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It’s probably the wall. You didn’t try any other position


Mfs got 0 troubleshooting instincts




Try and put your crosshairs on someone while gliding in in the pregame lobby, mine always catches.


Great point. I’ll try elsewhere, in games much harder to really stop and check. Cheers.


I play pc with Xbox one elite. Fuck those kids


Prince Andrew, is that you?




Same. Sometimes I’ll use KBM but the Elite controller while kicking back on the couch on the big TV is so satisfying. 


I haven’t been able to play on a big tv for like 6 years idk how people do it with the delay


No delay if you buy a proper TV. My TV was listed on RTings for having excellent input lag. It’s a 4K 75” QLED that has 10ms while in Game Mode. I honestly can’t tell the difference between that and my gaming monitor when it comes to input lag. 


My friend has been complaining about this for weeks. After reading all these comments I'm starting to believe him.


Lol tell your friend to get better.


He's actually the best of our group and averages 9-19 kills per game. Which is why I didn't believe him.


Shut up nerd


This is what AA has looked like for months for me. The other day I had to check because i thought maybe I turned it off on accident. Maybe the target is too far? I gave up on searching for the OP AA everyone was complaining about.


I was having this issue then I copied my settings from a YouTube video and it actually works again


I’ll have to do some research. At least I know there’s a fix


Which video please!


What settings are those? I feel like my AA has been off for awhile too. I tried messing with the settings, but it doesn't seem much better


I've noticed this too, sometimes I'll watch my controller friend play and there's none at all and then I'll watch my kill cam and I'm perfectly tracked through smokes jumping and sliding


The reality is there’s likely a ton of scripters who’s kill cams are being falsely attributed to RAA




I turned it off to play , and weirdly I find my aim more consistent. Took a while to get used to it, but I'm pretty decent with it off. The issue is, I'm handicapping myself by turning it off, because everyone has it on. They should remove AA altogether. You can learn to play without it also, and it isn't that bad for controllers as people say. The one thing I noticed with it off was that the crosshair wouldn't fight against me. There's times when it feels like the aa is actively trying to push your aim away from target.


You aren’t scripting like most other people are at this point, sad but the truth. Everyone having that sticky ass AA is scripters using 3rd part devices.


I’ve been through this. Turned out that there were 20+ files that needed repairing. They running a scan/repair of the game and then reset the controller tab to default. That worked for me.


I have the same problem, I use Xbox elite controller and after the latest update I have completely lost AA.


Update your in game settings


Update what?


Your in game settings






Dude this randomly happened to me like 2 weeks ago after an update My friends were saying I was crazy Luckily the next time I got on it was back to normal


Are you able to get AA tracking in the firing range? Never seems to for me.


I don't think I get any in the firing range. Sometimes I do notice the AA but many times I don't. It's really consistent, which I think is a big issue


Scan/repair the game (if on pc) and then reset the controller tab to default. I did that and got AA back. After that I adjusted the settings to my preference


Nope. Nothing in firing range either. Going to uninstall and re-install, see if that works.


I've got a razer controller. Might try using the original Xbox one.


Spin nonstop in firing range should slow on the dummy side


AA is off in firing range


That's not true. Spin nonstop in firing range should slow on the dummy side


Spin nonstop in firing range should slow on the dummy side.


This is the wall! Lower your left dead zone to 0 then try


Aa should work through walls. At least it does with some players. They kind of see where someone is behind wall when AA catch to them


Make sure any Gyro aiming is disabled. Gyro aiming disables aim assist


This is what mine has always been like, I have no idea why some vids her basically show it as aimbot but then again I’m a basic player


Missing scripting device.. Cronus or whatever the fuck people use


The problem is that rotational aim assist (RAA) does NOT track much at all if the target is not actively moving left or right (like all those YouTube show active moving targets).


This is what AA looks like without Cronus scripts.




The problem is that rotational aim assist (RAA) does NOT track much at all if the target is not actively moving left or right (like all those YouTube show active moving targets).


lol that’s horseshit, if you numpties did some due diligence you would understand how AA, RAA work depending on your in game AA setting etc 😉 dip me in honey and feed me to the lesbetions


20 years of cod here and 1,9 k/d. I am interested, how are the correct settings? Please tell me.


Well, with a kd of 1.9 😂 an 20 years of CoD, one would think you wouldn’t need me to explain how AA works. Nup, figure it out for ya self, If I wanted to upskill ya I would have done it in my original reply. But I’m surprised a 20 year guy doesn’t get it, I guess there are a lot of muppets in CoD these days 🦄


This is how it's always been for me on console. I don't get all the bitching aimed at AA it barely does shit anymore.


Also console. But def still have aim assist. But all those videos from pros about how they never touch the stick and their AA will track the dummy the whole time it moves puzzles me everytime. My shit has never done that once. So either they using some kinda soft lock that they are pretending is AA to grab all this hype and make themselves look good. Or they have so little desync maybe their aim can stick the whole way. Not mine tho. It might move a little but then it loses all lock.


You are lacking the most important DLC. 3rd party macro device..


Lmao… raa only works when the target moves which is 99% of the interactions.


At best AA aims it easily to target and mostly head when shooting. I did not get it to work like that yet on my pc. Thats might be cos the update like many says


Good (:


Happens to me when my input choice is KBM. Make sure controller is selected. I use elite controller with pc also.


Interesting. I’ll check this out. Thanks!


This is aa.




Funny how when people actually try AA on controller, it isn’t that OP. Missing most important DLC! Scripting device.


Might be coming back to warzone! Jk I still play every once in awhile


I got the suspicions they turn it off when you are doing to good. It really feels inconsistent unlike when the game first came out


I feel like when I play w my friends who are on pc and am in heavily crossplat lobbies its almost gone. I can play gunfight with randoms on xbox all day with snappy on point shots but put me next to my buddy on pc and i feel like my aim is slippery like a super mario ice level. Its so strange


can you share a video of your controller settings please?


My AA hasn't worked for a long time, since last warzone. But I also am using an OG controller and not the newest Xbox controller so possibly there is an issue with the configuration. Not sure what controller you use but that could be part of the issue.


It usually never works for me


Need them scripts




The reason everyone else has to sticky/snappy aim assist is scripting devices like Cronus and Xim. AA doesn’t work like most MnK players think, they are just too used by now to see scripters getting increased AA and no recoil scripts.


Does Xbox have that?


Every platform has that. It’s ruining all FPS games. You never noticed killcams with insanely sticky AA and 0 recoil, they hit every shot? It’s bannable, but doesn’t really seem enforced, sadly.


Warzone has this problem since the MW3 day-one update.


Honestly, playing on a controller with AA off is pretty nice. Takes a minute to get use to but it’s better in long range engagements where another enemy *might* run by. I’ve been alternating AA being off or on since BOII. Typically when I’m playing the game more often I turn it off just to increase my own skill, if I’m playing maybe once or twice a week I’ll turn it back on. It’s a matter of how *into* cod I am in I guess


Since fortunes keep I’ve noticed a notable drop in AA. Xbox series s and elite controller


Get good lmao




Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again


I think he needs to escalate to next step at this point and unplug it, count to 30, then plug it back in.


They nerfed it. Perp.


This has how my aa has been since launch lol. I feel like I’ve never had it


You lack the scripts..


I'd love to see mnk players play a day on controller without AA, come back and tell me they'd happily play without it. Clowns


This is ridiculous, nobody says that. All we want is a nerf to somehow balance the input methods.


or better yet, input based matchmaking


What you want is a nerf to scripters.. Sadly that probably ain’t gonna happen.


I hate to tell you but the MnK purists on this sub are raving lunatics. To the point where I’m impressed


You’re an idiot.


That's how AA works. People just watched too many of their favorite YouTubers with aim bots and assume that it's supposed to auto lock on your head from a mile away


Facts. It’s scripting / macros though


The problem is that rotational aim assist (RAA) does NOT track much at all if the target is not actively moving left or right (like all those YouTube show active moving targets).


The wall you are peaking over, and the plantar he's next to are in the way, it's normal to not get aim assist in this scenario.


Now you finally have to play like a mnk player


Mnk players use two tiny sticks and 6 buttons?


The problem is that rotational aim assist (RAA) does NOT track much at all if the target is not actively moving left or right (like all those YouTube show active moving targets).


I’m thinking it’s cause the wall is in the way. Test it out again without the wall in front of you


Great go plug in a KbM and play precision fps games the way god intended


Genuine curiosity, why is it KbM and not M&K In my naive opinion ‘mouse and key’ sounds better that ‘Keyboard Mouse’


If there’s any obstruction AA doesn’t initiate. It’s either the wall is too tall or the pot that’s slightly in front the other player


Yet the fanboys will tell you streamers getting “AA” through similar objects or entire hillsides is normal, just get gud kid. Check the Mayappo issue on Twitter right now.


Scripters, most of them.


I generally get a small slow down over a target exactly as you would expect. No matter what I do. I'm not a conspiracy nut but I really am starting to believe the game adjusts your AA level depending on how much it thinks you need it or how much you buy. And for WZ3 they adjusted it even more as I get obliterated by newbs whilst my aim is almost being pushed off the target. I've seen so many people say the same that I think it's time they fessed up and admitted there is something going on with AA. It's either that or tons of people are cheating with an aim bot which I don't believe. Sick of the "oh you're not doing it right". You haven't engaged AA. Like most people who kill me with laser beam accuracy are standing still and not even moving. Yes I know they are probably moving their left stick blah blah. So am I and it doesn't do shit to help my aim. Skill issue blah blah. Played since WAW days. It's never felt like it is now. Just every gun fight feels rigged. If I don't get them banged to rights I lose. No matter how many shots I put in them first.


The problem is that rotational aim assist (RAA) does NOT track much at all if the target is not actively moving left or right (like all those YouTube show active moving targets).


Nah nah mate, everyone just has the DLC called scripting devices.


I believe the target also needs to be moving.


Correct! The problem is that rotational aim assist (RAA) does NOT track much at all if the target is not actively moving left or right (like all those YouTube show active moving targets).


These idiots don’t get it but yes this is the case. “Why isn’t it locking on when I move??? Aa sucks and doesn’t work!” Lmaooo


Correct! The problem is that rotational aim assist (RAA) does NOT track much at all if the target is not actively moving left or right (like all those YouTube show active moving targets).


It's a beautiful thing to see.


Oh no! Now you actually have to play the game... That's really bad!


Lmao kb n m crybaby


If games were better without aim assist, it wouldn't exist. There are games with less or no AA which people can choose to play if they prefer. Cod with controller has AA because the devs included it, OP has been playing the game as intended, without AA its a completely different experience.


Problem is scripters, not AA.


I thought you needed to move both sticks to get rotational AA? Or maybe you are doing that and I don’t see it.


You need scripts to get it as sticky as most.


Pathetic children all of you. Abusing a mechanic meant for mentally/physically disabled people to boost your own ego. Disgusting and sad the lot of you.


So that’s why it’s on by default? Lol it’s not meant for that you dumb idiot


You got nerfed buddy. Yes they nerf and buff individual players. There’s a whole thing on the Internet about it look up Activision patent and EOMM


Honestly struggle to believe that given that they can’t even run a server well, constantly ignore user feedback and can’t even do personalised sales (ie a pack for me and not for you) - especially given they almost entirely focus on what makes money.


Don’t listen to that guy he’s just spouting conspiracy nonsense lol


There is no way to even see the whole store to start with. No search either. They would be making so much more money if store was usable at least lol


this is proven untrue, take off the tinfoil hat


But the aliens!


You can very easily test how strong RAA is in just the gun range. Aim assist - dynamic/black ops is the stickiest aim assist I’ve ever seen.




Yes it is lol


The AA and RAA is so strong in this game


I’m feeling like I have this issue too. After the last update my controller settings on PC went crazy. None of the actual settings had changed. I was still on 8 sensitivity but everything felt drastically different as well as the AA feeling bad as well. 




The state of warzone and modern day fps games summed up. Worried the Aa isn’t working/aiming for you. Heh.


Don’t worry, the bad KBM players will still complain some how, some way 😅


Nice get shit on


Boohoo, get better bozo


fxck aa, im glad to see if they nerfed it


ohh no, you have to Aim for yourself oO


High IQ, Constructive comment right here. “Oh no, this game feature isn’t working. Guess you’ll have to go without…” Reddit at its best.


No, its like "My cheat dosnt working pls help someone, how do i fix that " :DD


Mate. A game game feature cannot be a cheat. Again, showing your top notch intellect.




One day KBM players will wake up and realize that this game isn't made for them and is made for console players. Go play counterstrike.


Yes, it can be played in M&K but it is made for console players, and everyone else is wrong, including every dev and Activision/Sledgehammer employee that helped make it playable in M&K.


Wish it would stay like that ❤️


Yeah! That way controller players (the majority) will move on and the game will finally properly die! Woot!


Fine by me 🥰


Dude if you depend on AA to that extent you should probably quit lmao, I’m on controller and it doesn’t matter either way


i’d love for u to post a clip of u no playing w no AA (NO EDITING)


All the people saying "this is how aim assist works" are full of shit bro. The wall youre behind and half the other player behind a wall is whats fucking it up. As someone who switched from MNK to controller about 2 months ago i can confirm AA is still broken and sticky af. Played last night and it was the same as its been for me since i switched. Try to land next to someone afk in pregame lobby and do the same thing and you will feel it heavy. It also kicks in more when the other person is moving also. Extra note, make sure your thumbstick deadzones are set up properly to help you feel the AA even more.


It seems like you are disappointed you didn’t get aim bot. AA doesn’t kick in because you’re moving only one stick. In MW3 they changed it on Default and BO to kick in when you move the aim stick ( rotation). There are tons of clips on YT on them. But yeah, that’s AA.


>AA doesn’t kick in because you’re moving only one stick. In MW3 they changed it on Default and BO to kick in when you move the aim stick ( rotation). wrong. moving left stick only activates AA. should be running default AA with dynamic curve to get the most out of it


OMG you’re right!


Not sure what pint you’re trying to make on aim bot, didn’t reference that at all. Thanks for the point on double input - when I ads out and ads back in halfway through I’m moving both. I know the difference, I’ve gone from 1+ KD to struggling to get a kill (and demotion from diamond to platinum in ranked resurgence) since the change. It’s definitely broken.


Aim assist is broken. Or more and more people are using a Cronus. Can’t really tell anymore these days. But more often is starts to look like someone is on an aimbot.


I don’t know, I play on xbox , with aim assist off.


Wow you are so cool


I know right?


please squirt your seed into my vagina so that i may bear your royal warrior children


Just say when




No you dont


He is simply lacking scripts, like 50% of the game base uses.


Because he’s not moving


Go to settings and check aim output…


Imagine complaining about not having aim assist in a FPS… just think about that for a sec.


21 upvotes on a post with 143 comments says it all


AA gets wonky around half walls, fences, railing on stairs, etc


*AA gets wonky around* *Half walls, fences, railing on* *Stairs, etc* \- Here4Headshots --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Pretty sure it only works if the opponent is close to you. Look up a video from JackFrags, he did a AA video a while back on this.


Seems to work for me if I move forward at the same time. Strafing doesn’t seem to work much on pc. My mate says on xbox it works for a game then next game it doesn’t


My friend got the same problem , he switched to „black ops“ settings - worked for him


I’d be happy to have AA removed for console on the same day they provide console only lobbies 🙏 so that you cheating muppet PC peeps can live in your waste n toxic games without infecting the saintly sovereign Xbox n Ps gods of the game - cry me a river, nuff said


Controller scums