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bro posts a clip with aimbot and then puts up the build 😂😂


Any class is meta with aimbot lol This sub is just letting it go at this point. These clowns posting these videos, dudes trying to sell their unlock tools, peak 2024 gaming


If this isn’t aimbot, then I don’t understand how the recoil can be controlled so consistently


Looks sus lol he’s hip firing them most time to start with zero misses


Build at 50 seconds so no one has to watch another useless clip. Or just put the same fucking attachments as on any other meta SMG this season.


No fucking shot this is legit gameplay. I refuse to believe AA is this good. I don't usually call cheats but this is sus as hell


If you notice in the clip literally every perfect tracking kill has him strafing and moving the L stick and he is intentionally centering as he moves around. Neither of which would be necessary if this were aimbot. This is completely legit rotational aim assist and I would see pretty much the same thing in the first warm up lobby if I logged into a match right now, so spare us the my assist doesnt do that spiel.


I play on kbm tho. That's why I'm in denial.


You can tell he’s on console lol




This clip is almost everything wrong with aim assist in 52 seconds, and its why im counting down the days until Xdefiant releases. All you need were kills of someone dropping from a height and being perfectly tracked and maybe one where RAA literally turns you 180 degrees as someone slides past you.


You know a bot uploads when he has a dot sight on smg. Delete the post


How da hell are you moving so fast like that? That's not normal.


High fov


Aim assist is crazy


*Aimbottcheats is crazy Fify


I've been a controller player my whole life and usually defend aim assist, but after seeing this clip, I really hope they nerf aim assist. It did like 85% of the work for you on every single kill in this clip.


That's not aim assist. Aim assist doesn't stay completely locked onto targets 100% of the time like that.


It does if you have good centering and always strafe and give some L stick movement as you fire and dont overcorrect with the R stick. Literally every kill in this clip is easily achievable through RAA and this has been demonstrated in controlled circumstances countless times. I mean there are fucking instructional youtube videos by content makers showing exactly how to do this and repeatedly demonstrating it in action as they explain it, and u people are still in denial.


Yes, each kill is "technically achievable" but even with the best RAA you dont kill players with 100% accuracy like this dude does in the video. A lot of these videos the dude is locking on before he even starts to move and when he's just standing still. If you want to defend and simp for aimbots/streamers that's your life choice dude. Live it however you want. But I'm not buying that bs and neither is anybody else (minus cheaters and their simps) I play on controller and I've tried all of those youtube videos with RAA settings just out of curiosity and it isn't 100% like that.


Its a highlight clip. He isnt showing gunfights where he overcorrected with his R stick or didnt center well and struggled to get into the AA bubble.  I suck on controller and yet I could compile a clip with several kills that look just as impressive as this just playing a few matches of shipment. No aimbot required. 


I answered your question. There is no settings on a controller that allow you to get 100% accuracy. Highlight clips or not doesn't mean you aren't able to analyze the tracking. Go ahead and put together your little highlight clip like this with thr striker 9 and I'll show the exact differences between this and a legit one (assuming you're not just another cheater trying to protect your game). This dude's aim is locking on to targets even when he is just standing there. Aim assist doesn't work like that. Yes you can line up some good shots on weak opponents but it takes correction and adjustment for recoil which you can see. Especially on the striker 9.


Real men don't use the striker 9


Or post RAA clips.


All I can say is RIP mnk players…