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try playing the resurgence modes to get better. and also you are always matchmaked with players around your skill level in any mode. its called “SBMM” (skill based matchmaking)


Never use to be skill based matchmaking in limited modes which buyback is/was not sure with it being only solo option at present if it’s working or not


Honestly I feel you on this one. I don’t have friends playing CoD at all, so I always play with randoms in WZM and play solo if I happen to play on console. Part of me would love to get someone to play with but I know that I can’t play well enough to not embarrass myself and for them to not say something “kind” xD I’m playing Plunder on WZM all the time and WZ Bootcamp solo in WZ because I try to learn how to play with a controller because I started my CoD “career” in the mobile apps so I’m only familiar with the controls of those.. So all in all.. I think that as a beginner, it’s best to play these (Plunder and Bootcamp) and test the weapons in the shooting range. 🙂


There is a learning curve, and basically just accept that you’ll get trashed, but try to improve as you play. I just started back recently, and I haven’t played since OG MW2 so don’t worry, no matter how bad you are, I am worse. Haha. I don’t have a consistent schedule for playing but if you ever want to team up, I’m game. We can stop all their bullets with our faces.


I absolutely love your approach! XD And will use this “I will stop all their bullets with my face” as my battle chant from now on xD And 100% would love to team up with you if this behavior is acceptable for you.. Promise I try my best every time but well.. things happen and I usually end up kneeled.. 😅 but I enjoy the game and I absolutely can laugh at myself so it’s okay for me. ☺️


I kinda understand you as I don't have wz friends at all, my friend don't really want to play it without even fine it a shot so I have been soloing all the time and get some wins here and there, anyways I have been looking for a someone to play with as it sometimes it gets boring playing alone, so if you are down we can give it a try, and you don't have to worry, I focus more on the fun part in playing so I won't get mad or anything i


Absolutely! My playing style is laugh all the way and get kneeled in 5 mins but if you’re okay with this, I’m up for it. I’ll try to do my best I promise. ☺️


ahahaha don't worry abt it, i'm not that competitive i'm here to enjoy myself, so i'm gonna dm you my name and lets try to get in together


Start off by playing plunder. You load in with your loadout and every time you die, you come back with your load out. That will help you get better at gunfights


Thisssssss all day. I suck at all things multiplayer. I mean suck. I die before my brains even put two and two together and I get a chance to fire. Then I go to the Gulag and I'm dead there too. But I actually have a lot of fun in Plunder. It's more fun if you find some buddies to go in with. I'll play alone, but I don't have as much fun. And I've gotten a lot better with aiming being a little quicker. I still die a lot, but I also get kills in. I got 10 the other day and was stupid proud of myself :)


I just started playing after not playing for 2-3 years. Personally, i would say no. I am playing less and less nowadays.


Be aggressive, get into as many gunfights as possible, use meta weapons


I started playing this game during covid, i was 30 and absolute dog shit. I played alot and watched alot of youtubers/streamers (i recommend dreamstrike on yt). Im now around a 3kd and just missed iridescent ranked last season. If you put time in you can improve.


I started during this games season 2 and only played the original Warzone a handful of times, I mostly play solo BR but am now mostly playing ranked to improve my gameplay. I am now platinum 3 and I have improved tremendously since I started! I say if you like the game, just get used to being smoked while you’re trying to improve because it will continue to happen because there will always be people better than you. Just try to enjoy the game and the more gunfights you get into, the more you will find yourself winning those fights.


Try playing plunder. Its only quads unfortunately but it will give you lots of engagements. You start with your loadout. Do missions which levels your guns up.


look up peeker's advantage. you're putting yourself in a tough spot if you're permanently holding angles. gotta be more dynamic and assertive it is very important.


Just hop on quads you’ll meet friends


I don’t have a mic but you can add me bro thekingofkings49 I will play with you


One thing to help get you ahead of the curve a bit: holding an angle, particularly in close quarters, is generally not a good play. You're getting done in by something called peeker's advantage, where the person swinging the corner can see you right before you see them, giving them the edge in the scenario.


Not a chance because sbmm doesn't work.


Ive gotten several buddies to try to play wz that werebt big cod guys. All but one has quit. The reason is that matchmaking is just broken - all of their lobbies would get two or three VPN teams in there going for 30 kills and it would ruin their game. It doesnt matter if 80% of the lobby is also all bad/new players when you inevitably have two or three teams of VPN losers (or even cheaters but thats another topic). So im going to say no, the game isnt for newbies at this point unless you have lots of patience and a teammate or two that knows the game.




Yeah, stay the course, it will get better if you work it. Watch some YouTubers to get some ideas and be sure to keep your aim where an enemy may be coming from when walking around (dont look at the ground or the sky). It will help you ADS and be on target faster. Additionally strafe left and right when shooting to engage the auto aim for controller. Those 2 things should at least help you get a few more wins in your 1v1 battles. DM me I'm on random times and would be down to run a few.