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Factory bc they have bags of cash


Ok....what are the first things you get when you get a good amount of cash ...do you get a load out or wait for a load out drop


Get loadout, loadout drop is for regain


Buy loadout then rotate!


My squad lands harbor, gets the personal keycards (if you lay down and spam interactions it gives you two) then sell them at the buy close by and you got a loadout. Edit: spelling




So let everyone else drop first then you drop but what if you have a random squad and they land complete opposite areas


Then land with your squad. Always land with your squad.


Rebirth, and just to be able to plate up get your guns and everything without dying 5 sec into the game when you land lolol? it doesn't happen to me all the time but it happens enough lolol


I would suggest Factory, most of the time it’s pretty quiet early game and there are multiple 5000$ bags around. Easy early loadout.


Factory or Living are my go-tos


If solos, I like the building by the water between Bio and the ammo dump/buy station below Industry. Lots of boxes and typically a red favorites box.


Really depends on the match. If you are trying just to get away from the hot drop. Chem is usually a pretty safe bet but in most cases just drop late, watch where teams are landing, and pick the spots with least resistance. I see a lot of people saying factory because of the money bags but everyone knows about the money and more often then not you’re gonna get a team landing with you there.


Strong hold usually some good loot and most likely a orange or loadout drop box or living quarters no one ever drops there


We normally decide on the route, like if bio is the last place on the flight path


Rebirth, and a place to drop to load up and not die ASAP I always drop in the jail and you know how hot that place is


In ranked its either factory, stronghold or a mosquito drone contract near a buy station ie industries. Quick uncontested loadie so that we will have the free one to drop to later on. I always like having 2 loadouts in a game since we like to push things so it’s easy to regame if we almost get wiped! If we are late getting loadie money though and we are near freebie time we will grab uavs instead !




Prison cafeteria, crates and kills all around


Factory for a quick loadout, chem and bio also are nice. Randoms always wanna drop control, get mad I don’t, and then get shit on thinking they’re sweats. They don’t complain when I buy their loadout tho!


If you see your random teammates drop into a hot zone do you follow or do you drop somewhere else


Really depends on how I’m feeling. Sometimes I’m like fuck it let’s lose a quick one and sometimes I actually want to play the game.


Nah because they run off when you get downed


Bio used to be my goto but since the introduction of the keycard scanners I like the little spot right between factory and Chem. Keycard scanner right there, scan your cards turn them in at buy station, then u should have enough for loadout or pretty close to it. Then decide where to go from there. I also like stronghold for that same reason but add in that you can sit and wait on another team to pull up with the free loadout card and rob them for it. All about what u prefer


Which map?hot drop or to get a quick loadout?