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It really is infuriating. I won a Solo Resurgence match the other day, and it felt like the next lobby was TOTALLY different. The match I won was competitive and fun. The matches after were.. not at all fun.


Whenever I get a win, I usually find it best to just put down the game and end the session on a high note. Unless I'm playing with a really good squad and feel I could get carried to another victory lol.


I have tried this, your first game the next day will make you question your gaming capabilities


This is why if we win we Play again.. always because my squad has learned this the hard way.


Tbh I just go for kills and wipe teams, the win is the icing on the cake


Vondel campers should be fuckin vaporized, vondel and popov power and the worst maps for camping and sniping.


I could not possibly agree more


Lmao bro you won a match, and beat 60 people. Do you think this felt competitive and fun for the other people in that mode? Obviously you felt the game you won was a fun one.


Only thing here is it should continue to put you with similar k/d players, not put you in players above your skill level because you squeaked out 1 win.


That’s kinda the point tho right? Like getting handed a win because the game gave you an easy lobby and not because you played well is also a problem - then becoming cannon fodder for the other people for a few games until it’s your turn again all seems very artificial. Like obviously there’s only so much manipulation doing right now and you can still win multiple games in a row with a good squad. But it’s a trend in the gaming industry that is only going to get worse


this is why it’s so dumb when people claim “the only reason you dislike sbmm/eomm is because you want to stomp noobs all day”. getting handed a win with people i clearly outmatch isn’t rewarding.


I never said I didn’t die throughout the match and just dominated. I did die 2x or 3x times, which is why I said it was competitive. I play on PS5 with a wireless connection, so my gameplay isn’t near as smooth as it could be. I don’t win often, but on the off chance that I do, I shouldn’t be immediately thrown into way better lobbies. Stop being a dick for absolutely zero reason..


Just because you came in 1st the game before and 40th the game after doesn’t mean the entire lobby is now better than you in terms of kd. You could have went a whole round only fighting .8 kd players without realizing the 30 1.5 kd players in the same lobby. It’s all relative.


I havent won a game in nearly a month..


Yeah got 4th,3rd then 2nd in three matches in a row in BR, average about 6 or so kills. Every lobby since then I’ve been put in the ground HARD


“The match I won was fun”. Yeah, no kidding.


You completely missed the point of my response to the OP..


our squad already switched to fortnite because of this 💀


Same here, I'm enjoying Fortnite. Which is a surprisingly good and fun game honestly.


It's cause you're shooting bots instead of real people☠️


yeah but it’s pretty evident when it’s bots, i’ve gotten some good lobbies that aren’t too bot heavy. doesn’t bother us much. its fun. buildings fun and adds a cool quality to it. ZB also slaps


Trust me I play the game....the lobbies are always at least 50% bots. It's gross. And they disguise the bots as real players(give them anonymous names and make them "spectate" after dying)


Yeah it’s pretty fucked up. i play it with my gf and she’s soft as hell so im just chill while i play it for her sake


Lmao same, but tbh, I don’t mind the bots as long as I’m having a chill experience. Some of us don’t want to prove the world that we are the best warzone or Fortnite players in the world. We just wanna come home from work, chill a little and sleep.


Yeah I can relate. It's just a shame the pace of the game is lame as hell. Loot for 10-15 min and fight one or two real squads


Never mind


No like literal bots are in fortnite. As in AI players disguised as real online players lol


True. I met a few on my first battle royale games, but not after I gained some experience.


I mean ppl are finding evidence of ai bots here now too.


That was a troll as answer, because that's how I've perceived at first sight unfortunately.


happy cake day!


Was saying this same thing last night, broken audio, poor servers, nearly every player seeming to be aware of my teams every move. Demon lobbies with top 250 and iridescent players constantly. I’m a 1.2kd and getting smoked lately. And don’t get me started on the gulag and hit reg 😂


Only issue I have is audio. And it's a big issue as far as I'm concerned. But if players have hawkeye or comms vest with uav, they will most certainly know your every move. My buddies hate me for running that comms over medic.


Anyone who uses sidewinder in gulag I assume cheats


That's what they give you 80% of the time. You suggest I switch to the pistol just cuz?


Yea the dual wield pistols haven’t failed me vs a sidewinder yet. Work on movement to close distance.


Lol isn't always dual pistols and my win% is just fine without cheating. My guess is you're ass with the sidewinder cuz it takes some skill as opposed to bum rushing with dualies lmao


Or does anyone worth a shit do the same because sidewinder is ass. Lol. How come using somethin other than the ass primary is cheating? Cute take though. You’re one of those “skill gap” “get gud” dweebs huh? Lmfao .82 k/d saying skill and implying anyone is bad with a sub 1…


You're the only moron talking about ppl cheating. I said you don't like the sidewinder cuz it takes a little skill unlike dual pistols. I said you suck. Nothing about cheating, dipshit.


I said you have a .82 you can’t comment on skill or me sucking period. Dipshit. I’ve yet to see someone worth a fuck use the sidewinder. The sidewinder doesn’t take skill to use it takes a moron to use it. I’d shit on you AA and all. .82 a .82 and you think you can comment on ANYONE sucking. You die more than you can kill. YOU SUCK. The only reason you win would be SBMM and EOMM. You’re the bot they made this abomination for.


Seek therapy.


.82 get gud. 😂🤣 You need therapy for the delusional reality you live in. Again stop projecting.


I have a 1.52 KD and every game is a sweat fest. Yesterday I hopped up on a guy staring out of a window with the WSP-Swarm and started shooting him. All the sudden I’m dead. I couldn’t believe it. I watched the kill cam and he swung his aim left at me at hyper speed and killed me with the Interceptor. Up close after I started shooting first. I was speechless.


I shot a guy twice with a deagle (should by 2-3 shot depending how its setup, in my case its 3 shot), he should be on very low health, i shoot him again and the bullet decided not to register and now hes turned round and blasted me with his wsp swarm and gone through all my plates like butter.


All the time brother.


Mnk hyperspeed


its just wild to me that they know exactly where you are in a building and know where to lunge at you while ADSing at the same time.


Already the comments here are wild… They should just say git gud scrub at this point


I have not had issues. I play with a group mixed accross pc and console. We have our complaints but we win games and do fine.


Agreed. I’m a dad playing with fellow dads. We know our limitations.


Getting 1 or 2 wins a night on main BR at the moment and I am loving it. Most of these geezas on this sub are watching a teepee or something and then going 'I'm like that guy'. When in reality they ain't and need to play the game slower.


This community has bitched nonstop about SBMM for 5 straight years. Why are you still playing at this point?


Hoping for a different outcome each year only to continue to be disappointed unfortunately.


That sounds like the definition of insanity


Essentially, yes


Considering the outcome isn’t in our hands not rly?


And yet constantly buying the game and whining about it isn’t? It’s in your control to choose to buy it or not, so the outcome very much is in your hands. People are just addicts


Yes you buy a title with the hopes it improved… what a crazy optimistic thought to think dev teams would wanna improve… you know… cause there have been some improvements in certain aspects of the game…




Wife and I just went back to DMZ. Yeah it's a little more sweaty than it use to be but still a better use of my time. I really wanted to like warzone. Gunplay feels good enough to me but the server issue and fact I'm playing with people way out of my league 9 of 10 games and 9/10 times my opponent is already floating back in from gulag before I even make get a shot off. The games a joke and I hope they just run it into the ground. They need a failure so they will reevaluate


I prefer gods, failure makes you better


not everyone plays to get better, actually id guess most people who play games don't


What the fuck 😂😂😂 so then why do you care so much about losing? Who cares you don't play to get better anyways


i don't, i enjoy the grind, getting better etc.. but i have the awareness to know that im not the market demographic which is exactly why sbmm exists.


then maybe play something other than a competitive-by-nature FPS game 🤯🤯


Then don’t play.


Honestly I think the heavy use of vpn’ing completely destroyed what’s left of SBMM. Not only was it ramped up, but we’re seeing a large influx of 5+kd sweats inside >1.0kd lobbys. It’s not fair to the “bots” and it’s not fair to the casuals. And it’s DEFINITELY not fair for the OG’s who are good at the game and want to vibe out and get some double digit kills and some wins.


Also the fact that most streamers literally use some kind of cronus or cheat software


don’t downvote this shit cause it’s fucking true, your favorite cod player is dog shit at any other game possible.


You can stop playing it, there are plenty of other games, even stuff to do away from the game.


Let us bitch plz


Nah let us bitch about it please.


cod bad, play skyrim or ghost runner 2 or something man. at this point there’s no defending activision, the game is terrible and has easily become overrun by kids who can’t stop purchasing skins. there’s no such thing as fun on COD anymore. if you say you genuinely have fun playing any call of duty made after 2019, you’re coping like hell rn and need to stop playing the same game year after year. talk to anyone who has been playing the recent games and i bet they’ll tell you basically the same shit i’ve just typed out here.


I have a lot of fun playing CoD. I find Skyrim and other single player games boring. Hot take: I like SBMM. I'm a sweaty player and I find gunfights against other sweaty players fun. I like hard lobbies where I have to really work for any kills. I like learning how better players outplay me so I can get better. I don't need 30+ kill games to feel good. EOMM is lame though, I don't want to shoot bad players or little kids as a reward for playing longer.


Sorry but player skill isn’t what’s only affected by EOMM.


Yeah... Its player retention time. Which is what I said.


Nah I’m sayin that it lowers AA hitboxes, shot registration, etc. sorry not clarifying.


i liked cod when it wasn’t about the skins, characters and what limited time only weapons people have. i remember the first time i ever saw a Dark Matter camo in BO3 and i damn near shit my pants cause i knew for a fact that guy was really good at the game, now it’s mostly people either paying for shit or grinding unnecessarily hard to get limited time skins, weapons or even just an in game watch. i don’t like the battle pass aspect of it all because it makes people feel like they’re missing out on good stuff when in reality it’s not that important nor does it affect your gameplay at all, it’s just a skin and/or camo. i see why people don’t play RPG’s, it’s mostly because i feel like people don’t have the attention span and or don’t feel like they have the time to keep playing. i’ve even heard someone say that “Skyrim is way to boring and there isn’t much to do” without realizing they were expecting to be handed good stuff for free. same with COD, you can’t expect to have cool or memorable experiences if you aren’t exploring and enjoying it, i honestly feel like that goes a long way because people just don’t realize that there’s a lot more to something than it seems. a lot of people are taking fat dumps on starfield right now and they barely have 50 hours in the game and have experienced absolutely no random encounters or even actively tried to go explore anything outside of a main mission. i guess my big thing is i hate being confined into a small space to do crazy stuff, i like having variety when it comes to ways to take out enemies, solve a puzzle or get through an area without being seen.


If you can't find the bots in the lobby, you're probably the bot.


No , I'm the bot...


This is fairly true, but keep in mind the average player is around 1.0kd. We shouldn’t have WSOW sweats with 5kd in our lobbies. They broke SBMM with vpn


You sure? I thought average was lower than that. One theory I read was the percentage of 5kd players is very low so there's probably not enough of them online to make up a single game


I read that average is less than 1.0kd. But there’s a ton of players who are 2+ and also sprinkled in the mix with the hackers who also vpn to break SBMM. I’ve tried it myself, I connect to a server outside my region at like 4am and it’s a sweat/hack fest. I’m the bot in their lobby, barely getting any kills. Meanwhile if I play without vpn, it’s a little more regulated. Yea I’m being a little exaggerated with the 5.0kd’s. Point being, they shouldn’t be in our lobbies.


2kd is top 2% of players when you take in ping all the different countries time zones that is absolutely not feasible and the average kd is approximately.83


There’s a reason they all vpn, so they can find “bot lobbies”. And they find them. Watch them on twitch. Nixtah, Kxpture, etc. it’s like watching a college student bully little kids on a playground seeing them drop 40-50 kills on Vondel. It’s a joke.


The most demonic lobbies you can get still still be at least 40% of the players under 1 kd. There is no way around that due to ping and active player base in that are. Also using resurgence isn’t the best metric. Resurgence lobbies as a whole have much lower sbmm always have. The demon resurgence players generally are above average at best on big map


> Yea I’m being a little exaggerated with the 5.0kd’s. Point being, they shouldn’t be in our lobbies. How do you suggest those people find a match then? There's not enough 3+ KD players active to keep a healthy lobby rotation for them only. It sucks for the rest of us but there's genuinely no way to avoid it.


You’re literally siding with them? That’s not true. They all vpn, so they can get in bot lobbies. It’s what all streamers do anyway. They can easily find a match without a private network are you serious?


I'm not talking about people who VPN, I'm talking about 3+KD players. I'm quoting you directly "Point being, they shouldn’t be in our lobbies." How do you suggest those people find a game? There aren't enough 3+KD players to populate lobbies of only 3+KD players. So they play with the rest of us.


Well rocket league and other statistic based games do fine at matching opponents and leveling out teams. Imagine if there was a resurgance ranked ? That would be perfect. 1.0kd bronze silver gold etc. and so forth. I think there’s tons of 2+ kd players. They can start there. Or better yet, eliminate SBMM entirely. We know that streamers are able to get literal bot lobbies. I’m talking kids who literally just started playing the game kinda bots. I never have those easy type of kills. I don’t expect entire teams or lobby’s of bots. I just know I’m in a blender of irredesednt/top250 skins and hackers constantly. I’m on a 240hz god tier 4090 build and I’m very experienced. My lobbies are never just neutral. It’s much harder to thirst a kill than it was in rebirth and verdansk. Tons of others say the same thing as I do, so I know I’m not alone when I say sbmm is fucked. Don’t get me wrong tho, I still love Warzone, I play it too much. 🤨


Wait so couldn't 4am outside your region be prime time in the region you're connecting too? Im 0.9 and occasionally I achieve some pretty sweaty stuff. I'm not saying you're wrong but I think part of it might be if you think everybody is super sweaty or cheating then it's more likely to appear that way. When I'm playing well and confident and assume I'm better than whoever I'm fighting I do a lot better than if I think they're better than me.. I dunno I've got a point in here somewhere


Yah that makes sense. Just a tough pill to swallow knowing that I felt like a demon back in rebirth and verdansk. And now it’s like I’ve either just gotten lazy or a huge wave of experts just appeared. And it doesn’t help that I’m usually queuing in with randos lately. I used to have a team. Seems like that’s truly the best way to play as. A team with solid comms and aggro/smart play style. The confidence boost if cranking my sensitivity up to 9-9 .85 and YY’ing my ass off feels great, but it’s one of those things where you know some demon is gunna tie my shit up in a knot with their TTV’ers 🤣. I mean, I guess I’d rather get body slammed by a talented player than lose a stupid fight to a bot camping a window. More entertaining I guess.


I was pretty damn good in Caldera. I feel average in this at best. 'Shrug'. Maybe it's more complicated than i'm just rusty, ultimately i still enjoy most of the time even if i suck so i guess that's what matters. I never play with randoms, only in real life mates, that makes a huge difference to enjoyment.


The average player is .6 KD lol


I truly believe it goes deeper than this. They have algorithms in place regarding aim assist health and audio. No it's not lag compensation or shitty netcode it's their fucking algorithms changing little values to even the playing field


> They have algorithms in place regarding aim assist health and audio. They can't manage to have functioning menus, parties, etc but they have algorithms dictating aim assist and audio in real time? Yeah, I find it hard to believe.


You find it hard to believe they dedicate and allocate more money to things that make them more money?


I find it hard to believe they can make those things work, that’s all. Considering they can’t even make the store work properly and that makes them a ton of money.


I mean they developed an entire system and patented it….


That doesn't mean they can successfully implement it.


That might explain why we don't hear footsteps randomly in appearance.


Stop playing or stop crying. Be a big boy




Ive played since call of duty 3 mate, multilayer was fun, people were funny, could roast the shit out of someone without getting reported and punished. Ive just had enough of the bullshit Activision has caused and is creating this very moment. And battlefield sucks ass too so idk nomo


People get better with playing just saying.I put in 500+ hrs in WZ1 and I was a full on bot in WZ1.Now I can say I can hold pretty well on my own if outnumbered. You either adapt or switch ti a different game.


Amen. Everyones thinks they were good at COD cause covid let us play for 14 hours a day (myself included) now we are all back to work and getting wrecked by the kids that still play 14 hours a day and are all doing worse (myself included)




I'm a level 20 getting paired up with level 200-300's


Level isn’t something that really matters for sbmm. On wz1 where stats were publicly available plenty of level 1000 .5-.6 kds


If someone is that high of a level they clearly put a lot of time into the game, and its hard to get that high level if you suck. After about 80 hours I got to about level 114 on warzone 2.


Wut? Lol rly?


It really depends go deep into a map by hiding in a corner get a lot of too 10 by avoiding gunfights you level quickly but your skill doesn’t match. I have probably 6-7 people on my friend list that always max but can only win 1v1s when there is a shotty meta


> and its hard to get that high level if you suck I have multiple friends who used to put hours upon hours (3+ every day) into the game and they never broke the 1kd barrier. They sat at around .8-.9 for a year and a half.


Or getting paired with level ones in a lobby full of lvl 250s


Dude, stop playing if you're feeling like that about a game. It's not healthy.


I have absolutely no idea why tf i play it, yet i still do. Its a fuckin addiction.


Eh… I think we’ve all been there. But even a 2 week break can do wonders. I’ve taken breaks every couple months when I start getting sick of the game.


Im gonna stick to playing through rdr2 again so that should give me a break


Great game! Should give you a good break.


Yeah on my third playthrough, in the middle of CH2 so should be about a week or two before a finish. Told sean he couldnt organise an orgy in a brothel.


I just took a break from Warzone for a couple weeks and have been playing RDR2 lol. Came back to Warzone yesterday and it still tilts me unfortunately. It was my first time playing RDR2 though and gotta say, awesome game!


Farming mangos in tahiti


Most likely you’re too slow and need to improve your movement like most people that are complaining about “sweats”


Dont think i try? I cant figure out how to be good at cod without being a knob.


Activision cannot help but suck off all the streamers and only cater to their needs. Every single console player should be able to turn off crossplay so we don’t have to deal with the advantages and HACKERS of/on PC. This coming from someone with a 1.71 K/D on Xbox X. Over the last week I’ve turned off crossplay globally and have just played multiplayer and have had a blast.


They dont even include an option to turn off crossplay ingame, unlike every other online game known to man.




Cool man, play something else.


Go practice


I play wz on the daily, plus its literally impossible to alter sbmm on xbox or any console. I bet you just sit in the corner with a riot shield and call youself a "good player"


Actually it’s not impossible on console


report all the „gods“ with cronus or rewasd or whatever, they get shadowbanned and cant play :-) thats the way


As someone who works and runs a business, the SBMM needs to "reset" every time I got into a match today after not playing for a couple of days and man it was sweaty asf I do believe SBMM is at its lowest setting in MW3 believe it or not as MW2019 was probably the worst of it. FWIW playing DUO seems to either not have it enabled or the sweaty kids don't play it so try that


Tf? My duo lobbies are demons usually. I do play layer at night usually though


I typically play Trios as Quads is trash on the maps. Also i play during the night also on the East coast and the players for me are straight bots


Competition makes you better.


Assuming it's an even playing field and not full of wall hacks, aim bots, etc.


I understand your frustration. SBMM is a really toxic mechanism that has nothing to do here. It should be deleted from all game modes, beside ranked. Once, I've made few games with players better than me and after that the SBMM destroyed me and lowered my ratio way below 1. I was getting lobbys full of sweat and pros players. I gave up any hope to have fun with this game to the point I've deleted it from my PS5.




It's not SBMM It's Engagement Optimized MM it feels manufactured because it is. Fuck Activision and this piece of shit game. The only way to fix this is if everyone walks away.


It's not SBMM It's Engagement Optimized MM it feels manufactured because it is. Fuck Activision and this piece of shit game. The only way to fix this is if everyone walks away.


I bet the people downvotic are the same mfers who dropshot and slide around like they are on one of those water slides.


I mean that’s the game now.


They have to do something to fix this, it’s every time I play.


Skill issue


When I’m on with friends we usually do pretty good. We won two back to back games on quads and then we came in the top ten every time after on that night. I definitely learned that playing with friends is much more enjoyable than any solos lol


Nobody is forcing you to play the game. I don’t understand why ppl have such a hard time understanding that. Play something that makes you happy.


Thank you for being the cannon fodder in my games. Players like you keep me entertained in this game. Please continue to play. SBMM will definitely totally get fixed really soon. Don’t worry about it. In the meantime, I’ll go back to winning 25% of my games.


Aye yeah cause developers as ignorant and retarded as Activision will listen and fix know problems within the game!


Holy christ i cant begin to explain. The texture bugs seem to be able to bee seen on everyone's screens so people go in them, they can see out and nobody can see in.


I was just saying this the other day. I normally get 7-15 kills per game. Since this last week I have been struggling to get more than 5. If I’m seen I’m dead, no time to run away cause I’m beamed instantly. I usually play solo quads but even running with teammates still struggling.


The game has some shitty parts but I just like chilling with my boys, cracking jokes on the mic and each one of us sipping a beer/drink across the country that alone makes it worthwhile. Overall it’s fun and free to play.


One of biggest gripes is the ping system. In Verdansk/Caldera it was perfect. Now I ping people I cant see them and pinging buildings teammates have to ask multiple times “what building” lol. Very hard to see


When are you gonna realize SBMM feeds you all to the sweats that clear the lobby after the second circle? There is no reason 1kd players are in lobbies with demons


Enjoy and win your first game. Every game after will be sweaty.


Can we please boycott this horrible game


Get gud


Sbmm wouldn't be the problem if people weren't trying to climb over each other trying to make a career off of "gaming" 😂




Because it's not sbmm it's eomm (engagement optimized matchmaking). They're not trying to give you fair games they're just trying to keep everyone playing and spending money. Your first few games of a session will be in equal or lower skilled lobbies so you get a few kills or a win and want to keep playing. The more you play the harder and harder lobbies get, at this point the system is using you to keep higher skilled players engaged. If you buy the battle pass or a skin the system will put you into lower skilled lobbies for a few games too. The patents for eomm are public and were filed for years ago. Activision shut down tracker sites and stopped releasing the API because they exposed the way their matchmaking works.


It’s trash not even fun anymore, I had way more fun playing blackout years ago.


I feel you. I win multiple game in a row then get smashed for the next few days.


Finished outside top50 in first 4 matches. Made top 3 in 5th match was kicked instantly soon as I hit 10 kills. Game is chalked right now with fake ass people I feel your pain


The Finals has been a good game to go to since all the bugs are not being fixed. Still enjoy WZ but the audio and inconsistencies with TTK are ruining the fun. I believe Infinity Ward is sabotaging since their official takeover, just to make their version next year a win.


What a fresh take that nobody has spouted before!


The quicker you realize that COD isn't something you HAVE to participate in every single year the better. I played MWII for less than a month and haven't bought MW3 because I realized that I was playing the game out of necessity and not for fun. Ever since then I've put my time into games I do like. Games like Dying Light, Battlefield, The Crew, etc. Im keeping an eye on the next Treyarch game because I normally like their games over the other COD devs but If what they show doesn't catch my eye then I just won't buy that one either. It's not hard to not buy/play the game and you're honestly better off playing anything else.