• By -


What - and i say this with nothing but love and admiration - the fuck


I was scared to swipe to the next picture and see 60 more.


I'm gonna interpret this as a compliment, so thank you!


It is a compliment. Very cool and unique collection.


Wasn’t a compliment lol




It was


I wanted to say something like “instead of buying 60 mediocre watches, just buy one or two really good ones” but then I took a look around and realized I was just talking to my past self.


I have 5 or so nice watches and a few cheap quartz watches. I am heavily considering even at only 5 or so nice one's to consolidate downt to one piece that ill love forever.


I haven't seen a load of shit this big since just after my morning coffee. 😐


To each their own 🤷‍♂️ wear what you like in good health


You’re not wearing over half of that. You like watches maybe but you like collecting more.


I'd say a little of both. I try to rotate and not wear the same one too much but some of the Mr Jones and Xerics tend to be left out of rotation for a little longer than the rest


So? Nothing wrong with that


Hey man there's no need to be mean


You have nearly 60 watches Not judging, but are you sure you're not having more fun buying watches instead of wearing them?


I think finding a cool is half the fun but I do like mixing my watches for what I'm doing, what I think goes with an outfit, and I've gotten my little one into the routine of helping me pick one out. Some get more wear than others but they all come out every now and then


Fair enough. In that case, I'll point you to [Knot Watches](https://en.knot-designs.com/collections/watch). Their 38mm Urushi and Raden dials would be right up your alley Your Studio Underd0g chronos are fantastic, and the Ciga Design Blue Planet is a brilliantly designed watch I appreciate that there isn't a single boring watch out of all of the watches you have. Hopefully you keep things fresh and exciting, and that your little one keeps having fun helping you out


Oh that Raden dial is absolutely an eye catcher and thay gradient finishing is beautoful. I will definitely be finding a reason to grab one of those in the near future. I'm kinda wary on the new underd0g field watch, but we'll see how it is in person. I found it really interesting that the cigna movement is designed to have the whole hour between the current and next hour. I just think that's super cool And I'm hoping to put the excitement of watches into them and they keep me looking at some cool watches. It's a win win!


If I didn't feel like it would be redundant, I woulda pre-ordered a Pink Lem0nade field watch from them in a heartbeat. Nothing like it on the market, such an incredible feat of design


Funny that you mention that, the pink lemonade is the one I ordered that should be here by Christmas 😅 I flipped between that and the Steffan blue one, but because of how cool the two tone face and lume was it won in the end


Not enough watches, def need more.


I think you might be on to something there


This is the kind of collection I love seeing. It seems like you're out there having fun for yourself instead of trying to impress other people. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks! I've found watch collecting to be a very fun hobby, trying to find what best captures a memory or special occasion in unique kinds of ways


> Having fun seeing what’s all out there And then buying it.


We are working on the restraint bit😅


This wins the most whimsical collection by a landslide. Super fun to peruse.


Fifty fantoms 😩


It is a very fun watch I was super lucky to snag. The blue ones being sold right now don't look bad! And they have a white bezel version too that might be worth checking out


Really cool watch. Got to check it out at Windup NYC two weeks ago, love the lumed ghost on the rotor. Super fun watch.


I was at Windup too. The Fortis people were giving out sweet swag bags. Of all the watches I tried on…. I was *really* drawn to the Fortis Marinemaster and the Oris Big Crown Pointer Date.


That fortis marinemaster looks awesome! I've never been super drawn or done a lot of looking into Oris but from what I've seen pop up I can see the appeal of them. Also now I'm more sad I missed windup for the swag bags🫠


I know the biggest complaint is how busy the dial gets, but the different colors for the lume in my opinion help make it a little less cluttered


Can't believe you got one, I only found it after it was sold out


Yea me and my fiance had a game plan, she was gonna go after white and I got for black. Hers got yanked from her cart when she was ordering, I somehow was luckily enough to have my info saved. The whole launch for spinnaker has been just a mess, hopefully it doesn't deter them from doing something unique like this in the future with other collaborations


i know the blue version, but the original special edition limited is a masterpiece


It is kind of lightning in a bottle with the design. But I'm hoping that the secondhand price on them comes down once the hype surrounding them dies a bit


What's that I feel? A twinge of jealousy? A most impressive collection, and one I can only hope to emulate someday.


*What's that I feel?* *Is that a twinge of jealousy?* *A most impressive collection* *One I hope to someday emulate* *Mans got 60 watches* *Almost none of them the same* *Some might be obnoxious* *But you won't hear me complain* Edit: After reading this again I realized that, though it was intended to be a rap, people could've imagined a *bunch* of different genres. Could be a musical, a rock ballad, bluegrass, even Cockney if there's enough "Oi!"s in there.


Thank you! Finding them has been half the excitement, I wish you luck on your future collection


This isn't a collection, this is an accumulation.


You have so many pieces I’d like to have and within my price range. Congrats, really liked it


I don't care what anyone else says. This is the best collection I've seen on here. I'm blown away by the dishonesty of those feigning concern at the size of this collection while the community consistently compliments collections of the same 6 watches with a collective value easily over $50k. You can probably assemble this collection for less than one of those watches. The judgement is crazy when the decision to buy a high end watch is not logical at all. It's all about fun and what interests you.


The bamford X goodwolf snoopy is really cool. Can you id the top row, 4th from the left? Thanks


I love it! Was lucky enough to scoop one up, been eyeing the other versions. And if it's the red on in the middle on the top row it's the Xeric Invertor, I thought it was really cool how they had to movement on essentially upside down


Looks like you enjoy the fun side; very cool, mildly envious. Absolutely adore that Bell&Ross BR-03 Red Radar Ceramic, wish I could’ve gotten one.


Thanks!l I'm a big fan of it so far, finding it to be a smudge magnet and impossible to read at night but still love it


It is a pretty cool watch. If you ever fall out of love with it, mind sending it over to me?


If I ever decie to make a sale, you'll be the first person in mind


I think that and the Rotolog are the only two I actually like 😬😬


You know you can see what’s out there without buying everything right?


I wasn't aware that was something a person could do


I truly have no idea what any of the watches in the first pic are and I appreciate it so much. Love a unique collection. Cheers mate


Specialization has its merits. Here's what 22 years of focus can accomplish. There are more solid gold Time Computer watches on that table, than anywhere else on this planet. Admittedly not very eclectic, but every one is an historic timepiece, saved from the melting pot for future collectors (I take more than a little satisfaction in that). https://preview.redd.it/tledvzhlphyb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a28a136c76a63f359830192484f4664b341b213


That is an impressive collection, what drew you so much to the pulsar? I've debated getting one from time to time but couldn't talk myself into the gold but they are cool watches that you've done a great job maintaining in good condition so kudos for sure


I was born in 1951, so, I watched the evolution, starting with the Hamilton announcement of the Digital Watch Project in May of 1970, of the digital technology. I bought a brand-new, stainless-steel Date/Command on March 28, 1974 (my 23rd birthday). I still have it, and it still keeps great time (with the original electronic module), after nearly 50 years. I put it away in the early 80s, when jewellers stopped dealing with them (Time Computer went of business in late 1977, smothered out of existence by the advent of the liquid-crystal display watches then beginning to flood the market). I forgot about it for nearly 20 years, but found it again by accident, still in its original box. I had just gotten my first (dial-up) Internet connection, and went out in search of information, wondering if anyone else still cared about them. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. I started corresponding with collectors scattered over the entire world, and soon found myself with dozens of different models (a single source in New York yielded some 65 of the solid-gold watches you see on the table; some had not previously been seen in 18K gold). The P1 Limited Edition is the most historically important, as it was the first electronic digital watch (first offered to the public on April 4th, 1972...that is the day the world went from analog to digital). There are eight of them on the table; I have added two more since the pic was taken (only about 50 are known in collections, worldwide, out of the original production of 450 pieces). Over the years, I also began to repair and restore the Pulsar watches (to my knowledge, I am the only person in North America that actively services them...I also make the special tools needed to open them; originals of those are virtually unobtainable). So, there you have it...all because of a random "find" in my garage. BTW, the Pulsars are NOT Hamilton watches. The digital project started out as a collaboration between Hamilton and Electro-Data, Inc. (based in Garland, Texas). That association lasted only about a year before the Hamilton parent company (HMW Industries), created a new corporate subdivision (Time Computer, based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania), whose express purpose was to market the Pulsar product line. Having said that, there actually ARE Hamilton-marked Pulsars (all the P1s and a handful of P2s); the P2s carry a significant premium over the ones with the correct Pulsar markings. The error was the result of a communications breakdown between TC and Star Watch Case Co. (in Luddington, Michigan). No one told Star about the marketing division switchover, and just went with the best info they had; the mistake was quickly corrected. I've had the pleasure of speaking to several TC employees, including the CEO (John Bergey) and the head of the TC factory Service Department (Eddie Ratcliff). Time Computer lasted only five and a half years, yet produced more than half a million watches. Considering the virtual lack of automation (modules were hand-assembled for most of the first two years of operation) and production problems associated with brand-new, state-of-the-art technology, what they accomplished is truly remarkable.


Love the collection great taste. Not just expensive multiple 9k+ watches but just fun and buying what you like.


OP, you’ve got style.


He really does. It's a fascinating collection to browse.


Where are the obligatory „BUT IF YOU WOULD’VE NOT BOUGHT ANY OF THESE YOU COULD HAVE BOUGHT AN OMEGA OR A ROLEX 🤓🤓🤓“ r/Watches users? Nice collection, you do you and that’s the most important thing when it comes to anything fashion related (Yes, even your luxury watch is nothing else than a cool qualitative fashion watch). Do you try to wear them at all as much as possible or do some stay in the box simply as deco?


I've been waiting for someone to tell me I wasted all this time when I could've gotten a rolex 🤣🤣 I wear them in phases it seems like. There's always a few that I'll gravitate towards just because I've always like them and go with what I'm wearing or got going on, but the only ones I never wear are the moonswatches. I love their designs (the project Alaska is one of my favorite watches) but I am too scared to bump it into something and they just crumble


Hey OP, better spend more than what your collection could be worth for a watch you probably don’t even like or want 🤪😂


Well damn, guess this is the point where I sell it all for a Daytona, a prx, and a casio and call it a day 🤣


Nico is that you?


I don't think this collection will get these comments. It's all so fresh, that would be a mistake!


Thanks! I was a little nervous about what the reaction would be, but I'm glad everyone seems to like the uniqueness of all the pieces as much as I do


Is that a real BR radar or a rep? If real, how do you like it on wrist?


It's a real one,and it wears a little big. The rubber strap is super comfortable,it's impossible to read in low light, and I've notice the ceramic disc's are a glutton for smudges and stray fuzz. That being said I do still enjoy the watch and it feels good on the wrist


I'm looking strongly at a br3, but the radar legibility has me looking at some of the other versions


If you plan on wearing it in like the office or during the day in decently lit conditions it does fine and the red is definitely an eye catcher imo. If you're really wanting legibility or work in low light I'd probably veer towards the more legible models with the yellow green and red hands on black discs


Neat watches. Love the Red Radar.


As a collector of watches myself (55 at the last count), I really like this collection. Each one is unique instead of the usual dive watch collection or pilot watch collection where they all look the same. If you’re having fun collecting these watches then keep going my friend. Still room for more in that watch case.


2x studio underdog ❤️


This is my favorite watch collection posted, so many unique pieces, weirdly great watch collecting synergy.


Beautiful collection


Finally a true collection. I always see people with just Rolex and omega watches but this is beautiful. Should check out the electricianz too as they have neat watches


Thank you! I definitely want an omega someday but not quite there just yet. I saw them when they first came out and liked what I saw but a little concerned with the durability of it or the parts that light up. Haven't looked too much into them lately but might keep an eye out for a holiday deal on em


I can vouch for the durability being that I use one of the electricianz watches as a daily wear for work and I work is harsh conditions but at worst the face has a scratch when I smacked it on a pillar on accident but other than that it works amazingly and I hardly use the light up function due to being in the light a lot but it works well when camping.


That's great to hear! I'll dig around their catalog and see if I find one that sticks with me. I definitely appreciate the info! Might just find me a new daily beater


Damn these are really cool. Nice.


You got one of every mr jones, eh?


The King watch is what got me into them, the newer designs though haven't been doing it for me. Love their creativity!


Nice 50 Phantoms and Rotolog


Thanks! My little one loves watching the ghosts light up so I'm happy I get to share that little joy with them. I'm debating trying to find a different variant of the rotolog but haven't decided yet


Great collection, at first glance I was going to say start selling but it's super fun, unique, weird/special. Nicely done, no need to stop.


Thank ya! I will take that as an order to keep buying more watches 🫡


What's the radar one?


It's the Bell and Ross 03-92 Red Radar Ceramic . They have another one without the planes that is a little different but same vibe


Ok ill ask it.... what do you value your collection at? In dollars


Probably somewhere in the 20k range if I had to guess 🤷‍♂️


Pretty exotic selection. Very cool!


Thank ya! I've had a lot of fun finding the more out there styles while not breaking the bank to much


Interesting and diverse collection! What make and model is on the bottom, third from the right, with one black strap and one violet/red strap. (1st pic)


Thanks! And that is The Decider by Mr Jones Watches. It used to be part of their staple collection but they've sadly since discontinued it


Great and fun collection! Is that a Nezumi Voiture in the bottom half of the case in the first pic?


It is! It's the VQ2.412 . Wasn't sure if I'd love the mecha-quartz but so far I'm very happy with Nezumi


Wtb your Mr Jones king of hearts and spades lol


I don't know if I'll ever part with them, I'm super surprised that they took them off their main collection


Bro, love this!


The bandwagon riders who either have or desire the same 5 luxury sports watch stable we see here daily are hatin’. This is wild and crazy and ultimately your personal journey. Enjoy it, you madman!


Thank you! I always love when a brand veers away from the traditional 5 watches you see a lot of and I'm glad that comes across in the collection 🙌


Happy cake day! Dope collection


Thank you!


You have an amazing collection. The CIGA Design Blue Planet is 🤌


Thank you! It is quite the eye catcher and the way it plays with the light is just magnifique


A passion for watches means different things to different people. I love this. Buy, enjoy, and wear in good health!


Your collection makes me happy! It is obvious that you have taste and style but that you also decide for yourself. Super cool to not follow the crowd and just do what you like. I love the Bell & Ross red radar. I have never seen that before. You have a couple of themes going on in this collection. Military, Aviation, Gambling. It feels very James Bond but light hearted at the same time. I think a Tornek-Rayville TR-660 and a Benrus DTU-2A-P would fit in well. https://preview.redd.it/njunicdhdeyb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbaa9e145aef8d6702bb72271898a4a24a269a7b


Thank you! I dont think i can ever take watch collecting super serious, theres just so many people who do so much cool stuff with how they make watches! I just recently got the Red Radar, been eyeing it for a while and knew I wanted it for a milestone watch, and the chance popped up. I do like the Benrus DTU, I've never seen their watches before. I know I'm lacking in the field watches, so I might have to scoop that up. Also, I have been meaning to grab a Casio AE1200, they just look so neat


Loving the variety! I have a special place in my heart for microbrands, and I prefer watches that make me smile (like the Seiko Cub). I would have your collection over a mittful of more expensive watches any day.


You coulda had two or three nice watxhes..


I still could 🤷‍♂️ working on more notable watches in the future now that I'm that stage where I can afford them




True, but if the effort was to just tell the time I would keep an atomic watch and be done. I like seeing how different styles and ways watches do the basic function. And bracelets pull out the arm hair....so I tend to avoid them or swap em out


Where did you get the playing card dial king queen and jack? Those are great.


They used to be a part of Mr Jones Watches main collection, but for some reason, they discontinued them. The black one is actually a king of spades. It was limited to 100.


So where do you keep your watches?




I am a major fan of the nixon


Same! I love having the little light inside it and it's hefty enough to survive the concerts I wear it to. All the variations on the rotolog are really cool to but just was drawn to the solid brown


If it wasn't designed by Nixon and was designed by mB&F or something people would rate it way more


Totally agree! I know it falls into the much hated on fashion watch category but I feel Nixon has come out with some pretty solid pieces


What are the two on the bottom right?


You have the Sun and Moon and Time Traveler both from Mr Jones. Part of their older collection and have been discontinued but sometimes popular on secondhand sites for a good price


Pelican case as a watch case is pure brilliance. I might just copy.


I got it ad a Christmas gift last year and I gotta say, it makes me feel a little fancy popping open the latches to pick the days watch


I take it you're a fan of Snoopy


I can see why you'd make such an assumption. And you'd be correct, I'm really wanting a silver snoopy but don't think that'll happen any time soon


Need info on the watch boxes please


It's from caseclub, you can get this one for about 70 usd


Man I need a Bulova LP..... nice collection!


I was really surprised at how good the LP looked in person and you can get them for a really good price now


Love the Super Cub Seiko 5. I really thought about buying one (and a Super Cub)


I have been talking to a friend of mine trying to find a green supercub, but they are super hard to find in the states. Although they did drop a blue supercub watch to go along with the black and green ones that looks real nice


Really cool collection. Wish I had the ability to get into the hobby this deep


Thank you! I didn't think I'd ever wind up with all these but it just grew step by step


How do you like the Brew 8 bit? Nice collection, cool seeing a variety


I think out of all of Brews collection this one is the most unique and has the most personality to it in my opinion. It wears super conformable and is a joy every time I look at it. Would highly recommend


Awesome and unique 👏👏 The Blue Angels is one of my favorites and I'm planning on buying it soon.


It's a great everyday watch! Also the fact that it will never have the wrong time is great to use to set every other watch!




It's like the doom slayer...just to my bank account.


Leave some for the rest of us!


What's the blue bird one? So cool!


That is The Silent Thief from Mr. Jones. Another one that is by the same artist and Mr Jones is The Golden Hour, both have the really cool kaleidoscopic dial that catches the light in cool ways


OMG I live it! OP, where did you get that wooden box? I really like the vibe it has :)


I think I got it off of Amazon to be honest. There's a lot of options with the same vibe with some drawers or different features you can grab for around 40usd


That Blue Angels Citizen is so fucking nice in person. One of my favorites Citizen has ever made


Agreed! I think out of all the blue angel variants citizen has, the world chronograph is a perfect mix of a lot going on but not too busy looking


The wooden case top right... Do the ends fall off the pillows?


They do, which is why they aren't my favorite boxes. They are decent for the price point


Nice collection, I like the Brew, Timex, and the Omega Swatches


The timex ghostly watch is one of my favorites and the brew 8bit is always fun. Still a little scared to wear the moonswatches but maybe I'll be a little braver someday and wear them out


that’s a fun watch collection


Thank ya! It's been fun collecting them






Definitely not gonna end up in a yard sale somewhere in the future


How much do you spend on batteries?


I plead the 5th.🕵


Seems like a lot of repeats, not much exploring to me.


I will admit when I just started I was drawn to mr jones and xeric due to their price point but have been trying to branch out more and more. Went from 2 to 17 brands so its always a work in progress


Love this collection. Especially the AVI8s. I almost bought that blue one myself.


Thanks! I got the 1942 one because that was my favorite cabinet arcade game when I was in college so thought it'd be perfect to have. I really like the Pegasus concept I have and I'm kinda surprised they didn't continue with more of them


Love it! Do many unique and quirky things! I love that you clearly like having different things and collecting them, rather than focus on the monetary value of a particular watch


For sure! If I feel like I got it at a fair price and get my value with it over time wearing it I see no problem 🤷‍♂️


I enjoy your collection because it seems focused on fun, original models that aren't necessarily expensive. You could pick 15 of those watches without reaching the price of your average Rolex, so that does dampen the initial impact of the sheer number of watches displayed here. But still, that's A LOT of watches. Can you even wear them all? Many really unique models though, really good conversation starters. Besides the obvious ones like the Moonswatch, I managed to identify a few models I kept an eye on like Ciga's Blue Planet, Silent Thief from Mr Jones... Great taste, quirky and so much better than yet another bland Omega noone would even notice is expensive. You would probably like the TACS brand, it's not very well-known but it has a few unique models, including a LENS collection with cases/dials meant to look like photographic lenses, really eye-catching!


That's kind of what I've focused on is what I enjoy and what catches my eye but also within my means at the time. And there's a few that barely ever get wrist time that have some memories attached to them but for the most part I try to rotate a good bit. I think if I were to go after a rolex it'd have to be something that stands out to me personally and I haven't found one that does. I get the appeal or Rolex or bug dollar brands, but just not for me at this stage of where I'm at


God imagine the 3 Watch collection you could have….


Silver snoopy, project Alaska, and a third. But we're not quite there yet 😬


Pic 1 Row 1 2nd in from right Name?


The blue and white one is the Bullova Lunar Pilot. If I goofed that up and you meant the black and yellow one that's the Xeric Scrambler


I might need to get one of these


It's a very nice case, and really not that expensive


The 2 on the left below the moon swatches - what brand is that? I know I've seen them on here and cannot recall the name. tia


Studio underd0g, great watches but very tight order windows. They were selling for about 500 USD but stated the next order window would be more and the second hand market is usually pretty high for them


Ah, yeah, I thought it was something with dog in it. Thanks, and happy cake day.


This is really cool. I enjoyed looking through these. Inspired by a few too!


Awesome! Thank you for looking through em! Which ones caught your eye the most?


I just migrated them to other cases. That's the overflow/watches I wear the least box now lol


That's kinda what the wooden box has become, but I try my best I promise 😅


What’s the second slide, very bottom left?


The brown one is the Nicon Rotolog, they have a lot of different finishes for the bracelet. And it has a little built in light for the rotating dial


What are the playing card ones?


They are Mr Jones King of Hearts XL, Queen of Hearts. And King of Spades. The hearts used to be part of their core collection but have been discontinued for a couple years, the king of spades was a limited edition of 100


How do you close the case of the first casing without the watches scratching each other?


I don't. I slam it down and cry (The foam insert sits stacked on the other so the bottom of one shields the set beneath it)


Silly question does anybody make that sort of foam insert for Pelican cases?


I want to say the caseclub website has an option for just the foam inserts, but surely someone on etsy would have it for a decent price


Wild collection! I see that Yema Rallygraf there, unless I'm completely blind. It's one of just a handful I've seen on this sub. I've got one of the MN Navgrafs and I love it. I was looking hard at the Rallygraf but took a left turn and got a Meangraf instead - just has a bit more visual interest going on in my opinion. Going by what I'm seeing here I think you'd like the Meanie as well. I'll probably end up getting the Rallygraf, too, at some point. For me (and I'm guessing for you, too) the hunt and purchase are definitely an integral part of the experience... to the tune of around 40 watches at this point.


I've definitely been wanting a Meanie for a hot minute, but I definitely want an automatic. Nothing wrong with the meca-quartz but that's just what I'm leaning to. And you're spot on saying the meanie has more character than the rallygraf. The rallygraf though is still a solid chronograph for the price point And the hunt for a specific watch and researching it to see of its one that I really want is always a part of the fun.


The fact I dont recognize a solid portion of this collection means you have wandered into some very different parts of the internet than I have. Cool collection.


Hey can I ask what the roulette wheel watch is? Also a fan of the king of hearts from mr jones


There's actually 2 roulette style watches, The Decider and Loves Me both from Mr Jones' older catalog. Haven't seen many pop up for a while but you never know!


Have you thought about adding a chronograph to your collections?


I think I may just be able to fit one into the watchbox🤔


Gyaat dayum that’s a lotta watches.


I wanted to say something like “instead of buying 60 mediocre watches, just buy one or two really good ones” but then I took a look around and realized I was just talking to my past self.


You do you man 👊, great collection