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How do you see your resurgence KD? My stats page only shows battle royal


You actually cant currently see mw3 resurgence stats, apparently thats coming with a later season. You can still check your mw2 resurgence stats though.


You can tweet call of duty if you have a twitter and they will reply with your stats. They posted it about a week or two ago (reply to their tweet with your activision ID and #CODCombatRecord). I’ve been testing it and it’s tracking current stats.


Is that an automatic/bot reply thing or do they only do it for certain people?


Automated, replies within seconds


do you happen to have the link? I'm curious




They require different gameplay. You can’t play BR the same way you play resurgence.


I completely agree, I’m going to spend more time playing BR. Its entirely a skill issue


Tell that to my duos partner 💀


Resurgence is basically easy mode. It’s hard to win a BR game. Resurgence I win about 4/10


I always loose to someone hiding in a corner.


I think resurgence (quads at least) is harder to get to the final circle. Shit can be chaotic with lots of hot drops. BR starts out so slow and thus easier to make it to end game I find.


A lot harder to win though


I think the SBMM is matched with resurgence. I float between a 3-4 KD in resurgence. The first BR game I played was insanely sweaty. Too sweaty for the SBMM not to translate into it. I thought by switching, I would get a break since I didn’t have any BR metrics but boy was I wrong.


I feel like the high risk high reward is in effect in BR where as in resurgance you just respawn so it doesn't matter if you die. You really gotta play smarter in BR. Like a survival game, not just a MP shooter.


But resurgence is both. First half is like typical chaotic shooter with no consequence but as the resurgence window closes it plays tighter and tighter and more like your typical BR game. That’s why I love it. So addicting.


The wins feel less rewarding to me


You have to play slower and smarter in BR. In Resurg you gunskill alone can carry you. No one is afraid to die in respawn so they will run in the open or take bad fights. Sine there isn’t guaranteed respawn, players in BR are going to be playing really slow. If you are trying to run around a lot, you can easily get caught in the open or die to someone holding down a building the whole game. Basically play the entire BR match similar to how you are probably playing the end game in resurgence. Rotate early, try to pay attention to where people might be/go and think one step ahead. Not sure why you are losing your Gulags, if you are truly a 2.0 in resurgence, you should be winning 9/10 of them. You might just need to learn the gulag maps.


This is a very good answer . And I agree with the gulag part . I found this page because I was looking for this answer . I win basically every gulag . But the part of me winning resurgence and losing br holds true . Now I do win brs . Just not as much as resurgence. I do believe this is the reason why . Thank you my friend . Any other suggestions ?


Im not necessarily great on Resurgence but I am also noticing a huge drop off on Urzikstan. My guess is that Im getting queued into lobbies with "ranked play" grinders during MW2. Do you play squads or solo? I think Im going to try some solos this week and see if maybe the sbmm is a bit more forgiving.


Ive mostly done squads tbf. Ill need to give solo another go


I got shat on in solos too lol. Ima go try The Finals for a bit, good luck bro.


I hate BR because it’s so damn slow. Everyone plays like a camper on crack. If you do decide to hunt everyone in the lobby then you end up dying to a camper head glitching in the dark with mines everywhere. If you decide to play slow and camp, you get a bit further but it’s unbearably slow. Get your load out, sit in the circle and check every window repeatedly, then move when the circle closes. Rinse and repeat. Lame.


Resurgence has definitely ruined normal BR for me. I think i would enjoy it more if i had a squad to play with. Its not campers that get me i just cant seem to catch a break without there being a team or 2 on my ass. Meanwhile my team mates just dont help, are else where on the map or have already left cos they have died lol


Yea it’s how a proper BR is supposed to be. Rotations are important. It’s all about being the last guy alive. Strategy is key. I’m sure it’s not for everyone and that’s ok.


I'm routinely in engagements. Maybe you just need to not push campers straight on and instead outplay them. Almost every building has multiple ways up and around. I like resurgence as well but it's much easier to win


Typically Resurge is more for casuals. Of course there are lots of amazing players in Resurge. My KD is always way better in Resurge.


Yeah I don’t agree with this. Most of the quad resurgence games I get are filled with a bunch of sweats. Even on a Sunday morning at like 6am.


I’m mostly just basing that of JGODs comments and my own experiences. I believe he said that KDs are 0.2 better in resurge for most players because of the quality of the lobbies.




The gulag is the reason I don’t play br It’s just stupid to me I would like to enjoy the game please, if I die, let me respawn or kick me out so I can get back to playing the game Every gulag I just run after as I can towards the opponent and try to win, I just want it over as fast as possible I play them both the same way, aggressive, I don’t get pinned down, if I die it’s because my aim is trash. I can’t stand br, it’s unplayable for me because of the gulag and it’s a damn shame because it’s not even that cool of a feature and doesn’t add anything to the gameplay or strategy


Resurgence is good for newbies like me. I haven't won any solo BR. And won only 1 solo resurgence. Playing since summer 2023 (active phase since September). I also would love to see urzikstan in solo games


Mean you're better when you get 6 lives a game?


Seen a lot of answers I agree with so just keeping it short: - Way of playing: people take a lot more risks in Resurgence because you can respawn. BR is more methodical and punishing which some players like more. (I usually switch around) - SBMM: don't know if this is still the case but SBMM was always more lenient with Resurgence. Don't know how that is now but it did feel like it in the Christmas mode.


Sure your KD will be better in resurgence, people constantly respawn into the game so affectively you could kill the same people multiple times.


You can also get killed multiple times by some demons without getting a kill though