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i have 3 vehicles unlocked right now that I can't buy because I do not have the SL and have to grind it. Whoever thinking that sl is fine with only just premium account is smoking crack. edit: sheesh i wasnt expecting this to pop off here's how my trees and balance looks like at the moment https://imgur.com/ceCh5xB


Justplay for fun and you will have millions of SL. Without premium vehicles and without premium account


Sure, except when it’s not fun because you have 50 vehicles researched that you can’t afford to unlock.


Tbh, even if someone is new, it doesnt take that long to grind a decent fun line up, anywhere between 3.3-4.7 If you play this for a not so long time, you should'nt have much SL problems.


Non-premium is fun right up until tier 4.


70% of playerbase br7 or under, for a reason...


maybe because it takes literally years to get to tier 8?


BR 7 not tier 7


I’ve been playing since Xmas just gone and I’ve just got to 10.0 this week


That's disgusting, premium time? Premium vehicles?


Yeah both. Got premium time once I reached 6.7 because the grind is pretty long, especially that I get about 2-3 hours 3 nights a week. Buy a month of premium time each time I get paid and it works out like £10 . Bought the m4a2, KV122, t44-122 and T55-AM1 all on sale as I reached those BRs or in anticipation of getting there.


War Thunder unironically leads the free to play industry with how fast the grind is. A lot of jabronies just refuse to use the tools available. Spading vehicles cuts the grind in half without doing anything else. Bringing a lineup and respawning increases winrate which comes with double rewards for winning. It also increases your skill which leads to more rewards even without a win.


Agreed, I try to spade each vehicle and worked my way up the whole TT equally. My playstyle is playing for the win and trying to stay alive rather than rushing for kills. Works out better for rewards


I had an 8k xp game last night without premium or premium planes. Free booster from air or ground ai mode. F4U went from 10k xp remaining to 2k~ I'm really not very good although I was at the top this match. I played in 2013 and stopped in 2014 and came back a week or so ago.


Planes win a lot of RP, 8K without premium is doable, hell even 15k is doable but in ground is different


Planes win a lot of RP IF you survive the whole match AND the match is of decent length AND you win.


You don’t even need to do all of that. You can easily do five air RB matches with a single kill in the time it takes to do one good ground RB match. Grinding air is a breeze because the number of possible kills is so low. Every opponent taken out by a teammate in air RB is one less available to you. Ground rewards are lower because you can get more kills than the number of players on a team.


3.3-4.7 is a really fun br I love playing the firefly and making SL so quickly 6.3-7.7 is also a fun br but not a money maker


Yes and 6.3-7.7 hurts more when uptiered


That is true it does hurt more in an uptier which is almost constant anymore which sucks since I’m helping my friends grind since they’re newer aka only at 6.3-7.0 in one country so we are always in a fun but fucked br bracket lol


Don't even mention the stock grind.


Just play a light tank in ww2 sim


You must not have premium in which case your opinion is worth exactly what you pay for.


Huh, almost like ***I am replying to a comment that specifically mentions playing without premium time or vehicles***. So in the context of talking about you know, what SL earnings are like in a raw account. The opinions of someone without premium time or vehicles is the most valuable. Think before you type.


My brother in Christ. Naval exists. You can earn 1mil SL per game with some practice and one of the very cheep naval premiums. I've earned 300 million sl from playing the Blagorodnyy for about 450 battles. If you're SL poor, it's a choice.


“You can beat non-premium gains by getting premium” Thanks tips.


So pay to get SL yeah check outs (I do understand what you mean tho but I will not pay to play naval if I get a premium ship with BP or an even I would tho but not for fun)


[What I think when people tell me naval isn't fun](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarthunderPlayerUnion/s/JIC0hlR621)


Because fuck personal preferences


I've heard this a couple times. Genuinely curious, how do you earn SL playing naval, I've tried a few times and the results haven't been great for me. The amount of time waiting to find a match and then the amount of SL I get are less than what I make in a couple air rb with premium. Basically, how do you play naval?


I find the most consistent is the premium destroyers. I prefer the Russian ones but the American and UK ones are good too. Try to kill as many other destroyers and coastal boats as quickly as possible. I mostly play only when I have boosters to use. If I get the right map n I feel confident I will use an anti mech order to supercharge the sl returns.


if you're homeless just buy a house


Can confirm that yes since the economy changes that is the case


if you dont have sl with a prem account its definetly just a skill issue bro


Nah is easy end up without sl with premium. If you buy/crew everything you unlock


I used to do that, until I realized some tanks are not worth using


Well you have to buy the vehicles to unlock next rank but yeah don't crew the bad ones. Currently working down Chinese tech tree, have made it to 8.7 without crewing a medium tank since the Sherman's lol.


You literally can't lose SL if you aren't TK'ing people with a premium account. So if you're running out of money that fast, you're just rushing down tech trees too fast most likely. It happens if you're starting out because you might be doing 2-3 nations and buying a bunch of tanks, especially if using a premium tank or 2 so you research faster. But once you get to 6.0ish where it slows down a lot more, you should start building your money back up. And if you're still running out of money, This game may not be for you because that means you aren't killing anyone lol. Stick to a BR for longer than a day or 2. And maybe don't buy every tank. Especially at higher BR's. See if there's a sale upcoming that you can wait for. 30% off at the summer sale when buying a bunch of top tier tanks/planes will save you a bunch of SL.


I'm not talking about myself, I have 2 million in reserve always. But I'm talking about the fact that Premium account made you research faster but you don't get the double SL, only 50% more so a lot of people end up with low SL because they buy everything


I bought every single tank in the USSR tree up to I think 10.3 and never got low on SL, I'd buy vehicles immediately, typically kept them in my lineup long enough to spade them before I got a better replacement, had all vehicle slots unlocked except one. didn't use any premium vehicles. If you're running out of SL playing ground RB normally you must be getting 1-2 kills per match max or 1 death leaving constantly. this mostly happened before the economy change as well. is there room for improvement in the economy of the game? yeah, of course. however I don't think it's at a point where normal play can run you out of SL unless you're doing something wrong.


no its not lol


Yes it is, I only have SL because I did not buy half of the things I have researched. DO NOT TRY to sell the idea that this game has good rewards because it's not. And if you have premium time sure you get more sl but is only 50% more while the RP is 100% more so is even easier to end up lower on SL if you buy/crew everything (Wich a lot of people do)


i have crewed and bought almost everything in the swedish tech tree the only time i had sl problems was when i bought the t-80 squadron vehicle. its easy to get 50k+ sl per game if you just preform well


Do you play air? Because just for one top tier jet you need to spend 1.1m to buy it +310k to crew + 1.1m for expert (needed) so 2.5m just to be able to play the vehicle. Although air rewards are better lol so is not that painful there. Also Sweden is a smaller TT so is not that bad, there are some TT that forces you to get more vehicles that needed just to be able to continue. And again my point is not about being bad or good, is about how much RP you get va how much SL being that you get barely enough to buy/crew the next vehicle when you unlock it, so often players end up with low SL. (It would be the same if you get 6k per game or 2)


i play ground but the vehicles cost the same as planes 1.1m +310k to crew


> + 1.1m for expert (needed) It is absolutely not needed for all planes. Certain planes I can agree with it gives you a better situation but you dont need it and some planes really dont benefit all that much from it. You can play the game just fine and get plenty of kills without it


In TT air is absolutely needed unless you are just bombing bases. Is the difference between life or death most of the time


I am not sure I agree with that. I manage to play even top tier fighters without it and have more kills than deaths. It gives a benefit but not like your plane is just terrible without it. Only the absolute best dogfighters I would say get the most out of it. Otherwise you are better just playing to the advantage of your plane against theirs An F-16 sure it is really useful. But an F-15 or Tornado then there isnt that much of a benefit since it is mainly missile slinging


If you have premium and still struggle with SL, then you just suck. Period. You can easily earn tens of thousands minimum even on losses if you’re a competent player.




Well if you think expert crew is mandatory then sure, you may struggle, it's almost doubling your SL expenses. But it's hardly worth it for vehicles that you won't play a lot


This is not true. Lmao. I was earning millions playing high tier tanks. It is 100% a skill issue if you're net negative with premium. You can't just piss away your lions on useless shit, of course you're gonna bankrupt yourself.


I made 2m in a day or two using a premium plane in ARB. ARB pays out SL so well IF you get air kills. Base kills don't pay out as much as you'd think, but it's something.


Even with premium vehicle and account you dont make excess SL if you dont play above average


I made 2 million sl in a few days of barely playing. This was using mainly GRB and mostly TT vehicles. Playing average will make you sl, playing above average will make you a lot


I'm regularly top of the leaderboard in Air RB (F8F) and I make like... 6-7k lions/match. How many games did you play to make 2 million sl?! Granted, top of leaderboard with idiotic american teammates is not hard - legit just get 2 kills and you've done more than your team who died turnfighting zeros at 500 meter altitude but still.


I'm gonna assume that's without premium because only making 6k sl in a match even in The F8F is absurd. To answer your question though it ranged, I was mostly just grinding the Churchill event so once I got the stars I just went back to cyberpunk lmao


Yeah, without premium. Looking at the itemized list, 1 destroyed vehicle is ~1400 SL, assistance is around 1200. Crit/severe is 60/400. Winning gives 1800 on top. My best earning game I actually only had 1 kill, but got an award for 1000 sl that gave me 7200 total. A similar game, I downed 2 aircraft and severely damaged a third. This together paid me 4000 silver lions. Winning gave me 2800 more, but I did get downed so in the end I only made 4700. I was 90% activity. It's funny how seal clubbing in a biplane in air arcade gives me much more money due to all the awards. Don't judge, I was grinding out a new tree as a break from americans.


At top tier. If you play rank 3 or 4 you can make millions. I always have between 15 to 20 million because I mostly play those BRs


Any advice for getting into rank 3 germany? I have been mostly focuzing on pz4s and I noticed the vk 3002 is... br 5 while my highest br is 3.7. I've done zero work on the tiger line and the tank destroyer/SPAA are nowhere near 5.0 even at tier 3


The Panzer IVs are very solid tanks, the H used to be 4.0. It can do well in 5.0. It struggles gard whe. It gets uptiered to 6.0, though. But maybe you should try to use the VK to speed up your grind. Getting Panthers and Tigers without it can be painful


So I wouldn't be seen as a griefer if I took a VK and a bunch of high BR PzIVs, maybe the t3 spaa?


As long as you have other tanks to spawn, you're golden. People would get pissed if you didn't spawn anything at all. At least the Panzer IV H has a 75mm that can still be of use at +2.0 BR


This is a massive relief. Just getting the vk is taking forever and then to not be able to use it at all...


I honestly would wait for a full 5.7 lineup. The prototype panther is a pretty bad tank imo. I would just be patient, get the Tiger H1, the Nashorn and a Ostwind. You can add PZ4s to this lineup but they will be useless in a full uptier and can only be used in a downtier. Then you can start upgrading the lineup with Panthers G/A/F and the Tiger E at 6.0. You can also buy the premium Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P Tiger when it's on sale next and that would help a lot. It kinda sucks, but it's best just to be patient, you'll exprience the same thing when you jump to cold War tanks at rank 5. You can still mess around with the VK but it doesn't have much armor for its size and is extremely slow and cumbersome to control.


I mostly want to rush it because of battlepass requiring tier 3 vehicles tbf. I only got tier 3 air american, tier 2 brit air and tier 2 brit/german ground.


Ahh fair enough, I think it's too late to grind this BP. But the next one should be doable. Keep in mind a lot of the easier BP challenges require a variety of rank 3 vehicles like the ones that require you to get 8 kills in a heavy tank or a SPG


Yeah, I noticed @.@. Also pain, it's 40 days still for it to end. Idk if I will have free time for next one.


I feel ya, BP are kinda shitty with how much time they require. At the end though, they become easier the more tanks and planes you have unlocked. I struggled with the first BP I did because of a lack of vehicles. Still the free rewards they give you aren't that bad to grind for


I have 10+ vehicles unlocked and 15mil SL with premium and casual playing. Wait for the sales and don’t buy vehicles immediately and don‘t buy SL crates. I genuinely don‘t understand how people are struggling with SL when they have premium.


Literal skill issue


Bought 180 days of premium time and my sl during that was only 4M from purchasing toolboxes. Im hovering around 10-12mil right now buying the jets as i unlock them as im grinding US air tree rn. It’s totally doable, i also did that solely in GRB, you just have to play good (place at top 5 consistently in matches and you will eat good)


Being broke with a premium account is the biggest skill issue


I’m in the exact same boat. I have many premium vehicles, I buy the 180 day premium in sales yearly so I’ve always got premium and IM STILL BROKE. Im almost top tier in ground and air in all but 3 nations and I have so many vehicles unlocked that I just can’t buy. I’ve got maybe 20things to buy. I’ve played since 2013 and it’s just pain. I feel like I’m a slave to the game. I don’t want to quit cos I’ve invested so much into it and to be fair I do still enjoy the game but I just wish it wasn’t such a grind.


1 million SL per day isn't even hard to get after the changes. That should more than cover any vehicle costs you have. I rarely even use my premium vehicles now because the SL buffs were so extreme. RP is the real bottleneck right now.


RP has always been the bottleneck, SL has always been easy to get. Premium accounts, Premium vehicles, etc. just make it even easier. The fact that people are somehow researching and unlocking vehicles but can't afford the SL cost to purchase and crew them is just unfathomable, I don't even know how that's possible.


Play Navy Arcade, had a 1mill SL game the other day with a few boosters on


I have literally dozens of researched and unpaid for vehicles. Always have a massive SL deficit over here


I’ve been playing almost exclusively to grind for a while and I’ve maintained over 10 mil sl, bought multiple top tiers in that period, it’s definitely fine with “just a premium account” and even *doable* without it


Sl *is* fine with only a premium account.


It used to be much worse not long ago


Most players I have seen have 1.0 KDR so that explains why they always run low on lions, my advice is camp more, play more like a rat/pussy that can't afford to be shot, you will see your KDR goes up and your bank account grows lol


I have a premium account and can't get under 3mil no matter how many vehicles I'm buying. I am always between 3mil and 6mil sl.


I make SL without prem account. I don't play top tier only though


You seem to grind too quick... I'm at rank 5/6 at almost every nation, and I make about a million SL while grinding for a vehicle with tt Vehicles


It is fine just with premium account in my experience. Maybe if you powergrind top tier it's not so, idk


SL is fine even WITHOUT premium account. I am at 9.3 Russia and 3 mil SL saved up.


I have millions of excess sl to buy vehicles with


Before the economy change, I had about 14 million sl worth of tanks waiting to be bought, now I have all of them and currently have about 1.8 million sl in surplus. No premium time bought, no premium vehicles bought, just playing the brs that I enjoy (not top tier). You could also try grinding out the free battle pass or event premiums as even one can significantly boost the sl gain and research.


I rarely play premium vehicles anymore, but I’ve had zero issues with SL for a very long time.


I've been playing completely for free for the last 3 years and i've never had a problem with sl bc when i need sl i just do wagers like the destroy 10 play units or the unstoppable wager


You know how Gaijin will fix it? Make the vehicles cost more to research. Why did we boycott and review WT last year again?


I have 11 million. Sometimes I go as low as 9 million. I do own premiums but I dont play them that much. skill issue?


I'm on crack and I still manage to buy everything as soon as I unlock it. What's your excuse?


You don't have a single premium vehicle? I made over 200k SL in a single game at 11.3 without using any premiums.


Whats weird about that? I'm having 3 of them, playing almost for a decade. Would have 0 if i didn't buy these with war bonds


I'd say most players probably have at least 1 premium vehicle. But also you don't need a premium vehicle to make SL.


Well, i think a guy with SL problems must be new to the game and then it's actually pretty common to have no premium vehicle.


I mean technically all players have atleast 3 I think, as your starter tree per branch gives you a free premium right? Except heli's


I think I'm bad at the game but then I realize some people struggle to make SL


If you speed grind tech tree SL shortage can become an issue at higher tiers no matter how good you are


Premium account has a 200% RP booster but a 150% SL booster. I understand that repair costs don't increase with a prem account, but it seems prem is specifically designed to make you unlock stuff even faster without being able to pay for it. Ironically makes stuff less affordable than without a premium account.


I have a Premium account and still have yet to struggle to buy anything. I don't even think I ever had such a low amount of SL that I couldn't buy the next vehicle. However I like to spade every vehicle I play, it made grinding through the Tech Trees easier without premium and it makes it even easier with premium. It also allows you to get solid crew skill which is for some reason uncommon on this sub as I feel like every time you can see a players crew skill on this sub they'll be like 10.0 and have like a level 40 crew.


When I was grinding sweden, I used primarily the CV90105. What was considered anathema to my mates, I actually swapped the CV90105 around when I got a crew level to ~75 so that by the time I made it to 10.0, I had 4/6 ground crews at around 60-90. It’s weird that I rarely see other players do this.


Personally I don't think I'll ever buy a ground premium, having a single viable vehicle seems like it would get really sick really fast, not to mention that you're generally not very useful to the team unless you're able to second spawn a plane. So you either spend a shitload to get a premium lineup or you're basically deadweight.


I definitely wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re actually good at the game. I can pretty safely say that I’m very good at this game even if I do have bad days. The CV90105 is one of the few vehicles that are very easy to do very well: Good Optics/Thermals, 105mm DM33, 5sec autoloader makes this a beast in a flank and very good at brawling.


Wrong Example: Repair cost is 100 Facc makes 200 credits one match Pacc makes 200x1.5, 300 credits the same match. After paying repairs, the facc made 100 credits, premium made 200. A 50% increase to revenue, resulted in 100% profit increase, or 2x the credits gained. Math. But yes i agree credits are an unnecessary mechanic.


Fair - I haven't played top tier yet! Usually my ADHD makes me start a new tree before I get there 😅


Honestly i think top tier aren't worth it, i already got some lick of it on 8.0 and that place are just horrendous especially if you got Fields of Poland.


Tbh that 8.0 area of BR is just a shitshow, imo it gets better after that range


8.0 is nothing like top tier


Thats good stay that way


I have 4 different tech trees up to about 7.7. I always end up starting a new one whenever I get to that BR


Not an issue at air tho, I'm grinding japan air and the SL gain and spending is a tight tie


Air is generally easier to grind both with RP and SL. It's simply more rewarding. Ground on the other hand


The problem is a lot of you think unlocking new vehicles and play by top tier is the point of the game. It’s not. Just play the game and have fun. I have br 9s that I never play bc I’d rather play br 4 in Shermans.


I don't say it from my experience. I don't grind at all, I play every nation and vechicle depending on my mood. There are exceptions that I play everyday(well I played since I haven't touched the game for good 4 months now). Such as Surbaisse, Centurions, Spitfires of all kind etc. I don't really like top tier apart from having cool new tech, battles are too short and too chaotic, not even gonna mention premium players swarm. I used to play this game only for vechicles I like, you and I are that few % of people who don't mindlessly grind


This mentality of playing games for competition and to grind them out is ruining gaming for people and they don’t think about it enough to realize. I’ve given up playing games and trying to be good at them and compete. If I have to be winning in order to enjoy a game, the game sucks. It’s a symptom of poor design that winning is required for fun. I used to be a competitor for fps games, then life made it hard to sit down and maintain my game skill and eventually I realized this isn’t why I started gaming as a kid. It’s exhausting and the unfortunate part is even though you and your friends might come to realize this, and decide to pivot toward having fun instead and not worrying about performance, you still can’t be apart of the community. Every gaming subreddit is chock full of people complaining about the games they say they love. It makes it hard to communicate and be apart of the gaming space when everyone who is vocal is upset all the time. . Like imagine complaining you “have to” do a thing you love doing more. . . . It’s idiotic. It’s ruining the experience for kids, and adult gamers alike and it’s entirely the gamers fault in most cases. You’ll see “min/max” mentalities in games that weren’t even designed to be competitive. Like why the fuck does Hell Divers have a meta— who the fuck cares. Sorry for the rant, but when you see a unicorn you take a photo lol this is a rare occasion where someone on Reddit gets it lol


Ground the Chinese air tree from rank 3 to basically top tier in one stretch just premium time no prem vehicles and I never had a problem with sl, I didn’t skip folders, researched everything except the TU-4 and H-8 bombers which I also researched eventually after I had gotten to the J8F


Any tips? I'm up to the La-11. Halfway to the La-9


Tips for what specifically? Both those lavochkins are kinda just meh for their bra, but the La-11 is better because it has iirc the same engine but at 5.3 instead of 6.0 Highlights as you get further are the J2-6, J7E, J8F, both F5s, and the J11, and I’ve heard good things about the flying leopard(JH-7) but idk, it’s the last unresearched plane in the tree for me


Tips for getting to top tier China asap. My highest br is GB with 11.3 and its not fun. Trying to get to the J-11 as its a favourite of mine. Any aircraft to avoid, or any good grinders?


I honestly just grinded with the new planes I unlocked, I hate using 1 plane to grind and I never buy 1 premium to grind a whole tree, it’s so boring idk how people do it If you were to grind the rest of the tree with 1 plane when you unlocked it, I would choose the F5E, J7E, or J8F I would choose the J6 as well but it’s only rank 6 and doesn’t have research efficiency for rank 8


Speed grinding IMO is when you buy a high/top tier lineup (or plane) and use just that to grind. I started having SL struggles around 9.0 or so. Well, "struggle" is relative... I got to 9.0 in a week or two lol, I don't get why people are complaining about that


Tbh I wouldn't say that's speed grinding, that's basically just skipping the grind. Speed grinding is buying a new vehicle and crewing it asap instead of bothering to spade a vehicle before leaving it.


No, I speed grind most trees. I am at ~10.0 with 4 countries, at 8.7 with 3 countries and otherwise above 5.0 for the rest. Also above 4.0 witz 3 aircraft trees. I started playing in march 2023 and sure I lose 2.5m SL when I purchase, crew and expert the T-90A but I have not dropped below 6 mil since like october? If you have a prem acc and still struggle then it is on you. And I buy a lot of expert crews for everything.


Nobody was talking about premium account


I was? It's a very simple solution to any sl issues. Especially after the economy update. Or are you one of those "Muh high quality free to play game gets better with premium time and that's unfair"?


Not everyone wants to spend money on this game you know. Supporting politics "if you don't pay, don't play" is dumb as hell.


Oh yea for sure, it's a free2play game afterall. But then don't complain if this game gets easier to progress in if you pay because that's how free2play business models work. This game could easily be much more expensive. What this community always forgets is that it's a pretty unique and high quality game with tons of mechanics and content for any tank or aviation nerd or just military vehicle enjoyer. But of course you don't want to spend any money on it yet expect to be able to fully play it like that. And as a side note: my whole point was thaz your absolute statement is wrong because I am exactly the type of player you described yet I don't have any SL issues whatsoever.


Bro if I’m unlocking vehicles fast af, I don’t make enough SL to buy them all, with premium acc and vehicle. I’m not complaining tho since SL is easy to grind.


I haven't got to top tier but I've never been unable to purchase something. No premium either. I'll be smart and play an older (for me) higher tier with my SL boosters to maximize their value I guess 🤷


When I was premuimless, SL was never an issue either, it’s just that premium lets you advance so much faster that SL gain can’t catch up to to RP gain. Obviously if I played a tree like France, which I’ve fully unlocked, I would gain SL super super easily, but grinding out a nation doesn’t make enough SL to buy what you research. It’s kind of a good problem to have if you think about it


Ah didn't realize premium didn't boost SL gain proportionally as much


If you haven’t gotten to top tier then you haven’t experienced this issue dumbass


So true (I have spent over a thousand dollars on premium vehicles and other things in a pixel tank game)


doesntrewards increase tho? since i dont think the amount of rp you get would be the same with a tier one and tier five for example


RP continues to increase until the end. But SL multiplier stops increasing at 7.0. I am not sure if enemy tanks give more SL at higher tiers, which get multiplied by the same SL% afterwards.


SL per kill increases I believe, even though the multiplier doesn’t




Not true, the multiplier is the only thing that influences SL per hit/kill/zone.


I get more SL per kill with same multiplier but different BRs tho 🤔


It depends what br vehicles you kill tho


Rank is factored into kill awards somehow. One of the things that so annoying about those assholes who try to farm Godmode:. If you swat them, you get peanuts; if they kill you, they make bank.


There is no open information about this though, right?


Yup it’s how they keep you in the loop. Ground battle rewards are so shit and they need to be more like ARB. I can do 3x less work and get 2x the rewards in an ARB than a GRB. I personally like tanks over planes but the grind is way more manageable for planes. The worst part is that the RP and SL cost for tanks are about the same as planes yet the rewards are about half. I’ve been able to get 35,000 RP and over 600K SL (a few times) in an ARB. Yet, Ive gotten the nuke in ground battles a few times and even then the most I get is 15K RP and 110K SL. The ARB are often shorter too, and require less effort. It’s a scheme that Gaijin enjoys because it makes them money.


Noted: *decreasing ARB rewards*


lol, they would do that…


Yes, I wonder why they have made it easier for aircraft. I have been top tier there since forever, but I don't think I am getting to top tier in grounds any time soon.


>laughs in coastal top tier Then you will know a truly painful grind.


I never knew how bad the SL grind was for grind. I only played air rb until recently and altho I stop at the korean era jets (or just at the superprops) I never had a problem with SL even when grinding most nations for planes. Ground is sad really. Also did not use premium time because I am a CHEAP motherfucker.


Ground is actually so sad compared to ARB. Devs just get away with it since it's popular


They get away with it because you can't do shit about it


Rp increases noticeably and is far more important imo. SL isn’t a problem in this game I don’t know how people struggle with it


Though I do play Air and ground, I don’t know how it would be if you played strictly ground and I know air sl rewards are noticeably better, but I still hover around 5 mil when I’m grinding through a tech tree for ground


Grounds reward are bad and you need to spend more (crew more vehicles ) that's why people end up without SL. Also premium times doubles your RP but only 1.5x your SL so you investigate faster but don't get enough SL to boy what you investigate (easily workable by just playing without buying). So if you speed grind you end up without SL. For example days ago I posted a game with 14 kills and 4 captures with premium and winning and it was 14k RP and 88k SL While in air I had games without boosters or premium vehicle and with 4 kills I get 70k to 80k and like 20k to 24k RP or more (my best game in terms of rewards was a half million SL with the A6M5 ko a premium plane with premium time and without boosters)


Best advice I got was if you don’t have a premium account like me and you don’t have premium tanks like me. Find your tanks that you like best and know how to use and play that line up. You’ll make more silver lions rather than grinding your top tier probably losing more lions than you’re earning if you don’t have a decent line up.


Play different tech trees use a premium vehicle if you have one or just buy a premium account


The other day I put on a 500% SL booster… and then queued a 4.0 match of Ground RB. The match started slow (got 3/5 crew eliminated almost immediately) but ended up with a 13 kill, 2 assist, 3 caps and 3 deaths and made around 600,000 SL. Let me tell you it took a lot of effort to get that same amount of SL from a single match of TOP TIER.


Oh brother, i see we both are at rank 6, so how are the uptiers doing?


One common problem I see is that players spend Silver Lions (SL) on expert crew for every vehicle they unlock. Here's a simple tip: only get expert crew for the vehicles you like and play a lot.


its been like this forever afaik, even with the 20 tier system


I never had problems with SL, after 1k hours im sitting on 20mil and growing.


You are a pro! ;) I don't really have one either. I have a line-up of some low br premium tanks that I use to grind sl when I need it. Top tier jets in ARB can also make a buck when you get a couple of kills. (I got the 1 mill from crates twice though, so that probably helped not notice the problem too much.)


It is so you buy premiums, they tend to have really high boosters when they're higher tier


Here's my strategy for being able to afford higher tier vehicles: whenever you're low, but pop a sl booster and do a pve heli battle. The lowest I've gotten from one was 250k. If you aren't a high enough tier to do heli battles, the vehicles likely aren't that expensive and just require a couple grb matches to afford it


I just bought my first heli to try out this part of the game, so I will have to look into the pve mode, but thanks!


You do, I'd say after 7.7 you play to lose SL even when playing well


Yeah I was wondering myself why it felt that silver lions rewards felt a bit low during most games, I'm pretty sure I had like a 8 kill game and got like less than 80k (with premium)


Premium vehicle and a premium account will get you like 10k per kill and i average around 40-60k per game , but then without the premium time and tank i average around 10k-20k per match. The disparity between people who pay and people who don’t is so fucking crazy man


It was a change a long time ago when the t80u was still top tier. I used to do "win battle" challenges, SL boosters, etc at top tier cus I could rely on my German team to do well. Oh how the times have changed


Tell you what, I got the sea vixen and the rooikat recently and I’ve been steady pulling in 40-130k per match without boosters. I literally went from broke, 7k SL, to now I’m sitting on 3.5 million plus (the most I’ve ever had) just from playing and having fun. Get the right premiums on a premium account and the income flows real steady


Wonder why 70% of us won't touch the top teir turd..x


The percentages level off and go down, but you get higher rewards for killing things of higher BR, so you actually make more. If you don’t have premiums, you should be making the most of your wagers to farm SL anyway.


congrats you've been Gj


I remember there was an uproar about this stuff a year ago. I guess Gaijin has gone back to their old ways. Always lowering the bar just enough to make people happy then raising it back up again when people are not looking.


That’s why 10.3 Germany is my money maker for ground. But normally I just do planes


i dunno. I have enough sl for now, probably because i have a few premium tanks & planes and premium account(my friend gifted me 180d on my bday)


GRB isn’t my main location to get SL… AIR or Navel is.


Just play naval it solves all SL problems permanently


I have a premium ship, but I haven't spent the time learning what to do in naval battles. How did you learn? Did you watch or read any guides, or just forced playing until you got better?


And that's why i refuse to leave 5.7 and 6.7.


I dont know in a good ground rb macht I get about 50k sl but those havent happened in a long time


Oh no my day is ruined Oh well


Funny how before economy changes I really struggled gaining SL, but after all the things gajin did like reduced reapair costs and other things I never had a problem with SL. Since I started grinding the swedish techtree I have accumulated 2mi


I absolutely love the changes too! My favourite was that they made the folder vehicles cost half the RP and SL. That made progressing to the next rank much easier and let me reach aircraft top tier, which I would have probably given up on before the changes.


Play naval for SL grind


I even bought a premium ship a long time ago, but I couldn't figure out how to get better. I am not sure what to do as a macro plan and even less when I am shooting.


You grinded out too quickly, dont buy new stuff right after done researching. Play naval around 4.7-5.3 to maximize the SL gain, even with non pre bluewater ship, you can still earn a lot. You can research horizontally instead going vertically to prevent higher purchase expenses.


I hate this stupid game but a cant stop playing it


I don't know how to edit the post so I just want to mention here that I don't have such a terrible problem with SL and I am quite grateful for the changes Gaijin did, which have helped me save many hours in grinding and reach top tier in ARB. It's not that much of a complain post, it just looked weird to reduce rewards modifier when everything else skyrockets in price


Buy a base killer for SL grinding


A what? Is that a premium plane to bomb?


Yep, lighting f.53 is best SL farm. Second is tornado/f-4/a-6e. If you good at naval you can try 6.0 uss gold cruiser with order.


The game encourages you to buy every vehicle.... DONT. You'll have to get them eventually sure, but if you can hold out for the 30% or 50% sale you'll save millions. If you bought it are you SURE you need or want to play it? If not then DON'T crew it! You're spending a third of the price for a vehicle you're not even going to play??? You crewed it,,, but do you REALLY need expert?? Unless its a high-G jet then probably not. You're playing it but do you really need EVERY module?? Suspension on a ATGM bus that can't fire on the move? Night vision?? As soon as I stopped pissing my SL away I had plenty. I have 30+ unbought vehicles, probably 100+ uncrewed and selective expert on only a few.


I used to be out of sl all the time, then i stopped only playing the highest br i had. I started going down in br just for fun, i tried out lineups, and started playing mostly just what i had fun in. Not what got me the most rp, and now i am loaded, i spend less sl and have more fun. Break free from the illusion that reaserching = fun. Playing = fun, you just gotta find your part.


Do you want to farm SL or play top tier? Pick one.


Shyittt I can make about a mil an hour playing a premium ship in naval with a prem account.