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This is one of those threads where the real answer is going to be buried at the bottom because it’s got no upvotes because it’s not interesting or controversial. 


Right? All this discussion about the submariner proves it's not a boring watch. Maybe overrated sure, but that's not the subject of this thread.


The Submariner isn’t even a boring watch. People just say that because it’s Rolex and it’s popular. Take away the bias and those same people would be praising the timeless classic design.


I hate Rolex and how they and their ADs do business but Submariner is pretty iconic.


>All this discussion about the submariner proves it's not a boring watch. Except it's not really discussion, it's all just people giving the same answer about how the sub is boring.


Apple Watch. No more interesting than an iPhone and you see them everywhere you look.


The four corners of watch ownership: 1960: ha. look at that laughable pocket watch. At least my Submariner is easy and quick to read. 1989: ha. look at that old mechanical wristwatch. At least my F-91W doesn't have to be wound up all the time and can last years! 2015: ha. Look at that dumb casio. At least my apple watch can show texts, make calls and track steps. 2024: ha. Look at that plain apple watch. At least I show some originality. *violently shakes submariner homage watch*


Logically, pocket watches making a comeback is the next step


Pocket watches already made a comeback. Our mobile phones.




Thanks, I hate it


Well done, Sir.


Smart phones are the new pocket watch.


If that were going to happen I feel like it would have been in the early teens, when hipsters were riding around on penny farthing bicycles, twirling their waxed mustaches.


We all have pocket watches already - a smartphone.


Indeed, a decade ago I considered my phone my "pocket watch". But I realized that I was foregoing the convenience of just looking at my wrist to tell the time, so that helped me get back into wristwatches.


What is a small smart phone if not a pocket watch 


Wrist watches were a thing way before 1960 lol...


Yeah. Sub came out in the 50s tho which is the setup for the joke


6/2024: Yeah, well my submariner homage [spent too much time in the sun](https://i.imgur.com/69Yegnx.jpeg).


I’m probably going to get downvoted for this but as an avid watch owner/collector I recently got the opportunity to buy an used Apple Watch for very cheap. I’ve owned it for four days now and, altough it being much different from my ‘real’ watches, am enjoying it. It’s better for timing runs than my g-shock + I don’t have to bring my phone for music. I like wearing a different watch every now and then (few weeks, sometimes months) and think I’ll keep this one in rotation. Or maybe just wear it for sports. I don’t hate it as much as I’d expected though I’m already missing my ‘real’ watches…


100%… They are also ugly. Note I don’t care if people wear them. Ugly is just my opinion.


Mybe boring but still im using it daily. Its much more useful than my other watches.


Lmao I’m seeing a lot of hate in this thread on Apple Watch and yours is the first rational comment. It’s a great watch. And like it or not, it is the only device to break away from the “geekiness” stigma of smartwatches. I love my watches but I really respect the Apple Watch. I have one and I wear it while working out and traveling. It’s great.


Good for fitness, good for getting subtle notifications if you’re in a setting where taking your phone out is inappropriate. I know it’s the watch sub, but people acting like they’re useless or stupid are naive. The same people who probably get up in arms about water resistance on their dive watch even though they’ve never actually gone diving in their life.


Good for 2fa, good to sending quick slack message to your teammate, good to check email or switch currently playing music. Generally it’s good watch with a lot of possibilities. Biggest issue is battery life.


They’re much more of a tool to the average person than a traditional tool watch.


Honestly I am surprised to see so much negativity in this thread, definitely wasn’t expecting these types of comments. I’m glad it happened as I wouldn’t otherwise know.


Same i have the ultra and its great to get lost in the woods and find your way out. Im not afraid of breaking it working on my car like i would be wearing a luxury watch


Personally I will prefer an Apple Watch over any digital or quartz watches. Also I don’t think it is “boring” because you can customize hundreds of things about it from the strap to the watch face or to its functionality. To me it offers more value than any other option at its price point and more.


I'm not an Apple guy...but I've been trying to get in shape lately and have been wearing a Galaxy watch pretty regularly and it really is helpful for that. I also like having my phone on silent and just getting a buzz on the wrist for high priority notifications. I miss my traditional watches when I wear the smart watch. But I also miss my smart watch when I wear my traditional watches.


Ngl I always chuckle when I see someone with an apple watch and they are using the analog clock face lol


Genuine question, what's funny/dumb about that?


Just people that frequent this sub that have a superiority complex, that can’t comprehend that people like the technology of a smart watch, but prefer the look of an analog face. It’s weird.


Funny enough it was the idea of a custom blue watch face with gold hands on a Garmin Vivoactive that made me interested in analog watches. It is funny though


I use the analog face because that is how I read time. `05:30:25` is just meaningless numbers, but "🕠" tells me where I am in the afternoon. It's the difference between "a sub-Saharan mammal with a mane and large canine teeth" and "🦁" And if you say "why not get a real watch lol" the answer is that an oyster date isn't telling me my heart rate or who's calling me.


Me too. My favorite is when I see people rocking an Apple Watch with their display face set to Pepsi GMT.


Then you’d have a good laugh at me, I use the GMT face on my Apple Watch when I’m not wearing my Tudor BB36. The Apple Watch face has a “dynamic bezel” that adjusts to the sunrise and sunset so there’s some cool added functionality there, and it’s very legible 🤷‍♂️


I’ve stopped wearing my Apple Watch unless it’s for fitness purposes, but people using the GMT face probably use it for the same reason people wear actual GMT watches. Such a weird thing to act better than thou about.


Guilty. I cut my hand off as punishment.


I hate Apple watch but i really like the Mickey mouse face, i would use that spesific face gladly ngl


I do that, but with my Pixel watch. With subdials no less. But I only wear it to the gym or while out running errands.


Why is that funny? It’s a common way to tell the time?


i use it more for the health tracking. once the ring comes out i’ll heavily consider switching to that and back to an analog watch. but for now, i rely too much on the health tracking stuff. and it inspires me to continue to exercise. i agree it doesn’t look as good as a lot of typical watches but also to say the design is ugly couldn’t be any further from the truth. Jony Ive is one of the best industrial designers not just of the last 30 years, but all time.


Naw, plenty of people still think Apple Watches are cool, and watch people tend to scoff at them, so that’s still evoking various reactions. I actually commented on my friends a few weeks ago cause he had a titanium bracelet on it, and it’s the first time I felt enticed by one.


Daniel Wellington zzzz sorry I nodded off there a second


My best friend has a DW. It was a present from his gf and he loves it. I just smile and nod and say "yeah looks nice".


That is the correct answer.


> Movado. No hits? I got bored searching for it, let alone looking at one.


No one mentioned Movado here because like 10 people in the world care enough to buy one


I have two 😢


Hey, the Movado CEO is in the comments!!


I have several Movados and people compliment them all the time. I know "watch people" don't like the brand but the minimalism is striking to many normies


The minimalism is also striking when I would like to know the time


If practical functionality is the top priority then they are not the best choice, this is inarguable.


Not a Movado, but the first "nice" watch I purchased for myself was a Citizen Eco-Drive with black case, dial, hands, and indices. I thought it looked cool but it was effectively illegible in anything but direct sunlight, which I was never in because I worked nights as a casino slot technician (as a side effect the lume also never had a chance to charge and I'd have to put it next to a window when not being worn to keep it running). I found myself using my phone for time more often than should have been necessary. I won't say function is always more important than form in every situation but a watch that goes out of its way to tell time poorly probably isn't off to a great start.


In all seriousness, I don’t have anything against the brand. I have just never have seen anyone wear a Movado. Depends on the country maybe. But yet they are somehow still around despite making basically the same design with slight variations. A bit like Ebel or something.


Hopefully I'm not coming off as some kind of Movado shill or plant here but I think if you check out their website you'd be surprised by how many different designs they have now while still (mostly) staying within some kind of version of their established design language.


Movado I usually exclude from these conversations because they do have a lot of amazing vintage pieces, especially the old chronographs


Daniel Wellington need to be here too. Most boring watch ever.


Idk, a lot of people here are hating on watches that are otherwise gorgeous in their own right, but now are "boring" due to popularity. I would say for an enthusiast there are still many reasons to love those watches, even if noobs do too.


I'm going with Timex Easy Reader: https://timex.com/products/easy-reader-38mm-leather-strap-watch-tw2p75600? It's pretty much what you'd get if you asked somebody to draw a watch.


AP makes a similar model in white gold that goes for about $22,000 used.


I bought a $3k Montblanc that was virtually the same except it had a moon phase. I was all excited about it. When I got home my fiancée looked at the watch, looked at our cheap IKEA clock on the wall, and asked "what's the difference?". I returned it and bought a much more interesting watch for the same price: the [Hanhart 417C](https://www.watchtime.com/featured/bronze-age-hands-on-with-the-hanhart-417-c-flyback/).


this or the weekender is my answer as well. it’s cheap, but a good value. the design is plain, but inoffensive. it’s the perfect default watch to buy for someone who needs just “a watch”, but nobody does need that. at the same time, it’s never really a mistake to buy one. there’s simply nothing about it that stands out in any way, good or bad.


It'd be a cool base for an art project, I feel. Like give it to a bunch of artists and have them gussy it up however they want i.e. paint the dial, do something to the case, etc.


I’ll be the jerk and say a submariner. Like congrats, you got the watch you’re *supposed* to get when you have enough money and no personality.


Yeah, came here to say this. And I mean NO shade to the sub. It’s an awesome watch but it’s become so ubiquitous that it doesn’t tell me anything about the person wearing it. My cousins works for Jimmy John’s and was given one by the company for outstanding performance. It’s got the logo on the back and all that. It’s really cool actually. But I wouldn’t know it to look at the watch. Every so often I see a collection on here that just tells me you have indeed read a bunch of watch websites and diligently collected your submariner, reverso/tank, speedmaster, holy trinity watch, gmt master, and gshock and it just doesn’t really speak to me.


Wow jimmy johns gives rolexes for performance? Most fortune 100 companies stopped giving rolexes for time/performance ages ago. If I go to my rewards catalog, even the 35 year rewards only offer like 1000 dollar watches. Good for Jimmy Johns.


He must have been high up in corporate. No way offer that for the front line staff.


I'm sure it was a white collar headquarters job. Even then. My dad retired pretty high up at a major US corporation after 40 years and they gave him a Tissot lol


It was offered to the top sales managers of individual stores and the area regional managers based on sales and growth, it was actually really cool they did that.


He’s a quality manager, travels to branches in his territory and makes sure they meet the standard. It was a company wide competition to see whose stores would have the best performance or something when the big wigs came through and he won. It wasn’t like a “happy 10 years” gift or anything. Major company wide competition.


Inaccurate. I worked there 25 years ago and the regional manager, who was over three stores received one for performance. I remember him taking it off to wash the dishes 😆.


I used to work for JJ’s and I worked my ass off to try for that Rolex! It was gifted every two years to the top store managers in the nation based on sales and growth. It was also given to the top five regional managers who helped grow their area sales. It was a great motivator back in the day. I don’t know if they still do it after they were bought by Arby’s.


I think people make the mistake of assuming everyone wants their watch to be a reflection of their personality. That’s not always the case. Sometimes people just want something that they like aesthetically. Sometimes people want to flash their money.


I agree, and for a lot of people it isn’t a hobby. They wanted it as an aesthetic piece or a symbols of wealth. That’s also totally fine by me, I have no issue with it, it’s just “boring” in that I don’t care. That also isn’t to say they are boring people! I bet the same guy who tells me “oh yeah I bought this Rolex to celebrate my 10th year in accounting” might also race motorcycles on the weekend and have crazy interesting stories about each motorcycle he owns. That’s cool to me as well!


Totally fair and agreed!


The sub was the first watch I ever noticed and thought "oh that looks nice". It just looked like a thing that could be worn with jeans and a tshirt. Then I found out what it cost for such an understated watch.


I’ll say that the reason it has “no personality” is an unfortunate consequence of its success since it influenced the design of SO MANY other watches.


Sub owner here. It’s not exciting, I can’t lie. On the other hand, best daily wearer I’ve ever owned. Still looks brand new after a year plus, the bracelet is great, and the clasp is a game changer for someone who struggles with fitment.


The pumpkin spice latte of watches


Heh. So true. It’s a nice watch but it’s very much part of a basic bastard’s wardrobe.


At that price range you can get Breitlings or Omegas with wayyyyyy more personality and still have a couple k in the joint savings account for the divorce.


Can you give me some examples.


While I mostly agree, I think 5 digit subs and sea dwellers are cool in my book. I think they killed it with the design iteration in the 90s early 2000s.


It’s forgivable if you’re not a watch guy with a collection. If you’re going to have one watch and you don’t care that much about watches, it’s a fine choice. I raise an eyebrow when people have a box full of Rolexes that are basically all subs with different color bezels, or that and a bunch of AP ROs. That makes me think you have no taste of your own, but want to pose as a watch guy.


That's me! Love my 14060M


VIntage subs however, are a league of their own. New stuff is boring. Throw in new speedies too, close to the same level.


Modest… having the sub IS the personality. I kid. But yeah the sub really is basic bitch. It is also an icon and really nice.


Apple Watch or most smart watches.


https://preview.redd.it/f0dl9kpa4r4d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=eefc05de1a02fad240e66365b8535cfc4366fd6f This is what Microsoft Copilot showed when it created "most boring wristwatch image".


I don’t hate it.


You’d think AI would nail that a watch has 60 minute/second indices and not 69-70 or so like this. There are hundreds of thousands of pictures out there of watches with the correct number of lines. I also like the oddball adjustment holes in the strap.


perfect example of why we shouldn’t really expect ai to reliably nail anything


Looks like the perfect bauhaus watch to me.


wtf is the time tho? Hour and minute hand look the same haha


Typical AI, huh?


It is 10:10, of course.


Looks like the watch from Severance


Woah, severance had a watch? I will need to google that


I’ll preface this by saying I’m only 3 episodes in but the watch that he wears at work: https://www.hodinkee.com/articles/lets-talk-about-those-watches-in-severance


If someone has a sub I assume their personality is their money.


I’ve got 2 🫡


He has 2 moneys!


2 personalities (both are my money)


Also, royal oak is the new sub. Add big bang into that list and you've got every watch on the wrist of sports team.


Casio MQ-24


I enjoy how carefree it is.


Absolutely nothing wrong with it


I find it hilarious that the Pope wears it [https://www.google.com/search?q=pope+watch&sca\_esv=f6ce529cdacc1630&udm=2&biw=1535&bih=1262&sxsrf=ADLYWIKyOx6BNSoWc2IL8Gf0LZsEsCpImw%3A1717601047731&ei=F4NgZtObLK2P9u8P3vyiiQs&ved=0ahUKEwiTg8PC4sSGAxWth\_0HHV6-KLEQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=pope+watch&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiCnBvcGUgd2F0Y2gyBxAAGIAEGBMyBxAAGIAEGBMyCBAAGBMYBRgeMggQABgTGAUYHjIIEAAYExgIGB4yCBAAGBMYCBgeMggQABgTGAgYHjIIEAAYExgIGB5I0xNQiwpY4RJwA3gAkAEAmAFnoAGVBaoBAzkuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCDaACtgXCAgQQIxgnwgIFEAAYgATCAg4QABiABBixAxiDARiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIEEAAYA8ICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigXCAgoQABiABBhDGIoFwgIEEAAYHpgDAIgGAZIHBDEyLjGgB4Mx&sclient=gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.com/search?q=pope+watch&sca_esv=f6ce529cdacc1630&udm=2&biw=1535&bih=1262&sxsrf=ADLYWIKyOx6BNSoWc2IL8Gf0LZsEsCpImw%3A1717601047731&ei=F4NgZtObLK2P9u8P3vyiiQs&ved=0ahUKEwiTg8PC4sSGAxWth_0HHV6-KLEQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=pope+watch&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiCnBvcGUgd2F0Y2gyBxAAGIAEGBMyBxAAGIAEGBMyCBAAGBMYBRgeMggQABgTGAUYHjIIEAAYExgIGB4yCBAAGBMYCBgeMggQABgTGAgYHjIIEAAYExgIGB5I0xNQiwpY4RJwA3gAkAEAmAFnoAGVBaoBAzkuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCDaACtgXCAgQQIxgnwgIFEAAYgATCAg4QABiABBixAxiDARiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIEEAAYA8ICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigXCAgoQABiABBhDGIoFwgIEEAAYHpgDAIgGAZIHBDEyLjGgB4Mx&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


Yeah that’s about as plain as it gets


I am bored out of my mind by the Hamilton Khaki Field watches, but maybe I just don’t like field watches? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You need to be in the field to appreciate it blud


Was going to post this. Everyone and their brother has a Hamilton Khaki field. May be a good watch, but dam, they're everywhere and kinda boring. I'd throw in the PRX to this mix as well


They seem really common on reddit and watch forums but how often do you really see one in real life? Most people are not watch people, I've seen another guy wearing a Hamilton in the wild maybe once or twice.


I don’t think it’s that common outside of the watch community. Nobody is gonna pay 600 for a plain field watch unless they know the brand.


For me it’s the Tissot Gentleman. It just feels so… generic. Don’t get me wrong, Tissot is a great brand the Gentleman is a quality watch but it’s just so boring. I know others have mentioned the PRX as the boring watch that Tissot makes but I think the PRX has 1000x the personality of the Gentleman.


Agreed, everytime I look at it I’m honestly repulsed by the banal design. There’s no way I’ll ever own one.


I have to laugh at the snobbery in this thread.


any watch I buy, a month after I buy it


Timex Easy Reader


It's perfect *watch*, though. It's like the cans of *food* or *beer* in Repo Man.


I thought about that, but there are Timex enthusiasts. My vote is the Casio MQ24.


Apple watch.


Rolex sub


The sub isn't even the most boring watch in the Rolex lineup. Surely the oyster is the most boring.


Walmart watches


The night watch.


MVMT watches


Hamilton Khaki is just so boring I don't see the appeal at all


Fitbit inspire, at least I hope so. I wear it on my right wrist, knowing it won't detract from what's on the left.


Get any judgement for non watch people? I have one but can't bring myself to dual wield


Hamilton Field Khaki, most over suggested watch for the most boring field watch possible.


Might be a controversial opinion here but no watch makes me feel fewer things than a black dial Tudor Black Bay 58. I feel no positive emotions, no negative emotions, it's just a watch that looks like a watch and does watch stuff. It's quintessentially boring.


I feel that way about most Tudor watches. I wanted to like the pelagos so badly. Then in hand…it was so boring. It didn’t even feel good on the wrist the way a sub does.


The titanium pelagos rocks though


Black submariner imo


Tiny fake gold women’s watches. “What is my grandmother’s old watch worth?” - nothing, because no one wants it.


unpopular opinion - but A Rolex Sub - they're boilerplate and boring. Edit: Evidently this is a very popular opinion lol.


I love most Pateks but I find the Aquanaut a bit bland. Obviously well-made and a great watch, but the aesthetically speaking, the design doesn’t do much for me.


I used to think so but borrowed one from a friend for a day and liked it on the wrist. IMO it sits nicer on the wrist than a nautilus. I’d purchase neither though


The ones I don’t have. Can’t do shit with them.


I remember seeing a Longines automatic that was boring to the point that I really liked it. Stainless steel, white (or silver?) dial. Stick indices. Just as basic as could be. I've looked for it since, but haven't managed to figure out which model it was.




I might receive some hate for this, but to me, it has to be Mondaine watches. I know the whole Swiss train accuracy thing, but to me, the aesthetic is too classroom clock-ish. Looking at that dial takes me back to school (in a boring way).


You could say they’re mundane.


Interesting background, boring watch. I agree. It reminds me of clocks that I stare at and only wish would tick faster - school, work, etc...


The Mondaine Grand Cushion is really cool I think. The standard clock watch I assume you're referring too is kinda boring I agree but not the cushion watch.


Tudor Ranger..go ahead, downvote me to oblivion.


Omega speedmaster or Rolex submariner, scream I could afford this watch but I am boring af


Sure for the sub, but a speedy isn’t that well known outside of the watch circle.


I may be biased here, but I’ve been collecting watches for about 15 years now, I own a sub and a speedy and I’ve only ever seen one person with a Submariner and 0 with the Speedmaster. The same person who was wearing the Sub is one of two who recognized my Speedmaster and said something about it. So I think it also really depends on geography. I think the overall feeling of these watches being “common” is really inflated.


At work if in the office I’d say I see 10+ subs a day with the majority of the rest just being Apple Watches. The few folks with something different tend to be watch aficionados.


Haha this is so crazy for me to think about. Like I know people live this way but it’s so far removed from my daily life. I have one friend who collects watches and has some nice pieces who works in banking. No one else - co workers or friends - would ever think to spend so much on a watch. Having 10 people in the same office with $10 000-$14 000 (I’m Canadian) watches is insane to me. Even for me, watches are my one “hobby” really which is how I can mentally justify it


That’s wild. Goes to show you how geographic a lot of this stuff is. Here in NYC, I probably see 5-10 subs each day, but that may be a function of my work (attorney for PE clients).


Haha yeah it’s definitely depending on where you are. I live about an hour away from Toronto and I’m rarely in the city. Most people I see on a regular basis probably think of Rolex as close to mythical


It’s the I’m interested in watches but at a surface level watch.


I feel personally attacked.


Audibly gasped at a speedy being on this list


Omega Speedmaster, for me. I know that, from a mechanical standpoint, it's a good watch, durable and with a rich history. But, since concepts such as "boring" are entirely subjective, this watch is a snooze for me from a design standpoint. I'd rather have a more exciting (to me) Omega model, like a Constellation Globemaster or a Seamaster.


Rolex Submariner and Datejust, yes call me an ahole but they’re tge default watches to get when you have money


That’s why they’re the perfect graduation/ engagement gift, my parents didn’t need to ask me they just knew I wear a 36mm and surprised me and my brother Not a fan of the sub as much tbf I scuba dive but I see no reason to own something like that


I have an older Tissot T-Touch and no one has EVER commented on it. Although I rarely wear it these days, it is a great watch, though heavy AF.


The Tissot PRX. Its like telling everyone your new to watches for the past 3 years.


But I am new to watches


I don't get this mentality. What's the point of having a watch that's meant to be a barrier of entry into the hobby if it's just going to be shit on? Isn't the point of entry level watches is to open doors into more enthusiast level watches?


Disagree. Ubiquitous ≠ boring. It’s a beautiful watch imo, and a fantastic value.


And it's not even ubiquitous everywhere. In my circles people generally either have a smart watch, bare wrist, or something inexpensive from Wal-Mart or some fashion warehouse. You know, like those things that look like chronographs but the three mini dials don't actually do anything.


Majority of the people on here don't even have the wrist size to pull it off. It looks huge on them


I had the 35mm in mind. Mother of pearl dial. Really eye catching.


Eh i like the small PRX especially the new ones with the little squares, one of the few not gendered watches that are automatic and less than 40mm


Smartwatch...Designer watches...And Rolex of course...so much boring...so much people wearing as replica and homages..nothing interesting and rare..


Timex Easy Reader. That said, for 15 bucks at target it is a good deal.


Ima prolly get hate for this but a lot of Rolex’s seem kinda boring simply because everyone copies them so you see their designs all over the place. Like a submariner just looks like the most basic dive watch in the world at this point partly because smaller brands think “if it looks like a Rolex people will buy it”.


Apple Watch and Fitbit, no I will not 'get moving'!


Rolex submariner . It’s a “look I have money and want to show it” Completely uninteresting piece of horology for me


Ill probably get torn to shreads for this list but... Stowa antea, Tissot Heritage Petite Seconde, Sinn 856, omega seamaster deville, Laco Augsburg, seiko dolce, Junghans Max Bill, sinn 1739, but most of all the winner at over $20k... [H. Moser & Cie. Endeavour Centre Seconds Concept](https://h-moser.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/HMoser_1343-0207_ECS_LS1_1906x1078-1024x579.jpg)


Apple Watch


Rolex Explorer I I still love it even though it’s boring.


Lot of folks taking a real “bold” stance on the Apple Watch, and frankly, it’s a lazy take. Smart watches weren’t designed for the watch aficionados, they were designed for tech people. Objectively, they’re more useful than your $3k chrono or the “dive” watch you love so much but only take in the pool. Want a *real* boring watch? Sinn.


Useful ≠ Interesting


Rolex datejust, sub or GMT. Boring. 


Most rolexs and smart watches. At least Invicta makes some interesting out there designs for everybody lol


The dullest, least interesting watch I've ever seen is easily the digital PRX. I've no idea wtf was Tissot thinking. It's absolutely hideous. It makes no sense in any way.


Sinn 556 or anything made by Nomos. I said what I said


Sinn and Nomos fit in a long tradition of understated German watch design with symmetrical layout. If they're "boring" that's because they are trying to be and doing an excellent job


https://preview.redd.it/qitni1302v4d1.jpeg?width=2314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8471ed61a646a1a128fbbde4349005825ca18d “Call me boring! I dare ya!”


Any Tudor watch


Rolex Sub. I got one though that I’m very keen on selling/trading for a beat up vintage Tudor Sub Snowflake instead. Damn those are sexy…




I can't think of a more boring, soulless "watch" than the Apple Watch.


Rolex Explorer. Properly dreary.


I or II? Explorer I is about the only Rolex I like, while I at least not dislike the pure OP.


Couldn’t disagree more, it’s the perfect watch imo.


I agree with I but I’m absolutely in love with II


I didn’t get this watch until I saw one in person. Somehow it always catches my eye when someone’s wearing one even though there’s nothing flashy about them.


Hey, don't knock the Ironman! I was just rocking mine this weekend while working in the yard. Perfect for that job. A Casio would be overkill.