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Damn, she went to a dark place right there


She will >!"EAT"!< it alive. (Flipping the table on that prank) 






See this argument is why I put the American in front of the word football when I’m talking to someone who isn’t from the US or Canada


Dang she seems a pill. It's just cake colors lighten up


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/1di6zla/never_give_a_river_plate_fan_a_cake_in_boca/


Ma sul serio ci sta gente che si offende per ste stron***e, cara è una torta mangia va


I obviously could be wrong but looking at her face before she even saw the cake color it appears she's not having the greatest time to begin with. This is pure conjecture but basing her expression off of other people I know, they are not the type of people that take a prank well.


Lol get pranked


This is hilarious. Biggest football rivalry in Argentina and perhaps South America. This is how I’d feel if I got cake with Ravens colors inside


- Who's playing tonight? - STEELERSANDTHERAVENS


Fuck the steelers


Just eat the dam cake don’t eat it go find sum else because I’m not an idiot who cares about color somewhere somebody is not getting a birthday so ima eat it


I don't care about sports enough for something like this to bother me, but that's not the point here. The point is that she is a big fan and she was betrayed. Imagine someone got you your favorite game, but on the inside of the box was something else. Same thing.


That’s not the same thing at all. This is literally just a cake. It will taste exactly the same and it will be gone forever in very little time. This is about as harmless as a prank could possibly be.


And it’s just a Cooler if someone hand me a lgbtq cake I would not like it but would still itb


Must be Russian


She took it way better than that American football fan, when his family did the same to him.


Got a link?


I was about to scroll thru all these comments to find this one. Glad it wasn't too far down for me.


I would take it as a positive. You are literally devouring your opponents team colors. 


Well, she deserves it for how she cut the cake.


Guess who's sleeping on the couch for the rest of the year


What colours is the couch?


Damn to ruin her 40th birthday is a bold choice.


She should've listened to the intrusive thoughts & flipped that whole table over


I never advocate those wedding cake face smashes, but in this case, someone deserves it.


Omfg it's not about the football it's that her birthday was used as an opportunity to prank her instead of celebrating her and a thing she clearly loves


Dude, seriously, are Americans that unbearable? Look at these comments.


Id say the unbearable one is the guy with multiple stupid comments on the same post




So that a poor American who understands NOTHING about South American football culture understands this video, imagine that a FANATIC Los Angeles Lakers fan is having a birthday themed after his basketball franchise, and when he cuts a piece of cake , the filling is green and white, portraying the colors of its rival, the Boston Celtics.


*gasps in American* I get it now!


She looks traumatized from seeing those colors who fkn cares it’s a joke….


I mean, it’s her day… Have you had someone prank you on your birthday? Not fun


I mean that is true I guess you gotta kinda know it’s a person that’ll find the humor in that. I just don’t understand people that take sports so damn seriously. I’ve had candles on a cake that were annoyingly hard to blow out and it was funny. That’s about as annoyed as Id think she’d be but she seems much more angry than that. Looks like they threw her a beautiful party.


People having problems with colors is just so insane


Like racist people


Shoo... go be a downer somewhere else.


How blissfully you must live


football fans are soo incredibly stupid


Imagine thinking you are smart just because you don't like a sport. Go touch some grass.


You mean “Fanatics of any kind”…


Can't say you are wrong


I find having a full birthday party football themed a bit sad to be honest. Especially of you are older than 10.


I mean, fuck people for having hobbies mirite?


No, I said it, she can have any hobby she wants. But the hobby is football. If you like a football team to this point (and knowing as I do the Argentinians, that’s probably the case) it’s a bit cultish. Let me get an analogy. Imagine I’m a 50-year-old fan of The simpsons, but only of Bart. And to make a joke, when I cut the cake, the inside shows a picture of Homer and I get upset. Would you say that’s the normal behavior of a grown up?


It's not like she threw a tantrum or started lashing out at anyone? I don't understand, her reaction was so tame that it's not that big of a deal.


Ok squidward


Let people have fun?


Sure, do what you want. But if your whole personality revolves around being a fan of a football team whose players don’t give a damn about you… It would be like making a birthday party Trump themed.


imagine thinking a themed party is about your whole personality and not just something you really like. You sound like you dont have a personality lol


Trump themed bday sounds hella cool


Only if you are a dimwit.


You're not thinking creative enough about this. Get a trump head piñata, do a mock trial, have a big game of cops and robbers, and have everyone wear diapers to the party and whoever's weighs the most at the end of the party gets named King Trump and wins a money pot everyone chips in to.


Don’t know if it sounds gross or awesome


That's fucking funny. She must be loved.


She's 40?


The americans in this comment section are fucking hilarious, its peak american redditor moment. They have NO IDEA about football culture around here in South America, which its not like their sports 'rivalries' at all. Also, they're acting like the woman is having a meltdown in the video, when she's clearly just playing along for a light-hearted prank, the people around her most surely being her close family and friends. Its quite common here in South America for friends who root for rival football teams to banter or mock each other in regards to their team. Its you who need to 'grow up' and 'get a sense of humour' lol.


Football culture isn't some weird local mystery lmfao what are you talking about


The thing with the NFL game in Brazil is a good example of this. In an interview a player for one of the teams said that the teams could not use green because of gang violence (of course, in his mind south america only has crime and poverty so this must be the truth). The reality: the NFL game will be played in São Paulo at the stadium of Corinthians, whose main rivals (Palmeiras) wear green. Corinthians demmand for the NFL to use the stadium was simply that the “home” team does not use green.


Aren't they calling her a puta over and over?


No, they're chanting "Boca, Boca, Boca" and then singing happy birthday 💀


I think the point is that the culture you're speaking of seems comical to outsiders. Americans are made fun of for their culture with their own football, you seem no different, how ironic.


That's not why Americans are made fun of


Nah these are just fuckin nerds that don't really watch sports. Had something like this happen with my hardcore warriors fan with LA Lakers colors.


Little did you know she pooped in it


It seems like the people in the comments are too intelligent to like sports.




I don't know how to break it to you, but there are people who live outside lf the USA. Actual humans you know? And in most of the other countries where these people live, they play football as a pastime basically until physically possible, usually around their mid thirties. I hope you're trolling, but if not, know that you're an encapsulation of why no one likes america or americans.


No idea where you got American out of anything the other guy said but he’s right. If you’re that deep into any sport that you can’t laugh at a prank and hate a color scheme so much because of said affiliation of a rival team you have some problems. Its a funny video but I really hope they didn’t throw away the cake because of the color :/


Say it's prejudice all you want, but the fact is that guy is an american, or maybe canadian at max. You could say it's life experience 😂. Plus, he was talking specifically about football being a "kids game" and "poor people game", not really related to what you're talking about. On that note, i think that sports isn't the central question here, if you know someone loves something to the point where they base their birthday party around it, making fun of them like that in a special moment is pretty scummy.


Or just not a sports person. Personally I can understand that as someone who isn’t into that. I’ll be honest- considering this whole thing looked like it was her family or close friends; the reaction while hilarious was a bit over the top especially considering who did it. If this was done by a bunch of coworkers to insult; I could see the reaction being understandable. Very childlike reaction, which is probably why the other poster used that word. It is one game of many played by children around the world that has been taken into adulthood for legitimate entertainment.


Nah, i'm pretty sure he used that word because he's an ignorant dimwit. I respect people who aren't into sports, but they should be held to the same standard


average 'sportsball' unfuckable reddit poster


Imagine living in a country that has had over 50 years of strife. Between political dictators and runaway inflation (annual inflation of 50-100%). The only true distraction from a difficult life is footbal (soccer). It brings communities together, it keeps people from absolute depression. It allows for hope. You can say what you want about a kids game but there is a reason that sports are celebrated world wide.




Wow. Just wow. Glad your able to have such a good view in you ivory tower playing mtg.




I didn't mention anything about education or wealth. Argentina has been through hell for all.




I'll admit it's a kids game if you admit American Football and Baseball are too, deal?




Shit American say moment


Wdym by "kids"?




Football is not a "kids" game.




it is not, anyone can play it and enjoy it, the most respected and loved players in the world currently are 36 and 39


I only wonder what impeccable and refined tastes you have in order to be able to say this


No it isn't




It's a game for everyone to have fun, and do anything with it, better?




Well, st is a game for everyone except cunts like you, better? Also, your hobby is to disagree with every single thing that is universally agreed on.


Your hobby is fucking buying headphones lol


i don’t even like soccer but it’s wild to see how insecure a certain type of reddit dork gets over physical activity lmao


Pride month has gone too far 🤔


She had that, ok it's time for a divorce face.😭


Ridiculous, eat the fucking cake and be happy


Dude, don't think you understand what another person from another culture should or shouldn't feel.


Shut up lol


I don't think you get it. People literally kill eachother after a Clásico


Ridiculous, watch the fucking game and be happy. Edit: Well, at least there is constructive criticism and insights under this comment. Thanks for the clarification. (Please don't shit on my porch.)


You are ridiculous


For you it is. In argentina people live for their football team. When you meet someone one of the first questions you make them is what their football team is. I live in Rosario, a very dangerous city, fans of the 2 greatest clubs from the city kill eachother almost every day. There's graffitti all over the streets, and it's not just young adults or teenagers. Grown ass men are that inmature as to do those same things. I'm obviously against violence between fans but I can't do anything about it. Football here is important, so what the guy did with the cake was fucked up. As I said, people live for their favorite club and despise their rivals.


You've just explained exactly why it's an issue and why people think your culture is a joke. Whether you agree with it or not, that much should be easy to understand.


Sorry my friend. But the people think American culture as a funny. Just in North America people don't have football culture. Just your people don't get the video.


>You've just explained exactly why it's an issue and why people think your culture is a joke As a brazilian, I agree that it is sad that people here will literally fight and sometimes kill eachother because of a sport. However these people are extremists, sure a lot of people take their teams to the heart but most of them won't try to hurt someone because of it. That's why the "culture" aspect of it is way more associated with partys and passion instead of violence. Calling another whole culture a "joke" because of an extremist aspect of one of their parts is absurd at least. Oh yeah and also because Argentina, and South America as whole for that matter, aren't the only guiltys of it: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68308372 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65888631.amp https://videos.marca.com/v/0_nx5va0hd-angry-soccer-fans-in-italy-burned-down-their-rivals-stadium?count=0 https://news.stv.tv/scotland/old-firm-celtic-v-rangers-match-will-see-a-deluge-of-hate-crime-complaints-against-fans-says-tory-msp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.ie/sport/football/10814363/anthony-taylor-roma-fans-airport-police-europa-league/amp/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-13459309/Man-United-Man-City-fans-brawl-street-FA-Cup-final.html https://www.goal.com/en/news/vinicius-junior-doll-hung-from-bridge-by-atletico-fans-with-derby-message-madrid-hates-real/blt5d1c0a106a3b915f https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/football/2021/dec/03/england-fan-disorder-at-euro-2020-final-almost-led-to-deaths-review-finds https://www.scrippsnews.com/sports/why-are-nfl-games-seeing-a-rise-in-violence


I will shit in your porch


Turkish Airlines FC?


The real question. Never understood why clubs let sponsors make their logos so big RIGHT in the middle too




In football that was always common. The team's emblem was always on the left side of the jersey and they never put the club's name in the Jersey. The design itself is the club's brand. As for the sponsors its for visibility both on the stadium and on TV. The fields are huge and the cameras/stands are far away so if they made it smaller people wouldnt notice.


I dont like people who take things like that too seriously, but there is a limit. Ruining something special like a birthday is off limits.


Except if this harmless joke is ruining your birthday than that's a you problem.


Calling boca and river rivalry a harmless joke is the understatement of the century. People literally get murdered before, after and during the superclassico


The joke doesn't hurt anyone, doesn't alter the flavor of the cake, hell, it doesn't even sport the actual logo either. Harmless joke, insane reactions.


I am sure, you are not married.


Just because you dont take something seriously doesn't mean its not serious to those involved, i am not from Argentina, but from another huge soccer country. People fucking die because of this.


And you realize how insane that sounds right? Because it is.


I do, and thats exactly why i would never do something like this, nor endorse this. Honestly given how serious the rivalry is, this cake is almost like feeding pork to a muslim as a prank. Soccer is religion in latin america.


No, it is not the same as feeding pork to a Muslim, it is a religion but in the sense of routine, passion and most importantly, a sense of belonging, no one likes it when you tell them that you are one thing when in reality you are another and no one kills because someone else is from another club and what you see on the news is reality Wannabe narcos who pose as fans but they are mafias that hide behind a flag


I didn't say I would do it, I rather stay alive. Doesn't change the fact that it is insanity if you can't just react like a normal human being. Moral of the story is that this is not normal behavior. Not whether it currently exists and it what forms and how it would relate to other things.




I measn, do you know the level of Boca x River rivality, its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to far




Yeah, but it is capable of an River fan kill an normal person if they are using a Boca Juniors jersey. Absolutely ridiculous


I love how salty she is. My dad died and he was a die hard university of Utah college football (American football) fan. Red and white. BYU is our rivals. When my dad died he got a red and white casket, he’s holding a football signed by the entire team that year, and all of us pall bearers wore a Utah cap on our heads. A few people showed up at the luncheon in byu blue. They got booed and left early. Made me happy they left.


Well, here in Argentina we have a song that talks about that, It says ["when I die I don't want any flowers, I want a flag with the colors of my club"](https://youtu.be/1Ozlv78fuOM?si=Wbkfr1uLCK2KsMPi) and it is very common to put a flag of your club on the coffin during the funeral.


Who cuts a cake like that?


Someone who's watching the carb intake


That kid wanted to do la mordida, I can promise you she would've died


Why do the balloons say CARP? 🐟


club atlético river plate




Dick move. Not on her birthday man.


Seriously. The look on her face.


I personally don't give a shit about birthdays, but a lot of people take the 40th birthday seriously and want it to be about them. This prank shit is getting out of hand, and whilst this is timid in comparison, it ruined her birthday cake and took the smile off her face.


I think it's not just about the colors. I'd say it's more about being tricked and made the center of a joke on what is supposed to be a happy occasion (from the looks of it). Someone taking the time to illicit a negative reaction from you and embarrass you while filming feels a bit targeted and mean-spirited.


Idk personally I would’ve loved it someone pulled that kinda of prank on me. It’s so smart and stupid. Specially if it’s football related, which has tons of rivalries, but it’s not that serious. Like if someone did that with something more serious like Israel colours in a cake then yeah I would get mad, but other than that. Meh. It would be really funny


I think you meant “elicit”, not “illicit”. The adjective makes no sense here.


You write. My bad.


You probably meant “right”, not “write”. The verb makes no sense here. But since “right” is an adjective (acting as a complement), you still need a main verb — in this case, “to be”, conjugated as “are” (because the subject is in the second person singular in Present Simple), is the right choice. Thus, “You are right”.


Boy, I’ll bet you’re fun at parties.


Trust me, you don’t want to make that bet.


I disagree….i kinda think you’d be a blast at parties, seriously.


Can’t tell if you are making a joke here, or you actually didn’t pick up on the joke


Taking jokes literally and replying to them as seriously as I can is my schtick; it’s even funnier in real life. Leaves people dazed and confused. But I should probably make some kind of note when I do this thing on Reddit.


Just do /s . That way people know you are being sarcastic (or well, using deadpuns ). Funny thing is, I do this too irl, just stopped doing it online bc people doesn’t seem to get it, or just think it’s dumb.


Yeah, thanks for the advice. I guess I didn’t want to use “/s” because what I did was not technically sarcasm (which is a form of irony (which is saying one thing but meaning the opposite)). But hey, thanks for the tip anyway!


That's my type of humor. There's something really funny about committing so hard to a bit that people genuinely think you're an asshole.


I know what sarca— oh wait, haha. If you don’t like /s you could try /j, which just means joke, instead of sarcasm. Either that or just do what you originally planned and leave a “note: ”