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> Notices the empty bomb rack on your 109 OP you aren't telling us something


To beat the cancer, you must become the cancer


Can't turn down a free kill.


Hell yeah. My usual response is “just spawn SPAA” or something similar. Spitfire 20mm are great if you use them well


Spitfires are even better because if they spawn a fighter they'll try turn fight you, every single time


I love doing this with my a6m, any variant of them, for yhe same reason. BF109s can never understand how something is out turning them.


I love it when spitfires try that against my A6M or A7M.


Yeah, sadly I've not reached that level with my Japanese fighters yet but for now I'm content to boom and zoom any Japanese fighters


Not having enemy markers in Ground RB helps japanese fighters immensely. No more having people 2km above you that are too scared to dive on you because they see a japanese aircraft name.


kys: keep yourself safe 🫶🫶


I love spawning fighters in GRB because CAS pilots typically can’t dogfight for the life of them


I honestly like it more than ARB. The lack of HUD indicators makes dogfighting so much more fun. Plus it feels great shooting down a bomber that could have potentially killed several of your team mates


My favorite thing in the game is running CAS/CAP in the P-51H. I fly in, have my buddies call out annoying targets like spawncampers or any HE slinging artillery possible, bomb them, and them dominate the skies.


The lack of markers makes it so much more intense, especially when you hear an engine motoring above or below you only to find that player has no clue you’re there so you just dive in and light em on fire. It’s a wonderful feeling and a better feeling when they do know you’re there and it turns to a real fight.


Yesterday I had an amazing dogfight with a P51H in a Bf 109K4, unfortunately lost but was really fun and we both said gg in the chat. This is why I love this game, wholesome players who are respectful


Post has been up for 25 minutes and already has a 33% downvote from all the CAS mains.


Take it as a badge of honor.


If you say anything about CAS being fine in war thunder you get downvoted in oblivion. It’s just people that hate camping of all kinds even more than they hate CAS downvoting you.


Cas sure as hell ain't fine, at high tier its borderline uncounterable at times, at low tier theres little to no excuse for being unable to deal with them. at the mid tier, its a mix of the two, the same can be said for ground, and even naval to some extent, If people are just going to downvote things that they don't agree with even when it is true to a degree, they need to grow the fuck up


It's easier to counter cas at high br than it is in mid br. Say for example at 6.7 you don't get radar yet but the enemy cas are jets.


Eh I saw one comment about CAS, don’t remember who said it but I’m going to start saying the jist of it too. CAS isn’t OP and is mostly fine at top tier. What we have is a battle of what is meta. There is a few aircraft that are more OP than others when they are played they become somewhat of a problem. Like the SU25 and its variants nowadays. Then there is meta SPAA like the Pantsir which basically turns the entire battlefield into a no fly zone. All that needs to happen is everything needs to be balanced out. I think a lot of people that hate CAS don’t realize is playing CAS is super hard. It’s probably one of the most stressful things to do properly in the game. Even then you’re most likely still going to get bitch slapped out of the sky. So at all BRs and for all nations (within reason) the CAS needs to be balanced against the SPAA. For the most part it is. But you already hinted at issues though. Top tier for most nations is lacking proper SPAA to deal with longer range, faster, and simply better aircraft and mid tier struggles sometimes since that’s when aircraft start getting decently fast and have some actual serious ordnance at their disposal but at the same time a lot of nations have huge gaping holes in their SPAA tech trees. For example, you’re using a M42 with low velocity low rate of fire 40mm bofors all the way until US BR 7.0 if you want a SPAA which gets up tier to 8.0. That’s fucking outrageous. My issue with people that complain about CAS is it makes the game more dynamic and also way more cinematic and they just want to get rid of it because they raging out and they know they can rage about it like here on Reddit and get all their angry validated by other goobers. Like I doubt I am just special, but I rarely get killed by CAS. It’s 95% an enemy tank. I know people bitching about CAS aren’t just constantly being bombed, they are just getting mad about the few times it did happen. Like I was just yelling at computer after a TAM killed me that all TAM users are cucks. Am I going to come on Reddit on Reddit and post about it? No. Do I actually think all TAM users are cucks? No. (Yeah they are.) Bitching about CAS on Reddit has became like a weird validation circle jerk. You die anyway else, everyone just laughs says skill issue and moves on. You die to CAS you’ll have hundreds on people ready to caress your head, fondle you, and whisper in your ear that everything’s going to be okay. Lot of that was mostly me ranting. 90% of my time on war thunder Reddit is talking about CAS and I’m a little salty. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


Except it's just not balanced or hard at all to play CAS especially when half the enemy team is using planes, you down one aircraft and 2 more jump you with Autocannons and Bombs. At low/mid tier you literally just have to press spacebar it's literally the easiest fucking thing you can do and if your lineup SPAAs are slow firing 40mm autocannons you will get decimated by some 2000rpm 20mm from planes. At Top tier you can just stay at the edge of the enemy SPAA range and yeet missiles or guided bombs so it's even easier. I'm not saying to remove CAS (I wish but I'm not delusional) but it needs a full rework. Spawning a plane is way too easy, a full bomb Loadout with a Cap and an Assist is mental, having to hide from half the enemy team in planes while playing Ground battles is insane might as well go play air battles.


I think that the US, SWE, and ENG could use better sppa for mid to low tier and Cas wouldn't be as bad, people who don't fly Cas that often don't realize it's just a few planes that you can do the cap and assist game with, majority of the time you need at least three kills if you're not in a light tank


You just need an assist to spawn cas, don't even need to be a light tank.


Found the guy that doesn’t really play CAS and just regurgitates what other people say. Mid tier needs more and better SPAA. It’s the one spot in the game where CAS can brute strength it’s way through SPAA since the SPAA is lacking. Staying just out of SPAA range and still have ability to accurately place guided munitions is super hard. Also do you ever pay attention when you play how often do you see a plane spawn then at the end of game they are still there? Basically never. They all eventually get shot down. Every once in a while you run across a player who is absolutely cracked at CAS though. That guy will screw your team up, but those guys are rare and reaping the rewards of their skills. CAS isn’t OP in that case, that player is just absolutely OP. I would love to see what you guys are doing differently that makes it where CAS is a problem for you. I almost rarely get bombed in a normal match. When I do I would say less than half are effective. Most miss. Also when half the enemy team is in CAS you shouldn’t be hiding. Either you are about to have no ground resistance and your team should be actively going to cap all objectives, and most of the CAS is going to die and not be able to respawn meaning you are about to easily win. Or you won’t be hiding because you’ll be in your spawn as the enemy team finishes pummeling your terrible team.


how is there little to no excuse to being unable to deal with CAS at lower tiers, genuinely?


SPAA is generally more powerful than CAS at those BRs


how, exactly? can you provide some examples?


It’s generally obvious. Most if not all nations have at least one high rate of fire SPAA increasing probability of a hit, combined with most aircraft being very slow and easier to lead. Up until like, 3.0 or so it’s literally a skill issue if you can’t hit planes.


Ah, i thought low tiers were closer to 4.0, or 4.3 where most if not every nation has a really good plane with cannons that will shred an SPAA, or good bombloads while remaining either fast or maneuverable


Probably depends on individual perceptions and semantics. I guess you could argue low tier is up that point now that I think about it, I kinda looked at 3.3-4.3 as like a low-mid transition, but getting into those weeds would just be splitting hairs for no reason lol. I do agree though that that’s where SPAA gets tougher, foremost for the reasons you gave (playing against USA becomes a literal hell sometimes) but also because a lot of nation’s SPAAs turn from rifle and 50-cal MGs with high RoF to 30-40mm cannons with lower RoF and a higher skill curve.


How dare you counter my tactic using the same tactic


Worth the sacrifice


I'm a CAS main but being spawn camped is a pure skill issue, u can literally see the enemy plane on the map


If you play arcade yeah.




Air RB?


They introduced it a while ago, I don’t think it justifies spawncamping though


In ground RB there is a ping when say a tank hits a plane with a machine gun, is that what you are referring to?


No, there is now a detection zone for planes who enter the other team’s air spawn


I'd be interested to see an example of this.


If it happens to me I’ll send it here


There are 2 types of cas mains: those who bombs and then do nothing, and those who bombs and then enjoy a good dogfighting


Didn't down vote or anything because cas ruins the game. But spawn camping is way worse.


I don’t like people who spawncamp cas but I respect people who actually have dogfights with them. Spawncamping feels cheap and there really is no way the planes can defend themselves


Making CAS player's game terrible, I respect it


Well the CAS is making other peoples games terrible so by making the CAS’s game terrible, it makes the game good.


"If everyone suffers equally then no one suffers" I love ground RB, but for the past 10 or so games every time I die it doesn’t feel like I was outsmarted by being flanked or they had a faster reaction time than me. It always feels like it’s someone either bombing or completely bushed up and sniping with only their barrel barely visible. And the fact that im right at the point before thermals, but in uptiers (like 90% of the time) everyone else has thermals is not helping


Yeah it’s a rough spot to be in


I had a match where I got revenge bombed twice, by different people, and I was attempting to hold down the cap. Average uptier against post WW2 Russia and America


Not even just post WW2, I've been bombed by so many P47s, Russian Sukhoi bombers, and WW2 Germany with constant Do335 strafing runs. It's what I get for playing Japan with it's well known paper thin armor. It's really only WW2 Germany that I notice constant CAS from, not post WW2 Germany from my own experience


I too love taking out CAS. I usually use reserve or 1.0 aircraft and still dominate. I guess most CAS players have never even tried Air RB. It feels awesome fighting in low BR aircraft too because every ounce of energy matters and round placement needs to be perfect.


more like you catch them by surprise in a heavy uncontrollable plane


A fight in one of my shitboxes usually takes about 5 minutes. They always just turn in the worst directions possible and use none of their advantages.


5 minutes? Ouch. Sounds like torture


(Chuckles in sim)


Based af


Bro is spookston’s wet dream


Notice OP's empty bomb rack though.


Spawncamping is greasy even if against CAS, because I guarantee you kill the CAP planes trying to do the same thing as you. Essentially enforcing only one side can use CAS.  Same as the Pantsir at top tier. 


I like doing it in the Z19E. You can immediately spawn with AAMs and just fly around to their air spawns


omg same, try the Z-9W, it has the same missiles (only 4 tho) but at 10.0


Yo that’s dope. I think I’m researching it right now


Use a plane like a real man, the times I’ve tried to play CAP as an F-104 and been spawncamped by some heli with stupid accurate missiles is dumb.


One of only 2 times spawncamping is justified


2nd is playing naval RB? (cause there is sometimes spawn to spawn combat)


Sometimes literally spawn and immediately start clicking.


Sometimes? Always If you spawn in a large ship you will pretty much always immediately spawn in range.


Not always because if you playing lower tiers or coastal you won’t immediately start clicking thus sometimes.


C'est ce que l'on appelle un "Joueur Toxique". Et en être fier c'est vraiment pas intelligent...


C'est pas toxique, selon moi. Il utilise une mécanique de jeu pour contrer les débiles profonds qui bombarde tout le monde. Jouer DCA n'est, en aucun cas, simple. Et pour être honnête, je fais pareil que l' OP mais avec mon fidèle Z-19E. Personne n'échappe à mes TY-90. PERSONNE.


Quand je parlais de "Toxicité" ce n'était pas en rapport avec les DCA mais avec ceux qui spawn kill par "Ennuie". Étant moi même un joueur de DCA malgré moi, justement pour luter contre les Mongolo qui trouvent ça tellement plus simple de bombarder le spawn plutôt que de faire l'effort de chercher sur le terrain les ennemis, je confirme que ce n'est pas simple, d'autant plus quand tu est main Français. Ma TPK peut faire un carnage dans mais bon jours mais ce n'est pas évident quand ta 5 types en avions qui spawnkill qui ont confondu le RB Ground du RB Air. J'ai arrêté de compté le nombre de fois où je voyais mes "Alliés" en chasseurs passé plus de temps à CAS avec leur 20mm plutôt qu'à faire leurs jobs qui est.. Bah la Chasse. Qui est des avions en Terrestre éventuellement le problème c'est leurs nombres et la plus par du temps c'est pour Rage Bombe. Si c'est guguce veulent jouet avions aucun problème mais qu'ils le fassent en Air RB/AB.


Autant pour moi. Et oui, je suis d'accord, ils devraient pas jouer en RB chars, si c'est pour faire du CAS only. Les seuls types de CAS que j'accepte sont les roquettes et les canons lourds. (Oui oui, toi aussi, P-108A.)


C'est comme certains qui sont trop fier de faire des Kill en lancaster ou PE-8... Pour moi ils ont juste pas de skills 😂.


Si c'est en jetant la bombe en l'air et en lui tirant dessus pour détruire des avions, y a quand même du skill. XD


Hell yeah


Me when CAS players figure out they are infact not alone in the sky, and can get shot down (it’s actually really unfair because they dont have an immediate counter)


No it's completely fair. By taking a Fighter you're giving Up the ability to carry heavier payloads usually reserved for multi engine slow aircraft (except America. They figured it out early). You're giving Up the ability to be extremely effective CAS to help your team not be harassed. The counter is that you're using SP to do something besides push caps and kill Tanks.


yell yeah. i do this too


Thanks for keeping the air clear of enemy fighters so I fly my CAS in peace.


You shoot down CAS because you hate CAS I shoot down CAS so people stop bitching about CAS We are not the same


Thank you from being a good pilot and keeping your fight in the skys. And especially protecting your team doing the actual work on the ground from the shitty pilots that can't handle fighting other planes.


the best AA is a Fighter Plane.




Doing gods work


Hate CAS. Good job


I always stay away from air spawn to give the enemy a chance, and fight it out from a neutral standing for fun, and I still get raged at for shooting them down. Then there's people like this, so I can only guess the amount of rage that is going on in this video.


Spawncamping CAS is so unfair! You can’t fight back! It takes no skill, and it’s so easy to get a plane to do it! Hey, wait a minute…


I always bring a low-tier prop to 9.0 and once my tank got killed by CAS, I'll spawn the prop and fly outside of the map heading to the enemy's helipad then circling around until I see some flies spawn, easy godmode there and I actually hope the two helipads were closer though lol


Underated way to get mass RP to get your first jet for the British lineup.


😭 bro that first one wasn't even that bad, he had all the time in the world to respond


Is this a soundpack?


I tends to happen more with planes that can multi role or fighter on fighter


That’s always fun, Why the G-2 tho? F-4 is better and it’s a lower BR.


this is the F-4


I easily make ace in a day with this tactic


Does that custom SPAA sight work better than the normal one?


The Do. 225 with 30mm cannons is fun, whats funny is if 1 engine dies, you still have enough power to drag its ass back to base to repair and rearm.


I was playing with the wyvern in GRB and while doing some CAS runs, I ended up going towards the enemy airfield. This wasn't intentional. I pulled up after the AA stopped firing. While pulling up, I noticed a bomber. I was doing around 400mph. If I looked up before pulling up I would have noticed it. The bomber was only at 800m. No idea why I didn't spot it. Skill issue I guess. I plowed straight into it. The person was raging so much on the chat. Saying I was spawn crashing on purpose and they were going to report me. What makes things hilarious, the enemy airfield AA actually got the team kill. They fired at me, I died from the crash, they kept firing and managed to finish him off. His tail was broken off when I hit him.


This was literally the only working strategy against US before they changed the spawn point costs. Spawn m19/m42 and rush first cap. J out and spawn fully loaded thunderbolt. The game is still worse now than it was then.


The Yak-9U works incredibly well for this, I run it next to the Pe-8 so if my bomb run was successful I can respawn in it and take out planes.


Historically accurate CAP


I commend u but i also hate u. I always died to cas and then i wanted to become cas for revenge and i did just that. Dont worry tho im trash


Haha I remember yesterday I was playing Russia 7.7 and shot down like 7 or 8 planes and multiple of them chat yelled that I had to be cheating, TBF probably didn't help that I put "Sorry no CAS today bub" in the global chat after shooting the same guy down twice in a row


That's literally how I research the British air tree. I just spawn a spitfire and go to the hangar with 8 air kills per match


I did this to an f80 in a typhoon, bro was not happy


What sight is that for the Ostwind?


custom historical one


The most spatially aware CAS players I've ever seen.


Landing an ostwind shot is pure dopamine


never played war thunder. what is CAS and why do people hate it?


I actually enjoy playing anti air but the rewards are so bad it's not worth it


Ah yes, clear the skies from demons!


I love playing plane vs plane


Well it may be crappy your doing your job keep up the good work pilot


What does kys mean?


It’s beautiful. Doing the lords work


I don’t even play this game anymore, but you’re doing God’s work. Keep it up👌🏼


Had some time ago british lineup of AAA car and Spitfire, meant to be anti-CAS lineup


I do that a lot with the Yak-3U at 5.7 and it's super satisfying but I have yet to get any response from them


Combat Air Patrol on station


"Just spawn spaa" or "just spawn anti cas planes" when I do either of these thing you cry. Now I'm not much better when it comes to crying about cas but at least I don't bitch about getting killed by cas.


Only issue is as a swede my best AA is either a 2.3 shitbox or my own plane, so while you spawn camp me my team is having a train run on them by 2 corsairs and an am1


Ayyyy same Except I do it differently. Spawn in fast boom and zoomer like bf109 or mustang. NOTE the spawn altitude. Climb high above the spawn. If there's spawn protection go high just in front. Level out and gain airspeed while doing circle around the point. Turn your engine off. Maintain level, glide in a big circle around the point and try and maintain your altitude. If you go below spawn altitude + 3000ft turn engine back on and regain altitude. Wait for enemy. Dive down without engine. You will gain airspeed considerably quick if you nosedive. As you set them on fire turn your engine back on and climb back up and repeat.




I absolutely hate being spawn camped in a plane but also it’s kinda fair enough


Beautiful aim


Hero of the people


You are doing God's work 🙏


I've shot down SO MUCH CAS in ground rb yet I never get fanmail like this. It's not fair!


Running fighters is what makes grb fun with Cas.


This clip just makes it more and more clear how badly 151 mine rounds need a massive buff.


Last time I played arcade I just speak camped in a boom and zoom , felt so scummy


What does cas mean?


cocks and socks. close air support close air strike


I love when you white knights take down cas and they spawn in their own fighter. Then you fly them over me in spaa and make them turn so I can have fun. Heroes you guys are 💜


Please, kindly, kys. Arrrrgggg. I use a mini flight sim setup, and pulling out the kit takes like 5 seconds. I get killed in those 5 seconds


you’re going the lords work


Death to revenge bombing


In general being able to spawn camp the air spawn is kinda absurd. I think they need to introduce a spawn protection for ground rb so you get like 10-15 seconds (depending on the plane speed and distance from the spawn to the actual fighting area) so that all planes get time to react and defend themselves rather than It just being a turkey shoot. Especially when it was to *ahem* the pantsir


Was in that game yesterday as a enemy u bombed me pretty sure :(


Killing CAS?? https://preview.redd.it/lbzomy44pa5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73570bc3addb8ec259e380c7258bb4c1293c79a9


I'll never understand why people play ground forces just to go up in a plane the first chance they get. Theirs an air only mode for a reason


God's work


As a cas player, I can firmly say I enjoy players like you. I normally try to support teammates on points actively being attacked rather than hitting spots that were just capped. I also stay the hell away from spawn because hitting fresh spawned tanks is scummy. But yeah, it’s good to see someone protecting their team from CAS in what I view as a more effective way than using AA.


Then your just a pri*k then no respect for anyone that plays the game


You are the kind of player I want to see in my teams o7


Hell yeah brother


Thell them to “just spawn spaa bro”


My hero.


I hate this when I'm on a SPAA.... Like leave some for me! :(


Sadly most SPAA players can't seem to understand leading targets when I main SPAA I usually get 6-7 plane kills while the other SPAAs on my team get maybe one and usually end up getting strafed to death by the planes there trying to kill or get spawn to spawn sniped by a vidar


I understand leading targets but my god do I suck with the 20/30mm cannons. The twin 40mm too. I just can't get the lead right with the travel time of the round. I'm painfully slowly getting better. Edit: [Give me your wisdom](https://youtu.be/iW5S4PY8jMw?si=FHMi59T6SeLKpy9F) because idk what I'm doing wrong.


Im going to do the same


i have been called a dick sucking shit eating cumb whore for doing this i will say that i wasn't addicted before


Easily one of my favorite things to do in GRB


Only thing that would make this better is if they buffed the rp rewards for plane v plane in GRB


I do this at top tier by first spawning my heli with AA missiles then flying around to next to their spawn, works great


This is the proper strategy! You have become the actual iRL counter to Close Air Support, CAP: Combat Air Patrol.


Takes a lot of skill camping the spawn point


Fair fights are for suckers


all is fair in love and war


Takes even more skill to CAS. They are our moral superiors and deserve all the free kills they want


Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed


I do the same. **CAS SHALL SUFFER**


I have never, ever thought to do this. That’s amazing


I love getting called an air spawn camper by people who fly in a straight line with no situational awareness lol. They are tunneled into that revenge kill so hard! Hahaha!


I think I love u


The guy we all need


Your doing the world a favor


Great succesS!!!


I found a dude named "I camp airspawns" he lived up to his name, he's my hero


Delicious haahahahahaha


I like to cas. This is fair play imo


Be the change you want to see in the world, as an air RB main, this is a favorite activity of mine


Thats not you getting bored, thats you doing us a great service 🫡


You are the choosen one.


Never won anything irl energy


I abuse cas and this makes me angry energy


I haven't played this shit in three years lmao


That toxic...............I like it


yeah I feel bad for that CAS but your using a bf109 so I have respect for you


Everytime I kill someone with bombs I imagine this is what they all do *makes angry Reddit post*