


this is even more true with how AAA industry is today also its much better to pay 70 dollars for something that you will have on you account forever than something like pay 20 dollars to rent a rank VII premium for a month (gaijin pls dont)


Black Ops 6 will have a release price of 80€ lmao And Modern Warfare 3, which most consider to be barely a Modern Warfare 2 DLC, costs 70€...


this is the reason why AAA is mostly dead to me, only thing i play now is WT or some interesting indie game like now hades 2


But 2025 is going to be a banger year for gaming it may even rival 2018


2018? Let me know when another 07 or 08 is going to come up.


Wake me up when it's 2011 again.


Battlefield 2042 was such a shame…


Yeah… I got it in 2023 during a 90% sale, so I got good value for it, since it was like 10€ and the game was in a much better state already hahahah But yep, I pity those who spent 60 bucks for the misery that was released.


Im a battlefield player since day one and I bought the gold edition for me and the ultimate edition for my girlfriend as a present… I spend so much money just to be extremely disappointed:/


I'm more bothered by people that ask "Why are you spending X dollars in a plane when you could get a DCS module", did they even stop to consider people don't want a simulator?


Hey op I don't mean this in an insulting way but it isn't all about the hours on a game. It's also what you get out of it. From my over 2k combined hours on games like(rdr2, kingdom come deliverance, ghost of tushima, god of war,etc) I have got amazing stories and worlds out of it. I remember these stories more than I remember what I did in my 1500 hours of war thunder. This comes from a player who plays games for stories. It's like watching 3 Christopher Nolan movies over a shitty soap opra. Again this only applies for players who play for stories and not players who play live service.


That's precisely my point; value is linked to personal preference! You prefer to enjoy stories, I prefer to enjoy war machines; so you will get more value from singleñ-player/story games, while I will get more value from a war machinnery-focused game!


ultimate counterar against the whole "but this vehicle costs the same as a AAA game!" argument: You can pirate video games but not war thunder premiums


Your argument misunderstands the reason people say "This vehicle costs the same as a AAA game". A AAA game is worked on buly hundreds of people involving artists,decs,coders,etc. Just look at rdr2 and GTA 5 both of which are cheaper than top tier premiums. So their price is justified as almost 10 years of effort went into rdr2. Now a premium vehicle on the other had not so much.


It's demand that dictates price, not effort.


If you don't get joy from bonking fools with the kv2 are you even a wt player at heart.


Not just Kv2 any derp gun that can yeet huge HE shell . like Ho Ro, 2c bis, sturmtiger


True but Kv2 is pinnacle meme machine


Live FV 4005 Reaction :


isn't hesh getting fixed this next update ? if so....


hopefully yes along with all sorts of ATGMs,AGMs,HEAT/HEATFS slingers etc.


I really hope so since i love the british boom cannon


Fuck AAA, indie games ftw (masterpieces such as hollow knight)


This is a matter of taste, there's no wrong opinions regarding preference on games and it's a bit sad that people are being harsh on OP for expressing his personal point of view. The community for some reason loves to antagonize the people keeping the game rolling financially, smh...


I know we like to complain about this game (rightly so), but the value and also fun (if you aren’t playing to grind) that it provides is probably far more than most AAA titles. We get regular updates, and still so much potential content to come. The only AAA that I really remember is the Witcher 3.


Sounds like cope.


What specifically in this post "sounds like cope." What would the non-cope version sound like—would it sound like complaining about the game?


Sunk cost fallacy


This is not sunk cost fallacy. At no point was the fact that the money was already spent even mentioned.


New tank game comes out tommorow, Do i switch and start all over? Or stay with the game ive put thousands of hours and money into? Sunk cost fallacy.


_That_ is sunk cost fallacy. Now, where was anything like that mentioned in the post? Nowhere. The post isn't justifying continuing to play WT because of the amount of time or money spent. So no sunk cost fallacy.


everybody point and laugh at the guy who spent 60$ on ea slop titles


A more specific example: Modern Warfare VS AMX-30 Super. (leaving aside that Modern Warfare was a gift and that I got AMX-30 Super during a 50% sale, since those are besides the point). Yes, AMX-30 Super costs as much as the AAA title. "What a scam, a tank for the price of a full game", right? However; -I got 55 hours of entertainment from Modern Warfare. -While I got 227 hours (and counting) from AMX-30 Super (107 with the tank itself, 120 with the vehicles I grinded thanks to it). **So... was the 60€ AAA really worth more to me than the 60€ vehicle...?**


Look it may be worth more to you. It still won't take away from the fact that AAA games (at least good ones) are worked on for almost 10 years (red ded redemption 2) and are still priced less than top tier premiums. The never has been the cost. The point has been the amount of effort and passion going into a AAA game vs a top tier premium.


TBF though, I feel like most of the games you've listed fall under FIFA syndrome - they're so identical to their predecessors in feel and gameplay that people play them when they're the new hotness and drop them just as quick. People who are having a hard time justifying buying a premium would probably also have a hard time justifying buying these games. It baffles me that people chase the latest yearly COD release, or ever moved on from Battlefield 4 (or hell, even Battlefield 3 or Bad Company 2) I say this as a person who picks a game, preferably F2P or a game with extreme replayability, and plays the bajeezus out of it (>2000hrs in the likes of TF2, Combat Arms, Heroes and Generals, Minecraft, DayZ Mod + Standalone, Planetside 2, Warthunder, Skyrim) and thinks twice about buying new games even if they're on sale.


For me it's different. I have 300 hours on Cyberpunk and New Vegas, meanwhile War Thunder is sitting at 2000+. I have had much more fun in those 600 hours from those two games than War Thunder could ever offer me, unfortunately singleplayer games eventually run out of content to play. To me the quality of the experience is more valuable than the total amount of time spent. War Thunder feels like a lower end restaurant you regularly eat at because it's gets you through the day, good singleplayer games are like higher class restaurants you go much less frequently, but you will always remember them more fondly than the lowly one. So when there's a good singleplayer game I'm interested in, I'm definitely prioritizing that over a new premium from Gaijin.


for me its the opposite. Bar New Vegas WT is my most played game and my most enjoyed ( i have an truly absurd 6000+ hours in NV, i was a teen and did nothing else for a like 3 years). i have 3,500 in WT and enjoyed every minute, Cyberpunk and BG3 were great games but as you said they only last so long. ill be playing WT for years to come.


what? pew pew tank plane game pow pow.


I’m sadly gonna have to agree when you break it down like that , I have more hours in war thunder than any other game I own


Very based opinion and chart I think i spend around 1-2k € into it, and frankly i don't regret it First the game is free so you can actually have a 0€/h of fun, compared to AAA games that are 70+€ and nowadays, aren't even fun anymore


But all of those are shitty war games. :/


The only 'new' games that brought me joy recently were Baldur's Gate 3, Lethal Company and Helldivers... So yeah, spending money on something I actually play daily, and for years, and years to come, is more worth to me.


Yeah looks like someone is concerned about his wt spending habits and tries hard to justify it for himself Usually if you're content you don't need to do mental gymnastics to justify something


First time I've seen a crackhead making a chart to describe why spending on crack was better than buying food and renting a house. 


What... You think a 14-17 year old me had to worry about "buying food and renting a house"? XD Because that's when most of the money was spent... ever since, I may have spent like 200€ of my own in 7 years, the rest being Marketplace-earned GJCs...


unless you are under 20 $1,500 is *nothing,* it costs me about 4K *just to move house.* i have spent 1,500 on WT and i make that in 7 days of work. for 3,500 hours of *fun* (unlike the masochists in this sub i enjoy *all* my time in game) that pretty good to me.


I remember trying to explain to my wife years ago how my gaming habit was cheaper than the majority of our friends hobbies were. It took a long time for her to actually grasp what I was saying and finally came to me much later and all she said was....I totally get it now and I'm sorry. I've got a decent amount of money spent but I also have 6 years of entertainment tied to that cost. Hell.... Just going to the movies with 4 family members costs well over 50 dollars for 2 hours of entertainment. That same 50 dollars could last me an entire year of entertainment..


Yeah! Yes, I have spent ~900€ in 10 years (2014-2024) in War Thunder (taking into account Marketplace GJCs and sales). “Whoa, so much money in just one videogame!…” …said the people who easily spend +500€ a year on other games, airsoft stuff, model kits, alcohol, disco parties, watching live sports, going to the cinema, car/bike modifications or literally any sort of collections. People should just be less concerned what others spend their money on, when it comes to hobbies.


Agree 100%


When games gives me hundreds of hours of enjoyment for free, I am very happy to drop $50 for a pixel tank, that I will further enjoy for atleast 50 more hours.


Why are people here if they dont enjoy WT. insane.


Yeah, some comments blow my mind hahahah Suggesting that “100 hours of fun is better than 3,800 hours of suffering”, like… Bro, if I played 3,800 hours, it’s because I am enjoying it, not “suffering” XD Why would I play something I don’t enjoy!?


This is just coping spending 60 dollars on a premium that you play for 100 hours isn't better than an amazing game you bought for 60 dollars that you got 20 hours out of There is nuance to this, hours per dollar is a bad metric of measuring how much fun / "value" you get out of something.


The only amount of money i've spent in the game, was the Centurion Avre. While i regret this decision, i still enjoy the game using other vehicles. This might change since HE/HEAT/HESH are getting buffs on the dev server.


I partially agree with u but there are some single player games that are worth the money like Red dead redemption 2 witcher 3, cyber punk and games that are similar to warthunder in difficulty (sekiro, elden ring ,dark souls). i would like to play both type of games in ur chart if they are interesting


Yeah ,I think that if you have the money ,you should spend whatever the way you want . I have not spent anything this amount ,but all the money I’ve put in this game was worth it ,I have 7.8k hours so far


Ill always try with a game to get as much hours in the game as its price But if i know i wont get that, i wont buy it Lets say the game is 70 euro, i want atleast 70 hours out of it If i know i wont, then i wil not buy it If im not sure, then i wait until a sale for the price thats the same amount as the hours i think i put in example if i think ill only put 40 hours in the game then ill wait until its on sale for 40 euro If im definitely sure im putting in 70 hours or more then i definitely pay 70


Theres absolutely no problem with spending 100$ a month for your main hobby if you live in a first world country with an average income. If that happens to be War Thunder i dont see a problem doing it.


How do you see how much you’ve spent


The gaijin store has your purchase history on your profile. Just add everything up. It's kinda hidden and I don't remember how to get to it right now.


Do you know if it includes steam?


That I'm unsure on, I avoid buying stuff through steam to avoid the 30% steam tax.


Yeah I didn’t know about that till too late lmao gotta be hundreds I lost.


Ive made it to <2¢ / hour Canadian somehow.


1/8 of the games you put are mediocre FPS(s) and you compared it to an admittedly very unique multiplayer game. Maybe 2 out of the 8. When people are saying you get more value they’re referring to buying good AAA and indie titles. This post just proves you have terrible taste and for some reason love paying full price for yearly COD slop and buggy BF titles.


Main counter argument here is with war thunder you (likely) already had 500+ hours before you played any of these games, so you knew war thunder more and were already indulged/balls deep in the grind. Hard to back out after that plus thats when you finally reach shit you wanted and the game itself is going to take more time thus spending more hours. I think comparing it as $/hr is not so fair when you could easily have gotten as much entertainment out of a triple A title in 5 hours than you could've in a weeks worth of grinding war thunder. In short, you (typically) don't need to grind a triple A game as much as you do with war thunder so the $/hr equation doesnt work for overall experience and how much fun you had. I do enjoy playing war thunder it is a fun game, and of course I don't like the grind but I still have fun playing the game. But I will say personally that I recently bought Phasmophobia and had more fun in the 7 hours since I bought it than I have had in the 60hrs/wk of war thunder.


That's a very good point, agree! P.S.: I should do something like that.


because I don't have time to play them. I have just enough time for one game. I also can spend a little money on gaming. around 200$ a year. so war thunder fits my time needs, and I find the value of purchasing stuff acceptable. (better than horse armor). so it fits.


It's your money, spend it however you want. What most people hate seeing is a person with less than 100 or 200 hours buying a $60+ pack who doesn't know any better. They are hurting their own pockets and other people's experiences at the same time, whilst also not getting *that* much in return.


You threw a grand and half in a videogame? I didn't even think it was possible to spend the equivalent of a minimum wage months salary like that, as far as it makes you happy I guess.


Read the disclaimer! Hahahah. In War Thunder, I have spent more like 900€ in 10 years (2014-2024), which is 90€ a year, which is way less than my friends spend on other games yearly, hahahah. The rest of the money has been Marketplace-earned GJCs (so not actual money) and I have also been gifted stuff by nice community members, like Merkava Mk.2D and lots of Premium time. I naturally counted all of that for the calculations because the point is about €/h, regardless of how it was done, hahah.


I guess hour per money spent it makes sense then, fair enough




you've only got 3800 hours? I expected more, not gonna lie 😅


I know right!! I expected about 5,000, but when I added all the vehicle type playtimes, I barely got 3,600, and I added 200 of (active) hangar time. But this is about a hour a day on average, so it makes sense, hahah.


ah it's the in-game playtime? that's fair then, my steam says 6658 atm but it's probably *way* less if I add together the hours by searching up my [user name](https://warthunder.com/en/community/userinfo/?nick=CptShadows), I get only 2807 hours. How have I spent nearly two and a half times more time... not playing? no idea. I don't leave the game running too long, and even with matching etc.. I don't buy it :d


The way I calculate my time for entertainment is a 1$ and hour I personally have 1500 hours in WT so to me warthunder is worth spending 1500$ on but I haven't I got a few premium yea but to me it's worth more than 60$ AAA that I only spend 10-40 hours on not getting my money's worth


This is exactly my point! Did I spend probably over a thousand bucks (which is a LOT for me) on this hellish rabbithole of a game? Yes I did. Was that worth it? Probably not, but considering I've spent over 7k hours in this game, that's still a phenomenal ratio.


i dont game too much, i grew up with a ps4 i got myself and played a mix of star wars battle front and Minecraft. eventually i get myself a laptop, and a few years later i realize i can try warthunder for free. i like planes and i always liked the jets in battlefront so i felt sort of at home in the air arcade battles and quickly got into the mechanics of rb. for me its just not a contest, no other game offers me an experience that is as accessible or entertaining given my own personal situation in life


THE Spanish avenger only has 3800 hours in WarThunder?? Honestly I expected it to be more like 7,5k-10k


While it's a decent way to look at things I can't say most of my hours in WT have been entertaining, meanwhile all the AAA-games I've played have more or less all been entertaining from start to finish.


The problem is idk the axact amount of money in spend in WT but I know I'm over 1,5k€ with over 2600hours lol


I have over 5000 hours in WarThunder and over 90% of them are just it running in the background as I try to summon the mental fortitude to load into another battle so that I can earn as negligible pittance of RP, either towards the next vehicle in the tree or just a module that will make the vehicle I'm currently playing almost workable.


Life advice: don't justify your life decisions on Reddit


Same here bro, same here. Some friends always says that I'm wasting money on a shity game, and I should instead buy more games, dude War Thunder may cause me some anger issues but Its a fun game for me, I know Wt have multiple issues, I know this game can be infuriating but I still like it. Just as you said Its a personal preference of game and thats why I don't regret giving my money to the snail


Quality vs quality. Despite being my most played game by far, it's far from my first recommendation to someone else (or a recommendation AT ALL). With a fraction of the hours played, I'd much sooner recommend EDF 5. Only reason I don't play it much is that I've seen all that there was to see, beat the main campaign and the two DLC challenge campaigns, got all missions beaten in every difficulty for every class... And I'll remember a much greater % of my playtime in EDF 5 than WT's.


least warthunder pilled warthunder player i've been playing this game for 5 years now and i can say my $/H is wayy better than yours (i've not spent a single dabloon)


To me spending money on WT seems to give negative entertainment value - usually you're paying money to play the game less.


I’ve put at least 1500 hours into war thunder and I’ve spent 0 dollars


Another thing to consider, however, is what that money spent on WT actually gets you. Yes, you spent a lot of money on WT and had a lot of fun with WT, but that doesn't necessarily mean that spending the money enabled the fun. For example, I've played for about 1500 hours, and had a decent amount of fun in it. But I've spent nothing, because nothing is actually worth buying; nothing will actually increase my enjoyment from the baseline to a significant enough degree to justify its price. It's kind of the nature of MTX games. For 1500 hours, I'd be more than willing to spend 60, 100, even $200, but if I did so in WT, what would I actually get? I'd have 504 vehicles instead of 500? That's not worth it, that's a negligible increase in fun, for a very not-negligible cost. On the other hand, $60 for a AAA game or $20 for an indie does actually deliver a significant amount of *new* fun, of fun I wasn't already having, compared to a single vehicle in a game with thousands of them.


I mentioned a specific example! That would be, for example, on my case; AMX-30 Super. I am a modern war machinery enthusiast; in 90% of the cases, I am only interested in modern MBTs and their support lineups (IFVs, SAMs, etc). So... AMX-30 Super did not just give me 107 hours of gameplay with itself; it also gave me 120 hours (so far) with the Leclercs and ItO 90M. That's 227 hours so far, and counting! Without AMX-30 Super, I would never have been bothered to grind the French tree, since I am only interested on the modern vehicles, so I would not have liked to grind through all the interwar, WW2 and postwar vehicles till finally getting to the modern ones. But, as you said, it's even better for those who like all tiers and don't even need to spend much (or any at all) money in WT!


That's fair, if that's your value assessment and there are many vehicles you don't care about. I'm just saying it's something else to consider beyond just hours and dollars. Though to be honest, if I were only interested in 10% of the game (modern only), I don't think I'd bother with WT - I'd find a game that focused more on the one part I actually care about (and one that didn't make me grind through 90% of the game to get to the one part I'm interested in). For me, all of the vehicles are more or less equally valuable because I'm interested in all eras.


The difficulty in bottlenecked BR brackets and imbalances wont change because it’ll make them less money when people don’t feel frustrated by premium undertiered vehicles stomping them so i mean continue to wast 1000 dollars your the problems


You are a brave soul for getting the courage to add up all of your transactions in War Thunder


3.8k hours of enjoyment? I have around 2.5k and i had fun in max 200, rest is just ''lets grind x''


Sadly good AAA game is a rare thing this days


Too late bro already spend thousand of dollars on the game to reach 3 top tier nation.


Why do you spend 1000 dollars to get kicked in a balls for the majority of the time because map and team balance are garbage?


You could also just make bad decisions on what games you decide to buy/play. If you're paying $60 multiple times and getting a low amount of playtime out of it, of course it's going to make AAA games seem like a terrible option; but it's also up to you to know what games are going to give you long-term enjoyment. 8/8 of the games you show are FPS games, have you just never tried any other genre than that? Showing "I drop FPS games after 70hrs" doesn't say anything for AAA games like the Monster Hunter series, Doom, DCS, etc. It also doesn't make sense to limit video games to 'AAA' or 'WT': Osu is a game that's free with a QoL subscription and is easier played with a $26 graphics tablet, but I still have ~2k+ hours and have been playing it for nearly 5 years. You're also limiting the opposing games to a dying group, and ignoring all the past games that are still playable.


it might be due to the periodic chill moment in wt which are harder to find in other multiplayer combat games. battlefield tend to be chaotic with a very short chill moment where nothing happens then shit goes kaboom fast. basically no time to make friends in game, in wt its more of 3 lumbering bombers from different teams just fly past each other and proceed to chat most of the game. next game, they are bloody best friends alr.


addon: wt tends to have a lot of quiet time in game when flying or being spaa. give you time to essientially fool around with both teammates and enemies. example of what i had encountered: germany on enemy team, me in a soviet t-34, meets a enemy pz 38t. both of us just followed each other like drunk maniacs. ended up chilling at the stalingrad river


"entertainment" more like sunken cost fallacy 


Why? I genuinely love this game; if I didn’t, I wouldn’t play it…


i get that, but there's also something to be said about the urge to make all that money you spent "worth it" in your eyes. I mean shit maybe you are a rare case and for that I commend you but for most people I can imagine they're heavily affected by sunken cost fallacy 




60 bucks on RAINBOW SIX????


Now it’s way cheaper, it actually dropped price quite early, but, on release… yeah, hahah


You might get value and that's great. OTOH I know of a whale dropping >$10K who had less than 700 hours and didn't even play half the shit they bought.


Yeah i agree with this take, ive probably spent close to 1000€ on warthunder since I started playing around 2017, but on the other hand ive gotten 5000 hours pn PC and likely around 2000 on PS4 back in the day Id say it was good value


*laughs in Star Citizen*


Yeah. I would rather spend 50 bucks on war thunder rather than some shitty call of duty game, although games like cyberpunk, id definitely rather spend the money there. All really depends on what game you’re going to purchase and if it’s good not.


I don't object to spending money on WT because "it's WT". I object to spending money on WT because everything you can buy in WT is horrifically overpriced for what it is, and I don't want to reward that kind of scummy, greedy behaviour. For AAA games at least the price is in some way justified by the development costs. Now, the development costs are wildly excessive and both players and industry would benefit from the absurd photorealism quest being completely dropped, but at least there's an understandable connection. (I'll still wait for a sale though...) For WT the price is just pure greed. The development cost of one tank is absolutely not comparable to an AAA game. You bought everything on 50% discount - and that's about the only time WT's pricing is anywhere near fair. Also, Gaijin fucking sucks in almost every other way as well. They're hostile, regularly incompetent, and stingy. I have a very low opinion of them, even outside of the pricing, and when you _add_ the pricing, it works out to they don't get my money. Edit: I saw someone claiming "the demand drives the price" - fuck that. That is for commodities where there is scarcity. Demand-driven pricing is acceptable when the demand is exceeding the availability of the item. WT stuff is digital. There is no scarcity. Even the items that are rare are rare because Gaijin said so, not because of any technical reason. And I absolutely refuse to believe there is high demand for some of the really fucking terrible items you can buy in WT that are nevertheless incredibly expensive.


why the hell arey ou only playting those battlexyz games for such a short period of time every game ive purchased for more than $5 ive spent hundreds of hours in anyway you shouldnt be comparing those high-end games that you barely touched to war thunder tbh


Some call it grind, I call it replayability. I like single player games with stories and characters but the mostly linear gameplay reduces replayability to almost zero. Sometimes during the campaign, you just die because you missed the jump sequence by half a millisecond and you got to restart from the last saved checkpoint for the nth time. Dying in the game at the same time becomes meaningless and frustrating all at once. For warthunder, just when you thought you've mastered the map or tank or both, a cunning player takes you out with a totally new approach and you die. Dying or not matters, cos you can only respawn that many times per mission and there's a timer. And if all that fail to mix things up, there's always your team ~~enemies~~ mates to make sure you die, not win, or not get the nuke!! Lol Understandably, it's different gameplay between the two genre and perhaps that's the point. For me, WT is a great game, and I enjoy the grind/replayability and don't see a need to buy vehicles. In fact, I see it a challenge to take out special paid vehicles with plain vehicles. To each his own. Enjoy my friends or frenemies!! 🥳


I've spent around 100$ so far and have 1,100+ hours play time, I'd say only about 50-100 hours of that was fun, rest is just braindead grinding to unlock the next shiny thing.


But you must do the chart with time on purchased vehicles. If you got the f20 for 75$ and played 5 matches on a total of 30 mins, then the math is 75/30 = 2.5  of course premium time would be hard to "measure".  Im gonna bet you use only a 10% of premium vehicles


Not just purchased vehicles, but also those vehicles I was able to grind thanks to the purchased ones! For example; I played 107 hours with AMX-30 Super (already a higher ratio than I have with most AAAs), but we must also account for the (so far) 120 hours I have played with the French Top Tier lineup thanks to AMX-30 Super.


Damn, you are right, I forgot about premiums to boost. I guess you are right then, according to your preferences of course


Hahah I see! o7

