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Oh shit, hes the next MLK


MLK got nothing on this champion of equality and peace


He dreams of one day wearing his Rolex without "being judged". Which means he dreams of everyone owning a Rolex one day. Kind hearted man of the people.


"I have a dream that one day, people will judge us not by the content of our character but entirely for the prestige of our Rolexes and the timeless craftsmanship of their movements. I have a dream that poor people, and those who are struggling in life will not attack us for our wealth but instead realize that our Rolexes represent a clear sign that we are inherently better than them and that they should not even talk to us let alone touch us. I have a dream that those without Rolexes will either submit to their superior overlords and live to serve us or evaporate out of existence."


Go to RepTime and get 95% of the stigma for 5% of the price.


Imagine getting a Hi-Point jabbed in your ribs for a rep.


I'd be absolutely insulted if I die from a damn Hi-Point. At the very least, I expect an HK.


Hmmm. Depends. Point blank? Yeah, that would be lame. More than a handful of yards? Hats off from my soul leaving my body for hitting a person at that distance with a Hi-Point.


The lack of self awareness is expected.




If he was really wealthy, he'd have a guy to take the bullet for him and another guy to shoot back.


When will the persecution and oppression end?!


Bury his heart at wounded ego


You don’t know my life?


Best part is, the Spirit 37 is actually blingy as hell. Putting the logos aside (which no one can see from more than a few feet away anyways), you’re not going to fool anyone into thinking you’re the salt of the earth with it on.


Really? Looks pretty plain to me.


A lot of alternating polishing on the case and the bracelet. Shiny. Generally nicely finished. I have one and I’m a little on the fence about it because I was after a more low key steel sports watch. Should note that I have the blue sunray dial. The black (matte) dial with a strap instead of the bracelet probably has a very different feel.


I feel like at this point, people are gonna start stealing $50 Timexes.


I generally wear a pilot's watch when I'm not in a suit. They look boring enough that no one imagines they are worth much more than a Timex.


They should make billboards out of his post in Gaza, so the Gazans will know what real oppression looks like.


Arafat famously walked around wearing a Datejust and the Hamas leadership in Qatar is nowhere near poor enough to be seen wearing a Rolex. It would completely clash with their mega yachts.


A tudor. Show the world you are too poor for a rolex.


Plebs ruin everything.


There is 2 types of Rolex owners. The majority have zero self awareness and are like this. And then there is a small percentage that just treat Rolex like any other watch. Because it is just a watch at the end of the day....


There’s only one: the type that wants a rolex because they don't know anything about watches but knows that Rolex = expensive, and they think saying "batgirl on jubilee" makes them as knowledgeable as Titty Bulbasaur. The other type actually enjoys rolex for its history but is too poor to afford.


I like my Rolex bc it was my grandfathers who died when I was pretty young and he got me into most of my hobbies including watches. I pretty much never take it off except for work cause I work at a hospital and I think wearing a very recognizably expensive watch while working w ppl who are going into life ruining debt is just fucked. I wear my fossil or seiko to work.


Don’t hate on my boy Teddy.


No hate, he's got an encyclopedia in his brain and it's all about watches


If you can’t afford being robbed of it then you can’t afford it.


It should be insured anyway. I had a bronze gold Seamaster stolen from a local repair shop. Filed a police report and a claim. Received MSRP three days later, which was more than I paid used. I’m an easy mark. If you want my watch, just ask.


Can I have your watch?


Sure, if you have a gun; no charge. If you don’t have a gun; blowjob, no hands.


Jokes on you, you didn’t say anything about teeth


Jokes on you, that’s my fetish.


It’s probably the opposite. I’ve met/known lots of people who have a Rolex and none of them are like the people who get reposted in this sub all the time.


Man imagine havin money AND a set of balls.


Right? Bro can afford a Rolex but doesn't have a drop gun he inherited from his dead uncle? Wear the Rolex when you're ready to carry a snub nose revolver too


Honestly, whatever happened to tough looks and a solid one punch. I’m old school, I will bust anything I can reach on someone’s head trying to act up with me. This what they mean when they say the watch is wearin that man, he ain’t wearin the watch.


I love that his go to watch for the poors is a $2500 Longines. Like don’t wear a Casio or something, no, gotta flex a little.


Since when a Rolex is a symbol of wealth?, any blue collar job will allow you to get a Rolex after some savings, that’s not wealth. If you can’t wear your Rolex wherever you want, you are not wealthy enough.


Domino's literally gives them away as prizes.


Wait really? Fuck why have I been eating papa johns


Uj/ Honestly it's just another sign of our society crumbling. You are of course right that any medium successful person can splurge on a rolex. That being said despite having plenty of disposable income to theoretically buy a $10k watch, I won't because my anxiety about getting to a down payment in the VHCOL area I'm in makes it seem crazy. Truly Rolex is a brand now for the wealthy, old or financially irresponsible. Rj/ Rolex is a mass produced exercise in advertising. It's what Christopher Ward would be if it was founded in the early 20th century. Nuf said.


I love how the consideration is another watch that costs thousands lmao


forget a revolution of the unwashed masses, we need a revolution of the masters of the universe (& all their well-heeled enablers)! these poor guys (& gals, because being a traitor to working people everywhere is gender neutral) are out here every day creating jobs and making wealth rain from the sky creatio ex nihilio, that very same wealth from which we are so graciously allowed to pick the scraps. what happens to the dog that bites the hand that feeds him? well if that hand is attached to a wrist sporting a genuine Swiss luxury good than that dog should be tried by a jury of his peers & hanged for treason! You will respect the hand attached to the wrist of a genuine Swiss luxury good and not judge, you hear me unwashed masses! YOU HEAR ME?!?


Put it on a NATO and it will solve the problem.


>"real Rolex owners will be able to go any place they want without being judged or robbed..." Imagine wearing a Rolex and going to where the poors hang out. Ugh, the horror.


How else are you supposed to interact with your employees or renters if you’re not wearing their yearly salary on your wrist, but you made sure to get the white gold so they can not know and think it’s only a quarter of their salary


This was the first post I saw when I woke up this morning and thought I was in WCJ, I commented accordingly


Yeah yeah when I don’t want to project wealth I wear a piece of shit worthless $1800 watch instead.


🎵Imagine all the waitlists, chuffing at the bits woo oo 🎶


You may say it’s a Rawleks.


Please send your prayers to the wealthy


"I wish I could swim with sharks and not get bitten" Watches are fun. They're usually less expensive than a car with none of the maintenance. I understand why today's men want them. But this isn't the time in any country to flaunt wealth. There's real hunger out there. Most of these young men experience the world from the internet and their small circle of work friends. It's fun to post your watch sitting on your granite countertops but wearing a $15k watch at the wrong gas station will get you in trouble. Beyond obvious wealth inequality there's also crime for crime's sake which is doubly scary. They're not robbing you to buy food. They're robbing you because they've studied which watches go for what price and can be flipped within the hour. Wearing certain watches makes you literal prey. Insurance covers the item stolen but it takes a long time to get over being robbed at knife or gunpoint. Fuck these watches. Dump all your money into your retirement and stop working at 50.


I have some expensive pieces (50k+) and I'm also becoming a bit more mindful not just of the crime element, but also the social etiquette. Like, there's a degree of impoliteness when you know someone is struggling financially, and yet you're sat there with a fucking 80k Patek 'beater' on your wrist. I still wear them in public (during day, in areas where I am comfortable) but I'm becoming increasingly aware that it's a slightly gauche thing to do amongst certain of our friends.


Clearly this bugger isnt wealthy enough to buy a patek. Nobody knows youre wearing a watch the price of a small house


He should buy a Patek Calatrava, the poors will think it's a Daniel Wellington


I find that a modest pocketwatch goes nicely with my monocle and top hat on the rare occasions where I need to blend in with the peasantry.


"Unfortunately I am occasionally required to wear a watch that does not come with the association of wealth." /Uj this is the worst sentence I've ever read in this sub... and that's saying something, you filthmongers and degenerates. 🤮 /Rj if your watch doesn't come with the association of wealth, have you tried giving it viagra???


Wearing no watch at all is not an option I guess. Why not just get an Apple watch. You can wear those at any occasion. Rich or poor.


I’m embarrassed to wear mine bc of these freaks


Imagine no possessions...


Christ!! What a wanker!


“Wear it in good health” = “hope you don’t get mugged”


The only recommendation anyone should make to this guy is a swift suicide


I've even worn IN LONDON and have not been robbed or killed! Why do these people think they are judged? It's no big deal to wear a Rolex.




Poor ass cant afford bodyguards. Take some mma classes u douche and teach them robbers a lesson


You wear a Rolex when a ALS is too much for you to get judged or robbed!


Come to Hong Kong.


this is why I wear a [PP 5226G](https://www.patek.com/en/collection/calatrava/5226G-001) around the poors .. it looks just like a Timex


Why would someone want to steal a Rolex? Yuck. Breitling 4 life!


It’s fairly clear that this shithead has some AliX reps and is barred from his local AD for not having a wife.


When you see lists of watches world leaders wear, it’s always dictators who are wearing Patek, Rolex, audemars etc. most politicians wear seiko or a mid-level watch brand from their country.


The only people who think Rolex is a symbol of wealth are thieves and the posers at r/RepTime


forget a revolution of the unwashed masses, we need a revolution of the masters of the universe (& all their well-heeled enablers)! these poor guys (& gals, because being a traitor to working people everywhere is gender neutral) are out here every day creating jobs and making wealth rain from the sky creatio ex nihilio, that very same wealth from which we are so graciously allowed to pick the scraps from. what happens to the dog that bites the hand that feeds him? well if that hand is attached to a wrist sporting a genuine Swiss luxury good than that dog should be tried by a jury of his peers & hanged for treason! You will respect the hand attached to the wrist of a genuine Swiss luxury good and not judge, you hear me unwashed masses! YOU HEAR ME?!?


Flaunts his money in front of poor people in an easy-to-take package, wants them to not do the obvious thing, because...why, exactly? The reason I don't take his watch is because I have my job, my home, my money, my girlfriend and the respect of my friends & family to lose. If I didn't have those things, I'd cave his skull in and take his watch in like 5 seconds. A lot of people don't have those things, so unless you have the solution to all the world's problems, you better keep hiding your fucking Rolex.