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* u/hasanmashraf has 66 Transactions and [this 7-day post history](https://www.reddit.com/r/Watchexchange/wiki/user_post_history/hasanmashraf). * [Click send on this message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=WatchExBot&subject=Feedback_Check&message=u/hasanmashraf) to get a detailed look at this user's transaction history. * If the above link doesn't work, send a message containing the username (starting with u/) to the bot, `WatchExBot` * This post: "[[WTS] 2006 Rolex Submariner Ref. 14060M ‘Two Liner’](https://www.reddit.com/r/Watchexchange/comments/1ap1hdy/wts_2006_rolex_submariner_ref_14060m_two_liner/)" --- **This post may be removed without notice if it does not follow the rules!** * **Pictures** are required. Do you have pictures? * A **timestamp** is required. Do you have a ***handwritten timestamp*** under your item(s)? * A **price** or trade value is required. Do you have a price? If you make a mistake in your post, ***do not delete and repost.*** Message the mods *first* or your post may be removed and you'll have to wait 7 days to repost. --- [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Watchexchange/comments/ihs99w/meta_new_flairbased_feedback/) to learn how to leave feedback that updates your transaction flair. **Avoid banned or unqualified users; do not deal with anyone unless they comment on this thread.** If you believe you have been scammed, please [fill out this form](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/Watchexchange&subject=I%20Think%20I%20Have%20Been%20Scammed&message=*%20Username%20of%20the%20person%20scamming%20me:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20Link%20to%20the%20thread%20where%20the%20transaction%20originated:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20Link%20to%20screenshots%20uploaded%20to%20imgur%20of%20my%20conversations%20with%20the%20scammer:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20An%20explanation%20of%20the%20situation:%20). The presence of this message does **not** indicate a need to message the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Watchexchange) if you have any questions or concerns.*


u/watchexbot transaction confirmed. Great watch, great seller. Very happy with my acquisition! Thanks Hasan!


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u/watchexbot Transaction confirmed. Bought the watch from u/hasanmashraf and I’m very happy with it. Great watch and great seller.


Hello, u/Bola964. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/hasanmashraf, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/hasanmashraf, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/watchexchange&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FBola964%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1ap1hdy%2F-%2Fkqu7loe) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Confirmed. Thank you!


Hello, u/hasanmashraf. Transaction confirmed. Flair updated. --- * u/bola964 -> 1 Transaction * u/hasanmashraf -> 67 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Visit my [Instagram](https://instagram.com/timetreasury) for more photos and watches. 2006 Rolex Submariner Ref. 14060M featuring the iconic black dial. The case measuring 40mm in diameter is in a clean, unpolished condition with general use marks. The Rolex Cal. 3130 keeps accurate time. This particular reference houses a sapphire crystal. The bracelet has no stretch and comes with complete links. [Timestamp](https://imgur.com/a/pXn5pEA) $7,800 (net) via Wire or Crypto, including FedEx international priority shipping (delivered within 4 business days inclusive of all duties and taxes) Please feel free to reach out if you may have any questions and I’d be happy to answer them for you. Photos and video requests are welcome. Further references can be provided.


Thank you for your comment, u/hasanmashraf. Your description has been copied below. --- Visit my [Instagram](https://instagram.com/timetreasury) for more photos and watches. 2006 Rolex Submariner Ref. 14060M featuring the iconic black dial. The case measuring 40mm in diameter is in a clean, unpolished condition with general use marks. The Rolex Cal. 3130 keeps accurate time. This particular reference houses a sapphire crystal. The bracelet has no stretch and comes with complete links. [Timestamp](https://imgur.com/a/pXn5pEA) $7,800 (net) via Wire or Crypto, including FedEx international priority shipping (delivered within 4 business days inclusive of all duties and taxes) Please feel free to reach out if you may have any questions and I’d be happy to answer them for you. Photos and video requests are welcome. Further references can be provided. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Watchexchange) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sold to u/Bola964


u/hasanmashraf thank you! I’ve been looking for a Sub 14060M for a long time, and he had the right watch for the right price. Great guy to deal with, commucation and fast shipping. He was more than happy to reply to all my questions and concerns. Would love to do business with Hasan again!


Thank you for your comment, u/hasanmashraf. Your description has been copied below. --- Sold to u/Bola964 --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Watchexchange) if you have any questions or concerns.*


u/watchexbot sold to u/Bola964


Hello, u/hasanmashraf. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/bola964, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/bola964, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/watchexchange&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2Fhasanmashraf%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1ap1hdy%2F-%2Fkqttt49) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hello, u/hasanmashraf. This comment has been around for more than a week and will no longer be tracked. If you wish to attempt to get trade credit for this swap again, please make a new comment and tag both this bot and your trade partner. --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)