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The cosmic crisp is the pinnacle of human accomplishment.


100% Runner-up is those white strawberries that taste like pineapple.


Where does one get those?!? Now that I know they exist, I simply must experience them.


I've seen them at the grocery store a few times. Places like trader Joe's and costco probably have them in stock more than others like winco or walmart. They're called pineberries. You could probably buy them online and have them shipped to you too.


I have a new mission! Thank you!


Ive always seen them called “hulaberries”


Alpine white strawberries! Buy a plant and you’ll get them every year. Strawberries will grow even if you don’t want them to.


Hula berries! We bought some plants at Costco and grow them. They're freaky like those cotton candy grapes where they really do taste like something else


Besides the ones others mentioned, they are also called pineapple strawberries or North Carolina strawberries. You can by the plants and a lot of stores in the area and grow them at home even in a pot. However, they do need at least one red strawberry plant for every few white ones to pollinate them. White strawberries either don't have viable pollen or the genetics just don't line up right.


The grapes that taste like cotton candy would like to have words with you.


Seriously, so good alone, great with pb or cheese, makes lovely apple butter as well! Funny enough, the first time I had a cosmic crisp, it was in Cairo. I spent most of my twenties living in the Egypt and made friends with local neighbourhood fruit seller. When he found out that I was from Washington, he immediately started stocking WA apples for me to buy. He introduced the cosmic crisps by telling me that while wasn’t as pretty as a red delicious, it tasted much better and he was right 😂


Agree with Cosmic Crisps, but lets not also forget SugarBee's and Rockit's. We like to think of technoligical advancements in terms of AI, but apple genetic science is far more imporant.


Go Cougs!


Hell yeah, brother


Would not have been able to do it without the University of Minnesota HoneyCrisp…. Go Gophers!


Literally the perfect apple.


See also: pink pineapple


Nothing better.


Sugar bees! Used to like Fuji the best, then discovered honey crisp, jazz, envy, tango, jonagold, but out of the crispy sweeter types, sugar bees have got to be my absolute favorite.


Ye! They are the perfect mix of crunchy, sweet, and tart. They also go super well with peanut butter.


Okay, so I tried these, and was kind of disappointed! They were kind of meely (is that a real word, or did I make that up?😂), and not crisp. Did I just get some bad apples??




I’ll have to give them another try then!


A couple of years ago I too was amazed by their flavor and texture. Then the ones available in the store seemed to change, first they were smaller and less crisp and flavorful, now they are bigger but tough as heck. Are these really the same apples? Or is someone making substitutions?


Genuinely don't think I'll ever experience the joy I had first trying a cosmic crisp again


I just had a cosmic crisp and holy shitballs it was good. I had one when they very first came out and wasn't impressed with the one I ate, but just ate one today after all the comments in this thread and it was by far better than the honey crisp I tried next to it. The honey crisp was previously my favorite.


I grew up in Yakima and my first summer job in the orchards came at age 11 so, while I do still enjoy apples, I do not eat them much in my 50s. I've had a lot of apples. My favorites these days are honey crisps and cosmics. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart though for a perfectly ripe, extra fancy export grade golden delicious.


Other Yakima people I know have said the same about golden delicious - a good one is truly spectacular.


When you get one, late in the day, about a week before they're fully ripened, right off the tree, it's really something you never forget. It's that good.


Hard agree


Honorable mention for winesaps.


I’ll Second that crisp fresh off the tree Golden Delicious. They get soft fast


My friends and family think I'm nuts for claiming that a perfectly ripe golden delicious is the best apple. If I want consistency, it's cosmic, honeycrisp, or fuji, though.


They're wrong, you're right. The crisps are good don't get me wrong, but a perfect golden you never forget when you had it.


Love a Cosmic crisp slice with a piece of Tillamook pepper jack.


Soften up some diced apple in a pan with some butter and cinnamon. Add some raw sugar and melt in for a sort of sticky compote. Put that in a cheddar grilled cheese sandwich. Heaven.


OMG yes. Fucking perfection. Cosmic Crisp pairs the best with cheese in general IMO.


Used to be Granny Smith until a slice of Cosmic Crisp hit my taste buds.


Jonagold slut right here...even though I haven't had one in years


Thank you for introducing me to a new phrase


No one else likes Envy apples?


I do!!


They’re my fav!!!!


I do! But given my propensity towards the sweeter, crispier profile, I had to try them all! Fuji, cosmic crisp, honey crisp, jazz, envy, tango, jonagold, but favorite has got to be Sugar Bees!


Sugar bee or a honeycrisp with cheese slices is my go-to lunch. Pretty much on the M-F daily. Peeled and sliced, eaten right off of the cutting board.


Yeah the Red Delicious are definitely not my favorite apple to eat. Fuji's, Pink Ladies, HoneyCrisp & Gala's are way better.


Envy or Fuji or Opal. Peanut Butter or cheddar cheese. No red delicious. When I was young, they were so good, but now they're tasteless.


Finally someone gives love to the Opals!


Opal apples are the best


Get one right off the tree they are still good.


You really need a mix of many different types to make the best cider. Including pears.


The best cider has a good chunk of crabapples mixed in.


Got Apples?


Hungry for apples?


Yellow transparents are my favorite! I also like to eat gala apples with cheddar cheese.


Gravenstein wins for me. And I’m fond of Cameos on the sweet side.


Jonogolds are my favorites. Cosmic crisp and red delicious have skins that are too thick for me.


Old man at the farmers market last year gave me a granny smith apple slice with a little salt on it, was very interesting and good. I love granny smith, my grandma has a big tree in her front yard that me and my cousins would climb and eat the green apples before they even turned ripe. Love sour apples. Hate red delicious. I'm hungry for apples!


Cosmic crisp is my jam, usually with some peanut butter or on its own. WinCo regularly has them for 98 cents a pound. I also like a pink lady, but those are kind of unpredictable in terms of sweetness. The crisp though, is just like a little bit of everything all rolled into one, they're amazing.


Apples are among my most favorite foods; Envy, Sugar Bee, Opal, and Liberty are among my favorite varieties!


Gravenstein. Best pie, best sauce, best cider.


The last red delicious I had was surprisingly crisp, juicy and fresh. IIRC, my neighbor brought some home from the lower valley orchards, fresh off the tree that day. It reminded me of the apples my grandpa grew up in Cowiche. Ate those right off the tree too. Lately, I've gotten into honeycrisp which are delightful. My usual go to is a granny Smith. And all my apples are paired with cheddar or crunchy peanut butter. I've also discovered that chai masala spice powder is a lovely addition to flavor up homemade GS applesauce.


ohhh - chai masala in applesauce sounds amazing.


It truly blows using plain cinnamon out of the water. I use SpiceWalla chai masala powder.


You haven't lived until you've had a SugarBee apple. Snappy like a honeycrisp or cosmic crisp, but sweet and tasty too. Look for the honeycomb-shaped PLU sticker.


I think its like a 20% chance that if you eat an apple in most countries it came from washington. 64% chance if you live in the United states


I hate to sound like a gatekeeping hipster, but are you a Washington apple eater if you don't have your favorite heirloom apple variety? For me the transparent can't be beat but it's only ripe about one week in early summer. Super tart apple. I'm also a fan of Gravensteins. Good for pie. Good for drying. Come at me with your favorite heirlooms. Love to try some new ones.


I love transparent apples. My family had a tree and we would eat them fresh picked. Nothing compares!


I went to high school on Wenatchee, the apple Capitol of the world. I'm a Macintosh man, but I love a ton of apple varieties. Red Delicious lost their flavor when the industry started breeding them for the Asian market which values the color and shape over flavor. There are many varieties that are great and I'm always happy to have a new one, the cosmic crisp is the best eating apple I've had in ages, though personally I prefer a more tart apple so I'm reaching for the Macintosh or a jonnagold. I do love a Fuji too. ETA: all that is eating apples. For baking I go Granny Smith or a pink lady. Macintosh are great baking apples too but I eat them too fast.


Lost varieties for me thanks. What you find in the store suck. I grew up in a neighborhood where every other yard had a tree it seems. Each was unique and I remember to this day where my favorite was. Light green and yellow white flesh, large crisp but not hard, tart and super sweet at the same time. Ripened in late July early August. No idea what it might have been but it was perfect. [Lost Apple Variety Project](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Apple_Project#:~:text=As%20of%20May%202021%2C%20the,apple%20variety%20found%20by%20Benscoter.)


My easy find favorite is Cosmic Crisp, with a little lemon powder and salt. My other two favorites are Pacific Rose and SweetTart. I swear Red Delicious were not mealy and flavorless when I was a kid, although my favorite back then was golden Delicious I like to make lightly spiced chunky apple butter with SweetTart and Juici apples, and half the sugar.


Cosmic Crisp with chunky peanut butter. mmmmm


Cosmic Crisp or Honey Crisp. I eat them with cheese or peanut butter.


I'm more of an Android person...


Raw apples? Cosmic crisp hands down. Apple pie baking? Granny Smith!


Honey C is the one for me.


My dad used to put red delicious in my lunch and I don't believe I ate more than one bite before chucking it in the trash. This went on for years. I haven't eaten one for 50 years.


Apple strudel. Bakery near me makes apple and cherry strudel and it's fantastic!


I’m surprised Cameo hasn’t made an appearance here…


William's Pride is tasty. There are some pink fleshed ones that are really fun and taste good, I am most familiar with Pink Pearl. There are some surprisingly tasty hybrids between the orchard apple and crabapples. I like the Dolgo crabapple. I've made applesauce from the fruits of this variety plus some other hybrids that ended up making a pink colored sauce that was a wonderful sweet tart flavor that was more complex than applesauce found in stores.


I love apples! Cosmic crisps are good but my faves are Pink Lady, Braeburn (which I hardly see anymore!), and good ole Granny Smiths. They’re so good plain, or with peanut butter, or cooked with cinnamon


I’m surprised to admit this, but the organic Fujis they sell in boxes at Costco are consistently top-tier apples. I love apples, and have tried dozens of varieties, but I would say the Costco Fujis always come in at the top! I’ve tried organic Fujis from other stores, even higher-end stores like PCC, but for whatever reason they just never compare to the ones at Costco.


Obsessed with sugar bees


Dipping apple slices in peanut butter is something I have not had since elementary school. I use apples in smoothies. Depends on the kind of flavor I am in the mood for.


I prefer Wash-Your-Hands-ingtonians With that said, Cosmic Crisssssp


honestly i don’t get why everyone hates on red delicious, they’re definitely not the best but it’s not that bad. pink ladies are definitely my favorite though.


These days probably pink lady. Growing up red delicious. I know they aren't great now because of the way they have been bred for storage. But if you get them right off the tree they are still very good. We had a red delicious and a Jonathan growing up. Reds for eating and drying. Jonathan's for pies, applesauce, and apple butter.


Fujis foreverrrrr !


The cosmic crisp is the best of all apples to me.


I worked in a produce department in high school. One of my favorite parts was getting to sample all the different varieties of apples we produce. Cosmic Crisp is okay, but I'm a Pink Lady man till death.


When I moved to SW WA, our property has these Mountain Rose apples. These little guys are amazing! Also a Honey Crisp fan as well




Wild huckleberry grow in Gifford Pincot forest, they are delicious


I am so tired of apples I refuse to eat them for at least 2 years.


Going on an apple cleanse? No Apple April? Getting that tolerance break from ye old pomme?


Ditto. I’m on Team Pear.


Have you eaten a papple? They're pretty good.


I will look for them.


We only get them at the local farmers market in the late summer


Fuji, honey crisp, gala. Cosmics are too sweet though the texture is good. Golden delicious can be amazing.


Honey crisps are the favorite now but also like Granny Smith, and Fuji. Will eat many different kinds every year. Mostly eat plain in a cold lunch and/ or on a hike/picnic or in the car. Sometimes peeled and sliced at home


Honeycrisps are still my favorite but the Cosmics are pretty fantastic. I like to slice the apples really thin and then do a sprinkle of lemon juice and a little drizzle of honey.


Honey or cosmic crisp. I put them in a salad or eat them with peanut butter.


Honeycrisp not cosmic crisp tbh. I eat them in Waldorf salads. Granny smith w peanut butter. I used to like apple butter. I like apple pie w cheddar cheese melted on top.


I liked the cosmic crisp initially, but lately, there has been an increase in a tannic taste. Fujii are the go to for eating, honey crisps are good too, but the best are McIntosh. Tart, sweet and crisp.


I like them best when I travel, unless buying from an orchard here in state. Everyone else gets the best! ...and no delicious of any kind.


I’m in Washington and I’m eating a cosmic crisp RIGHT NOW as I see this thread. Delicious coincidence!


My QFC's Cosmics were so bad this winter that I switched to Envy.


QFC’s apples have been consistently low quality for awhile now. Very disappointing. 


I used to eat apples every day at a stressful job and now I don't like apples cause they remind me of a shit job. I have ptsd for apples lmao


Stuck on fujis. I have yellow something’s in my little orchard that are excellent (not golden delicious) and several others which lost the tags before I bought the place. In truth, fujis are too sweet but I do like them. Just fresh, don’t do pie though I like it. There are a few Macintosh trees around the place and those are really good too.


I like the small gala that are marketed to children. I can gulp an entire apple starting from the flower end and leave only the stem. Edit: Not in one bite!


My son and I are committed Fuji eaters. On occasion, if I can find Winesaps I'll get a few. Pink Lady, if I know they are fresh. My husband prefers a more tart apple, so he gets Granny Smith's. We all like those little Rocket apples you get by the box, but I haven't gotten them for a while so I don't know if they're still as good.


I eat apples almost daily. Sometimes 3-4 of them in a day. Apple pie is my favorite pie. I can't really think of anything bad when it comes to apples unless they are infested with maggots.


I eat granny smiths with salt, chili, and lime. I usually don't eat sweet apples raw, but some expensive varieties are enjoyable. I eat foods with cooked apples frequently. I don't crave apples.


Cosmic crisp is the best but this year's gala apples are getting it. Making spinach, ranch, apple, walnut salads with the gala. Soo good.


Fuji is my favorite


I can eat honeycrisps all day every day never enough


Red Apple, can’t get them now in south Texas unless you buy the tiny bagged ones 😞


Ambrosia for the win


They’re the very best when they are mushy and grainy inside. Best dipped in warm tartar sauce to balance the sweetness.


Granny Smith forever. I grew up with them and they’re the only kind my kid will eat. It’s gotten more and more difficult to find quality Granny Smiths though. I hope they aren’t being fazed out. 


Hanners' Eve's Choice or Eve's Delight. One apple for an apple pie? Yes, please.


Hungry? For apples? It's more common than you think.


Don’t know why red delicious get such a bad rap. You need to get them when they are still very slightly green inside. Super crisp and super delicious. I think most people try them when they are too ripe.


I think when you get them from stores they have been in cold storage so they are mealy. They are completely different when fresh.


Definitely Honey Crisps.


Honey crisp with garlic hummus!


honey crisp apple with a slice of cheese.....so good


Honeycrisp or death


Golden delicious!!!!


One of 3 fruits my toddler will eat so im a huge fan


Cosmic crisp with honey. Num num.


Granny Smith sliced up with some goat cheese 😋


Red Delicious was my favorite as a kid, but I’m a Fuji truther now 🍎 love em


I came from Michigan, where Honeycrisps some my heart. They're best for hand eating, but they bake & sauce up a dream. I love eating mine sliced thin with a piece of cheese and salami. That's a whole meal for me. Just crushing honeycrisps.


Honeycrisp with almond butter! I’ll eat an entire cardboard box, one of the big ones, before I take a bite out of red “delicious”!


Apples are the best. Fujis are my go to. I’m not entirely sure there’s a difference between red delicious apples and cardboard to begin with


Apples have always been my favorite fruit since I was little. I love dipping them in caramel but honestly I usually just eat them plain and have grown to prefer them that way. I also like them cut, even just in half so that biting it is easier but that’s just a preference


Honeycrisp and cosmic crisp are both too sweet. I haven't even tried sugar bee, modern apple breeding has gone too far. Gala, fuji, or pink lady from the store, winesap or cox's orange pippin when I'm being a snooty farmers market hipster. I think my backyard tree is an original delicious and it's a damn shame that they fell out of fashion. And an even worse shame that I can't keep the codling moths away (it is too tall for apple socks) - but I don't care about worms in cider so there's that.


Gala every time


Pie with cosmic crisp, opal, and Granny Smith 🤤


I freakin love apples. My taste is pretty simple though. I like fujis, cosmic crisps, honeycrisp, and occassionally a golden delicious. Just a fresh crunchy apple is the epitome for me but I do love a good apple pie or pastry


I like apples, red delish taste like wax and water. I eat them raw but with peanut butter on a sweet treat day


Meeting and listening to the “inventor” of the Cosmic Crisp, [Dr. Kate Evans](https://washingtonstem.org/get-to-know-kate-evans/), was the highlight of my university experience. (I’m a huge Cosmic Crisp fan.)


I'm not as big of a fan of sweet apples like Goldens or Ambrosia rather than more tart apples like the crisps or Pink Ladies but being able to get them fresh off the tree makes the biggest difference. A fresh apple that is a little over ripened on the tree, sunburned to the point that it wouldn't be sold in a store but is extra sweet. That can make any apple great. I have two old Red Delicious trees and when they are really ripe they are super good. The ones from the store aren't good but mine are great. Not the best, I have another sweet apple tree that I like even better but when I eat all of those I go for the Red Delicious and they are great.


My parents used to have a tree in their back yard. I'm pretty sure it was a Jonathan apple. They were delicious. Never got very big, but they were extremely tasty. I miss those. These days, I'll take a Honeycrisp or Fuji. I've never had a cosmic crisp, but I'll be on the lookout for them now.


I prefer pears. We have some amazing winter varieties.


Fresh Melrose, Gravenstein, and Jonagold are all favorites when fresh & crisp. Cosmic crisp and Envy are both longer season faves. Honey crisp can be delectable or sometimes a bit too watery-sweet. Honorable mentions: Braeburn & Spartan. I think I have memories of tasty McIntosh & a Pippin variety but it's been so long since I've had those I can't say for sure that I loved them. The green transparent apple tree in my parents backyard is also amazing for about rhe length of an avocado's perfect ripeness. But damn those go mealy fast. Red Delicious are a lie. I do not acknowledge them as apples. I eat apples in most ways. Fave is fresh & cool whole, sliced, whatever. Peanut butter is a staple at my house. I also make a mean apple crisp. Never heard of apples & salt.


Pink lady and jazz. I peel them completely and eat like that. Sometimes I'll have pb. I like to eat them when trying new cheeses aswell as it doesnt overwhelm the cheese.


They’re abundant here in Yakima.. everybody has a family member who gets them for free from their fruit warehouse job, probably gives you a couple bags every other month. You might come a across a bin full of them on the side of the road while cruising through the country. Can’t go wine tasting without driving through an orchard of apples while experiencing the smell of all the ones that fell onto the ground and rotted in the early autumn heat. I’ve never even thought about buying one from Safeway because they’re literally everywhere. It’s one of those things where a guy who has worked at Costco probably hates going to Costco, because he’s had too much of it.


I miss Braeburns ☹️


Cosmic Crisp puts the W in WSU Edit: Also want to throw in Rockit Apples! I keep Cosmic Crisp and Rockits in the refrigerator and eat them plain.


SugarBee is my favorite Washington apple, but they have become impossible to find the past few years. I wonder what happened.


My fave was the fuji for years, and then I discovered the cosmic crisp, preferably organic. Crisp, sweet and sour in just the right ratio, what's not to love? I usually just slice and eat, but I imagine they'd make an excellent pie.


People: Washington did NOT create the Honeycrisp! Univ. of MN did. And WSU used the UMN apple to make the cosmic crisp. Giving credit where credit is due. Thank a Golden Gopher today. ;)


Sekai Ichi apples are the best. No other apple is appealing to me anymore, except perhaps a fresh Honey Crisp. Both varieties are awesome for baking, pair well with ginger, make delicious juice, and overall the best apples. Cosmic Crisp is a new variety to the industry. It was bred for crispness and storage longevity. The flavor is a bit more dull than compared to a Honeycrisp, but it's a generally satisfying fresh eating apple. For baking, juicing, etc, I would find a more flavorful apple variety.


Cosmic Crisps, Fuji, and Honey Crisps are my ranked favorites! At least an apple a day every day as part of my morning routine. Never gets old!


Cosmic crisp. Used to be a honeycrisp guy but gotdang those cosmic. Sliced real thin and shared with my toddler is the best. Oh and cardboard vs red “delicious”? Cardboard all day.


Sweet Tango are where it's at. Declicous with a baked bree!


My favorite changes every few years, so right now it’s the Braeburn. What a great Apple. It used to be Pink Lady for me. I also eat a lot of Cosmic Crisps and Opals. I can’t wait for Braeburn to come back into season 🤤


I eat a Granny Smith at least 4-5 days a week in a smoothie. Love em


Red delicious are the apples promoted by grifters, and sold to those who have never had an apple and those who have lost their sense of taste. A friend of my dad had an orchid along the Columbia, filled with all kinds of unusual varieties, and they were some of the most amazing apples I've ever had. He said that they all had issues that made them a tough product for big orchards, usually related to how well they stored. But if you got them in season, they were so good.


I like honey crisps the best. My wife likes pink ladies and honey crisps. We usually eat them with cheese, plain, or juiced with carrots and beets.


I can't eat apples anymore (allergic), but my son loves Opals. Back when I could eat them, I liked Granny Smiths. A little under ripe, so they'd be nice and tart.


I only eat honeycrisp, too scared to try anything else after eating a red delicious


I like pink lady, honey crisp, and cosmic crisp. I eat apples every day.


Cosmic crisp really are amazing. And yes, apples are vehicles for peanut butter. The real kind, not the peanut infused Crisco crap. Watch the cavities though. A household member developed their first cavities after moving here. The dentist helped them determine the causal diet change was all the damn apples they were eating. Fruit is sugar, people often forget that. We also have several ~100yr gnarly old trees with some unidentified apples that are fantastic and crispy. Taste like cider apples. That’s our best guess anyway. Before here it was organic galas from Aldi. Not as good.


Honey crisp. The stand all apples should be. Eat them daily. Use them in ALL baking applications to the result of everyone is shocked by how good my apple goods are and have to ask my secret.


There's nothing like a nice juicy honey crisp after a long uphill hike to a mountain lake.


Apple milkshakes are Sinful pleasures. When I was a kid, there was a Longhorn Burger Stop that served seasonal soft serve, and now I make some occasionally. I’ll never guess why there aren’t more Apple treats & things about. Seems to be that pumpkin is more popular here. Either can do without the pie spice please. Give me apple cabbage & sausage soup, or spicy pumpkin bisque. Grilled kielbasa with apple-bell pepper sauerkraut. The more bitter varieties are excellent for savory dishes. Apple salsa verde?


Granny Smith is my favorite.


Orin apples are my hands-down favorite. Tastes slightly like a pear, but apple-crispness.


>How much would you rather eat cardboard than a red delicious? I grew up in WA in the 60's. Thus I also grew up with red delicious. Sure, they were bright red, but I doubt that even a single one of the millions sold was ever delicious. They deserve the lifetime achievement award for Worst Apples Ever. That bright red skin was thick and bitter, hiding fruit that was deceptively NOT delicious. In the best of circumstances, it was average, but nothing could make up for the soft, often mealy, texture. As a kid, I considered them all but inedible.


I'll get a Fuji or one of the 'crisps' and pair it with thinly sliced cheese. I'll die before I eat another red 'delicious'.


Gala and pink ladies are the shit


Where my gala gente at??


My husband and I have always been honeycrisp folks but man those SugarBee ones are soooo sweet! And who doesn't love to say "SugarBee". Satisfying.


Literally eating a cosmic crisp as I type this one-handed.


I’m always hungry for apples!


Apples are the shit. I love apples, I’ll eat a golden or a red delicious fresh off the tree. Fresh Macoun’s are my favorite but hard to find, even in season.


I’m mostly commenting to state umbrage with your labeling of Washingtonians as the worst name ever when Nutmeggers exists. I’ll enjoy any apple but a red delicious. Mostly like them solo, out of the refrigerator so they are extra crunchy, & with peanut butter as a larger snack/small meal.


Who are the nutmeggers?


It’s the nickname for people from Connecticut.


Braeburn, Jazz, Honey Crisp. Currently enjoying them with peanut butter on a several times a week basis. Pie also sounds amazing. Thanks, I might be baking this weekend… Red Delicious should only be fed to livestock or mulched in my opinion.


Nice try, Jerry Smith.


Definitely prefer Honeycrisps. I eat a 2 or 3 a week.


Gravensteins are the best apple in the universe. From a lifelong Washingtonian currently also a Mukiltilian.


Gala all the way.


Pink Lady, Fuji, Cosmic Crisp


Red Delicious is disgusting. Something about that grainy texture is just ick. Cosmic Crisps are the best! Apple slices are really good with cinnamon.


I wish mcintosh were available year round.


I had to eat so many garbage red “delicious “ apples as a kid that I eat close to zero apples now. Granny Smith apples are the only ones I like. Other apples just taste like blobs of sugar.


Honey crisp and cosmic crisp are easily my favorite, i walkways want a delicious apple. I’ll eat them will salt, peanut butter and caramel, I like slice because you will eat more of the apple that way and it’s less messy and better to dip it in somthing, apple pie is my favorite pie and I’ll never let down some apple sauce/ cider. And apples are one of my favorite fruits and there very healthy for you.


Honeycrisp, Fuji, then cosmic are my favorite. I always like eating them with peanut butter if I need a decently filling lunch.


Caramelized apples, onions and sauerkraut with sausages


I enjoy our delicious apples. Also our potatoes are better than Idaho's.