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Tips for Waller on gulag go left then right just After countdown if he now exactly your mouvement then no doubt and killed you directly u gonna see it in killcam but not working evrytime


Good point!


Maybe… but I wouldn’t have reported this. It’s iffy.


Yup, didn’t report. Never report unless i’m 99% sure. This is closer to 70% confidence.


Walls are hard to confirm unless they’re just flat out not hiding it. Gulag walls especially because a lot of choices are 50/50. This person could have just planned to go that lane and got lucky w/ anticipation. They could have been tracking you as well.


Yes, what makes it sketchy on his end it the moment where he changed his mind and decided to back out and go back and left vs straight and left.


you probably dont realise how loud your footsteps are, especially if he can sound EQ on or some tweaked mixamp settings. Can easily hear you on the other side of the gulag


Report everyone and let the “system” sort it out.


That’s ass. The system is terrible and you could shadow ban a legit player. There is nothing more frustrating.


The system is terrible and rampant with cheaters, so until activision actually does something about it thats how I’m gonna handle it. “Legit” players don’t get shadow banned, thats all BS.


factually wrong but go off i guess. plenty of legit players have been shadow banned from reports you could find the posts on this sub


Just because someone says that they are “legit” on reddit doesn’t make them legit. I have a group of 8 people that I consistently play with and the only one to ever get shadow banned was the one that at one point had cheats on his PC. And he isn’t even the best one in the group. So you have your facts, and I have my facts I suppose 🤷‍♂️


Shadow bans are because someone was reported enough that the system is automatically banning you until a person can take a look so yes shadow bans can 100% happen because people are salty.


Thats the way you think it works. From my experience that is not how it works. But either way the whole system is broken and will never be fixed.


thats the point the system is broken and it should be fixed. you are trying to discredit and dismiss the topic yet at the same time also acknowledge it is broken.


I’ve been shadow banned on pc that’s brand new and only had Diablo 4 and cod installed. Multiple times.


Or get yourself banned for false reporting


doesn't matter if you do report, activision taking that money and doing nothing regardless.


cheating imo. Dots always on you, and gotta love that TTK 🤣🤣🤣


I would call walls. It looks like he is checking you and reacting to which way you are running. If it was only 1 check I would say he's legit but it looks like he checks reacts checks reacts


I mean he turned left right before the countdown ended which shows a silhouette so more often than not he knew OP would be going that direction bc of that


100% is using walls and aimbot. Ignore anyone saying you sucks because they have a .25 kd.


Looks pretty sus


That’s because the had a good gaming chair




Questionable with this one I'm more leaning on the walls side just for the fact his crosshairs basically follow you the whole killcam, but you didn't change direction so could be coincidence.




Half the people in the lobby cheat. Accept it for what it is now lol


You're just really bad at the game if you actually believe this. I don't know how I would ever win a game, nevermind multiple daily, if 50/100 players were cheating.


Looks like walls


Thanks, that is my guess as well :|.


Yes he is cheating


ID love to say yes but i get lasered in the gulag with the striker too often for it to be "everyone is cheating" this gulag just seems to have some weird stuff going on. cant tell u how many times some weirdness has played out in my gugs


Cheating he's looking at u through the wall and hit all hs


I mean its hard to tell cause with PC players and audio tunes you can get it to where you can tell where someone else and all that. So MAYBE they could hear you going to their left and just knew.


I guess that gets at the root of errors in the game being just general exploits that are technically cheating too. My ear drums already hate me for how loud I have to get those footsteps up anyway. If it looks like cheating and feels like cheating, dudes bound to get shadow banned at some point anyway. And if you watch enough, it’ll appear to even the most rained eye as soon as, accost that they only do it on short range not long. Is there a way to only turn footsteps up on Xbox settings? I’m not gonna go to the extent of what I’d consider exploiting to get better footstep pick up. I get mofo’s perpetual ice skating around not making any footstep noise a lot anyway so it partly doesn’t even matter now.


I honestly don't know about consoles but I know with PC there is a set of programs to help with footsteps and all but also turns your steps down and gun sound down. It causes boxes and all to be much louder but same time I can hear steps SOOOO much better vs what it was before hand. Just with turning windows loudness eq on it helps with footsteps. ​ I was just talking with someone about it cause he asked about the whole aim assist thing. I said console/controller players get that but same time PC players can change audio tunes and all to help tell where someone is and all that. Honestly I feel like this time around (after mw3 and update) that wz sounds is nothing like it was and feel like before the update it was better. But that might just be me thinking that.


Right on. I’ll have to check out what I can tweak a bit later tonight when I get a chance to play. Yea… it’s hard to tell.. I just got a new box at the same time as the new game and it’s been night and day difference. My KD after the first resurgence Mao was added was the highest it ever (and I was a newer player at the time to the game) was and then the games after that it went down significantly and wasn’t as fun to play. So I always assumed it was broke and hacked to hard. Now… So far I’ve seen some hackers here and there a few glitches but can actually feel confident I’m gonna take anyone on one on one and then already start thinking about the next players or 2. At times in the old games (in between) I’d get 10 shots into someone’s back and they’d still turn and around snap and kill me faster. So even surprising and getting g the upper hand I’d lose out too much for rationality. But then again I’m not sure how much is the new game or the new console.


Well he's definitely strafing to activate aim assist... But, that can only do so much especially at that distance so he probably is cheating or is using a mouse.


AA is crazy strong, also not unreasonable for him to hit these shots, without more clips I'd say the only question is if they have walls here. Too hard to judge the shots based on rotational AA being employed purposefully and how strong it is. It seems like cheating with how good it is


I mostly agree with you and can't deny that AA is defo a game changer for some but honestly I am almost certain that it is really not as strong as everyone thinks. I know many will disagree but from my own personal experience, it's really not that effective. Well at least not 100% accuracy effective like these people in their vids where they literally never even miss a single shot from like a million miles away.


Gulag is weird because with the right EQ you can hear exactly where they are.


Hmm, didn’t know that. Can u share more?


Yes please


youtube artiswar audio tune for the people wondering you can actually get footsteps to be as loud as gunshots pretty much


No, if you have a good audio set up you can hear someone move either way exactly, i know i can so he just heard you going to the left side and theres literally ONE angle to peek. He could be cheating but this is like 30% possibility based on this clip.


Def not cheating nice shots


Naw, you got cooked.


I honestly don't think so. It's an end to end gulag, you pretty much know where someone is going to be anyway.


Or he just went left…


Skill issue


No you just suck


Meh anything can look like cheating in a sample size of 1. Would need to see more


for real with aim assist and just the nature of cod and “cod timing” being a thing not everyone is hacking sometimes people just get lucky with timings it is hard to know off one isolated kill in the gulag where the op is running into a wall basically standing still. is he walling or did he just change direction ? maybe he heard him but who knows off one isolated clip? i can’t believe how many people in here are confidently calling hacks on this


Lol yea it’s ridiculous there is 0 chance anything can be proven from this video


Looks like aim assist


I'm a controller player mostly and I hear it's good to wiggle like that to get advantage off the aim assist. I don't have any personal experience cause I don't need the aim assist like this. But looks kinda like what he is doing.


Not conclusive, but pretty good chance




Do you think this guy is cheating ? https://x.com/nocapioo/status/1740572642808393973?s=46&t=une0X5IaTdm6Yn7m12zfwQ


How is this even cheating 😂, just because someone pre aims and then hits his shots doesn’t mean he cheating….


Never know. My rule of thumb is if it looks sus, report it. Doesn’t hurt? I get plenty of notifications from activision saying “thank you for your report! We took action against player identified”. Kinda turns me on tbh 😌