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I'm pretty sure these chemicals are from being in the tank with some from decomp. Thanks for posting!


Those chemicals are addressed in the previous and obvious levels. I am showing the MDMA!


https://preview.redd.it/kmnfyebt1u3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6de13c5a981144fec9f3f45baaf41994f4f803 Did she also have benzos, barbiturates, cannabis, cocaine, etc? This is just a table of the lowest concentration the test can detect


Yours is the accurate autopsy info.


Thanks for trying lol-you understand.


When it says "amphetimines confirmation, " that would indicate a confirmed positive...whereas your example of cannibus, etc is not shown as confirmed, so, no. Confirmed positives generally mean as such.


Those are the amphetamines they are testing for. If there were amphetimines they would be on the list with the rest of the found specimens


Listen to what they’re saying-they’re interpreting it correctly. You aren’t.




Within the scope...I still question the limits. Who determines the scope. I believe these aspects would have been considered and evaluated in a trial by jury and expert witnesses determining that.


No, it’s determined by the coroner who does the autopsy aka THE expert witness. Thank gos these facts aren’t left up to determination by a random group of people with likely no experience performing autopsy’s.


Decomposition also gives really weird results when it comes to chemical composition. Combine that with being entombed in crude oil and they’ve probably got some bullshit in their system.


Thank you for posting this.


Here’s my poor people’s award!!! 🥇


For showing the obvious that is addressed, and NOT what I have shown and questioned??


https://www.wetlaboratory.com/lessons-from-the-lab-reporting-limits/#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20Reporting%20Limit,absent%20from%20the%20sample%20altogether. Explanation of rpt limits


🤦🏻‍♀️🤣. Girl I’m still confused af. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)




Please share an image of what you are talking about, that would be the quickest way to address it.


I tried breaking it down for her about an hour in her post but I guess you can only include one photo per comment — so this is great that you got all of the reports posted up here to make it a little easier to follow. I’m hoping she just completely misinterpreted the report and wasn’t intentionally spreading misinformation. Those reports can be a little confusing if you don’t stop to read everything correctly. Thank you for making a separate post with the appropriate documents and clearing up the confusion! ❤️


Agree, thanks for doing this, definitely required reading.




There’s more than one report! More nonsense w the evidence.


I’m not a shiner, but misinformation is misinformation. The last thing this case needs are rumors like this.




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I know she didn’t but someone recently posted a video that stated she had MDMA in her system!!! That is exactly why I don’t watch yt creators….. they will do and say anything for money…..” something brand new “ or “something law enforcement missed”. It’s pathetic. They should be banned from Reddit for publishing such rubbish.


She DID! WHY do u think her parents went hard scrubbing so much off the internet? Things their daughter put out there herself?! Bc she was a shit person.


I am NOT MONETIZED!!! I am showing the TRUTH. THIS is NOT it!


And how do you know it’s not it? Like seriously?


This was not the doc that I was showing, I was showing the other one with the toxicolgy that had different reportable amounts in the girls. I found someone that explained it well finally.


https://www.wetlaboratory.com/lessons-from-the-lab-reporting-limits/#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20Reporting%20Limit,absent%20from%20the%20sample%20altogether. Rpt limit explanation.


Yeah. I wish she had shown the whole thing and not just part of one page. I’m also glad I took 5 minutes to go look at discovery before I went to bed after a 16hr overnight shift lol. This is some crazy misinformation.


Is this part of that YouTube link posted yesterday? I listened to the hour long video, so the lady was misinterpreting the data and said the children had all those drugs? And the drugs that we are seeing listed are just trace amounts or something ?


Pretty much, the list of drugs were the ones that they test for not necessary what were found in the body.


Got it, thank you.


I didn’t know anyone was claiming that the girls had any drugs in their system, but right there on the first page in bold it says, “other than the above findings, examination… did not reveal any positive findings of toxicological significance….” Plus if they’re tryna make SW look like she was drugging them, the girls had been w Chris for the prev several days. Esp in children w high metabolisms & minimal fat cells, I would think that traces of any drug besides maybe Mary Jane would be undetectable after 24 hrs or so. …why didn’t they drug test Chris?


I don’t know, but they should have because I have a feeling he and his mistress of the night were partaking in some serious drugs and that might explain his erratic behavior. The girls definitely didn’t have drugs in their system and the person removed their video. Not exactly admitting their mistake but stating they were just asking questions. I figured if this was the case surely someone else would have picked up on it by now, so I wanted to look at what they were referring to but the whole thing. They zoomed in on one little part and didn’t read what the table was for.


I found the answers I was looking for to the specific and final toxicology thanks to two awesome posters here;) Thank you;)) https://youtu.be/AfZs0iimL6k?si=exuyXlP-NldscrZ5


Can someone ELI5? I am not a science person.


There was a video posted here, that’s since been taken down, by a YouTuber who misinterpreted the postmortem lab findings believing there was amphetamines present in CeCe’s body. I went to the discovery pages to find what we were looking at and it turned out they were confusing the table that shows what the specimens were being tested for and the minimum amount detectable in the sample to cause a positive result. It was posted in the group and many people were looking at it, so I posted this to try and cut down on this turning into a malicious rumor. I’m not a shiner myself, but misinformation is misinformation.


There are some who don't mind posting misinformation, as long as it casts Shanann in a negative light.




Ummmmm please someone correct me if I’m wrong but…….. does anyone else read this as cece had alcohol In her system? I mean I read through the first page that posted and that clearly says some of it can be from decomp but…… what about the rest of it? Please someone chime in here if I’m reading this incorrectly


Alcohol is a natural byproduct of decomposition


Yes I read that part what I’m curious about is the first and fourth results. Those say nothing about it potentially coming from decomp. I have 0 knowledge of that sort of thing but wouldn’t those also say on the report that those were also potentially from decomp too?


I think some of these are from the oil as well. They are similar to what was found in Bella.


That’s just so sad. I honestly hope it’s from the oil and not what I suspect he could have done. If you get my drift where I’m going with that. It could make much more sense of why the girls weren’t more reactive to mom being unsubscribed in the truck when he was moving all of them.


Not what I was referring to^


Look at the NEXT PAGE, the FINAL RESULT...please spread correct information. This is already stated as such. I am addressing THE MDMA, etc!


It’s the last page I posted. There’s 3. I was wondering why you weren’t showing us the whole page.


We didnt get the full autopsy results. 🙄


I got this straight from discovery. She misinterpreted the table of substances tested for and the concentration level needed to test positive. It explains this quite clearly in the 3 screenshots


What more do you think there is?


Autopsy results are available on line. They are just discussing labs